Devotional Guide 1Pet3.1-12

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Devotional Guide

Devotional Guide

Mon: Familiarization

Mon: Familiarization

1 Peter 3.1-12

1 Peter 3.1-12

• Prayerfully, reflectively, read 1 Peter in its

• Prayerfully, reflectively, read 1 Peter in its

entirety (we are doing this each Monday).

entirety (we are doing this each Monday).

• Pick a passage in the book and pray through it for people at Zion.

Tues: Observation • Slowly read 1 Peter 3.1-12 several times. Notice

• Pick a passage in the book and pray through it for people at Zion.

Tues: Observation • Slowly read 1 Peter 3.1-12 several times. Notice

as much as you can about it as time permits;

as much as you can about it as time permits;

nothing is too small or too obvious to write down.

nothing is too small or too obvious to write down.

• Pray this passage for the leaders at Zion.

• Pray this passage for the leaders at Zion.

Wed: Organization

Wed: Organization

• Read 1 Peter 3.1-12 once.

• Read 1 Peter 3.1-12 once.

• Jot some notes on its structure; how is this

• Jot some notes on its structure; how is this

passage arranged/organized? This one’s a little

passage arranged/organized? This one’s a little

easier; there are several fairly obvious sections.

easier; there are several fairly obvious sections.

• Pray through the passage, this time for yourself

Pray through the passage, this time for yourself

and those immediately around you.

and those immediately around you.

Thurs: Investigation

Thurs: Investigation

• Read 1 Peter 3.1-12 once.

• Read 1 Peter 3.1-12 once.

• Write some notes answering the question:

• Write some notes answering the question:

3.1-7: The call to the wife and the husband are

3.1-7: The call to the wife and the husband are

both similar and different. In what ways and why?

both similar and different. In what ways and why?

How does each reflect the model in 2.21-25?

How does each reflect the model in 2.21-25?

• Pray for marriages of people you know at Zion

• Pray for marriages of people you know at Zion

to look like Christ in a hostile world.

Fri: More Investigation

to look like Christ in a hostile world.

Fri: More Investigation

• Read 1 Peter 3.1-12 once.

• Read 1 Peter 3.1-12 once.

• Write some notes answering the questions:

• Write some notes answering the questions:

3.8-12: The Christian call here is founded on a

3.8-12: The Christian call here is founded on a

long OT quotation. Locate the quotation and

long OT quotation. Locate the quotation and

ponder how that entire OT chapter interacts with

ponder how that entire OT chapter interacts with

the theology of this passage and 1 Peter in

the theology of this passage and 1 Peter in

general (hint: parts of this OT chapter are quoted

general (hint: parts of this OT chapter are quoted

several times in different places in 1 Peter).

several times in different places in 1 Peter).

• Pray for the way we as Zion can exemplify the

• Pray for the way we as Zion can exemplify the

message of this passage in the way we relate to each

message of this passage in the way we relate to each

other and to the world.

other and to the world.

Sat: Proclamation

Sat: Proclamation

• Read 1 Peter 3.1-12 once.

• Read 1 Peter 3.1-12 once.

• Sum up your devotional week by writing a

• Sum up your devotional week by writing a

sentence or two about this passage’s message, as

sentence or two about this passage’s message, as

though you were explaining it to someone.

though you were explaining it to someone.

• Pray through the passage, asking for the Holy Spirit’s help in where and how to obey it.

• Pray through the passage, asking for the Holy Spirit’s help in where and how to obey it.

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