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Sunshine Baseball Club inc Since


80th Annual Report Summer Season 2016 - 2017



Annual General Meeting Sunshine Baseball Club inc Friday June 23rd 2017 @ 7.00pm Barclay Reserve Clubrooms Talmage Street Sunshine

Agenda i i


Adop on of the minutes and ďŹ nancial report of the 79th AGM Reports from commi ee members

i i

Elec on of OďŹƒce bearers for the 2017-2018 season i i

Life Membership Nomina on/s

Presenta on of Best Club Person Award i i

General Business Mee ng Close

Light refreshments will be served

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Table of Contents AGENDA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 02

MISSION STATEMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 04

COMMITTEE MEMBERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 05


PAGE - 06/07

VALES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 08


PAGE - 09

PRESIDENTS REPORT - ROBERT BROWNE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 10/11

CLUB SECRETARY REPORT - MICHAEL ASHBURN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 12/13

SOCIAL REPORT - LEIGH DAVIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 13


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PAGE - 14


PAGE - 15

CLUB COACH REPORT - GRANT WEIR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 16

SECONDS COAH RFEPORT - JARRAD NORQUAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 17

THIRDS COACH REPORT - CAIN HAXBY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 18

FOURTHS COACH REPORT - DANIEL WILKIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 18

MASTERS COAH REPORT - LUKE SEARLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 19

WOMEN’S COACH REPORT - ANDREA McKENNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 19

JUNIOR COORDINATOR REPORT - GLENN LETTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 20

U18s COACH REPORT - GLENN LETTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 21

U16s COACH REPORT - JARRAD VAN HOON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 21

U14s COACH REPORT - CHAD GALLOWAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 22

U12s REPORT - MARC McKENNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 23

U12s REPORT - LEIGH DAVIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 23

JUNIOR REPRESENTATIVES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 24

TEE BALL / ROOKIE BALL REPORT - GLENN LETTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 25

JUNIORS REPORT - GLENN LETTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE - 26/28 GALLERY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE - 29 SENIOR PLAYERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE - 30/32 PREMIERS & RUNNERS UP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE - 33 CLUB SPONSORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

PAGE - 34

CLUB HISTORY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PAGE - 35 CLUB SONG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S.B.C. AGM - Page 3

PAGE - 36



Mission Statement The primary focus of the Sunshine Baseball club is player development all the way through our senior teams, to junior teams. We believe in developing fundamentally sound baseball players, leading not only to success on the field, but will also prepare each player to compete in a higher level of baseball and beyond if they so desire.

Club Values Our club places emphasis on a positive environment. Each player is to be taught and expected to exhibit character traits including, but not limited to respect, teamwork, sportsmanship, perseverance, discipline and hard work. Junior players are to be taught the above traits, but just as importantly to enjoy the game of baseball and to have fun.

Objectives Sunshine Baseball Club wants to prolong our success on the field by playing at the highest level in Division 1. The club wishes to support its players and members in their desire to improve their baseball skills. The club wishes to provide the players financial support. The club wishes to provide attractive playing areas, surrounds and clubhouse facilities.

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Sunshine Baseball Club Inc, 5 Talmage Street Sunshine Vic 3020 Po Box 349, Sunshine 3020 Ph.(03) 9311 1305 Affiliated Victorian Baseball Association, Licensed Clubs Association Incorporation Number A0002586G ABN: 44 527 807 406 Web page - E-mail -


S.B.C. Senior Committee

S.B.C. Junior Committee

POSITION President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director of Baseball Facilities and Grounds Uniforms and Equipment Sponsorship & Marketing Social Coordinator

POSITION Junior Coordinator

NAME Glenn Letts

Junior Secretary

Marion Baartmans

Junior Development Officer

Cain Haxby

NAME Robert Browne Graham May Michael Ashburn Vicki Dornom Marc McKenner Robert Browne Raelene Murphy Glenn Letts Leigh Davis

Bar Manager

Joanne Gatt

Canteen Coordinator Junior Coordinator

Sandy Rand Glenn Letts

Uniforms and equipment

Raelene Murphy

Junior Development

Mark Adams


Jo & Jasmine Adams

Canteen Coordinator

Sandy Rand

S.B.C. Our Ten Presidents The fact that Sunshine Baseball Club has had only 10 Presidents over its 78 year history is a true testament to the commitment and passion that each and every one of them had. The longevity of many of these presidencies was also due to the many committee members who worked tirelessly behind the scenes and were the backbone of the club. These traditions and fine club values are still carried on today by the current board and will be passed on to any future committee members and volunteers that come on board to be part of a wonderful club and its history.

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Secretary: Michael Ashburn Minutes of the Annual General meeting of the Sunshine Baseball Club - 14 June 2016 The meeting was called to order at 7.05 pm. Apologies were recorded for the following members- Marc and Andrea McKenner, Stuart Provis, Robert Blackmore, Sandy Rand, Leigh Davis, Greg Murden, Norm Phillips, Ray Haxby and Griffen Weir The minutes of the 2015 AGM were circulated. It was moved by Phil Beckwith and seconded by Eric Nichols that the minutes be approved. The motion carried. Reports Robert Browne (President) presented his report with a visual presentation entitled “ Team Successes” . He highlighted new players at the club, including Masters, new senior players and coaches, new junior players and parents. He mentioned the successes of the fourths premiership, under 16 and under 18 runnerup performances and under 12 and 14s that made the finals. He mentioned the success of the Tball Gala Day we hosted and the growth of TBall from 2 to 4 teams. Robert congratulated Eric Bruns on winning the Edward King Cup (Best and Fairest) and Jamie Young who was named “Most Promising Junior.” He mentioned state players Jamie Young (Under 18) and Nathan Gatt and Jack Haxby (Victorian Kookaburras). Robert highlighted the improvements to the buildings and grounds. Under the leadership of John Galloway and others a variety of improvements included a new Tball diamond, seats, logo on the clubrooms, the provision of a defribulator, fans in the kitchen and scorebox, lounge chairs and an extra television. In relation to club organisation, Robert mentioned that we have 3 major and 5 minor sponsors. He announced that the club would have a $100 and $200 club in the next season. Vic Rand has taken on the role of health and safety officer and a junior players workbook is a new innovation. Other innovations included an increase in volunteers from 76 to 117, the placing of premiership flags in the clubrooms, the attendance at level 2 coaching courses, Thursday night meals, Friday night dinners, more external functions with a contract to be drawn up to control these, RSA training, communication with members through a regular newsletter, Facebook and our website. Robert applauded efforts to run functions and club events. Michael Ashburn (Secretary) referred to his written report in the annual report John Galloway (Facilities Coordinator) Reported that the following helped in these ways. Doug Brown repaired the Bain Marie. Chad Galloway took over the role when John was away. Jenny Wallis did a great job cleaning. Alan Chinn consistently marked the diamonds for play. Phil Beckwith assisted with ground improvements and contacts with the Council. John said that the Board was an outstanding group, putting the club first, a family orientated club. Graham May (Vice President/Finance) Referred to the financial report, audited by Michelle Haxby. We had a profit of $9428, with marketing level. Our bank accounts have $39,000+ with $3000 recently put back in our investment account. Graham presented graphs, which highlighted membership, bar and function returns and sponsors. Returns from memberships are up with profits from functions down a bit. In looking back to 2009-2010 reports, we have replaced poker machine returns well with other sources. Graham thanked Vicki Dornom for entry of figures, Robert for collection, Vincent Wong for sponsorship and Michelle Haxby for the audit. Marc McKenner (Director of Baseball) Is overseas and members were asked to refer to his written report in the annual report. Glenn Letts (Junior Coordinator) Reported that our junior numbers, at 93 were strong. There has been an increase in juniors playing seniors. Off field activities went well including sausage sizzles, fundraising activities such as chocolate sales, and lead in to come and try days being successful. Senior players helped with come and try days. Friday night games were successful, with meals held on some of them. In the future, Glenn said he needed more help from senior players with TBall and a commitment to junior development, with an officer to be appointed to be a point of contact for state sides and transition from junior to senior baseball being examples of items this person would take on. Glenn thanked all the junior coaches, scorers, skills session takers, umpires, those who set up diamonds, senior and junior committees and finally his partner Marion and his sons, Russell, Daniel and Jack. Raelene Murphy (Uniforms and Equipment) Announced a half price sale of stock to make way for new stock with the new club logo. S.B.C. AGM - Page 6

Robert Browne (President) Thanked Joanne Gatt for her work behind the bar, Raelene Murphy for her work with uniforms and equipment, Alan Chinn for preparing the diamonds, Phil Beckwith for contacts with the Council, Michael Patford (Doc) for his work behind the bar, the canteen people, such as Kathy and Sandy (canteen expanded this year) and Vincent Wong, who is retiring from the committee this year, for his work on sponsorship and promotion. It was moved by Joanne Gatt and seconded by Dianne Galloway that reports be received. The motion carried. Election of Office Bearers for the 2016-2017 season. Robert Browne (President) vacated the chair and John Mahoney conducted the election of President. Ron May nominated Robert Browne and this was seconded by Eric Nichols. As this was the only nomination Robert Browne was elected President. Robert Browne resumed in the chair and called for nominations for Vice President. Graham May nominated himself and this was seconded by John Mahoney. As this was the only nomination, Graham May was elected as Vice President. Robert Browne called for nominations for Secretary. Michael Ashburn nominated himself and this was seconded by Vic Rand. As this was the only nomination, Michael Ashburn was elected as Secretary. Robert Browne called for nominations for Treasurer. Vicki Dornom nominated herself and this was seconded by Joanne Gatt. As this was the only nomination, Vicki Dornom was elected as Treasurer. Robert Browne called for nominations for Building and Grounds Coordinator and Promotions and Sponsorship Officer. There were no nominations so these positions will be filled by the committee later. Robert Browne called for nominations for Director of Baseball. Marc McKenner was nominated by James Kelly and this was seconded by Michael Ashburn. As this was the only nomination, Marc McKenner was elected as Director of Baseball. Robert Browne called for nominations for Junior Coordiantor. Glenn Letts nominated himself and this was seconded by Eric Nichols. As this was the only nomination, Glenn Letts was elected as Junior Coordinator. Robert Browne called for nominations for Junior Secretary. Glenn Letts nominated Marian Baartmans and this was seconded by Stuart Clayton. As this was the only nomination Marian Baartmans was elected as Junior Secretary. Robert Browne called for nominations for Junior Development Officer. Vicki Dornom nominated Cain Haxby and this was seconded by Joanne Gatt. As this was the only nomination Cain Haxby was elected as Junior Development Officer. Robert Browne called for nominations for Social Convenor. Phil Beckwith nominated Leigh Davis and this was seconded by Michael Ashburn. As this was the only nomination, Leigh Davis was elected as Social Convenor. Robert Browne called for nominations for Bar Manager. Joanne Gatt nominated herself and this was seconded by Stuart Clayton. As this was the only nomination Joanne Gatt was elected as Bar Manager. Robert Browne called for nominations for Canteen Coordinator. Sandy Rand nominated herself and this was seconded by Cain Haxby. As this was the only nomination, Sandy Rand was elected as Canteen Coordinator. Robert Browne called for nominations for Uniform and Equipment Coordinator. Raelene Murphy nominated herself and this was seconded by Vic Rand. As this was the only nomination Raelene Murphy was elected as Uniform and Equipment Coordinator. Presentation of Best Clubperson Award After ballots had been circulated, Glenn Letts was announced as the Best Clubperson for this year. Glenn thanked all for honouring him with this award. General Business The issue of life memberships was raised. The committee will conduct a review of criteria and selection structures this year. The issue of updating legends and the Hall of Fame was raised. A subcommittee will be formed with recommendations to be dealt with. There was some doubt as to whether they were to be nominated every 3 or 5 years. This is to be clarified by the committee. In closing the Annual General Meeting, Robert Browne thanked Dianne Galloway for preparing the Annual Report and Joanne Gatt for getting this report printed. The meeting closed at 8.22 pm. S.B.C. AGM - Page 7



Sunshine Baseball Club wishes to pass on their sincere condolences to all of the family and friends of the vales listed below that have passed away, our thoughts are with you all and the memories of your loved ones will stay with us.

Norm Durston

Lindsay Barnes

Player, commi eeman and life member

Hall of fame player and life member

Kevin Darcy

Dennis Kennedy Ex player, 2 x Edward King Cup winner

Father of Ex players Michael and Anthony Darcy

Betty Kyle

Karen Ristevski Sister of ex player Stephen Williams

Wife of ex President Andy Kyle

Pamela Jane Chidgey (Rowe)

S j C Stjepan Cosic

Sister of Lauren Rowe, former Women’s player

Brother of Ma hew Cosic, former U18s player

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50th Anniversary of Baseball at Barclay Reserve


Founded in 1938, Sunshine Baseball Club is the oldest sporting club in Sunshine that still offers sport to the local community. We are very proud of this fact and we intend on offering baseball as a sport for many years to come. The fact that our club is the oldest sporting club in Sunshine is a testament to the many dedicated and committed people that have been involved over the years. There have been many local legends, not all necessarily baseballers, who have put their heart and soul into our club and have done so for many years. Due to that commitment, we are fortunate to bear the fruits today. The history of the Sunshine Baseball Club is a very romantic one as well and one that you can't help but get wrapped up in. Over the past 78 years of winter and summer baseball, there are many memories and milestones that we have been fortunate to record and we love nothing more than to share them with you and our last season was no different. In the summer season of 2016-2017, we celebrated 50 years of playing baseball at Barclay Reserve and what a memorable season it was, as you will see when you read through this year’s AGM booklet.

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Robert Browne - President What a fantastic year was had across the club in 2016-17. The club strategy of spending the least amount of time in Division 2 as possible was accomplished, and coaches, players, members and the committee should all be exceptionally proud of your clubs success in 2016-17. Our Senior Division 1 team approached the year with the drive and enthusiasm expected to get Sunshine Baseball Club at the top of the ladder as early as possible, and they did. Their past experience and that which they were confronted with while in Division 1 one year earlier, gave them the experience to get the wins required to sit in a comfortable position pre finals. Their finals approach, professionalism and team spirit was enough to win them the Premiership and put Sunshine Baseball Club back in Division 1 in 2017-18. Congratulation to Grant Weir for taking on the Clubs Coaching role in the 2016-17 season and for ensuring the club moved forward and upward next year. With Grant’s expertise and baseball knowledge, he made sure that success was the only option. Thank You Grant.

Our 2nds pushed hard all year, however were unable to meet the challenges that were set for them. Player consistency and a standard team line-up were challenges that were experienced throughout the year. Having said that though, there was not a single occasion where coach, Jarryd Norquay and his band of players gave up on the game. Well done Boys. I think we had the youngest 3rds side that has ever taken the field at Sunshine in the 2016-17 season. My hat goes off to Cain Haxby for accepting the role and coaching these young fella’s. Each and every one of them learnt something new relating to Baseball from Cain during the season. Well done boys and thanks for sharing your knowledge and experience with them Cain. Well done to Daniel Wilkie and his 4ths Team on winning another Grand Final Premiership this season. A team which on paper were by far the strongest in the competition and they approached every game in that manner to take out their second premiership, two years running. A team made up of footballers, cricketers, senior and junior baseballers, all with a passion to not only enjoy the game, but to win. Well done boys. Our Masters team, who were only re-introduced to Sunshine Baseball Club in 2015-16, did one better than the previous year and took out top spot and the Premiership flag in 2016-17. Their efforts and love for the game was a testimony of their success. Thanks to Luke Searle, for once again coaching the Masters this year. Hats off to all players for approaching the game in the manner that is true to Sunshine Baseball Club. A band of great blokes and champions. Our Women’s team, led by Andrea McKenner, had an excellent year this year. Picking up additional players and playing as true champions. Even though they did not play off in Finals, the team played to the best of their ability, had fun and were true ambassadors to the club. Well done to all players for approaching the season in such a positive and joyful manner. Let’s hope that our Women’s team stay together next year and continue to be successful. Well done Ladies. Glenn Letts once again took the charge with the Juniors and had all teams organised well before the season began. A man who continues to impress and come up with new approaches and programmes for our juniors. One who ensures that Sunshine Baseball Club has the best Junior Programme in the League. We are certainly so lucky to have such dedication and drive within our club. A deadset champion in everyone’s eyes. Thank you Glenn. A huge thanks to all junior coaches this year. A difficult roll to take on, and without you all, the clubs future comes to a standstill.

A great year for our U14’s (Red) and U16’s Junior Teams, both with Runner Up Premierships. An enormous effort with coaches (Chad Galloway - U14’s and Jarred Van Hoon - U16’s) and players, showing much improved skills and determination to win games after the XMAS break. These kids are the success of Sunshine and I’m so proud to have such talent on board. Keep up the hard work boys and girls. Your efforts will always be rewarded. Our T-Ball program was again a huge success this year. Well done Jimmy Kelly and Glenn Letts for your patience and love in teaching these young boys and girls the basics of baseball. Mums and dads also need to be congratulated for spending the time in running these kids to training and on several occasions participating themselves. Watching the smiles and laughter amongst these kids was truly amazing.

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Robert Browne - President / continued Leigh Davis had his finger on the pulse on the social front once again, with successful functions held during the year. Once again our Past Players Day was a huge success. It was great to see those players and members who put Sunshine Baseball Club on the map attending – next year promises to be even bigger and better. Others who don’t escape recognition with their assistance in making our functions so memorable are Lauren Rowe, Stuart Clayton, Chad Galloway, Mike Ashburn, Joanne Formosa and Raelene Murphy. A special thank you to all those who helped set up prior to and take down after functions. Without your assistance and involvement, we as a club would not be in the position we are currently. I’d like to also thank Phil Beckwith for his ongoing assistance with council related activity and engagements, which have resulted in improvements to our grounds, such as upgrades to our T-Ball diamond, maintenance on our main diamond, and many other things which we all take for granted. A huge Thank You also to Alan Chinn for ensuring that the junior diamonds were set up each week prior to games, as well as all your assistance with those little things around the club that often go unnoticed. A huge THANK YOU to the following for their continuous and amazing efforts this season: Glenn Letts with all his fantastic slides shows, and of course his famous newsletters Joanne Formosa for managing the Bar, ensuring our players and members were well looked after. Also for looking after all our internal and external functions requirements. Photographers Lee Dare& Sally Hand – providing Glenn Letts with the ammunition to put together the famous and amazing slide shows, newsletters and flyers. These ladies spend exhausting hours each week end snapping away so we all can hold tight to our memories. Canteen success this year was due to Sandra Rand, Kathy Kourouklis, Lauren Rowe, and many others. The efforts and stamina of these ladies is a testament of where they see this club heading. A special thanks goes out to Lauren for stepping in and helping Sandy out on multiple occasions during the year. A Big-Big Thank You To All Who Assisted. Mark, Joanne, Jasmine and Kayla Adams. I cannot thank you ALL enough for your efforts and drive with the Sausage Sizzles you managed and ran at Bunnings and Masters this year. Once again - Truly, a fantastic outcome. Stuart Clayton for running our $100 and $200 Sponsorship Program. First year running and a huge success, primarily due to Stuart’s persistence and drive. Marc McKenner for his networking ability and ensuring that the club obtained the best fit recruits within an extremely tight budget, together with keeping players and coaches in line with Sunshine Baseball Club charter and playing requirements. Mike Ashburn needs a huge thank you for linking into Baseball Victoria, running our Committee Meetings and all the other administrative requirements throughout the 2016-17 season. Graham May and Vicki Dorman for keeping an extremely close eye on our financials and preparing appropriate reports throughout the season. Also, Graham for his expert financial advice and input on matters which assisted the club move in the right direction. Railz Murphy for managing the uniforms and equipment purchases this year. Michelle Haxby for auditing our books and ensuring we abide to financial requirements – Thank You. As you can see, volunteer numbers were exceptional, and I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for your huge contribution towards the success of Sunshine Baseball Club. Let’s keep driving forward and grow, so Sunshine Baseball Club can continue its success next year and for the years to come. I would like to show my appreciation to our sponsors for having faith in this clubs ability and providing us with the tools to grow. Without you ALL, we would not be able to do the things that have moved us forward as a club. Congratulations Glenn Letts on working tirelessly with these sponsors, communicating with them and getting them on board and keeping them.

Sponsors Include Village Road Show / Deer Park Club / Yellow Brick Road / Western Excavation Services / Premium Clothing & Sporting Goods & Brownie’s Landscaping Congratulations to all our 2016-17 Senior & Junior award winners. Effort well deserved. I’d also like to say a big thank you to Lauren Rowe for providing me with the support I needed when times were tough and I needed that extra pair of hands or ears to listen. Finally, Thank you Glenn Letts for putting together this 80th Annual General Meeting Report.

Your Sincerely Rob Browne S.B.C. AGM - Page 11

Michael Ashburn - Club Secretary Wow! What a year we had! Three premierships, promotion back to Division 1 meant there was a lot of celebration time (all of this on top of the first Western Bulldogs premiership in 62 years) at the club. Our teams were committed to performing at the highest standard possible and the behind the scenes infrastructure continued to be of the highest level as well. This includes our solid senior and junior committees, canteen and bar workers and field workers. A true team performance of well over 100 persons made the 2016-2017 season a real ripper. I had the pleasure of watching all of our sides on the field. Scoring all games for the firsts was a real honour (my shoes went to a good cause!) and I had to stifle my cheers in this role (though I was heard to yell out “get out” when Jared Van Hoon hit the home run in the third grand final). Grant Weir prepared our firsts impeccably as always and despite a few hiccups on the way, they performed very well when the wins were needed. He was again ably assisted by Gavin Young. Our pitching staff carried on in true Sunshine tradition, with Griffin Young, Taylor Rowe and Jared Van Hoon each recording 6 wins and a staff ERA of under 2.00 (Jared won the award from Baseball Victoria for the best ERA in Second Division). Our hitters too excelled, with Lewis Weldon winning the Division 2 batting title(.456) and others hitting over .300 included Rory Meddick, Brent Davis Jared Van Hoon and leadoff Jordan Young. Others contributed well in the batting box and in the field, including Jamie Young, Shannon Hornstra, and Adam Irons. Others contributed when needed including new players Jason Tutt and Cameron Wood. Having achieved a clutch season defining win at Werribee in the last game, the finals series were incredible. In both the semi final and the grand final series we were down but our fighting spirit allowed us to make up a 1-0 deficit first against Williamstown and then against Upwey Ferntree Gully in the grand final, to be made premiers and champions for the first time in the final series era and the first time since 2003-4. The Edward King Cup count was exciting with a wonderful result, the first tied vote in the history of the club with the ultra consistent co-winners, Brent Davis and Jared Van Hoon just a few votes ahead of the Bill Shepherd Trophy winner Tayler Rowe. Jordan Young won the fielding award and it was a pleasure for us to watch him do marvellous things at shortstop. Our other senior men’s teams did well. The reserves were unlucky not to make the finals under Jarrad Norquay ably assisted by Chad Galloway. The thirds, coached by Cain Haxby, finished in the top half of the competition and the fourths repeated as premiers and champions. Daniel Wilkie took over coaching of this side in 2016-2017 and new players emerged, including Stuart Clayton, Marc McKenner and young Josh Byrne joined his father Earl as a Sunshine premiership player. Old faces contributed a lot including Mick Vanston, David Gathercole, Jacob Green, Leigh Davis, Huan Hsei-shin and Shane Blackmore. Our women’s side finished 5th just missing the finals by one game. Andrea McKenner again led this team with a mixture of old hands, Michelle Dugdale Kathryn Salkovic, Amy Fairbrother, India Caithness, Raelene Murphy and Jodie and Keely Radford. They were aided by new recruits, Amandeep Atwall, Anterdeep Kaur and Shalanjeep Kaur. Their skills keep improving and with several girls eligible to play from our juniors, an exciting future is possible. Our Masters side achieved the ultimate with an enthralling 14-7 win in the grand final over archrival Essendon. Luke Searle organised and led this powerful hitting team. Mick Vanston led the way with three triples in the Grand Final. New recruits, Floyd Holliday and Kris Kiefel joined old hands, Phil Caudwell, Kaine Murphy, Leigh Davis, Earl Byrne, Marc Adams, Tolley Browne Glenn Green and Louis Kourouklis all contributed to the win and the season. To see the score line 13-0 in lights on the Essendon scoreboard was nothing short of amazing. To all of the award winners in senior sides, well done. You contribute each week to our success. Thanks to all of you who have scored games, Jo, Raelene Michelle, Travis and others. Your efforts are well received by the club and its players. To those who umpired. As I said before, it is not easy to stand out in the elements for two hours for the good of the club in this capacity. A special thanks to Stuart Clayton and Cain Haxby who did a lot of the games, as in second division, we did not have a great supply from Baseball Victoria.

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Michael Ashburn - Club Secretary / Continued Our junior teams were inspiring, with Under 16, Under 14s and Under 12s making finals. Well done boys and girls and thanks to the coaches, scorers, parents and family members who come out and support these efforts. Glenn Letts was again tireless in his time to coordinate these youths and was ably assisted by his committee and partner Marion, who organised registrations well. It is wonderful that this year we have our first Winter side in the MWBL in many years, which is a Under 15 team, led by Cain Haxby and other coaches, Tolley Browne, Earl Byrne, Chad Galloway and other helpers. Good luck to them in the season. Again this year I have had a lot of contact with Baseball Victoria. While I haven’t always agreed with their decisions I have had good support from the office staff. Unfortunately Ashley Blair (CEO) had resigned and Justin Huber will take over his role temporarily. New Competitions Coordinator Chris Mayne and others in the office have been helpful. The BV Board is conducting an investigation into the functions of the office staff as many members have left recently and it is hoped a new regime and procedures will follow this review. We have established new contacts with the umpires under Stewart Howe, which will hopefully achieve things in the future. Our senior committee continued to operate well. Robert Browne continued to press for achievable change. He is passionate for success on all fronts for the club. Graham May controls our finances well and has helped in the legal areas. Vicki Dorman keeps our bills paid on time, having done so from afar as she is caring for a family member interstate. Marc McKenner’s work as Director of Baseball is reflected by the outstanding recruiting and results on the field. Sandy Rand works countless hours as a canteen coordinator and has had great support with over a dozen volunteers to keep the canteen going throughout our weekends. Leigh Davis planned and organised many functions to bring in extra revenue. He also has contributed much to ground upkeep in the absence of a Building and Grounds Coordinator. Jo has organised the bar well. Raelene has kept track of equipment and the broad range of apparel, including new lines like the winter beanies. Glenn Letts in addition to Coordinating the junior programme and TBall, has taken on the role of Sponsorship Coordinator and brings his passion and organisation to that role too. Other contributors on a regular basis include the ever expanding bar staff, Joanne, Doc, Cain, Stuart and others. Jerry O’Connor and Eric Nicholls again organised a successful golf trip. Alan Chinn still marks the diamonds. Vic Rand continued as manager for the firsts and seconds. I congratulate all others who have contributed in any way to our clubs efforts this past year and I encourage you to continue to make an effort in 2017-2018.

Michael Ashburn Secretary Sunshine Baseball Club

Leigh Davis - Social Coordinator Social functions are easy to organise when you have people who are willing to help and support the events which we put in place, so thanks to everyone who helped out during the season. Special thanks to the bar staff and canteen ladies, without you guys functions wouldn't happen at all. There are too many to name and I don't want to forget anybody. The 2017/18 season is going to be a big year for us back in division one so we'll be planning more functions eg. AFL grand final day, $1000 draw, past players’ day etc. If anybody wants to be involved with helping plan functions, we are open to suggestions and will take in any ideas. Thanks for the support and go Eagles. Regards Leigh Davis. S.B.C. AGM - Page 13

Robert Browne - Grounds and Facilities During the 2016-17 year, Sunshine Baseball Club continued to have work carried out by the Council and a number of club members, to improve and have the best baseball club facilities in Victoria. Unfortunately, with the loss of John Galloway who re-located to his home town of Adelaide, the volume of work was not as significant as that which was carried out in previous years. The major projects that were undertaken were predominately on the main diamond and included the following :

Third Base was back filled and levelled out to remove a significant dip. Home Plate, First Base & Second Base artificial turf replacement. Hole in centre-field home run fence patched. All the above projects removed significant safety issues likely to have occurred if they were not addressed during the season. Thanks to the Brimbank Council for completing these works. Other Works undertaken during the year included :

Pitching mound maintenance and upkeep. Temporary replacement of a portion of the flooring in the scorer’s box. Thanks to Alan Chin for setting up the junior diamonds each week, and to Sandy Rand for taking on the club cleaning of the men’s, women’s and change room’s toilets when Jenny Wallis stepped down from the role. A special thanks to Phil Beckwith for all his work behind the scenes, to Glenn Letts, Chad Galloway, Cain Haxby, Stuart Clayton, Jarrad Norquay, Leigh Davis, Gavin Young and all those who I have failed to mention, your help and involvement was very much appreciated. Yours Sincerely Rob Browne

Glenn Letts - Sponsorship and Marketing Taking on the role of sponsorship and marketing for me last season was a challenge that I was keen to sink my teeth into. I liked the idea of getting to know our sponsors better and to understand their needs, as well as our own. The thing with sponsorship, is that it is a two way street and it is very important to support our sponsors, just the same as they have supported us. After doing a bit of background on our current sponsors, I updated our website accordingly showcasing their services, as well as implementing a sponsor spotlight throughout the season, where we highlight our sponsors and their services to our members. Village Roadshow have been our longest serving sponsor and we are and always will be indebted to their generous support. Deer Park Club have been exceptional in their support of our club as well and we look forward to continuing the fine relationship we have in place with them. Brownies Landscaping, Yellow Brick Road and Western Excavations are fine examples of club members that have lent their support to us as well and we are very thankfully for their partnerships. Other welcome sponsors to our club last season were Premium Clothing and Sporting Goods, who are our current supplier of merchandise, then on the junior side of things, we had Australian Sports Foundations who contributed a substantial grant for our kids which enabled us to purchase all new equipment. Another company who supported the juniors with a sizeable grant was Suncorp, which helped contribute to the running costs of the juniors program (thanks Jodie Radford). Other junior supporters were Intencity with the supply of show bags for the kids and also ABC Photosigns for the Come and Try Billboard that they have been doing for us for the last 3 seasons. Stuart Clayton and Leigh Davis also did a wonderful job of running the 100 & 200 Club Sponsor program last season, which was very well supported by our members and friends. Sunshine Baseball Club is very fortunate to have so many wonderful sponsors and we cannot thank them enough or their support each season.

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Marc McKenner - Director of Baseball The 2016/17 season came with a singled minded approach – WIN DIVISION TWO & GET BACK TO DIVISION ONE! With Grant Weir at the helm again, and Gavin Young by his side we knew we were in good hands. With a focus on securing another frontline Pitcher the club recruited Tayler Rowe, to replace injured Rory Meddick (No.1 Pitcher from a year), Rory moved to the outfield and did a great job with the bat. As well as pitching the club also knew that a versatile utility would be very important so we invested in an import namely Jared van Hoon, a utility from the Seattle Studs in the US. Well what a stellar individual Jared turned out to be, not only did he take on the role of coaching the Sunday morning U16s team, but he also put together one of the most outstanding baseball seasons seen at the club .398 BA, 10-1 win-loss record and a 1.01 ERA. Adding these two guys to a line-up the club was heading in the right direction. The players and coaching staff carried themselves with great professionalism and integrity on and off the field and many teams commented on how well the club was going. The seconds also saw the return of coach staff Jarrod Norquay. The 2’s again saw an injection of young players and the team did a great job to be very competitive throughout the season narrowly missing the finals. With the development of some of the clubs junior and younger players (16-22 year olds) the future could be a bright one. A special thanks needs to go to Cain Haxby for taking on the 3 rd’s coaching role, the 3’s are often left between a rock and a hard place, with many juniors not being available to play in certain positions due to league restrictions and a coaching staff looking to promote juniors to the 1’s and 2’s to get them ready for next season. Cain did an outstanding job and (fingers cross) will take on the job again to provide some stability to the 3’s so the club can continue to use it as a development team. Cain’s demeanour and relationship with the younger crop of Eagles is a huge bonus and something that the club will benefit from in the not too distant future. The 4th’s were lead this year by the vibrant Daniel Wilkie. Daniel did an outstanding with the veteran team and the one youngster Josh Byrne. The 4’s took out the Premiership in style not actually losing a game (one forfeit) for the season. The Women’s program, was again coached by Andrea McKenner, who again did an amazing job – I maybe bias for obvious reasons! The Lady’s play with the “let’s have fun attitude” that is very evident with all the laughing and joking that goes on in the dugout. Along with that fun attitude the Ladies also look to improve and with the hard work they put in on the training track they continue to develop and with some more added youth next year they will be aiming for finals!!!! Season 2017/18 will see us return to Division 1, where Sunshine rightfully belongs. With the same dedication and work ethic that was shown this season the club can cement itself as a force in Division 1 again. I would like to take this time to thank Grant Weir on his two years as Club Coach, Grant has resigned from the position, and we are actively looking to fill the position. Grant brought a very professional outlook and a diverse training method that the club will benefit from in the future, having Grant at the helm was a huge positive for the club and whoever takes over will be very impressed will the mark he left. On behalf of the club, congratulations to all trophy winners and a special thanks to all coaches and scorers. I would also, like to thank Glenn Letts and his junior committee on a great job with the junior program and Mike Ashburn for all his help and hard work. Finally I would like to thank Andrea and our kids Makayla, Lily, Isabella and Jackson for allowing me to take the time required to do something that I love. Marc McKenner / Director of Baseball

Senior Coaches TEAM




Grant Weir

Gavin Young


Jarrod Norquay

Chad Galloway


Cain Haxby


Daniel Wilkie


Andrea McKenner


Luke Searle

Earl Byrne

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Grant Weir - Club Coach / 1st Nine / Division 2 Premiers It is with much pleasure that I submit the Head Coaches report for the 2016-17 season. After a disappointing season the year before there were only two goals for the first nine coming into the new season. Gain promotion straight back to Division 1 and also to win a premiership for the club. In light of the two objectives it is pleasing to say that both were met and the club will once more be competing in the top flight competition next year. Our promotion and premiership did not come easy with promotion only being achieved on the last game of the season and the premiership coming on the 3rd and deciding game after the same had been achieved in the semi-final. To say the coach lost even more hair, went even greyer and suffered heart palpitations would be an understatement. Attendance at training by the first squad’s players as well as availability for games was spasmodic and this was reflected in our performance where we made hard work of our wins with player’s performances up and down. With only a game a week it is hard to get consistency and this becomes even harder when you miss games. The club continued to provide first class facilities for players and coaches both on and off the field. Trainings provided players with ideal preparation for games and I would like to sincerely thank all of the coaches and helpers who assisted at training especially with batting practice. A big thank you to all of the senior coaches who did an amazing job, with a big pat on the back to 4ths premiership coach Daniel Wilkie. A special thanks to assistant coaches Gavin Young and Jarrad Norquay who provide enormous support for the players and I. The Sunshine Baseball Club is a wonderful place to connect and connection only comes from the members and supporters. The club is made up of fantastic people all working towards a common goal for the love of the club. Rob and his team head up the club and they should be congratulated on their wonderful work. Quote from the local paper that sums up an amazing year: “I said to the team, ‘That was the best game we’ve played all year,” coach Grant Weir said. “It happened to be in the last game of the season, so it came at a good time.

Firsts award recipients for season 2016-2017 MVP













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1st Nine Premiers Division 2

Jarrad Norquay - Coach / Seconds Team It was a bit of a season of missed opportunities for the seconds this season having tied for fourth spot only missing the finals by percentage. The young kids of the club proved themselves ready for the jump up by doing outstanding every time they we're called upon and from all reports keeping the same enthusiasm in the lower grades. In a comp that was basically dominated by 5 teams we were unable to put our best teams on the park against them all the time but when we did we proved that we have the talent and depth both on the hill and in the batters box to not only compete but also run away with the game. It was great as a coach to get a chance to coach a few of our very promising juniors from young Hacka who battled and made every pitcher he faced work hard just like his old man back in the day to a young man I relied on heavily behind the dish. The Gatt man proved this year that with hard work and his willingness to learn as much as possible from anyone who would help just how far you can push yourself and is fast turning into one of the clubs on field leaders. My pride this year hit new heights as I had a front row seat watching Nathan and everyone's favourite country boy Lockie, not only get the opportunity to play in the first 9 but to grab it with both hands. Can't wait for the season to kick off this year and help these young eagles continue with their development. GO EAGLES Seconds award recipients for season 2016-2017




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Cain Haxby - Coach / Thirds Team The Thirds had a so, so year, we won just over 40% of our games this year and we let a couple slip by, with poor fielding and that was the problem all season. The pitching from the boys, Jack Letts and Jack Haxby were terrific, but then it fell away after them. The batting was ok, but if they faced a pitcher who was reasonable, the boys went into their shells a bit. In saying that, the youngsters have to get more pride in how they play and fight out games, instead of wilting under pressure. On a brighter note, it was good seeing some old guys coming out and playing with their sons. I would like to congratulate the award winners below and also like to thanks Railz for scoring, Lettsy for helping out and to the Fourths boys for umpiring all year for us. In closing, strive for better effort and more pride in your game for next season. Cheers Cain Haxby. Thirds award recipients for season 2016-2017





Daniel Wilkie - Coach / Fourths / Division 2 Premiers We had a great season that was easy to coach with such a experienced team with lots of veterans to help out. I'd like to thank Leeroy for helping me coach when I wasn't available and all of the scorers we had throughout the season I think we had 5 or 6. I would also like to thank everyone who helped us with umpiring throughout the year. Things I would like to see improved on for the 3rds and 4ths in the future would be an umpiring roster especially when we are not playing on the same day as the 1sts and 2nds. I'd just like to thank everyone again who helped us this season. Regards Daniel.

Fourths award recipients for season 2016-2017




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Luke Searle - Coach / Masters / NW 36+ Premiers Well right from the start we were out to right the wrong from last year where we missed the Grand final due to Earl having committed to play mixed netball the night of the Semi Final. We had a couple of new players in Floyd Holiday and Kris Kiefel and they had a big impact to the team both hitting over .600 and Floyd cooking up a storm on the spit. We finished the home and away season with 10 wins 2 losses and a draw which put us in 3rd place on the ladder, so we headed to Preston to take on the second place side and beat them comfortably 7 nil due to some great Pitching from Earl hitting. N Nextt onto the GF tto f E l and d some greatt tteam hitti t th face Tony Cornish and his team at Essendon which we took great pleasure in knocking Tony around the park to give us a 13 nil lead after 4 innings we ended up winning 13 to 6 and spent the next 48 hours celebrating like we won the world series lol. Phil Caudwell took out the MVP and Tolly Browne the runner up and Micka Vanston took out the fielding award, but the awards could have gone to several other players, we had 7 guys hit over .500. Another great season and we look forward to doing it all again next season. I would like to again thank the Sunshine Baseball club and all the hard workers around the club for welcoming us to what I see as a great club that we hope to be a part of for many years to come.. Masters award recipients for season 2016-2017





Andrea McKenner - Coach / Women’s Team It was our third year having a women’s side and watching these ladies abilities improve has been wonderful. Sadly this year we missed the finals by half a game. But we had many exciting games this year and some great wins! We again had a few new girls added to the team which helped keep the team going as we also had a few players decide not to continue playing. We are looking forward to next season and having a few junior girls join the team and hopefully help to get us into the finals and get us a few more wins during the season.

Women’s award recipients for season 2016-2017




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Glenn Letts - Junior Coordinator In my role as Junior Coordinator, I am once again delighted to report that last season we had record number of juniors register for both tee ball and baseball. The growth for the juniors is still with the Tee ball and Rookie Ball participants. Of our 36 Tee ball participants last season, we had 20 return and we recruited another 17 for a total 37 which is fantastic. The numbers in our U12s and U14s were also strong and every team was more than full, which is ideal.

Junior membership figures over the past 8 seasons Season 2009-2010 = 53 Season 2010-2011 = 59 Season 2011-2012 = 67 Season 2012-2013 = 62 Season 2013-2014 = 80

Season 2014-2015 = 76 Season 2015-2016 = 93 Season 2016-2017 = 97

A benefit of our growing tee ball program, is that it feeds our baseball section and with the introduction of the Rookie ball program, our young Eagles will be more than ready to play ball. We fielded 3 teams in the Friday night competition, 2 x U12s LL Minor and 1 x U14s JL Minor team. All of our teams showed fine skills throughout the season, with the U12s Red making the semi final before bowing out and the U14s Blue played off in the grand final, which was an epic game to say the least. We always need to set goals for the following season and next season we hope to be entering an U12s and U14s team into the Major League section (Sunday teams), so that the kids learn to play at a higher level, which will benefit their own skills, as well as opening up other opportunities to play in higher level programs and even at State level if so desired. Our U16s Metro team had an amazing season and took it all the way to the grand final play offs against Fitzroy and our U18s State team did their club proud playing at the higher level and taking right p to the opposition on many occasions. Of course the on-field success’s and experiences don't happen on their own. It is a combination of our juniors players, parents, our dedicated coaches, assistants and this season we were fortunate to have the fine services of Cain Haxby as our Junior Development Officer. Cain’s input into the junior program last season was invaluable. From the pre-season pitching and catching skills sessions, to his dedication of developing the juniors throughout the season and then taking on the reins of the thirds, which is mainly made up of up and coming juniors, it was an awesome effort !!



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Glenn Letts - U18s State From the on-set of the season, we knew that we were in for a challenge playing in the State League, but that was what we set ourselves up for. It was a season of playing against some very strong teams and to test our own skills and character against them. I can honestly say that our team gave their all every game and not once laid down to the opposition. We won a few games on the journey and the experience gained by all the kids was invaluable. I would like to thank Mark Adams for assisting me all season and his daughter Jasmine for doing a wonderful job scoring each week. I would also like to thank Grant, Gavin and Jarrad for passing on their fine skills at trainings and last but not least, the amazing parents for getting their kids up early every Sunday morning and for bringing them to the games each week. Regards Glenn Letts





Jared Van Hoon - U16s Metro West The 2016-17 season for the U16 Sunshine Eagles was comprised of determination, hard work, and success. From day one to the Grand Final, each player improved on many aspects of his/her overall game.

From base-running to playing catch, pitch selection to throwing strikes, the strides that were made were in direct correlation to the success that Eagles accomplished as a team. There was depth at all 9 positions which allowed for affective and strategic starting lineups and quick in-game changes. Not one player was more valuable than the other and each had a significant role on the field and/or in the dugout. During the regular season, the Eagles were the team to beat. Being in complete control of our destiny from game to game, the kids learned valuable lessons about mental focus and the importance of having a short-term memory. Baseball, being a game of failure, it is crucial to be mentally locked in at all times. The kids showed tremendous focus and positivity after every result (good or bad) which allowed them to play hard and develop strong coping tactics when it came to adversity. Although, the finals did not end the way we wanted them to, the season was a complete success. The coach from every team that we faced said that when they played the Eagles they had to play their best baseball. That right there showcases the caliber and character of this great team. I am so proud of each player and it was an absolute joy to coach them individually and collectively. I would like to thank my assistant coach, Earl Byrne, who was a huge help all year long and even taught me a thing or two about this great game. Other thanks go to the parents and dads, specifically Gavin Fischer and Tolly Brown, for their help during training sessions and pre game. Lastly, a great appreciation goes to our scorer, Raelene Murphy. She scored every game and also had to put up with hosting me throughout the year. I have no doubt that each player will have great success next year and throughout their journey through the Sunshine Club. All the best and GO EAGLES! Coach Jared Van Hoon.



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Marc McKenner - U12s Little League Major It was a pleasure coaching the U12 Blue Sunday team, this time alongside Leigh Davis. This season the club decided that we should enter a “Major team” which if you look at the Ladder may not be perceived as a great idea, but in my eyes the development of the players was accelerated because of the challenges the players faced. The team had some outstanding individual performances, but again as a team every player developed quicker than expected. I hope that all of the players will be available for next seasons Sunday morning team again and we can continue to develop as quickly as we did this season. I would like to thank Rosie Cremona for scoring, and Andrea McKenner for filling in when needed. Congratulations to all the trophy winners, and a special mention to Makayla McKenner for making the Northern Diamondbacks Minor team, I know more players from the club will be looking at trying out next season. Also, special thanks to the Murphy’s for my early morning coffees!!!!! Lastly to my family, thanks for letting me coach and to Makayla and Lily thanks for letting Dad have fun watching you both develop..






Chad Galloway - U14s Junior League Minor Blue My goal for the season was to develop the kids skills.

I had a great bunch of kids this year to coach, all with different personalities and skills. We started the season off with good baseball skills but they still needed a lot of work by the end of the season the kids improved 70%. My aim this year was to give all the kids a go and experience all the positions on the baseball field. We had a good season finishing 2nd on the ladder, winning 7 game 4 loses 1 draw all great games. Our best played games was against Werribee Giants. We played Williamstown wolves in the semi-final it was a great team effort by all, we won 11 – 6. We made the grand final versing Werribee, what a great game we went into extra innings. The kids played the game of their life, parents, kids, coaches, everyone was on the edge of their seats. It was one of the best games I have ever been involved with. Thank you to everyone for your support, the club and myself are very proud of the way the kids played. You are all winner in my eyes. Thanks for a great season. Also thank you to all the parents that helped out with scoring, training & game day I couldn't of done it without you guys. Hope to see you all again next season. Coach Chad Galloway.



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Marc McKenner - U12s Little League Minor Blue As we come to the end of the 2016/17 season I reflect on a year that has had many success stories, great achievements and challenges. Taking on the job as Coach was an amazingly humble experience, watching the development of the players from week one to seasons end is why the job is so enjoyable. The season saw many great individual performances, and so many team achievements! The blue team was again a great team to coach, laughter is the key to happiness and we laughed a lot!!!! This year the team welcomed Ben Murphy as Assistant coach, although Ben is small in stature he is huge in enthusiasm. Ben took on the role with a smile and grew from week to week, he was called upon to do a lot as work commitments made it difficult for me to get to games early enough for warm-ups. The team had some new faces and will say goodbye to one very bright smiling face, Isolina Silva played her last season of under 12’s and was brilliant, Izzy is looking at moving on to the Womens team next season and we wish her all the best!!! I would like to take this time to thank some people - Leigh Davis coach of the Red team for running many practises on your own because I was stuck at work and keeping Wednesday practises fun for both of us as well as the kids The parents for their time making sure the players were at trainings and games Raelene Murphy for scoring Anthony Cain for always being ready to help out when needed to do anything from cleaning up the field, to helping coach when I was late Glenn Letts for everything you do for the junior program at our great club And most importantly the players! Thank-you Thank you all for making the season so enjoyable and massive congratulations to the trophy winners and the team as a whole for a fun season!




Leigh Davis - U12s Little League Minor Red Under 12 red had a good first season under mine and Stewie Clayton's guidance, with about half of the team coming straight out of tee ball to finish in the 4 and play a final was a superb effort. Congratulations to the award winners Gi, Damon and Marcus something you all should be proud of. Special thanks to Rosie who scored every game and made my job easier and also thanks to all the senior players who came and helped out umpiring. Last but not least thanks to the parents who brought their kids to practise and games without them we wouldn't get anywhere. Hopefully all the kids return next year for a bigger and better year. Heers Leigh & Stuart.



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Victorian State Representatives - Aces Sunshine Baseball Club is very fortunate to have many talented players and we are certainly very proud two players who played representative baseball for Victoria. U18s players Jamie Young played in the Victorian Aces U18s Blue team and had an outstanding tournament, only narrowly missing on selection for the Australian team. Our other talented player was Kayla Adams, who proudly represented the Victorian Women’s team who played in Canberra. Kayal pitched and mainly caught throughout the series and she had a great tournament.

Western Mets Representatives - Senior League Team Once again your club was very well represented in the Western Mets team last season with 3 players participating in the tournament that was held in Geelong in January 2017. The players who participated were: Jack Haxby, Nathan Gatt and Connor Young. Nathan had the honour of being named team captain and lead the team proudly throughout the tournament. Even though the Mets didn’t make the play-offs, they were certainly very competitive throughout. Congratulations to our 3 players, Sunshine Baseball club is very proud of your efforts and we look forward to all of the successes to come your way. Sunshine Baseball Club is proud of our reps and this is an area that the club wants to build on for the coming season. Even just attending the try-outs is a great experience and we certainly encourage any budding Eagles players to try out this coming season.

The Kirby Family - Most Promising Junior Award Sunshine Baseball Club was proud to announce that the worthy recipient of the Kirby Family Most Promising Junior Award last season was U18s player Nathan Gatt. What a season Nathan had, not only was he duly awarded the Most Promising Junior award, his other accolades were, Runner Up MVP in the U18s State team, Runner Up MVP in the Seconds team, he Captained the Western Mets Senior League Team and will soon be heading off to USA with the Touring Kookaburras team just to put another feather in his baseball cap. Congratulations Nathan on your achievements and for everything else that comes your way!

Victorian Kookaburras Touring Team - U18s We are also proud to mention that U18s player Nathan Gatt and Connor Young will once again be joining the Kookaburra Touring Friendship Team which departs Melbourne in July. The tournament is taking place in Myrtle Beach at the Cal Ripken Experience Baseball Fields in USA. The experience that Nathan and Connor will gain will be invaluable to them in their young baseball careers. Have a great trip guys and enjoy the experience, your club is certainly very proud of you both and of your love of the game.

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Glenn Letts / Tee Ball / Rookie Ball The ever young Jim Kelly and myself took on the role once again of introducing and guiding our youngest Eagles to the game of baseball. As our program has grown and developed over the previous years, there was a need to separate the kids into their age groups and to cater for their specific needs and most of all, to keep them keen and enthusiastic about baseball, hence the Eagles Tee Ball and Eagles Rookie Ball programs were introduced. The tee ball program last season was under the guidance of Jim Kelly and Isaiah Araniva Tomoana and the Rookie Ball was headed by myself and Mark Adams.

This program is one of my favourites at the club. There is nothing more pleasing than to see the smiling faces of so many enthusiastic kids each week. They are keen as mustard and we are so glad that they have chosen tee ball as a sport and especially that they have chosen our club. Each week, we taught the basic fundamentals of baseball and the kids certainly improved in all aspects over the course of the season. Also throughout the season, there were two gala days held that were very successful. The first Gala day was at Williamstown and there were 4 clubs participating: Sunshine, Werribee, Williamstown and Newport. There were up to 100 kids on the day and overall there were 12 teams that played a total of 24 games between them. The second gala day was at Werribee and it was just as successful. The gala days gave the kids the opportunity to test their skills against other kids of the same age in a different environment and they certainly held our club in high esteem as they went about their ways. The Tee Ball section of the club is a very important one and one that the club will focus on to grow and to help to foster the sport of baseball with our youngsters for many years to come. ROOKIE BALL Last season we decided to introduced the Rookie Ball program to help cater for the kids who were getting bored with tee ball, but were too young for baseball. This program was a winner from the on-set, with all kids wanting to know and to play the proper rules of baseball. The kids all learnt to pitch, catch, play in different positions and to understand the fielding position a lot better. They also learned about going out after 3 strikes and accepting that and to try again next time. Overall it was a great season for the rookie ball kids and hopefully there is a good handful of them graduating to Little league Minor baseball next season. Thanks to all of my amazing coaches and parents for helping out through the season, as without you all, we wouldn't have a program at all. Thanks also to Leigh Davis for mowing the area in front of the clubrooms and to Chinny for marking the diamonds each week. I cant wait to do it all again next season. Regards Glenn

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Junior Coaches Sunshine Baseball Club is fortunate to have many accredited coaches and assistants appointed on all levels. From our first nine, to our youngest tee ballers, the focus for our coaches is to train and to develop our players to their full potential. As well as teaching our players valuable skills, it is also important that our players enjoy themselves and make the most of their given opportunities on game day.




Eagles Tee Ball

Jim Kelly

Iasiah-Araniva Tomoana

Eagles Rookie Ball

Glenn Letts

Mark Adams

LL Minor (U12s Blue)

Marc McKenner Ben Murphy

LL Minor (U12s Red)

Leigh Davis

LL Major U12 Sunday

Marc McKenner Leigh Davis

JL Minor (U14s Blue)

Chad Galloway

Stuart Clayton

Kayla Adams

Senior league (U16s) Jared Van Hoon

Earl Byrne

Big League (U18s)

Mark Adams

Glenn Letts

The success of the junior program doesn’t just happen on its own, it takes commitment and dedication and that’s where our junior coaches and assistants come into the picture. Last season we had a fantastic line up of coaches and it was great to see them work so well with the juniors. The transformation of skills from the players at the start of the season to the end of the season was clearly noticeable and it is a credit to the coaches and assistants. Apart from the coaches, there have been many parents willing to jump in and help out which is just ideal, as the coaches can always use an extra pair of hands. It takes a lot of time and commitment from our coaches, especially during training nights where they may have to leave work early to get down to the club on time to set up and without them, we simply would not be able to field the teams. I would like to personally thank all the coaches and assistants for volunteering their time and for passing on their skills and knowledge to the juniors last season.

Junior Scorers Our coaches are unable to field their teams without a scorer and what an amazing group of scorers we had last season. Rosie Cremona, Raelene Murphy and Andrea McKenner took charge of the U12s teams, Ana Quach and Melinda Griffin scored for the U14s, Raelene Murphy backed up the U12s by scoring the U16s as well and Jasmine Adams once again scored for the U18s team. Thank you ever so much, you are all very much appreciated by everyone involved.

Cain Haxby - Junior Development Officer Junior development is such a big part of any junior program and a vital one to give the kids the best opportunity to develop their skills and to have a love for the game. We were thrilled to have Cain Haxby step up to the role of Junior Development Officer last season and the enthusiasm and knowledge that he passed on was well received by all. From the moment he took on the role he hasn't stopped working with the juniors. It started with the summer pre-season specialist skills sessions, then he coordinated senior player involvement at training with the juniors throughout the summer season. Cain also took on the role of coaching the Thirds, which was mainly made up of juniors and he passed on his skills and knowledge to the young developing team. If the summer season wasn’t enough, Cain then carried on with his commitment and was determined to lead our first Winter Junior team onto the diamond in more than 20 years. With the assistance of Tolly, Earl and Chad, he has been very successful in fulfilling that goal and is setting a fine example for our club, well done Hacka, keep up the good work.

U15s Junior Winter Team entered into MWBL Comp U15s Diamond Valley Comp

Winter Season 2016-2017 Back row: Cain Haxby (Coach) Anthony Melendez-Silva, Ben Jansen, Joshua Byrne, Connor Glavan, Jet Quach, Hayden Galloway, Tolly Browne (Assist coach) Front row: Robert Desmond, Harvey Browne, Tyrus Haxby, Kira Jansen, Darcy Hopkins.

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The Adams Family: Jasmine, Jo, Kayla & Mark

Fundraising for the junior program was one of the best to date, as we secured two grants, one from Australian Sporting Foundation and the other from Suncorp. With these two grants, we were able to purchase all new equipment for the juniors, as well as training aids, balls and tee ball kits for our youngest Eagles. Thanks goes to Glenn and Jodie Radford for their efforts in obtaining the grants. In addition to these grants, we were also successful in securing another grant, this time from Brimbank City Council which will be used to fund our next season come and try day activities. The Adams family were once again doing an amazing job with their sausage sizzles, the amount of effort and time that they commit to these fundraisers each season is nothing short of amazing. We also held the Cadbury chocolate drive again which always proves a winner. We held a couple of smaller raffles on the Friday night dinners and our Junior Christmas hamper was also well received, with many people generously being involved in making it a success.

COME AND TRY DAYS Our three come and try days last season proved once again to be very successful and it was a combination of the following: advertising in the locals papers, erecting a billboard in the local area, advertising and posting flyers to over 30 local schools, website, Facebook, social media advertising with other local groups, letter drops and handing out flyers on our pre-season sausage sizzles fundraisers. For our club to continue to be successful in recruiting new players to our sport, we need to work hard and to promote it the best we can within our local community. The season before last we fielded a record amount of juniors being 93 and last season we fielded 97 players which is outstanding. With the contention of many other sports and also the fact that we are up against a new generation of kids that are less likely to become involved in a local sporting club, this is an outstanding achievement and I think that we are doing the local community a fine service and hope that we continue to do so for many years to come JUNIORS SEASON OPENING NIGHT The format of gathering all the junior players and parents together in the clubrooms after training a week prior to the season starting and presenting all the relevant information is working well. We have a digital presentation with slides for each team in regards to playing, training, times, development etc, and it is always very well received. Last season we split up the juniors season opening nights to be more focused on each team. The nights were very informative for all players, parents, coaches and assistants. PHOTOS After each season I look back on the junior program and how we present it to everyone. The use of photos with our media section of the club is vital to our profile and presentation. Without the contribution of the parents with their countless hours spent looking through the lens of the camera and then viewing and downloading photos, we would not be able to represent our club to all members in the way that we have in the past seasons. Without these images, the newsletters, website, media, social functions and presentation day slide shows would not be possible. On behalf of S.B.C. we would like to thank the following families for their awesome images and for helping us to preserve the history of the Sunshine Baseball Club once again for another season. SALLY HAND – LEE DARE – THE ADAMS FAMILY – JASON MURPHY – JOANNE FORMOSA

JUNIOR SOCIAL SUMMARY On the social side of things, last season was once again a fantastic one for the junior players and families. The events that were held throughout the season were once again well attended and supported by the members. The Friday night dinners proved popular, as it gave the opportunity for players and parents alike to mingle and enjoy the fabulous food and kick back after a long week at work. We screened movies, as well as holding raffles for various prizes which were well received by all. The Christmas family day was once again a hit and attended by many, as were the end of season celebrations with the junior presentation nights They were held on two separate Friday nights for the first time, which worked out really well for all involved. Thanks to everyone involved in the social side of the juniors last season, especially to the lovely ladies in the canteen and we look forward to your involvement next season and also the involvement from any newcomers who would like to help out as well. S.B.C. AGM - Page 27

Marion Baartmans - Junior Secretary The self-registration process was in its third year and most players (their parents) had little trouble renewing or registering for the first time. Most of the problems that were giving us some trouble the year before had been taken care of and other issues were dealt with quickly. About five families took advantage of the Brimbank In2Sport program (open to applications from Health Care card/Pension Concession card holders who live in Brimbank and who meet the age criteria) and these registrations needed to be handled manually as there is still no possibility to process split payments through the SportsTG system (Brimbank Council pays 75% of the fees after being invoiced by SBC).

This season the TBall program was again very successful with 37 registrations in that group. The rest of the Juniors went very well with everybody registered on time before the first game. The system worked well and regular reports were forwarded to the treasurer. When the summer season ended, it was decided to enter a under 15s winter team for SBC and that caused some registration difficulties in some cases: a player is attached to a club and when the same player wants to join another club for the winter season, the system could create a double up, which is confusing. However, in the end the players in our winter team were all registered even though we needed some help from BV to achieve this. We recently received an email from Baseball Victoria informing us there are going to be some major changes in the registration system again, promising improvement in many areas. One being the above mentioned situation with a player being attached to a club, which will be the reversed situation: clubs will be attached to a player so that the player’s profile will not be doubled up on. Hopefully this new system will work for us and give us more options-we have not yet had an opportunity to preview it as of this date. I would like to thank all members for their efficient registration cooperation, all volunteers for their efforts and our Junior committee for their hard work to keep the Junior side of our club in good order. Also, much thanks to Robert Browne, our president, Mike Ashburn (Senior Secretary), Vicki Dornom (Treasurer), Glenn Letts (Junior Co-ordinator) and Raelene Murphy (Uniforms) for your support during the season. Regards Marion Baartmans.

JUNIOR COMMITEE Like all sporting clubs, SBC relies on individuals who put their hand up to say that they can help out. These members are the heart and soul of our club. In these days when everyone is time poor, the countless hours they put in is to be commended and is the very reason why our club is so successful. Being the junior coordinator, I am very fortunate to have such a fine group off members to support me and I would like to thank them all sincerely. The committee has many varied positions (and some that are not too demanding) and I invite anyone interested to come on board if they can spare the time and enjoy the just rewards that come with it. FINAL WRAP Each year when I reflect on the passing season, I have nothing but good thoughts going through my mind. We have all the right ingredients for a successful junior program and I feel privileged to be a part of it. The support that I receive from both the junior and senior committee members is just amazing, as well as the thanks from all of the parents. In closing I wish to thank Marion for assisting me as the Junior Secretary once again and for looking after the registrations and generally assisting with the new parents and players. Not forgetting my three sons, who all play for the Eagles (Daniel-Russell-Jack) thanks guys for being so supportive of me throughout the season. Regards Glenn Letts. Junior Co-ordinator S.B.C. AGM - Page 28

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Premiers Division 2

Summer Season 2016-2017 Back row: Mike Ashburn (Scorer), Jared Van hoon, Lewis Weldon, Adam Irons, Talyer Rowe, Gavin Young (Assist coach), Jordan Young, Middle: Nathan Gatt, Jarrad Norquay, Lane Koski, Grant Weir (Coach), Rory Meddick, Brent Davis, Chad Galloway, Griffin Weir Front: Jamie Young, Shannon Hornstra, Jason Tutt

Premiers Division 2

Summer Season 2016-2017 Back row: Leigh Davis, Huan-Huei Hsin, Jim Kelly, Marc McKenner, Earl Byrne, Daniel Wilkie (Coach), Stuart Clayton, Stephen Blackmore, Stewart Provis Dave Gathercole Front: Graham May, Jacob Green, Joshua Byrne, Michael Vanston. Scorer: Joanne Formossa

Premiers North West 36+ Summer Season 2016-2017 Back row: Kaine Murphy, Luke Searla (Coach), Floyd Holliday, Phil Caudwell, Glenn Greene, Earl Byrne, Loui Kourouklis, Michelle Partridge (Scorer) Front: Tolly Browne, Michael Vanston, Mark Adams, Leigh Davis, Kris Keifel

Runners Up Metro West Summer Season 2016-2017 Left to right: Jared Van Hoon (Coach), Anthony Silva, Ben Murphy, Harvey Browne, Joshua Byrne, Robert Zboril, Tyrus Haxby (front) Martin Zboril (back), Rupert Fischer, Zachary Palonek, Luke Radford, Ben Jansen, Rosia-maree Guglielmino, Raelene Murphy (Scorer) Kira Jansen Absent: Earl Byrne (assist coach).

Runners Up Junior League Summer Season 2016-2017 Left to right: Stevan Zdihan, Martin Zboril, Jett Quach, Connor Glavan, Darcy Hopkins, Yainni Kourouklis, Hayden Galloway, Chad Galloway (Coach), Kira Jansen, Robert Zboril, Te Manawa Staples Rei, Tyrus Haxby, Harvey Browne, Ben Jansen. Scorers: Ana Quach, Melinda Griffin

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Sunshine Baseball Club is very fortunate to have the support of our sponsors listed below and we look forward to con nuing our partnership with them into next season and beyond.










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George Kirby

Harold Wright



Albert Ellis

William Martin

Stewart Ross x 3



Edward King

Pat Dalling

Keith Hebb



Norman Green



Stewart Ross



Wally McPherson



Tom Laffin



Pat Dalling

















Jack Coakes

Jack Crook Des Mitchell

Tom Tribe Barry Blackmore x 7

William Searle

John Viney

Kevin Booth

Kerry McGuire x 17

Jim Scott

John Mahoney x 5

Lindsay Doubleday

Bill Shepherd


Don Deeble



Kerry Maguire



Norm McArthur









Mick Laffan John Viney Lindsay Barnes



Geoff Fischer



Colin McKenner









Roc Kirby



Eddy Sutherland



Ron Holden










Wally McPherson

Lee Willey

Jack Paisley



William Searle

Don Deeble x 10



0ssie Dwyer

Barry Blackmore



Jack Crook x 5

Jim Scott

Jack McCrae

Jack Clarke


Tom Dalling

Norman Green x 5

Tom Jones Jack Carter

Ern Jones

Max Alchin

Des Mitchell Barry Blackmore Lindsay Barnes x 4 Bill Shepherd John Viney Daryl McGregor Ron Mannion Don Knapp Don Kyle Dennis Kennedy x 2 Jim Kelly Steven Blackmore x 4 Craig Spry x 3

Craig Spry John Galloway x 6

Norm Durston Peter Jacobsson Ian Goldsworthy Ron Meates Ron Sutherland Stuart Clayton David Richardson Doug Brown Ron May Josh Peterson









John Galloway



Phil Beckwith


PREMIERS U17s / U15s






PREMIERS U17s / U15s

Stuart Clayton


PREMIERS U18s / U17s

Ross Wiltshire


PREMIERS U15s / U13s



John Mahoney Earl Byrne Greg Murden Doug Brown x 2 Chad Galloway Peter Kyle John Kirby Jamie Burrows Eric Nicholls

Marc McKenner Greg Wiltshire x 5

Russell Spear

Allan Chinn

Matthew Kent

Kent Spry

Peter Stokes Ryan Trytten




PREMIERS U16s / U14s / U12s

Jerry O'Connor



Michael Ashburn

Jason Benson



Ray Haxby

Adam Irons x 2






PREMIERS U12S / U14s / U16s


RUNNERS UP U18s / U16s

Jim Kelly


RUNNERS UP U14s / U16s

Vic Rand

Graham May Lindsay Fenner

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Rory Meddick Chris Prokupek Eric Bruns Brent Davis Jared Van Hoon

Margaret Mahoney x 5 Adrian Vansantvoort x 3 Maree Hughes x 3

Ross Wiltshire x 6 Michael Ashburn x 16

CLUB SONG No matter where you go You'll always hear of Sunshine The team that's always out to win

A better bunch of fellas You won't find in a lifetime They always come out with a grin

We've had our adverse times As well as good and we can take it Like all good sports should

So when you hear this song You know it won't be long Till were right up on the top again

Two, four, six, eight Who do we appreciate S U N S H I N E


Sunshine Baseball Club Inc, 5 Talmage Street Sunshine Vic 3020 Ph. (03) 9311 1305 Fax. (03) 9364 9712 Affiliated Victorian Baseball Association, Licensed Clubs Association Incorporation Number A0002586G ABN: 44 527 807 406 Web page -

To the best of our knowledge, the information that has been published in this AGM booklet represents the events and details of the summer baseball season of 2016 - 2017

We would like to thank Joanne Formossa for prin ng the AGM booklet this season

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