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MINING smarter, NOT harder

Thanks to technological innovations and implementation, the process of getting minerals from pit to port is productive, efficient



We’ve all heard the phrase: work smarter not harder. This is literally true for the mining industry because thanks to smart technologies, mining processes are not as labour-intensive, dangerous or timeconsuming as they used to be.

It has been interesting to see how the mining industry – at one point mistakenly thought to be against technology – has not only embraced technology but also taken a leadership stance in investing in research innovation and technology.

Benefits of tech in mining

There is no denying that technology has improved the mining industry. Productivity and efficiency are among the areas where technology has made a major impact. Before innovative technologies, mine workers had to make do with heavy manual rock drills. Today, we are increasingly seeing the deployment of automated and remote-operated drills in mines. Materials handling, transport and logistics are other areas reaping the benefits of technology in mining. While wheelbarrows and horse-drawn carriages were once considered efficient methods to transport the ore, today, materials handling, transport and logistics are made up of conveyor belts, large RDTs, trailer trucks, trains and commercial ships that can carry thousands of containers. In other countries such as Australia, mines make use of autonomous haulage systems that include dump trucks and trains.

Technology has made the biggest impact on health and safety where mines now have innovative resources to keep employees safe. There are no guarantees in life, especially in the mining industry, which is dangerous by nature. However, technology has enabled mines to closely monitor their operations for any potential dangers that could lead to unwanted incidents on-site. Tools like proximity detection systems, collision avoidance systems, mine rescue chambers, sensors in PPE and many more have made the mining environment safer for employees.

Research and innovation have been crucial in the technological advancement of the mining industry. Mining companies are aware of this and have partnered with higher institutions to work on research projects that could assist in solving problems facing the industry.

It is exciting to see where the mining industry is headed with technology, especially taking into account artificial intelligence, virtual reality, data, analytics and Industry 4.0.