Edition 4 July 2023

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Newspaper - 60mmX59,5_Clarke&Co.indd 1 brigHt minds win award arts alive in maleny PAGE 5 ‘Don’t climb’
HIKERS are being asked not to climb Mt Tibrogargan as a sign of respect for the Kabi Kabi people during NAIDOC Week. The request, posted on the Department of Environment website, follows local Jinibara man, BJ Murphy, who urged hikers to consider the cultural sensitivities of Mt Beerwah before climbing. “Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) and the Kabi Kabi First Nations People are asking visitors to please consider not climbing the culturally sensitive summit of Tibrogargan—to give nature a ‘rest’ and as a sign of respect for the Kabi Kabi people,” the post stated. Page 4 CheCk out our speCial 8-page liftout p17-24 5438 7445 GC&MNews growing your business is our business Discover the difference advertising in a local independent newspaper can make Contact Tina or Lewis on 5438 7445 or email advertising@gcnews.com.au GC&M News ... for all your marketing needs. Let us help you with your print and digital advertising plans Growingminds love to garden ConneCting the Communities of glasshouse Country and the BlaCkall range www.gcnews.com.au J uly 4, 2023 | e dition 38-08 free s pe C ial Q ld garden expo: 8-page liftout inside



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16 Coonowrin Road, Glass House Mountains

5438 7445

PO Box 190, Beerwah 4519



THERE’S been a significant amount of community feedback following Telstra’s weeks of outages across the hinterland. The revelation that the upgrades were for capacity and 5G services now not coverage, stoked a level of annoyance as addressed in this week’s letters (p27).

An interesting perspective taken by one reader was the uproar when towers were being introduced to the area years ago. And the assertion that people power led to the placement of towers in less than ideal locations. That’s not to let Telstra off the hook for its abysmal lack of communication.

A well-timed ombudsman’s report into the failings of the telco industry has dropped at the same time.

It raises legitimate and confirmed issues that are very well known in the hinterland.

A discussion with local member for Fisher Andrew Wallace at the Maleny Commerce business breakfast on July 11 will make for an interesting morning.

Interestingly, Telstra has just this week signed a deal with Elon Musk’s Starlink to provide broadband and voice services.

Maleny residents particularly will know Starlink provide high quality broadband in an area that struggles to deliver with other services given the terrain. But with that reliability came a steep cost.

The question is what can Telstra add to


the service that customers can’t get going directly through Starlink?

Pricing is yet to come, but ahead of this, you would imagine it will pay to do your homework.

Another big issue we’ve been reporting on is the camping at Beerwah Sportsground. Following our coverage of what has been nothing short of a debacle regarding the on, off, on again, off again, on occasionally camping rules, the Sunshine Coast Council chief executive officer has now called for a review of the situation.

It’s a sensible move, but a sensible outcome is not assured given recent decisions.

Finally, GC&M News has officially moved its office! We can now be found at 6/35 Swan Street, Beerwah - the Glasshouse Country Centre - so please head over and say g’day. While any move is stressful, going through all our old copies (and framing a few of our favourite covers) has been a nice journey and shows how far the publication and the region has come in the past 37 years.

Here’s to 37 more!

2 | JULY 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au
Glasshouse Country & Maleny News @gcmnews DEADLINE WEDNESDAY, 12 NOON NEXT EDITION - JULY
Support our Local Businesses www.golocalhinterland.com.au Find out how we can help your business through local advertising, call 5438 7445. Visit and join us in Keeping Business Local.
Bobs and Greta getting into the spirit of our 8-page gardening liftout ahead of this weekend’s Queensland Garden Expo. P17-24.

Country View Club celebrates 20 years

GLASSHOUSE Country View Club

celebrated their 20th Birthday in style with a high morning tea. The ladies enjoyed champagne and punch on the deck before sitting down to their high tea which included a range of lovely savoury and sweet delights. Four founder members were in attendance; Gwen spoke of the initial set up of the club, and Mary of all the fun outings we have had over the years. We were joined by guests from View Clubs in Noosaville, Caloundra, Buderim and Bribie Island. It was a fun morning with lots of raffles and a surprise birthday cake. Our next outing will be on July 5 when we will have a soup morning at a member’s home. Our club raises funds for the Smith Family and the Learning for Life Program. Any ladies who are interested in coming along to one of our events or would like to join our club should contact either Adrienne on 0408 486 124 or Janet on 0448 845 303, www.view.org.au or find us on facebook.

Camping for events only

THE Sunshine Coast Council is reviewing the suitability of camping at the Beerwah Sportsground as local retailers suffer the impacts of a decline of ‘drive-thru’ tourists. It follows the cancellation of a contract that would have allowed daily camping.

Division 1 Councillor and Deputy Mayor, Rick Baberowski, said that it was acknowledged camping provided flow-on benefits to the town, “but also that there has been a long history of public safety concerns and therefore oscillating tension between (camping and sportsground events) over many years”. “That’s why the CEO has called for a review,” he added. Beerwah Hair and Beauty Owner Jini Shah said the closure of the campground

had resulted in a 30 per cent decline in revenue. “Having camping at the Beerwah Sportsground is good for everybody, it’s good for cafes, restaurants, even Woolies down the road,” she said.

She also feared it may exacerbate retail closures in an already difficult economic environment.

“It makes us wonder if we are the next business to go, we are facing a problem as our business has been really slow,” she said.

Glasshouse Country Chamber of Commerce President, Jenny Broderick, said the impact on businesses in Beerwah was detrimental and driving tourists away.

“The ongoing issues surrounding the closure of camping at Beerwah Sportsground is causing significant financial disruption to our local businesses,” she

said. “The inability to host drive tourism in Beerwah town centre means that people will bypass Glasshouse Country all together, and go to a place they are welcomed.

“Businesses on Simpson Street are seeing a decrease in sales as a result of the closure.

There is significant, documented evidence showing that when people come and stay at the Sportsground caravan park, they spend money in our local community.

“They go and buy lunch, have tea and coffee, get their hair done, they use the services available to them. If they are now bypassing Beerwah, our community misses out on all of that.” Jenny added that Glasshouse Country was already lacking in accommodation options in general in order to allow tourists to stay in our area for a longer period of time. “We need more

accommodation for our travellers and particularly for people who want to pull up in their campervans and caravans,” she said.

“We lack facilities for them to do that in Beerwah.

“We are a drive tourism area, however, right now we don’t have sufficient facility for the caravan and RV campers we could potentially host. They are choosing not to stay in Beerwah and moving on to the next available Caravan and RV Friendly town. We need a plan, and right now, it doesn’t appear like there is one.”

Cr Baberowski said his ongoing focus was to ensure “the sportsground continues to provide the right standards of service for the community and offer a safe and secure home to the long standing community groups and their diverse members”.

JULY 4, 2023 | 3

High fire risk

GOVERNMENTS at all levels are being urged to prepare for a potentially devastating fire season ahead with the Climate Council of Australia warning that prolific vegetation growth over recent years due to a protracted La Niña event could potentially create ‘powder keg’ conditions.

Inspector Andrew Allan, Rural Fire Service Area Director Sunshine Coast, acknowledged that wet conditions over the last three years may have temporarily dampened our bushfire risk, however with these conditions set to change over the coming months; now was the time for residents to prepare.

He said since 2020, the combination of rain and overall weather conditions had produced a large body of fuel not only on the Sunshine Coast but throughout the state.

“This type of increased fuel growth contains a lot of vegetation and grass, which can lead to a continuous fuel load - this basically means fires can continue and not stop. There are concerns that spring 2023/ summer 2024 could be shaping up to be a significant fire season,” warned Inspector Allan.

He said over the last few years the wet conditions had meant the windows of opportunity for mitigation strategies had been missed, however that window existed now and residents would have noticed increased hazard reduction activity over the last three-four weeks.

He said Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) had been working alongside local Council and Queensland Parks and Wildlife crews to activate fire breaks, create fire trails and ensure mechanical forms

of fuel reduction. Inspector Allan said authorities would be closely monitoring conditions over the next two months to provide a better indication of what sort of fire season could be ahead.

“The next six to eight weeks will really shape up what we could be in for, and there is a high possibility of fires affecting us on the Sunshine Coast. That is why at this time of year we are prioritising mitigation activities along with strategic burns to create a buffer zone between the bush and residences, and lessen the impact on community,” Inspector Allan said.

With the probability of Australia entering an El Niño pattern of hotter drier conditions ahead, Inspector Allan reiterated that

Tibrogargan closed for NAIDOC week

HIKERS are being asked not to climb Mt Tibrogargan as a sign of respect for the Kabi Kabi people during NAIDOC Week.

The request, posted on the Department of Environment website, follows local Jinibara man, BJ Murphy, who urged hikers to consider the cultural sensitivities of Mt Beerwah before climbing. That peak remains closed following a vandalism attack. The post to the government website states NAIDOC Week was “an opportunity for all Australians to come together to celebrate the rich history, diverse cultures and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the oldest continuing cultures on the planet”.

fire preparation was a shared community responsibility.

“Our highly trained rural fire fighters are in the community doing hazard mitigation but it’s a shared responsibility that also comes down to property owners to prepare their properties for any potential fire season ahead,” he said.

Inspector Allan said simple measures such as regular property vegetation maintenance including regular lawn mowing and trimming overhead branches would help reduce the risk of fire impact. Removing flammable material from around the home, ensuring gutters are cleared, and making sure residents had a bushfire survival plan in place were recommended.

“During this year’s NAIDOC Week (2-9 July), Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service (QPWS) and the Kabi Kabi First Nations People are asking visitors to please consider not climbing the culturally sensitive summit of Tibrogargan—to give nature a ‘rest’ and as a sign of respect for the Kabi Kabi people.”

On Saturday, 8 July, the Kabi Kabi people and QPWS rangers will celebrate NAIDOC Week at the Tibrogargan Day Use Area and be available to talk to interested visitors about the mountain and challenges of park management.

Medicare Child Dental Bene ts welcome Dentistry you can trust Creating Healthy Smiles since 1995 Mark Hall Shreeragh Sagar Enquire: cotrmaleny.org CHURCH ON THE RISE Sundays 9.30am Maleny Sports Park Phone: 0402 345 477 MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30AM 1HR $15 Faith Baer Ph 0488 2066 85 Zumba GOLD - Fun Dance Fitness $13 Multi Class Discounts Call or text to book your spot with Faith 485 Old Landsborough Rd Landsborough hall 4 | JULY 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au LOCAL NEWS
Photo credit Queensland Fire and Emergency Services
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Arts Alive in Maleny

THE streets of Maleny are set to come alive in a vibrant collaboration of creativity and community that promises a ‘circus of the senses’ in a bold new arts fringe festival event on Friday August 4, 2023.

Organised by a team of passionate community arts advocates and led by local arts coordinator Steve McLeish, Arts Alive Maleny will see Maple Street transformed at dusk into a fully immersive and interactive creative experience set to highlight and celebrate our regions rich and diverse artistic culture.

Speaking with GC&M News, Mr McLeish said he was looking forward to bringing this engaging showcase to the main street of Maleny, and the exciting possibility of not only drawing the whole town together, but also connecting the community to the incredible world class talent of the artists that reside in our Hinterland region. He said Arts Alive would be an event like no other, and it would be the first of its kind at this scale in Maleny.

Mr McLeish acknowledged while the Arts Alive fringe festival could be viewed as yet another event in an increasingly packed schedule happening across the region, he said he hoped people would appreciate that Arts Alive was specifically a celebration of local artists

He said the concept had been created to primarily support the regions’ Hinterland artists and said Arts Alive was not just another arts event but rather a way for local artists to take back the town and to publicly highlight that Maleny is an artistic hub that deserves an arts precinct.

“While this is certainly a celebration of the arts, this is also about a much bigger vision we hold; which is to prove that Maleny is an arts village and that we want and need an arts precinct, so we are essentially creating this event around what we see as the arts precinct area,” said Mr McLeish.

When asked why he felt the arts deserved more recognition,

Mr McLeish said he felt the arts whether it be music, painting, performance or any other creative medium were fundamentally important to society.

He said at an intrinsic level it was the arts that got people through the hard times and helped them celebrate the good times, “It is so important for society to encourage, nourish and maintain the arts and importantly support the artist as they are the ones that will create the art that will support you through the various milestones in life, and so that is why we’ve created this event - purely to celebrate our artists,” said Mr McLeish.

Mr McLeish said he felt Arts Alive would also allow the community to reach down and connect with their own inner artist. He said he hoped people would feel inspired, and would want to explore their own artistic journey by maybe trying something new. He also hoped people would connect and have something ignite within them; that then sparked their own creativity.

“People should come along and experience the incredible wonderland that will be created in town, we’ll have the main street closed to traffic at dusk and subsequently have Maple Street come alive with light shows and art projections, live music, street performances, interactive art installations, dance, puppetry and theatre, along with a range of intimate gatherings in local cafes and restaurants, artisan stalls and so much more!” said Mr McLeish.

People are encouraged to support the event by purchasing tickets online prior to the night, and more information can be found at www.artsalivemaleny.com.au

All funds raised from ticket sales will go directly back into supporting the Hinterland arts community.

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Photo Credits: James Adams and Jody Gilchrist
Arts Alive would be an event like no other, and would be the first of its kind at this scale in Maleny
Steve McLeish

New to the neighbourhood

THE Maleny Neighbourhood Centre (MNC) has welcomed Madonna Hampson as the new Centre Coordinator. Madonna brings an impressive professional resume in leadership roles and prior not-for- profit sector experience which she combines with a genuine personal warmth and passion for community capacity building.

GC&M News caught up with Madonna recently who said she was settling into the new role well. She said she had spent the last month or so finding her feet, getting to know the programs and people at the centre, and discovering more about what issues were important to the community. She said she was loving the opportunity to work within such an exceptionally community focused environment, and said since taking on the position at the end of May, she felt privileged to be able to bring her skills to support the work of the centre, and looked forward to working alongside the team to navigate forward and continue to address and meet the needs of the community.

Q: What made you decide to work at the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre?

I am passionate about improving the lives of individuals and the community and felt that the Maleny Neighbourhood Centre offered an environment where I could work with a team to make a positive impact on the lives of others. The role also offered the opportunity to utilise my operational and people management skills in a for purpose organisation.

Q: What are you looking forward to achieving for the community as the new coordinator?

To embrace the rich history of the centre

had volunteered with the foundation as a mentor to support youth and disadvantaged women. My time with IBFF cemented my passion for youth, to guide and inspire them to believe in themselves and achieve their goals.

Q: What are some of your skills that will bring to this role?

I have built my career on aligning with organisations’ values, working with teams and individuals to make a positive difference. Being driven with a positive disposition, I enjoy navigating challenges and strive for continuous improvement.

I work to create an environment of open communication, where everyone is inspired and motivate to be the best version of themselves.

Q: Now you have had a chance to settle in; what do you love about working with the MNC?

To have the opportunity to work in an environment that exists to help those in need and provide opportunities for community connection and well-being is a privilege. Each day I am inspired by the community, the people that volunteer their time here at the centre, those who give, the visitors to the centre and the support staff.

Q: Finally, why did you decide to move to Maleny and what do you enjoy about living in here?

Having navigated our role as parents and successfully watched our children leave to embrace their own life journey, we wanted to create the next chapter of our journey. Maleny offered the ideal place for a veggie patch, chickens, and the space that we were seeking. The beauty of the hills and the strong sense of community made the decision to settle here an easy one.

eastonlawyers your local Lawyers Open 8.30am to 5pm Monday to Friday p 5494 3511 62 Maple Street, Maleny PO Box 255, Maleny Qld 4552 and Notary Public SINCLAIR TOUR & TRAVEL Phone today to book! 5494 5083 www.sinclairtours.com SMALLER GROUPS MORE FUN! LIKE US ON FACEBOOK! Ex TEN d E d T OURS Small Groups! dAy T OURS with Pick ups 8 Aug Woodlands Mansion Marburg 17 Aug Summerland Camels 15 Aug Brisbane EKKA 9 Aug Mama Mia QPAC 23 Aug Mary Valley Rattler 6 Sept Tin Can Bay Cruise 12 Sept Sanctuary Cove Cruise 23 Sept Dirty Dancing 1 Oct Disney Princesses QPAC 5 Oct Gershwin Ballet QPAC 7 Oct Bjorn Again ABBA QPAC 26 Oct Best of Bee Gees QPAC 25 Nov James Morrison – QPAC dec 23 Aida Qld Opera QPAC 27 July Childers Festival & Whale Watching 7 Sept Steam Train Miles Festival 30 Aug Down the Darling River 28 Aug Miss Saigon Opera House 14 Sept Floriade, Bowral, Healesville 23 Sept Toowoomba carnival 3 days 12 Sept Sanctuary Cove Cruise 2 Oct Perth, Rottnest Island, Shark Bay, Monkey Mia, Pinnacles 21 Oct Japan’s Highlights 7 Nov Granite Belt Wine/Cheese 20 Nov King Island and Tassie’s West 20 Nov O’Reilly’s Rainforest Retreat 20 dec South Aust Christmas 1 Feb Lord Howe Island 6 days 1 Mar Apple/Grape Festival 2 Mar Norfolk Island 8 days dec 23 High Country Holiday 6 | JULY 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au LOCAL NEWS
Madonna Hampson is the new Centre Coordinator at MNC
MNC offered an environment where I could work with a team to make a positive impact
Madonna Hampson

Hinterland club hosts first BMX state series

THE Hinterland BMX Club recently hosted its very first state series round at the club’s grounds in Mooloolah, and had 42 riders from the club compete.

Throughout the six rounds of the Hutsix BMX State Series, riders collect points in their relevant BMX riding divisions, which then goes towards an overall tally.

At the Gympie State Championships, the top eight riders from each division will attend a presentation to determine who earnt the most points and therefore, is the winner of their division.

The local Mooloolah BMX club hosted round four of the state series, and Hinterland BMX Club secretary Jaclyn Smith said it was a great day for the club and the state series competitors.

“We had around 600 riders in total, and had the major elite riders on the coast so we had out superclass division, and also our juniors, men’s, and women’s as well. It was a fantastic day,” she said.

“Our club riders who competed on the day had everything from firsts, seconds and thirds, with many of the riders at the

top of their divisions and most placed in the top eight.”

Jaclyn said the club couldn’t have run this special event without the help of all their valued volunteers, who ensured the day would be a success.

“We can’t run those events without our volunteers, and our volunteers came from all over Queensland offering to help. Our crew in the canteen kept the facility immaculate all day, and ensured hot food kept rolling out all day,” she said.

Bruce Highway is a top ‘red spot congestion’

CONGESTION on the Bruce Highway and other major roads in south-east Queensland has been identified as a significant issue in the latest Red Spot Congestion Survey conducted by RACQ.

Four out of the top five congested roads were identified as orbital motorways, including the Pacific Motorway, Bruce Highway - from Pine River Bridge to Caloundra - the Centenary Motorway, and Gateway Motorway. Dr Michael Kane, RACQ’s Head of Public Policy, emphasised the need for decisive action from the government to improve and complete the transport network in Brisbane. With the

approaching 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games, members of RACQ are calling for existing motorways and public transport corridors to be fixed, finished, and extended. There are bottlenecks in the orbital motorway network, such as the Logan Motorway, that require attention, and ongoing projects need to be completed. Additionally, missing links in certain sections of the network need to be extended. To alleviate congestion and prevent traffic overload on certain roads like the Inner City Bypass and Pacific Motorway, there is a need for a “Western Bypass” link, which would complete a full outer-orbital

road network around Brisbane City.

RACQ also highlighted concerns raised by members regarding key roads leading into the city, stressing the need for improved public transport infrastructure on these radial routes.

Enoggera Road, South Pine Road, Gympie Road, and Old Cleveland Road could benefit from better public transport options to ease congestion. Dr Kane further emphasised the importance of strategic long-term planning for the city’s growth and transportation needs, especially with the projected population of 4.5 million people in the south-east region within the next decade.

“The positive feedback from the riders was fantastic for our crew that puts so much time and effort in, it’s a small group of volunteers who maintain and do everything, so to have such great feedback fills our heart.”

He called for proactive planning to create the desired future cityscape and address the challenges resulting from inadequate past planning.

The Red Spot Congestion Survey is conducted biennially by RACQ to monitor and assess congestion levels.

SPORTS BAR | POOL TABLE | POKIES | LOYALTY PROGRAM | TAB | KENO | FOX SPORTS | PROMOS 10 Reed Street, Glass House Mountains | www.glasshousetavern.com.au | 07 5493 0933 | OPEN 7 DAYS FOR LUNCH & DINNER Book a table via our website www.glasshousetavern.com.au NEW MENU OUT NOW! BRAND NEW KIDS MENU! Bring the family down for a Sunday morning breakfast! EXTENDED GAMING ROOM 10 BRAND NEW GAMING MACHINES $10,000 GAMING PROMO NEW OPENING HOURS For more information visit our website SUNDAY - THURSDAY 10AM - 10PM FRIDAY - SATURDAY 10AM - MIDNIGHT www.gcnews.com.au

Skatepark win!

MALENY community advocates are thrilled that an amplified campaign to upgrade the aging and outdated Maleny Skatepark has now been heard and endorsed by Sunshine Coast Council, with news that the much needed rebuild project has been given the green light.

Earlier this year, community members banded together to launch a persistent and progressive petition to have a new skate park facility built.

After months of campaigning and enlisting local media and community support, lead petitioner Amy Wilson said she was ecstatic to have received a letter from Division 5 Councillor Winston Johnston and Sunshine Coast Council confirming the skate park upgrade project has been


Blue Light

WELL, I am very excited to report that our last Blue Light Dance Party was a great success with around 90 children attending! It was so great to see them all having fun, including a mega conga line started by some of our police recruits who had volunteered to help with supervision for the night.

As always big thanks to Woolworths and Fresh and Save at Beerwah for their support and to Australia Zoo for a fantastic



endorsed in the 2024/25 capital works program. She said she was pleased that council had listened to the community, and she said this was a massive win for local youth, families, and skate park uses of all ages.

“This is all about supporting our young people and proving that people power can make a difference,” she said.

“We are all so thrilled our persistence and petitioning as a community has paid off. This is proof that effective community collaboration can work and it can give people hope that together we can make a difference and achieve positive change,” explained Ms Wilson.

Ms Wilson said she wanted to thank

lucky door prize.

Our next event is on Friday August 25, 7pm to 9pm. If you want to keep up to date with when our events are head over to the Beerwah Blue Light Facebook page and give it a like.

Road Toll

Sadly this years road toll in Queensland is already at 115 deaths. While this figure is slightly down from the same time in 2021 and 2022 it is well up on previous years. In

Voice ‘no’ vote takes hold


dishearteningdisrepair for Maleny

council for listening and responding to community concerns, and said the next stage would be the commencement of community consultation around the rebuild design, currently scheduled for 2023/2024, however she understood planning dates

just over a third of fatal crashes speed was a factor. Drink and drug driving account for another forty percent, with fatigue and distraction a factor in the remainder. We can all play a part in reducing the toll by making good decisions every time we get behind the wheel. Remember the Fatal Five speeding, drink or drug driving, not wearing a seatbelt, driving tired and distracted driving.

Recent Statistics

In the last quarter (end of March to end of June) there have been a total of 61 offences reported in the whole of Beerwah Division relating to entering or stealing property or vehicles. Of the 61 there were 18 reports of

stolen vehicles in the 3-month period. There were 36 reports of unlawful entry which covers entry into both residential properties and commercial such as shops etc.

As a point of comparison Caloundra Division had 119 reports in the same period and Maroochydore had 182.

While we are lucky to live in an area with a relatively low crime rate it’s important to remember that there will always be opportunistic criminals. Lock your house and car even if you are only going to be away from them for a short time.

If you are interested in more crime statistics head to www.police.qld.gov.au/ maps-and-statistics and follow the link.


Talk to Richard and Jane about optimising your business P: (07) 5239 8916 or 0435 877 802 Tax & BAS Bookkeeping YOUR ONE-STOP TAXATION, BOOKKEEPING & PAYROLL SOLUTION! Shop B, 48 Simpson Street, Beerwah Phone 5306 4999 or 0447 453 555 sales@coastimagewear.com.au EMBROIDERY & PRINT The Pump House Beerwah is more than just a pump shop. It now stocks BAR high pressure cleaners. The BAR range are designed and manufactured in Italythey are of the highest quality and durable. 11 Free Street, Beerwah. Phone 54946166 or email beerwah@thepumphouse.com.au Beerwah Flowers and Gifts Ph. 0417 946 755 Wedding Consultations by Appointment 40 Old Peachester Rd, Beerwah 8 | JULY 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au
Contact numbers for the Beerwah Station 5436 5222 | Policelink 131444 and Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000
with Senior Constable Susan Lowndes Beerwah Police Station
Penny McCreery Lember & Williams Solicitors ������������������������������������ ������������������������ ����������������������������������� ������������������������������� ���������������������������� www.landw.com.au ����������� 13 Bunya Street, Maleny Q 4552 ��������������� 7 Annie Street, Caboolture Q 4510 �����������������5495 1499 www.coastimagewear.com.au Shop B, 48 Simpson Street, Beerwah Phone 5306 4999 0447 453 sales@coastimagewear.com.au555 EMBROIDERY & PRINT Beerwah Flowers and Gifts Ph. 0417 946 755 40 Old Peachester Rd, Beerwah OPEN FOR PLANTS & GIFT PURCHASES Thursdays – Saturdays 9am to 3pm a 0 Talk to Richard and Jane about optimising your business P: (07) 5239 8916 or 0435 877 802 richard@solutiondriven.net.au W: solutiondriven.net.au Shop 11/21 Peachester Rd, Beerwah Tax & BAS Bookkeeping Xero PayrollSpecialists $30 OFF TAX RETURNS IN APRIL 0666 | Shed Beerwah Parade, Beerwah atlgraphix.com.au sales@atlgraphix.com.au Modern 3D Signage optio Small yet Powerful Tea Local, Family-run Business 24 years Architectural Signage Experience NEW OWNER Enquire: cotrmaleny.org CHURCH ON THE RISE Sundays 9.30am Maleny Sports Park Phone: 0402 345 477 | APRIL 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au LOCAL NEWS By Sonia Isaacs A DESPERATELY needed upgrade to a much-loved skate park could be delayed by another seven years despite an already years long battle for improvements as frustrated locals rally to demand immediate action. Local riders of the Maleny Skate Park are calling on Sunshine Coast Council to prioritise a much-needed upgrade to the skate park, which has fallen into disrepair despite nearly a decade of discussion, design plan approval and the rubberstamp to go ahead. Council said an existing half-pipe would soon be replaced with a new eight-metre wide half pipe with a high performance Skatelite wear surface. But while a design for the main concrete section has been completed, there is no budget for Residentsconstruction. were shocked when they were told recently they could be waiting until 2030 before the upgrade was budgeted. In response they have organised a petition, which has already gained 800 signatures, and are planning a community event on April 13 to highlight their concerns. Witta resident and mother of two teenage sons, Amy Wilson, said she was a regular visitor to the park and in the past six years had observed a marked increase in usage of the facility at the same time as the facility deteriorated. “Over the past few months, I’ve regularly counted approximately 35 kids of all ages using the skate park daily,” she said. “While there is an inclusive atmosphere with people using the shared space with appropriate care, the sheer volume of children and young adults in that space is a difficulty as Maleny skate park remains one of the smallest and oldest skate parks on the Sunshine Coast.” She said the community was desperately in need of free facilities for youth, families and the young-at-heart and cited ongoing concerns around the safety and amenity of the Council-owned facility that was uneven and weathered. Ms Wilson said the skate park was often unusable during winter and the wetter months due increased debris from the surrounding trees creating a damp environment prone to mould and increased accidents. Maleny resident and professional skateboarder, Curtis Hay, said he had been involved in the original push to improves facilities dating back to 2015. Recently, returning to Maleny, he said he was totally disheartened to see the ongoing level of neglect and disrepair at the skate park. He said years of weather exposure and ground movement had impacted the
community facility and he felt it was just not being maintained adequately. “While might just be an old skateboarder that’s returned back to Maleny, I’m going to continue to make noise and point out the fact that it is a council asset that is not being maintained. I’d just like a safe space to skate and share with the community,” said Mr Hay. Division 5 Councillor, Winston acknowledgedJohnston, the Maleny Skate park restorationrequired and repair work, and said it was important for council to provide facilities to keep young people active and engaged. He said while council had immediate plans to replace the rusted half pipe over coming months, he had been surprised to learn that the refurbishmentplanned of the overall facility had been deferred to 2030 and he would be working with the community and Council to try and bring the project forward. A Sunshine Coast Council spokesperson confirmed Council undertook a comprehensive audit of the region’s skate parks between June 2021 and June 2022 which documented the status and identified opportunities for improvements. They also confirmed they had been liaising with the Maleny community on a design for the skate park which is planned to be upgraded in two stages. “The new ramp will be installed this year, subject to contractor availability,” the spokesperson said. “A design has also been established for the concrete section of the skate park and is subject to funding. “Sunshine Coast Council has 29 skate parks across our region and undertakes $200,000 worth of maintenance works each year to improve our skate parks. “Further improvements will be considered each year based on available funding and priorities.” To find out more or support the local campaign visit www.facebook. com/MalenySkateboardCommunity or www.change.org/p/maleny-skateparkmaintenance ACCOUNTING FLOWERS AND GIFTS SIGNAGE WORKWEAR TAKE MY CARD A PLACE TO FIND THE LOCAL PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS SERVICES Amy Wilson with her son Beau and the skate park (inset). Maleny Halfpipe Perspective would be prioritised to commence as soon as possible. The skatepark facility rebuild will be in addition to already established plans for a half pipe commission, expected to be completed by September, weather permitting. 5494 1153 www.savagelandscapesupplies.com.au 20 Tytherleigh Ave, Landsborough OPEN Mon-Fri : 7am-4:30pm Sat : 7:30am-1pm Soil Yourself #GetSavage NOW STOCKING FIREWOOD!!!! 20mm Mary River Gravel 3.5 Tonne Excavator & Posi Track HIRE Delivery available to all local areasExpert advice and competitive prices win $1,000 Come into the yard for a BBQ breakfast with on the 20th of April between 6am-9am for your chance to win $1000!!!! APRIL 18, 2023 | 5 www.gcnews.com.au LOCAL NEWS Community joins forces for skate park upgrade THE message is simple: Give us the skate park we deserve... please. After last month’s disappointing news that Sunshine Coast Council would likely not find a budget to upgrade the Maleny Skate Park for another seven years, local park users, families and community groups joined together last week to show just how much a new facility would mean to the community. The current concrete part of the park is crumbling and getting past its use-by date with regular attention needed to fix damaged sections. While panels in the half pipe - due to be replaced later this year - are currently held in place by duct tape. Parents of children who use and love the park, including Amy Wilson, said it was a frustrating situation. “All we want is to create a place where youth feel supported and accepted in a place that creates a sense of community,” she said. A petition that has gathered 940 signatures will be tabled at the next round of council meetings in the hope that a budget can be found for the upgrade. chng.it/NTw8FLdRV8
A SURVEY organised by Member for Fisher, Andrew Wallace, revealed 72 per cent of respondents would vote ‘No’ to changing the Constitution to include an Indigenous Voice to Parliament. The results come as debate surrounding the Voice to Parliament becomes more divisive, with several conservative MPs going against the party line to support a ‘yes’ vote. The main reasons people said they would be voting ‘no’ was due to concerns about the vagueness of the proposal, along with questions about what role it would serve in parliament, Mr Wallace said. Of the 3,144 responses across the Fisher electorate, some 2,415 people said the no vote was due to further context being required. “In my maiden speech to Parliament, highlighted that, in relation to ‘closing the gap’ between Indigenous and nonIndigenous outcomes, our work is far from done in achieving some semblance of equality. As I said then, we can, and we must do so much better,” he said. “After thousands of emails, letters, survey responses, and phone calls, it is clear to me that the people of Fisher share a similar view. “They have conveyed serious concerns with the Government’s proposal and, in particular, with their lack of detail around the Voice’s function and purpose.” You Said It p22-23
Fisher survey

Ant-elligence design

A TEAM of hinterland bright minds have won the RoboCup Junior State Championships in Queensland for an ant robot creation they called ‘Ant-elligence’ .

Over the course of a few months, Glasshouse Christian College year six students Sean, Isaac, Byron and Jacob coded, built and worked through a number of prototypes using a Lego Spike Prime kit, before deciding on the final design.

‘Ant-elligence’ can crawl, manoeuvre left and right, as well as turn away from obstacles on it’s own, thanks to sensors the team installed in the robot.

The competition’s aim is for children to flex their building and coding skills to develop a robotic creature, and showoff its animalistic features in a short movie to win.

Sean said the process was part of the fun with the team working well together.

“The person who helped me the most with the designing of the actual robot was probably Isaac. He helped build the mandibles and stabilise the legs, and he actually did quite a lot of the design work,” Sean said.

“Byron helped with everything; including the presentation, the movie, also with the coding and design as well.

“He helped build the legs and then Jacob did most of the movie and an outline of the code.”

“Our teacher Jasmine Bautista helped and supported us by showing us a lot of tutorials to help us code, and we took inspiration from one of the tutorials.”

Sean said it was a great feeling to get first place.

“We had no idea! We thought we would

New office for GC&M News

IT’S been a big few weeks for the GC&M News team who have been feverishly working away behind the scenes as we shift offices to Beerwah.

After painting, packing, unpacking, flat packing and just plain packing it, we are now officially at 6/35 Swan Street, Beerwah and we’d love for you to come and stop by, say g’day and have a coffee.

The good news is that apart from a new address, nothing else changes as we are continuing to deliver the best news that matters to the hinterland across our newspaper, digital and social media channels. Delivering across the hinterland every Tuesday you can also subscribe for free newsletters at gcnews.com.au.

Camping is our happy place

have come fourth or fifth or something but instead we came first, and we were really excited that we won,” he said.

“I love learning about what makes robots work, and seeing if we can advance them a little bit more, that was probably my most favourite part about it.

“I liked coding the robot as well and I would like to keep building robots when I finish school.”

Although the team exceeded their own expectations, Sean said there were a few speed-bumps the team had to overcome to get the perfect design.

“I think getting the legs to work on our robot was one of the trickiest things we had

“It took us over two weeks to find out the perfect design for the mandibles, at first it looked more like a spider and it wasn’t very stable so we changed it again to make it perfect.”

The team won a LEGO Spike Prime kit which the school is currently holding onto, but Sean said the team will likely build another robot with the kit this year.

The Caravan Industry Association of Australia has released data showing that caravan and camping holidays are the preferred choice for Australians, offering customer-focused products and great value. In the first quarter of the year, there was a significant surge in travel numbers, with 4.5 million trips (up 24%) and 18 million nights (up 22%) spent caravanning and camping across the country.

These figures far surpass the pre-COVID numbers of 14 million trips and 59 million nights in 2019. The industry’s growth provides vital support to regional and rural economies, with 90% of trips taken in these areas.

JULY 4, 2023 | 9 www.gcnews.com.au LOCAL NEWS
The winning RoboCup Junior State Championships team

Peachester History Committee marks 25 years

Contributed by Helen Page

IN July 1998, the Peachester Hall Committee called a meeting of people interested in helping with a new edition of the local history book ‘Peachester Pioneers’.

From this initial call out, the Peachester History Committee was created and here we are 25 years later preparing to celebrate that milestone!

Over the years we have had a busy program filled with meetings, hosting reunions, old time film evenings, bus trips, workshops, research, and publication of several more local history books. We have also worked closely with Sunshine Coast Council caring for Peachester Cemetery, introducing the Memorial Walls, and hosting the Remembrance Day service at the cemetery each year since 2007.

Many of our early members are sadly no longer with us, but their knowledge and inspiration remain, and they will always be part of the PHC story. While functioning very successfully from the Peachester Community Hall, there was always the

dream of having our own building. After much serious consideration and fundraising, in 2019 this dream became a reality with the official opening of the Peachester Heritage Centre at the rear of the hall.

Since then, although interrupted for a while by Covid, members have been busy documenting and caring for our local history collection and managing the Heritage Centre. We love to share the collection with visitors, and are pleased to see people at our

advertised open days and for group tours.

For our July meeting we will celebrate the highlights, friendships, fellowship, and achievements of the past 25 years with old photos and memorabilia to help remember the journey, an anniversary cake and lunch to share as usual. There will also be an interesting talk by Roz and Ralph from

Caloundra Family History group on ‘William Landsborough: Queensland’s Forgotten Explorer,’ and his connections with this district.

All welcome on to join us on Sunday July 2 at 11am at Peachester Community Hall. Visitors welcome (just ‘bring a plate’ for lunch), enquiries to Helen on 5494 9557.

Mooloolah Emergency Services Day success

THE third Mooloolah Valley Emergency Services Day was held on Saturday, July 1.

The event was organised by the Mooloolah Valley Community Association Inc. Events Team.

Beerwah Police were in attendance with two motorbikes and Police Car with uniform dress up for the kids! Queensland Ambulance Service were on hand to allow members of the public to have a go at CPR and defibrillator. Mooloolah Fire Station had two engines on display and were able

to show all the trucks contents and explain how they were all used in emergency.

The Glasshouse SES crew were on hand with a swift water rescue craft and vehicles and Caloundra Coast Guard brought a rescue vessel for their first visit.

In the Hall we had Crimestoppers and the Sunshine Coast Councils Disaster Hub and Recovery Service giving advice and information out to residents.

Events Officer, Jason Carroll, said: “The event was another great success and with

bush fire season approaching the day is

at Landsborough Hotel Lunch 11:30am to 2:30pm Dinner from 5.30pm 400gm Rump B i ST r O Open 7 DayS B OO king S eSS en T ia L aLfreScO Dining area WEDNESDAY NIgHT TuESDAY LuNCH & DINNER served with chips & salad Selected menu - Check the Choices on f REE T o p LAY g REAT p RI z ES $26 WEDNESDAY, 2 Aug fRom 7pm f ri Day 28 Ju Ly fr O m 8pm wi T h m erv m c k ee ALfRESCo DININg 10 | JULY 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au COMMUNITY NEWS
to keep up to date with what’s happening
Launch of the book, Dearly Beloved.

Warm hearts and cosy PJs as winter hits Hinterland

THE cold weather was perfect for Glasshouse Christian College’s Pyjama Day last Friday. Primary students donned their favourite pyjamas, onesies and oodies to help families in need via Sonshine Sanctuary

Sonshine Sanctuary is a Sunshine Coast organisation that supports families in need of swift relocation, and will now be the beneficiary of more than $700 raised by the students. The students also brought in enough donations of new pyjamas, socks and underwear to fill three very large moving boxes.

At Glasshouse Christian College it is the students themselves who choose the organisations they want to support and come up with the ideas to raise donations. The Primary Student Representative Council (SRC) has supported Sonshine Sanctuary in

the past and know of the good work it does. Many of the families it helps don’t have time to pack clothes or bare essentials like underwear and pyjamas hence the idea of Pyjama Day.

Grants for rural property owners open soon und environment projects on their private property, when Council’s Landholder Environment Grants open 10 July Grants of up to $15,000 are available for projects like bush regeneration, reducing sediment loss on farms and controlling environmental weeds. Please read the Grant Guidelines on Council's website and submit your expression of interest before 14 August

Share your old photos and win!

The 2024 Heritage Calendar Competition is on now This year ’s theme is Happy Snaps: Holiday times on the Sunshine Coast Send images of your fondest local holidays, camping, enter before 14 August

Australia's largest wearable art show is back

Giving Met Gala creative vibes, the Australian Wearable Art Festival returns for 2023 Merging art, science, fashion and technology will result in wearable pieces of art and sculptures that inspire, intrigue and motivate on 11 and 12 August at Venue 114 This is Australia’s largest wearable art show, focusing on recyclable garments and sustainability initiatives and featuring more than 40 national and international entries. Tickets from $60. Book now at venue114.com

GCC Primary teachers taking a nap

Penny, Allegra, Harriet, Emily and Erin enjoyed rugging up for Pyjama Day

One for the calendar: Watch Council s next Ordinary Meeting online or at Sunshine Coast City Hall Chambers – 27 July at 9am.

Have you booked your Horizon Festival experience yet?

The Horizon Festival 2023 program is packed with free and ticketed arts events from the coast to the hinterland from 25 August to 3 September Visit horizonfestival.com.au for more details and to book.

Get the latest council news delivered directly to your inbox each week Sign up for the OurSC enewsletter here

Year 1 students had great fun pretending to be asleep in their PJs

OR ONLY 4 EQUAL PAYMENTS $ 49.75 WITH MEET OUR NEWEST DENTIST DR KAY > A Dentist with a Passion for Dental Care and Adventure www.woombyedental.com.au 31 Blackall St Woombye 07 5442 2136 www.beerwahdental.com.au 2/7 Turner St Beerwah 07 5494 0766 JULY 4, 2023 | 11 www.gcnews.com.au COMMUNITY NEWS

Montville cellist defies critics and war

MONTVILLE-born cellist Sam Lucas has endured setbacks and politicised pressure to achieve his life-long goal to perform at the world’s most prestigious cello competition - the Tchaikovsky International Cello Competition - in Russia.

Sam was one of just 25 cellists out of 741 entrants globally to qualify for the career-defining competition. He is the only qualifier from Australia, and from the Southern Hemisphere. His entry was somewhat hamstrung from the start – he was unable to bring his beautiful 270-year-old cello, which he has played exclusively for the past twoand-a-half years, forcing him to revert to his backup student’s cello just days before competition began.

Sam also endured pressure and criticism for his decision to compete due to Russia’s global political position and its war with Ukraine.

“I’ve learned to disassociate the competition from what’s happening at the moment in the world, whether it’s war or politics or sport, anything that’s going on,” Sam said from St Petersburg, after his firstround performance.

“It’s a competition that has a legacy for many decades now, since the 50s, and hopefully it’s going to continue going on for the next 100 years as well, and maybe 200 years more if all goes well.

“In order to help the classical music scene survive in all parts of the world, especially the most prestigious competition ever, it requires participants and support. I don’t want to see this competition die, and I’m not here for political reasons,”

Performing at the Tchaikovsky International Cello Competition has been the subject of many years of dinnertime conversions between Sam, his parents Ian and Lee Lucas, and twin sister Meg.

“I might have been 15 or something when I started looking into the history of the competition and all the absolute best players in the world, at least in the last few decades, that have all won the competition and continued to do well,” Lucas said.

“When I got the email of confirmation that I was allowed to come, yeah, I think I was very nervous but incredibly excited; nervous considering what’s happening at the moment but super honoured at the same time.” Lucas said ‘The Tchaikovsky’ was among the two classical music competitions most revered by classical musicians – the other is the Queen Elisabeth* International

Cello Competition in Belgium, at which

for ‘The Tchaikovsky’ has dominated the thoughts this week of his parents in

“Over the years there’s been this great excitement, that it was THE competition to get into, and Sam always talked about it as a kid, and then as a teenager, and then when he got serious with his music in recent years,” Sam’s mother Lee said about her son’s dream.

His father Ian added: “To be invited sort of sets your standard without you even having to actually play an instrument, because if you are deemed good enough to play at ‘the Tchaikovsky’ then it’s automatically an indication of your standard.

“It’s the tier one of the tier one competitions; most people who are invited in the top 24 or 25 in that particular year, use it as a catalyst for a big ongoing career, so it’s a wonderful start.”

Unfortunately, due to insurance

Tassie memoir launched at Beerwah

OVER 50 people attended the launch of Joanna Barrett’s memoir ‘They said we were isolated’ in Beerwah recently.

The book was launched by Lea Parkes, and tells the story of Joanna’s and husband Peter’s adventures on the Tasmanian west coast in the 1970s.

The memoir was published using Joanna’s nom de plume and maiden name, Joanna Talberg, by Ginninderra Press, an independent, commercial publishing firm based in Adelaide.

Joanna said she was thrilled to welcome so many interested people to the launch of her book. She extended her special thanks to Lea Parkes and Greg Brown (Brownie) for their help before and during the big day.

As many people may remember they are the former owners of Glasshouse Country and Maleny News.

Copies of Joanna’s memoir are available at Beerwah Newsagency and Rosetta Books in Maleny.

‘They said we were isolated’ is also available at www.ginninderrapress.com.au, www.barnesandnoble.com, and Amazon Books. Bookshops are also able to order the book, if requested.

back the day after to collect it – both days included six hour’s worth of travelling and administration - so I had no preparation on the replacement cello at all; my only real preparation on this cello was when I arrived in Russia, which was cutting it very thin.”

Having faced that hurdle, he said his round one performance (Wednesday June 21, 4am, Queensland time) went well.

“I’m thankful to be here, I’m loving the city – St Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities I’ve ever seen so far, actually it’s super beautiful, so I’m very thankful to be here.”

For more information about Tchaikovsky International Cello Competition, visit: https://tchaikovskycompetition.com/en/ To find out more about Sam visit www.samlucas-cellist.com

Local Maleny artist Katie Wells exhibits at Vianta Arts

KATIE Wells is an accomplished Mixed Media Artist living on small acreage near Maleny Township Queensland. Her passion for painting includes creating intuitive portraits, landscapes and still life. Working on small canvas boards or medium to large, stretched canvas.

Experimenting with “collage” work creating variety and unique original artwork medium selected are Acrylic, Pastel, Charcoal, Watercolours, on various papers.

Studying and viewing historical and recent art plus listening to interviews and public talks by remarkable

prize-winning artists fulfills her passion to absorb knowledge and skills that assists her daily art practise. Katie enjoys experimenting and trying new ideas which she incorporates in her


She has been featured in local and overseas papers and magazines.

Katie has held both solo and group exhibitions in New Zealand and Australia and will be exhibiting her art works at Vianta Arts 70 Simpson st Beerwah till Monday 27 August. All works are for sale. Enjoy a light lunch, with friends and admire Katie’s art work with friends.

12 | JULY 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au
Sam Lucas Lucas Parklands in Montville 2022 (Photo supplied by Richard Bruinsma) Inset - Sam with his proud parents Ian and Lee Lucas
Gwenth Brooks with Dianne Vere Bill and Jocelyn Morgan with Helen Page Jo with granddaughter Lucy Godwin and husband Peter Barrett

2023 24 TODAY music

THIS month’s article is more of an update to readers on the latest music events that the Glasshouse Musos run locally, especially as we have a new event beginning in July, our inaugural ‘Three act night’.

If you are interested in making music or simply supporting it in your community, then attending concerts such as those we run, is a good starting point.

As from July we will be running two events a month in Beerwah – both at the Beerwah hotel, and, in case you are wondering, these are family friendly shows. The evening runs from 6.30pm to 9.30pm, (regulars might note the new beginning time) and along with the music you will find impressive and reasonably priced meals served by the hotel.

Our new event will run on the 4th Tuesday each month at the Hotel, beginning July 25. It will feature three professional acts, one at 6.30pm, one at 7.30pm and the third at 8.30pm. For this first ‘Three act night’ event we will have the Levee, who feature the music of Led Zeppelin and other 70s guitar-icon bands in their repertoire. Their lead guitarist – Dan McNamara is one of the best you will ever see and hear - guitar pyrotechnics are his speciality! On the subject of impressive guitar players, another act on this opening night, the jazz-based Swing Brothers with Sista Paula, also featuring a very fine guitar player in Peter G. Guitar lovers make a note of the date – July 25! The opening act for this evening and a regular at the Musos, will be Deni and the Doc and friends such as saxophonist Roger Beare, Mike Duggan and Tony Vobr. Deni and

the Doc are stylistically inclined toward folk and blues, but piano ballads and jazz are also on the cards.

On the 2nd Tuesday of the month, so on July 11, we have our on-going regular event in Beerwah. It is our so-called ‘Open Mic night’ which is very popular and has been running for 12 years, most of them at Beerwah Hotel. It has featured over 700 hundred different performers and about 400 acts over those years. If you’d like to play, email us at whitickerm@bigpond.com to book yourself a spot as there is rarely room on the board. We have about 12 different acts each night, so plenty of variety for audiences who of course are an essential part of the evening! The Beerwah events are free.

The third event that the Musos run each month is Muzika Maleny, held at the Maleny RSL Hall on the first Thursday of the month and again starting 6.30pm. It features 5 professional acts and for July 6 it will have singer guitarists Owen Gray and Gary Shepherd, poet Rosie Waters, youthful acoustic duo Sol River, and the incredible bluegrass guitar player and singer Steve Sparrow, accompanied by acoustic bassist Mark Webber. One will note with admiration that Steve’s blindness has not affected his musical talents and career. He and Mark are travelling up from Brisbane for this show so a great opportunity to catch them. Very reasonably priced meals and drinks are served at the RSL and entry is only $10. Do email us if you’d like to go on our emailing list. It is a monthly reminder of what we are doing for the month. Hope to see some of you in July.

Rosetta’s Great Reads

Fourth Wing

Reviewed by Tiffany Szerenyi

Rebecca Yarros’ novel is a captivating and intriguing fantasy with slow burn enemies-to-lovers romance. The main character Violet Sorringail strengthens her mind and body when put into the ‘fourth quadrant’ to train in dangerous trials alongside her teammates in hopes of becoming a dragon rider. If they fail these trials, they die in the process. Once bonded to a dragon, riders must learn to wield newly bestowed powers and continue to train in deadly exercises and combat. With multiple subplots within the major storyline, the book constantly keeps you wanting more. Fourth Wing is the first of an ongoing series, the second releasing October 2023. RRP $32.99

FRIDAY 7 JULY 10.30am

Stronger. Better. Sustainable.

Services, community and sustainability are at the heart of this year’s budget, with projects, programs and events being delivered across the region.

We are preserving our environment and supporting our local economy and our growing communities.

We are committed to shaping a stronger, better and more sustainable region.

Sunshine Coast Council’s $1 billion budget includes:

$366 million to develop a strong community

Community and cultural development and partnerships; community venues; disaster management; libraries; lifeguards; roads, cycleways and pathways; public lighting and sporting facilities.

$327 million to maintain and enhance our environment and


Beaches, foreshore, coastal infrastructure and canals; bushland conservation and habitat; recreation parks, trails and facilities; rivers, streams, estuaries and water bodies; stormwater drainage; sustainable growth and network planning; waste and resource management.

$41 million to build our resilient economy

Economic development; investment attraction; tourism; major event sponsorship and holiday parks.

$156 million

to deliver service excellence

Development services; cemeteries; local amenity and local laws; public health; quarries; customer and community relations; property management and road network management.

Council also receives community assets from developers as well as paying back debt through annual repayments.

Find out what’s happening in your area

Foreshore and streetscape transformations, traffic-busting road improvements, starting construction of a new regional library, world-class sporting precincts and preserving and celebrating the environment are key inclusions in the 2023-24 budget.

To help our pensioners, Council is increasing pensioner concessions by 7%.

JULY 4, 2023 | 13 www.gcnews.com.au T
5475 7272 sunshinecoast.qld.gov.au
Michael has a recording studio in Peachester. If you would like to find out more contact him on 0419 026 895 or E: mwhitick@bigpond.net.au 30 Maple St, Maleny 5435 2134

Valuable tips on pet ownership and safety will be highlighted during Sunshine Coast Council’s Dog Safety Week, taking place from July 3-9.

Council has developed a range of useful teaching tools and resources aimed at promoting responsible pet ownership among families and educators, with the goal of fostering a safe and harmonious coexistence between people, pets, and public spaces.

As part of Dog Safety Week, the council will organize several

responsible pet pop-ups and library sessions. These events will offer dog owners valuable insights into their responsibilities, such as walking on a leash, using off-leash parks and sharing public spaces.

Additionally, the importance of teaching children how to interact safely with dogs will be emphasized, including the four steps to greeting a dog.

These four steps on how to safely greet a dog are; to first ask a parent or guardian for permission to approach the dog; second, politely ask the dog owner, ‘Can I please pat your dog?’; third, allow the dog to come to you first, keeping your hand low and in a fist for the dog to sniff; and finally, to gently pat the dog on its back or shoulder. Children should also be reminded not to approach dogs that are tied up and alone, as well as to be mindful that some dogs may

Celebrating NAIDOC week across Queensland

QUEENSLANDERS are being encouraged to join in the celebration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories, cultures, and achievements during NAIDOC Week 2023.

The theme for this year, “For Our Elders,” invites Queenslanders to reflect on the wisdom and teachings of Elders within their communities and honour the oldest continuous living cultures in the world.

The winner of the esteemed National NAIDOC Week Poster Competition for 2023 is Bobbi Lockyer (pictured), a proud artist from the Ngarluma, Kariyarra, Nyulnyul, and Yawuru communities.

Her entry, titled “For Our Elders,” captures the spirit of the theme. As part of the celebrations in Queensland, significant landmarks, prominent buildings, and public

spaces will illuminate in the colours of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags from 2 to 9 July.

The week-long events in Queensland will coincide with NAIDOC Week 2023 activities happening throughout Australia.

The theme “For Our Elders” was embraced through the powerful stories shared by students in the Queensland Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Foundation’s (QATSIF) Yarning With Our Elders Project.

The competition, open to all Queensland First Nations secondary students, encouraged creative expressions such as poetry, interviews, storytelling, dance, songs, and art to celebrate and honour Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders.

highlighted the importance of the theme, stating, “This NAIDOC Week, Queensland communities will come alive with lights, community events, and celebrations as we continue to build respectful relationships between Aboriginal peoples, Torres Strait Islander peoples, and the wider community.”

Minister for Treaty and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Leeanne Enoch, said: “It is an honour to celebrate the remarkable strength of the oldest continuous living cultures in the world. As we move forward together on the Path to Treaty, our government is firmly committed

be nervous and not receptive to pats.

The Sunshine Coast Council has seen a 40 percent decrease in reported dog attacks on children under 12 years over the past year.

By instilling valuable pet lessons at a young age, the council aims to further reduce the number of dog attacks in the community.

Library sessions will be held at Caloundra, Maroochydore, Beerwah, and Coolum, while responsible pet pop-ups will take place at Sippy Downs Dog Park, Glenfields Neighbourhood Park in Mountain Creek, and Quota Hideaway Park, also in Mountain Creek.

Bookings for library sessions are essential and can be made through the Sunshine Coast Council’s website, while no bookings are required for the responsible pet pop-ups.

to reframing the relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Queenslanders to build a prosperous, equitable future for all.”

For more information about NAIDOC Week events in Queensland, visit naidoc.org.au/ local-events/local-naidoc-week-events.

14 | JULY 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au ihear.com.au ihear Beerwah - Shop 3, 74 Simpson Street, Beerwah ph: (07) 5494 6985 BEERWAH l MALENY OVER 2,000 REVIEWS! 4.9 * Terms and conditions apply. See website ihear.com.au for details. 40% OFF CLEARANCE SALE HEARING DEVICES* UP TO Limited Time Only! AUSTRALIA’S HIGHEST-RATED HEARING SERVICES PROVIDER Call 5494 6985 to take advantage of this offer! Clever pooch safety tips
JULY 4, 2023 | 15 www.gcnews.com.au Locally owned and family operated for over 25 years. Morayfield 250 Morayfield Road, Ph: 5498 7777 fortywinks.com.au ANY SIZE FOR THE PRICE OF A SINGLE ANY SIZE FOR THE PRICE OF A SINGLE PLUS PLUS * QANTAS POINTS DOUBLE Earn 2 Qantas Points per $1 spent (usually 1 point per $1) Get ANY SIZE mattress, even a SUPER KING, for the price of a single! *Get any size for the price of a single in the corresponding range. The Any Size for a single offer must be completed in the original transaction, during the promotional period. The upsized mattress, will be the same brand and model as the original mattress chosen. Selected brands only. Mattress only. Exclusions apply. Super King not available on all mattresses. *Terms and conditions apply, see in store for details. The full Forty Winks terms and conditions can also be found on www.fortywinks.com.au/terms-conditions. You must be a Qantas Frequent Flyer member to earn points. Membership and points are subject to the Qantas Frequent Flyer program terms and conditions, available at qantas.com/terms. A joining fee usually applies however, Forty Winks customers can join for free. Qantas Frequent Flyer members will earn 2 Qantas Points per $ 1 spent (usually 1 point per $1 spent) on selected mattress purchases made between 03/07/2023 – 30/07/2023 from participating Forty Winks retail or online stores and must present their Qantas Frequent Flyer membership number at the time of purchase. Not valid in conjunction with other Forty Winks promotions which enable members to earn Qantas Points by purchasing products. Qantas Points will be allocated within 14 days of the product delivery date. timeLimited only! J6696F-2

Mountain of muscle Success for Knitfest 2023

MALENY’S Muscle on the Mountain attracted thousands of car enthusiasts on to the Showgrounds on a chilly but fine Sunday (July 2).

The event attracted about 2,900 fans who got to see more than 570 vehicles from Holdens to HSVs, Fords, FPVs, muscle cars, street machines, hot rods, vintage and classic cars, motorcycles and more thanks to the event hosted by the Maleny Apex Club.

While Muscle on the Mountain had been

forced into an extended break due to Covid, it was back this year thanks to the help of Apex.

This year marked the 10th Muscle on the Mountain and once again it was all about raising awareness of men’s health with proceeds going to support the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia.

Although organisers were still adding up this year’s donations, previous events have raised nearly $80,000.


RangeCare is a local, not-for-profit in-home community care provider that has been supporting people along the range and the Sunshine Coast since 1986

RangeCare has offices and social centres in Flaxton, Maleny, Nambour and Gympie

Flexible Work Arrangements KM Reimbursements Salary Packaging Training and Development Work-life Balance E M P L O Y E E B E N E F I T S www.rangecare.com.au/careers 07 5445 7044 linkedin.com/company/rangecare-blackall-range-care-group-ltd facebook.com/blackallrangecare/ www.rangecare.com.au For a list of current available positions visit: Scan me 16 www.gcnews.com.au
Shoes from Imelda’s of Maleny My first Muscle on the Mountain (above), Picture: Tamara Louise; (left) Image from Rick Ojimavandermeij. Muscle on mountain. Picture Bevan McPherson Sharon Cherry
NAMBOUR SHOWGROUNDS - SUNSHINE COAST PRESENTING PARTNER 7 + 8 + 9 july 2023 More than 360 exhibitors including 55 nurseries 60,000 plants for sale daily • New and exciting workshops Giant organic kitchen garden • Free lectures and demos all day, every day • Free advice from leading gardening experts Food courts, entertainment and free kids playground Floral design competition including the 2023 Australian Floral Art National Convention and more! PROUDLY ORGANISED BY OUR PARTNERS THIS WEEKEND! www.qldgardenexpo.com.au TICKETS AVAILABLE ONLINE NOW! JULY 4, 2023 | 17 www.gcnews.com.au Celebrating the 2023 QLD Garden Expo LIFTOUT8-paGEINSIDE


WELCOME to the winter Home and Garden lift out; and what a super feature is it too!

This time we are not only bringing you all you need to know on the local home and garden scene, but we’re also focusing on the fantastic Queensland Garden Expo this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday (July 7, 8 and 9) at the Nambour Showgrounds.

The expected 40,000-plus visitors will be able to explore more than 7 hectares of gardening inspiration, checking out the 360-plus exhibitors and displays and nurseries, listening to the 125 free lectures and demonstrations and choosing from the over 50,000 plants for sale each day.

Always an unmissable highlight of the expo are the free lectures and demonstrations by some of Australia’s most respected gardening experts, including ABC Gardening Australia’s Costa Georgiadis, Sophie Thomson, Jerry Coleby-Williams and Millie Ross; as well as celebrities like Matt Golinski, Claire Bickle, Arno King and Phil Dudman.

They will be well supported by local stars Ann Ross (Hive Haven), Martin Duncan (Sunshine Coast Foodie and Sconetime), Morag Gamble (Permaculture Education Institute), Scott Robinson (Polyculture), and Ginger McPherson (Vanilla Vine Sunshine Coast).

One of the most popular areas of the expo is the giant organic kitchen garden, incorporating a fully planted sustainable garden constructed on site, plus a host of permaculture and organic gardening experts on hand to answer all your questions.

The kids are also catered for with bucketloads of activities, providing the perfect opportunity for young gardeners to test out

Fairy and Ninja Garden Workshops are running all weekend, where you can allow your child to unplug, think creatively, and

or beautiful home and garden productsmany of which you can only find by coming to the expo.

Make sure you support the local businesses who will also be at the expo –including the ones who have supported this home and garden feature.

Aqualess (site 198) will have their range of modular wicking irrigation and water storage system on show.

Say hello to Circuit Alert Solar and Batteries (site 195), who are your local solar and battery specialists.

NetPro Protective Canopies (site 117) can help easily protect your garden from birds, pests and frosts.

Don’t miss Red Fox Orchids (sites 293 and 294) with their spectacular range of beautiful and exotic orchids on display and for sale.

Geo Drill Water Bores (site 216) can show you how to drought proof your property.

Good gardens need good soil, and Earthfood (site KG5) have 100% certified organic microbe-based fertilisers and soil conditioners to power your healthy garden.

Medicine Room (sites 233 and 234) is a naturopathic herbal dispensary who will be showcasing their organic herbal body products and remedies.

Great gardens need great feature plants, and Margaret River Trees (sites 187-188 and 204-205) stock the most amazing mature trees that you ‘ll find anywhere.

Other local businesses you’ll find at the expo include Forest Heart ecoNursury, Barung Landcare, Glenview Turf, Hive Haven, Hum Honey, Mellum Creek Nursery, Mountaintop Mushrooms, Mountain View Daylily Nursery, Perma Poultry, and Suncoast Water Gardens.

What a fantastic three days it will be, just bursting with inspiration to kick-start your winter gardening adventures.

See you there!


Supporting growth

QUEENSLAND Country Bank is planting it’s seed for growth at the 2023 Queensland Garden Expo

Queensland Country Bank is proud to be the Presenting Partner of the 2023 Queensland Garden Expo to be held at the Nambour Showgrounds from July 7-9.

Attracting 38,000 visitors with 340 exhibitors, the Queensland Garden Expo is recognised as the largest gardening event in Queensland.

As a member-owned bank who is focused on giving back to the community and supporting regional areas, Queensland Country Bank is excited to be involved in an event that connects with various community groups at the grass roots level.

Regional Manager of Southern Queensland, Karen O’Rourke, said “through our sponsorship of the Queensland Garden Expo and providing local banking services, Queensland Country Bank is helping to foster stability and economic growth in south-east regional communities.”

More than just a place for like-minded gardening enthusiasts to come together, the Queensland Garden Expo also presents the opportunity to generate more awareness about the environment and implementing sustainable practices into everyday life. Queensland Country Bank supports this initiative and is continuing to take positive steps towards incorporating greener practices into the workplace.

To help their Members embrace more sustainable living practices, Queensland Country Bank offers both a Green Reno Loan and an award-winning Green Car Loan*. Both of these products are available to eligible applicants wishing to make

eco-friendly changes to their home (through renovations, such as installing solar) or car (by purchasing a qualifying hybrid or electric model).

Over the three days, visitors to the Expo can expect to receive reusable merchandise from Queensland Country Bank, such as buckets, coffee cups, tote bags, and puzzles for kids. Plus, there will be the opportunity to chat about products, services and giveaways, and the chance to snap photos with Crackles, the mascot.

Queensland Country Bank is looking

Gardeners can all share their superpowers

EARTHFOOD is a 100% certified organic fertiliser and soil conditioner powered by live microbes for all plants, fruit, vegetables, herbs, gardens and lawns.

Independently tested and proven with outstanding results, Australian made ‘Earthfood’ enhances the growth, health and overall yield of all plant types by reintroducing living microbes back into the soil.

A botanical, not chemical product, ‘Earthfood’ is part of the global solution in soil regeneration and preservation. Non-toxic, non-polluting and will not burn your plants. It is easy to use and can be applied with spray bottle or watering can, with no additional products required to keep your plants strong and health.

forward to welcoming all green-thumbed gardeners to the 2023 Queensland Garden Expo!

*New or demonstrator green vehicles only. A ‘green’ vehicle is defined as one with emissions intensity that does not exceed 120 grams of C02 emissions per km (g/km). This category includes many electric and plug-in hybrid vehicles. Normal lending criteria apply. Terms, conditions, fees and eligibility criteria apply and are available on request. Consider the relevant TMD’s available at queenslandcountry.bank.

Earthfood can boost your soil, with billions of live microbes helping to lock carbon into the soil, improve plant health and vigour, and may even increase yield up to 40%! With zero negative impact on plants, lawns and soils, it eliminates the risk of soil acidification and nitrogen runoff into our waterways.

To find out more visit www.yourearthfood. com.au

WITH A GREAT Normal lending, terms, conditions, fees and eligibility criteria apply and are available on request. Consider the relevant TMD available at queenslandcountry.bank Queensland Country Bank Limited ABN 77 087 651 027 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 244 533  Maleny Branch • 5435 5700  Maroochydore Lending Office • 0438 905 426 JULY 4, 2023 | 19 www.gcnews.com.au GARDEN EXPO FEATURE

New Sun Coast service helps map our ecosystems

THE Sunshine Coast Council and the University of the Sunshine Coast have collaborated to develop a ground-breaking mapping resource that showcases the value of the region’s ecosystems.

Known as the Ecosystem Function Mapping and Reporting Tool, this worldfirst platform combines data from various studies to illustrate the diverse ecosystem services available in different locations across the area.

Ecosystem services encompass crucial benefits such as climate regulation, pollination, food supply, and habitat.

The tool allows governments, industry groups, businesses, and community members to access and analyse the data, enabling informed decision-making that can benefit future generations.

By overlaying additional information like protected areas and planning schemes, users can gain a comprehensive understanding of the region’s ecosystem services.

The project team has already employed the tool to fulfil requests from the council, aiding advocacy and planning efforts for major green spaces.

The tool enhances decision-making capabilities, providing a holistic perspective of the region’s ecosystem services and supporting conservation, planning, and development initiatives.

The research demonstrates the vital interconnections between the environment, communities, and the local economy, emphasising the immeasurable value of the region’s ecosystems.

Herbal blend to get you back on track

The mapping tool is publicly available online, accompanied by instructional videos and explanations to assist users in navigating its functionalities.

Native plants help support wildlife conservation

Supporting Native Plants in SEQ Gardens and Balconies for Wildlife


Choosing to grow native plants in Southeast Queensland (SEQ) gardens and balconies can have a significant impact on supporting local wildlife.

Australia’s iconic animals face increasing pressures and the risk of extinction, making it crucial to provide them with safe habitats and food sources.

By selecting local native species for outdoor areas, SEQ residents can contribute to the well-being of Australian

animal species. SEQ is blessed with over 4,000 flora species, many of which once thrived in urban environments. These plants offer shelter and sustenance to various animals, including bees, koalas, birds, lizards, and frogs.

Opting for native plants also enhances the region’s flora diversity, ensuring its survival for future generations. It’s a win-win situation for the environment and the enjoyment of residents.

Here are some native plants suitable for SEQ gardens:

Gum trees (Eucalyptus): Species like

Eucalyptus curtisii attract native bees and birds with their nectar-filled flowers.

Banksia: Local options such as Banksia integrifolia and Banksia spinulosa provide vibrant flowers that attract bees, birds, and small mammals.

Bottlebrush (Melaleuca): These lowmaintenance plants offer food and shelter to possums, lizards, insects, and birds.

Wattle (Acacia): Brisbane’s Acacia fimbriata and other wattle species in SEQ feature beautiful yellow or white flowers and provide habitat and food for birds and native bees. hlw.org.au

dispensary is based in Coral Street Maleny and has been operated by local award winning naturopath and author Dominique Livkamal since 1999 on the Blackall Range.

Dom and her family manufacture organic herbal medicines that they formulate personal herbal blends for their patients.

All of their herbs are organic extractions and are all made on the premises.

The Medicine Room offers free walk in clinics across all platforms and if you are in Maleny on a Thursday they are open from 10am till 3pm weekly.

Please call in at your convenience as no appointments are taken. The intention of these clinics is to create personal herbal medicines for you to develop optimal wellness and address your health concerns.

Dom is running a long table wellness day in Maleny on July 23 where you can come for education and lunch.

The topic is Reboot and reset. There is also a new online course starting on July 25 and you can see all details and make bookings at www.medicineroom.com.au


Prepare for drought and strike liquid gold

UNDERNEATH your property is a groundwater reservoir connecting to water systems and harnessing rainfall.

GD Water Bores can help you gain a lifetime of free fresh water for your family, farm or crop.

GD Water Bores is proudly family-owned and operated with over four generations of industry knowledge. They are committed to providing a first-rate service for all customers while prioritising safety and productivity at every site.

Residential, rural, off-grid or commercial; they’ve got the right rig for the job! With a hassle-free process that is safe, simple, and all with minimal impact to your property.

Challenging block? No problem. Their professional team have the expertise to drill at blocks with tight or difficult access.

They provide rigs with pride and this ethos is the driving force behind why they are at the forefront industry innovation. Ask any of the team and you’ll hear that it’s their

Pesky pests have no chance with Netpro

NETPRO Canopies is a diverse Australian owned company that has been in business for over 30 years. Based in Stanthorpe, Queensland we specialise in exclusion netting, frost cloth/horticultural fleece and shade cloth. We not only install large structures for farmers, feedlots etc we also specialise in supplying nurseries, retailers and home gardeners. As more gardeners are looking to combat pests without the use of harsh chemicals, exclusion netting is becoming increasingly popular.

At Netpro we are able to provide netting to assist gardeners in maintaining and achieving the best results for their gardening needs as a cost-effective option.

Other advantages of net canopies include wind protection, reduction of evaporation, and shade (or sunburn protection).

In addition to netting we supply a range of gardening products; small tunnel kits, frost cloth, greenhouse film and shade cloth.

TIP: Before you come to the Qld Garden Expo measure the area/tree you want to cover – height, width and length to find the best options for your garden. Find us at Site 117.

unbreakable culture, commitment to diversity and value of passion, family and accountability that set them apart from the rest.

GD Water Bores specialise in drilling for domestic, residential, small to medium acreage as well as irrigation, stock, and commercial water bores.

They are based on the Sunshine Coast and service properties throughout QLD with QLD Class 1 and Class 2 Licenses along with NSW Class 2 Drilling Licences.

Find them at Site #216 at the QLD Garden Expo or call 1300 0 DRILL to get started with a free site inspection today and let GD Water Bores help you discover your property’s untapped potential.

The main advantage of Netting is that it does more than merely deter birds and insects, it excludes them. These days options abound - with a wide range in costs and purposes. NetPro has a selection of netting available; for example, our bird net range can be purchased in pre-packaged small packs, in bulk, or cut to order. We have 5mm, 15mm and 20mm net in the familiar diamond pattern.

However, our range extends beyond these few types of nets to nets that are small enough to exclude insects, or nets with holes large enough to exclude bats and large birds only (allowing insects to do their work).

In addition, most of the hail net available doubles as bird protection once installed (assuming that side-cloths are also installed).

Protecting Your Future • Fruit Fly Net • Vege Net • Bird/Animal Net • Shade Cloth • Frost Cloth • Greenhouse Film • Geohex • Tunnel Kits www.netprocanopies.com Ph: 1300 638 776 • Find us at Site 117 JULY 4, 2023 | 21 www.gcnews.com.au GARDEN EXPO FEATURE

Red Fox loves their orchids

IN THE heart of Caboolture, a floral haven awaits all those seeking the enchantment of nature’s exquisite wonders. Red Fox Orchids, a thriving boutique nursery nestled in the north Brisbane area has become a beacon for orchid enthusiasts and lovers of floral beauty alike.

With their dedication to excellence and a stunning array of orchids, that saw the nursery recently win a silver in the local small business awards, the nursery has established itself as a premier destination for both locals and visitors. What sets Red Fox Orchids apart is the unparalleled expertise and passion of its dedicated staff.

The knowledgeable team members possess an intricate understanding of orchid cultivation, and are always ready to offer guidance and advice to both experienced collectors and those new

to the wonderful world of orchid collecting.

Their commitment to customer satisfaction is evident in the thriving orchids that leave the nursery; ensuring that every purchase is a testament to the nursery’s commitment to excellence.

Red Fox Orchids nursery in Caboolture is more than just a business; it is a sanctuary where the beauty of orchids thrives and inspires.

With its extensive collection, knowledgeable staff, and commitment to producing new varieties through breeding, the nursery has become an invaluable asset to the town.

So whether you are an orchid enthusiast or simply appreciate the elegance of these remarkable flowers, a visit to Red Fox Orchids is sure to leave you captivated and with a newfound admiration for nature’s most beautiful flowers.

Sun shines with Circuit Alert

one of the most reputable and popular solar companies on the Sunshine Coast. We provide the latest technology solar panels and inverters; and because we buy in bulk, we can pass the savings onto our clients which makes our prices very competitive.

A Sunshine Coast family business established in 2009, Circuit Alert Solar has gained a reputation for fantastic service and unrivalled aftercare.

With the ever increasing cost of electricity, we have never been busier helping clients reduce or even eliminate

For many clients, Solar panels have been a great option to get their cost of living to be more manageable; and now with the decrease in the cost of batteries, many are making the jump to more independence from grid power and storing their own power for night time use.

If you would like to explore the options for solar on your property see us at the Garden Expo at Site 195 for some great show specials on solar and batteries or feel free to call Lisa on 5477 0610 or visit our website www.circuitalert.com.au

Genealogy SC at the garden expo

GENEALOGY Sunshine Coast will have a stand at the Nambour Garden Expo on the weekend of July 7-9.

We will have a display of many of the books we have printed, as well as lots of photos for you to help us identify.

Members will be available to help you with your enquiries and assist with your research. Our Annual General Meeting will be on August 19 and we are hoping to get many

new volunteers to help us with our research and other activities.

This is very rewarding and you will not only learn many new skills but also work with a great bunch of people.

We are also hoping to hold an Irish Seminar on Saturday February 17, 2024 with many of the speakers who came to our last one. This will be a weekend not to be missed so put it in your diary now!

22 | JULY 4, 2023 Local Family Business – Installing solar for over 13 years Trusted by locals for great products at affordable prices QLD Garden Expo – come see us at site 195 for some great show specials on solar and batteries for your home. 1/3 Packer Rd, Baringa 4551 DROUGHT PROOF YOUR PROPERTY TODAY WATER BORE DRILLING Call 1300 0 DRILL E water@geodrillaustralia.com.au Competitive rates | Specialists in residential and stock bores LET US HELP YOU ACCESS UNLIMITED FRESH WATER FOR www.gdwaterbores.com.au | FIND US AT SITE #216 GARDEN EXPO FEATURE
Contributed by Jan England

Preserving Australia’s rich ecological heritage

AMIDST the myriad of options for your landscape, there is one choice that will not only add striking character and beauty to your surroundings but also contribute to the preservation of Australia’s rich ecological heritage and that is integrating a mature tree into your garden from Margaret River Trees.

Understanding the invaluable role that mature trees play in preserving biodiversity and enhancing the beauty of our landscapes, national tree supplier, Margaret River Trees, specialise in the rescue and preservation of mature trees. With a strong commitment to saving Australian native flora from the devastating effects of land clearing, the company focuses on protecting and sourcing magnificent Dragon Trees, Olive Trees, QLD Bottle Trees, and ancient

Grass Trees, all of which have become increasingly popular in landscape design.

Their dedicated team combine extensive knowledge and experience to carefully source their stock of mature trees, employing sustainable practices to ensure safe removal and relocation. This is done by partnering with landowners, developers, and communities to salvage these remarkable trees, giving them a second chance to thrive and continue their vital role in our ecosystems.

“Our mission is to protect Australia’s rich ecological heritage and promote a sustainable future. Through partnerships, community engagement, and education, we aim to inspire others to join our cause by purchasing our trees and create a lasting impact.

At MRT, we are the guardians of nature’s legacy, ensuring that these magnificent trees continue to thrive and contribute to the beauty and biodiversity of our Australian landscape,” says Mike Johnson of Margaret River Trees. See them at the QLD Garden Expo or go to www. margaretrivergrasstrees. com to view current available stock and find out more.

Wicking systems that will transform your garden

Introducing Aqualess and WaterUps, the ground breaking wicking system that will transform the way you nurture your plants. With WaterUps, you can achieve lush, thriving gardens while conserving water and reducing maintenance. Get ready to witness a gardening revolution!

Picture this; a garden filled with vibrant, healthy plants, all without the constant need for watering. With Aqualess, this dream becomes a reality. Say goodbye to traditional irrigation methods that leave you guessing when to water and constantly worrying about over or underwatering. Embrace a new era of gardening efficiency and sustainability. WaterUps is an innovative wicking system that

harnesses the power of capillary action to deliver water directly to the roots of your plants. Say farewell to surface evaporation and ineffective watering practices. This technology ensures that every drop of water

Introducing Aqualess and the WaterUps Wicking System

The Smart Way to Hydrate Your Garden!

Are you tired of constantly watering your plants and worrying about water waste? Look no further than WaterUps, the revolutionary wicking system that will transform the way you nurture your garden.

Aqualess uses the WaterUps advanced technology to create a self-watering ecosystem for your plants. With its innovative design, it allows water to be drawn up from a reservoir below, directly to the roots, providing optimal hydration and promoting healthier plant growth.

Say goodbye to manual watering and hello to effortless gardening! Whether you’re a busy professional, a plant enthusiast, or just someone who wants to conserve water, WaterUps is the ultimate solution for you. It requires minimal maintenance and reduces water consumption by up to 80%, making it environmentally friendly and cost-effective.

Installing WaterUps is a breeze. Simply place the wicking cells in your garden bed, fill the reservoir, and let the magic begin. You can even connect multiple

systems together for larger gardens or custom configurations.

Don’t let your plants suffer from dehydration or waste water through runoff. Experience the future of gardening with WaterUps and enjoy vibrant, thriving plants all year round. Join the growing community of satisfied gardeners who have already discovered the benefits of WaterUps. Order your wicking system today and unlock the secret to effortlessly lush and eco-friendly gardens.

Revolutionize Your Garden with Aqualess and the WaterUps Wicking System!

is efficiently used, maximizing plant growth and minimizing water waste. At Aqualess, we are committed to sustainability.

Our wicking system not only reduces water consumption but also minimizes

fertilizer leaching, ensuring that nutrients are utilized optimally by your plants.

By implementing WaterUps, you become an eco-conscious gardener, contributing to a greener future for generations to come.

Installing WaterUps is a breeze, even for those without extensive gardening experience. Our system is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to set it up quickly and effortlessly. It is also highly adaptable, accommodating gardens of various shapes, sizes, and plant types.

From small balcony containers to large backyard plots, or Aqualess can custom build your beds to fit your specific needs.

If you can’t visit our stall at the QLD Garden Expo, visit our website aqualess. com.au or contact us now on 1300 844493 to embark on a greener, more efficient gardening journey with Aqualess!


844 493 aqualess.com.au
Certified Organic. Botanical – not chemical. Australian Made. Scientifically tested, proven results. yourearthfood yourearthfood 100% CERTIFIED ORGANIC FERTILISER AND SOIL CONDITIONER. www.yourearthfood.com H A N D C R A F T E D W I TH I N A U S T R A L I A
AND LAWNS. JULY 4, 2023 | 23 www.gcnews.com.au GARDEN EXPO FEATURE

Backyard Wildlife

this also means there’s less grazing and browsing availability for wallabies and kangaroo’s, which often leads them closer to roadsides - where the warmth and extra run off from the bitumen can provide a better feed. So, by all means drive carefully all year where wallabies and kangaroos are still present, but with the shorter days and less feed its more important than ever to take care with your driving and slow down especially at dawn and dusk.

Those few days of warm weather in the second last week of June, brought the snakes out for a brief sojourn to try and grab a snack or two, but another cool change has sent them back to ground (literally) to try and not get too cold. Not much sympathy there, from many gardeners I’m sure, but carpet snakes are great at controlling rodents, so perhaps we can find a soft spot in our hearts for them at least.

The cooler months can be lean times for wildlife. Most grasses are slowing down and so lawns need mowing much less, but

For the fruit eating birds, there’s a range of trees. Shrub’s that can fruit well at this time of year include Orange Thorn - Pittosporum multiflorum, Plum Myrtles - Pilidiostigma glabrum, Creek Lilly PillyAcmena smithii, Native Mulberry - Pipturus argenteus, Native Ginger - Alpinia caerulea, Coastal Flax Lily - Dianella congesta, Hairy Psychotria - Psychotria loniceroides, Glossy Laurel - Cryptocarya laevigata and Bolwarra - Eupomatia laurina, to name a few. A good mix of fruiting shrubs such as these can make a big difference for our frugivorous (fruit eating) birds and their survival through the winter months.

Many of our local trees and shrubs are adapted to the vagaries of our subtropic winter and can still provide plenty of food, via their new growth for browsing native flora such as ring tail, brush tail and mountain possums. Perhaps if your lucky enough to live in koala country; even a koala or two! The sap of many trees, particularly eucalypts are also harvested by gliders, including the squirrel, sugar and last but by far not least, the cute little feather-tails. So keep cool when it comes to our wildlife and enjoy sharing your garden through the winter.

When we think of local native plants we often think of just the trees and shrubs, but South East Queensland is rich in its diversity of local native plants that can be used as groundcovers in your garden. Groundcovers stabilise your soil, cool the roots of trees and provide food and refuge for native fauna. Many exotic groundcovers are traditional old favourites, but they are also notorious weeds in your gardens and bushland. Tradescantia’s, Syngonium, Singapore Daisy, Polk-a-dot Plant are just a few of the worst and they pose a genuine threat to Australian bushland. The solution is control and eradicate these exotics and go for local native plants for groundcover in your garden. At Forest Heart we stock a great range of local native groundcovers that includes Native Plumbago (pictured above right), Native Mints, Yellow Buttons, Blue Harebells, Goodenias, Hibbertias, Lobelias, Flax lilies, Lomandras, Kangaroo Grass, Maidenhair Ferns, Rasp Ferns and more. Add to this mix some other great native groundcovers including Casuarina Cousin It (pictured left), Prostrate Grevilleas and an evergrowing range and there’s plenty of choice for planting native plants in your garden.

So, do yourself a favour and plant native plants, they’re good value, diverse in form and shape, beautiful and great for the local environment.

Ground Yourself with Groundcovers with Spencer
20 Coral Street, Maleny Call 07 5435 2193 www.forestheart.com.au FOREST HEART Eco-Nursery OPEN Tuesday to Friday 9-4 Saturday & Sunday 9-2 • Native Plants • Fruit Trees • Books • Gift vouchers Choose from UV treated Poly or Aluminium and Stainless Steel Gutter guards. Manufactured for Australian Conditions FREE QUOTE ALL SUBURBS 1300 362 246 leafshield.au Installing since 1995 • Bushfire rated gutter guard! • Stop Snakes, Rats & Possums! • Protect against Jacarandas and Pine Needles! • Bird proofing! • Stop leaves from blocking your gutters! • Improve the quality of your tank water! GUTTER CLEAN WITH EVERY INSTALLATION FREE + Install now and SAVE! Spend your money AT HOME! 20% OFF * *At time of quoting only. Expires 31.07.23 Up to Are you prepared for the Fire Season? The hot, dry conditions that are on the way are the perfect recipe for bushfires. Address your safety concerns withbushfire rated gutter guard. 24 | JULY 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au GARDEN EXPO FEATURE
and Karen Shaw
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Witta Tennis Kid’s Fun Day

Time: Tuesday July 4, 8am - 12.30pm

Where: 351 Witta Road, Witta

Jul 4

Info: Enjoy tennis fun and games, mini round robyn tournament. Targets and the piñata, homemade morning tea, fruit and hot dogs. Cost: $25.00. To register email: mareehooley@gmail.com or text 0437 295 501.

Monthly Women in Biz Lunch

Time: Wednesday July 5, from 12:30pm

Where: Café Phillies on Beerburrum

Jul 5

Info: Our monthly Women in Business lunch provides the perfect opportunity to network, learn and grow! There will be a welcome drink on arrival, an opportunity to create new connections, purchase own lunch, and there will be a lucky door prize. To RSVP, visit https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/668590330677 .

Muzika in Maleny

Time: Thursday July 6, 6.30 to 9.15pm

Where: Maleny RSL, Lawyer St, Maleny

100 years of Maleny Show - Film premiere

Time: Wednesday July 12, 9.30am

Where: Landsborough Historical Museum, 4 Maleny St, Landsborough

Jul 12

Info: Celebrate 100 years of the Maleny Show with a film premiere showcasing its history. The film shares the stories and memories of many people closely involved with the Maleny Show over the years. Be inspired when you hear how from humble beginnings the show has evolved to become a cherished event in the local calendar. Register your attendance at https://shorturl.at/iBMO2.

Sunshine Singers

Time: Friday July 14

Where: St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Kings Beach, Caloundra

July 6

Info: This month amongst others it will feature: the outstanding Brisbane-based blind, country rock singer guitarist Steve Sparrow and poet Rose Waters. Contact whitickerm@bigpond.com.


Wolf Girl #19 Launch Party

Time: Friday July 7, 10.30am

Where: Rosetta Books, 30 Maple Street, Maleny

Jul 7

Info: You’re invited to the launch of the latest Wolf Girl novel by Anh Do, Sink or Swim. Each guest will receive a gift bag including a branded paper bag, badge, stickers, bookmark and poster. Register instore or phone us on 5435 2134.

Queensland Garden Expo

Time: Friday July 7, Saturday July 8 and Sunday July 9. 8am to 4pm

Where: Nambour Showgrounds

Jul 7-9

Info: More than 360 exhibitors including 55 nurseries. 60,000 plants for sale daily. New and exciting workshops

Giant organic kitchen garden. Free lectures and demos all day, every day. Free advice from leading gardening experts. Food courts, entertainment and free kids playground. For more information visit www.qldgardenexpo.com.au

Plant-based Cooking Demonstration and Health Talk

Time: Sunday July 9, 2-4.30pm

Where: Landsborough Adventist Community Centre, 27 Maleny Street, Landsborough

Jul 9

Info: Plant-based cooking demonstration with a relevant health talk including tasting of all recipes presented. Also incudes prizes and giveaways. $5 per person. Bookings contact 0407 101 485.

The Musos in Beerwah

Time: Tuesday July 11, 6 – 9pm

Where: Beerwah Hotel, 53 Beerwah Parade, Beerwah

Looking for connection or support for your young family?

Time: Monday July 24, 9.30am - 11.30am

Where: Glass House Mountains Neighbourhood Centre, 1 Ryan St, Glass House Mountains

Jul 14

Info: Sunshine Singers, a newly formed choir of choristers with dementia. New Choir members with their carers are very welcome. For more information phone 5491 1866.

Amazing Fungi Exhibition

Time: Saturday 15-Sunday 23 July, 10am-3pm

Where: Mary Cairncross Scenic Reserve

July 15-23

Info: Maleny Printmakers group are holding an Amazing Fungi Exhibition featuring Jenni Matthews, Jennifer Eurell, Jillian Bergman, Megan Lee, Noela Mills, Karen Shaw, Katie White and Susan Haddock.

Yandina Country Music

Time: Sunday July 16, 12noon

Jul 16

Where: 24 Steggalls Rd, Yandina Info: Be entertained with popular country, including more diverse, crowd-pleasing favourites. Enjoy Don and Phil’s harmonies through guest artists The Elderly Brothers! Raffle, door prizes, BYO lunch, free tea and coffee. 24 Steggalls Road. Cost $8.

Sex and the City Quiz

Time: Wednesday July 19, 6pm for a 6.30pm start

Where: Glasshouse Tavern, 10 Reed Street, Glass House Mountains

Jul 19

Info: Heaps of prizes, 2 course dinner and show package - $60. Main meal and show package $45. To book your tickets please call 5493 0933

Glasshouse Hinterland AFC Annual Ball

Time: Saturday July 22, 6pm-10pm

Where: Landsborough Sports Complex

Jul 22

Info: Lose the footy boots and dance the night away! Free entry for the event, there will be a DJ, a food van on site, and a reverse raffle with $20 tickets for the chance to win a $1000 prize. Dress code for the night is suits and gowns.

Festival of Music and Singing

Time: Sunday July 23, 1:05pm to begin at 1:55pm

Where: Caloundra Uniting Church, 56c Queen St, Caloundra


Jul 23

Info: The 2023 Festival of Music and Singing, followed by a splendid Welsh afternoon tea, is on the afternoon of July 23 at the Caloundra Uniting Church. See QR code on brochure for booking, can book online until 10am the day of where cash will be accepted at the door. Tickets are $27 for the general public, $25 for WSSC members, per person in groups of 10 and more $25 each. Enquiries to Emrys Jones - emandmo@bigpond.com or Susan James at simplesusans@gmail.com

Have an upcoming event? Email the details to reception@gcnews.com.au

Jul 24

Info: Are you aware of what is available for families in your local area? Come along for a free and fun morning tea with Holly and Aimee from Caloundra Community Centre and explore what services and activities are there to support you and your family. Mums, Dads, Carers, Grandparents and children are all welcome.

RSVP admin@ghmnc.com or phone 5438 7000.


Time: Wednesday July 26, 6pm for 6.30pm

Where: Maleny Community Centre

Jul 26

Info: Our next Outspoken event is with the remarkable Anna Funder (of Stasiland fame). Her new book, Wifedom, will be released in early July. It’s bound to be quite controversial as, apart from a whole lot of other things, it gives a different picture of George Orwell to that which we are accustomed. Tickets $25 and $18 for students. Bookings https://www.trybooking.com/events/ landing/1065087?eid=1065087&

Charity Pig Races

Time: Saturday July 29, From 1pm onwards

Where: Mooloolah Valley Country Club, 129 Connection Rd, Glenview

Jul 29

Info: Charity Pig Races are back and this year we will be supporting endED. There will be outdoor bars supplied by Heads of Noosa Brewing Co, as well as food trucks and is a family friendly event. The first race starts at 1pm and will have live music till late!

Monica Trapaga All Stars

Time: Sunday August 6, from 2pm

Where: Maleny Community Centre

Aug 6

Info: The Maleny Arts Council presents Monica Trapaga All Stars, up close and personal with the weaver of stories, swinger of songs. We’d love you to join us for this brilliant opening to our Winter Season! For bookings and more information: www.malenyartscouncil.com

Biennial Quilt show

Time: July 30, 9am to 3pm

Where: Caloundra Arts Centre, 5 North Street, Caloundra

Jul 30

Info: The Caloundra Quilters show will display quilts in all manner of styles, colours, sizes and designs. Visitors are encouraged to vote for their favourite quilt in each of the 3 categories – Large, Small and Challenge Quilts. Member’s handmade craft items will be for sale along with local trader’s tables and a bag raffle. Profits will be donated to the Sunshine Coast Animal Refuge. Light refreshments will be available. Entry fee is $5. For information, please contact Deb Ridley on 0410 356 889 or Faye Carr on 0418 716 639.

Comedy for a cause

Time: Friday August 11, Doors open 6pm, show starts 7pm

Where: Maleny State School Hall, 16 Bunya Street

Aug 11

Info: Featuring comedians from Sydney & Melbourne International Comedy Festivals. This is an adults-only (18+) show. Food and Bar service available from 6pm. Child Minding ($30) is available from 6.30pm - bookings essential as places limited! Event is in support of the Maleny State School P&C Association. To find out more visit: www.MalenyPandC.com.au/comedy-for-a-cause

BEERWAH BEERWAH GREAT FOOD & DRINKS | GREAT SERVICE & LOCATION GREAT FOOD & DRINKS | GREAT SERVICE & LOCATION    Get 10% Off When you spend over $25. Show this voucher in store (Print or Digital) Valid Tuesday July 4 to Monday July 10 EXCLUDING SATURDAY & SUNDAY JULY 4, 2023 | 25 www.gcnews.com.au WHAT'S ON Brought to you by BEERWAH Where will I meet you?
Info: A monthly music event (the second Tuesday), featuring our most impressive local musicians and guests from all around. This month will include The Levee which in their repertoire feature the music of acts such as the 70’s icon, Led Zeppelin, and regulars including Deni Chapple and Malcolm Holz playing both originals and covers. Coordinated by the Glasshouse Musos with its great PA sound, each act has a short set, so contact us if you’d like to book a spot. We might be able to squeeze you in if you turn up, but best to book. Contact whitickerm@bigpond.com. https://www.facebook.com/MuzikaMaleny/ 11

70 is not a lucky number!

Seniors Australia FOR decades, men could look forward to retiring at 65 and getting the pension. For women, it was 60. Their eligibility was increased over ten years between 1995 and 2004 until they too reached the same qualifying age.

In 2009 the Rudd government lifted it to 67 for men and women but it was to be phased in from 2015, with six month increases every two years, starting from July 1, 2017. Now we’ve arrived, after almost thirty years, at a pension age of 67! But it could have been worse.

Almost ten years ago Treasurer, Joe Hockey, announced it would go to 70 by 2035. He asserted it was “highly probable a child born today would live to 150.” Really?

His move followed on from a report from the Commission of Audit, which recommended the qualifying age be linked to life expectancy. The thinking was because we are living longer than our parents and grandparents, we should remain in the workforce longer.

There was a huge backlash including a campaign led by National Seniors. A popular slogan at the time was: “Only someone who’s worked in an office their whole life would think you can work until you’re 70!”

In the run up to the 2019 election Scott Morrison dropped the age-70 target as Liberal policy. His deputy, Michael McCormack said it was “probably a step too far” adding “I think if you’re a tradie, or a brickie, or a shearer in rural and regional Australia you don’t want some suit in Canberra telling you you’re going to have to work until you’re 70,” he said.

At National Seniors, we were pleased



JUNE 22 - JULY 22

As Mercury’s mental energetics relax in your sign into a more empathic, less logical and factual communication style, you don’t have to spend a motza on feeling good. A home-cooked meal, close homies, a series binge or good book make simple pleasures this week’s winners, especially round 3 July full moon.



Your majesties might be unusually vulnerable to verbal impatience and explosive emotions this week, so easy does it. A Mars power surge and Venus/Pluto clash suggest it’s best not to dictate, because the pushback could be intense. If you sense a power struggle brewing, press pause and bow out gracefully.



July’s celestial weather predicts a period of constructive planning in preparation for the future. A time to reassess values and commitments and set a realistic trajectory. Uranus advises that by looking where you mightn’t normally be inclined to, you could be pleasantly surprised by an opportunity hiding in plain sight.

the government “backed away from the unpopular idea” and called the decision “a win for common sense”. Now a group of academics has revisited the statistics and released a report saying a further rise is warranted to ensure the country has a sufficient supply of workers into the future. Macquarie University Business School Professor Hanlin Shang and his co-authors say there should be three more pension-age increases over the next 27 years. They suggest 68 by 2030, rising to 69 in 2036, and 70 by 2050.

Professor Shang says Australia’s low birth rate is one of the key factors.

“Less people in the working group and


more in retirement will make the old age dependency ratio (OADR) higher,” he said. “What this means is there is less working people to support elderly people. And with more elderly people in the population, this will create a burden for the government pension system.”

Professor Shang and his team should read, or hopefully re read, “The Age Pension in the 21st Century” by 2018 Actuary of the Year Michael Rice. He revealed the cost of the age pension as a per centage of GDP will fall, not rise in the decades to come. There will be far fewer full pensioners, and far more part pensioners and self-funded retirees.



After last month’s busyness you’re likely to be craving order, simplicity, and less rather than more. This week’s planetary mix of water, fire and earth elements are geared towards impulsive, emotional action, so your diplomatic air-sign skills might be required to provide a more logical balance of feeling and facts.



This month’s nurturing energy turns up the volume on self-care. Which may initially involve becoming acquainted with your shadow side but, hey, why not start learning to love it? At this time of year, intimate experiences, which include getting to know yourself, can be both enjoyable and inspirational.



With Jupiter spending a year in your sign’s eco-friendly sector of health, organization and service, you indie-spirited global nomads might be inclined to find travel less inviting this month than small intimate gatherings and heart-to-heart bonding conversations in a domestic setting. Well okay, not all of you...



This year’s full moon, in your practical and goal-oriented sign on 3 July, is your annual signal for a midyear review and progress assessment to rejig goals and strategies, where necessary. Capricorn is regarded as the eldest of the three earth signs, and this is your season for spending quality time with the clan.



At this midpoint of the year, it’s time to step back, acknowledge your progress and celebrate whatever you’ve managed to achieve. And, as always, remember to thank the people who’ve been part of it. Pass anything that’s just not working into the too-hard basket until conditions start looking more auspicious.



When Neptune, Pisces’ planet ruler, retrogrades, your receptivity can sometimes make you a magnet for unscrupulous people. It’s definitely worth shielding your energy field with an extra layer of protection during July, whether that’s increased online security, healthy boundaries, positive thinking, salt baths, more discernment…your choice.

The “burden” simply won’t be there. The pension was 2.9% of GDP when Peter Costello’s 2002 Intergenerational Report predicted it would grow to 4.6% of GDP by 2042. But it was it was just 2.7% of GDP five years ago, and Rice Warner projected “expenditure to fall to 2.5% of GDP by 2038.” It added “the downward trend will continue well into the future.”

It’s predicted to be just 2.1% of GDP by 2060. Why? Superannuation has been delivering, just as Paul Keating predicted. His “magic of compound interest” has been adding to the retirement incomes of millions. We reject calls for raising the age to 70 on both fiscal and social policy grounds. Many people exit the workforce because of ill health. We should consider a Canadian style system where you can opt to get the pension earlier but get a bit less.

We’ve also argued the best way to tackle declining participation is to provide incentives to those who choose to work longer. Our Let Pensioners Work campaign calls for a reduction in the income test taper rates so you can keep more of your pension if you choose to continue working. This is fairer than raising the pension age because it rewards people who want and need to work.

Pensioners who chose to work would benefit from extra income and their participation would also help the economy.

If you are on a pension, and you want to keep working it’ll be a win for the economy, it’ll be a win for the pensioners, and it will be a win for the government.

A note to politicians, our latest poll of more than two thousand people showed just 7% support the move to 70, 45% are fine with 67 and 46% want it back to 65.

An election winning policy would be to lower it back to 65 as they’ve just done in Canada.



Feeling drained from too much output? Healing planet Chiron, dipping into its annual retrograde in your sign, suggests you start saying ‘no’ to requests you know will be exhausting. Prioritize how you spend your time, money and resources. Invest them in what will give you the most return and stability.


APRIL 21 – MAY 20

Jupiter, largest planet in our solar system, is embarked on a yearlong stay in your sign. Associated with expansion and largesse, Jupiter’s superpower of generous sharing will attract benefits during this cycle, so keep giving freely, especially throughout the increasing clench of upcoming planetary retrogrades.


MAY 21 – JUNE 21

Gemini’s mentor planet, Mercury, in your money zone and the sign of very clever budgeting, invites you to make a smart start on the last half of the year by refining your master plan, pinpointing what’s working well, putting anything too difficult or resistant on hold, and remembering to celebrate small wins.

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with Lilith Rocha
If you are on a pension, and you want to keep working it’ll be a win for the economy. Ian Henschke

Take fight to Telstra

The coverage of the recent Telstra failures in Beerwah and the discussion in this week’s Glasshouse Country and Maleny News (June 27) have made interesting reading. However, it is very apparent that nothing is going to change unless the residents and businesses of the Glass House Mountains and Hinterland area continue to take up the fight.

But who do we take the fight to?

Telstra- NO. they won’t do anything as they already have what they want- ie: All of us mugs paying our bills each month while they don’t and won’t provide the service that we are paying for. They will simply continue to roll out their standard response- “If you are not happy with the service we provide, you can go somewhere else.” Evidence of this is the installation of new 5G coverage which they can charge for and sell new devices but with no guarantee of providing the service.

Telecommunications Ombudsman- NO.

When I took the issue of local coverage to them, they advised that they could only intervene on contractual type issues and could not force Telstra to improve the coverage. The best that they could do for me was to refer the issue to the Telstra disputes resolution team.

Local Government- Definitely NOT. They are only interested in the eastern side of the Bruce Highway and are happy to keep us on the western side as a rural backwater. This is very clear from some of their recent decisions. State Government- LOL. As far as Anna is concerned, Queensland stops at the Pine River Bridge.

Federal Government - The local member is in opposition now so even if he was interested in doing something, he simply wouldn’t be listened to by the government. When he was in government and I raised the issue with him, he wasn’t really interested but promised to get back to me. He never did.

Perhaps we need to find a way to take it directly to the actual government and have the federal minister responsible for the communications come and talk and LISTEN to a representative group of residents and businesses.

Remember. It is not only increased coverage that we need, but it is improved quality of coverage from the existing infrastructure.

MH, Glass House Mountains

Is this what we asked for

I’m sure many of your older readers can remember the analog mobile phones. These had a range of over 70Ks. Theoretically with just two towers, one on the Gold Coast and

one on the Sunshine Coast, you could drive from the NSW border to Noosa without losing connection. Compare that to 5G which has a range of between 1.5 and 5Ks. It is also line of site whereas analog signals to some extent followed the terrain.

Unfortunately for me I live in a dip about 900m from the GHM tower and have no signal in my house. My Telstra modem has a 4G backup which has never worked. In the event of a power cut I have no access to the emergency services. Should we have a bushfire or flooding the State Governments emergency phone contact will not reach me or my immediate neighbours.

However to come to the defence of Telstra they have had to deal with local NIMBYs. I recall when the local tower was first suggested there was great hue and cry about how ugly they look and the dangers of radiation. Which, contrary to some of your readers, was debunked years ago. Consequently it is buried in the trees opposite the Glasshouse turnoff. These trees affect the signal strength, especially when wet with rain.

Recently it was suggested that small 5G transmitters could be mounted on streetlamps in our housing estates, which would give all the coverage we would need. However I can’t see that getting past some locals. At the end of

the day we partly have ourselves to blame for our current lack of service.

Issues since the 70s

I was intrigued by Chris Coote’s article GC&M News 27th June, about poor service from Telstra, which comes as no surprise to me at all.

I experienced very poor service from Telstra as far back as 1979 when I lodge a request for a phone connection to my new house in Buderim, and was informed it would take up to 8 weeks for the phone to be connected.

About a week later, my Boss asked if I had the phone connected so I could be contacted should I be needed in the event of an emergency, at which time I informed him the application had been lodged and it would take up to 8 weeks to be connected, he then handed me a form to give to Telstra, requesting a priority connection, for members of an emergency service, and since I was a Firemen with the Department of Army Fire Service, I qualified for a Priority connection.

However, it seems even back then, Telstra was not swayed by this fact, and the very abrupt service centre employee informed me that being a member of an emergency service is of no consequence, and it will now take up to TEN weeks to be connected, so after I informed my boss of this fact, he simply said,

“OK, Leave it to me”, I’m not entirely sure what he did, or to whom he spoke, but it is suffice to say, by the time I arrived home the next morning after completing my shift, I was greeted by four Telstra employees connecting the phone to my house.

A short time later, after I was satisfied the connection was up and running smoothly, dumped Telstar as my Phone Service Provider, and have never done business with them since, maybe if more people dumped them, they might change their attitude, and start providing the SERVICE we pay for, but I wouldn’t hold my breath.

Doing our share

There is a feeling of unease about the future that grows more intense as the media reports on violent conflicts around the globe. Human actions are involved in multiple wars and uprisings world-wide, most notably in Ukraine, Syria, Iraq and their surrounds. Added to these are numerous incidents in Africa and to a lesser extent in South and Central America, and now the open threat from China to “capture” Taiwan. The United States no longer can aspire to the role of global controller having made terrible mistakes in seeking to control the future of Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as adversely interfering with political developments in many other countries.

Quite apart from the murderous conflicts so many of our fellow humans are caught in we have the ongoing destruction of the incredible natural ecosystems that provide us with life support. Those of us with the disposable income to afford food that requires a high natural input of agricultural and natural resources are unaware that in the long run food productivity will decline, while in the meantime millions in particular regions already suffer from an acute shortage of nourishing food.

Besides the inequality of impact on the environment due to the enormous gap between the resources (income) of the richest

Tay Tay will bring us out of doldrums

ONE of the dafter stories I read this week was whether the rush for Taylor Swift tickets would help lift the country out of recession - next year. An actual economist was interviewed and gave the only possible answer: Uh, no. But still it went on for hundreds of words.

That brings me to the courageous move of our local member, Andrew Wallace, who started a petition to get Tay Tay to Brisbane. Doomed to failure of course, but the sentiment is spot on. The Getaway Car star really should have been compelled to perform in Brisbane. Instead local fans are spending

up to $1300 on tickets (great value because they come with a tote bag and sticker) and then have to travel to and stay in Sydney or Melbourne. The greatest performer the world has ever seen is not worth that kind of money.


Speaking of rocks, is anyone else watching closely as the murmurings of closing the region’s hiking mountains get louder. Hikers are apparently being asked not to climb Mt Beerwah during NAIDOC week. What purpose that serves is open to debate. It certainly sparks a conversation, because why just stop at scenic mountains?

the train’s wi-fi is next to useless. I won’t hold my breath.


I recognise that introducing species to combat other species has a less than spotless record, but if authorities wanted me to bring a

over to K’gari to bring those increasingly cheekybiting dingoes to heel, then we’d be more than happy.

Or... just maybe humans shouldn’t use the island as a tourism hot spot..

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CONDITIONS Please keep your letters under 300 words, your name, address and daytime phone number must be supplied. Letters must focus on issues and not be personal attacks on individuals. Letters may be edited. SEND TO: editorial@gcnews.com.au or PO Box 99, Beerwah 4519 or text to 0488 444 525 YOU SAID IT


The desire to own our own homes is a cultural aspiration spanning all generations of Australians. But it has shifted a bit in the past few decades. For example, more people buy apartments for their first homes now, and ‘rentvestors’ have amended the Great Australian Dream from home ownership to property ownership. So, why have our choices changed over the years?

Many people would say it’s all related to affordability. But there is actually more to it than that. A recent study from the Australian Bureau of Statistics uncovers the key social trends and lifestyle choices that have influenced the property decisions made by the Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millennials. Using Census data, the report looks at the common

property choices made by each generation at the same stage of life, when they were aged between 25 and 39 years. Baby boomers were this age at the 1991 Census, Gen Xers at the 2006 Census and Millennials at the 2021 Census. As we already know, this is commonly a stage of life when many people buy their first property. The rising age of first ownership

At ages 25-39, 65.8% of Baby Boomers were homeowners (owned outright or with a mortgage) compared with 62.1% of Generation Xers and 54.6% of Millennials. There are many reasons why the average age of first home ownership is rising: Affordability, more people going to university and thereby delaying fulltime income, and getting married and having kids later in life.

Getting married and having kids later in life

Delaying marriage and having fewer children than their forebears means Millennial singles and couples can live comfortably in smaller homes for a longer period of time during their early lives. At ages 25-39, 51.5% of Baby Boomers were living in family households compared to 40.7% of Gen Xers and 21.2% of Millennials.


Australia has one of the most highly valued property markets in the world, so ownership isn’t easy to attain. One way people have adapted is through apartment living. In the 1990s, it was almost unheard of for a family to live in an apartment. Now, it’s very common. And these days, many couples are delaying marriage and children because they want to buy a

McGrath CEO & FounderJohn McGrath

of Gen Xers and 47.6% of Baby Boomers. Improved accessibility to further education is one reason for this. From the late 1980s, the university sector rapidly expanded with 20 new universities accredited between 1987 and 1999. Education requirements for various industries also increased. For example, nursing only became an undergraduate degree in 1994. Inevitably, studying delays income production, which delays home ownership. These days, many young people remain in the family home with their parents while studying. However, a university degree does help people earn higher incomes, which makes homeownership more affordable later.


service a loan, especially if you own a

There’s one more aspect to home ownership that most people across the generations would agree on, and that is the importance of owning your own home in retirement. The Federal Government’s 2020 Retirement Income Review showed debt-free home ownership is the key to a comfortable life in retirement in Australia. So that’s a worthy goal, no matter what age you buy your first home, or what lifestyle choices you make through the ages of 25 to 39.


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and new


Coast & Hinterland
Rates of university study increasing qualification compared to 64.2%
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Cassi Nuske – 0415 304 127. We look forward to being of service for all of your real estate requirements.
28 | JULY 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au REAL


101 Shaws Road, Beerwah

4 Bed | 2 Bath | 4 Car

Over $1,475,000

Energy-efficient acreage haven in the Hinterland

Discover the perfect Hinterland hideaway at 101 Shaws Road, Beerwah. This remarkable property on a level 4,777sqm block boasts a luxurious home with stunning high-end features, an abundance of space together with grand outdoor entertaining, a tropical pool, and gorgeous gardens offering the ultimate secluded Hinterland oasis close to all the Sunshine Coast has to offer.

With a purposeful design ideal for a growing family this home boasts four generous bedrooms including a decadent master suite with a walkthrough wardrobe and luxury bathtub in the ensuite; three separate internal living areas including a separate kid’s retreat and cinema room; a dedicated office and an expansive outdoor entertaining space flowing onto tropical gardens and easy care grounds providing ample space for everyone to enjoy.

Boasting abundant space to host events, room for a pony, a hobby farm and with wide expanses for children and pets to play, the low-maintenance grounds adjoining Macadamia farmland have been designed with the busy family in mind so you can breeze through the yard work with ease and spend your weekends enjoying the tranquillity and privacy of this outstanding property.

With sustainability and low-cost living features including town water supply, a rarity on a parcel of land this size; a designated laundry and toilet rainwater tank; raised vegetable gardens and an incredible 23 solar panels with a 10KW battery this home truly represents exceptional value in a highly sought-after Hinterland locale.

Call me today to view this incredible property.

Shop 10/44 Simpson Street, Beerwah (07) 5405 3628 8 Knowles Place, Glass House Mountains 14 Evergreen Way, Beerwah 4 Bed | 2 Bath | 3 Car 4 Bed | 2 Bath | 4 Car
Immersed in deluxe charm, surrounded by lush tropical landscaping, new resort-style pool and breathtaking mountain vistas this renovated jewel sits atop a terraced 2053sqm parcel on Knowles Place, representing true executive living in the Glass House Mountains’ most sought-after estate.
FOR SALE Over $1,550,000 FOR SALE Over $1,200,000 WELCOME By Appointment WELCOME By Appointment AGENT Cassi Nuske 0415 304 127 AGENT Cassi Nuske 0415 304 127
Showcasing a beautifully executed collaboration of astute design and energy efficient features, 14 Evergreen Way, on a pristine 2507sqm parcel presents an executive level Hinterland property appealing to the discerning buyer with style, space and contemporary living in mind.
AGENT Cassi Nuske 0415 304 127
JULY 4, 2023 | 29 www.gcnews.com.au REAL ESTATE
SEPTEMBER 13, 2022 | www.gcnews.com.au | 1 AIRCONDITIONING A ANTENNAS / TV A BUILDERS / CARPENTERS B BUILDERS / CARPENTERS B AUTOMOTIVE APPLIANCE REPAIRS A 5494 1653 or Brad 0405 985 139 www.mingleford.com.au Your Beerwah locals Family owned & operated ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 27 735 124 718 LIC NO: 42045 ABN Electrical Appliance Repairs Gas Services Air Conditioning Refrigeration TV ANTENNAS | SATELLITE DISHES | PHONE | DATA | WIFI TV POINTS | CABLING | ALARMS | CCTV CAMERAS INTERCOMS, VIDEO & AUDIO | TV MOUNTING LETTER BOXES | CLOTHESLINES | SOLAR LED SKYLIGHTS WWW.ALCORNSANTENNAS.COM.AU LOCALLY BASED IN LANDSBOROUGH Michael Kossen ELECTRICAL ALL APPLIANCE REPAIRS 0409 266 807 Phone 5494 1877 Lic 10710 Terry Vost 0434 090 197 TNT MOBILE MECHANICAL Honest & Reliable Mechanical Repairs Logbook & General Servicing  Repairs  Log Book Servicing  Roadworthy Certi cates  Brakes & Clutches  Air Conditioning  4WD Accessories ELITE MECHANICAL & 4X4 5494 0755 4/1 Roys Road, Beerwah “OUR REPUTATION IS YOUR GUARANTEE” Your Complete Service Centre Your Complete Service Centre  Tyre Sales & Repairs  Wheel Alignments  Full Mechanical Services and Repairs  Log Book Servicing  Batteries, Windscreens  Approved Inspection Station 52 Peachester Road BEERWAH Phone: 5494 0944 Fax: 5494 0957 Email: beerwahtandm@bigpond.com For ALL Your Building Needs Oonagoona Constructions Mobile: Troy 0418 708 876 Email: fox24up7@gmail.com 36 Years Local / Industry Experience QBCC Licence: 32291 Insurance Recti cation Work New Homes Renovations Extensions Plumbing & Roo ng Concreting Decks Maintenance Bathroom Renovations Licenced Builder 20 yrs carpentry experience PH: 0403 240 499 E: anthonycallegari@outlook.com qbcc licence15258660 | qbcc licence 15262656 vba licence 63042 | Master Builders Member Nathan Fowler 0433 431 470 nathan.rt.fowler@hotmail.com Builders Lic. No. 1255521 NEW HOMES. ADDITIONS. ALTERATIONS. EXTENSIONS. PERGOLAS. VERANDAHS. SCREENS. DECKING. FENCING. BATHROOM RENOVATIONS. AND MUCH MORE... ABN 67 577 379 379 TRADES & SERVICES LOCAL DIRECTORY Support our Local Businesses and join us in Keeping Business Local. Find out how we can help your business through local advertising, call 5438 7445 www.golocalhinterland.com.au CABINETMAKERS C Ph 5439 0108 Fax 5439 0109 ABN 34 633 773 985 QBCC Lic No. 15187952 New Installations & Renovations Matthew Muller 0409 936 083 Email: knmkitchens@iinet.net.au DROP IN TO THE SHOWROOM www.knmkitchens.com.au Need the job done now? We can make it happen Small, medium & large renovations New homes built | Extensions & alterations Property Maintenance/Repairs Contact John 0401 637 262 info@gbchomes.com.au www.gbchomes.com.au Find us on facebook Local builder with over 30 years experience QBCC 55722 to secure your place 5438 7445 Certain work defined as 'building work' in the QBCC legislation may only be undertaken by licensed contractors or, if undertaken by unlicensed contractors, only to the value of $3,300. However, work falling outside of that
unlicensed contractors
is not subject to any value limit. To check whether a contractor holds a QBCC licence visit www.qbcc.qld.gov.au or call the QBCC on 1300 272 272. BEERWAH MECHANICAL SERVICES Repairs, Servicing, Maintenance Road Worthy Certificates Tyres, Wheels & Wheel Alignments Modifications & Upgrades RACQ Approved Repairer New car warranty compliant services It’S CuStoMER SERVICE tHAt SEtS uS ApARt 07 5494 0000 beerwahmechanical.com.au 8/47 Beerwah p arade, B EERWAH (entry via Free Street) NEVER MISS AN EDITION SUBSCRIBE AT: www.gcnews.com.au Call Ryan for a FREE Quote 0411 582 900 • Pressure Washing • Gutter Cleaning controlledpropertyservices.com Steam Clean & Sanitise using broad spectrum anti-microbial products Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning Locally Owned & Operated Environmentally friendly products Phone: 0491-075-652 SUNCOAST SUPREME CLEANING www.suncoastsupremecleaning.com.au  Carpet & Rugs  Leather  Spot & Stain Removal  Upholstery  Mattress Cleaning  Pet Odour Removal C CLEANING OUTDOOR C CONCRETING Quick Concrete No Job Too Small Darrell & Jocelyn Byrnes Plain - Exposed - Stencil Finishers Shed Slabs, Driveways, Pathways Patios, Under House, House Slab Excavator and Bobcat Hire Mob: 0419 797 448 QBSA: 737533 LYNCRETE CONCRETORS We Don’t Pussyfoot Around 0432 590 040 Slabs | Patios | Colour | Plain | Exposed Aggregate | Driveways Pool Surrounds | Retaining Walls | Footings | Steel Fixing lyncreteconcretors@gmail.com Sunshine Coast & Hinterland Matt Lynch Fully licenced & insured Over 20 yrs exp QBCC: 15022146 Hale Car pet Cleaning Your Local Carpet Cleaning Professional Mob: 0457 999 926 clean@halecarpetcleaning.com.au * Carpets, Rugs, Mats * Car Upholster y * Tile & Grout Cleaning Lounge Suites (Fabric & Leather) * Office Chairs, Mattresses *Clean to Australian Standards Brad Hale - Owner Operator since 2005 Make your place sparkle again • House washes • Driveways • Business areas & carparks • And much more! Check out our story at: www.xteriorpressurecleans.com Call Steve 0432 292 066 WINDOW CLEANING Window, track and screen cleaning Phone Adam 0437 732 628 Fully insured, servicing the Sunshine coast hinterland region. Gutters | Pressure washing Solar panel cleaning CARPET CLEANING C AUTOMOTIVE A
definition may
performed by
JULY 4, 2023 | www.gcnews.com.au | 31 Find us on Facebook facebook.com/glasshousecountry&malenynews D DETAILING Mobile Auto Detailing Accessories Fitting Window Tinting WE DO MORE THAN CLEAN! Call Mick on 0408 700 472 mick.unique.auto@gmail.com Headlight Rejuvenation All Services Mobile Replacement of Broken/Damaged Parts E ELECTRICIANS E EMBROIDERY F FENCING E ENGINEERING & WELDING 0416 207 539 E M B R O I D E RY F X www.embroideryfx.com.au Embroidery | Transfers | Work Wear Gifts | Plaques & Awards GARDEN MAINTENANCE G BSA Lic. No. 71536 PO Box 578, Beerwah QLD 4519 Office: 5493 0054 Fax: 5493 0027 Electrical Services karenandadam8@bigpond.com.au Installations, Repairs, Ser vicing Commercial • Rural • Industrial Adam: 0414 482 037 NFL Electrical Nathan 0417 040 291 Lic. No. 70875 Domestic, Commercial, Industrial Phone & Data, Intercoms & Gates Give us a go! No Job is Too Small Prompt, friendly service Call Greg Small mob 0404 903 801 or 5494 9199 www.gregsmallelectrical.com.au greg@gregsmallelectrical com au Peachester, Qld 4519 ABN 94 093 314 882 Lic no 69975 Lighting Split Systems Pumps Ceiling Fans Renovations Sheds Power points Switchboards Commercial fitouts For all your electrical needs 5494 1653 or Brad 0405 985 139 www.mingleford.com.au Your Beerwah locals Family owned & operated ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 27 735 124 718 LIC NO: 42045 ABN Electrical Appliance Repairs Gas Services Air Conditioning Refrigeration Brad Jobe 0458 162 022 ELECTRICAL AIR-CONDITIONING GOOD AT SMALL JOBS Licence No. 79521 Reliable – Courteous – Professional www.instyleelectrics.com.au 5494 0005 LIC 71753 ACRS A030330 L083305 Dwayne Minchev GLASS HOUSE MOUNTAINS Repairs & Maintenance Extensions & Renovations Split System & Ducted Air Conditioning Solar Systems New Home Wiring TV Data & Phone Commercial & Industrial Ph: 5494 0046 M: 0409 491 938 Shed 7/5 Beerwah Pde, Beerwah admin@beerwahengineering.com.au Beerwah Engineering & Sheet Metal For all your Industrial, Residential & Rural Steel Fully Guaranteed – Quality Advice & Workmanship – Competitive Prices • All Structural Needs • On-Site Welding • General Fabrication • Custom Fabrication FIRST CALL FENCING Timber, Colourbond, Aluminium & Glass Pool fencing, Gates, Retaining Walls & More email: matt@firstcallfencing.com.au For a free quote Phone Matthew youR loCAl liCensed ConTRACToR www.firstcallfencing.com.au QB s A li C1139536 5496 9861 or 0439 303 306 Glasshouse Mtns Garden Clean ups Gutter Cleaning Whipper Snipping Pruning Mays Mowing Service Phone Nick Atwell 0411 466 586 Large Acreage Mowing Rubbish Removed C CONCRETING Geo ’s Lawn & Garden Maintenance • Hedging & Mulching • Gardening • Rubbish Removal • Acreage Mowing • Gutter Cleaning • High Pressure Cleaning Ph: 0407 694 414 NEVER MISS AN EDITION SUBSCRIBE AT: www.gcnews.com.au F FLOORING CARPET VINYL TILES BLINDS 5494 6300 www.aussiecarpetsandvinyl.com.au FREE MEASURE & QUOTES Open Monday - Friday | 9am - 5pm Shop 3/15 Free St, Beerwah Adam Electrical Lic No 68511 Domestic Commercial Industrial All Installations & Maintenance Call us for friendly service & free advice 0408 023 365 tooNojobsmall 10% Pensioner Discount G GAS 5493 0493 LPGasSuppliers L P G A S www.klmgas.com.au •Appliance Sales •Gas Fitting •Home & Business •BBQ & Camping bottle filled •Bottle testing H HANDYMAN THE HELPFUL HOME HANDYMAN thehelpfulhomehandyman@gmail.com Like us on ABN: 21 882 799 587 Call Owen 0421 217 565 • Servicing the Hinterland • Minor Repairs eg. tiling, plumbing, plastering & painting • Any odd jobs • No job too small • Fully insured Glasshouse Country Handyman & Maintenance Internal & External projects Decks, ramps, stairs Sheds, patios, retaining walls Doors, walls, windows Fencing & Gates Pressure washing Quality, Reliable work Gates Call Mark 0428 328 103 Over 15 years experience ABN 67 710 267 498 - any odd jobsNo Job Too Small Free Quotes Pensioner Discount Fully Insured Jobs Up To $3300 H HANDYMAN H HIRE Competitive Rates | Pick Up & Delivery All Areas BUILDERS EQUIPMENT & PARTY FUNCTION HIRE www.rrhire.com.au 66-68 Beerburrum Road Caboolture info@rrhire.com.au Book this spot TODAY Call Tina to secure your place 5438 7445 Shane Robins 0418 900 705 CERTIFIED IN LANDSCAPING CONSTRUCTION FULLY INSURED ABN 97 005 645 695 beerwahland@gmail.com • Mini Bobcat Services • Drainage Systems • Retaining walls • Paving / Repairs • Lawns • Gardens / Mulching L LANDSCAPING Ph: 0418 204 159 a/h: 5494 0830 Builder & Stone Mason QBSA License No. 77177. Est 1981 GRAHAM RENWICK • PAVING & STONEWORK • RETAINING WALLS • DRIVEWAYS • POOL SURROUNDS • OUTDOOR LIVING AREAS • WATER FEATURES BEERWAH • PATHWAYS/STAIRS • UNIQUE GARDENS & GARDEN FEATURES
32 | www.gcnews.com.au | JULY 4, 2023 P PEST CONTROL P PLANT & MACHINERY Glasshouse Mountains ▪ Bobcat ▪ Augers ▪ Trencher ▪ Levelling Bar ▪ 10/20m tipper ▪ 3.5 Tonne Excavator ▪ Bulk landscape supplies Phone Allen 0459 262 228 Owner Operator 30 Years Experience www.pavitt.com.au SMALL ENOUGH TO LISTEN, BIG ENOUGH TO DELIVER Front End Loaders Tippers Small & Large, Flat Beds Civil & Earthworks Residential & Commercial RIAN OUGLASS CAVATIONS Servicing the Hinterland ‘ 7 DAYS’ 0402 728 590 or email douglass.xcavations@gmail.com Specialising in Civil & Residential Drainage | Dams Driveways Landscaping Shed pads | Truck Hire Site prep & clean up 5.5T Digger *All attachments available Positrack 6ft slasher with tilt hitch 4in1 Restricted Access Construction Equipment Ph Kevin 0408 816 736 •Mini Excavator 700mm Wide 0.8T has Ripper Auger attachments, 150 and mud buckets •Ideal for Drainage •Dump Truck 900mm Wide with 3/4m3 Bucket •2T Tipper • New Homes • Repaints • Roofs & Roof Restoration • Decks • House & Roof Washing Glass House Mountains Do It Right ...Choose Brush Right Painting Davie McIntyre FREE QUOTES QBSA 1192667 Need a good QBCC 15084282 painter? Mark Jillings 0429 310 815 Beerwah local P www.aussieoutdoorcreations.com.au CONCRETE EXCAVATION Patios Carports Decks www.aussieoutdoorcreations.com.au PATIOS CARPORTS DECKS 5212 5246 or 0475 375 758 SPECIALISING IN Repaints Renovations Roofs & New Work 30+ Years Experience LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED E: mooloolah.paintingo ce@gmail.com www.mooloolahpainting.com.au QBCC 15141125 P PLUMBERS No call out fee & free quotes QBCC 1002354 TREVOR SANDERSON PLUMBING 0413 330 275 0413 330 275 For all your PLUMBING needs P PLANT & MACH. REPAIRS  New Homes  Repaints  Industrial & Commercial  Over 25 yrs exp npf Call Nick 0438 152 049 ABN 13 660 464 423 BSA Lic 1168923 Quality workmanship Premium paints | Free quotes Painting & Decorating P 0474 811 333 Luke’s Termite & Pest Control Trust your local Pestie - Luke Experienced pest control technician including termite protection. 3.5 Tonne Excavator 0458 435 172 Email: info@scorpionexcavations.com.au  Post Holes  Pools 5 Tonne Excavator  Driveways  Drainage  Trenches  Concrete Site Prep schf@outlook.com.au sunshinecoasthoseand ttings.com.au 24/7 Mobile Service Ph: 0408 220 503 • 24/7 breakdown service • Planned maintenance and shutdown work • Hydraulic hose and fittings • Industrial hose and fittings • Fluid transfer, storage and metering • Pumps and reels • Hydraulics • Pneumatics • Lubrication • Refuelling P PAINTERS Certain work defined as 'building work' in the QBCC legislation may only be undertaken by licensed contractors or, if undertaken by unlicensed contractors, only to the value of $3,300. However, work falling outside of that definition may be performed by unlicensed contractors and is not subject to any value limit. To check whether a contractor holds a QBCC licence visit www.qbcc.qld.gov.au or call the QBCC on 1300 272 272. Maintenance Specialist QBSA: 1209575 M 0437 888 181 P 5494 0043 Blocked Drains, Hotwater System Replacement, Leaking Taps, Drain Camera, Burst Water Pipes 24/7 Emergency Service Available No Call out Fee & Free Quotes NEVER MISS AN EDITION SUBSCRIBE AT: www.gcnews.com.au NEVER MISS AN EDITION SUBSCRIBE AT: www.gcnews.com.au Book this spot TODAY Call Lewis to secure your place 5438 7445 No matter your rural wastewater needs we can help To book in a job, for a quote or just for some free friendly advice Call Express Plumbing on 0400 700 238 South East Queensland’s Number 1 Wastewater Specialist’s www.expresswastewater.com.au BSA: 1180430 P PLANT & MACHINERY straightforwardplumbing89@gmail.com Kyle Stevenson Specialising in maintenance: Taps | Toilets | Hot Water Systems Pensioner Discounts Glasshouse Mountains No Call Out Fee *conditions apply Emergency Call Outs PENSIONER DISCOUNT KRIS 0413 091 361 Local, Fully Licenced & Insured • All Areas Of Maintenance • Repairs / Replacements • New Installations • Hot Water Systems • Renovations QBCC 1278991 PLUMBER DRAINER GASFITTER
JULY 4, 2023 | www.gcnews.com.au | 33 T TILING R ROOFING & GUTTERING CLEAN GUTTERS BLOCKED DOWNPIPES NEW & REPAIR DOWNPIPES ROOF REPAIRS & LEAKS Fix leaking gutters New gutters & fascias Install & service whirly birds, skylights & water tanks ROOF & GUTTER MAINTENANCE FREE QUOTES  LOCAL BLOKE  OVER 20 YRS EXPERIENCE Phone Brad 0419 712 081 Jobs up to $3,300 www allenergyhq.com au 07 5438 7200 For ALL your Solar Needs 4 -10 Jeffreys Road Glasshouse Mountains QLD 4518 Solar - Hot Water - Battery Storage www.instyleelectrics.com.au 5494 0005 Dwayne Minchev LIC 71753 ACRS A030330 L083305 GLASS HOUSE MOUNTAINS Owned by Licenced Electricians & Solar Accredited Installers Solar Maintenance & Repairs Installing Solar for over 8 Years Battery Systems & Off Grid Systems Government Rebates Available QBCC Lic 1101772 Free Fast Quotes Experienced in all aspects of tiling Brian Dudin 0438 623 523 After hours: (07) 5494 7548 A local working for locals David Lowden Tree Services Phone 0407 710 993 • Pruning • Lopping • Removal Comprehensive Insurance on all jobs Call 5496 9790 COURTESY TRAILER AVAILABLE FOR LOCALS LAWN YOU’LL LOVE TO LIVE ON Monday to Friday 8am – 5pm Saturday 8am – 12 noon Sunday Closed 5422 9431 info@completelytyred.com.au Shed 4, 26 Chambers Rd, WOODFORD Proprietors - Bill & Donna Hill Locally family owned and operated - 34 years experience S SEPTIC SERVICES Glenview Septic & Liquid Waste Removal • Septic Tanks • Grease Traps • Treatment Plants • Holding Tanks glenviewseptic@gmail.com Danny McEwan 0499 887 043 Support your local tree business hinterlandtreessunshinecoast.com GET MORE CUT FOR YOUR BUCK Call Wayne on 0477 732 170 26 Tytherleigh Ave Landsborough • Yes – We Deliver All Areas • Comprehensive Range of Plumbing Supplies • Experienced Showroom Consultancy • Mon-Fri 6.00am to 4.00pm Closed Saturday until further notice 5439 9368 www.landsboroughbathrooms.com.au www.bigaplus.com.au BATHROOM AND PLUMBING SOLUTIONS T TREE SERVICES GETTING RID OF YOUR STUMPS R & M Call: Rick 0419 103 662 STUMP GRINDING and REMOVAL stumpchompers.com.au • Plumbing • Drainage • Gas fitting • Blocked Drains Call Luke 0410 314 192 S SLASHING W WATER BORES & DRILLING S SOLAR INSTALLATION Suppor t our Local Businesses Find out how we can help your business through local advertising, call 5438 7445 www.golocalhinterland.com.au Visit and join us in Keeping Business Local T TREE SERVICES

Honouring Our Elders

LAST year I wrote an article about my Celtic pilgrimage to Ireland and our visit to the 3200BCE domed tombs at Knowth and Newgrange. I remarked on how much pride is taken by the Irish people today of these ancient ancestors, despite the fact that they are descendants of the subsequent invasions and immigration of Celts, Romans, Saxons, Vikings, English and Spanish before 1600AD and the global immigration especially in the last 100 years. They speak of ‘their’ ancestors’ creativity and skills influencing their national pride today. I refrained from telling the guides that we had evidence of ancestors being on our island Australia for over 60,000 years. I wondered how we might embrace and honour those ancestors as part of our history as a nation Australia. How might our relationships and attitudes change if we truly as all Australians ‘Honoured our Elders’ from ancient times?

So I have invited Deline Briscoe to write to you her thoughts on “For our Elders” the NAIDOC week theme for this year.

Jankaji (Jung-Ga-Jee) means ‘Wealth of Knowledge’ in Yalanji, the language of my mother’s people from the Eastern Yalanji clan groups in the Kubirriwara ( Mossman) and Julaynwara (Daintree Rainforest) region. Jankaji was also my mother’s Yalanji name, which she was denied for most of her young life and only received in adulthood.

Our country holds the knowledge systems and cultural beliefs that are found in the landmarks. These places are ceremonial spaces where marriages take place, trading is organised, elders councils uphold law and we share our celebrations together.

Welcomes you each Saturday at 27 Maleny Street

9:30am - All Age Bible Study Hour

(Includes Children and Youth programs) 11:00am - Worship Service

First Saturday of the monthCommunity Lunch

Contact p: 0424 901 301 f: @LandsboroughChurch w: landsborough.org


Saturday 5pm: Peachester Rd, Beerwah

Sunday 7am: Caloundra St, Landsborough

Sunday 9am: 45 Cedar Street, Maleny Ph: 5430 9390 9am to 1pm Mon-Fri www.caloundracatholicparish.net

Glasshouse Country Uniting Church

29 Twin Peaks Drive, Beerwah

Come and worship with us

Beerwah – Sunday 8.30am

Peachester Community Church –last Sunday of the month 5.30pm

Minister: Rev Dr Elizabeth Nolan Ph. 0448 358 774 Email: churchgcuc@gmail.com

Much like a church or temple is to the Christian faith, Mt Beerwah, the Mother Mountain, is one of these sacred places for both Jinibara/Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi people.

We hold these sacred places in the same regard as ancient places of pilgrimage and worship. Around 2000 years ago Jesus died at Calvary, thus making this a sacred place for the Christian pilgrim and around 1400 years ago the Ka’abah became the holiest site for the Muslim faith, millions make the Haj (pilgrimage) to pay homage to this sacred site. In comparison, Mt Beerwah was formed around 24 million years ago and became an ancient sacred place around 65,000 years ago.

The desecration of Mt Beerwah has caused much grief and I personally have become more aware that this was done by somebody who lives amongst us - a shocking and humiliating act of disrespect to one of the most ancient sacred sites in Gubbi Gubbi/Kabi Kabi/Jinibara country.

Today I write about this grief and hurt on a very public forum, however, for many of our Elders, their voices were not given a place to be heard and their knowledge dismissed as myths and legends. Yet in many cases today, modern science is just now catching up with our knowledge.

Our culture values Our Elders, the knowledge keepers that share the lessons from our past to give us guidance into the future. ‘For Our Elders’ I choose to share stories and use my voice for the Elders that were voiceless during their time here.

Uniting in Prayer program

Contributed by Rev Dr Elizabeth Nolan

THE Glasshouse Country Uniting Church took part in an Australia-wide program of 3 weeks of special prayer from Pentecost to the UCA 46th anniversary on 22nd June.

It included daily prayers emailed out from the national office and sent locally to members as well as opportunities for small groups meeting for prayer.

Special resources for this time were prepared by Rev Dr Elizabeth Nolan to add to those sent nationally and individuals who could not join a group could pray at home using this variety of resources.

It all culminated in a special evening Prayer service on 22nd June followed by a delicious Soup & Bread supper.

Prayers written in the small group times were placed on a Prayer Banner in the church.

Cuppa & Chat Conversation times

Contributed by Rev Dr Elizabeth Nolan

morning tea at Glasshouse Country Uniting Church is a welcoming time for relaxed conversation for anyone in the community

to join. The sumptuous morning tea becomes a real time of celebration and making new friends. The next one will be 10am Tuesday 11th July.

BEERWAH CHURCH 27 Beerwah Parade

Sundays 9.30am & Kids Church

Arise Youth: Fri 7pm (grade: 7-12 | term time)

E: wecare@cotr.org.au W: churchontherise.org.au

MALENY CHURCH Maleny Sports Park, via Porter’s Lane

Sundays 9 30am & Kids Church

E: info@cotrmaleny.org W: cotrmaleny.org

choir of choristers with dementia, recently made its public debut.

Stepphanie Arlidge).

A Bible Teaching, Community Loving, Hope Filled Church on the Hinterland

On Saturday 17 June at St Andrew’s Anglican Church, Kings Beach, Caloundra, the Sunshine Singers and other local musicians delighted their audience of around 140 carers, family and friends during a wonderful afternoon of music.

Sundays @ 9am

12 Cedar Street, Maleny malenypc.org.au


You are most WELCOME to join us

9.00am each Sunday

Reed Street, Glasshouse Mtns (next to RSL) Sunday School, Women’s Fellowship, Bible Study

Contact: 5439 9341 or 5496 9671 www.glasshousemountains.lutheran.org.au

For their performance, the Choir, conducted by Anne Bowyer and accompanied by pianist, Reverend Jeanette Jamiseson-Foard presented a bracket of familiar songs. Songs included When Irish Eyes Are Smiling, Guide Me O Thou Great Redeemer, Raindrops Are Falling On My Head and Ol’ Man River. The afternoon’s program concluded with Choir and audience singing He’s Got the Whole World. It was a joyful experience for everyone present.

performances of other artists: Amber Trio (piano, violin and cello); Corder Ballet, (a

Sunshine Singers began earlier this year as a joint community project between Anne Bowyer and Reverend Jeanette Jamieson-Foard, musicians from the Anglican Parish of Caloundra Glasshouse Country, and Lorrae and Vince O’Rourke, Volunteer Facilitators of the Sunshine Coast Dementia Network. Singing rehearsals were held once a fortnight at St Andrew’s Church. These regular gatherings provide an opportunity for people diagnosed with dementia to join in music and song with others who understand their journey. It is also a time when family carers can enjoy an activity with their loved ones, and paid carers can take clients to a meaningful and enjoyable activity.

New Choir members with their carers are very welcome. The next gathering of Sunshine Singers, at St Andrew’s Church, will be on Friday July 14.

34 | JULY 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au CHURCH & COMMUNITY NEWS
Turn our readers into your loyal customers Independently owned and operated COUNTRY LEWIS KWARCIANYI advertising sales P: 5438 7445 M: 0488 444 525 E lewis@gcnews.com.au www.gcnews.com.au
with Rev Dr Elizabeth Nolan Glasshouse Country Uniting Church


Please be advised that the Maleny QCWA branch will be holding their Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Monday July 24 at 1.30pm in the Verandah Room at Maleny Community Centre, 23 Maple Street Maleny. All welcome, for enquires please contact Secretary Jocelyn - email qcwa.maleny@gmail.com


Glasshouse Country Bowls Club

Contributed by David Hayes

Carnival Monday 26.06 and Tuesday 27.06

Gerick with 3 wins and a margin of 17. 2nd. Corey Marshall and Trent Brehmer with 2 wins and a margin of 12. 3rd. Hayden Leslie and Hayden Oster with 1 win and a margin of -2. 4th. Thomas Brehmer and Jack Chirgwin (Glassy) 0 wins and a -27 margin.

Bartz with 2 wins and a margin of 2. 2nd. Sophie Allan and Zach Flood (Glassy) with 1 win a draw and a margin of 14.

Jamieson Morgan with 2 wins and a margin of 13. 2nd. Madisyn Parkinson and Phoebie Russell with 2 wins and a margin of 11.

Wibberley (Glassy) with 3 wins and a margin of 31. 2nd. Kye Butler and Jay Dee Blackley with 4 wins and a margin of of 18.

juniors who participated. Thanks to all the parents who bought their kids to our carnival.

Ladies ‘B’ Grade Final. In a cracker game Viv James had a narrow win over Sally Squires 25 - 23 .Congrats.

Dennis Hume def Margaret Blair, Rae Farrell and Margaret Gibson 23-15. Jonathan Orr, Margaret Smith and Frank Buckley def Steph Sleeman, Jenny Morris and Rob Scullion 19-17. Sejia Munster and Barb Whitfield def


VINYL RECORDS & TOYS , breakfast cereal toys, Matchbox cars, tin toys, dolls, vintage surfboards. Text or phone Steve 0421 030 056.


All advertising and copy is accepted subject to the approval of the publisher, Seven of Clubs Media Pty Ltd, who reserves the right to make adjustments in keeping with the general format of this publication. Compliance with the Trade Practices Act 1974 rests with the advertiser. Every care will be taken in the preparation and placement of advertising but the publisher, staff or agents shall not be liable for errors or omissions or subsequent effects due to same. Any adjustments by way of remuneration or replacement advertising is at the discretion of the editor. Customers who place display advertisements before the deadline of midday Friday will receive a proof of their prepared advertisement. No responsibility will be accepted for the inclusions of or errors in submissions received after our advertised deadline.


Domestic Short Hair

Age: 1 year 0 months

Sex: Male Adoption Fee: $125

Weight: 5.6 kg

Landsborough, 9 Caloundra St

Mon – Fri 8am – 6pm. Sat 8am – 1pm Phone: 5494 1337

Glass House Mountains, 3/11 Bruce Parade, Mon – Fri 9am – 4pm Phone: 5438 7177

This ad is sponsored by www.glasshousevets.com.au


Chips is a handsome young man who has come to us from our local pound. He has been friendly to all our volunteers and enjoys a scratch and a nap. We are unsure if he would like a furry friend so may be best as an only cat. Come and meet Chips today.


Staffordshire Bull Terrier/Shar Pei Stafford

Age: 1 year 1 month

Sex: Male Adoption Fee: $199

Weight: 24.5 kg


Joey is a lovely dog at one year of age. He has come from the local pound and after having all his vet work completed, we are looking for that special forever home for Joey. Joey is not high energy and doesn’t mind relaxing in his pen, he shows no signs of anxiety at shelter life and would make a great companion. Joey is clean in his pen and great to take for a walk, and can be selective when meeting other dogs out and about at SCARS.

Phone 5494 5275 info@sippycreek.com.au www.sippycreek.com.au or find us on Facebook

Furever homes are needed for...
TO BUY BALMORAL RIDGE, cnr Rangers Rd & Beechwwod St. Sat July 8th 7am – 4pm. Huge Garage Sale! Household PETS & LIVESTOCK
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metal bins supplied (conditions apply) Call Bryan & Leanne Eaton 1300 132 013 or 0414 925 890 CARS, BIKES, CARAVANS & BOATS CLEANING 5494 0008 31 MORONEY PLACE BEERWAH Mon-Fri 8am – 5.30pm Thurs til 6pm Sat 7.30am-12noon Pet shop, pet food & care, flea & tick treatment, stock feed & supplies Your friendly local pet shop COURSES & TUITION PUBLIC NOTICES 7.30am - 11am & 3pm - 4.30pm info@glasshousepetretreat.com.au www.glasshousepetretreat.com.au  NDIS cleaning Disability cleans  General cleaning / Spring clean Police clearance, insurance, references all equipment provided Coastal Care Queensland Cleaning Coastal Care Queensland 0450 506 013 CLASSIFIEDS Email: reception@gcnews.com.au or Phone: 5438 7445 Pay over the phone on your credit card 3 Garage Sale Book your ad from only $14 Classified deadline 10am Monday prior to edition date
Viv James Ladies B Grade Singles winner Riley and Cody Gerick Men triples winners Peter Bousen, Grant Podmore and Brett Collinson

Beerwah Bridge Club

Contributed by Martine Goedhart

BRIDGE results Tuesday 27 June.

North/south 1.

1 - 68.75% Tom Major - Jillian Major (6).

2 - 58.33% Kathy Seib - Jenny donovan (7).

3 - 52.78% Faye Rogers - Joanne John (4).

4 - 44.44% Libby Latimer - Jim Sloane (5)

5 - 43.52% Nell Howie - Bev Sockhill (1)

6 - 40.28% Bill Chessellls - Jackie collinson (3)

7 - 36.57% Neville Jordan - Barbara Freeman (2)

East- west

1 - 58.33% Kay Smith - Di Hume (1)

2 - 57.64% Tracey Pain - Gabi Rosenberger (6)

3 - 54.86% David Hine - Graham Nicholson (2)

Range Croquet Club

Contributed by Ken Barker

IT’S been an interesting week.

Tuesday ricochet croquet. Dianne Horsman and Sally Adams played singles. Dianne won 16 – 10. Lynette Evans and Ken Barker played Helen Andrews and Val Carbery to register a game score to Lynette (Ken takes no credit whatsoever scoring 0 hoops himself) of 11 – 9.

Chris Borlase defeated Donna Manning in a game of singles 26 – 12 on Thursday. Helen Andrews and Val had a resounding victory over Wallace Roy and Sally 11 – 6, while, far away behind the camellias which Wallace has thoughtfully pruned to enable players on each lawn to see each other, Carole Atkinson and Lynette were trouncing their senior opponents Vince Carbery and Sarah Widin to the tune of 13 – 8.

The most fun of the week however was on Saturday. Lynette and Dianne played for Maleny against Al Keetman and Ian Carr from Bribie in the Bray fixture for divisions 3 and 4 pennants. Al has “played up” in Lochwood and is an opponent to be reckoned with. Despite this, Dianne played well to beat him 16 – 6. Ian beat Lynette 22 - 11 One game all. Doubles decides. Dianne stepped up to the plate and made a tenbreak putting Bribie under pressure.


4 - 48.96% Keren Frohloff - Katie Piva (4)

5 - 45.83% Marianne Idle - Gwyneth Drane (5)

6 - 4.38% Karen Wilson - Jan Humphreys (3) Friday 30th June North South

1 - 56.25% Judith Boyd - Ann Slade (4)

2 - 55.10% Roger Garner - Lea Garner (3)

3 - 48.65% Faye Rogers - Graham Nicholson (5)

4 - 48.23% Tom Major - Jjillian Major (1)

5 - 41.77% Neville Jordan - Barbara Freeman (2) East - west

1 - 60.31% Jenny Donovan - Kathy Seib (1)

2 - 56.98% Andrew Smart - Kym Jervois (4)

3 - 55.52% Marianne Idle - Bill Chessellls (5)

4 - 40.52% David Hine - Di Hume (2)

5 - 36.67% Jackie Collinson - Trish Watts (3).

Beerwah Bulldogs win the inaugural ‘Brando’ Perpetual Shield match

THE Beerwah Bulldogs A Grade men smashed the Maroochydore Swans on the weekend 30-10, and in the process won the inaugural Mark Brandon ‘Brando’ Perpetual Shield.

The shield was formed in honour of Brando, the former coach of both clubs who died earlier this year after a brave battle with cancer.

The Bulldogs described Brando as a “leading force in bringing our club out of the shadows and starting us on the journey we are now relishing in”.

“The Beerwah boys truly played with the Brando spirit, toughing out the game, playing for each other and coming out winners,” the club added.

“A big thank you to Judy, Mark’s partner, for being there to help with the presentation and we would like to express our appreciation to Maroochydore for hosting a fantastic night.”

the club said it was still a tough game.

“Whilst Beerwah took the lead early and continued to be the in form team on the field, Maroochydore didn’t make it easy for them,” the club said.

“They kept coming and had moments in the game that kept the pressure on… the game was tough as both clubs have such pride and respect for Brando.”

Beerwah’s Nic Jennings scored two tries, and Mathew Kidd kicked four from four.

The Beerwah Bulldog Open Women’s side suffered a loss against the Noosa Pirates, going down 14-10.

Both teams scored two tries each.

The Pirates claimed their two in the first half with Beerwah’s Ayla McEniery scoring in the first 40 minutes and Amy Bock scoring in the second half. While the result was close, Noosa’s perfect conversion rate and a penalty saw them scrape out a four-point win.

Beerwah’s reserve grade team lost 32-18

Association: Thursday and Sunday. Please arrive at 1 pm for games to be arranged by 1.30. Contact Sarah Widin 0417640704 for other days.

Ricochet: Tuesday. Please arrive at 8.45am for games to be arranged by 9.00am. Coaching: is available on Saturday mornings at 8 a.m. Our web address is: https://rangecroquetatmaleny.org.au. For details contact Sarah Widin 0417 640 704 (President)

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Beerwah Masters mastering the pool

THE Beerwah Masters Swim team recently competed at the Rum City Masters Swim Meet on June 10 and the Brisbane Southside Masters Swim Meet on June 17, with multiple placings at both meets.

One of the team’s new recruits, Cliff, joined established members Nardia, Kylie and Angela, at the Rum City meet in Bundaberg, and placed 2nd in the 25m butterfly, 25m and 50m freestyle, and overall in his age group 40-44 years.

Nardia placed 1st in the 100m individual medley, 50m and 100m breaststroke, 2nd in the 25m breaststoke, 4th in the 25m butterfly and 3rd overall in her age group 45-49 years.

Kylie came 1st in the 25m freestyle and 25m breaststroke, 2nd in the 100m freestyle, 3rd in the 25m butterfly and 25m breaststroke, and Angela placed 2nd in the 25m freestyle.

Beerwah Masters swimmer Kylie Cornock said it was a great meet to attend after a three month break from competitive racing, allowing for a extended training period.

Praise for Pope victory

LIAM Pope is the Australian Feather Weight title champion after defeating Olympian Nestor Bolum in Revesby, Sydney, on the weekend.

Coach Steve Pitt, from Hinterland Boxing, said it was Pope’s most commanding fight to date.

Pope won on points - 96-93, 94-96, 97-92 - despite knocking Bolum down late in the final and 10th round with just seconds remaining.

Steve said Pope showed a lot of heart when it mattered the most during the torrid bout.

“He held his shape, he knew what he had to do, he didn’t get caught up in the brawl, he just maintained his composure, stayed behind his jab and

kept collecting points,” Steve said.

“He was ecstatic when he found out he won.

“He lost a title against Erik Sokolov last year and since then he’s faced a lot of adversities, had to undergo surgery and other things…

“To get this win, it was more than the belt, more than the fight, it was just a really good personal achievement for him and I’m just so proud of him, and it’s the best win I’ve had as a coach.”

Steve said Pope had a longer preparation period for this fight, training

“He stayed active and stayed fit and it paid off,” Steve said.

“He wasn’t even blowing hard at all, he could have gone a bit harder a bit earlier, but he just unleashed on Nestor in the 10th round,” he said.

“Nestor is an Olympian, he’s had 200 amateur fights, he’s a Commonwealth Games bronze medallist, so he has a lot of experience and power, but Liam’s conditioning and will was just too strong.”

several times a week, we got time to work on some things we’ve needed to work on which has been great,” she said.

“We always training towards a race so to have a little break between competition, it gets you fired up to get ready for the next one, we’ve been training hard so it’ll be great getting back into racing.”

The following weekend Kylie and Lene swam at the Brisbane Southside Masters swim meet, where Lene raced against Susie O’Neill who broke the 50m butterfly 50-54 world record after being absent from the pool since the 2000 Sydney Olympics.

“Lene broke a Danish record in the 50m butterfly, a national record in the 25m butterfly, as well as placing first in her age group for the 25m and 50m Butterfly and 50m and 100m freestyle,” Kylie said.

“I achieved some new PBs at the swim meet, came first in my age group for the 25m freestyle and 25m breaststroke, and placed second in the 25m backstroke and 25m butterfly.”

Liam will go straight back into training, but all eyes now turn to Hinterland Boxing stablemates Dana Coolwell and Tyler Blizzard who have key fight on July 15 at the Fortitude Music Hall in Brisbane.

Stinging the local competition

SEBASTIAN Goulton is a young superstar in the local rugby union scene, and has been selected in the South Queensland team after playing for the Sunshine Coast Stingrays.

Goulton was selected in the Sunshine Coast Stingrays representative team to play in the South Queensland Championships in May this year.

He was also picked ot play in the under 16’s South Queensland team in the Queensland Country Rugby Union Championships, and the team took out the win on July 2.

His mum, Sandra Goulton, said she was incredibly proud of his son for being selected to play in several representative teams this year.

“I think we were in shock I’m not going to lie, we were super proud that he just got into the Sunshine Coast Stingrays team,” she said.

“We thought that was awesome to get to that level, super proud of him and it drives a new level of confidence and passion in him.”

He has played since he was six-years-old, however due to a lack of players to make up a team, he stopped playing for the Maleny Bushrangers in 2019, and joined Brothers Sunshine Coast in 2022.

Sandra said since rejoining a rugby union club, Sebastian has gained a new found confidence in his new position as a front rower and is excelling in the sport.

“He’s been bullied for a lot of his life, so for this to happen has been a huge highlight for him, and he’s on the spectrum so he’s always found it really hard to fit in,” she said.

“He is super excited and he is just a different person, to see this new inner confidence since being picked for these representative teams is fantastic.

“When he’s playing, there’s something that comes over him being in the front row, and he has no fear, he loves to build on his new skills and being around really nice, likeminded people.”

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Liam Pope with the Hinterland Boxing team after his June 30 victory.



“I’m afraid for the calendar. Its days are numbered.”

“My wife said I should do lunges to stay in shape. That would be a big step forward.”

“Why do fathers take an extra pair of socks when they go golfing?” “In case they get a hole in one!”

“Singing in the shower is fun until you get soap in your mouth. Then it’s a soap opera.”

“What do a tick and the Eiffel Tower have in common?”

“They’re both Paris sites.”

“What do you call a fish wearing a bowtie?” “Sofishticated.”

“How do you follow Will Smith in the snow?” “You follow the fresh prints.”

“I thought the dryer was shrinking my clothes. Turns out it was the refrigerator all along.”

“How does dry skin affect you at work?” “You don’t have any elbow grease to put into it.”

“Dear Math, grow up and solve your own problems.”


“What did the janitor say when he jumped out of the closet?” “Supplies!”

“Have you heard about the chocolate record player? It sounds pretty sweet.”

“What did the ocean say to the beach?” “Nothing, it just waved.”

“Why do seagulls fly over the ocean?” “Because if they flew over the bay, we’d call them bagels.”

“I only know 25 letters of the alphabet. I don’t know y.”

“How does the moon cut his hair?” “Eclipse it.”

“What did one wall say to the other?” “I’ll meet you at the corner.”

“What did the zero say to the eight?” “That belt looks good on you.”

“A skeleton walks into a bar and says, ‘Hey, bartender. I’ll have one beer and a mop.’”

“Where do fruits go on vacation?” “Pear-is!”


38 | JULY 4, 2023 www.gcnews.com.au
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Articles inside

Praise for Pope victory

pages 37-39

Beerwah Masters mastering the pool

page 37

Beerwah Bulldogs win the inaugural ‘Brando’ Perpetual Shield match

page 36

Uniting in Prayer program

pages 34-36

Honouring Our Elders

page 34


pages 29-33


page 28

Tay Tay will bring us out of doldrums

page 27


pages 26-27

70 is not a lucky number!

page 26

Backyard Wildlife

pages 24-25

Introducing Aqualess and the WaterUps Wicking System

page 23

Sun shines with Circuit Alert

pages 22-23

Red Fox loves their orchids

page 22

Pesky pests have no chance with Netpro

page 21

Prepare for drought and strike liquid gold

page 21

New Sun Coast service helps map our ecosystems

page 20

Supporting growth

page 19


page 18

Mountain of muscle Success for Knitfest 2023

page 16

Celebrating NAIDOC week across Queensland

pages 14-15

Montville cellist defies critics and war

pages 12-14

Warm hearts and cosy PJs as winter hits Hinterland

page 11

Mooloolah Emergency Services Day success

page 10

Peachester History Committee marks 25 years

page 10

New office for GC&M News

page 9

Ant-elligence design

page 9

Hinterland club hosts first BMX state series

page 7

New to the neighbourhood

page 6

Arts Alive in Maleny

page 5

Tibrogargan closed for NAIDOC week

page 4

High fire risk

page 4

Camping for events only

page 3

Country View Club celebrates 20 years

page 3


page 2
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