Glagoslav Publications - Catalogue 2014

Page 32

In his book Vladimir Lenin. How to Become a Leader, Vladlen Loginov who is one of major authorities on Vladimir Lenin, writes about the revolutionary leader’s early years, his parents, his choice of career and his political activity. He goes on to show where the future statesman and creator of the world’s first socialist country came from with his incredible will power and ability to influence people, his drive towards success and his leadership qualities. All of these were Lenin’s distinct character traits since a young age. Hundreds of books have been written about this one of the most misterious and influential people in the history of mankind. In his research, Vladlen Loginov used new sources, previously unknown documents and memoirs, and uses archive of Russians in exile. In this work, Loginov, with objectivity of a great historian, explores ways which in his first thirty years of life led Vladimir Ulyanov, a graduate of the School of Law at Kazan University,

Vladlen Loginov

Vladimir Lenin. How To Become a Leader

baptised in Russian Orthodox Church in his childhood, to the establishment of the world’s first socialist state.

Biography ISBN: 9781782670612 Available in Paperback, Hardcover, Kindle/EPUB/PDF Publication date: 7th November 2014

Vladlen Loginov is the director of the Center for Historical Research, professor of National and World History at the Russian Academy of Education, author of over 400 academic works on the 20th century history of Russia.


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