Canadian Architect November 2010

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ISSuE 32.4 AuTuMN/WINTER 2010

$1.6 million in Federal Funding to help Integrate Foreign Architects into Canada The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development held a news conference in the lobby of the Architecture Canada | RAIC office on Sept. 13 to announce Architecture Canada will be receiving $1.6 million under the Foreign Credential Recognition Program The funding will enable Architecture Canada to work with the provincial and territorial regulators to develop, pilot and implement a program for evaluating and recognizing the credentials of Broadly Experienced Foreign Architects so that those whose skills and

experience meet Canadian professional standards can be licensed to practice in Canada. The project will entail completing development of a competency-based evaluation framework and refining this through a series of pilot evaluations Once completed, it’s planned that a national organization will administer the program on a national basis. The objective is to have the program operational by the second quarter of 2012. The HRSDC funding will also support development of program elements of the new RAIC Centre for Architecture at Athabasca university, notably the creation of virtual studio modules. Through the RAIC Centre for Architecture program, foreign architects will have access to learning tools such as courses on professional practice in Canada, building codes and other regulations; before they even arrive in Canada. Courses are expected to begin being offered at Athabasca university this fall. “This funding will enable us to create a fair and transparent system for assessing and licensing internationally trained architects into our profession on a timely basis while ensuring that Canadian standards are upheld,” said Jim McKee, Architecture Canada | RAIC Executive Director. Foreign trained architects are encouraged to begin the process of collecting necessary documentation while still in their home countries. More information can be obtained at Architects Going to Canada.

Jim McKee, Executive Director, Architecture Canada; The Honourable Diane Finley, Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development; Royal Galipeau, MP, Ottawa-Orléans; Mourad Mohand-Said, Executive Director / Registrar, Canadian Architectural Certification Board | Photo: Jonathan Ouellette

It is time to renew your membership Enjoy access to quality Professional Development programs, practice support documents, Committees and Working Groups, and international activities; as well as eligibility for nomination to the College of Fellows (after five consecutive years of membership). Each member in Canada also receives a free subscription to Canadian Architect, SABMag, and AWARD magazine; and discounts on many other publications such as Architectural Record and Azure. It is as simple as using Architecture Canada | RAIC’s online payment system – Along with the traditional membership categories – Architects, Interns or Intern Architects, Graduates, Faculty and Fellows – opportunities are available for Life Members, Student Associates and Affiliates.

New Award for Young Architects Architecture Canada is proud to announce a new award to accompany the call for submissions for the Awards of Excellence, Prix du xxe siècle, Architectural Firm Award and RAIC Gold Medal – the young Architect Award. This award honours architects under the age of 35 who are making their mark in the field. See for more information.

Architecture Canada – RAIC’s new name encompasses all the services and benefits historically offered to members and the public. To maintain the reputation behind designations, the legal name and corporate registration remains the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada – members can continue to use MRAIC and FRAIC with pride. Licensed architects are also encouraged to emphasize the many roles of the profession in society by using the title “Architect” too.

2009-2010 Board Members President Ranjit (Randy) K. Dhar, FRAIC 1st Vice-President and President-Elect Stuart Howard, FRAIC 2nd Vice-President and Treasurer David Craddock, MRAIC Immediate Past President Paule Boutin, AP/FIRAC Regional Directors Wayne De Angelis, MRAIC (British Columbia/Yukon) Wayne Guy, FRAIC (Alberta/NWT) Charles Olfert, MRAIC (Saskatchewan/Manitoba) David Craddock, MRAIC (Ontario Southwest) Ralph Wiesbrock, FRAIC (Ontario North and East/Nunavut) Claude Hamelin Lalonde, FIRAC (Quebec) Paul E. Frank, FRAIC (Atlantic) Chancellor of College of Fellows Alexander Rankin, FRAIC Council of Canadian University Schools of Architecture (CCUSA) Kendra Schank Smith, MRAIC Director Representing Intern Architects W. Steve Boulton, MRAIC Editorial Liaison Ralph Wiesbrock, FRAIC Executive Director Jim McKee Editor Sylvie Powell Architecture Canada | RAIC 330-55 Murray St. Ottawa ON K1N 5M3 Tel.: 613-241-3600 Fax: 613-241-5750 E-mail: MASThEAD PhoTo: LANGuAGE TECHNOLOGIES RESEARCH CENTRE AT uNIvERSITy OF QuEBEC IN OuTAOuAIS | MENKèS SHOONER DAGENAIS LETOuRNEux ARCHITECTS / FORTIN CORRIvEAu SALvAIL ARCHITECTuRE + DESIGN | PHOTO: MICHEL BRuNELLE

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