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Variable Descriptions Page 50

1850 Public Use Microdata Sample User's Guide and Technical Documentation

P65 PAUPER Indicates person was a "pauper."

P66-67 SURSIM - Surname Similarity Sequence number for each unique surname encountered in the dwelling .

Individuals with the same

SURSIM code within the dwelling shared the same surname. P68-69 AGEMO - Age in months The age in months of infants less than one year old on .June 1, 1850 . P70 CRIME- Crime If person is listed in a family, the variable indicates any crime they were convicted of within the past year . If the person is in an institution such as a penitentiary, the variable indicates the crime for which they were convicted.

P71-86 FNAME- First Name Person's first name in alphabetic characters including middle initial . P87-102 LNAME- Surname Person's surname in alphabetic characters .

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