GI Insight - InTouch 04

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InT uch From GI Insight

Issue 04

Database Marketing and Customer Loyalty Experts


Can you track your customers regardless of how, where and when they buy? ais london gains insight Can SoLoMo live up to the hype?

Welcome to InTouch Welcome to InTouch – the customer magazine from GI Insight focusing on current topics, industry news and features on customer loyalty, communication and database marketing. In database marketing the most important thing is to know your customer. But as the way customers choose to interact with companies and brands fragments, it becomes harder to keep track of your customers’ purchases and preferences.


That’s why a true single customer view is vital. But given the existence of legacy data systems and the high cost of creating a single customer view database, it can feel like there are more problems to solve than gains to be made. On pages 4 and 5, we show you how a single customer view can be created and why this will add so much to your profitability.

04 | Is your customer communication fragmented?

On page 3 we show you how a single customer view was vital for ais to give their client the information they needed. And we have updates and news from the DMA on page 6. Please let us have any feedback and thank you for reading InTouch.

03 | ais london gains insight

06 | Stack the cards in your favour 06 | Can SoLoMo live up to the hype? 07 | Mind the gap 07 | Ask the expert 07 | Seminar Dates

Yours sincerely

Andy Wood Managing Director, GI Insight E This magazine was delivered in an Oxo-degradable plastic polylope and printed by GI Insight, 147 Scudamore Road, Leicester, LE3 1UQ. Tel: 0116 232 1711; Fax: 0116 232 1611; Website: For more information contact Tara Pickles, Head of Marketing on 07970 263 943. We will hold your details in accordance with our Privacy Policy and may contact you by mail, email or telephone on the products and services offered by GI Insight. If you would like to unsubscribe from the GI Insight mailing list please email with your details.

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InTouch Case Study

a is london gains insight for ŠKODA from GI Insight PROJECT


ais London is a leading direct digital agency in the UK, and it develops award winning work for businesses across many sectors and disciplines.

Jane Evans, Head of Data Planning at ais London, confirms “This view of ŠKODA’s customers and prospects has brought all data together in to one place. We’ve been able to design the customer experience and the reporting structure to support it in such a way that we can measure a customer right throughout the sales journey. We are able to match back sales data for campaign analysis and dealer evaluation and it allows us to understand fully how our CRM activity is working.” ais London are very pleased with the service and results. “ŠKODA now has a relational database which supports their marketing activity and allows them to tailor their communications which have provided them with a positive return on investment. The database has allowed us to react swiftly to market conditions and we can access research quickly and obtain immediate customer feedback.”

ŠKODA and ais London wanted to be able to map out the customer journey, understand the key touchpoints and be able to shape and optimise the prospect and customer communication plan. In order to be able to deliver the benefits of CRM, ŠKODA needed a single customer view (SCV). To help them to achieve this, ais London approached GI Insight.

SOLUTION To complete the initial task of creating the relational database, GI Insight received a number of flat files which had to be interrogated and re-built. This involved managing multiple registrations which could be the same or different individuals. Full testing was completed to ensure the database was reporting accurately. Once the database was operational, GI Insight were able to provide ŠKODA and ais London with reports and analysis which had not been available to them including information on leads, sales, the health of the database and communication availability for ais London and ŠKODA. The service GI Insight provided expanded into providing additional marketing support for other activity.

“We are delighted with GI Insight. Their pragmatic approach to deriving value from customer data has allowed us to transform ŠKODA’s CRM activity and deliver real results. I would not hesitate to recommend them.” Jane Evans Head of Data Planning, ais London

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InTouch investigates


As media channels proliferate customer communication is becoming increasingly fragmented and there are an ever growing number of ways customers can browse, research and purchase products in the way that is most convenient to them. So they may browse in store, research products on their mobile, then purchase using their laptop. This creates opportunities for greater customer interaction. But if you can’t track your customer purchase behaviour across different channels, you cannot know the true value of your customers.


Andy Sample has been a customer of Great Clothes plc for many years and visits their stores 6 times per year spending around £150 each time.


Great Clothes plc have an ecommerce website and Andy occasionally makes low value and gift purchases.


Andy uses his tablet to research fashion and make purchases.




As Great Clothes plc does not have a single customer view, they do not know Andy shops instore on a regular basis. Through his online purchasing history they treat him as a low value customer when he is a highly valuable and highly loyal customer. 4 | InTouch

Regular Data Feeds

Your SCVe r e h s t r a t s

Data Sources ePOS Web transactions Sales Logistics Newsletter registrations Application forms

Benefits of a Single Customer View (SCV) • Integrated communication • Better customer retention • Tailored customer journey

Data Management Data quality Data cleansing Database design, build and management Customer and household de-duplication

So what can be done?

The best way to see all of your customers’ activities across different channels is link all transactions and communications into one database – what is referred to as a Single Customer View (SCV). There is a perception that this is difficult and expensive. However there are ways to achieve this in a simple, flexible and cost-effective way:

Data Analysis Insight Customer RFM Loyalty Customer contact strategy

Create a new database You can build a bespoke database which is designed to be the “master” database and uses your current data-feeds plus any new ones to feed it (e.g. epos data, ecommerce data, customer applications). The intention is that this database is central and is the first port of call for any analysis and use of data.

CRM Bespoke segmentation Customer Journey Planning

Create a Marketing database You can build a marketing SCV database from the existing data in the operational systems. The advantage of this approach is that it sits outside all current operations and does not affect them. The database is supplied a regular data feed to build a marketing view. This approach will minimise the impact on your business and IT team, while giving the marketing department a single customer view database with the flexibility to incorporate new information wherever required.

These solutions do not have to be expensive or time consuming to set up and they will let you pull your information together to give you one view of your customer. No more miscommunication and no more offers going astray. Your fragmented customer view just became whole.

For your copy of ‘The essential components of a single customer view’ please visit or email

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Customer Communications Direct & Digital Marketing

Response Analysis Data Functionality Performance reporting MIS reporting e.g. IT, Finance Future proofing

Customer Service Social Media listening Satisfaction monitor


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Stack the Cards in Your Favour Enclosing a card in a customer mailing is a great way to engage your customers. The card can be integral to the letter or tipped on separately for customers to keep in their wallets as a reminder. You can include your contact details so customers can call you when they need your services and personalise the card with the customer’s name, account number or renewal dates.

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Mr A B Sample Sample ID: 00123

For more information on how we can help you create a personalised card for your mailing please get in touch or go to Alistair Ezzy is Sales Director for GI Insight’s sister company GI Solutions. For more information on great format ideas please call 07970 232 491 or email:

Mr A B Sample 123 Sample Street Sample Town Sample County AB1 2CD

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Alistair Ezzy

Mail pack with Tip-on Card Creative formats

2pp Letter with Dual Cards Creative formats

ID: 135

Alistair Ezzy Sales Director

bespoke, exclusive Solutions offer a free to allow the full P.S. Did you know GI -one creative workshop g strategy? and confidential one-to to benefit your mailin exploration of new ideas n visit: op For more informatio orksh tive-w 0116 232 1711 marketing@gi-solutio |

What is the potential power of SoLoMo? SoLoMo (social local mobile) is one of the hot buzzwords in marketing circles these days. And combining the potency of social media, the ability to localise marketing messages and the reach of smartphones is certainly an enticing proposition.

But can it really live up to the hype? The findings are surprising and include valuable insights all businesses need to know. To find out what consumers really think about SoLoMo marketing, GI Insight commissioned new research. For your copy of the complete report, Harnessing the Power of SoLoMo, with revealing figures and a detailed analysis, go to: or call 0116 412 0017 or email 6 | InTouch

ID: 127

Simon Scott, Head of Client Services & Analytics, answers your queries on database marketing and customer loyalty

Ask the Expert

How can database marketing work for B2B and what benefits could I gain from taking this approach? Good question and one I am asked a lot. Business to business companies by necessity have a lot of data on their customers but find it difficult to know how to use it to get the best advantage. The first thing analysis should tell you is what proportion of your business is coming from the top tier of customers and whether it is worth providing them with a different customer journey to look after them. In our experience, often 65% of revenue can come from as little as 5% of the customer base base and it makes sense to focus on these key clients. The advantage B2B companies have is that they invoice... so you have all the transactional data linked to your customers already... this is half the battle. Analysis should also provide information on how many customers are decreasing their spend with you and over what period. It should also tell you where you have customers increasing their spend. These underlying trends

Mind the Gap

will tell you where you can act to stop losing customers and allow you to see what you can do to replicate any patterns of increasing spend. All of this information can be related back to sales territories and individuals which will allow you to manage your sales teams better. All in all, database marketing will give you a greater understanding of your businesses and your customers and allow you to increase profitability. Simon Scott, Head of Client Services & Analytics E T + 44 (0)1162 594 426


The fast.MAP Marketing GAP is the only marketing study which tracks both consumer and marketer opinion and highlights the GAP between what consumers are doing and what marketers think they are doing. The results of the fast.MAP Marketing GAP 2013 study show that while digital media is growing in popularity, marketers do have a tendency to underestimate the importance of printed marketing material such as direct mail and door drops. The study continues to strongly reinforce the importance of targeting and the need to be personal, regional and relevant to the recipient. To read the key findings in the 2013 GAP study go to:


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