Stress Protest Packing List

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THE ADVENTURE BEGINS! GirlTrek, the most inspiring health movement for Black women in the country, is hosting the ultimate self-care experience. This is exactly what you need! A full weekend of soul rejuvenation, outdoor relaxation and mindful moments in Rocky Mountain National Park. Below you will find a detailed overview of what to expect and what to bring - don't worry! You won't need to bring much more than an open heart, a big smile and a spirit of love. Location: We'll be headed to the YMCA Estes Park, CO, located 1.5 hours outside of Denver at the base of Rocky Mountain National Park. What is it like there? Close your eyes and imagine it, fresh air, crisp mornings, warm sunshine – A definite getaway for nature lovers and adventurers. It’s like camp for adults. Shared rooms, group dining, flash lights to get around at night, bonfires. Learn more at What to expect: It's time to step outside of your comfort zone! THE YMCA is rustic and a large portion of our activities will take place outside - that means dirt, bugs, wildlife and lots of things that you aren't used to. Expect to completely unplug. There will be limited cell service and Wifi. Rooms are double occupancy and do not not have televisions. Meals are served at scheduled times, cafeteria style. No kitchens are available. There will be limited vegetarian and vegan options. For those with strict dietary restrictions, you may want to consider bringing supplementary food items and snacks. Weather and altitude: The weather will be highs in the low 70's and lows in the 40's. In the mountains that will feel like breezy autumn mornings and very cool nights. Estes Park is located 7500ft above sea level. At this high altitude, oxygen is limited and the air can be very thin. Some people are adversely effected by these conditions and can experience head aches, shortness of breath, fatigue and other symptoms of altitude sickness. Please see below for a suggested packing list.

PACKING LIST What To Bring: "You want to fly, you got to give up the shit that holds you down." - Toni Morrison At GirlTrek we travel light! Every woman is asked to limit herself to carry-on luggage only. No exceptions. We can not accommodate checked luggage. Preferable to a roller bag is a medium sized duffle bag + a small backpack that can serve as a purse for personal items. Don't worry about needing a lot! This is a chill and relaxed vibe. We're all about comfort and function. If there is something that you need to buy, we recommend you head over to your local REI store. They have an amazing crew of experts to help get you straight! Gear: Think comfort and function! Trust us, you won't need your snuggie, gladiator sandals, your cute new purse or club attire. There will be absolutely no judgement when you re-wear an outfit so bring only the basic necessities! Hiking Boots, Trail Shoes or Sneakers: Sturdy, comfortable shoes, preferably with ankle support are a must! Shoes should be broken in prior to arriving. (Tip: Wear your hiking boots on the plane to save space.) Camp shoes: Flip flops or sandals are nice for the end of the day when you don't want to wear your boots and also good for showering. 3 pair of bottoms (including the pants you wear on the plane): hiking pants, yoga pants, running pants, loose shorts are all acceptable. We don't recommend jeans. Layering tops: tank top, long sleeve breathable layering top. Of course, a GirlTrek shirt or sweater! Warm Layers: Light jacket or sweater, warm hat, light scarf, 2 pairs of knit or wool socks. Warm Sleeping Clothes: The nights will get chilly! Sun Protection: high altitude means lots of sun. Pack sunglasses, visor or hat and sunscreen with at least SPF 30. Toiletries: You won't need much makeup but be sure to bring feminine products (Aunt Flow loves high altitudes) all daily medication, including preferred headache and pain relief (to ward off those altitude headaches!) and emergency stuff – inhaler, Epipen, allergy medicine etc. Snacks: For those with special dietary restrictions Smartphone Camera: For taking lots of pictures and posting on social media! #GirlTrek Miscellaneous: Small head lamp or flashlight , phone charger.

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