Girl Talk Magazine

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when you’re

Princess Margaret

What Is Purpose? By:Tamesha Cash

“Go to school, get a good education, graduate, go to college get your degree, and ge t a good job.” Yes! This is all good, but all of this, and never discovering your greater “purpose” is to live, but to live below the purpose for which you were created. Dr. Myles Munroe states, “Accomplishments without purpose are a waste of time”.I believe purpose goes beyond a job. We must remove ourselves from the idea that life is just about going to school, then college, then getting a good job. We were created to exist beyond a job. Your purpose defines your reason for existing.

Your purpose leaves a legacy of your existence upon the earth. What will be said of you in years to come? What contribution will you add to the world? When we have a sense of our life purpose life has meaning. We enjoy waking up to what we were created to do, we move beyond existing to living a productive life. Life without an understanding of life’s purpose is lived in frustration and emptiness. Today, make it your goal to set out on the path of discovering your purpose. It does not matter how you started, its what you continue to do that matters.

Your past does not determine the future God has for you. Purposeful living defies the odds that are against you. What people have said, spoken, or done to you, cannot keep you from walking in purpose. Use all that mess as a stepping stone towards your ultimate purpose, knowing “that all things work together for the good to those who love God, and to those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28).

Purpose is defined as the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists. We all have been created by our Creator with a purpose in mind. Whether, we were born through a marriage union, to unwed parents, from rape, or unexpectedly we were created to fulfill a purpose in the earth. Before we were formed in our mother’s womb, God knew us, our life story was carefully penned. Whether, we lived each day as God purposed, or we lived life up to this point by our, or others decisions, nothing up to this point in our life has caught God by surprise.

Finding purpose begins with trying different things, and discovering what you are good at. As you make steps towards discovering your purpose, God will give you the blueprints and point you in the direction you need to go. Everything you need to fulfill your purpose is already inside you, you just need to discover the “inner you”. As you tap into your natural abilities, over time your purpose will become clearer. It took me being grounded to start writing, it took me sitting at the computer playing with graphics to discover a magazine was wrapped up in me. Within time, I discovered that there was an even greater purpose to form a sisterhood to help other young ladies discover their greatness and how they can impact the world.

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