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GSA SPORTS Each year GSA is fortunate enough to be able to participate in intramurals, and this year is no different. Our 2014 sports teams included volleyball, intertube water polo and men’s soccer. The men soccer season still continues and new members are always welcome. The GSA aspires to continue to have great outcomes. Our Intertube water polo team consisted of competitive and passionate GSA members. The team was made up of only six players with no substitutes while other teams had more than enough players to easily defeat a team of six. Unfortunately this year’s team did not pass to the semi finals but the players showed strong efforts and a passionate love for the game. Lastly, the GSA’s volleyball team had a great turnout! Members worked well together winning the GSA several games. We are overwhelmed with the amazing sportsmanship our members show and we look forward to many more successful terms. Thank you to those who participated in this year’s sporting events!

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