GIMP Magazine - Issue 2

Page 92

Now open the Paint Dynamics Dialog (Windows/Dockable Dialogs/Paint Dynamics). I have pulled this into the dock on the right side of the screen and now have it accessible on a tab. STEP 3 – DYNAMICS WINDOW

You see a list of all available Paint Dynamics presets, but let’s make a new one! Click on the “New” icon on the bottom of the dialog. Now the Paint Dynamics Editor pops up. First you see a matrix of brush properties (such as opacity and size) vs. input from the tablet (such as pressure and velocity). In the matrix you can link them together. Here I have linked pressure to opacity. The more I press, the darker the stroke gets. Velocity is linked to size, color to stroke direction, and random to spacing. Random is not an input from the tablet but a random value from GIMP. To test this, choose red as the foreground color and green as the background color, and draw some more lines. As you draw, see if you can figure out the connection between your results and the settings in your new Paint Dynamics preset.



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