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Match Maker

We sent two Gigwise writers out on a blind date… What could go wrong?

Words: Tilly Foulkes + Brett Herlingshaw


Tilly Said

You can learn a lot about someone by paying attention to their musical interests. Immediate red flags include, but are not limited to, ‘all pop music is rubbish,’ ‘100 gecs don’t make real songs’ and ‘Robbie Williams? Twat.’ The question ‘right, who’s your favourite band?’ is as good as any in getting to know someone intimately, so a blind date at a gig can either go very well or beyond terribly.

Brett and I are set up via email. Our first big music revelation surrounds what gig we actually wanted to see. There were two options in Manchester for the night we’re both free: Blossoms or Pierce the Veil. Now, this could’ve been make or break. To me - a person who got a My Chemical Romance tattoo two days after seeing them on their comeback tour - the answer is obvious…

It instantly strikes me how nice it is to spend time with another person who thinks about music like I do - the point of it, its impact, how it makes you feel and what that says about you. and the night itself is a laugh; both Brett and I are as silly as each other. Pierce the Veil are brilliant and the crowd are equal parts friendly and boisterous.

As for Brett and I…it would be funny to do this again, though I’m not sure if either of us will ever be able to find the time.

Brett Said

You’d think dating and music taste would go hand in hand. For some, it’s important, and for others it’s not a top priority. For a music writer, though, music taste is obviously a shared passion. Sending two music writers on a date? What could go wrong.

I met Tilly at Oxford Road station in Manchester, where they are giving Jarvis Cocker vibes immediately. Over a pint we chat about our favourite interviewees and shared music taste and all is going well until Tilly mentions they enjoy The Smiths more than The Cure (for obvious reasons, I disagreed).

While Me and Tilly shared a lot of interest in the same music, there was one ticking point - I am not an emo and this gig was 100% emo - well, about 99%.

At this point, Tilly pointed out that I am a normie. They even said jokingly (I hope) they would title their piece ‘I took a normie to an emo gig.’ Tilly even said before the gig, “I only really know King for a Day.” Not to get them in trouble with the other emo’s.

Not to get all First Dates, but I’d be up for seeing Tilly again! They were funny, engaging and just generally fantastic company!