#7410 en

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t is ... states that the sum of the forces on an objec the by d iplie mult t equal to the mass (m) of the objec acceleration (a) of the object, or

F=m×a eleration The more force... the more acc

can Both acceleration and force are vectors, so both ges. chan change if either their magnitude or direction

(for the same mass)

NEW TON ’S THIRD LAW OF MOTION ... t, the ... states that when a force is exerted on an objec site oppo but e object exerts a force equal in magnitud are s in direction. In structural engineering, these force called reaction forces. They typically occur at connections or supports.

Reaction force

Action force

For example, all objects have a wei ght, which is due to the force of gravity acting on them. If a book is sitting on a table, the book genera tes a force that pushes down on the table due to its weight. The table pushes back on the book with an equal and opposite force. If there was no reaction force, the book would fall through the tab le!


move. But depending A force tends to cause an object to object, the force can on where the force is applied on an example, if you push also cause an object to rotate. For ses it to turn around on the end of a wrench, the force cau a force’s tendency to the bolt. A moment is a measure of specific reference cause an object to rotate around a ltiplying the force by point. A moment is calculated by mu ch the force is the distance between the point at whi ce point: acting on the object and the referen

M=F×d easing the force or You can increase the moment by incr the point of rotation. the distance between the force and


A moment is also a vector, but it is represented by a curved arrow. The direction of the arrow (clockwise or counterclockwise) represents the direction of the moment, and the length represents the magnitude.

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