Technology Magazine - April 2021

Page 141


major companies under attack despite taking reasonable care. “We are helping companies recover and step through triage, getting them stabilized and moving them through into recovery. But I have also seen companies where up to 50% of their network is scorched earth, irrecoverable. A situation like that is an existential threat for a business. But I am trying to have more conversations on the proactive side so that firefighting is not needed. But even if you do everything I would prescribe as best practice it doesn't mean that a state-sponsored entity won't be able to breach your defenses with some kind of ransomware or other form of cyber-attack.” This may seem bleak, but Presidio and its partner ecosystem have the best minds in cybersecurity focused on staying ahead in this war. “In 2021,” he says, “ransomware will pick up, so our trusted advisor position will become even more relevant. Many more companies are hiring CISOs, and their conversations are going direct to the board. I have been doing presentations at the board level to give them a perspective on cyber threats and best practice solutions. My

“ I see monumental opportunities in what our security practice can accomplish in 2021” DAVE TRADER


message is that this mountain is not insurmountable. If you get the fundamentals right and follow best practice you can prevent the majority of the issues that are happening all around the world. We are continually

investing in additional capabilities to provide cybersecurity consulting, advisory services and vSOC/MDR+ services our customers are consuming”

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