Gigabit Magazine – May 2019

Page 336

G O V E R N M E N T O F W E S T E R N A U S T R A L I A – D E PA R T M E N T O F F I N A N C E

A$1.4bn+ Approximate revenue (AUD)


Year founded


Approximate number of employees 336

incorporated into processes effectively

inspiring them to believe that they are

from both an operational and skills-

responsible, the creators, of the future

based point of view, the Department

state,” says Wood. “That really is what

has ensured that staff remain focused

drives cultural change.”

on their end goals and aware of the

Cybersecurity was also a priority

mounting benefits throughout the

of the Department due to the enormity

journey. “Keeping people focused on

of financial, operational and sensitive

the endpoint, which in many instances

data that it accrues. In a report released

was only six to eight months away,

by CompTIA this year, it was found that

saw us through. You instill a common

60% of IT professionals in Australia

understanding about what we’re

and New Zealand deem employees

collectively working towards and

to be the biggest risk factor to keeping

what we’re trying to achieve, while

data safe, and Wood is with the majority.

M AY 2 0 1 9

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