FinTech Magazine – May 2019

Page 109


organisation takes a business and

The right culture must be enabled by

solution led view. “We do a lot of proof

the right technology tools, which are

of concept pilots,” says Sampson. “We

leveraged at YBS internally and

start small, and get to something that

externally. White is keen to stress,

either proves a business case or doesn’t.

however, that digital won’t replace

If it’s going to fail, we want it to fail fast.”

the human touch. “It’s about offering

Automation and robotics have been

flexibility of choice. We believe in our

used to optimise processes. “We have

migration to digital, but it’s not about

a number of robots deployed to improve

‘either/or’, it’s about ‘and’. We’ve stream-

speed and accuracy or processing,”

lined branches and added technology

says Head of Technology Operations

but we still believe in having our mem-

Darren Newbould. “That drives direct

bers served by people and we believe

business benefit into some tasks which

in our colleagues.”

were originally done manually, taking

With a world of tech at its fingertips,

agents a number of hours. We’re building

YBS might be tempted by shiny new

on that capability as we speak,” he adds.

objects like RPA, AI or IoT, but the

Juryta also believes artificial intelligence

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