Stephen king

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Stephen King –assignment 1. He´s a popular writer. Made a lot of written work over years. 2. -Stephen King was terrified as a child when he saw the movie Bambi, calling it the first horror movie he saw. -As a child, Stephen King apparently witnessed one of his friends being struck and killed by a train, though he has no memory of the event. -Stephen King owns a classic rock’n’roll radio station that is #1 in the ratings and one of the few stations still live 24/7 -Stephen King once called Glenn Beck “Satan’s mentally challenged younger brother.” -There is a Stephen King novel Rage that he himself pulled from the shelves because of it’s creepy connection with actual school shootings. 3. Stephen began his actual writing career in January of 1959, when David and Stephen decided to publish their own local newspaper named "Dave's Rag". David bought a mimeograph machine, and they put together a paper they sold for five cents an issue. Stephen attended Lisbon High School, in Lisbon, in 1962. Collaborating with his best friend Chris Chesley in 1963, they published a collection of 18 short stories called "People, Places, and Things--Volume I". 4. King has published 54 novels, including seven under the pen name Richard Bachman and six nonfiction books. He has written nearly 200 short stories, most of which have been collected in book collections. Many of his stories are set in his home state of Maine. He has been called the "Master of Horror". His books have been translated into 33 different languages, published in over 35 different countries. There are over 300 million copies of his novels in publication. He continues to live in Bangor, Maine, with his wife, and writes out of his home. 5. It, The Shining, The Stand, The Greenmile, Misery, Salem´s Lot, Pet Sematary, Carrie and 11/22/63. 6. More than 50 King stories have been filmed for the big screen or TV so far. 7. Different Seasons is the 15th book published by Stephen King, and was his second collection of stories. The book was released by Viking on 27 August1982, and collected four novellas. King has stated that the collection was "lucky", because it did not contain horror. The book has spawned three very well-recieved film adaptions, Stand by Me, and The Shawshank Redemption, and Apt Pupil. 8. I Think it shows us the importance of surrounding ours selves with the right people and not keeping important things we want to say to ourselves or locking them down because of being scared of others misunderstanding and negativiness. That person should be more openminded.

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