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MEDESY SRL 33085 Maniago, PN – Italy Via La Mola, 9 – Industrial area Tel. (+39) 0427.72786 Fax (+39) 0427.71541 –

H I G H Q U A L I T Y D E N T A L I N S T R U M E N T S – I T A LY







































Maniago, 1930


General dental cataloG Catalogo prodotti Medesy srl is pleased to present to our esteemed customers our new general dental catalog. Thanks to a long experience in close contact with noted oral dental surgeons, we have carefully selected a range of instruments complying with all the requirements and needs for a modern dental surgery. All our instruments are made of finest stainless steel and are carely controlled from specialized personnel during the whole working cycle and related forwarding. Medesy products enjoy excellent satisfaction and reputation in many Countries around the world and step by step its conquest new markets and friends. la Medesy srl ha il piacere di presentare a tutta la stimata clientela il nuovo catalogo dentale generale. grazie ad una lunga esperienza edificata in contatto costante con specialisti in chirurgia orale, maxillare etc., abbiamo accuratamente selezionato una serie di strumenti che accondiscendono con tutte le richieste di una moderna chirurgia dentale. tutti i nostri strumenti vengono prodotti con acciaio inossidabile di alta qualità e vengono scrupolosamente controllati e verificati durante ogni fase lavorativa ed al momento della spedizione. i prodotti Medesy godono di una eccellente reputazione e soddisfazione in molti paesi del mondo e passo dopo passo conquistano nuovi mercati ed amici.


MedeSY In tHe PaSt… MEdESY iEri…


The beginning l’inizio


Water as an essential source of energy l’acqua, una fonte di energia indispensabile


The blacksmiths’ anvils i battiferro




The notary’s deed of 15 June 1500 drawn up between the captain of the Venetian Republic Giovanni Vitturi, and the Maniago aristocrat Petrus Rigotti, reveals that the blacksmiths massproduced products of a certain prestige, such as arms, for the troops of the Venetian Republic, a short distance from Maniago. Still today, skilled craftsmen of Maniago create faithful replicas of various types of antique weapons and armours, covering a period that goes from the Celts to the 18th Century. An example is the workshop of Master Fulvio Del Tin, a well-known craftsman who produces and exports its works throughout the world. His creations aren’t used only as decorative and collectible items, but they are also used in historical re-enactments, in the practice of the ancient fencing and in movies, some of which were Braveheart, Robin Hood and The Lord of the Rings.

With the increased demand for working tools which were increasingly small in size and limited to specific uses, but for which, in addition to the intended uses, the appearance and precision were also important, the economy of the craft workshops was introduced and developed. This marked the start of production of pocket-knives, scissors and surgical instruments.

At the start of the new century the art of smiths assumed an increasingly predominant role in the economy of the community which was later to make Maniago known as the Town of cutlery works. This was an art learnt and perfected with courage, stubbornness and enthusiasm and without being able to rely on local supplies of the raw material: iron. This fact made their product less competitive compared to other producers, yet of higher quality. Letter dated 1 December 1805 from Count Fabio of Maniago to the Prefect of the Department of Passariano and to the Podestà of Maniago: “…whereas a scythe from Carinthia, Austria, is worth four Venetian lire, one of ours is worth 15, except that the latter lasts 6 years, while the former lasts only one year”. Still today, the production of precision instruments is based on this tradition of quality, which has become culture.

Arms for the Venetian Republic armi per la repubblica di Venezia

The craft workshops le botteghe artigiane

The great economic growth il grande sviluppo economico

Donkey-head hammer Magli a testa d’asino

31 March 1380: on this day 600 years ago, the heads of the families of Maniago met under the town’s Loggia to decide on various matters. Among the participants, next to that of the other craftsmen who exercised the professions of barber, weaver and cobbler, also appeared the name of a smith: Nicolussio, first smith of Maniago. This was the year 1380. 31 marzo 1380: quel giorno di 600 anni fa, i capi famiglia di Maniago si riunirono in assemblea sotto la “loggia” della città, per deliberare su materie diverse. tra i partecipanti, accanto a quello di altri artigiani che esercitavano il mestiere di Barbiere, tessitore e Calzolaio, compare anche il nome di un fabbro: Nicolussio, il primo fabbro di Maniago. Correva l’anno 1380.

During the Middle Ages in Europe a massive transformation took place in the use of driving power as a production system: water mills, already familiar to the ancient Romans, began to be used. In 1400 hydraulic wheels were introduced to drive mills, sawmills, bellows, spinning-mills, forges and, in Maniago, the first anvil. In 1445 Count Nicolò of Maniago obtained permission from the Venetian Republic to: “build or erect any mill or building for saws” and to retain “any revenue or income he may receive”.

Water, which was meant to irrigate fields and drive millstones, instead supplied driving power for the “donkey-head hammers” of the blacksmiths’ anvils which allowed the “smiths” to forge ploughshares, scythes, large knives, bill-hooks and axes for farming the surrounding fields and for cutting down trees. The technique, originally introduced due to the need to make working tools, progressed rapidly year after year, laying solid bases for that which was to be the development of the art of smiths and craft workshops.

Nel medioevo si era andata sviluppando, in Europa, una massiccia trasformazione nel campo dell’utilizzazione dell’energia motrice come sistema di produzione: inizia lo sfruttamento del mulino ad acqua, già noto agli antichi romani. Nel 1400 le ruote idrauliche cominciarono ad azionare mulini, segherie, mantici, filande, fucine e, a Maniago, il primo battiferro. Nel 1445 il conte Nicolò di Maniago ottenne dalla Serenissima di Venezia la concessione di: “far costruire o edificare qualunque edificio di mulino o sieghe” e a ritenere “qualunque reddito o provento possa recepire”.

l’acqua, che nelle intenzioni doveva irrigare campi e azionare macine, fornisce invece energia motrice per i “magli a testa d’asino” dei battiferro i quali hanno consentito ai “fabbri” di forgiare vomeri, falci, coltellacci, roncole e mannaie per lavorare la terra circostante e per tagliare i boschi. l’ingegno, nato inizialmente dalla necessità di costruire i propri strumenti di lavoro, progredisce rapidamente anno per anno, ponendo delle solide basi a quello che sarà lo sviluppo dell’arte fabbrile e delle botteghe artigiane.



Italian navigator Cristoforo Columbus discovers the land today known as America. il navigatore italiano Cristoforo Colombo scopre quella che oggi è l’america.

l’atto notarile del 15 giugno 1500 stipulato tra il capitano della Serenissima giovanni Vitturi e il nobile di Maniago petrus rigotti, rivela che i battiferro fabbricavano, anche in serie, prodotti di un certo prestigio, come le armi, per le truppe della Serenissima di Venezia, poco distante da Maniago. ancora oggi abili artigiani di Maniago costruiscono fedeli riproduzioni di vari tipi di armi ed armature antiche, che abbracciano un periodo che va dai Celti fino al 18° Secolo. Ne è un esempio la bottega del Maestro Fulvio del tin, un noto artigiano che produce ed esporta le sue opere in tutto il mondo. i suoi manufatti sono normalmente utilizzati oltre che per uso collezionistico e decorativo, anche nelle rievocazioni storiche e in ambito cinematografico, citando ad esempio film quali Bravehart, robin Hood, lord of the rings.

Con la crescita della domanda di attrezzi di lavoro di dimensioni sempre più piccole e limitati ad usi specifici, ma per i quali interessa, oltre alla funzionalità anche l’aspetto estetico e la precisione, nasce e si sviluppa l’economia delle “botteghe artigiane”. È l’inizio della produzione di temperini, Forbici e strumenti chirurgici.

all’inizio del nuovo secolo, l’arte fabbrile assunse sempre più, nell’economia della comunità, quel carattere di prevalenza che in seguito avrebbe portato ad identificare Maniago con la Città delle coltellerie. Un’arte appresa e sviluppata con coraggio, tenacia e passione senza poter contare sulla presenza, in loco, della materia prima: “il ferro”. Questo fatto rendeva il prodotto meno concorrenziale rispetto ad altri produttori, ma, qualitativamente, più valido. lettera del 1° dicembre 1805 del Conte Fabio di Maniago, al Sig. prefetto del dipartimento di passariano e al podestà di Maniago: “… mentre una falce della Carinzia (austria) Vale l. 4 Venete, una delle nostre vale l. 15, ma quest’ultima ha la durata di 6 anni, mentre la prima non dura che un anno solo”. ancora oggi, la produzione degli strumenti di precisione, poggia le sue basi su questa tradizione della qualità, che è diventata cultura.


SMItHS’ art In ManIaGo l’artE dEi FaBBri di MaNiago

MuSeuM of cutlerY il MUSEo dEllE ColtEllEriE

The sharpening process, as in the past, is still done by hand, to guarantee the perfect and precise cut il processo di affilatura come un tempo ancora oggi viene eseguito a mano per garantire perfezione e precisione di taglio

Studies of surgical instruments made by Guglielmo Ghezzi in 1935 Studi e schizzi di strumenti odontoiatrici eseguiti dal signor guglielmo ghezzi nel 1935

End of the 19 th Century: The Shapers. The hot iron was wrought and shaped by hand with clubs of various weights and sizes in order to obtain an early shape of the tools which would then be finished by other wise and skillful hands. At this stage starts the first process for the metal transformation in valuable and indispensable tools for surgical, agricultural etc… Fine 800: “i Forgiatori”. il ferro incandescente veniva battuto e sagomato a mano con mazze di pesi e dimensioni diverse, in modo da ottenere una prima forma degli attrezzi che sarebbero poi stati finiti da altre sapienti ed abili mani. in questa fase, inizia il primo processo di trasformazione del metallo in preziosi ed indispensabili strumenti per uso chirurgico, agricolo etc…


Inaugurated in 1998, the Museum of smith’s art and cutlery of Maniago illustrates the steel manufacturing in the smiths’ shop of Maniago, from the appearance of “battiferri” (huge anvils) on the banks of the torrent Colvera, to the settlement of first big workshops at the beginning of the XXth century. Situated at the “CO. RI. CA. MA” (1st industry in Maniago), the museum has two big halls, in which are shown original tools and machinery, perfectly kept and working. It would be better to visit historical hall first; in fact it proposes a reconstruction of typical workshops during XV th, XVIth, XVIIth, XVIIIth, and XIXth centuries; “Favri da Gros’s” and “Favri da Fin’s” workshop, with smithies, the first “Donkey-Head Hammers”, hydraulic wheel which moves water coming from the Colvera, granding machines moved by hand, and other important tools. The second hall shows the technological evolution during the XIXth century, when electrical energy took the place of hydraulic and mechanical energy. There are also many detailed illustrations: we can see blade-grinding machines and knife handle - working machines (knife handle could be horn-handles or made from different kinds of wood), column drill, the first temper furnaces punching machines, and many period moulas and prototypes of cutting ware. On the outside there are the big drop hammers and other machines. inaugurato nel 1998, il Museo dell’arte fabbrile e delle coltellerie di Maniago illustra i metodi di lavoro dell’acciaio nelle botteghe dei fabbri maniaghesi, dalla comparsa dei battiferri lungo il torrente Còlvera sino all’insediamento delle prime grandi officine agli inizi del Novecento. Situato presso il “Co. ri. Ca. Ma”, il Museo raccoglie in due ampie sale attrezzi e macchinari originali, perfettamente conservati e funzionanti. È consigliabile visitare prima la parte storica, quella cioè che propone la ricostruzione degli ambienti tipici delle officine dal XV al XiX secolo: il battiferro del fâvri da gros e la bottega del fâvri da fin, con le fucine, i primi magli a testa d’asino, la ruota idraulica mossa dall’acqua derivata dalla roggia del Còlvera, le mole a pedale per l’arrotatura delle lame e il banco da lavoro con tutti gli attrezzi occorrenti. la seconda sala illustra l’evoluzione tecnologica relativa al Novecento, vale a dire da quando l’energia elettrica ha preso il posto di quella idraulica e meccanica. attraverso un percorso corredato da ricche illustrazioni, si possono vedere, tra le altre, le macchine per la molatura delle lame, quelle per la lavorazione dei manici dei coltelli, che potevano essere di corno, di osso o di varie essenze di legno, i trapani a colonna, i primi forni per la tempera, le punzonatrici, oltre a numerosi stampi d’epoca e prototipi di vari articoli da taglio. all’esterno sono sistemati i grandi magli a caduta verticale e altri macchinari.


MedeSY In tHe PreSent

leadInG fIrM for tHe future


aziENda lEadEr VErSo il FUtUro

The production evolution and marketing philosophy of Medesy have well-defined directions: Fulfil customer expectations by complying with the purpose and suitability for use of its products. The culture of quality at Medesy has been formed thanks to scrupulous “documentation” accumulated during the most important congresses and from constant contacts with researchers and specialists in dental surgery. This wealth of knowledge and the working pride of craftsmen in improving the product has allowed the best dental and surgical instruments to be selected, which comply in all respects to the requirements of the most modern dental care centres. All Medesy instruments are produced with high-quality stainless steel and are thoroughly checked and inspected during all phases of production, in order to ensure that they correspond to the international standards laid down by the unI en ISo 9001:2008, unI ceI en ISo 13485:2003, and ce standards and are confirmation of “their compliance to use”.

Nowadays the new communications strategy and the launch of new products in the form of convenient sets with a unique and prestigious packaging place Medesy in a leading position as one of the firms which are most active and most sensitive to the demands of an increasingly specialist market. We are also present on the Internet with our own site because we are convinced that multimedia development is the future of company communication. oggi, la nuova strategia di comunicazione ed il lancio di nuovi prodotti sotto forma di vantaggiosi set con un packaging unico e prestigioso, colloca la Medesy in posizione leader, una tra le aziende più attive e sensibili alle esigenze di un mercato sempre più qualificato. Siamo presenti inoltre, con un nostro sito, nel circuito internet, consapevoli che lo sviluppo della multimedialità sarà la strada dei futuri rapporti aziendali.

l’evoluzione produttiva e la filosofia di marketing della Medesy si concretizzano lungo una linea ben definita: soddisfare le aspettative del proprio cliente attraverso la conformità allo scopo e l’idoneità all’uso dei propri prodotti. la cultura della qualità, alla Medesy, si è formata grazie ad una meticolosa “documentazione” accumulata durante i maggiori convegni, nel contatto costante con studiosi e specialisti in chirurgia dentale. Questo bagaglio di “conoscenza” culturale e l’orgoglio artigianale dei fabbri di migliorare il prodotto, ha permesso di selezionare i migliori strumenti dentali e chirurgici, conformi, sotto tutti gli aspetti, alle esigenze dei più moderni centri di chirurgia dentale. tutti gli strumenti Medesy sono prodotti con acciaio inox di alta qualità, e vengono scrupolosamente controllati e verificati durante ogni fase lavorativa, per garantire la corrispondenza agli standard internazionali previsti dalle normative UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 e UNI CEI EN ISO 13485:2003 e CE a conferma della loro idoneità all’uso.

cuStoMer-orIented oriENtati al CliENtE RUSSIA


All operations are aimed at optimum customer satisfaction. Medesy has adopted modern means of marketing and communications via which it intends cultivating, with its customers, an increasingly close partnership, improving both the image of the product and its communication in respect of customers and end users, with its trademark also present at the most important international congresses.


tutte le operazioni sono finalizzate a soddisfare meglio il cliente. la Medesy ha fatto propri i moderni strumenti di marketing e di comunicazione attraverso i quali intende coltivare, con i propri clienti, un rapporto di partnership sempre più stretto, migliorando sia l’immagine del prodotto che la propria comunicazione verso i clienti e gli utilizzatori finali, con la presenza del proprio marchio nei più grossi convegni internazionali.

Maniago – Italy



Km Km Km Km Km Km Km

28 48 102 105 380 510 635


Km Km Km Km Km Km Km

250 350 430 945 1265 1695 2015

AUSTRIA Tarvisio

MANIAGO Udine Belluno



Gorizia Venezia

Treviso Trieste MILANO PADOVA





MedeSY Guarantee garaNzia MEdESY Medesy instruments are guaranteed against any material and workmanship defect, for all the life of the instrument. Adherence to recommended cleaning, sterilization and lubrication practices will help to ensure the best product performance. Misuse, abuse, improper use or failure to properly care and maintenance will void warranty claims. All the Medesy’s instruments that in case under the normal and correct conditions in the course of use break or become unusables, will be immediately replaced free of any cost and charge. tutti gli strumenti Medesy sono garantiti contro ogni eventuale difetto di materiali o lavorazioni per tutta la durata della loro vita. attenersi alle raccomandazioni per la sterilizzazione, pulizia, manutenzione e lubrificazione aiuteranno a mantenere gli strumenti in perfetta efficienza. l’abuso o l’uso improprio degli strumenti e la mancata cura e relativa manutenzione degli strumenti faranno decadere tutti i diritti di garanzia. Verranno rimpiazzati gratuitamente, agli acquirenti dei prodotti Medesy, tutti gli strumenti che sotto le normali condizioni d’uso potrebbero eventualmente danneggiarsi o diventare inutilizzabili.

WHY 600 YearS Guarantee? pErCHé 600 aNNi di garaNzia? Because of Medesy is the result of know-how spread over 6 centuries of history of the Maniago smith’s art, from the Renaissance to today. Surgical instruments are products whose “added value” is closely linked to the quality of the human resources. This value is the expression of a culture of ingenious and industrious craftsmen, dedicated to their profession as if it were an art. This is precisely the reason why Medesy products enjoy an excellent reputation and satisfactory results in many countries of the world and are gradually gaining an increasing number of new markets and further appreciation in professional circles. Medesy currently exports its instruments to more than 103 countries. Perché Medesy è il risultato del know-how profuso in 6 secoli di storia dell’arte fabbrile di Maniago, dall’epoca del rinascimento ad oggi. lo strumento chirurgico è un prodotto il cui “valore d’uso” è strettamente legato alla qualità delle risorse umane. Questo “valore” è l’espressione di una cultura di artigiani ingegnosi ed operosi, dediti alla loro professione come se fosse un’arte. È esattamente per questo che i prodotti Medesy godono di una eccellente reputazione e soddisfazione in molti paesi del mondo e, passo dopo passo, conquistano sempre nuovi mercati e nuovi consensi negli ambienti professionali. attualmente sono più di 103 i “paesi“ nei quali la Medesy esporta i propri strumenti.


The title-page of the first catalogue of the Cooperative Company was printed in Venice in 1895 Frontespizio del primo catalogo della Società Cooperativa stampato a Venezia nel 1895


SuGGeStIonS of MaIntenance and SterIlIzatIon of InStruMentS SUggEriMENti pEr la MaNUtENzioNE E la StErilizzazioNE dEgli StrUMENti Dear Customer, we kindly ask you to read carefully the following instruction before handling and using the instruments.

Caro cliente, le chiediamo cortesemente di leggere attentamente le seguenti istruzioni prima di utilizzare gli strumenti.

Each MEDESY instrument has been realized with great care and professionalism and its use is addressed only to qualified and dental specialized personnel.

- For this method of sterilization, it is highly recommended to make cycles that not overcome 7 minutes, with a temperature of 134° and a pressure of 2,1 bar. - For the enveloped instruments it is very important to complete carefully the rinsing cycle because if some water remains into the envelop, it can cause corrosion or oxidation to the instruments and generate bacteria formation. - The sterile products must be preserved in defined areas, dry and without dust.

1. fIrSt uSe (InItIal uSe) The instrument is supplied ‘NON-STERILED’: it must be properly washed, rinsed and sterilized before to be used. Many joint instruments present oily residuals in the parts, due to the manufacturing phases: please make sure to clean the instruments into the proper way.

attentIon: drY Heat SterIlIzatIon A sterilization that overcomes the 177°C (350°F) weak the temper of the instrument and consequently the cut performance and the elasticity (above all for the cut instruments, that can suffer a decrease of the sharpening); it can also occur a darkening of the instruments, brown spots that seems to oxidation.

PRIMO UTILIZZO lo strumento viene fornito in condizione ‘NoN StErilE’: deve quindi essere opportunamente lavato, risciacquato e sterilizzato prima di essere utilizzato. Molti strumenti a snodo presentano residui oleosi nelle giunture, dovuti alle fasi di produzione dello strumento: assicurarsi quindi che la pulizia venga effettuata in modo appropriato.

If the use of a washing-machine is not possible, the instruments can also be washed manually: use a rigid brush with plastic bristles (NO metal bristles) and make always sure to use the proper washing and decontamination solutions.

aluMInIuM and tItanIuM instruments Do not put aluminium instruments and titanium instruments into thermal equipments and/or ultrasound bath. For the cleaning of these instruments use only substances that are specifically suggested for aluminium and titanium.

2. SterIlIzatIon It is highly recommended to sterilize the instruments only after a proper cleaning. If the instrument is not perfectly cleaned, the result of the sterilization is prejudiced. Follow carefully the instructions for use provided by the manufacturer of the sterilization equipment. There are different ways for sterilizing the instruments: 2.1 autoclaVe SterIlIzatIon The main aim of the autoclave sterilization is to obtain a proper sterilization and, in the meantime, to maintain unchanged the structural and functional characteristics of the instruments as much as possible. This process must be done only and exclusively by expert personnel, that must have been properly trained for this purpose. a. All the cleaning operations must be carried on only in areas duly equipped and organized for this kind of operation. B. Immediately after the use, instruments must be disinfected through the use of solutions whose effectiveness has been proved. Make sure of the right dosage of the cleaning/decontamination solutions, of the washing duration and of its temperature, following always the instructions given by the equipment manufacturer and by the cleaning solutions’ producer. c. Cleaning/disinfectant solutions containing sodium chloride (NaCl) can often cause oxidation or corrosion to the instruments, compromising seriously their use. d. Cleaning/disinfecting solutions must be changed daily. e. The best recommended method for a proper washing of the instruments is the ultrasound cleaning, especially suggested for the joint instruments (ex: pliers, scissors, needle-holders, …) f. Do not put together in the same trays for the washing/sterilization instruments made of different metals (ex: common steel with stainless steel, aluminum, chromed steel, …) G. Joint instruments (ex: pliers, scissors, needle-holders, …) must be placed in an open position for the washing/disinfection. H. Make sure that trays are not overloaded with instruments because this could compromise the washing/disinfection. I. Possible residuals after the first wash must be completely removed. J. It has been proved that the ideal temperature for the final rinsing is between 80°C and 90°C. K. It is highly recommended to use only demineralised water during the final rinsing. This device avoid the rise up of dark stains l. To maintain the perfect efficiency of joint instruments, it is necessary to lubricate them regularly with specific products (DO NOT USE INDUSTRIAL OILS AT ALL). Autoclave sterilization through saturated steam is the most used method nowadays: it is based on heat, that is necessary to sterilize, on saturated steam, that act on the thermal exchange with the instrument temperature, and on the pressure, that increase the water evaporation latent heat. 10

2.2 cold SterIlIzatIon It is highly recommended to pay particular attention to the chosen solutions, as some of them could be inefficient and some others could be corrosive. It is suggested to use solutions with a basic pH and to respect carefully the time of submersion into the sterilizing liquid suggested by the producer. WarnInG The lack of observance of the fundamental instruction here described can damage permanently the instrument and consequently any right for substitution or reparation under warranty will fall into decay: - Surgery instruments must always be handled with highest care and attention; - It is user’s responsibility and duty to take proper care of the instruments; - Instruments are designed for a specific purpose. Using them in a different way can cause damage to the instruments or defects, which may lead to serious injury or even death to patient; - Instruments must always be checked before each use. Before each application, check and test the instrument. Visible defects, deformations or scratches affect the proper use of the instruments. Therefore the use of defective instruments is strictly forbidden; - Damaged or worn instruments must be immediately replaced ; any eventual defective instrument can be repaired or replaced by Medesy only; - Medesy declines all responsibility for any kind of damaged caused by defected or worn instruments that should have been replaced; - Each Medesy instrument is carefully checked and inspected before the packaging and delivery, therefore it is devoid of manufacturing or functioning defects. Medesy declines all responsibility for the following cases: 1. Damages caused by a not proper use of the instrument; 2. Damages caused by a wrong process of cleaning and/or sterilization of the instrument; 3. Damages caused by the warehousing of the instruments in unsuitable locals; 4. Damages caused by the lack of maintaining of the instrument, especially for the joint ones, that need a regular lubrication in the joint parts. For further information or needs, we remain at your complete disposal. Kindly address your requests to the following addresses: e-mail: Ph: +39 (0)427 72786 Fax: +39 (0)427 71541

ogni strumento MEdESY è realizzato con la massima cura e professionalità ed è destinato esclusivamente a personale odontoiatrico qualificato.

Se non è possibile utilizzare una lavatrice, il lavaggio degli strumenti può essere effettuato anche manualmente: utilizzare uno spazzolino rigido con setole di plastica (NoN metallo) ed assicurarsi sempre di utilizzare le soluzioni per il lavaggio e la decontaminazione appropriate. 2. STERILIZZAZIONE Si raccomanda di sterilizzare gli strumenti solo dopo aver effettuato un’accurata pulizia. Se lo strumento non è perfettamente pulito, il risultato della sterilizzazione ne è pregiudicato. Seguire attentamente le istruzioni del fabbricante dell’attrezzatura utilizzata per la sterilizzazione. Ci sono diversi modi per sterilizzare gli strumenti: 2.1 STERILIZZAZIONE CON AUTOCLAVE lo scopo della sterilizzazione in autoclave è quello di ottenere una corretta sterilizzazione ed al tempo stesso mantenere il più possibile durature le caratteristiche strutturali e funzionali degli strumenti. Questo processo deve essere eseguito solo ed esclusivamente da personale esperto, correttamente istruito per tale scopo. A. le operazioni di pulizia devono essere effettuate in area esclusivamente attrezzata e predisposta per questa operazione. B. immediatamente dopo l’uso gli strumenti devono essere disinfettati mediante l’utilizzo di soluzioni di provata efficacia. assicurarsi del corretto dosaggio delle soluzioni detergenti/decontaminanti, della durata del lavaggio e della temperatura dello stesso, come da istruzioni suggerite dal costruttore della macchina e dal produttore delle soluzioni detergenti. C. Soluzioni detergenti/disinfettanti a base di cloruro di sodio (NaCl) possono frequentemente causare fenomeni di corrosione e ossidazione degli strumenti, compromettendone seriamente l’uso. D. le soluzioni detergenti/disinfettanti vanno cambiate giornalmente. E. il metodo migliore che si raccomanda per un corretto lavaggio degli strumenti è il lavaggio ad ultrasuoni, particolarmente indicato per gli strumenti a snodo (es. pinze, forbici, porta-aghi, etc..) F. Non inserire nei vassoi per il lavaggio/sterilizzazione strumenti di metallo diverso (es, acciaio comune con acciaio inox, alluminio, acciaio cromato, etc…). G. gli strumenti a snodo (es. pinze, forbici, porta-aghi, etc…) vanno sempre aperti prima del lavaggio /disinfestazione. H. assicurarsi che i vassoi non siano sovraccaricati di strumenti in quanto questo potrebbe comprometterne il lavaggio/disinfestazione. I. Eventuali residui dopo il primo lavaggio devono essere completamente rimossi. J. È stato verificato che la temperatura ideale per il risciacquo finale si attesta tra gli 80°C e i 90°C. K. Si raccomanda di utilizzare solo acqua demineralizzata durante il risciacquo finale. Questo accorgimento evita la formazione di macchie scure. L. per mantenere gli strumenti a snodo in perfetta efficienza, bisogna lubrificarli regolarmente con prodotti specifici (assolutamente non utilizzare oli industriali).

- per questo tipo di sterilizzazione si raccomandano generalmente cicli della durata di 7 minuti ad una temperatura di 134°C e pressione di 2,1 bar. - per gli strumenti imbustati è molto importante eseguire perfettamente il ciclo di asciugatura in quanto l’eventuale permanenza di acqua nella busta potrebbe dar luogo a fenomeni di corrosione e ossidazione sugli strumenti e generare formazioni batteriche. - i prodotti sterili dovranno essere conservati in area riservata, asciutta e priva di polveri. ATTENZIONE: STERILIZZAZIONE A CALDO Una sterilizzazione eccedente i 177°C (350 °F) indebolisce la tempera dello strumento e quindi la sua capacità di taglio ed elasticità (in particolare per gli strumenti da taglio, che possono subire una riduzione dell’affilatura); potrà anche verificarsi un imbrunimento dello strumento, macchie di colore marrone simili ad ossidazione. Strumenti in alluminio e strumenti in titanio: non inserire strumenti in alluminio e in titanio negli apparecchi termici o vasche ad ultrasuoni. Utilizzare solo ed esclusivamente sostanze specificatamente indicate per l’alluminio ed il titanio. 2.2 STERILIZZAZIONE A FREDDO Si raccomanda di prestare particolare attenzione alle soluzioni scelte, poiché alcune potrebbero essere inefficaci ed altre corrosive. Si consiglia di usare soluzioni a pH basico e di rispettare scrupolosamente i tempi di immersione nel liquido sterilizzante suggerito dal produttore. AVVERTENZE la non osservanza delle istruzioni fondamentali qui indicate può danneggiare irreparabilmente lo strumento e farà quindi decadere qualsiasi diritto di sostituzione e riparazione in garanzia. - Maneggiare gli strumenti chirurgici sempre con la massima cura ed avvertenza; - È dovere e responsabilità dell’utilizzatore prestare sempre la massima attenzione e cura agli strumenti; - ogni singolo strumento è stato creato per un suo utilizzo specifico. Utilizzare gli strumenti per scopi diversi da quelli per cui sono stati designati può danneggiare seriamente gli strumenti e provocare di conseguenza seri danni o addirittura la morte nel paziente; - gli strumenti vanno sempre controllati prima di ogni loro utilizzo; prima di ogni utilizzo, controllare e verificare accuratamente lo stato dello strumento: difetti visibili, deformazioni o graffi alterano il normale funzionamento dello strumento. Quindi l’uso di strumenti difettosi è assolutamente vietato; - gli strumenti danneggiati o consumati vanno immediatamente sostituiti; in caso di strumenti difettosi, questi saranno riparati o sostituiti solo ed esclusivamente da Medesy; - Medesy declina ogni responsabilità per eventuali danni causati da strumenti difettosi o consumati che andavano sostituiti; - ogni strumento Medesy viene accuratamente ispezionato e controllato prima dell’imballo e relativa spedizione, pertanto privo di difetti di fabbricazione e funzionalità. Medesy declina ogni responsabilità nei seguenti casi: 1. danni causati da un uso improprio dello strumento; 2. danni causati da errati processi di pulizia e sterilizzazione dello strumento; 3. danni causati dallo stoccaggio degli strumenti in locali non idonei; 4. danni causati dalla mancata manutenzione degli strumenti, specialmente di quelli a snodo, che necessitano di regolare lubrificazione delle parti in gioco. per ulteriori informazioni o necessità rimaniamo a vostra completa disposizione; si prega di rivolgersi ai seguenti recapiti: e-mail: ph: +39 (0)427 72786 Fax: +39 (0)427 71541

la sterilizzazione in autoclave a vapore saturo è tutt’oggi il sistema più utilizzato: si basa sul calore, che serve per sterilizzare, sul vapore saturo, che agisce sullo scambio termico con la temperatura dello strumento, e sulla pressione che aumenta il calore latente di evaporazione dell’acqua. 11

our PoSt-Sale SerVIce – rePaIr recondItIon ProGraM

taBle of content

SErVizio di MaNUtENzioNE poSt VENdita – prograMMa di riparazioNE E rigENErazioNE It is one of the most important aspect of the Medesy’s business philosophy. According to the above after Sale Services, we offer the following work process at minimal charge:


a) Precise resharpening and grinding. b) TC tip replacement. c) Reconditioning of the old instruments. d) Surface refinishing in Bright, Satin or Sand Bath. e) General adjustment and lubrication. È uno dei più importanti aspetti della filosofia Medesy di assistenza e servizio per i clienti. in accordo con il nostro servizio di post vendita la Medesy offre i seguenti servizi di riparazioni al prezzo di costo: a) precisa riaffilatura e brunitura delle lame interne/esterne. b) Cambio/sostituzione delle placchette in tC per porta aghi, pinze, etc. c) rigenerazione completa dei vecchi strumenti. d) rifinitura superfici esterne in lucido, Satinato o Sabbiato. e) riparazioni generali con elettrolucidatura e lubrificazioni.

IMPortant SuGGeStIonS for tHe MaIntenance of aluMInIuM ProductS iMportaNti SUggEriMENti pEr la MaNUtENzioNE dEgli StrUMENti iN allUMiNio 1. DO NOT USE DISH WASHER. 2. DO NOT USE ULTRASONIC BATH. 3. BE CAREFUL WHEN USING DISINFECTING LIQUIDS: some are incompatible with aluminium; read carefully the directions for use. Some products are manufactured from coloured anodised aluminium. The colour of the products can be damaged by the use of some chemical cleaners. DO NOT USE chemicals too alkaline or too acid. A pH of between 4 and 8 is safe. 1. NoN laVarE iN laVaStoVigliE. 2. NoN pUlirE iN VaSCHEtta a UltraSUoNi. 3. FarE attENzioNE ai liQUidi diSiNFEttaNti in quanto alcuni di essi non sono compatibili con l’alluminio; leggere attentamente le istruzioni d’uso. alcuni strumenti sono costruiti in alluminio anodizzato colorato. il colore stesso dei prodotti può essere danneggiato dall’uso di soluzioni chimiche per pulizia. NoN UtilizzarE prodotti troppo alcalini o troppo acidi. Si consiglia un pH fra 4 e 8.

Direction: Designed for pre-sterilization application to promote smooth movement of hinged instruments. Provides protection from corrosion or deposits that could interfere with the movement of the instruments as tooth forceps, scissors, needle holders, etc. Ideal to be used when instruments joints are bind due to various deposits or rusted. This special penetrating sterile oil, that can be used before and after sterilization, will remove light rust and corrosion and will restore smooth working surface. Use regularly to ensure longer trouble free instruments life. This lubricant will not dry up in the sterilizer. Physiologically inert.


iNdiCazioNi. progettato per le applicazioni pre-sterilizzazione per favorire un movimento scorrevole e delicato degli strumenti a snodo. assicura la protezione contro corrosione e sedimenti, che possono interferire con il movimento degli strumenti come le tenaglie, le forbici, porta aghi, ecc… ideale da utilizzare nel caso in cui depositi vari ed ossidazioni abbiano reso duri gli snodi degli strumenti. Questo lubrificante speciale, sterile e penetrante, che può essere utilizzato sia prima sia dopo la sterilizzazione, elimina entrambi, ossidazione e corrosione leggere, e ristabilisce una perfetta funzionalità. Usato regolarmente assicura allo strumento una lunga durata ed efficienza. il lubrificante non asciuga in autoclave. Fisiologicamente inerte.

4100 200 ml

application referral chart for extracting forceps ................................. a 2 pedodontic tooth forceps, springs pattern ............................................. a 3 pedodontic tooth forceps, squared beaks pattern ............................. a 4 pedodontic tooth tweezers ............................................................................ a 4 pedodontic tooth forceps, English pattern ............................................. a 5 pedodontic tooth forceps, american pattern ........................................ a 7 anatomic tooth forceps, English pattern ................................................. a 8 Splinter forceps – Universal pin holding and nerve-broaches forceps ...................................................................... a 13 Set of tooth forceps ........................................................................................ a 15 tooth forceps, american pattern ............................................................. a 16 Split-beak forceps, trotter pattern .......................................................... a 18 tooth forceps, Comella pattern ................................................................ a 20 Extraction set ..................................................................................................... a 21 Blades beaks forceps secure grip profiles anatomic handle ............................................................................................... a 22 tooth forceps scissor handle for lower wisdom teeth ................... a 27 root elevators ................................................................................................... a 29 root elevators apexo ..................................................................................... a 36 root elevators lussatore ............................................................................. a 37 root elevators lindo levian ....................................................................... a 38 root elevators Midelux .................................................................................. a 39 root elevators Medimpla ............................................................................. a 40 lussatore lever for upper wisdom teeth ............................................... a 41 Extraction set ..................................................................................................... a 42 Syndesmotomes .............................................................................................. a 44 periosteals .......................................................................................................... a 45 periosteals elevators ...................................................................................... a 46 Bone files ............................................................................................................. a 48 periotome ............................................................................................................ a 49 Bone rongeurs ................................................................................................... a 50 Scalpel handles, blades breaker, blades remover ........................... a 52 Scalpel handles – Sterile scalpel blades ............................................. a 53 important suggestions for the maintenance and sterilization of instruments ................................................................ a 54 Surgical scissors, carbide inserts ........................................................... a 56 Surgical scissors, Superior cut ................................................................. a 57 Surgical scissors, Marilyn line ................................................................... a 58 Surgical scissors, square ring ................................................................... a 58 Surgical scissors, iris ..................................................................................... a 59 Surgical scissors, saw edge ....................................................................... a 59 Surgical scissors .............................................................................................. a 60 Surgical scissors, Black sharp line ......................................................... a 61 Surgical scissors, spring action ............................................................... a 62 Surgical scissors, zed line .......................................................................... a 63 Surgical scissors, titanium ........................................................................ a 63 Surgical scissors .............................................................................................. a 64 Universal, crown, bandage scissors ....................................................... a 65 Needle holders .................................................................................................. a 67 Needle holders with tC ................................................................................ a 67 Needle holders .................................................................................................. a 69 Needle holders with tC ................................................................................ a 70 Needle holders .................................................................................................. a 71 Haemostatic and tissue forceps ............................................................... a 72 towel & dressing forceps, tongue forceps .......................................... a 74 retractors – Mouth gags ............................................................................. a 75 retractors – Cheek and tissue ................................................................. a 76 retractors – Cheek and lip ......................................................................... a 77 retractors – Cheek and tissue ................................................................. a 78 Soft tissue retractors ..................................................................................... a 79 Henahan retractors, Misch retractors ................................................... a 80 Mouth mirrors dr. Fabrizio Comella ........................................................ a 81 Mouth mirrors and handles ........................................................................ a 82 Medesyject intraligamental syringes ..................................................... a 85 inox syringes ...................................................................................................... a 86 dental syringes, aspiration ring ................................................................ a 88 Cotton and dressing tweezers ................................................................... a 89 tissue-periodontal tweezers micro ........................................................ a 90 tissue-periodontal tweezers ..................................................................... a 91 amalgam carriers ............................................................................................ a 93 Matrix bands ...................................................................................................... a 94 Matrix retainers ................................................................................................ a 95 Crown instruments ......................................................................................... a 96 rubber dam kit ................................................................................................. a 99 rubber dam instruments ........................................................................... a 100 rubber dam clamps ..................................................................................... a 101 dental dams ..................................................................................................... a 102 Microsurgery .................................................................................................... a 103

Micro surgery set ........................................................................................... a 107 Micro soft tissue set ..................................................................................... a 108

PerIodontal gracey curettes ................................................................................................... B 2 titanium curettes ............................................................................................... B 9 Scalers .................................................................................................................. B 11 periodontal hoes .............................................................................................. B 13 probes ................................................................................................................... B 14 Bone curettes .................................................................................................... B 17 Excavators ........................................................................................................... B 19 periodontal files ................................................................................................ B 21 periodontal knives ........................................................................................... B 22 periodontal chisels .......................................................................................... B 23 Sharpening of hygiene instruments ........................................................ B 23 Sharpening stones .......................................................................................... B 25 our post-Sale service .................................................................................... B 26 periodontal instruments set ....................................................................... B 27 Surgical tray for apicectomies ................................................................... B 28 tray for periodontal surgery ....................................................................... B 28

reStoratIVe pluggers and condensers ............................................................................... C 2 Burnishers .............................................................................................................. C 4 Burnisher octagonal handle ........................................................................... C 6 Carvers instruments .......................................................................................... C 7 Enamel instruments .......................................................................................... C 9 Spatulas ............................................................................................................... C 10 Composite instruments titanium coated .............................................. C 11 pluggers ............................................................................................................... C 12 Spreaders ............................................................................................................ C 13 Explorers .............................................................................................................. C 14 Explorers double end ..................................................................................... C 15 Explorers octagonal handle ........................................................................ C 16

IMPlantoloGY implantology .......................................................................................................... d 2 osteotomes, Medoss line ............................................................................... d 3 osteotomes, double lock ................................................................................ d 4 osteotomes, implant site dilatators ........................................................... d 5 titanium instruments ........................................................................................ d 7 titanium curettes ............................................................................................... d 7 Chisels and mallets ........................................................................................... d 8 Sinus lift instruments ..................................................................................... d 10 Bone scraper ..................................................................................................... d 11 grinder for autogenous bone ..................................................................... d 11 trephine and mucotome .............................................................................. d 13 Bone aspirators ................................................................................................ d 14 Bone injectors and collectors .................................................................... d 15 Calipers ................................................................................................................ d 17

Wax knives wooden handle – Spatulas for alginate and plasters ........................................................................................................... F 5 Ceramics sculpturing instruments .............................................................. F 6 laboratory set ....................................................................................................... F 7 Mallets – plaster shears – Saws ................................................................. F 8 articulators ............................................................................................................. F 9 Stainless steel regular impression trays with retention rim ............................................................................................. F 10 Stainless steel regular impression trays without retention rim ....................................................................................... F 10 Stainless steel anatomic impression trays with retention rim ............................................................................................. F 11 Stainless steel anatomic impression trays without retention rim ....................................................................................... F 11 Stainless steel impression trays edentulous (complete denture) special form ....................................... F 12 aluminium perforated impression trays ................................................. F 12 Ehricke Stainless Steel impression trays .............................................. F 13 Stainless steel edentulous (complete denture) rim lock ................ F 14 Stainless steel edentulous (complete denture) perforated rim lock .......................................................................................... F 14 Stainless steel orthodontic (children) rim lock ................................... F 15 Stainless steel orthodontic (children) perforated rim lock ............ F 15 disposables impression trays ..................................................................... F 16 polycarbonate impression trays ................................................................ F 16 Stainless steel regular impression trays with retention rim – Microsandblasted .................................................. F 17 Calipers ................................................................................................................. F 18

acceSSorIeS Stainless steel trays .......................................................................................... g 2 High engineered polysulfone trays ............................................................. g 4 Stainless steel trays .......................................................................................... g 6 aluminium trays .................................................................................................. g 7 Colored aluminium trays ................................................................................. g 8 Colored aluminium trays Mini ....................................................................... g 9 Endodontic boxes, aluminium .................................................................... g 10 Bur and canal instruments holder ........................................................... g 12 Miscellaneous cups ........................................................................................ g 13 patient bib chains – Saliva ejectors ........................................................ g 14 Used needles box – Mayo instrument table ....................................... g 14 Manicure instruments ................................................................................... g 16 the art of quality… and the ability from a long experience ....... g 17 instruments display case ............................................................................. g 18 instruments display case with 15 drawers .......................................... g 19

Index index ....................................................................................................................... 246 Code index ........................................................................................................... 250

ortHodontIcS Century line ........................................................................................................... E 2 Wire cutters ........................................................................................................... E 3 distal end cutters ............................................................................................... E 5 Wire bending pliers ............................................................................................ E 6 argentum line ..................................................................................................... E 13 distal end cutters ............................................................................................. E 14 Wire cutters ......................................................................................................... E 14 Wire bending pliers .......................................................................................... E 15 ligature instruments ....................................................................................... E 22

laBoratorY Wax and modelling instruments ................................................................... F 2 Cement spatulas – Wax and modelling carvers ................................... F 4




tabella di applicazione delle tenaglie per estrazioni ......................... a 2 pinze per estrazione per bambini, sistema con molla ...................... a 3 pinze per estrazione per bambini, punte a profilo quadro .............. a 4 pinzette per estrazione per bambini .......................................................... a 4 pinze per estrazione per bambini, forme inglesi ................................. a 5 pinze per estrazione per bambini, forme americane ......................... a 7 pinze per estrazione anatomiche, forme inglesi .................................. a 8 pinze per frammenti e pinza universale per strumenti canalari e frammenti ossei ............................................ a 13 Serie di tenaglie per estrazioni .................................................................. a 15 pinze per estrazione, forme americane ................................................ a 16 pinze con profilo ritentivo ............................................................................ a 18 pinze per estrazione, Comella ................................................................... a 20 Set per estrazione ........................................................................................... a 21 pinze a punte lamate con profili per sicura tenuta – Manico anatomico ................................................. a 22 pinze per estrazione con manici a forbice per l’estrazione dei denti del giudizio inferiori ................................... a 27 leve per radici .................................................................................................. a 29 leve per radici apexo .................................................................................... a 36 leve per radici lussatore ............................................................................ a 37 leve per radici lindo levian ...................................................................... a 38 leve per radici Midelux ................................................................................. a 39 leve per radici Medimpla ............................................................................ a 40 leva d’estrazione per il dente del giudizio superiore ..................... a 41 Set per estrazioni ............................................................................................. a 42 Sindesmotomi ................................................................................................... a 44 Scollaperiostei ................................................................................................... a 45 lime per alveolotomia ................................................................................... a 48 periotomo ............................................................................................................ a 49 pinze ossivore ................................................................................................... a 50 Manici per bisturi, pinze rompi e togli lame ........................................ a 52 Manici per bisturi – lame sterili .............................................................. a 53 importanti indicazioni per la corretta manutenzione e sterilizzazione degli strumenti ............................................................... a 54 Forbici chirurgiche, inserti in tC .............................................................. a 56 Forbici chirurgiche, Superior cut .............................................................. a 57 Forbici chirurgiche, linea Marylyn ........................................................... a 58 Forbici chirurgiche, anello quadro ........................................................... a 58 Forbici chirurgiche, iris ................................................................................. a 59 Forbici chirurgiche, lame microdentate ................................................ a 59 Forbici chirurgiche .......................................................................................... a 60 Forbici chirurgiche, linea Black sharp ................................................... a 61 Forbici chirurgiche, a molla ........................................................................ a 62 Forbici chirurgiche, linea zed .................................................................... a 63 Forbici chirurgiche, in titanio ..................................................................... a 63 Forbici chirurgiche .......................................................................................... a 64 Forbici universali, per fili, lastre e corone ............................................ a 65 porta aghi ............................................................................................................ a 67 porta aghi con inserti al tungsteno ......................................................... a 67 porta aghi ............................................................................................................ a 69 porta aghi con inserti al tungsteno ......................................................... a 70 porta aghi ............................................................................................................ a 71 pinze emostatiche e chirurgiche .............................................................. a 72 pinze per teli, tamponi, e tiralingua ........................................................ a 74 divaricatori apribocca ................................................................................... a 75 divaricatori per guance e tessuti ............................................................. a 76 divaricatori per guance e labbra .............................................................. a 77 divaricatori per guance e tessuti ............................................................. a 78 divaricatori per tessuti molli ....................................................................... a 79 divaricatori Henahan e Misch ................................................................... a 80 Specchietto dr. Fabrizio Comella ............................................................. a 81 Specchietti e manici ....................................................................................... a 82 Siringhe per anestesia intraligamentare Medesyject ..................... a 85 Siringhe inox ...................................................................................................... a 86 Siringhe dentali con anello aspirante ..................................................... a 88 pinzette per medicazioni .............................................................................. a 89 Micropinzette per chirurgia e parodontologia .................................... a 90 pinzette per chirurgia e parodontologia ................................................ a 91 Spingi amalgama ............................................................................................. a 93 Matrici ................................................................................................................... a 94 portamatrici ........................................................................................................ a 95 Strumenti per corone ..................................................................................... a 96 Set strumenti per diga .................................................................................. a 99 Strumenti per la diga ................................................................................... a 100 Uncini per diga ................................................................................................ a 101 diga dentale ..................................................................................................... a 102 Microchirurgia ................................................................................................. a 103

Set per microchirurgia ................................................................................. a 107 Set microchirurgia per tessuti molli ...................................................... a 108

PerIodonzIa gracey curette ..................................................................................................... B 2 Curette in titanio ................................................................................................ B 9 Scalers .................................................................................................................. B 11 periodontal hoes .............................................................................................. B 13 Sonde .................................................................................................................... B 14 Cucchiai alveolari ............................................................................................ B 17 Escavatori ............................................................................................................ B 19 lime periodontali ............................................................................................. B 21 Bisturi per gengivectomia ............................................................................ B 22 Scalpelli chirurgici ........................................................................................... B 23 affilatura dello strumentario odontoiatrico ......................................... B 23 pietre per affilare ............................................................................................. B 25 Servizio di manutenzione post vendita .................................................. B 26 Set strumenti per parodontologia ............................................................ B 27 Set per apicectomia ....................................................................................... B 28 Set per paradontologia ................................................................................. B 28

conSerVatIVa otturatori ................................................................................................................ C 2 Brunitori .................................................................................................................. C 4 Brunitori manico ottagonale .......................................................................... C 6 Strumenti per modellare e rifinire ............................................................... C 7 Strumenti taglia smalto-dentina .................................................................. C 9 Spatole .................................................................................................................. C 10 Strumenti per composito ricoperti in nitruro di titanio ........................................................................................... C 11 Strumenti canalari ........................................................................................... C 12 Sonde .................................................................................................................... C 14 Sonde doppie .................................................................................................... C 15 Sonde manico ottagonale ............................................................................ C 16

IMPlantoloGIa implantologia ........................................................................................................ d 2 osteotomi, linea Medoss ................................................................................ d 3 osteotomi, doppio fissaggio .......................................................................... d 4 osteotomi, dilatatori del sito implantare ................................................. d 5 Strumenti in titanio ............................................................................................ d 7 Curette in titanio ................................................................................................. d 7 Scalpelli e martelli .............................................................................................. d 8 Strumenti per il rialzo seno mascellare ................................................. d 10 grattino per osso ............................................................................................. d 11 Macinatori di osso autologo ....................................................................... d 11 trephine e mucotomi ..................................................................................... d 13 aspiratori d’osso .............................................................................................. d 14 iniettori e contenitori per osso ................................................................. d 15 Calibri .................................................................................................................... d 17

Coltelli per cera manici in legno – Spatole per alginato e gesso manici in legno .................................................................................... F 5 Strumenti per ceramica .................................................................................... F 6 Set per protesi mobile e per tecnico .......................................................... F 7 Set per ceramica e protesi fissa ................................................................... F 7 Martelletti – Cesoie per gesso – Seghetti .............................................. F 8 articolatori .............................................................................................................. F 9 portaimpronte forate regolari inox con il bordino ritentivo .................................................................................... F 10 portaimpronte forate regolari inox senza il bordino ritentivo ............................................................................... F 10 portaimpronte anatomiche inox con il bordino ritentivo .................................................................................... F 11 portaimpronte anatomiche inox senza il bordino ritentivo ............................................................................... F 11 portaimpronte per protesi totali – Edentuli inox forma speciale ................................................................................................... F 12 portaimpronte perforate in alluminio ...................................................... F 12 portaimpronte in acciaio inox modello Ehricke .................................. F 13 portaimpronte per protesi totali edentuli inox con il bordino ritentivo .................................................................................... F 14 portaimpronte per protesi totali edentuli inox forate con il bordino ritentivo .................................................................................... F 14 portaimpronte ortodontiche inox con il bordino ritentivo .............. F 15 portaimpronte ortodontiche inox perforate con il bordino ritentivo .................................................................................... F 15 portaimpronte monouso ................................................................................ F 16 portaimpronte in policarbonato ................................................................. F 16 portaimpronte forate regolari inox con il bordino ritentivo ........... F 17 Calibri ..................................................................................................................... F 18


SurGIcal / CHirUrgia


Vassoi inox con chiusura di sicurezza ...................................................... g 2 Vassoi in polysulfone ........................................................................................ g 4 Vassoi inox ............................................................................................................. g 6 Vassoi in alluminio .............................................................................................. g 7 Vassoi in alluminio colorati ............................................................................. g 8 Vassoi in alluminio colorati Mini .................................................................. g 9 Endo Box in alluminio .................................................................................... g 10 Contenitore porta frese e strumenti canalari ..................................... g 12 Contenitori per mescolare ........................................................................... g 13 Catenelle appendi-bavagliole – aspirasaliva ..................................... g 14 Contenitore aghi usati – tavolo strumenti Mayo .............................. g 14 Strumenti per manicure ............................................................................... g 16 l’arte della qualità… e l’abilità di una lunga esperienza ............. g 17 Valigia espositore ............................................................................................ g 18 Valigia espositore con 15 cassetti ........................................................... g 19

IndIce indice ...................................................................................................................... 248 indice per codice .............................................................................................. 250

ortodonzIa Century line ........................................................................................................... E 2 tronchesini ............................................................................................................ E 3 tronchesini distali con ritenuta .................................................................... E 5 pinze per piegare fili .......................................................................................... E 6 argentum line ..................................................................................................... E 13 tronchesini distali con ritenuta .................................................................. E 14 tronchesini .......................................................................................................... E 14 pinze per piegare fili ........................................................................................ E 15 Strumenti per legature ................................................................................... E 22

laBoratorIo Strumenti per modellare .................................................................................. F 2 Spatola per cementi – Strumenti per modellare .................................. F 4


aPPlIcatIon referral cHart for extractInG forcePS

PedodontIc tootH forcePS, SPrInGS Pattern

taBElla di appliCazioNE dEllE tENagliE pEr EStrazioNi

piNzE pEr EStrazioNE pEr BaMBiNi, SiStEMa CoN Molla 31-38 Permanent teeth denti permanenti 41-48 Permanent teeth denti permanenti 1-8 Permanent teeth denti permanenti

51-55 temporary teeth denti temporanei 61-65 temporary teeth denti temporanei I-V temporary teeth denti temporanei

71-75 temporary teeth denti temporanei 81-85 temporary teeth denti temporanei I-V temporary teeth denti temporanei

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2500/67 a 2500/68 2500/73 2500/73 l 2500/73 S 2500/74 2500/74 d 2500/74 M 2500/74 N 2500/75 2500/75 a 2500/76 2500/76 N 2500/76 S 2500/79 2500/79 a 2500/86 2500/86 C 2500/87 2500/88 2500/89 2500/90 2500/91 2500/94 2500/95 2500/96 2500/97 2500/98 2500/99 2500/101 2500/101 a 2500/107 2500/108 2500/110 2500/111 2500/113 2500/114 2500/122 2500/123 2500/130 2500/136 2500/137 2500/138 2500/139 2500/143 2500/144 2500/147 2500/148 2500/157 2500/158 2500/159 2500/160 2500/161 2500/162 2500/163 2500/166 2500/167 2500/168 2500/169 2500/170 2500/171 2500/172 2500/173

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(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

Page n° pagina

Pedo children denti da latte

Wisdoms tooth denti del giudizio

roots radici

Molars Molari

2500/180 2500/181 2500/182 2500/185 2500/187 2500/189 2500/190 2500/221 2500/223 2500/350 2500/351 2500/352 2500/353 2600/101 2600/111 2600/115 2600/122 2600/150 2600/160 2600/170 2650/1 a 2650/5 2650/6 2650/10 S 2650/15 2650/16 2650/16 pedo 2650/17 2650/17 pedo 2650/18 l 2650/18 l pedo 2650/18 r 2650/18 r pedo 2650/23 2650/24 2650/32 2650/32 a 2650/53 l 2650/53 r 2650/65 2650/65 pedo 2650/69 2650/69 pedo 2650/85 a 2650/88 l 2650/88 r 2650/99 a 2650/99 C 2650/103 2650/150 2650/150 a 2650/150 aS 2650/150 pedo 2650/151 2650/151 a 2650/151 aS 2650/151 pedo 2650/203 2650/203 pedo 2650/210 2650/222 2650/286

Premolars premolari

a9 a 13 a 10 a 10 a 10 a 12 a 12 a 12 a 12 a8 a8 a 12 a 12 a 12 a 10 a 10 a 10 a 10 a 10 a 27 a9 a9 a 10 a9 a9 a9 a9 a 27 a 10 a 11 a 11 a8 a 12 a 12 a 12 a 11 a 12 a8 a6 a 14 a8 a8 a5 a 11 a 12 a 13 a 11 a 10 a5 a5 a5 a6 a6 a6 a5 a 19 a 18 a 18 a 18 a 18 a 19 a 18 a 18

l u l u l u l u l u l u a 23 a 23 a 25 a 23 a 23 a 25 a 23 a 23 a 25 a 25 a 25 a 25 a 20 a 25 a 26 a 26 a 25 a4 a4 a4 a 26 a8 a8 a8 a8 a8 a8 a8 a6 a9 a9 a9 a9 a 10 a 10 a 10 a6 a 10 a 10 a 11 a5 a 11 a 12 a 12 a 12 a5 a6 a5 a5 a5 a5 a6 a 11 a 13 a 11 a 11 a 11 a 11 a 11 a9 a9 a 10 a9

centrals and canines Centrali e canini

Pedo children denti da latte

Wisdoms tooth denti del giudizio

roots radici

Molars Molari

Premolars premolari

code n° Codice



left SIde / partE SiNiStra

Page n° pagina

l u l u l u l u l u l u 2400/1 2400/7 2400/13 2400/17 2400/18 2400/22 2400/34 N 2400/35 N 2400/51 2400/51 al 2400/67 2400/67 N 2400/70 2400/74 2400/79 2400/79 N 2400/86 2400/101 BC pedo 2400/133 BC pedo 2400/151 BC pedo 2400/187 2500/1 2500/2 2500/3 2500/4 2500/7 2500/8 2500/13 2500/13 S 2500/17 2500/18 2500/18 a 2500/19 2500/20 2500/21 2500/22 2500/22 S 2500/23 2500/24 2500/29 2500/29 S 2500/30 2500/33 2500/33 a 2500/33 l 2500/37 2500/38 2500/39 2500/39 a 2500/39 l 2500/39 r 2500/40 2500/41 2500/46 2500/49 2500/51 2500/51 a 2500/51 l 2500/52 2500/54 2500/55 2500/56 2500/67

centrals and canines Centrali e canini

rIGHt SIde / partE dEStra

code n° Codice

Page n° pagina

Pedo children denti da latte

Wisdoms tooth denti del giudizio

roots radici

Molars Molari

left SIde / partE SiNiStra

Premolars premolari

centrals and canines Centrali e canini

code n° Codice

rIGHt SIde / partE dEStra

loWer JaW / arCata iNFEriorE 11-18 Permanent teeth denti permanenti 21-28 Permanent teeth denti permanenti 1-8 Permanent teeth denti permanenti

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

uPPer JaW / arCata SUpEriorE

l u l u l u l u l u l u

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a8 a8 a8 a 13 a 13 a 11 a 11 a 14 a 14 a 14 a 14 a 14 a 14 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a3 a 17 a 16 a 17 a 16 a 16 a 16 a7 a 16 a7 a 16 a7 a 16 a7 a 16 a 16 a 17 a 17 a 16 a 16 a 17 a7 a 17 a7 a 17 a 16 a 16 a 17 a 17 a 17 a 17 a 17 a 17 a7 a 17 a 17 a 17 a7 a 17 a7 a 16 a 16 a 17

2600/160 (mm 110) Lower molars and premolars Molari inferiori e premolari

2600/Set 6 pcs Pedo

Contains: 2600/101-111-115-150-160-170 Set children tooth forceps with spring Set tenaglie per bambini con molla

2600/150 (mm 110)

2600/170 (mm 110)

Lower incisors and canines incisivi inferiori e canini

Lower roots radici inferiori

2600/101 (mm 110)

2600/111 (mm 110)

2600/115 (mm 120)

2600/122 (mm 120)

Upper incisors incisivi superiori

Upper premolars premolari superiori

Upper molars Molari superiori

Upper roots radici superiori


PedodontIc tootH forcePS, Squared BeaKS Pattern

PedodontIc tootH forcePS, enGlISH Pattern

piNzE pEr EStrazioNE pEr BaMBiNi, pUNtE a proFilo QUadro

piNzE pEr EStrazioNE pEr BaMBiNi, ForME iNglESi 2500/163

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

2400/133 Bc Pedo

2400/133 Bc Pedo (mm 130)

2400/151 Bc Pedo (mm 150)

2400/101 Bc Pedo (mm 150)




2500/29 S

Lower teeth, for children denti inferiori, per bambini

Lower teeth, for children denti inferiori, per bambini

Upper teeth, for children denti superiori, per bambini

Upper teeth and roots, for children Superiori e radici, per bambini

Upper centrals, for children Superiori centrali, per bambini

Upper incisors, for children incisivi superiori, per bambini

Upper roots, for children radici superiori, per bambini




Upper premolars, for children premolari superiori, per bambini

Upper molars, for children Molari superiori, per bambini

Upper premolars and molars, for children premolari e molari superiori, per bambini


2500/39 a

2500/39 r

2500/39 l

Upper molars, for children Molari superiori, per bambini

Upper molars, for children Molari superiori, per bambini

Upper molars right, for children Molari superiori destri, per bambini

Upper molars left, for children Molari superiori sinistri, per bambini

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

PedodontIc tootH tWeezerS piNzEttE pEr EStrazioNE pEr BaMBiNi




albrecht mm 160

albrecht mm 160

Tooth forceps hot forging process. Fase di stampaggio a caldo di una tenaglia per estrazioni.


PedodontIc tootH forcePS, aMerIcan Pattern piNzE pEr EStrazioNE pEr BaMBiNi, ForME aMEriCaNE





2500/13 S

2650/151 Pedo (Cryer, mm 135)

2650/203 Pedo (mm 135)

Lower incisors and canines, for children incisivi inferiori e canini, per bambini

Lower roots and centrals, for children radici e incisivi inferiori, per bambini

Lower teeth and roots, for children inferiori e radici, per bambini

Lower premolars, for children premolari inferiori, per bambini

Lower premolars, incisors, roots, universal premolari inferiori, incisivi, radici inferiori, universale

Lower premolars, incisors, and roots, either side premolari inferiori, incisivi e radici inferiori, ambo i lati

2650/Set 9 pcs Pedo

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

Contains: 2650/65-69-16-17-18r-18l-203-150-151 Set Pedo tooth forceps, American pattern. Set tenaglie modello americano per bambini.

2500/22 S




2650/16 Pedo (Harris, mm 135)

2650/17 Pedo (mm 135)

2650/65 Pedo (mm 135)

2650/150 Pedo (Cryer, mm 135)

Lower molars, for children Molari inferiori, per bambini

Lower molars, for children Molari inferiori, per bambini

Lower molars, for children Molari inferiori, per bambini

Lower molars, for children Molari inferiori, per bambini

Lower molars, cow-horn beak, either side Molari inferiori, corna di bue, ambo i lati

Lower molars, either side Molari inferiori, ambo i lati

Upper incisors and roots incisivi superiori e radici superiori

Upper premolars, incisors, roots, universal premolari superiori, incisivi, radici superiori, universale

2650/18 r Pedo (Harris, mm 135)

2650/18 l Pedo (Harris, mm 135)

2650/69 Pedo (tomes, mm 135)

Upper molars, right Molari superiori destri

Upper molars, left Molari superiori sinistri

Fragments, upper and lower Frammenti superiori e inferiori

The company was using this tooth forcep’s “Master sample exposer” in 1930s, to verify dimensions and shapes along production process. Displayed today at the museum, in Maniago. Espositore utilizzato negli anni ‘30 per verificare forme e dimensioni delle pinze in produzione. Esposto attualmente presso il museo, a Maniago.



anatoMIc tootH forcePS, enGlISH Pattern

uPPer MolarS / Molari SUpEriori

piNzE pEr EStrazioNE aNatoMiCHE, ForME iNglESi




(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)









2500/18 a



Upper centrals and canines, wide incisivi centrali e canini superiori, larghi

Upper laterals and canines incisivi laterali, canini

Upper crowded incisors and canines incisivi superiori scoronati e canini uniti

Upper canines Canini superiori

Special for upper centrals and canines deep gripping Speciale per incisivi e canini superiori attacco profondo

Special for upper premolars deep gripping Speciale per premolari superiori attacco profondo

Upper molars, right Molari superiori destri

Upper molars, left Molari superiori sinistri

Upper molars either side Molari superiori destri e sinistri

Upper molars, right Molari superiori destri

Upper molars, left Molari superiori sinistri





2500/75 a





Upper premolars premolari superiori

Upper centrals premolars and roots premolari centrali e radici superiori

Lower incisors and canines incisivi e canini inferiori

Lower incisors and premolars incisivi e premolari inferiori

Lower incisors and premolars incisivi e premolari inferiori

Upper molars right Molari superiori destri

Upper molars left Molari superiori sinistri

Upper molars right Molari superiori destri

Upper molars left Molari superiori sinistri







2500/67 a




Lower centrals and roots incisivi, canini inferiori e radici

Lower centrals and roots Centrali inferiori e radici

Lower centrals canines and premolars deep gripping incisivi, canini e premolari inferiori attacco profondo

Lower premolars either side premolari inferiori destri e sinistri

Lower premolars either side premolari inferiori destri e sinistri

Upper third molars and upper wisdoms either side terzo molare superiore e denti giudizio superiori

Upper third molars and upper wisdoms either side terzo molare superiore e denti giudizio superiori

Upper third molars and upper wisdoms either side terzo molare superiore e denti giudizio superiori

For separating upper molars per separare molari superiori

For separating upper molars per separare molari superiori

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


loWer MolarS / Molari iNFEriori

uPPer rootS / radiCi SUpEriori


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)



2500/73 S

2500/73 l



2500/148 (Balding)


2500/51 a

2500/51 l



Lower molars Molari inferiori

Lower molars Molari inferiori

Lower molars Molari inferiori

Lower molars Molari inferiori

Lower molars Molari inferiori

Lower molars Molari inferiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori





2500/79 a







Lower molars, right Molari inferiori destri

Lower molars, left Molari inferiori sinistri

Lower third molars Molari inferiori

Lower third molars and lower wisdoms either side terzo molare inferiore denti giudizio inferiori destri e sinistri

Lower third molars terzo molare inferiore

For separating lower molars per separare molari inferiori

Fragments upper roots Frammenti radici superiori

Fragments upper roots Frammenti radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori


2500/86 c

2500/91 (rowney)

2500/99 (Wood)


Lower molars decayed or broken down crowns Molari inferiori scoronati

Lower molars decayed or broken down crowns Molari inferiori scoronati

For separating lower molars per separare molari inferiori

Lower molars Molari inferiori

Lower molars decayed or broken down crowns Molari inferiori scoronati





2500/101 a

Upper roots and incisor radici superiori e incisivi

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

coW Horn BeaK CorNo di BUE

a 10

a 11


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)



2500/110 (thorne)



2500/76 n

2500/76 S





2500/144 (Balding)

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Lower roots fragments Frammenti di radici inferiori

Lower roots radici inferiori

Lower roots radici inferiori

Lower roots radici inferiori

Lower roots and centrals radici inferiori e centrali

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

SPlInter forcePS – unIVerSal PIn HoldInG and nerVe-BroacHeS forcePS

loWer rootS radiCi iNFEriori

piNzE pEr FraMMENti E piNza UNiVErSalE pEr StrUMENti CaNalari E FraMMENti oSSEi Delicate forceps. Very thin and flat tips. Universal for grasping broken endodontic instruments and root fragments.


2500/33 a

2500/33 l

Lower roots radici inferiori

Lower roots radici inferiori

Lower roots radici inferiori


Molto sottile, universale, per raccogliere strumenti canalari rotti o frammenti ossei e/o radicolari così come per inserire punte d’argento o carta o cunei interdentali.


2162/c (mm 130)

2164/c (Stieglitz mm 150) Root fragments Frammenti di radici

Straight retto

2163/r (Stieglitz mm 150) Root fragments Frammenti di radici

a 12


2500/74 d

2500/74 M

2500/74 n



Lower roots and incisors radici inferiori e incisivi

Lower roots radici inferiori

Lower roots and incisors radici inferiori e incisivi

Lower roots and incisors radici inferiori e incisivi

Lower roots and centrals radici inferiori e centrali

Lower roots and centrals radici inferiori e centrali

a 13

Set of tootH forcePS


SEriE di tENagliE pEr EStrazioNi The essential Set of tooth forceps, made of the most representative forceps, from the Medesy line. • SET 10 pcs: allows all the base extractions, from the central to the third molars. • SET 12 pcs: made of 2 additional pliers, the cow horn beak N-86 and pliers N-74, for lower roots and incisor. All the Medesy experience and tradition is focused to provide professional kits to professionist.



SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Set essenziale di pinze per le estrazioni generiche. • SEt 10 pezzi: permette di eseguire le estrazioni primarie, dai denti centrali sino agli ottavi. • SEt 12 pezzi: composto da 2 ulteriori pinze, la corno di bue N-86 e la N-74 che permette l’estrazione di radici inferiori e incisivi. tutta l’esperienza e la tradizione Medesy, da sempre indirizzata a fornire kit professionali ai professionisti.

2500/Set 10 pcs

Contains: 2500/2-13-33-51-7 79-17-18-22-67

2500/350 (routurier, mm 225)

2500/351 (routurier, mm 225)

Lower molars and wisdoms left Molari inferiori e denti del giudizio sinistro

Lower molars and wisdoms right Molari inferiori e denti del giudizio destro

2500/Set 12 pcs

Contains: 2500/2-13-33-51-7-79 17-18-22-67-74-86


a 14

2500/130 (ladmore, mm 190) 2500/221 (Witzel, mm 150)

2500/223 (Witzel, mm 150)

2500/352 (mm 130)

2500/353 (mm 130)

Upper wisdoms giudizio superiore

Universal for lower roots Universale per radici inferiori

Upper canines and premolars Canini superiori e premolari

Lower molars either side Molari inferiori destri e sinistri

Universal for upper roots Universale per radici superiori

Under specific request, the set can be assembled with different forceps. Su richiesta, è possibile cambiare il contenuto del set.

a 15

tootH forcePS, aMerIcan Pattern piNzE pEr EStrazioNE, ForME aMEriCaNE

a 16


2650/18 r (Harris)

2650/18 l (Harris)

2650/88 l (Nevius)

2650/88 r (Nevius)

2650/150 (Cryer)

2650/151 (Cryer)

2650/150 a (Cryer)

2650/151 a (Cryer)

2650/150 aS

2650/151 aS

Upper molars, either side Molari superiori destri e sinistri

Upper molars, right Molari superiori destri

Upper molars, left Molari superiori sinistri

Upper molars, left Molari superiori sinistri

Upper molars, right Molari superiori destri

Upper incisors, premolars, roots, universal incisivi, premolari e radici superiori, universali

Lower premolars, incisors, roots, universal premolari, incisivi e radici inferiori, universali

Upper incisors, premolars, roots incisivi, premolari e radici superiori

Lower premolars, incisors, roots premolari, incisivi e radici inferiori

Upper premolars, incisors and roots denti premolari, denti incisivi e radici superiori

Lower premolars, incisors and roots denti premolari, denti incisivi e radici inferiori

2650/10 S


2650/53 r

2650/53 l


2650/32 a (parmly)

2650/32 (parmly)

2650/99 c


2650/1 a


Upper molars either side Molari superiori destri e sinistri

Upper wisdoms, either side denti giudizio superiori

Upper molars right Molari superiori destri

Upper molars left Molari superiori sinistri

Lower molars, either side Molari inferiori destri e sinistri

Upper molars, premolars and roots, narrow beaks Molari, premolari e radici superiori, punte strette

Upper molars and premolars, broad beaks Molari, premolari e radici superiori, punte larghe

Upper premolars, canines and incisors premolari, canini e incisivi superiori

Upper incisors and roots incisivi e radici superiori

Incisor and canines denti incisivi e denti canini

Upper roots, premolars and incisors, either side radici, premolari e incisivi superiori destri e sinistri

2650/16 (Harris)



2650/5 (physick)




2650/85 a (thomas)

2650/69 (tomes)


2650/99 a (Kells)

Lower molars, cow-horn beak, either side Molari inferiori, corno di bue, destri e sinistri

Lower molars, cow-horn beak, either side Molari inferiori, corno di bue, destri e sinistri

Lower molars, either side Molari inferiori destri e sinistri

Lower wisdoms, either side denti giudizio inferiori destri e sinistri

Lower wisdoms, either side denti giudizio inferiori destri e sinistri

Lower incisors, premolars and roots, either side incisivi, premolari e radici inferiori destri e sinistri

Lower incisors, premolars and roots, either side incisivi, premolari e radici inferiori destri e sinistri

Lower canines, premolars and molars, narrow beaks Canini, premolari e molari inferiori, punte strette

Fragments, upper and lower Frammenti di radici superiori e inferiori

For separating lower molars per separare molari inferiori

Upper incisors, canines and premolars incisivi, denti canini e premolari superiori

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Parallel PoIntS / pUNta parallEla

a 17

SPlIt-BeaK forcePS, trotter Pattern piNzE CoN proFilo ritENtiVo trotter PatternS (loWerS) / (iNFEriori)


SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)




Universal application Uso universale

Centrals laterals premolars lower canines and all roots incisivi canini premolari e tutte le radici

Lingually inclined roots and wisdom teeth radici inclinate del giudizio

trotter PatternS (uPPerS) / (SUpEriori)

trotter PatternS (uPPerS) / (SUpEriori)



(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

a 18

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)






Premolars and all roots premolari e tutte le radici

Premolars teeth and all roots premolari e tutte le radici

Upper central and lateral teeth Centrali/laterali e superiori

Universal application Uso universale

Wisdom and molar roots giudizio e radici dei molari

a 19

Fabrizio Comella was born in Milan at June 12th 1966 – his innate artistic skills lead his parents to attend him the Fine Arts Institute, but he also follows the track of his old brother, dentist, attending the Dental Technology School where since the beginning the professors realized the easiness of learning of the young student. Starting from the 2007, dr. Fabrizio Comella, collaborates with Medesy developing new tools in the field of surgery and Implantology.

SEt pEr EStrazioNE

2510/Set 10 pcs

Contains: 2500/2-18a-51-22-75-33 726/1S-3S-6S 882

ESSENTIAL SET General set of extraction, composed by tooth forceps, elevators and periosteal. ESSENtial SEt Set generale di estrazione, composto da pinze, leve e scollaperiosteo.

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Fabrizio Comella nasce a Milano il 12 giugno 1966. le sue spiccate doti artistiche orientano la scelta dei genitori a fargli frequentare le scuole d’arte e seguendo il fratello maggiore, dentista, comincia a frequentare la scuola d’odontotecnica dove immediatamente i professori di laboratorio capiscono la facilità di apprendimento del giovane. dal 2007 inizia il sodalizio con la Medesy srl con la quale porta avanti la ricerca, studio e collaudi di nuovi strumenti nel campo della chirurgia e implantologia.

extractIon Set

tootH forcePS, coMella Pattern piNzE pEr EStrazioNE, CoMElla


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

dr. faBrIzIo coMella’S forcePS Protected by International Patent Comella’s forceps is the only forceps particularly designed for the extraction of the root fragments from the horizontal embedded eights molars. the root elevators and other tools currently used can be dangerous in case of accident damaging vases and nerves, particularly the close lingual nerve. Comella’s forceps has a secure, precise and steady grip ensuring the respect of the surrounding tissue. for further information, please visit our web site

la PInza del dr. faBrIzIo coMella

a 20

Protetta da Brevetto Internazionale Nella pratica odontoiatrica l’estrazione dell’ottavo incluso, sia superiore che inferiore, resta uno degli interventi che richiede la precisione più assoluta. per l’estrazione dell’ottavo inferiore è stata progettata una pinza particolare, per i residui radicolari dei denti inclusi orizzontali mesioversi. particolarità di tale pinza è la possibilità di riuscire a rimuovere, con estrema facilità, anche le radici che risultano meno accessibili dai tradizionali strumenti, in particolare l’uso delle leve può provocare lacerazioni dei tessuti molli adiacenti con interessamento, nei casi più estremi, del nervo linguale. Per ulteriori informazioni visitate il nostro sito

2515/Set 8 pcs

Contains: 2500/48-189-29-46-187-74 705/4-6

ROOTS SET This set is composed of the most used roots instruments. It allows the extraction of all general roots and fragments, for upper and lower. SEt pEr radiCi Set composto dai più usati strumenti per estrazione di radici. permette estrazioni generiche di radici e frammenti, per superiori ed inferiori.

a 21

BladeS BeaKS forcePS Secure GrIP ProfIleS anatoMIc Handle


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

piNzE a pUNtE laMatE CoN proFili pEr SiCUra tENUta – MaNiCo aNatoMiCo

PINZE “BLADE BEAKS” 1 “Blade Beaks” penetrano facilmente sino al contatto della radice. 2 Hanno una maggior superficie di contatto per una presa più sicura. 3 assicurano un maggior rispetto dei tessuti e riducono il rischio di frattura del dente. 4 danno maggior controllo sulla radice durante le fasi di estrazione.

deeP-GrIPPInG PreSa Profonda





SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

forcePS “Blade BeaKS” 1 “Blade Beaks” smoothly penetrate in contact with the root. 2 They has larger contact surface for a secure grip. 3 They take care of the tissues and assure tooth fracture risk reduction. 4 They give better control over the root during the extraction operations.


2400/34 n

Upper centrals and canines incisivi centrali e canini superiori

Upper centrals and canines, narrow tips incisivi centrali e canini superiori, punte strette

2400/35 n

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

A 22


2400/35 n



Upper premolars premolari superiori

Upper premolars, narrow tips premolari superiori, punte strette

Upper molars, right Molari superiori destri

Upper molars, left Molari superiori sinistri

a 23


SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


2400/51 al


2400/67 n

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper third molars and upper wisdoms either side terzo molare superiore e denti del giudizio superiori

Upper third molars and upper wisdoms either side, narrow tips terzo molare superiore e denti del giudizio superiori, punte strette





Lower molars Molari inferiori

Lower molars decayed or broken down crowns Molari inferiori scoronati

Lower roots and incisors radici inferiori e incisivi

Lower premolars either side premolari inferiori destri e sinistri


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

A 24

a 25

tootH forcePS ScISSor Handle for loWer WISdoM teetH


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

piNzE pEr EStrazioNE CoN MaNiCi a ForBiCE pEr l’EStrazioNE dEi dENti dEl giUdizio iNFEriori



2400/79 n


Lower third molars and lower wisdoms either side terzo molare inferiore e denti del giudizio inferiori

Lower third molars and lower wisdoms either side terzo molare inferiore e denti del giudizio inferiori

Lower roots fragments Frammenti di radici inferiori

Entrambi i modelli di pinze sono ideali per l’estrazione dei denti del giudizio inferiori anche nel caso di apertura della bocca limitata. Si posiziona fra il 7 e 8 facendo attenzione che l’arcata sia completa ed il 7 sano, il quale spesso non è in ottime condizioni; chiudendo e inclinando la pinza l’8 viene così sollevato e la radice si presenterà in posizione distale, come sarà possibile verificare con l’X-ray.

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Both pairs of scissors forceps are ideally suited for extracting lower wisdom teeth, even in case where the mouth can not fully opened. The forceps are positioned between 7 and 8. Make sure that the row of teeth is complete and that 7 is healthy, as it is often touched. Through closing the forceps and tilting, 8 can be levered out the back, provided that the root is in the distal position as can be seen on an X-ray.


2500/88 (mm 175)

2500/98 (mm 175)

2400/Set 10 pcs

Contains: 2400/22-13-79-187-74-1-7-17-18-51

Operation cycle of a forged piece. Ciclo di lavorazione di un particolare forgiato.

“ MEDESY IN SPOT Did you know that a scissor needs about 90 working steps, to get it completely finish? Lo sapevi che una forbice necessita di 90 passaggi produttivi, prima di ottenere il prodotto finito?


Under specific request, the set can be assembled with different forceps.

a 26

Su richiesta, è possibile cambiare il contenuto del set.

a 27

root eleVatorS lEVE pEr radiCi







Round tonda

Round tonda

Round tonda

Flat piatta

Flat piatta

Flat piatta


680/11 680/12 680/13 680/14

Bein mm 3

Bein mm 4

Bein mm 2

Bein mm 3

Bein mm 4

680/7 White mm 4



White mm 4

Flohr mm 3



Flat piatta

Flat piatta

Flohr mm 3

Flohr mm 3

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Bein mm 2


Berten mm 5

mm 3

mm 3

mm 3

mm 3








690/3 Flohr mm 3

690/5 Cryer

690/6 Cryer

Lower roots radici inferiori

apical 304 mm 3


apical 301

A 28

apical 302 mm 2,5

12 a mm 3

apical 303 mm 2,5

34 S Seldin mm 4

Seldin mm 5,2

mm 3,2

720/10 720/11 Flohr mm 3

Flohr mm 3

720/9 Flohr mm 4,2


726/2 S 726/3 S 726/4 S

Seldin mm 3,5

mm 2,5

726/1S mm 2

mm 3

mm 3,5

726/5 S 726/6 S mm 4

mm 4,5

a 29

ø mm 1,5


720/22 Seldin







720/27 S 720/28 S 720/31


720/24 Seldin

Miller 1


Miller 2

Coupland mm 3,6


Coupland mm 4,2

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia


ø mm 2,5

720/20 Flohr mm 3,2


795/1 Hylin mm 3

795/1 Hylin

a 30

795/3 Hylin mm 3


795/2 Hylin mm 4,5

795/4 Hylin mm 3



Miller 3

Miller 3



Coupland mm 3


Heidbrink ø mm 1,5

797/2 london Hospital Coleman mm 4

Special for molars and premolars Speciale per molari e premolari

797/1 london Hospital Coleman mm 5

797/4 london Hospital Coleman mm 5


Heidbrink ø mm 1,5


Heidbrink ø mm 1,5


Heidbrink ø mm 2,5



Heidbrink ø mm 2,5


london Hospital Coleman mm 4





14 mm hollow handle 14 mm manico vuoto

14 mm hollow handle 14 mm manico vuoto

14 mm hollow handle 14 mm manico vuoto

Heidbrink ø mm 2,5

Heidbrink ø mm 2,5

Heidbrink ø mm 2,5




Heidbrink ø mm 2,5



10 mm hollow handle 10 mm manico vuoto

10 mm hollow handle 10 mm manico vuoto

Heidbrink apical ø mm 1,5


Howard apical ø mm 2,5



mm 2,5

700/20 mm 2,5

a 31




Warwick-James mm 2,2




mm 4,5

mm 3,5



mm 3,5


SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Warwick-James mm 2,2

796/1 (mm 150) Warwick-James mm 2,2




700/2 mm 4,0


mm 3,5



mm 3,0

pott mm 3


700/1 (mm 130)

a 32

750/1 (mm 150)

pott mm 3

Molars roots leve per radici dei molari


pott mm 3

Medan-Bein mm 2,5

Angled Bayonet a baionetta

mm 2,0


mm 3,5





Medan-Bein mm 3

Medan-Bein mm 3


Medan-Bein mm 3,6









799/2 Anatomic handles Manici anatomici

a 33

KoPP root eleVatorS It easily distinguishes itself by a helical groove on the inner surface of the tip. Due to its eccentric form, results easy the penetration in the gap between the tooth and its bone and now, using a moderate pressure in vertical direction and contemporary moving the elevator in a circular course, the root is extracted.


780/2 W. Barry

780/3 W. Barry





Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori

Upper roots radici superiori




Upper roots radici superiori

Lower roots radici inferiori

Lower roots radici inferiori







W. Barry

Kopp mm 3,6

Kopp mm 4,2

Kopp mm 4,2

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

W. Barry

LEVE PER RADICI “KOPP” Si distinguono facilmente grazie alla forma elicoidale delle punte e della zigrinatura interna alla scanalatura. la penetrazione della punta fra il dente e l’alveolo è facilitata dalla forma eccentrica della stessa e quindi, con una moderata pressione in senso verticale e nello stesso tempo muovendo la leva in senso circolare, si otterrà, simultaneamente, l’effetto di smuovere ed estrarre la radice dal suo alveolo.

780/1 (mm 125)


W. Barry


785/1l Winter

785/1r Winter

785/11l Winter

785/11r Winter

Kopp mm 3,6

785/12l Winter

785/12r Winter





mm 3

mm 3

740/3 mm 4

Kopp mm 4,2

Medesy mm 2 – Mesial

Kopp mm 4,2

Medesy mm 3 – Mesial

Medesy mm 4 – Mesial

“ MEDESY IN SPOT 785/1l (mm 125) Winter

a 34

The right way to hold the Winters and Barry elevators, for a perfect use. La giusta impugnatura delle Winters e Barry, per un utilizzo perfetto.


mm 2,5

mm 2,5


Medesy mm 2 – distal

Medesy mm 3 – distal

Medesy mm 4 – distal

a 35

root eleVatorS aPexo

root eleVatorS luSSatore

lEVE pEr radiCi apEXo

lEVE pEr radiCi lUSSatorE



(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)




730/304 W

730/3 S

730/3 c

730/4 S

730/4 c

730/5 S

730/5 c

Straight retta

Straight retta

Straight retta

Straight retta

Straight retta

Curved Curva

Straight retta

Curved Curva

Straight retta

Curved Curva

apexo mm 2,5x9,0

apexo mm 2,7x9,0

apexo mm 3,0x9,0

Seldin mm 3,0x14,0

lussatore mm 3

lussatore mm 3

lussatore mm 4

lussatore mm 4

lussatore mm 5

lussatore mm 5

Elevators with sharp and thin blades, allows a gentle penetration, cutting the periodontal ligaments. Thanks to its form, the widening of the alveole become easy, reducing the use of tooth forceps. leva che possiede una lama estremamente piatta e tagliente, permette una precisa penetrazione e taglio del ligamento periodontale. il vantaggio del lussatore risiede nella diminuzione dei traumi esercitati sui denti e gengive ed in molti casi vanifica la necessità dell’uso delle tenaglie per estrazione.

730/302 cB apexo mm 2,5x9,0 Curved Curva

a 36

730/303 cB apexo mm 3,0x9,0 Curved Curva

735/Set APEXO


a 37

root eleVatorS lIndo leVIan

root eleVatorS MIDElUx

lEVE pEr radiCi liNdo lEViaN

lEVE pEr radiCi MIdeLux

725/1 lll


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

725/1 lll

725/2 llM

725/3 llS

725/4 lllc

725/5 llMc

725/6 llSc

lindo levian mm 4x8

lindo levian mm 3x8

lindo levian mm 2,5x5

lindo levian mm 4x8

lindo levian mm 3x8

lindo levian mm 2,5x5

Straight retta

Straight retta

Straight retta

Curved Curvo

Curved Curvo

Curved Curvo

Serrated tIPS pUNtE zigriNatE








Micro edge Micro dentata

Micro edge Micro dentata

Micro edge Micro dentata

Micro edge Micro dentata

Micro edge, curved Micro dentata, curva

Micro edge, straight Micro dentata, retta

Straight retta

distal, mm 4

Mesial, mm 4

distal, mm 2,5

Mesial, mm 2,5

mm 2,5

mm 2,5

mm 3,4

Midelux, pretty small elevators available in 3 different measures, focused on loosening teeth in a simple way. The luxation of teeth results easy and quick, due to the specific form developed, mesial and distal. General use of Midelux with small size, specific use with large tips of 4 mm, for molars. The set is completed with an arrow tip for detaching desmodontal fibres. All tips are stainless steel and blue titanium coated. Midelux, piccole leve disponibili in 3 differenti misure, finalizzate all’allentamento dei denti in modo semplice. la lussazione risulterà quindi facile e veloce, grazie alla forma specificatamente sviluppata, mesiale e distale. Utilizzo generale delle leve Midelux con misura piccola, utilizzo specifico con molari, attraverso la misura larga di 4 mm. il set si completa con una speciale punta a freccia per rimuovere i tessuti molli. gli strumenti hanno le punte ricoperte al titanio.

Thanks to the serrated tips, this elevators doesn’t need any leverage movement. By pulling the elevator between the alveolus and root, and then making a slight rotary movement, the root arise easily. grazie alle punte zigrinate, si può ottenere l’estrazione della radice escludendo il classico effetto leva. la punta va inserita tra alveolo e radice.

810/Set 725/Set a 38

liNdo lEViaN

Contains: 7 mini elevators on tray 980 Contiene: 7 mini lussatori in vassoio 980

a 39

root eleVatorS MEDIMPla

luSSatore leVer for uPPer WISdoM teetH

lEVE pEr radiCi MedIMPLa

lEVa d’EStrazioNE pEr il dENtE dEl giUdizio SUpEriorE


We start separating the buccal and palatinal gingiva. Si inizia separando la gengiva vestibolare e palatale.








Left Sinistra

Right destra

External Esterna

Internal interna

Internal interna

External Esterna

Straight retta

mm 3,4


Contains: 7 mini elevators on tray 980 Contiene: 7 leve in vassoio 980

mm 3,4

mm 3,4

mm 3,4

mm 4,5

mm 4,5

The Lussatore is inserted vertically between the wisdom tooth and the 2nd molar pushing it firmly to the level of the gingival tissue. la leva viene inserita verticalmente tra il dente del giudizio ed il secondo molare premendo fermamente sino al livello del tessuto gengivale.

The tooth is dislocated on distal direction and lifted out of the alveolus. ruotando la leva perpendicolarmente al suo asse la forza di lussazione in direzione distale solleva il dente dal suo alveolo.

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

mm 3,4

Recent developments in implantology have opened new horizons, for example the change of an immediate extraction/implantation. But to do that, you need the appropriate instruments. The new MEDIMPLA Medesy root elevators, are made expressly to improve your performance. The insertion of MEDIMPLA elevators into the intraligamental zone, is make easier to an extremely sharpness and perfect bending, of working part of the gauge. All this, has been studied to guarantee a less traumatic extraction as possible, which allows to preserve the alveolar site, in perfect conditions. The special pen form, assure very delicate movements. All tips are stainless steel and blue titanium coated.

727/50 mm 160

The 2nd molar must not be used as the lever point for the instrument during the luxation of the wisdom tooth. È molto importante non usare il secondo molare come punto di forza d’appoggio per far leva, lo strumento deve essere usato con forza di rotazione in direzione distale.

recenti sviluppi in implantologia hanno aperto numerosi orizzonti, ad esempio la possibilità di estrazione/implantazione immediata. Ma per far ciò è indispensabile disporre degli strumenti adeguati. la nuova gamma MEdiMpla di Medesy vi aiuta in quest’ottica. l’inserimento della leva MEdiMpla nel sito intraligamentale, risulterà facilitato grazie ad una estrema finezza e particolare curvatura dello strumento stesso. tutto ciò al fine di garantire un’estrazione più atraumatica possibile, che permette quindi di conservare il sito alveolare in perfette condizioni. la speciale forma “a penna”, assicura movimenti particolarmente delicati. gli strumenti hanno le punte ricoperte al titanio. Good overview due to elegant access; quick and efficient working; good and controlled guidance of the instrument due to ergonomically designed handle and support recesses on the working end; soft tissue is not crushed; the alveolar bone is not damaged; reduced risk of root fractures.

a 40

Questa leva particolare permette di eseguire l’estrazione in modo rapido e razionale, grazie ad una buona vista del luogo d‘intervento; inoltre riduce il rischio di frattura della radice, non danneggia l’osso alveolare ed i tessuti molli.

a 41

extractIon Set SEt pEr EStrazioNi


Contains: 2164 800/5-6 720/27-28 726/mm 2-2,5-3-3,5-4-4,5

684/Set 11 pcs Contains: 680/1-2-3 690/3-4-5-6 700/8-9-10 852/Hp3

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Set root elevators Set leve


Contains: 720/9-10-11 785/12r-12l Set root elevators Set leve

686/Set 9 pcs Contains: 798/1-2-3 795/1-3-4 796/1-2-3


Contains: 878-1743/tC-3511/tC 2500/79-51-67-33l-88 720/10-8-11

a 42

For upper/lower molars-wisdoms Molari superiori/inferiori-giudizio

a 43




SiNdESMotoMi SYndeSMotoMeS cHoMPret

Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Fig. 6

Fig. 7

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Fig. 0

1655/1 rS

1655/2 cB





Straight retto

Curved Curvo



Chompret Faucille

Chompret Faucille

4 mm



Fig. 11

Fig. 21

Fig. 22

Fig. 23

Fig. 24

Fig. 25

Fig. 26

Fig. 27

Fig. 28

Fig. 29

12 mm


2,5 mm

3,5 mm

4,5 mm

SCollapErioStEi 7 mm

6 mm

Full set composed of 20 interchangeable tips and 1 handle. Serie completa di 20 punte intercambiabili e 1 manico.

1651/Set 1651/0 1651/1 1651/2 1651/3 1651/4 1651/5 1651/6 1651/7 1651/8 1651/9

a 44

1651/11 1651/21 1651/22 1651/23 1651/24 1651/25 1651/26 1651/27 1651/28 1651/29 4,5 mm

10 mm

3,2 mm

4 mm

2,8 mm







875/12 S








mm 155

mm 155

mm 195

mm 195

mm 170

mm 170

mm 170

a 45

PerIoStealS eleVatorS SCollapErioStEi


877/HK4 ti

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


851/HP3 ti




872/P14 ti





877/HK4 ti


3 mm

3 mm

5,2 mm

3,8 mm

4,5 mm

4,5 mm

4,5 mm

10 mm

8 mm

4 mm

4 mm

7 mm

3 mm

3 mm

4,8 mm

4 mm

5,5 mm

5,5 mm

5 mm

4,5 mm

8 mm

4 mm

4 mm

7 mm






24 g

24 g


SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

“ MEDESY IN SPOT Periosteals have solid with 2 parts flat handle, in 170 mm. This helps the user for a better grip and feeling of the instrument. all the line is available in titanium coated, just add “Ti” after the code. 854/H02

854/H02 ti



871/2-4 ti




882 ti



7 mm

7 mm

3,3 mm

6 mm

6 mm

4 mm

7,5 mm

7 mm

7 mm

3,5 mm

4 mm

5 mm

5 mm

2,8 mm

2,7 mm

2,7 mm

4 mm

7,5 mm

7 mm

7 mm

8 mm

3 mm






Molt N. 9

Molt N. 9



Scollaperiostei in manico pieno, con 2 parti piatte, lunghezza 170 mm. a vantaggio dell’utilizzatore per una miglior percezione e presa dello strumento. Tutta la linea è disponibile ricoperta in titanio, aggiungere “Ti” dopo il codice.

a 46

a 47

Bone fIleS


liME pEr alVEolotoMia


PerIotoMe Handle with 4 interchangeable blades, for atraumatic extraction of teeth with minimal damage to the surrounding alveolar bone. Thanks to the sharp and delicate blades, the marginal gingiva and periodontal ligament can be carefully detached. Its use is particularly important when considering dental implants. PERIOTOME IS USED FOR CUTTING, NOT ANY LEVERAGE MOVEMENT.






mm 170

mm 170

mm 170

mm 170




PERIOTOMO Strumento con 4 lame intercambiabili, indirizzato alla fase di estrazione del dente senza compromettere o danneggiare il sito alveolare. grazie alle lame efficacemente affilate e delicate, il taglio di gengiva e legamento parodontale risulterà semplice e sicuro. il suo utilizzo è particolarmente indicato in tema di impianti dentali. il pEriotoMo È UNo StrUMENto da taglio, NoN UNa lEVa.


868 Kit

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Handle with 4 blades Manico con 4 lame

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

868/1 8 mm

8 mm

5 mm

5 mm

5 mm






mm 180 ø 8 mm

mm 180 ø 8 mm

mm 180 ø 10 mm

mm 180 ø 10 mm

mm 180 ø 10 mm


a 48

8 mm








a 49

Bone ronGeurS piNzE oSSiVorE




1:1 1:1

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia




Blumenthal mm 155


Blumenthal 45° mm 150

Blumenthal 90° mm 140



Friedman mm 140


Micro Friedman mm 145

Micro Friedman 90° mm 145

1:1 mm 9 0


1:1 1:1



Micro luer mm 150

a 50


luer mm 150


1∕1 3812/1


1∕1 3182/2


1∕1 3812/3




lempert delicate mm 160


Cleveland mm 155


Beyer mm 170

a 51

ScalPel HandleS, BladeS BreaKer, BladeS reMoVer

ScalPel HandleS – SterIle ScalPel BladeS

MaNiCi pEr BiStUri, piNzE roMpi E togli laME

MaNiCi pEr BiStUri – laME StErili SterIl ScalPel BladeS – PacKaGe 100 PcS laME pEr BiStUri StErili – CoNFEzioNi da 100 pz 180°



3637 Kit





3637 Kit


Razor blade breaker and holder pinza rompi e porta lame

Blade holder porta lame

Long handle Manico lungo

Short handle Manico corto

3 pieces together 3 pezzi

N. 7

mm 135

mm 85

mm 165

3635/12 d


mm 145


mm 145



Bad parker

N. 3

mm 125

SterIl ScalPel BladeS – PacKaGe 100 PcS laME pEr BiStUri StErili – CoNFEzioNi da 100 pz





N. 3

mm 125

Millimetered Millimetrata

SafetY forcePS / piNzE di SiCUrEzza





l’uso abituale di questa pinza previene che le dita dell’operatore possano entrare in contatto con le lame contaminate quando queste vengono rimosse dal manico e così evitare il rischio di contaminazioni, infezioni e tagli.


SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Composto da 3 pezzi: 2 manici, corto 3637/C e lungo 3637/l; il porta lame 3637/p. lo strumento assicura una percezione ed un fissaggio delle lame perfetti, disponibili in 180° d’utilizzo.

Habitual use of these forceps prevents the operator’s fingers to coming in touch with contaminated blades when removing these from the handle and to avoid any risk of injury and/or infection.




Composed of 3 pieces: 2 handles, short 3637/C and long 3637/L; the blade holder 3637/P. The instrument assure perfect feeling and blades’ fixation, spreaded on 180° of use.

Orientable scalpel handle Manico per bisturi orientabile

mm 125


ScalPel Handle and BladeS for MIcroSurGerY MaNiCo E laME pEr MiCroCHirUrgia

exaMPle of aPPlIcatIon 1 Blade to be seized here; 2 Then lift it here; 3 Finally pull it off in forward direction. MODO DI IMPIEGO 1 la lama presa in questa posizione; 2 inserire la punta fra il manico e la lama; 3 Sollevare e quindi spingere verso l’alto.












Package 25 pcs Confezioni 25 pz



3635/23 3634


mm 160

mm 135 N. 4

N. 4


3635/24 3638

mm 120 Holder for micro blades Manico per micro lame

Scalpel blades remover

a 52

a 53

IMPortant SuGGeStIonS for tHe MaIntenance and SterIlIzatIon of InStruMentS Very important: carefully WASH and CLEAN before sterilizing.

Molto importante: laVarE accuratamente gli strumenti prima della sterilizzazione.

cleanInG and rInSInG Immediately after use instruments should be rinsed under warm water to remove all remaining blood and mucosa residues from its surface. Instruments should then be placed into the dedicated ultrasound cleaning device: this is the most effective way to clean extraction forceps, needle holders and scissors. Please take into consideration the following: 1. Do not place instruments that are made of different metal properties into the same ultrasonic cleansing container. Example: Stainless steel, common steel, nickel plated, brass or copper should all be placed into their own individual wash cycles. 2. Please observe that most manufacturers suggest that the wash cycle should not exceed 10 minutes. 3. All instruments that are assembled from different parts should be disassembled and completely submersed into a cleaning solution. 4. Instruments should always be correctly dried. 5. After the dedicated ultrasound wash cycle instruments with joints should be lubricated before use. Only the dedicated lubricant for surgical instruments should be used: do not use industrial lubricants. 6. If no dedicated ultrasound cleaning device is available special care should be taken when washing the instruments. Use a plastic brush with rigid bristles, do not use a brush with metal bristles. Instruments that are assembled from different parts should be disassembled before cleaning. Instruments should be rinsed well under running water making sure that all residues have been eliminated.

PULIZIA E RISCIACQUO immediatamente dopo l’uso gli strumenti devono essere risciacquati in acqua tiepida per rimuovere dalla loro superficie tutti i residui di sangue e mucosa. gli strumenti vanno poi inseriti nell’apposito dispositivo di lavaggio ad ultrasuoni: questo è il metodo migliore e più efficace per pulire tutti gli strumenti a snodo, come tenaglie, forbici e porta-aghi. Si prega di tenere in considerazione quanto segue: 1. Non collocare nello stesso dispositivo strumenti di metalli differenti. Esempio: acciaio inossidabile, acciaio comune, ottone e ecc. devono avere dei cicli di lavaggio individuali e separati. 2. osservare scrupolosamente i tempi di lavaggio suggeriti dal costruttore del dispositivo, che in genere non eccedono i 10 minuti. 3. tutti gli strumenti a snodo devono essere riposti in posizione aperta e completamente sommersi dalla soluzione di lavaggio. 4. gli strumenti devono essere sempre perfettamente asciugati dopo il ciclo di lavaggio. 5. dopo il ciclo di lavaggio, gli strumenti a snodo devono essere lubrificati prima dell’uso. Utilizzare solo ed esclusivamente specifici lubrificanti per uso chirurgico: non utilizzare lubrificanti industriali. 6. Se non si dispone di un dispositivo ad ultrasuoni apposito per il lavaggio, particolare cura deve allora essere dedicata alla fase di pulizia: utilizzare una spazzola di plastica con setole rigide, non utilizzare spazzole con setole in metallo. risciacquare gli strumenti sotto acqua corrente, prestando particolare attenzione agli strumenti a snodo, in modo che tutti i residui vengano eliminati.

SterIlIzatIon WItH autoclaVe 1. After the instruments have been carefully washed, dried and lubricated, where joint instruments should be left in an open position, the instruments should be placed into the appropriate sterilization packets and trays. 2. Do not overload the autoclave: this will lead to an incomplete sterilization. When an autoclave is overloaded it is likely that proper sterilization does not take place. 3. After the sterilization cycle, follow manufacturer’s suggestions for the drying cycle.

STERILIZZAZIONE IN AUTOCLAVE 1. dopo che gli strumenti sono stati accuratamente lavati, asciugati e lubrificati (nel caso degli strumenti a snodo), gli strumenti vanno inseriti in bustine e vassoi appositi per la sterilizzazione. 2. Non sovraccaricare l’autoclave: se l’autoclave è sovraccaricata la sterilizzazione sarà incompleta. 3. dopo il ciclo di sterilizzazione, seguire i consigli del produttore per ciò che riguarda il ciclo di asciugatura.

cold SterIlIzatIon The appropriate chemical solution for cold sterilization should be used based on the specifications for the sterilization of virus and bacteria. Most solutions will not sterilize an instrument where there is a blood residue. Chemical sterilization can be very corrosive on instruments and a 10 hrs soak time is generally recommended. We suggest not to exceed the given soak time given by the specific chemical sterilization product requirements. Where indicated, a corrosion indicator should be used. We advise you that when proper care is taken of our stainless steel dental and surgical instruments they have a much better durability to last for many years.

a 54

We declIne anY reSPonSIBIlItY for anY KInd of daMaGe cauSed BY tHe IMProPer uSe of our InStruMentS.

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

iMportaNti iNdiCazioNi pEr la CorrEtta MaNUtENzioNE E StErilizzazioNE dEgli StrUMENti

STERILIZZAZIONE A FREDDO la soluzione chimica appropriata per la sterilizzazione a freddo deve basarsi sulle specifiche per la sterilizzazione da virus e batteri. la maggior parte delle soluzioni non sterilizza lo strumento se questo presenta residui di sangue. le soluzioni chimiche possono essere molto corrosive per gli strumenti e generalmente è consigliato un tempo di 10 ore di immersione. Si consiglia vivamente di non superare il tempo di immersione consigliato dai requisiti chimici del prodotto di sterilizzazione. dove indicato, sarebbe opportuno utilizzare un inibitore di corrosione. Medesy informa che se gli strumenti sono trattati con cura ed attenendosi alle istruzioni di manutenzione la loro vita utile dura molti anni.


a 55

SurGIcal ScISSorS, carBIde InSertS

SurGIcal ScISSorS, SuPerIor cut

ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE, iNSErti iN tC

ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE, SUpErior CUt

SaW edGe dENtata

MedeSY SuPerIor cut ScISSorS Extremely sharp scissors with a special grinding process, the super cut has razor-sharp blade on one side and a fine serration on the opposite. This is ideal for gripping tissue and cutting inter proximally. On the other side, the fine serration prevents the tissue slippage. Only one ring is gold colored, for easy identification.


3511 tc (mm 115)

3512 tc (mm 115)

3518 tc (mm 130)

3519 tc (mm 130)

3525 tc (mm 115)

3544 an (mm 115)

3543 an (mm 115)

3549 an (mm 115)





la grange



la grange

Straight retta

Curved Curva

Saw edge, straight Microdentata, retta

Saw edge, curved Microdentata, curva

Saw edge, double curved dentata, doppia curva

Straight retta

Curved Curva

Double curved doppia curva

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Forbici con lame estremamente affilate, effetto rasoio in un lato, e microdentata dall’altro. Combinazione ideale per garantire presa dei tessuti e taglio dell’interproximale. Solamente un anello è dorato, per una immediata identificazione.


a 56

3515 tc (mm 140) 3537 tc (mm 170) 3538 tc (mm 230)

3516 tc (mm 140) 3539 tc (mm 170) 3540 tc (mm 230)

3523 tc (mm 145) 3526 tc (mm 180) 3528 tc (mm 200)

3524 tc (mm 145) 3527 tc (mm 180) 3529 tc (mm 200)





Straight retta

Curved Curva

Straight retta

Curved Curva

3509 tc (mm 160)

3510 tc (mm 160)



Straight retta

Curved Curva

left-handed scissors, ask for: – Iris 3512/lH – Goldman-Fox 3519/lH – Joseph 3504/lH 3545 an (mm 130)

3546 an (mm 130)

3510 an (mm 160)




Straight retta

Curved Curva

Curved Curva

Forbici per mancini, chiedi per: – Iris 3512/LH – Goldman-Fox 3519/LH – Joseph 3504/LH

a 57

SurGIcal ScISSorS, MarIlYn lIne

SurGIcal ScISSorS, IrIS

ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE, liNEa MarYlYN

ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE, iriS

The lightest operating scissors with the finest and sharpest point. Forbici leggere, taglio estremamente preciso e accurato.


Curved Curva


Curved Curva

Curved Curva

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia


3541 (mm 95)

3547 (mm 100)

3552 (mm 100)

3511 (mm 115)

3512 (mm 115)

3512/90 (mm 90)

3513 (mm 115)

3505 (mm 115)

Straight retta

Straight retta

Straight retta



Medesy Micro iris



Straight retta

Curved Curva

Curved Curva

Angular angolare

Curved Curva

SurGIcal ScISSorS, Square rInG

SurGIcal ScISSorS, SaW edGe

ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE, aNEllo QUadro

ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE, laME MiCrodENtatE

SaW edGe dENtata

3560 c 3564 c Curved Curva

a 58

Curved Curva

3562 c Curved Curva

3564 r (mm 115)

3562 r (mm 120)

3560 r (mm 140)

3518 (mm 130)

3519 (mm 130)

3557 (mm 130)

3525 (mm 115)

3514 (mm 120)

Straight retta

Straight retta

Straight retta

goldman – Fox

goldman – Fox

goldman – Fox

la grange


Saw edge, straight dentata, retta

Saw edge, curved dentata, curva

Saw edge, double curved dentata, doppia curva

Saw edge, double curved dentata, doppia curva

Saw edge, double curved dentata, doppia curva

a 59

SurGIcal ScISSorS ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia


3501 (mm 120)

3502 (mm 120)

3504/1 (mm 140)

3504/2 (mm 140)

3509 (mm 160)

3510 (mm 160)

Kilner (ragnell)

Kilner (ragnell)





Straight retta

Curved Curva

Straight retta

Curved Curva

Straight retta

Curved Curva

Suture ScISSorS / ForBiCi pEr pUNti SUtUrE

SurGIcal ScISSorS, Black SHarP lIne ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE, liNEa BLack SHarP Long use Finest stainless steel • High temper (up to 60 HRC) • Long abrasion resistance • No light reflection • Saw edge • •

lungo utilizzo acciaio scelto • alta tempera (60 HrC) • trattamento antiabrasivo • Nessuna luce riflessa • Microdentata • •

3503 (mm 160) locklin Saw edge, angular dentata, angolare

a 60

3506 (mm 160) 3506/120 (mm 120) locklin Saw edge, angular dentata, angolare

3508 (mm 170)

3520 (mm 90)

3521 (mm 130)

3528 (mm 115)

3544 BlKn (mm 115)

3543 BlKn (mm 115)

3549 BlKn (mm 115)







la grange

Saw edge, straight dentata, retta

Saw edge, curved dentata, curva

Saw edge, double curved dentata, doppia curva

Saw edge, angular dentata, angolare

a 61

SurGIcal ScISSorS, zed lIne

ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE, a Molla

ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE, liNEa zEd

SaW edGe dENtata

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

SurGIcal ScISSorS, SPrInG actIon

3621 (mm 110)

3624 (mm 110)

3626 (mm 110)

3628 (mm 150)





Straight retta

Curved Curva

Angular angolare

Curved Curva

3625 (mm 155) Straight retta


3558 (mm 110)

3559 (mm 135)

3558 tc (mm 110)

3559 tc (mm 135)





Saw edge dentata

Saw edge dentata

Saw edge dentata

Saw edge dentata

1970 (mm 180)

1971 (mm 180)

Straight retta

Curved Curva

SurGIcal ScISSorS, tItanIuM ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE, iN titaNio

Microscissors with round handle, helps you on rotatory movements. Le forbici microchirurgiche con manico tondo, ti aiutano nei movimenti rotatori.

1957/r (mm 155) Straight retta

a 62

1958/c (mm 155) Curved Curva

1959/r (mm 150) Straight retta

1960/c (mm 150) Curved Curva

3510 tItanIo (mm 160)

3519 tItanIo (mm 130)



Curved Curva

Curved Curva

a 63

unIVerSal, croWn, BandaGe ScISSorS

ForBiCi CHirUrgiCHE

ForBiCi UNiVErSali, pEr Fili, laStrE E CoroNE

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

SurGIcal ScISSorS

3584 (mm 120)

3580 (mm 115)

3581 (mm 115)

3538 (mm 120)

Medesy Straight retta

Straight retta

Curved Curva

3507 (mm 190)

3550-tc (mm 110)

3551-tc (mm 110)

3550 (mm 110)

3551 (mm 110)






Saw edge, straight dentata, retta

Saw edge, curved dentata, curva

Saw edge, straight dentata, retta

Saw edge, curved dentata, curva

Tissue nipper

HIGH teMPered and Perfect PrecISe cut alta tEMpEra E prECiSioNE di taglio

3517 (mm 130) Straight retta

3571 (mm 160) 3572 (mm 180)

3523 (mm 145) 3526 (mm 200)

Straight / retta

Straight / retta

Straight / retta

3573 (mm 130) 3574 (mm 160) 3575 (mm 180)

3516 (mm 140) 3536 (mm 200)

3524 (mm 145) 3527 (mm 200)

Curved / Curva Mayo

a 64

3515 (mm 140) 3535 (mm 200)

Curved / Curva

Curved / Curva



3530 (mm 90)


3531 (mm 110) 3532 (mm 140) 3533 (mm 180) 3534 (mm 240)


Bandage scissors / Forbici per garze

3570/11 (mm 110)

3570/9 (mm 90)

3522 (mm 120)

3522-tc (mm 120)

3545 (mm 180)

High performance Elevato rendimento

High performance Elevato rendimento

Universal, saw edge Universale, dentata

Universal Universale

Bandage scissors, universal Autoclavable up to 143째 C Forbici per garze, universali autoclavabile fino a 143째 C

a 65

needle HolderS

1858-MV (mm 190) Eiselsberg-Mathieu 2-0, 3-0, 4-0

1855-MV (mm 140) 1856-MV (mm 170)


2-0, 3-0, 4-0

1855 (mm 140) 1856 (mm 170) 1857 (mm 200) 1860 (mm 240)

1853 (mm 140) 1854 (mm 170)


SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

porta agHi

2004 (mm 120)


4-0, 5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0

2-0, 3-0, 4-0


2-0, 3-0, 4-0




1 Micro bonded inserts of Tungsten Carbide (TC) for long lasting secure hold of suture needle. 2 Beveled edges to prevent catching of suture material. 3 Our instruments respect the CE normatives. 4 Vacuum-hardened throughout for consistent flexibility and alignment. 5 Gold color is an international code for a better identification of instruments with TC insert. 6 Precision cut ratchet for safe opening and closing.




needle HolderS WItH tc


porta agHi CoN iNSErti al tUNgStENo

Internal lock system avoid latex gloves got caught. Needle holders marched “MV”, has traditional lock system.

1 placchette massicce di metallo duro (tC: lega al cromowolframio per durezza al diamante) garantiscono sicura e durevole presa. 2 orli smussati impediscono al filo di sutura di rimanere imbrigliato. 3 i nostri strumenti rispettano le normative CE. 4 Branche temprate sotto vuoto in tutta la loro superficie garantiscono stabilità ed elasticità invariabili. 5 gli anelli dorati stanno ad indicare, attraverso un codice internazionale, che lo strumento utilizza gli inserti in tC. 6 Cremagliera di precisione per aprire e chiudere con sicurezza e facilità.

La chiusura interna alta per evitare di pizzicare e rompere i guanti in lattice. I porta aghi marchiati “MV”, si distinguono per la chiusura di tipo tradizionale.

“ MEDESY IN SPOT 1858-MV-tc (mm 190) recommended suture sizes.

a 66

Misure delle suture raccomandate.

Eiselsberg-Mathieu 2-0, 3-0, 4-0

1855-tc (mm 140) 1856-tc (mm 170) 1857-tc (mm 200) 1860-tc (mm 240)

1853-tc (mm 140) 1854-tc (mm 170) Mathieu

2004-tc (mm 120) Boynton

4-0, 5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0

2-0, 3-0, 4-0


2-0, 3-0, 4-0

a 67

needle HolderS WItH tc

needle HolderS

porta agHi CoN iNSErti al tUNgStENo

porta agHi

mm 130 mm 130

mm 150 mm 150

mm 180

1925-a-tc (mm 130) 1925-B-tc (mm 150) 1925-c-tc (mm 180)

1748-tc (mm 130) Halsey

3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0

1924-tc (mm 130)

1736-tc (mm 120)

2-0, 3-0, 4-0

3-0, 4-0, 5-0



3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0, 7-0

delicate 5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0

3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0

1924 (mm 130) Baumgartner

1736 (mm 120)


2-0, 3-0, 4-0

3-0, 4-0, 5-0

1739 (mm 130) 1740 (mm 160) 1741 (mm 180) 1742 (mm 200)

1743 (mm 150) Crile-Wood

3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0, 7-0

1739-tc (mm 130) 1740-tc (mm 160) 1741-tc (mm 180) 1742-tc (mm 200) Mayo-Hegar

2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0

a 68

1748 (mm 130)




1923-tc (mm 150)

1925-a (mm 130) 1925-B (mm 150) 1925-c (mm 180)

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

mm 180

1743-tc (mm 150) Crile-Wood

3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0

1743-c-tc (mm 150)


3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0 Curved Curva

1923 (mm 150)


5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0

1735 (mm 170)


1-0, 2-0, 3-0, 4-0

3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0


2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0

a 69

needle HolderS

porta agHi CoN iNSErti al tUNgStENo

porta agHi


1922/a-tc 1922/c-tc

2000-tc 2002-tc


1922/a 1922/c

2000 2002


1922/B-tc 1922/d-tc

2001-tc 2003-tc


1922/B 1922/d

2001 2003

1910-tc (mm 160) Straight retta

1911-tc (mm 160) Curved Curva

Castroviejo-Barraquer 5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0, 9-0, 10-0

1922/a-tc (mm 140) 1922/c-tc (mm 180) Straight retta

1922/B-tc (mm 140) 1922/d-tc (mm 180) Curved Curva

Castroviejo 5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0, 9-0, 10-0

2000-tc (mm 140) 2002-tc (mm 180) Straight retta

2001-tc (mm 140) 2003-tc (mm 180)

2005-tc (mm 140) Angular angolare

1910 (mm 160) Straight retta


1911 (mm 160)

Curved Curva

5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0, 9-0, 10-0


Curved Curva

5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0, 9-0, 10-0

Castroviejo 5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0, 9-0, 10-0

1922/a (mm 140) 1922/c (mm 180)

2000 (mm 140) 2002 (mm 180)

Straight retta

Straight retta

1922/B (mm 140) 1922/d (mm 180)

2001 (mm 140) 2003 (mm 180)

Curved Curva

Curved Curva



5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0, 9-0, 10-0

2005 (mm 140) Angular angolare

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

needle HolderS WItH tc

Castroviejo 5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0, 9-0, 10-0

5-0, 6-0, 7-0, 8-0, 9-0, 10-0

“ MEDESY IN SPOT Tc carbide insert with specific pyramidal form, assure perfect grip of needle and maximum durability. Gli inserti in Tc, grazie alla loro caratteristica forma piramidale, assicurano una perfetta presa dell’ago ed un lungo utilizzo dello strumento. Tc = carbide Tc = Tungsteno

1749-tc (mm 140)

1750-tc (mm 160) gillies

1862-tc (mm 170) Mathieu-olsen

1749 (mm 140) olsen-Hegar


1750 (mm 160)

1862 (mm 170) Mathieu-olsen

Needle holder with scissors portaghi con forbice

Needle holder with scissors portaghi con forbice

Needle holder with scissors portaghi con forbice

Needle holder with scissors portaghi con forbice

Needle holder with scissors portaghi con forbice

Needle holder with scissors portaghi con forbice


3-0, 4-0, 5-0

a 70

2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0

2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0

3-0, 4-0, 5-0

2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0, 6-0

2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0

a 71

HaeMoStatIc and tISSue forcePS piNzE EMoStatiCHE E CHirUrgiCHE




Curved Curva

Curved Curva

1524 Curved Curva

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Curved Curva

1517 (mm 90) Hartmann (Baby Mosquito)

1519 (mm 125) Halstead Mosquito

1521 (mm 125) Halstead Mosquito 1x2


1523 (mm 140)

Straight retta

Straight retta

Straight retta

Straight retta

1531 (mm 100) 1532 (mm 130)

1530/1 (mm 150)

1530/2 (mm 200)

1530/3 (mm 200)

allis-Baby 3:4

allis 4:5

allis 6:7


SuctIon tuBeS / CaNNUlE pEr aSpirazioNE

1,5 mm

a 72

1527 (mm 140) 8336 (mm 160) 8338 (mm 180) 8340 (mm 200)

1529 (mm 140) 8356 (mm 160) 8358 (mm 180) 8360 (mm 200)

Curved Curva

Curved Curva

1526 (mm 140) 8330 (mm 160) 8332 (mm 180) 8334 (mm 200)

1528 (mm 140) 8350 (mm 160) 8352 (mm 180) 8354 (mm 200)


rochester-Kocher 1x2

Straight retta

Straight retta


8535 (mm 200)

Curved Curva


3 mm

5 mm

Curved Curva

1533 (mm 160) Kelly-rankin Straight retta

mm 2

mm 3

619/1 (mm 175) luniatschek

619/2 (mm 175) luniatschek

Tampons applicators Garze packers portatamponi

Tampons applicators Garze packers portatamponi


mm 180 – ø 1,5 mm


mm 180 – ø 3 mm


mm 180 – ø 5 mm

911/1 (ø 2 mm) 911/2 (ø 3 mm) 911/3 (ø 4 mm)

Frazier mm 180

912/1 (ø 2,5 mm) 912/2 (ø 3 mm) 912/3 (ø 4 mm)

Surgical aspirator aspiratore chirurgico

a 73

toWel & dreSSInG forcePS, tonGue forcePS

retractorS – MoutH GaGS

piNzE pEr tEli, taMpoNi, E tiraliNgUa

diVariCatori apriBoCCa tHe adVantaGeS to uSe MedeSY-orInGer cHeeK and lIP retractor: • Excellent view of the operated area; • Easy access to all parts of the dentition; • Easy insertion; • One hand remains free to operate; • Easy suction process.

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

I VANTAGGI DI USARE IL DIVARICATORE MEDESY-ORINGER: • Eccellente veduta dell’oggetto dell’intervento; • Facile accesso a tutte le parti della dentizione; • inserimento molto facile; • rimane una mano libera per operare; • accesso più facile per l’aspirazione.

1635 (mm 140)

1633 (mm 130)

1634 (mm 85)

1629 (mm 90)





MedeSY – orInGer 820/1 Small / piccolo 820/2 Medium / Medio 820/3 Large / largo

Not-perforating and not-damaging Non perforante


B <—> C













1510/1 1513 Curved Curva

a 74

1512 (mm 200)

8537 (mm 200)

1510 (mm 170)


8540 (mm 170)

gross Maier




Dressing forceps – Straight pinze portatamponi – rette

Dressing forceps pinze portatamponi

Tongue forceps pinze tiralingua

Spare rubbers ricambi

Tongue forceps pinze tiralingua

899 (mm 110)

900 (mm 140)

917 (mm 160)




a 75

retractorS – cHeeK and tISSue

retractorS – cHeeK and lIP

diVariCatori pEr gUaNCE E tESSUti

diVariCatori pEr gUaNCE E laBBra mm 50

mm 40




mm 15

896 (mm 120x8)


SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

mm 130

mm 150

mm 35


mm 12

mm 45



818 (mm 115)

893 (mm 190)

907 (mm 140)



Minnesota University

Tongue depressor abbassalingua

Cheek retractor divaricatore per guance

Set of 2 Set di 2

890 (mm 140) 891 (mm 160)

892 (mm 140)

906 (mm 170)


Universal retractor for a full view of the dental arch in which insertion takes place divaricatore universale per una visione completa dall’arcata su cui è inserito


fIne retractorS, SHarP SEparatori dEliCati, appUNtiti mm 15 x 10



Sharp appuntito

mm 130


908/1 (mm 140)

921/2 Blunt arrotondato

Availables with round tip on request a richiesta, disponibile con punte tonde

908/2 (mm 150)


a 76

Availables with round tip on request a richiesta, disponibile con punte tonde

mm 80


886 (mm 160)

921/1 (mm 165)

922 (mm 160)

920/1 (mm 180) 920/2 (mm 180) 920/3 (mm 165)


909/1 (mm 75x75)

909/2 (mm 75x75)

901 (mm 150)

Flexible, with spring Flessibile, con molla


Sharp appuntito









Small piccolo

Medium Medio

Medium Medio

Tissue retractors divaricatore

Tissue retractors divaricatore

a 77

retractorS – cHeeK and tISSue

Soft tISSue retractorS

diVariCatori pEr gUaNCE E tESSUti

diVariCatori pEr tESSUti Molli

mm 56x11

mm 35x11

mm 20x30

887/1 (mm 14x17)

889/2 (mm 215) Kocher

la punta rivolta verso il basso permette un maggior controllo della tenuta, e nel contempo lascia maggior visuale per l’intervento. la forma scanalata e convessa della lama, permette un migliore appoggio al labbro e rende meno traumatica la tenuta.

887/2 (mm 20x22)

887/3 (mm 26x30) 889/1 (mm 215)

887/1 (mm 190)

915 (mm 220)

923 (mm 215)

925/1 (mm 210)





obwegeser internal

The tip pointed up makes the use of retractor less traumatic for soft tissue. The convex and grooved shape of the blade provides a better support on the lip and makes the grip less traumatic.

888/2 (mm 30x10)

(mm 40x10)

(mm 40x11)


925/1 (mm 7x25)

925/4 (mm 12x55)

925/2 (mm 10x35)

925/5 (mm 14x70)

925/3 (mm 10x42)

925/6 (mm 16x80)

926/1 (mm 7x25)

926/4 (mm 12x55)

926/2 (mm 10x35)

926/5 (mm 14x70)

926/3 (mm 10x42)

926/6 (mm 16x80)

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

mm 40x11

The tip pointed down allows more control of the grip, meanwhile it leaves you a better view for the operation. The convex and grooved shape of the blade provides a better support on the lip and makes the grip less traumatic.

(mm 55x11)

la punta rivolta verso l’alto rende l’utilizzo del divaricatore meno traumatico per i tessuti molli. la forma scanalata e convessa della lama, permette un miglior appoggio del labbro e rende meno traumatica la tenuta.

888/3 (mm 40x13)

888/4 (mm 50x10)

888/5 (mm 50x13)

a 78

888/1 (mm 215)

905/1 (mm 210)

924 (mm 200)

926/1 (mm 210)



Can be orientated

obwegeser external

a 79

MoutH MIrrorS dr. faBrIzIo coMella

diVariCatori HENaHaN E MiSCH

SpECCHiEtto dr. FaBrizio CoMElla

droP SHaPe MIrror (Protected BY InternatIonal Patent) The mirror is an indispensable tool for the inspection of the oral cavity, soft tissue, anterior and posterior teeth and for conservative treatment. To improve these operations the traditional circular shape had been changed with a new “drop shape” that’s able to assure a better control of the soft tissue, better protection of the tongue wall and a larger view of the superior molar and buccal cavity. Furthermore, the new “drop shape” design gives more light for a better view in the oral cavity.








Henahan 10 mm mm 170

Henahan 12 mm mm 170

Henahan 16 mm mm 170

25 mm mm 170

Misch 1 mm 165

Misch 2 mm 165

Misch 3 mm 170


MalleaBle retractorS diVariCatori MallEaBili ~m



SPECCHIETTO A GOCCIA (PROTETTO DA BREVETTO INTERNAZIONALE) lo specchietto odontoiatrico rappresenta lo strumento necessario all’ispezione del cavo orale, dei tessuti molli, dei denti anteriori, posteriori e come protezione nelle manovre chirurgiche-conservative. per tale ragione, la modifica al tradizionale specchietto di forma rotonda ha determinato una nuova geometria ellissoidale dello strumento; tale modifica è stata studiata per permettere maggior controllo dei tessuti molli, miglior protezione della parete linguale ed una più ampia retrospettiva dei molari superiori e del versante vestibolare, nonché una maggior incidenza della luce riflessa aumentando così la luminosità del cavo orale.


4903/10 ro

Plane Box 12 pcs piano Scatola 12 pezzi

Rhodium Box 12 pcs rodio Scatola 12 pezzi

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

HenaHan retractorS, MIScH retractorS

NOrMal / NOrMalE ~ mm 22


Chin retractor divaricatore per mento

a 80






mm 240

mm 200

mm 205

lame de tessier mm 215

obwegeser mm 150

Box 12 pcs Scatola 12 pezzi

a 81

MoutH MIrrorS and HandleS SpECCHiEtti E MaNiCi

6 26 mm

5 24 mm

4 22 mm

3 20 mm

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Mouth mirrors in packages of 12 pcs Specchietti in confezioni da 12 pz












Plane piano

Plane piano

Plane piano

Plane piano

ø mm 6

ø mm 8

ø mm 10

mm 120

mm 120

mm 125

mm 130

Hollow handle Manico vuoto

Hollow handle Manico vuoto

Hollow handle Manico vuoto

Hollow handle Manico vuoto


5 24 mm

4 22 mm





Rhodium al rodio

Rhodium al rodio

Magnifying High power Concavo ingrandente

Magnifying High power Concavo ingrandente

Mirror handles are available also in “cone socket” version. ask for 4900/cS, 4901/cS, 4902/cS. Laryngeal mirrors Specchietti laringei

4915/000 4915/00 4915/0 4915/1 4915/2 4915/3 4915/4 4915/5 4915/6 4915/7 4915/8

douBle SIde MIrrorS

a 82

(ø 10 mm) (ø 12 mm)

I manici per specchietti sono disponibili anche nella versione “cone socket”. chiedi 4900/cS, 4901/cS, 4902/cS.

(ø 14 mm) (ø 16 mm) (ø 18 mm) (ø 20 mm)

5 mm

(ø 22 mm) (ø 24 mm) mm 40

5 24 mm

4 22 mm

(ø 26 mm) (ø 28 mm) (ø 30 mm)




4906/Gr (ø mm 8)

4906/Ye (ø mm 8)

4906/re (ø mm 8)


4908/5 (ø mm 5)

N. 4

N. 5

N. 3

Rhodium Box 6 pcs

Rhodium Box 6 pcs

Aluminium yellow alluminio giallo

Aluminium red alluminio rosso

Handle for laryngeal mirrors Manico per specchietti laringei


Rhodium Box 6 pcs

Aluminium green alluminio verde

Rhodium Front Surface Box 1 pcs

a 83

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

4964/eu-da 4964/aM-da

MedeSYJect IntralIGaMental SYrInGeS SiriNgHE pEr aNEStESia iNtraligaMENtarE MEdESYJECt

(ml 1,8)

Aluminium – Dark alluminio – Nera

4964/eu-SI 4964/aM-SI Aluminium – Silver alluminio – argento

4964/eu-or 4964/aM-or (ml 1,8)

Aluminium – Orange alluminio – arancio

4964/eu-Gr 4964/aM-Gr (ml 1,8)

Aluminium – Green alluminio – Verde

“Suitable for uppers and lowers, just tourning the front barrel” adVantaGeS of IntralIGaMental aneStHeSIa: • Automatic limitation of the power pressure. • Anesthetizing of a single tooth. • No numbness of the tongue, lips or cheek. • Simultaneous treatment of teeth in different quadrants. • Supports regional block anesthesia. • Eliminates the risk of haematoma. • Lower emotional impact on patient.

I VANTAGGI DELL’ANESTESIA INTRALIGAMENTALE: • limitazione automatica della potenza di pressione. • Effetto circoscritto al solo dente da trattare. • assenza d’intorpidimento dei tessuti molli. • trattamento simultaneo di denti localizzati in zone diverse. • Effetto rapido e profondo. • Elimina il rischio di ematomi. • Minore impatto emotivo sul paziente.

unIque MedeSYJect oPeratInG featureS: • Fully autoclavable. • Removable headpiece with angled threaded nozzle for the injection needle. • Viewing chamber with safety sleeve for carpule cartridge. • Handle servo dosing lever with optimal support for index finger for a gradual advance of the dosing plunger resetting key. • No waiting time between injections and beginning of treatment. • Excellent depth of anesthesia combined with shorter duration. • Much less pain than standard injections (infiltration anesthesia in hard palate, intrapulpal or intraseptal injections or for papillectomy). • A smaller quantity of given anaesthetic (~ 0,06 ml for single injection/click). • Needle suggested: 30G.

CARATTERISTICHE DELLA SIRINGA MEDESYJECT: • Completamente sterilizzabile in autoclave. • parte terminale rimovibile con una punta angolata per l’inserimento dell’ago. • Camera a vista con un astuccio di sicurezza per la cartuccia. • Manico con leva di servo-dosaggio con un ottimo supporto del dito indice per un avanzamento graduale del pistone di dosaggio. • Nessuna attesa tra l’iniezione e l’inizio del trattamento. • Eccellente profondità dell’anestesia e breve durata. • Molto meno dolore rispetto alle tradizionali iniezioni. • Minore quantità di anestetico somministrato (~ 0,06 ml per singola iniezione/click). • ago suggerito: 30g.

As opposed to a classical infiltration or block anesthesia, this method injects the local anesthesia directly into the dental ligament (periodontal ligament) and thus guarantees a rapid, profound and total anesthesia of a single tooth. Contrariamente all’anestesia tradizionale che coinvolge un’intera zona, questo metodo inietta l’anestesia locale direttamente nel legamento del dente e ciò garantisce una rapida, profonda e totale anestesia di un solo dente.

4964/eu-Bl 4964/aM-Bl

a 84

(ml 1,8)

4964/eu-Inox 4964/aM-Inox

Aluminium – Blue alluminio – Blu

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

(ml 1,8)

“ MEDESY IN SPOT WHY INOx IS BETTEr? Because it’s chrome free. Because you can get a better sterilization. Because you can use for long time. Because has anti-reflection surface. PercHÉ INOx È MeGLIO? Perché non c’è alcuna traccia di cromo. Perché più indicato in sterilizzazione. Perché lo strumento ha una maggiore durata. Perché ha una superficie anti-riflesso.

(ml 1,8)

a 85

SYrInGeS for IntralIGaMental local anaeStHeSIa (4962-4963-4964) adVantaGeS and IndIcatIonS: The intraligamental technique facilitates treatments and saves time. Anaesthesia is profound and immediate and can be used for treatment of individual teeth. It avoids the palatal injections and eliminates the risk of haematoma. Automatic limitation of the power of pressure. Use is very simple: the needle is introduced into the gingival sulcus along the mesial or distal surface tooth until the alveolar bone crest is contacted. We recommend to inject very slowly, approx. 5-10 sec. per “click” with a non-excessive but constant pressure giving the analgesic solution the time to diffuse into the spongis bone. Contra-indications are for deep periodontal pockets and acute infections.

le nostre siringhe dentali di alta qualità vengono prodotte in 18 versioni. possono essere equipaggiate con 3 differenti puntali studiati appositamente per una perfetta e facile penetrazione nel gommino della fiala e per la migliore ritenzione dello stesso durante la fase di aspirazione. Vengono fornite con due differenti cappucci, uno adatto per gli aghi con filettatura di passo europeo EU e l’altro adatto per montare gli aghi con passo americano aM.



Plastic sleeve, suitable for 4962 and 4964 tubetto di protezione, indicato per 4962 e 4964

(ml 1,8 EU) (0,20 ml/click)

Save money and save the environment: don’t waste the whole syringe; change the arrow, only (4969/cV-F-cO). Suitables only for: 4956, 4959, 4960, 4961, 4966.

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

SIRINGHE PER ANESTESIA INTRALIGAMENTARE (4962-4963-4964) VANTAGGI ED INDICAZIONI: la tecnica dell’anestesia intraligamentare facilita i trattamenti e fa risparmiare tempo in quanto è profonda ed immediata e si usa per singoli denti; inoltre evita la necessità delle iniezioni palatali con conseguente minor stress e dolore per il paziente. l’uso è molto semplice: introdurre l’ago nel solco gengivale lungo la superficie mesiale o distale del dente e quindi, lentamente, iniettare la soluzione anestetica con una pressione costante e non eccessiva, all’incirca 5-10 secondi per ogni “click” dando il tempo alla soluzione di potersi diffondere ed ottenere l’effetto desiderato. Contro indicazioni nel caso di profonde tasche parodontali ed infezioni acute della gengiva marginale.

Our high quality dental syringes are manufactured in 18 versions. These are particularly suitable for the safe handling and emptying of phials and are equipped by 3 different designed tips which facilitate the penetration of the rubber phial stopper and ensure safe handling of phial as well as reliable extraction of the liquid. The syringes are packed with either European/Metric (EU) and American/Imperial (AM) threads tips.

risparmia denaro e tutela l’ambiente: quando necessario sostituisci solo il puntale anziché gettare la siringa (4969/cV-F-cO). utilizzabili solo per: 4956, 4959, 4960, 4961, 4966. 4969/co 4963/1


(ml 1,8 EU) (0,07 ml/click)

4960 (ml 1,8 EU/aM)

4961 (ml 1,8 EU/aM)

4956 (ml 1,8 EU/aM)


4963/2 (ml 2,2 aM)

Inox SYrInGeS SiriNgHE iNoX

New model with 3 aspirating hooks, utilizable only on hollow small rubber caps. Nuovo modello con 3 ganci utilizzabile solo sui gommini incavi.

Also available not aspirating type: ask for 4959/1NOA, 4959/2NOA. disponibile anche il modello non aspirante: chiedi 4959/1Noa, 4959/2Noa.

4960/Inox (ml 1,8 EU/aM)

Stainless Steel acciaio inox

a 86

4956/Inox (ml 1,8 EU/aM)

Stainless Steel acciaio inox

4958 (ml 1,8 EU)

4952 (ml 2,2 aM)

Not aspirating Non aspirante

Folding type – Not aspirating pieghevole – Non aspirante

4959/1 (ml 1,8 EU/aM) 4959/2 (ml 2,2 EU/aM)

Folding type pieghevole

4966/1 (ml 1,8 EU/aM) 4966/2 (ml 2,2 EU/aM)

Folding type pieghevole

4968 (ml 1,8 EU) Folding type pieghevole

a 87

dental SYrInGeS, aSPIratIon rInG

cotton and dreSSInG tWeezerS

SiriNgHE dENtali CoN aNEllo aSpiraNtE

piNzEttE pEr MEdiCazioNi



Serrated zigrinata

Grooved. Suited to hold silver pins, nerve-broaches and for introducing medicines. Scanalata. indicata a trattenere coni e introdurre medicinali.

Lock system for 1018 and 1019

4957/1 (ml 1,8 EU) 4957/2 (ml 2,2 aM)

4967/1 (ml 1,8 EU) 4967/2 (ml 2,2 aM)

Autoclavable plastic handle Manico in plastica autoclavabile


PaSSIVe autoMatIc aSPIratIon Aspiration, before and during the injection of anaesthetic, is strongly recommended by the conventional literature of dental surgery. The development of passive systems which depend on a “semi automatic” backward movement of the components of the cartridge made easier the process of aspiration. A well-balanced syringe which suits comfortably to the hands gives to the dentist good tactiles informations transferred from the tip of the needle to the fingergrip of the syringe. This should be associated with user-friendly aspiration system. This two elements must be the reason of the choice of an injection instrument. ASPIRAZIONE PASSIVA AUTOMATICA l’aspirazione, prima e durante l’iniezione di agenti anestetici, è fortemente raccomandata dalle descrizioni convenzionali di interventi dentali. l’aspirazione è stata molto facilitata dallo sviluppo di sistemi di aspirazione passivi, che si basano cioè su un movimento all’indietro semi-automatico dei componenti della cartuccia. Una siringa ben equilibrata, che si adatta perfettamente alla mano del dentista, trasmette tutte le informazioni tattili, dalla sua punta alla mano del dentista. Ciò deve essere associato con un semplice sistema di aspirazione; questi due elementi dovrebbero essere i fattori principali nella scelta di uno strumento di iniezione.

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

PreVentS SIde-SlIPPInG of tIPS EVita l’aCCaVallarSi dEllE pUNtE

4957/SS Inox (ml 1,8 EU) Stainless steel, autoclavable plastic handle acciaio inox, manico in plastica autoclavabile

1023 (mm 150) dressing

1024 (mm 160)


1026 (mm 150)


1022/130 (mm 130) 1022/150 (mm 150)

1018 (mm 150) Castroviejo lock

1019 (mm 150) Castroviejo lock


Serrated PoIntS – extra lIGHt Better HandlInG pUNtE zigriNatE – lEggEra MaNEggEVolEzza

tHe SYrInGe offerS tWo SIMPle WaYS to acHIeVe eaSIlY tHe aSPIratIon: 1 Aspiration is provided either by gentle releasing the pushing force on the piston – in this way the elastic membrane in the cartridge, previously deformed by the pushing, it comes back to its original shape ensuring an aspiration effect. 2 Or by pressing and releasing the thumb disk.

Suture tWeezerS piNzEttE pEr SUtUrE

LA SIRINGA HA DUE MODALITÀ DI UTILIZZO MOLTO SEMPLICI: 1 l’aspirazione è ottenuta o per un delicato rilascio della forza di pressione sul pistone – in questo modo la membrana elastica della fiala, inizialmente deformata dalla pressione su di essa esercitata, ritorna alla posizione originale creando un effetto aspirante. 2 oppure attraverso la pressione e rilascio immediato del dischetto. 2 1

2 1

a 88

1122 (mm 130)

1123 (mm 150)

1118 (mm 150)

1124 (mm 160)

1126 (mm 150)

1120 (mm 150)



Lock college Con fermo




1032 (mm 155)

1033 (mm 155) a 89

tISSue-PerIodontal tWeezerS MIcro

tISSue-PerIodontal tWeezerS

MiCropiNzEttE pEr CHirUrgia E parodoNtologia

piNzEttE pEr CHirUrgia E parodoNtologia 1 mm

1x2 ø mm 0,9

1x2 ø mm 0,9 ø mm 0,6

1x2 ø mm 0,9 ø mm 0,6

1x2 ø mm 0,9 1x2 ø mm 0,9 ø mm 0,6

1x2 ø mm 0,6

1x2 ø mm 0,9

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

1x2 ø mm 0,9

1027/90 1027/120 1027/150 1027/180

1028/90-oY 1028/120-oY 1028/150-oY 1028/180-oY


1040/0,6-oY 1040/0,9-oY

1020/0,6-oY 1020/0,9-oY

mm 175

mm 175





mm 175

mm 175


1031/0,6-oY 1031/0,9-oY









1013 tc

1014 tc

1015 tc

mm 160

mm 150

mm 150

mm 120

mm 120

mm 120

mm 120

mm 120

mm 120

Carbide inserts Con tC

Carbide inserts Con tC

Carbide inserts Con tC

Micro Cooley

Micro adson


Micro adson

mm 125


mm 1,5

mm 1,5

1x2 ø mm 0,9

Micro adson


tC adson-Brown

tC Micro-adson

tC adson

1x2 ø mm 0,9

Non-traumatic Vascular Tissue Forceps for gripping mucous membrane securely the micro-serrations prevent perforation of the tissue. pinzetta atraumatica per la trattenuta con sicurezza dei tessuti mucosi ed evitare la rottura perforazione degli stessi.










mm 150

mm 150

mm 180

mm 180

mm 180

mm 180

Straight retta

Curved Curva

Diamond coated diamantata

Diamond coated diamantata

Diamond coated diamantata

de Bakey

a 90

de Bakey

round 1x2

round 1x2



mm 160

mm 180

mm 180

R&D Dept. is used to check the prototypes usury state. la sezione r&d controlla lo stato di usura dei prototipi.

a 91

aMalGaM carrIerS SpiNgi aMalgaMa ø mm 2


Fine Fina

Fine Fina




Left Sinistra

Teeth below denti in basso

ø mm 2,5

ø mm 3

Right destra

Teeth on side denti laterali




Pocket marking tweezers pinzette segnatasche

ø mm 1,5







mm 90

mm 90

mm 75

mm 70

mm 150

mm 150


ø mm 2




ø mm 1,5




ø mm 2

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia


ø mm 2


Barraquer-Katzin (Colibri)



ø mm 2,5

ø mm 3








Medium/Small Medio/piccolo

Medium/Large Medio/grande

Medium/Jumbo Medio/Enorme

Small piccolo

Medium Medio

Large grande

Jumbo Enorme

mm 220

mm 220

mm 220

mm 155

mm 155

mm 155

mm 155

SPecIal PlaStIc autoclaVaBle An amalgam plaStiCa SpECialE StErilizzaBilE iN aUtoClaVE carries with interchangeable tips, designed to give the handling and operating features.

VerY fIne PoIntS / pUNtE Molto Sottili

4867 1034

mm 125

a 92


mm 115


mm 115

mm 145 CNC Dept., for the manufacturing of Medesy’s handle and tips. reparto torni automatici CNC, per la produzione dei manici Medesy e relative punte.


mm 130




Tip spare part puntale ricambio

Tip spare part puntale ricambio

Tip spare part puntale ricambio



ø mm 36 – h mm 36

4856 (mm 170) ø mm 2,50

4857 (mm 165) ø mm 2,50

4858 (mm 155) ø mm 2,50

Adjustable regolabile

Amalgam well Mortaio per amalgama

Straight retto

Curved 45° Curvo 45°

Curved 90° Curvo 90°

mm 220

a 93

MatrIx retaInerS

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia








Straight retta

Curved Curva

Curved Curva

Metal tip punte in metallo

Metal tip punte in metallo

Metal tip punte in metallo

mm 130 – ø 1,2 mm

mm 130 – ø 1,2 mm

MatrIx BandS

mm 130 – ø 1,8 mm

mm 150

mm 150

mm 130

for MolarS / pEr Molari

for PreMolarS / pEr prEMolari

4979/1 (ivory) Fig. 1

4979/4 (ivory) Fig. 1

4979/2 (ivory) Fig. 2

4979/5 (ivory) Fig. 2

4979/3 (ivory) Fig. 3

4979/6 (ivory) Fig. 3


(mm 5-6-7) Universal


(mm 5-6-7) ivory 8 N

Matrix retainer with cheek protector portamatrice con protezione delle guance





Narrow Stretto

Wide largo

Left Sinistro

Right destro

(mm 5-6-7) Siqueland

(mm 5-6-7) Siqueland

(mm 6) Nystrom

(mm 6) Nystrom


MatrIx MM 0,04 / MatriCi MM 0,04 1:1 scale / Scala 1:1

for MolarS and PreMolarS / pEr Molari E prEMolari

4979/7 (Nystrom)

4979/9 (Nystrom)

4979/11 (tofflemire)

4979/8 (Nystrom)

4979/10 (Nystrom)

4979/12 (tofflemire)


(mm 5-6) didner 8 p


(mm 5-6-7) tofflemire Universal

a 94

4979/13 (tofflemire)


(mm 5) tofflemire-Junior


ivory N 12

4974/5 (mm 5 x 100 cm) 4974/6 (mm 6 x 100 cm) 4974/7 (mm 7 x 100 cm) a 95

croWn InStruMentS StrUMENti pEr CoroNE

4562 unIVerSal The safe and careful crown and bridge remover for ceramic and cast crowns temporary inserted; special shape designed for use in both upper and lower jaw; adhesive powder and polymer inserts assure the best adhesion; polymer inserts easily interchangeable. 4562 UNIVERSAL Strumento preciso e sicuro per la rimozione di ponti e corone provvisori in ceramica; di forma speciale per essere utilizzata sia per l’arcata superiore che per gli inferiori; inserti facilmente ricambiabili; la polvere adesiva assieme agli inserti permette una presa e adesione perfetta e sicura.


per ponti e corone in ceramica o plastica, inserti sterilizzabili fino a 180° C.


mm 160


1 pair plastic inserts 1 paio inserti di plastica



mm 145



mm 140 Universal plier for the removal of ceramic crowns and bridges Strumenti per estrarre le corone

Copper ring removing plier.

The Wynman Crown Gripper is useful in placing as well. The Wynman Crown Gripper is useful in removing temporary crowns as well as placing crowns in tight spaces.

pinza per rimozione anelli di rame.

pinza Wynman molto adatta per collocare e rimuovere provvisori in spazi molto ristretti.


Kit 3 pair plastic inserts Kit 3 paia inserti di plastica


Adhesive powder polvere adesiva

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

For ceramical and plastic crowns and bridges, with plastic inserts (sterilization up to 180° C).

4567/r Spare blade lama di ricambio


4577/1 Universal Universale


4575 (mm 175)

4567 (mm 180) Montfort

Crown opener pinza apricorone

Crown slitter tagliacorone

Pliers for telescope crowns. Diamond points coated. pinze per corone telescopiche. punte rivestite in diamante.

Straight retta

Crown & bridge holding forceps with support ring.

Crown spreader pliers with an exact grip, due to fluted work parts, and opening parallel. Easy placing and good work view of work area after the crown is fraised open.

pinza porta corone e ponti con anello di supporto.


4576/a (mm 150) Furrer

Curved Curva

a 96

4573/d (mm 125) 4574/d (mm 150)



mm 125

pinza apri corone. Con una presa precisa, grazie alle scanalature delle parti lavoranti ed all’apertura parallela. Facile posizionamento e buona visione dell’area di lavoro dopo il fresaggio della corona.


mm 135 Crown opener apricorone

a 97

ruBBer daM KIt SEt StrUMENti pEr diga

5600 Kit

intensità di forza regolabile girando l’apposita rotellina zigrinata.



Spare single loop ricambio singolo

Spare double loop ricambio doppio

4569/9 Key Chiave

CONTENUTO: 1 Vassoio in acciaio inox 1 Coperchio in acciaio inox 1 griglia portastrumenti in acciaio inox 1 telaio per diga in acciaio inox 1 pinza per uncini Brewer 1 pinza foradiga ivory 1 Vassoio portauncini in acciaio inox 1 Uncino n. 27 1 Uncino n. 3 1 Uncino n. 4 1 Uncino n. 8a 1 Uncino n. 12a 1 Uncino n. 13a 1 Uncino n. 212 1 Uncino n. 00


SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Adjustable intensity of the impulse by twisting the round serrated knob.

content: 1 Instrument tray base – stainless 1 Instrument tray lid – stainless 1 Insert frame – stainless 1 Rubber dam frame – stainless 1 Clamp-forcep – Brewer 1 Punch-forcep – Ivory 1 Clamp tray – stainless 1 n. 27 1 n. 3 1 n. 4 1 n. 8A 1 n. 12A 1 n. 13A 1 n. 212 1 n. 00

Adapter adattatore

4569 (mm 155)




In Kit whit 4569/1-2-3 in kit con punta 4569/1-2-3



In kit with key and adapter in kit con chiave e adattatore

In kit with key and adapter in kit con chiave e adattatore

“ MEDESY IN SPOT On request the content of the rubber dam kit can be changed with other instruments.


St. Steel rubber dam clamps tray Vassoio porta uncini in acciaio inox

4570 mm 145

a 98


a richiesta si può cambiare il contenuto del set.

autoMatIc croWn and BrIdGe reMoVerS Instrument for easy removal of fixed and temporary prostheses. The handling is extraordinary simple. One hand is even free for an exact fixing and positioning of the tips on bridges or crowns. The three adjustables positions: light-medium-strong.

Available also without spring disponibile anche senza molla



4571 mm 180




4572 mm 150




5553 (mm 110)

5552 (mm 160)

Storing frame for tray griglia portastrumenti

Rubber dam frame – Children telaio per diga – Bambini

Rubber dam frame – Adult telaio per diga – adulti

a 99

ruBBer daM InStruMentS

ruBBer daM claMPS

StrUMENti pEr la diga

UNCiNi pEr diga





5595/W14a 5595/18







uPPer MolarS







loWer MolarS

















Clamp with 4 long points Uncino con 4 punte lunghe

Small flat clamp for upper right Uncino piccolo, per superiori destri

5560-1 (mm 160)

5560-2 (mm 160)



Smooth handle Manico liscio

Serrated handle Manico anatomico

5550 (mm 160)


For small upper molars per piccoli molari superiori

Light jaws for molars and partially erupted punte leggere per molari e parziali

Small flat clamp for upper left Uncino piccolo, per superiori sinistri

Large clamp for upper molars Uncino grande per molari superiori

Long points, for partially erupted or irregularly punte lunghe, per parziali o irregolari

Small clamp for left molars, with wings Uncino piccolo per sinistri, con alette

Large clamp for upper molars Uncino grande per molari superiori

As 5595/14 but larger Come il 5595/14 ma più largo

Small clamp for right molars, with wings Uncino piccolo per destri, con alette

Double pointed side, for upper right molars lato doppio, per molari superiori destri

Long points, for partially erupted or irregularly punte lunghe, per parziali irregolari

Flat clamp for lower right and upper left small inferiori destri e superiori sinistri, piccoli

Double pointed side, for upper left molars lato doppio, per molari superiori sinistri














As 5595/W14 but larger Come il 5595/W14 ma più largo

Delos Palmer molar clamp, stiff bow Uncino delos palmer per molari

Flat clamp for lower left and upper right per inferiori sinistri e superiori destri

Flat clamp for lower right and upper left per inferiori destri e superiori sinistri





Flat clamp for large molars Uncino piatto per molari

Flat clamp for large molars wingless Uncino piatto per molari senza alette

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

General MolarS



ruBBer daM PuncH / piNzE Foradiga

Flat clamp for lower left and upper right small inferiori sinistri e superiori destri, piccoli

Upper molars with wings Molari superiori con alette

Large clamp for upper molars Uncino grande per molari superiori

Flat clamp for upper molars Uncino piatto per molari superiori

Large clamp for upper molars Uncino grande per molari superiori

claMPS forcePS / piNzE pEr UNCiNi

5595 (mm 175)


a 100

5580 (mm 175)


5570 (mm 175)


5590 (mm 175)


5551 (mm 170)


Flat clamp for small lower molars Uncino piatto per molari inferiori piccoli

Flat clamp for long premolars Uncino piatto per premolari lunghi

Flat clamp for lower canines and premolars Uncino per canini inferiori e premolari

Flat clamp for lower molars Uncino piatto per molari inferiori

Light jaws for upper premolars Uncino per premolari superiori

Clamp for anteriors Uncino per anteriori

Light jaws for lower molars Uncino per molari inferiori

Long clamp for canines and premolars Uncino per canini e premolari

Clamp for labial cavities and anteriors Uncino per centrali

Serrated clamp for lower right molars Uncino zigrinato per molari inferiori destri

Flat clamp for large premolars Uncino piatto per premolari larghi

Universal clamp for labial cavities and anteriors Uncino universale per centrali

Light jaws for small lower molars Uncino per molari inferiori

Flat clamp for upper and lower premolars Uncino piatto per premolari superiori

Flat clamp for lower molars Uncino piatto per molari inferiori

Clamp for lower premolars Uncino piatto per premolari inferiori

Flat clamp for lower molars large Uncino piatto per molari inferiori grandi

Light jaws for upper and lower premolars Uncino per premolari superiori ed inferiori

Large clamp for lower molars Uncino grande per molari inferiori

Large clamp for upper and lower premolars Uncino per premolari superiori ed inferiori

Light jaws for lower molars Uncino per molari inferiori

Large clamp for lower molars Uncino grande per molari inferiori

Serrated clamp for lower left molars Uncino zigrinato per molari inferiori sinistri

Light jaws for upper and lower premolars Uncino per premolari superiori ed inferiori

Universal clamp for labial cavities and anteriors Uncino universale per centrali

a 101

dental daMS


diga dENtalE


tHe ruBBer dYKe SuPerIor elaStIcItY WItH Greater reSIStance to BreaKaGe The orthodontists works in unfavorable conditions due to blood and saliva, which hinders his work, not being able to work in a clean field. To avoid these problems over one hundred years ago Dr. Barnum designed the Rubber Dyke. The application of the Rubber Dyke is essential to a good and proper orthodontic treatment. It is one of the most effective means in controlling salivary flow, and protect the prepared dental cavity from humidity, and maintain an aseptic field when needed.

LA DIGA IN GOMMA MAGGIOR ELASTICITÀ E PIÙ RESISTENZA ALLA ROTTURA l’odontoiatra lavora in condizioni decisamente sfavorevoli a causa dell’intrusione di sangue e saliva che impediscono di eseguire le dovute operazioni su un campo pulito e per ovviare a questi problemi, oltre cento anni fa il dottor Barnum ideò la diga in gomma. l’applicazione della diga è una fase essenziale per ottenere un buon trattamento in odontoiatria conservativa e edodonzia ed è uno dei mezzi più efficaci per il controllo del flusso salivare, per proteggere dall’umidità le cavità dentali preparate ed aiuta a mantenere il campo operativo asettico, quando ciò è richiesto.

loW ProteIn feature Medesy dental dams are treated to reduce the latex extractable protein to minimize any allergic reaction to the skin caused by latex protein.

BASSO CONTENUTO DI PROTEINE le dighe in lattice MEdESY sono appositamente lavorate per ridurre al massimo il contenuto delle proteine del lattice, in modo tale da minimizzare i rischi di reazioni allergiche alla pelle causate dalle proteine del lattice.

WHY PoWderfree feature IS IMPortant? Powder is used to prevent the dental dam to stick each other. Unfortunately it also carries the latex proteins in contact with the skin, causing allergic reaction to sensitive patient.

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

ScISSorS SPrInG actIon ForBiCi SiStEMa a Molla

PERCHÉ L’ASSENZA DI POLVERE È UNA CARATTERISTICA IMPORTANTE? la polvere è utilizzata per prevenire che le dighe si attacchino l’una all’altra; purtroppo però questa polvere fa sì che le proteine del lattice entrino a contatto con la pelle, causando una reazione allergica al paziente sensibile.

3621 (mm 110)

3624 (mm 110)

3626 (mm 110)




Straight retta

Curved Curva

Angular angolare

1957/r (mm 155)

1958/c (mm 155)

1959/r (mm 150)

1960/c (mm 150)

Straight retta

Curved Curva

Straight retta

Curved Curva

tWeezerS, needle HolderS and ScISSorS In full tItanIuM piNzEttE, porta agHi, E ForBiCi iN titaNio pUro

a 102

5610/t 5610/M 5610/H

(Thin – Sottile) (Medium – Medio) (Heavy – pesante)

1140 (mm 150)

1141 (mm 150)

2010 (mm 180)

2012 (mm 180)

1970 (mm 180)

1971 (mm 180)

Micro tweezer Straight Micro pinzetta retta

Micro tweezer Curved Micro pinzetta Curva

Micro needleholder Straight Micro porta aghi retta

Micro needleholder Curved Micro porta aghi Curva

Micro scissors Straight Micro forbici retta

Micro scissors Curved Micro forbici Curva

a 103



Fine Fina

Fine Fina



3564 c

Teeth below denti in basso

Curved Curva



3548 Curved Curva


SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

Curved Curva

1078 Teeth on side denti laterali





3541 (mm 95)

3547 (mm 100)

3564 r (mm 115)





Straight retta

Straight retta

Straight retta

mm 90

mm 90

mm 75

mm 70





Barraquer-Katzin (Colibri)

Endo explorer


Endo explorer

fIne retractorS, SHarP SEparatori dEliCati, appUNtiti

ScalPel Handle and BladeS for MIcroSurGerY MaNiCo E laME pEr MiCroCHirUrgia

3,3 mm mm 15x10


Micro mirrors Micro specchi

3638/62 3638/64 3638/65

3638/67 3638/69 3638

mm 120 Holder for micro blades Manico per micro lame

a 104

Package 25 pcs Confezioni 25 pz

911/1 (ø 2 mm) 911/2 (ø 3 mm) 911/3 (ø 4 mm)

Frazier mm 180

912/1 (ø 2,5 mm) 912/2 (ø 3 mm) 912/3 (ø 4 mm)

Surgical aspirator aspiratore chirurgico

5 mm (ø 10 mm) (ø 12 mm) (ø 14 mm) (ø 16 mm)

1r 2a

(ø 18 mm) (ø 20 mm)

mm 40

4915/000 4915/00 4915/0 4915/1 4915/2 4915/3 4915/4 4915/5 4915/6 4915/7 4915/8

(ø 22 mm) (ø 24 mm) (ø 26 mm) (ø 28 mm)

2,8 mm

(ø 30 mm)


4908/5 (ø mm 5)

920/1 (mm 180)

920/2 (mm 180)

920/3 (mm 165)

922 (mm 160)


Handle for laryngeal mirrors Manico per specchietti laringei







Rhodium Front Surface Box 1 pcs

Small piccolo

Medium Medio

Medium Medio

4987/1r 4987/2a

mm 85 Scale mm 0-20 Castroviejo caliper

a 105

MIcro SurGerY Set

tISSue-PerIodontal tWeezerS MIcro / MiCropiNzEttE pEr CHirUrgia E parodoNtologia

1x2 ø mm 0,6

SEt pEr MiCroCHirUrgia

1x2 ø mm 0,9

1x2 ø mm 0,9 ø mm 0,6

1x2 ø mm 0,9 ø mm 0,6

1x2 ø mm 0,9

1x2 ø mm 0,6

1x2 ø mm 0,6

1x2 ø mm 0,9

SurGIcal / CHirUrgia

mm 1,5

1028/90-oY 1028/120-oY 1028/150-oY 1028/180-oY

1040/0,6-oY 1040/0,9-oY

1020/0,6-oY 1020/0,9-oY

mm 175

mm 175
















mm 175

mm 175

mm 180

mm 180

Straight retta

Curved Curva

Straight retta

Medium Medio

Holder for micro blades Manico per micro lame

mm 120

mm 175

mm 175

mm 150



round 1x2

round 1x2

mm 150

mm 150

mm 180


Suture tWeezerS piNzEttE pEr SUtUrE

contentS / CoNtENUto 1922 tc 1959 1960 920/3 1012 oY 1020-06 1040-06 3638 1007/a 981


mm 155

a 106


mm 155

Castroviejo – Straight / retto (mm 180) Micro scissor – Straight / Forbici – retta (mm 150) Micro scissor – Curved / Forbici – Curve (mm 150) retractor Micro adson 1x2 mm 120 ø mm 0,6 gerald straight 1x2 mm 175 ø mm 0,6 gerald curved 1x2 mm 175 ø mm 0,6 Handle for micro blades mm 120 debakey mm 150 tray mm 280x180x25

mm 165

mm 120

Micro adson



de Bakey Curved Curva

1950/Set Micro surgery set 9 pieces on tray 981 Set per microchirurgia da 9 pezzi in vassoio 981

1950 s: inspection at the press and shearing dept. 1950: ispezione al reparto presse e trance.

a 107

MIcro Soft tISSue Set SEt MiCroCHirUrgia pEr tESSUti Molli 1x2 ø mm 0,9

1x2 ø mm 0,9

Package 25 pcs Confezione 25 pz







round 1x2

round 1x2

Curved Curva

Curved Curva

Sinus lift instruments Scollatori endostali

Holder for micro blades Manico per micro lame

mm 180

mm 180

contentS / CoNtENUto 1049-oY 1050-oY 1922/d-tc 1958/c 1309/9 3638 3638/67 980/M

tweezer round, straight (mm 180) tweezer round, curved (mm 180) Needle holder (mm 180) Scissor spring action (mm 155) Sinus lift (mm 175) Handle micro blades (mm 120) Micro blades N-67 tray

mm 180

mm 155

mm 175

mm 120

1954/Set Micro surgery set 7 pieces on tray 980/M Set per microchirurgia da 7 pezzi in vassoio 980/M

qualItY and SerVIce are Your future: cHooSe MedeSY!

PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia


neW MedeSY Handle, tHe orIGInal!

a 108


GraceY curetteS

GraceY curetteS aluMInIuM Handle CUrEttE graCEY MaNiCo iN allUMiNio

uPPer JaW / arCata SUpEriorE

Medesy is glad to introduce the new line of curettes. The Gracey’s family is now complete with the addition of the “Rigid type”, useful in case of heavy calculus, that are usually removed with heavy scalers. New curettes “Titanium” are also available for specific fields, such as implantology. All lines are offered in 8 mm or 10 mm, according to your preferences. Medesy è lieta di presentare la nuova linea di curettes. la famiglia gracey è ora completa con l’introduzione del “tipo rigido”, utile in caso di rimozione calcoli, normalmente effettuato da scalers più pesanti. Sono disponibili ora le nuove curettes con punta al titanio, indirizzate ad utilizzi specifici, quali interventi all’implantologia. la linea è offerta sia in manico 8 mm che 10 mm, in funzione alle preferenze.

617 SET OF 8 GRACEY COLOUR CODE 617 SEt di 8 graCEY CodiCE ColorE N. 1-2

Yellow giallo

Gentle bend for incisors and canines. piega leggera per incisivi e canini.

N. 3-4

Red rosso

Normal bend for incisors and canines. piega normale per incisivi e canini.

N. 5-6

Blue Blu

Bent for front teeth and premolars. piega per denti anteriori e premolari.

N. 7-8


For buccal and lingual surfaces on premolars and molars. premolari e molari superficie vestibolare e linguale.

Verde N. 9-10

White Bianco

For buccal and lingual surfaces on premolars and molars. premolari e molari superficie vestibolare e linguale.

N. 11-12

Black Nero

For mesial surface on rear teeth. per superficie mesiale dei denti posteriori.

N. 13-14

Brown Marrone

For distal surface on rear teeth. per superficie distale dei denti posteriori.

N. 15-16

Orange arancione

For retrograds. Mesial-lingual. per retrogradi mesiale e linguale.

617 Set

Composed of 8 pcs Composto da 8 pezzi

PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia

graCEY CUrEttE

1-2, 3-4, 5-6 7-8, 9-10 11-12, 15-16 13-14, 17-18

loWer JaW / arCata iNFEriorE

“ MEDESY IN SPOT Medesy curettes are now available with new 10 mm diameter handle. In dentistry this helps to solve problems as carpal tunnel inflammation, caused most of the times from a reduced diameter of instruments. Le curette Medesy sono da ora disponibili nel nuovo diametro 10 mm. Questo aiuta a risolvere problemi quali l’infiammazione del tunnel carpale, causato nella maggioranza dei casi da un ridotto diametro dello strumento.










Aluminium handle Manico alluminio

Aluminium handle Manico alluminio

Aluminium handle Manico alluminio

Aluminium handle Manico alluminio

Aluminium handle Manico alluminio

Aluminium handle Manico alluminio

Aluminium handle Manico alluminio

Aluminium handle Manico alluminio










GraceY curetteS CUrEttE graCEY


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)









8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto







GRACEY CURETTES “TIPO RIGIDO” Curette con gambo più grosso e meno flessibile, rispetto la gracey tradizionale. Utili in operazioni impegnative, che abitualmente richiedono l’utilizzo di grossi scalers.

GraceY curetteS “lonG tYPe” Curette with a long terminal stem, it is ~3 mm longer than usual. The extra length enables the operator to intervene at the bottom of deep periodontal pockets.

GRACEY CURETTES “TIPO LUNGO” Curette con il gambo terminale dello strumento ~3 mm più lungo della norma per poter intervenire in profondità nelle tasche parodontali profonde.

GraceY curetteS “SHort tYPe” Curette with the same characteristics as the “Long Type” except for the fact that its cutting tip is smaller, which enables the operator to intervene in periodontal pockets that are deep, yet narrow.

GRACEY CURETTES “TIPO CORTO” Questa curette ha le stesse caratteristiche della “long type” con la differenza di avere la parte tagliente terminale più piccola al fine di poter intervenire convenientemente nelle tasche parodontali profonde ma strette.


GraceY curetteS graCEY CUrEttES

GraceY curetteS “rIGId tYPe” graCEY CUrEttES “tipo rigido”

GraceY curetteS “lonG tYPe” graCEY CUrEttES “tipo lUNgo”

GraceY curetteS “SHort tYPe” graCEY CUrEttES “tipo Corto”

PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia


GraceY curetteS “rIGId tYPe” Curette with thicker and less flexible stem, than usual Gracey. Can be used for heavy calculus instead of traditional heavy scalers.

neW MedeSY Handle


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)






10Hl625/11-12 10Hl625/13-14 10Hl625/15-16 gracey



10 mm hollow handle 10 mm manico vuoto

10 mm hollow handle 10 mm manico vuoto

10 mm hollow handle 10 mm manico vuoto

10 mm hollow handle 10 mm manico vuoto

10 mm hollow handle 10 mm manico vuoto

10 mm hollow handle 10 mm manico vuoto

10 mm hollow handle 10 mm manico vuoto

10 mm hollow handle 10 mm manico vuoto






ø 8 mm B4

ø 10 mm B5

GraceY curetteS, SHort tYPe CUrEttE graCEY, tipo Corto

GraceY curetteS, rIGId tYPe CUrEttE graCEY, tipo rigido

Available in 10 mm under request disponibili in 10 mm su richiesta



(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

8Hl669/3-4 Short type gracey

8Hl669/5-6 Short type gracey

8Hl669/7-8 Short type gracey

8Hl669/9-10 Short type gracey

8Hl669/11-12 Short type gracey

8Hl669/13-14 Short type gracey

8Hl628/1-2 rigid type gracey

8Hl628/3-4 rigid type gracey

8Hl628/5-6 rigid type gracey

8Hl628/7-8 rigid type gracey

8Hl628/9-10 rigid type gracey

8Hl628/11-12 rigid type gracey

8Hl628/13-14 rigid type gracey

PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia

Short type gracey

Available in 10 mm under request disponibili in 10 mm su richiesta

GraceY curetteS, lonG tYPe CUrEttE graCEY, tipo lUNgo


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

8Hl679/1-2 long type gracey

8Hl679/3-4 long type gracey

8Hl679/5-6 long type gracey

8Hl679/7-8 long type gracey

8Hl679/9-10 long type gracey

8Hl679/11-12 long type gracey

8Hl679/13-14 long type gracey

This is the original and fresh new Medesy set. You can easily get the complete range of 7 (or 8) pieces, composed of your favorite Gracey Curettes. Just follow the indications to request the right one. Questo è il nuovo ed originale set Medesy. Si può facilmente ottenere la serie completa di 7 (o 8) pezzi, del modello gracey preferito. Seguire le indicazioni per richiedere il set desiderato.

6Hl 8Hl 10Hl B6


625 (Standard gracey) 628 (rigid type) 669 (Short type) 679 (long type) 8Hl669/Set



unIVerSal curetteS CUrEttE UNiVErSali 639/23


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

furcatIon curetteS


631/12-13 gracey Mesial / distal

623/412 411/412 Universal



413/414 Universal


M23 Universal


639/25 M23B


HU 1/2 Hutchinson (anterior)


de Marco 1


de Marco 2


Barnhart 1/2


Barnhart 5/6


indiana Un. 13/14 anterior


indiana Un. 17/18 posterior

PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia

gracey Mesial / distal

tItanIuM curetteS


CUrEttE iN titaNio 627/2

651/11 ti

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


langer 1/2 Mandibular posterior


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


langer 3/4 Maxillary posterior


langer 5/6 Mandibular and maxillary posterior


Columbia 2r/2l anterior


Columbia 4r/4l posterior


Columbia 13/14 Universal

627/4 ti

640/5 ti

651/11 ti

10Hl669/5-6 ti

10Hl669/7-8 ti

10Hl669/11-12 ti 10Hl669/13-14 ti Short type ø 10 mm

Short type ø 10 mm

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Columbia 4r/4l ø 8 mm

204 Sd ø 8 mm

H6/7 ø 8 mm

Short type ø 10 mm

Short type ø 10 mm


ScalerS SCalErS

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


Younger-good 7/8


goldman-Fox 1

629/12 Mc Call 11/12


goldman-Fox 2

629/13 Mc Call 11a/12a


goldman-Fox 3



Mc Call 13/14


Mc Call 13S/14S


goldman-Fox 4

Mc Call 17/18


goldman-Fox 5

629/19 Mc Call 17S/18S


goldman-Fox 6

629/20 Mc Call 19/20


goldman-Fox 21

621/3 rule 3/4

656/1 ME-1



Octagonal handle Manico ottagonale

Octagonal handle Manico ottagonale

Mitchell osteo trimmer




CK6 Crane-Caplan 6


darby-perry 1r-1l


653/1 Williger



posterior Supragingival interproximal

Contra angle for excellent access to distal surface

204 S

653/u15 towner


204 Sd


darby-perry 1r

Ci 2/3


darby-perry 1l

640/13 2/3 taylor

PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia



darby-perry 2r


darby-perry 2l

“ MEDESY IN SPOT “UNIVErSal cUrETTES” and “ScalErS”, can be requested in 8 mm hollow handle. Just write “8Hl” before the code (ex: 639/23 = 8Hl639/23).

B 10

“cureTTe uNIVerSaLI” e “ScaLerS”, possono essere richiesti con manico vuoto da 8 mm. aggiungere la dicitura “8HL” prima del codice (es: 639/23 = 8HL639/23).

B 11

PerIodontal HoeS Small head for deep pockets ridotta estremità per raggiungere punti profondi










651/u15-30 towner-Jaquette

651/u15-33 towner-Jaquette



anteriors interproximal and cervical area

interproximal areas anteriors and premolars

Hygenist-towner H5/33

goldman H 6/7

The TC Tungsten Carbide gives greater enamel cutting efficiency and work result l’inserto in tC assicura un taglio perfetto dello smalto

Four different shapes, to cover all your needs Quattro diverse forme, per coprire tutte le tue necessità


Mc Farlane 2-3


PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia


Round corners to protect root and tissue angoli ridotti per prevenire lesioni alla radice e tessuti

Extra strength thanks to the steel shoulder Maggior rigidità grazie al rinforzo in acciaio

6 mm octagonal handle, gives you a perfect feeling 6 mm manico ottagonale, per una perfetta sensazione d’utilizzo


Mc Farlane 4-5

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

550/10 tc Sharpening process processo di affilatura

B 12

550/10 tc

550/11 tc

550/12 tc

550/13 tc

Anterior 1 anteriore 1

Anterior 2 anteriore 2

Posterior 1 posteriore 1

Posterior 2 posteriore 2





B 13



(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

SoNdE 546/1

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)




Merrit a


Merrit E


goldman Fox

University of Michigan

546/6 26 g

546/7 Mercury

567/23 Williams



University of Michigan

goldman-Fox Williams











mm 130 ø mm 0,70-0,75

mm 130 ø mm 1,00

mm 125 ø mm 0,40-0,45

mm 125 ø mm 0,55-0,60


University of Michigan



PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia


“ MEDESY IN SPOT Flat shape end to permit a better insertion on lingual or facial area. Punta piatta per una migliore penetrazione nella zona linguale o facciale.

” 3- 6

-9 12


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

1021/1 Left Sinistra

567/3 Williams


University of Michigan



567/16 Williams


University of Michigan



Right destra


Pocket marking tweezers. pinzette segnatasche.


Crane – Caplan mm 150

B 14


delicate Cp-C Handle ø 3,5 mm




B 15

Bone curetteS CUCCHiai alVEolari

Blue titanium marking. Marchiatura in titanio blu.


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

548/1 Pt

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)





2,5 mm

3 mm

3,5 mm

4,5 mm





548/1 Pt


548/2 Pt Cp11

548/3 Pt Cp12

548/4 Pt

Cp15 University of North Carolina

548/5 Pt WHo

548/6 Pt Cp10

Hemingway N.1

Hemingway N.2

Hemingway N.3


Hemingway N.4


Miller N.0 Spoon shape


Miller N.1 Spoon shape

PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia

Hemingway N.0

548/7 Pt Cp-C


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)





“ MEDESY IN SPOT Hemingway and lucas are now available in titanium coated. Just add “Ti” after code instrument. 548/1


B 16

548/2 Cp11

548/3 Cp12


Cp15 University of North Carolina

548/5 WHo

548/6 Cp10

548/7 Cp-C

Hemingway e Lucas sono ora disponibili nella versione titanio. aggiungi “Ti” dopo il codice articolo.

B 17

excaVatorS ESCaVatori 664/17

octaGonal HandleS / MaNiCi ottagoNali

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

1,2 mm



Hemingway N.1


Hemingway N.2


Hemingway N.3


Hemingway N.4


oval spoon 17W


oval spoon 18W

2 mm


oval spoon 19W

1,5 mm

664/14 Spoon

1,2 mm

664/17 Spoon

1,5 mm

664/18 Spoon

2 mm

664/19 Spoon

PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia

Hemingway N.0

1,5 mm



dentIn’S reMoValS 1,25 mm

1,5 mm

2 mm




1,15 mm

1,5 mm

1 mm







31l Endodontic excavators



Willinger mm 150

B 18

32l Endodontic excavators

33l Endodontic excavators

668/39 38/39 Spoon

668/64 63/64

668/66 65/66



Volkmann mm 170

B 19


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

0,8 mm


1,4 mm


1,6 mm


1,8 mm


1,45 mm

1,75 mm



2,5 mm

2 mm

1,8 mm

1 mm









1 mm

1,2 mm

1,5 mm

2,5 mm

















PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia


1,2 mm

PerIodontal fIleS

octaGonal HandleS / MaNiCi ottagoNali 2,5 mm

2 mm

1 mm

liME pEriodoNtali 1,5 mm

1 mm

1,4 mm

2 mm

Excellent to remove and to crush strong calculus deposits



B 20

666/127-128 127/128

667/153-154 153/154

667/155-156 155/156

611/243 243

611/244 244

611/245 245

649/3-7 Hirschfeld

649/5-11 Hirschfeld

649/9-10 Hirschfeld

Buck 11/12

Schluger 9/10

Sugarman 3S/4S

Sugarman 1S/2S

B 21

PerIodontal KnIVeS

PerIodontal cHISelS

BiStUri pEr gENgiVECtoMia

SCalpElli CHirUrgiCi


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)



goldman-Fox N.8


goldman-Fox N.9


goldman-Fox N.11


Buck 3-4


Buck 5-6

636/2 Sanders 1/2

636/5 Sanders 4/5










ochsenbein Ctg-0

ochsenbein N.3

ochsenbein N.4

rhodes Back-action 36/37

Fedi ø 8 mm

Fedi ø 8 mm

Fedi ø 8 mm

tg Chisel


PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia

goldman-Fox N.7

SHarPenInG of HYGIene InStruMentS aFFilatUra dEllo StrUMENtario odoNtoiatriCo SHarP curette (croSS SectIon) / CUrEttE tagliENtE (SEzioNE) Tooth and root surface Superficie del dente e della radice


USC towner 19/20


Crane-Caplan CK3



Right destro

Left Sinistro

Kirkland 15

Kirkland 16

647/1 orban

647/2 orban

646/3 Kirkland 15-16

648/3 orban 1/2

Deposit tartaro

SHarP InStruMentS reMoVe entIre dePoSIt StrUMENti tagliENti riMUoVoNo i dEpoSiti

Curette, lateral side Curette, superficie laterale

dull curette (croSS SectIon) / CUrEttE SMUSSata (SEzioNE) dull InStruMentS onlY “BurnISH” or reMoVe Part of a dePoSIt StrUMENti SMUSSati “liSCiaNo” oVVEro riMUoVoNo i dEpoSiti Solo iN partE B 22

B 23

SHarPenInG StoneS

WHen to SHarPen Instruments should be sharpened when dulled edges are evident or after repeated strokes are necessary to remove the deposit.

piEtrE pEr aFFilarE

Consider the following factors: 1. The frequency of instrument use. 2. The degree of patient difficulty. 1200

Arkansas fine grain, white pietra arkansas grana fine, bianco

arkansas fine mm 100 x 30 x 6 x 3

Sono determinanti 2 fattori: 1. Frequenza dell’impiego 2. Consistenza dell’accumulo di tartaro nel paziente. Si consiglia di affilare gli strumenti dopo il ciclo di lavaggio e poi sterilizzarli.

1202 1 2 3 4

Instruments used Cleaning Sharpening Sterilization

1 2 3 4

impiego degli strumenti pulizia degli strumenti affilatura degli strumenti Sterilizzazione degli strumenti

India medium grain, red india grana media, rosso

india medium mm 105 x 45 x 10 x 3

Tiger fine – natural stone extra quality fine grain pietra naturale fine qualità extra grana fine tipo tiger fine


Natural stone mm 100 x 10 x 30

HoW to SHarPen Stabilize the instruments, apply stone to lateral surface to form a 110° angle with the face, position the stone to contact the heel of the blade and work toward the tip. Move the lubricated stone up and down with short strokes, a sludge will appear on the face of the blade as it is sharpened and can be wiped clean with a cloth. Finish with a down stroke to avoid a roughened edge, repeat the procedure to sharpen the opposite cutting edge of the sickles and universal curettes.

B 24

PER UNA CORRETTA AFFILATURA Mettere gli strumenti nella corretta posizione per l’affilatura; badare che la parte intermedia della superficie facciale sia sempre orizzontale. l’estremità della punta dev’essere centrata sulla pietra per affilatura. applicare la pietra lubrificata verticalmente, ad angolo retto alla superficie laterale destra, poi allargare l’angolo da 90° a 110°. partendo dalla parte superiore della punta si passa la pietra a brevi colpi con movimenti dall’alto verso il basso sulla superficie fino all’estremità, eseguendo movimenti regolari. tener presente che la pressione va esercitata solo nel movimento verso il basso. Ciò è facilmente controllabile in base alle particelle metalliche depositate dai movimenti verso il basso, eseguiti con angolo corretto. Quest’ultimo è di 110° e va mantenuto durante l’intero processo dell’affilatura, la quale si conclude all’estremità della punta con un movimento verso il basso. per affilare il bordo opposto tagliente si procede nello stesso modo (per falcetti e curette).

100-110° 70-80°

correct angulation when the stone is correctly placed against the blade, the internal angle between 70°and 80° is maintained. Corretto angolo d’affilatura: la pietra per affilatura viene appoggiata sulla superficie laterale in modo tale che l’angolo acuto oscilli tra 70° e 80° (quello ottuso tra 100° e 1100).


Fine green silicium carbide mm 2/6 x 15 x 8 x 102

135° 45°


Fine green silicium carbide, fine grain Carburo di silicio verde, grana fine

too much angulation when the internal angle is less than 70°the blade becomes weak and also dulls quickly. Errato: Eccessiva apertura angolare: l’angolo interno è meno di 70°, ovvero l’angolo acuto è di 45°, l’angolo ottuso è di 135°. risultato: il bordo tagliente si smussa troppo presto.


PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia

QUANDO OCCORRE AFFILARE GLI STRUMENTI? gli strumenti vanno riaffilati quando si evidenziano i primi segni di smussatura. in generale ciò significa che dopo la detartrasi di un quadrante occorre riaffilare gli strumenti almeno una volta o sostituirli con strumenti taglienti.


Arkansas fine grain, white pietra arkansas grana fine, bianco

arkansas fine ø mm 10 x 100

not enough angulation when the internal angle is greater than 80°, the blade becomes bulky and is difficult to adapt to the tooth. Errato: angolo troppo ristretto: la pietra è applicata verticalmente. la lama risulta smussata e poco adattabile al dente.


arkansas conical ø mm 10 mm 100

ø mm 3

Arkansas fine grain, white pietra arkansas grana fine, bianco

B 25

our PoSt-Sale SerVIce

PerIodontal InStruMentS Set

SErVizio di MaNUtENzioNE poSt VENdita

SEt StrUMENti pEr parodoNtologia

rePaIr recondItIon ProGraM


content / CoNtENUto:

It is one of the most important aspect of the Medesy’s business philosophy. According to the above after Sale Services, we offer the following work process at minimal charge:

È uno dei più importanti aspetti della filosofia Medesy di assistenza e servizio per i clienti. in accordo con il nostro servizio di post vendita la Medesy offre i seguenti servizi di riparazioni al prezzo di costo:


a) Precise resharpening and grinding. b) Tc tip replacement. c) Reconditioning of the old instruments. d) Surface refinishing in Bright, Satin or Sand Bath. e) General adjustment and lubrication.

a) precisa riaffilatura e brunitura delle lame interne/esterne. b) Cambio/sostituzione delle placchette in tC per porta aghi, pinze, etc. c) rigenerazione completa dei vecchi strumenti. d) rifinitura superfici esterne in lucido, Satinato o Sabbiato. e) riparazioni generali con elettrolucidatura e lubrificazioni.

pocket maker tweezers, left


pocket maker tweezers, right


goldman-Fox scissors, curved


gracey curette n. 1-2


gracey curette n. 5-6

8Hl625/11-12 gracey curette n. 11-12 624/21

goldman-Fox n. 21 curettes


goldman-Fox n. 7 gingivectomy knife


goldman-Fox n. 11 gingivectomy knife


goldman-Fox n. 9 gingivectomy knife


Scaler Crane-Caplan CK6


Scaler towner Jaquette n. 15-33


periosteal Molt n. 9


pocket probe Cp15

PerIodontal / pEriodoNzia

8Hl625/13-14 gracey curette n. 13-14

644 Set

Periodontal Set of 15 pieces Set per la parodontologia da 15 pezzi

B 26

B 27

SurGIcal traY for aPIcectoMIeS SEt pEr apiCECtoMia


Surgical tray for apicectomies 12 pieces Set per apicectomia da 12 pezzi

3633 4865 1925/B TC 3525 TC 882 886 920 4908/5 660/1 661/87 910/2 1040/0,6 OY 981

Scalpel handle / Manico per bisturi – mm 125 Endo guns for retrograds / Spingi amalgama per retrogradi – mm 130 ø 1,2 mm Needle holders with tungsten carbine TC / porta-aghi con punte al tungsteno – mm 150 Operating scissor carbide inserts TC / Forbici chirurgiche in tC – mm 110 Periosteals elevators / Scollaperiostei – mm 170 ø mm 8 Senn-Miller – mm 160 Retractor / Separatore delicato – mm 180 Mirror / Specchietto – ø mm 5 Bone curette / Cucchiaio alveolare Bone curette / Cucchiaio alveolare Suction tubes / Cannule per aspirazione – mm 180 ø mm 3 Tissue periodontal tweezers / pinzette per chirurgia parodontologia – mm 175 Tray – mm 280 x 180 x 25

traY for PerIodontal SurGerY SEt pEr paradoNtologia

“ MEDESY IN SPOT content can be changed on request. Il contenuto può essere cambiato a richiesta.

reStoratIVe / CoNSErVatiVa

contentS / CoNtENUto


Tray for periodontal surgery 14 pieces Set per parodontologia da 14 pezzi

contentS / CoNtENUto

B 28

3638 907 852/HP3 1007/A 3628 1922/a TC 548/5 910/2 8HL625/5-6 8HL625/7-8 8HL625/11-12 8HL625/13-14 640/1 555/23 981

Scalpel handle for microsurgery / Manici e lame per microchirurgia – mm 120 Cheek retractor / divaricatore per guance – mm 140 Periosteals elevators / Scollaperiostei – mm 170 ø mm 8 Non-traumatic Vascular Tissue Forceps / pinzetta atraumatica – mm 150 Microsurgical scissors spring action / Forbici per microchirurgia – azione a molla – mm 150 Needle holders with tungsten carbide TC / porta-aghi con punte al tungsteno – mm 140 Endodontic instruments – Periodontal probes / Sonde millimetriche parodontali Suction tubes / Cannule per aspirazione – mm 180 ø mm 3 Gracey curette Gracey curette Gracey curette Gracey curette Curette / Curette 204 S Explorers anatomic handle single ended / Sonde manico anatomico Tray – mm 280 x 180 x 25


PluGGerS and condenSerS


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

ottUratori aMalGaM and PlaStIc, fIllInG InStruMentS StrUMENti pEr ModEllarE 0,5 mm

0,66 mm

0,5 mm

1,5 mm

1,2 mm

1,5 mm

1 mm

2 mm

1,2 mm

1,9 mm

2,4 mm

2,8 mm

1,2 mm

1,9 mm

2,4 mm

2,8 mm

















0,5 mm

1,1 mm

2,8 mm

1,65 mm

2,7 mm

1,5 mm

2,2 mm

2,7 mm

3,1 mm

1,5 mm

2,2 mm

2,7 mm

3,1 mm

Markley 2

Markley 3

Markley 4

2,8 mm 0,5 mm

Markley 6

Hollenback H1

Hollenback H2

Smooth lisci

Smooth lisci

Smooth lisci

Smooth lisci

Serrated zigrinati

Serrated zigrinati

Serrated zigrinati

Serrated zigrinati

1,2 mm

2,5 mm

1,8 mm

1,7 mm

1,7 mm

1 mm

1,6 mm

1 mm

1,05 mm

1,85 mm

2,2 mm

1,05 mm

1,85 mm

2,2 mm

1,8 mm

2,5 mm
















Serrated zigrinati

Serrated zigrinati

2 mm

2,8 mm

Hollenback H3

2,5 mm


Markley 5

Hollenback H4

2,4 mm

tanner 0t

2,3 mm

tanner 1t

2,3 mm

tanner 2t

1,3 mm

tanner 3t

2 mm

Marquette 0/1 Serrated zigrinati

1,4 mm

Smooth lisci

1,4 mm

Smooth lisci

2 mm

Smooth lisci

2,4 mm

Serrated zigrinati

1,4 mm

Serrated zigrinati

2 mm

Serrated zigrinati

2,4 mm


reStoratIVe / CoNSErVatiVa

Markley 1





(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

1 mm

1,35 mm

1,9 mm

1,8 mm

2,5 mm






1,1 mm

1,75 mm

2,15 mm

3 mm

3 mm

586/1 NYU/B2


2 mm

2,7 mm



2,5 mm

3 mm

Westcott N. 21

Westcott N. 21B


1,3 mm

1,8 mm




2,4 mm

2 mm

18 Ball

1,3 mm


1,6 mm

26/27S Ball

27/29 Ball

475/30 28/29 Ball

472/2 2/29

2 mm

2,5 mm

2,9 mm

1 mm

1,45 mm

2 mm

1 mm

1,45 mm









2 mm

2,5 mm

2,9 mm

1,7 mm

2 mm

2,5 mm

1,7 mm

2 mm




1,3 mm

1 mm

1,4 mm

1,8 mm

2 mm

1,2 mm

1,7 mm

1,2 mm

1,7 mm












1,9 mm

1,9 mm

1,25 mm

1,6 mm

2 mm

2,5 mm

1,8 mm

2,4 mm

1,6 mm

1,8 mm


Woodson N. 1

Woodson N. 2

reStoratIVe / CoNSErVatiVa


Woodson N. 3


BurnISHer octaGonal Handle

carVerS InStruMentS

BrUNitori MaNiCo ottagoNalE

StrUMENti pEr ModEllarE E riFiNirE





1,35 mm


1,9 mm


1,1 mm

1,75 mm

2,15 mm

1,05 mm

1,85 mm

2,2 mm




Smooth lisci

Smooth lisci

Smooth lisci

1,4 mm

2 mm

2,4 mm

1,8 mm

1,05 mm

1,85 mm

2,2 mm




Serrated zigrinati

Serrated zigrinati

Serrated zigrinati

3 mm

1,4 mm

2 mm

2,4 mm









600/1 Ward 1

600/2 Ward 1S



Ward 2


Hollenback 1/2

Hollenback 3


Hollenback 3S



605/4 104

reStoratIVe / CoNSErVatiVa

1 mm

605/1 3-SHo

605/3 SHo-a

605/8 Wiland 8




Frahm 0/1


Frahm 2/3


interproximal 1 ipC1


interproximal off-angle

606/1 Mercury


enaMel InStruMentS


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

StrUMENti taglia SMalto-dENtiNa

MarGIn trIMMerS

cleoIdS – dIScoIdS 2 mm

2,5 mm

2,1 mm

2,7 mm

2 mm








1,7 mm


2,4 mm


2 mm


2,6 mm


3 mm















Black 26

Black 27

Black 28

Black 29

Black 77/78

Black 79/80


Black 51/52


Black 53/54

615/1 Black 1

615/2 Black 2

reStoratIVe / CoNSErVatiVa

1,7 mm

2 mm



Nystrom 1



Nystrom 2


Nystrom 3


Wedelstaedt 1/2 refine cavity preparation


Wedelstaedt 3/4 refine cavity preparation


Wedelstaedt 5/6 refine cavity preparation

0,5 mm

1,0 mm

1,5 mm

0,5 mm

1,0 mm

1,5 mm

0,5 mm

1,0 mm

1,5 mm












coMPoSIte InStruMentS tItanIuM coated


StrUMENti pEr CoMpoSito riCopErti iN NitrUro di titaNio

norMal Handle MaNiCo NorMalE 2 mm

2,5 mm

anatoMIc Handle MaNiCo aNatoMiCo


octaGonal Handle MaNiCo ottagoNalE

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

3 mm






Heidemann spatulas




Heidemann spatulas



Heidemann spatulas

Composed of: 499/1t, 499/2t, 499/4t, 499/5t, 499/7t (contained can be changed under request)

The titanium coating of instruments (in yellow) minimizes the adhesion of composite. La copertura in titanio degli strumenti (parte in giallo) riduce l’attaccamento del materiale composito.

C 10

reStoratIVe / CoNSErVatiVa

2 mm

2,5 mm

3 mm

1,7 mm

1,9 mm

2,5 mm

2,5 mm

2,3 mm

1,4 mm

1,6 mm

2,2 mm

2,6 mm

1,9 mm

2,1 mm

2,2 mm

2,2 mm

ø 1,9 mm

1,7 mm

1,25 mm

2,0 mm

2,0 mm



















ø 0,9 mm

ø 1,15 mm

2,5 mm

3 mm

2,3 mm

1,4 mm

1,5 mm

2,2 mm

2,6 mm

2,1 mm

2,4 mm

ø 1,3 mm

ø 1,3 mm

ø 1 mm

ø 1 mm

1,35 mm

2,5 mm

2,5 mm

C 11



StrUMENti CaNalari

StrUMENti CaNalari


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1) ø 0,6 mm ø 0,7 mm


ø 0,9 mm





ø 0,6 mm

ø 0,8 mm

ø 1 mm



ø 0,8 mm


ø 1 mm

540/1 pluggers luks

540/2 pluggers luks

540/3 pluggers luks

plugger iSo 60

ø 0,5 mm

1/3 Endodontic plugger

ø 0,45 mm

C 12

pluggers luks


Spreader 1S











Spreader 2S

Spreader d-11

Spreader Ma57

Spreader 0


Spreader 00


Spreader 3

code colour CodiCE ColorE




ø 1,2 mm

code colour CodiCE ColorE

ø 0,4 mm

ø 1,2 mm

ø 1,1 mm


plugger iSo 80


plugger iSo 100


plugger iSo 120

Spreader iSo 20

5/7 Endodontic plugger

ø 0,75 mm

Spreader iSo 40

Spreader iSo 50

565/1 dg 16/1

GInGIVal cord PacKer StrUMENti pEr Filo rEtrattorE

ø 1 mm


Spreader iSo 30

reStoratIVe / CoNSErVatiVa

ø 0,6 mm


9/11 Endodontic plugger

ø 1,15 mm




ø 1,10 mm

ø 0,80 mm

ø 1,10 mm

glick Blade/plugger

retro filling plugger N.1

retro filling plugger N. 2



C 13


exPlorerS douBle end


SoNdE doppiE 560/1

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)















560/2 23/17a





560/5 Cattoni Ut 1/2

560/6 2

560/7 2a

560/8 3

reStoratIVe / CoNSErVatiVa



554/2 Normal handle Manico normale

naBer ProBeS: optimal to evaluate furcation areas









569/1 Nabers 1N







root canal exPlorerS SoNdE pEr CaNali

569/2 Nabers 2N

569/2 col Nabers colors




Endodontic explorers

Endodontic explorers

Endodontic explorers

dg 16/1

dg 16/17

dg 16/23


555/2 C 14

Anatomic handle Manico anatomico

C 15

exPlorerS octaGonal Handle SoNdE MaNiCo ottagoNalE 553/6

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)







InStruMentS for tHe treatMent of tHe caVItIeS StrUMENti pEr il trattaMENto dEllE CaVitĂ douBle end doppiE


552/23-17 23/17

552/23-17a 23/17a

582 C 16


IMPlantoloGY / iMplaNtologia


584 d1



oStEotoMi, LINea MedOSS

Osteotomes are cone shaped instruments in which the upper portion is hollow. It is used as a dilatator in which the smaller diameter is used in progression. Starting with number 1 which has a smaller dimension, making way for placement of number 2 and continuing with the larger dilatators. A particular attribute of the cone shaped osteotomes is that it maintains all pre-existing bone – laterally compacting bone tissue as it proceeds internally, therefore creating a stronger bone implant. The terminal part of the concave osteotomes has the function to gather and push in the upward direction (apical) bone and filling material used during the surgical procedure. When using the osteotomes they must always be wet by a sterile sodium chloride solution. If handled as a pencil this will give you control of the strength and rotating direction shaft for easier advancement. To remove-keeping the original direction using delicate rotating movements. Once you have used osteotomes they will become indispensable instruments in surgery of the upper maxilla.

gli osteotomi sono strumenti di forma tronco-conica con la parte apicale concava; funzionano come dilatatori e sono di diametro progressivamente crescente, in modo che il n. 1 quello di dimensioni minori, lascerà il sito preparato per l’inserimento del n. 2 e così via. la forma tronco-conica degli osteotomi ha la peculiarità di mantenere tutto l’osso preesistente, compattandolo lateralmente mentre procede all’interno del tessuto osseo, quindi crea un’interfaccia impianto-osso più densa. la parte terminale concava dell’osteotomo ha la funzione di raccogliere e spingere in senso apicale l’osso e il materiale da riempimento utilizzato durante la fase chirurgica. gli osteotomi devono essere sempre utilizzati bagnati con soluzione fisiologica sterile, manipolati come fossero una matita per poter tenere un buon controllo sia della forza che della direzione e ruotati sul proprio asse per facilitarne l’avanzamento; si tolgono mantenendo la direzione originaria, facendo leggeri movimenti rotatori. Una volta iniziato ad utilizzare gli osteotomi, questi diventeranno strumenti indispensabili nella chirurgia del mascellare superiore.

Straight retto

7 mm

7 mm

10 mm

10 mm

13 mm 15 mm

13 mm 15 mm

18 mm 20 mm

18 mm 20 mm

7 mm 10 mm 13 mm 15 mm 18 mm 20 mm

1321/1 (ø 2,7 mm) 1321/2 (ø 3,2 mm) 1321/3 (ø 3,7 mm) 1321/4 (ø 4,2 mm) 1321/5 (ø 5,0 mm)

1322/1 (ø 2,7 mm) 1322/2 (ø 3,2 mm) 1322/3 (ø 3,7 mm) 1322/4 (ø 4,2 mm) 1322/5 (ø 5,0 mm)

1323/1 (ø 2,7 mm) 1323/2 (ø 3,2 mm) 1323/3 (ø 3,7 mm) 1323/4 (ø 4,2 mm) 1323/5 (ø 5,0 mm)

Convex Convesso

Concave Concavo

Pointed a punta

Grey / argento – ø 2,7 mm Blue / azzurro – ø 3,2 mm Yellow / giallo – ø 3,7 mm orange / arancio – ø 4,2 mm red / rosso – ø 5,0 mm


ø and if convex or concave must be indicated Set of 8 pieces grande & Mini

Bayonet Baionetta

7 mm

7 mm

10 mm

10 mm

13 mm 15 mm

13 mm 15 mm

18 mm 20 mm

18 mm 20 mm

7 mm 10 mm 13 mm 15 mm

IMPlantoloGY / iMplaNtologia


18 mm 20 mm

1321/6 (ø 2,7 mm) 1321/7 (ø 3,2 mm) 1321/8 (ø 3,7 mm) 1321/9 (ø 4,2 mm) 1321/10 (ø 5,0 mm)

1322/6 (ø 2,7 mm) 1322/7 (ø 3,2 mm) 1322/8 (ø 3,7 mm) 1322/9 (ø 4,2 mm) 1322/10 (ø 5,0 mm)

1323/6 (ø 2,7 mm) 1323/7 (ø 3,2 mm) 1323/8 (ø 3,7 mm) 1323/9 (ø 4,2 mm) 1323/10 (ø 5,0 mm)

Convex Convesso

Concave Concavo

Pointed a punta

1300 Osteotomes set

139 Maximum precision and comfort thanks to the new system lock, of “MEDOSS Osteotomes”. Use the “EL-Key” to fix the required size.

The measures and the pattern of 4 osteotomes of the Kit 1305 must be chosen between the patterns at pag. D 3-D 4, and specified in the order.


le misure ed il modello dei 4 osteotomi facenti parte del Kit 1305 saranno quelli richiesti dal cliente al momento dell’ordine e scelti fra quelli proposti a pag. d 3-d 4.

Massima precisione e comfort grazie al nuovo sistema di chiusura, degli “osteotomi MEdoSS”. Usare la El-Key per fissare la misura richiesta.

New ergonomic handle, mixed with Medesy design. Nuovo manico ergonomico, in perfetto stile Medesy.


oSteotoMeS, douBle locK

oSteotoMeS, IMPlant SIte dIlatatorS

oStEotoMi, doppio FiSSaggio

oStEotoMi, dilatatori dEl Sito iMplaNtarE

Convex 6 mm 8 mm 11 mm 15 mm

mm 7,5

ø 1,60 ø 1,80 ø 1,90 ø 2,00 ø 2,40 ø 3,60

mm 9,5

1307/1B ø 2,7 mm

1307/2B ø 3,2 mm

1307/3B ø 3,7 mm

1307/4B ø 4,2 mm

mm 10


mm 13

ø 5 mm

mm 15,5


mm 15,5

ø 1,90 ø 2,20 ø 2,30 ø 2,35 ø 3,30 ø 3,40

mm 23,5

ø 4,50

mm 7,5 mm 9,5 mm 10 mm 13,5


mm 15,5

ø 2,80 ø 3,20 ø 3,25 ø 3,35 ø 3,50 ø 3,60

mm 21

ø 4,40

mm 9,5 mm 10,5 mm 13,5


mm 155

6 mm

mm 7,5


mm 155

mm 155

8 mm 11 mm

Now equipped with the new double locking device ora equipaggiati con il nuovo doppio sistema di bloccaggio

1307/1Bcc ø 2,7 mm

1307/2Bcc ø 3,2 mm

1307/3Bcc ø 3,7 mm

1307/4Bcc ø 4,2 mm

1307/5Bcc ø 5 mm

ø 3,10 ø 3,70 ø 3,80 ø 3,90 ø 4,20 ø 4,30

mm 7,5 mm 9,5


mm 10,5

mm 165

mm 13,5 mm 15,5 Convex

ø 3,90

ø 5,50

mm 10

ø 5,00

mm 11,5

ø 5,10

mm 10

ø 6,20

mm 13

ø 5,20

mm 13

ø 6,30

mm 20,5

ø 6,30

6 mm

IMPlantoloGY / iMplaNtologia

15 mm

8 mm 11 mm 15 mm



ø 2,7 mm

New double lock device doppio dispositivo di bloccaggio

1307/2rrt ø 3,2 mm

1307/3rrt ø 3,7 mm

1307/4rrt ø 4,2 mm

1300/3 mm 155



mm 155


mm 155

mm 155

1307/5rrt ø 5 mm

ø 2 mm

ø 2,7 mm

ø 3,25 mm

ø 3,8 mm

mm 8


mm 10

6 mm 8 mm

mm 14

11 mm

mm 18

mm 12 mm 16

15 mm

1307/1rrc ø 2,7 mm

1307/2rrc ø 3,2 mm

1307/3rrc ø 3,7 mm

1307/4rrc ø 4,2 mm

1307/5rrc ø 5 mm

1312/1P mm 150

1312/2P mm 150

1312/3P mm 150

1312/4P mm 150

1307/4rrc d4

mm 165


tItanIuM InStruMentS


StrUMENti iN titaNio


SINUS ELEVATION (INTERNAL) CONTENT: 5 Osteotomes straight and 5 Osteotomes bayonet, concave







Micro tweezer titanium Straight Micro pinzetta titanium retta

Micro tweezer titanium Curved Micro pinzetta titanium Curva

Micro needleholder titanium Straight Micro porta-aghi titanium retta

Micro needleholder titanium Curved Micro porta-aghi titanium Curva

Micro scissors titanium Straight Micro forbici titanium retta

Micro scissors titanium Curved Micro forbici titanium Curva

mm 150

mm 150

mm 180

tItanIuM curetteS

mm 180

mm 180

mm 180


CUrEttE iN titaNio

IMPlantoloGY / iMplaNtologia

CoNtENUto: 5 osteotomi retti e 5 osteotomi a baionetta, concavi


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

627/4 ti

640/5 ti

651/11 ti

10Hl669/5-6 ti

10Hl669/7-8 ti

10Hl669/11-12 ti 10Hl669/13-14 ti Short type ø 10 mm

Short type ø 10 mm

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Titanium titanio

Columbia 4r/4l ø 8 mm

204 Sd ø 8 mm

H6/7 ø 8 mm

Short type ø 10 mm

Short type ø 10 mm


SINUS CONDENSING CONTENT: 5 Osteotomes straight and 5 Osteotomes bayonet, concave


CoNtENUto: 5 osteotomi retti e 5 osteotomi a baionetta, concavi


cHISelS and MalletS SCalpElli E MartElli

mm 3,8

mm 3,8

mm 5

mm 5

mm 6 mm 9 mm 12 mm 14 mm 17

Medesy handle, excellent grip and modern design Manico Medesy, grip perfetto e di design


BONE SPLIT AND SINUS LIFT CONTAINS / CoNtiENE: 1340/1R 1340/2A 1340/3R 1340/4A 1310/5D 1310/6D


Straight retto

Curved Curvo

mm 170

mm 7,5


mm 170

ochsenbein mm 170


ochsenbein mm 170

Code color, for immediate identification

mm 7,5

mm 3,9

IMPlantoloGY / iMplaNtologia


1304/902 1304/905 1309/7

mm 4,9

Codice colore, per una immediata identificazione

mm 8 mm 10 mm 13 mm 16 3 mm

3 mm



Straight retto

Curved Curvo

mm 170


mm 170

Wakefield 1W mm 170

mm 3

mm 6

mm 9


Wakefield 2W mm 170

mm 3

mm 6

mm 9

3 mm

4 mm

3 mm

4 mm

5 mm

4 mm

5 mm

6 mm

5 mm

affilatura perfetta con scala di profondità







Single cut taglio singolo

Single cut taglio singolo

Single cut taglio singolo

Double cut taglio doppio

Double cut taglio doppio

Double cut taglio doppio

mm 155


mm 155

mm 155

mm 155

mm 155

mm 155

6 mm



partsch mm 140

954/3 (mm 3) 954/4 (mm 4) 954/5 (mm 5) 954/6 (mm 6)

partsch mm 170

ø 22 mm

6 mm 1:1

6 mm

953/3 (mm 3) 953/4 (mm 4) 953/5 (mm 5) 953/6 (mm 6)

ø 26 mm

5 mm


Superb sharpening with deep’s grade

ø 28 mm

4 mm

955/3 (mm 3) 955/4 (mm 4) 955/5 (mm 5) 955/6 (mm 6)

partsch mm 140

956/3 (mm 3) 956/4 (mm 4) 956/5 (mm 5) 956/6 (mm 6)

partsch mm 170




Teflon interchangeable inserts (952/r) inserti in teflon intercambiabili

With interchangeable inserts (950/r) inserti intercambiabili 320 gr – 11 ¼ oz

Lead filled Con piombo

Mead mm 190

Mead mm 170

Mead mm 180

200 gr – 7 oz


SInuS lIft InStruMentS

Bone ScraPer

StrUMENti pEr il rialzo SENo MaSCEllarE

grattiNo pEr oSSo


The bone scraper enables you to scrape, collect and transplant the patient’s own bone. The bone is collected in a chamber during the scraping and at the same time the bone is being mixed with blood. The bone material can be implanted directly out of the bone-scraper which has been sterilized before.

octaGonal Handle






8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto

mm 170

mm 170

mm 170

mm 170

mm 170

1308/1 mm 170



mm 170

mm 170

il grattino per osso vi permette di raschiare, riunire, e raccogliere in un contenitore l’osso del paziente e quindi di poterlo trapiantare immediatamente.


Front side davanti mm 155


mm 170

1309/2 mm 170

1309/3 mm 170

1309/4 mm 170

1309/5 mm 170

1309/6 mm 170

Back side dietro mm 155


Replacing blade lame di ricambio


Angular curved mm 155


Replacing blade lame di ricambio

GrInder for autoGenouS Bone

Sinus lift instruments are also available whit tips in titanium coated, Just add “TI” after the code. Strumenti per il rialzo del seno mascellare sono disponibili nella versione in titanio, aggiungi “TI” dopo il codice.




Buser – mm 170


MaCiNatori di oSSo aUtologo

ø 16 mm Dismantled Smontabile

Buser – mm 170

IMPlantoloGY / iMplaNtologia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

1309/9 mm 170

8 mm hollow handle 8 mm hollow handle 8 mm hollow handle 8 mm hollow handle 8 mm hollow handle 8 mm hollow handle 8 mm hollow handle 8 mm hollow handle 8 mm hollow handle 8 mm manico vuoto 8 mm manico vuoto 8 mm manico vuoto 8 mm manico vuoto 8 mm manico vuoto 8 mm manico vuoto 8 mm manico vuoto 8 mm manico vuoto 8 mm manico vuoto



Bone cracker for large bone pieces trituratore per osso per porzioni grosse

Bone Mill with TITANIUM teeth trituratore per osso in titaNio

ø 40 mm

d 10

170 mm

d 11

ø 5 mm

Bone PluGGerS ø 3 mm

trePHIne and MucotoMe trEpHiNE E MUCotoMi

ø 3 mm

Circular mucotome to remove gum and uncover implants in order to insert the healing screw.

Mucotome, tissue punches

Mucotomo circolare per la rimozione della gengiva e scopertura degli impianti per l’inserimento della vite di guarigione.

Mucotomo, punzone per tessuti

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


ø int.

1318/2,3 1318/3,5 1318/4,1 1318/4,6 1318/5,1

2,3 mm 3,5 mm 4,1 mm 4,6 mm 5,1 mm


1319/r4 (ø 4 mm 90°) 1319/r5 (ø 5 mm 90°) 1319/r6 (ø 6 mm 90°)

ø 4,1 mm

Keyes mm 100

1319/c4 (ø 4 mm 90°) 1319/c5 (ø 5 mm 90°) 1319/c6 (ø 6 mm 90°)

Keyes mm 100 Right angle Contra-angle


Medesy Bp1

ø 5 mm



Medesy Bp2

Medesy Bone Collectors 155 mm

5-1 0-1 5-2 ø 3 mm

675/MBc Mixing and Bone Collector spatula Spatola per mescolare e raccogliere osso


Bone scoop Medesy BS1

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


ø 6 mm

1315/2.0 ø int. 2 mm ø Ext. 3 mm




Bone compactors Strumento per la compattazione dell’osso

Bone compactors Strumento per la compattazione dell’osso

Instrument to measure the depth of bony tunnel profondimetro per tunnel osseo

ø 3-4 mm

ø 6-8 mm

TREPHINE Frese carotatrici con tacche di profondità servono per procurare facilmente cilindri d’osso per trapianti come per prelievi d’osso.


ø int. 3 mm ø Ext. 3.5 mm

1315/4.0 ø int. 4 mm ø Ext. 5 mm

1315/5.0 ø int. 5 mm ø Ext. 6 mm

1315/6.0 ø int. 6 mm ø Ext. 7 mm

1315/7.0 ø int. 7 mm ø Ext. 8 mm

1315/8.0 ø int. 8 mm ø Ext. 9 mm

1315/9.0 ø int. 9 mm ø Ext. 10 mm

1315/10.0 ø int. 10 mm ø Ext. 11 mm


ø int.

1315/2.0 1315/2.5 1315/3.0 1315/3.5 1315/4.0 1315/4.5 1315/5.0 1315/5.5 1315/6.0 1315/6.5 1315/7.0 1315/7.5 1315/8.0 1315/8.5 1315/9.0 1315/9.5 1315/10.0

2,0 mm

ø ext. 3,0 mm

2,5 mm

3,5 mm

3,0 mm

3,5 mm

3,5 mm

4,5 mm

4,0 mm

5,0 mm

4,5 mm

5,5 mm

5,0 mm

6,0 mm

5,5 mm

6,5 mm

6,0 mm

7,0 mm

6,5 mm

7,5 mm

7,0 mm

8,0 mm

7,5 mm

8,5 mm

8,0 mm

9,0 mm

8,5 mm

9,5 mm

9,0 mm

10,0 mm

9,5 mm

10,5 mm

IMPlantoloGY / iMplaNtologia

ø 3 mm

trePHIne Burs with depth markings are suited for precise and simple transplantation of cylindrical bone grafts as well as for all other bone-exctraction tasks.

10,0 mm 11,0 mm

957/2 Plastic autoclavable up to 134° Contains 15 pcs ø 4 mm

d 12

ø 8 mm

20 -

15 -

13 -

10 -


plastica autoclavabile fino a 134° Contiene 15 pezzi


drill case – inox 6 pcs 6 pezzi

d 13

Bone aSPIratorS

Bone InJectorS and collectorS

aSpiratori d’oSSo

iNiEttori E CoNtENitori pEr oSSo Model WItH cone ModEllo CoN iMBUto

ø mm 3,90 Suction tube with filter st. steel. Cannula d’aspirazione con filtro inox.



150 mm ø 4,4 mm



150 mm ø 7 mm

150 mm ø 3,5 mm


150 mm ø 4,4 mm

mm 145

150 mm ø 3,5 mm


150 mm ø 2,5 mm interno

IMPlantoloGY / iMplaNtologia


150 mm ø 2,5 mm

Stainless Steel. Not sterile. Sterilization in autoclave. inox. Non sterile. Sterilizzare in autoclave.


Filter ø 7 mm 185 mm


Filter spare part ø 7 mm


Filter ø 12 mm 185 mm

endo GunS for retroGradS aPPlIcatIon SYrInGeS SiriNgHE pEr rEtrogradi


Filter spare part ø 12 mm


60 x 50 x 15 mm Mini tray titanium


260 mm Device of opening and closing. Suction tube with filter for collecting the extracting bone material, attachable onto the suction unit. To be used with cannulas of ø 11 mm.

1330/f ø 12 mm h 40 mm


ø 1,2 mm Curved Curva

dispositivo di apertura e chiusura. Sistema d’aspirazione con filtro per la raccolta di materiale osseo, da collegare sull’unità d’aspirazione. da utilizzare con cannule da ø 11 mm.


260 mm


ø 20 mm – h 35 mm Plastic, single use Monouso

d 14


130 mm ø 1,2 mm Straight retta

Excellent to fill also the most difficult access areas Eccellenti per arrivare a riempire anche le zone di più difficile accesso




Curved Curva

Bone injector iniettori d’osso

Bone well Mortaio per osso

130 mm ø 1,8 mm

155 mm ø 3,5 mm

ø 35 mm h 35 mm

d 15


Abutment-holder Forceps: holds the abutment while the operator is screwing on the holder; it leaves room for easier handling; it safe holds the abutment and it helps to keep the abutment in the right position. Advantages: not more prosthetic abutment in the wrong position; not more risks for patients to ingest these small components.

CaliBri 45°

pinza porta-moncone: trattiene il moncone protesico mentre l’operatore avvita; la pinza lascia spazio per un agevole avvitamento, assicura una sicura presa del moncone e garantisce un corretto posizionamento dello stesso. Vantaggi: non più monconi in posizione errata; non più rischi per i pazienti di ingerire questi piccoli componenti.



Screwdriver Cacciavite


Abutment Moncone





Medesy mm 150



With lock Con stop

With lock Con stop

mm 160 implant tweezers titanium

Medesy mm 150


145 mm


Medesy 155 mm Implantology caliper with scale on both sides Calibro per implantologia con scala graduata su entrambi i lati

Medesy has developed a new caliper, increasing performances, in order to provide excellent precision instruments. The new caliper has been innovated both in its design, and its technical features. More captivating and harmonious design, with insuperable perfection.

4987/1r (Straight / retto) 4987/2a (Curved / Curvo)

Castroviejo 85 mm 0-20 mm

4995/1r (Straight / retto) 4995/2a (Curved / Curvo)

Castroviejo 180 mm Scale 0-40 mm

IMPlantoloGY / iMplaNtologia


Medesy ha sviluppato un nuovo calibro, incrementando le performances per ottenere uno strumento ad alta precisione. il nuovo calibro è stato innovato seguendo concetti quali design e tecnologia. design accattivante ed armonioso, combinati con una insuperabile perfezione.



Straight retta

Curved Curva

arnohold 220 mm

d 16

arnohold 220 mm


125 mm Sliding caliper Calibro

d 17


BONE-SPLITTING SET CONTAINS / CoNtiENE: 1310/1S Chisel single cut 1310/2S Chisel single cut 1310/3S Chisel single cut 941 Chisel double mm 3,9 942 Chisel double mm 4,9 1304/901 Sinus lift 1304/902 Sinus lift 1304/905 ti Sinus lift ti 952 Hammer mead 3804 Bone rongeur luer

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia

981 tray


SINUS LIFT SET CONTAINS / CoNtiENE: 1304/901 1304/902 1304/903 1304/904 1304/905

d 18

Also available with titanium instruments disponibile anche con strumenti in titanio


centurY lIne

WIre cutterS


troNCHESiNi PIn and lIGature cutterS 3000/85 tc

TC inserts for cutters and distals. Only the best and hardest materials, for wires. Different cut capabilities, for any need. inserti in tC, per tronchesi e distali. Solo i materiali più pregiati e resistenti, per fili. differenti capacità di taglio, per ogni esigenza.

New RHOMBUS design for Medesy distals. Recognize Medesy from details. Nuova forma roMBoidalE per i distali Medesy. riconoscere Medesy dai dettagli.

BOX-JOINT SYSTEM, laborious joint system, that allows a long and safe use of pliers. The stability of a perfect blades’ alignment, assure high precision in cut or wires twisting.

Micro sand finish, an optimal surface, comfortable and anti-reflection.

Yellow handles, international code to recognize TC inserts on tips.

Finitura a microsfere, per ottenere un’ottima superficie, pregiata ed anti-riflesso.

Manici con finale dorato, indicano secondo un codice internazionale l’inserimento di placche tC.

SiStEMa BoX-JoiNt, laborioso sistema di assemblaggio che permette un lungo e sicuro utilizzo della pinza. la stabilità del perfetto allineamento delle lame garantisce precisione di taglio, pieghe etc. 3000/89 tc ø max 0,3 mm (mm 120)

3000/85 tc ø max 0,3 mm (mm 130)

3000/85 tc - 15° ø max 0,3 mm (mm 130)

3000/91 tc ø max 0,3 mm (mm 125)

Angled 15°

Hard WIre cutterS


Century line

3000/99 tc ø max 0,5 mm (mm 130)

3000/94 tc ø max 0,5 mm (mm 130) Angled 15°

3000/87 tc ø max 0,7 mm (mm 130)

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

3000/87 tc - 15° ø max 0,7 mm (mm 130) Angled 15°


dIStal end cutterS

Hard Steel

troNCHESiNi diStali CoN ritENUta

3000/92 tc

3000/64 tc

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


ø max 1,0 mm (mm 140)

3000/18 tc ø max 1,0 mm (mm 155)

1:1 scale

3000/64 tc

1:1 scale

3000/67 tc

ø max 0,55 x 0,64 mm (mm 125)


9953/150 tc (ø max 1,2 mm) 9953/170 tc (ø max 1,6 mm)

9952/160 tc

3000/67 tc ll

ø max 0,55 x 0,64 mm (mm 125)

ø max 0,55 x 0,64 mm (mm 150) Long handle Manico lungo

TRIPLE ACTION SYSTEM, for heavy wire, ensures perfect tip alignment and precision cutting. Reduce a lot effort on cutting.

niti dIStal end Specially designed for NiTi wires, in order to cut and hold them safety.

SiStEMa tripla azioNE, per fili grossi, assicura un perfetto allineamento delle punte e precisione di taglio. riduce di molto lo sforzo di taglio.

disegnato appositamente per fili al Niti, possono essere tagliati e trattenuti in sicurezza.

1:1 scale

9952/160 tc (ø max 1,2 mm) 9952/180 tc (ø max 1,6 mm) 9952/230 tc (ø max 2,2 mm)

1:1 scale

3000/88 tc

ø max 0,55 x 0,64 mm (mm 125)

1:1 scale

3000/77 tc

ø max 0,55 x 0,64 mm (mm 125)

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia

3000/92 tc

Scala di conversione mm Inch 0,3 ................................................. 0,012" 0,4 ................................................. 0,016" 0,5 ................................................. 0,020" 0,6 ................................................. 0,024" 0,7 ................................................. 0,028" 0,8 ................................................. 0,031" 0,9 ................................................. 0,035" 1,0 ................................................. 0,039"

1:1 scale

3000/69 tc

Niti wires, 0,12" and 0,14" (mm 125)


WIre BendInG PlIerS


piNzE pEr piEgarE Fili


3000/39 tc


Weingart ø max 0,5 mm (mm 140)

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

Versatile utility plier with very fine serration.


Weingart with fine points.

Weingart – Slim ø max 0,5 mm (mm 145)

3000/25 tc Weingart angled ø max 0,5 mm (mm 140)

Weingart with Tc tips, indicated also for placement and removal of archwires, because of the tapered angular design.

3000/39 tc angle N.139 ø max 0,7 mm (mm 125)

Bird beak plier, cone and pyramidal tips in Tc. Indicated for loops and general bending of round wires.

3000/46c tc


Squared beaks, clasp and wire bending plier.

3000/47 tc

angle with cutter ø max 0,5 mm (mm 130)

Bird beak with cutter and Tc inserts.

3000/86 tc angle N.138 ø max 0,7 mm (mm 125)

Long bird beaks for light wire. Tc inserts.

3000/21 ø max 0,7 mm (mm 130)

4 grooved bird beaks used to form precise loops in round, squared or rectangular light wire.


2 round beaks long.

“ MEDESY IN SPOT Medesy suggests to use “Medesy dental lubricant”, special oil. It is recommended to keep the pliers lubricated on the joint area, every 2 or 3 uses. This is the standard maintenance to ensure a perfect use of the pliers for a long time, avoiding any uncomfortable grippage.

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

Medesy suggerisce di utilizzare il “Medesy dental lubricant”, olio speciale. Si raccomanda di tener lubrificate le pinze, ogni 2 o 3 utilizzi nella parte di giuntura. Normale manutenzione che assicura un perfetto utilizzo per lungo tempo, evitando eventuali grippaggi.


How plier – Straight ø max 0,7 mm (mm 140)


utility plier with round and serrated tips. Ideal for removal and placement of the archwires. Grasping all types of auxiliaries attachments.


How plier – angled ø max 0,7 mm (mm 140)

45° angled tips for convenient access to lingual and others difficult posteriors areas.

4100 210 ml

adams ø max 0,4 mm (mm 125)

N.64 ø max 0,7 mm (mm 140)

Squared beaks, heavy type.

3000/44 ø max 0,7 mm (mm 125)

2 round beaks short.

ø max 0,6 mm (mm 140)





(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

ø 0,8 mm


tweed ø max 0,5 mm (mm 135)

designed to form precise omega loops. Long grooved beak internally smoothed. Short type.


tweed ø max 0,5 mm (mm 130)

designed to form precise omega loops. Short grooved beak internally serrated. Short type.


tweed ø max 0,5 mm (mm 145)

designed to form precise omega loops. Long grooved beak internally smoothed. Long type.


tweed ø max 0,5 mm (mm 145)

designed to form precise omega loops. Long grooved beak internally serrated. Long type.


ø 0,7 mm

Long and delicate beaks plier.

ø max 0,8 mm (mm 135)


optical ø max 0,7 mm (mm 140)

ø 1,2 mm

concave/convex loop forming plier, small-medium.


optical ø max 0,5 mm (mm 135)


concave/convex loop forming plier, medium-large.

Hollow chop ø max 0,8 mm (mm 140)

contours and form arches of all sizes.

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

ø 2,0 mm


tweed – o’Brein ø max 0,7 mm (mm 140)

Graduated cone to form precise omega and closing loops. Micro serrated beaks to prevent wire slippage.


Young ø max 0,7 mm (mm 130)

Ideal for labial arches and face bow. universal plier for different size loops.

3000/40c tc tweed ø max 0,4 mm (mm 135) With cutter


Ideal with round and square wire, for making consistent uniform loops. Section tips 1,2-1,8-2,0 mm.

3000/38c tc ø max 0,6 mm (mm 130) With cutter

Light wire cutting and contouring plier. For round wire, to bend small ø loops. contouring of loops and arches up to 0,55 x 0,64 mm.


Jarabak ø max 0,7 mm (mm 140)

Light wire bending plier. Versatile in different uses, as bending or closing loops. One beak partially serrated for safe grip.


Nance ø max 0,7 mm (mm 135)

Loop closing plier. For bending of stop loops and ideal for adams clasps.

3000/60 ø max 1,4 mm (mm 130)

3 prong plier. For hard wires. round tips prevents any damage of archwire.





aderer – Short ø max 0,6 mm (mm 120)


tweed – Short ø max 0,5 mm (mm 125)

E 10

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

3 jaw plier – Short. Lightly rounded tips, for contouring and bending without damaging the archwire.


arch forming plier – Short. Ideal for torquing and bending squared or rectangular wire. Parallel blades prevents crushing of wires.


aderer – long ø max 0,6 mm (mm 130)

tweed – long ø max 0,7 mm (mm 130)

3 jaw plier – Long. Lightly rounded tips, for contouring and bending without damaging the archwire.


arch forming plier – Long. as 3000/51 but for bigger wires size.


de la rosa ø max 0,5 mm (mm 125)


(mm 135)

contours and forms archwires, of light wire without torquing.


crown and band contouring plier.


de la rosa ø max 0,5 mm (mm 125)


(mm 130)

Same as 3000/34 with additional grooves measuring respectively 0,41-0,46-0,56 mm.


crown and band contouring plier.


arrow clasp bending plier.

Schwarz ø max 0,7 mm (mm 125)

ø max 0,5 mm (mm 140)


Nance ø max 0,7 mm (mm 130)

closing loop plier. different loops in only one plier.

Loop bending plier. Four step tips (3, 4, 5, 6 mm) for loops forming. round and rectangular wire.


Cinch back ø max 0,7 mm (mm 157)


arrow clasp bending plier.

Schwarz ø max 0,7 mm (mm 130)

3000/58 ø max 0,7 mm (mm 125)

Lingual arch forming plier for fast forming all lingual retainers.

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

cinch back utility plier. For closing arches or cinch down a wire. use on round or rectangular wire.

E 11

arGentuM lIne

BracKetS and Band PlIerS

argENtUM liNE


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

Excellent serration, for all utility pliers. Assure the best grip of wires.

RIVET-JOINT SYSTEM, a pretty good result, between quality and functionality.

Eccellente zigrinatura, per le pinze di utilità. assicura la miglior presa dei fili.

SiStEMa riVEt-JoiNt, un ottimo risultato, tra qualità e funzionalità.

The 2 sharpen tips allow to enter between the brackets base and tooth surface, lifting the bracket off, with virtually no stress. 3000/83


(mm 130)

(mm 135)

(mm 135)

Crimpable archwire hook

Bracket remover – Straight

Bracket remover – angled

For ball hooks and auxiliaries

pinza per rimozione attacchi d.B. le due punte affilate permettono di entrare sotto la flangia dell’attacco e ne consentono il distacco con estrema facilità.

Finitura a microsfere, per ottenere un’ottima superficie, pregiata, anti-riflesso ed anti-scivolo.

Silver plated, to recognize easily the “ARGENTUM” from “CENTURY LINE” (pliers with TC remains with yellow handle). Manici argentati, per riconoscere facilmente la “argENtUM” dalla “CENtUrY liNE” (pinze in tC hanno gambi dorati).

MedeSY rIVet-JoInt SYSteM, for arGentuM lIne This is the traditional and less expensive joint system, for orthodontic pliers. To fix the plier, we use a large rivet, which has double head size: the part fixed on the front side, has large surface, granting the best stability. At the same time, the new Medesy pliers assures perfect results in terms of long life, safety and best performances.

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia


Micro sand finish, an optimal surface, comfortable, anti-reflection and anti-slippage.

MEDESY RIVET-JOINT, PER ARGENTUM LINE È il sistema tradizionale più economico di assemblaggio delle pinze ortodontiche. Utilizza un rivetto a passo largo e poi ribattuto. la misura della testa è raddoppiata, questo per garantire con maggior sicurezza il fissaggio, la durata e quindi l’utilizzo della pinza.

The plastic insert remains perfectly still on the occlusal surface of the molar tooth, allowing a perfect position of the tip during the removal of the band.

3000/49 tc

3000/50 tc

(mm 135)

(mm 135)

posterior band remover – Short

E 12

posterior band remover – long


Tips spare parts, 2 pieces packed gommini di ricambio, 2 pezzi al sacchetto

pinze per la rimozione bande, disponibili in 2 misure, corta e lunga. il gommino rimane perfettamente in contatto con il molare, permettendo una ottimale posizione della punta, per la rimozione della banda.

Argentum line

E 13

dIStal end cutterS

WIre BendInG PlIerS

troNCHESiNi diStali CoN ritENUta

piNzE pEr piEgarE Fili

3200/67 tc


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

3200/67 tc

3200/77 tc

ø max 0,55 x 0,64 mm (mm 120)

3200/88 tc

ø max 0,55 x 0,64 mm (mm 120)

ø max 0,55 x 0,64 mm (mm 120)


Weingart ø max 0,5 mm (mm 140)

Versatile utility plier with very fine serration.


Weingart with fine points.


utility plier with round How plier – Straight and serrated tips. Ideal for removal and ø max 0,7 mm placement of archwires. (mm 135)


Bird beak pliers, cone and pyramidal tips in Tc. Indicated for loops and general bending of round wires.


Bird beak plier, cone and pyramidal tips. Indicated for loops and general bending of round wire.



Weingart – Slim ø max 0,5 mm (mm 140)

45° angled tips How plier – Curved for convenient access to lingual ø max 0,7 mm and others difficult (mm 135) posterior areas.

WIre cutterS troNCHESiNi

3200/87 tc


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

3200/85 tc ø max 0,3 mm (mm 120)

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

3200/94 tc ø max 0,5 mm (mm 120) Angled

E 14

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

3200/87 tc ø max 0,6 mm (mm 120)

3200/18 tc ø max 1,0 mm (mm 150)

3200/39 tc angle N.139 ø max 0,7 mm (mm 120)

angle ø max 0,6 mm (mm 120)

adams ø max 0,7 mm (mm 120)

Squared beaks, clasps and wire bending plier.

tweed ø max 0,5 mm (mm 135)

designed to form precise omega loops. Long grooved beak internally serrated. Long type.

E 15




tweed o’Brein ø max 0,7 mm (mm 135)

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

Graduated cone to form precise omega and closing loops. Micro serrated beak to prevent wire slippage.


tweed ø max 0,5 mm (mm 130)

designed to form precise omega loops. Long grooved beak internally smoothed. Short type.


Young ø max 0,5 mm (mm 125)

Ideal for labial arches and face bow. universal plier for different sizes loops.


Nance ø max 0,7 mm (mm 125)


de la rosa ø max 0,5 mm (mm 120)

E 16


aderer – Short ø max 0,6 mm (mm 120)

3 jaw plier – Short. Lightly rounded tips, for contouring and bending without damaging the archwire.


3 jaw plier – Long. as 3200/57, but with long tips.


tweed – Short ø max 0,5 mm (mm 120)

arch forming plier – Short. Ideal for torquing and bending squared or rectangular wire. Parallel blades prevents crushing of wires.


arch forming plier – Long. as 3200/51 but for bigger wires sizes.


crown and band contouring plier.


crown and band contouring plier.


Loop closing plier. For bending of stop loops. and ideal plier for adams clasps.

aderer – long ø max 0,6 mm (mm 120)

tweed – long ø max 0,7 mm (mm 125)


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


Loop bending plier. Four step tips for loops forming. round and rectangular wire.

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

contours and forms archwires, of light wire without torquing.


de la rosa ø max 0,5 mm (mm 120)

as 3200/34 with additional grooves.

3200/58 ø max 0,7 mm (mm 120)

Lingual arch forming plier, for fast forming all lingual retainers.

3200/15 Mc Kellops


Schwarz ø max 0,4 mm (mm 135)


(mm 135)


(mm 125)


(mm 140)

E 17



3200/171 tc V-Stop plier ø max 0,6 mm (mm 125)

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

Make V-Bend for archwires.


langbeck ø max 0,8 mm (mm 130)

Versatile utility plier with fine serration. Flat beaks.

3200/12 Fischer

Fischer utility plier, with longer flat beaks.

(mm 135)

3200/11 tc goslee

(mm 130)

utility pliers. Flat nose wire bending pliers Tc inserts.

3200/10 Waldsachs


Universal (mm 155)

Medesy presents an optimal solution to handle the orthodontic pliers, during the cleaning and sterilizing process. Thanks to the special silicon insert used, it is possible to keep the pliers open for one of the most important process, in a safe way. This is also a good solution to stock the instruments before use.


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

universal pin bending plier. Bends wire up to 0,9 mm. cuts wire up to 0,7 mm.

2810 tc Universal

(mm 155)

universal pin bending plier Tc inserts. Bends wire up to 0,9 mm. cuts wire up to 0,8 mm.

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia

(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

Medesy presenta un’ottimale soluzione per maneggiare le pinze ortodontiche, durante il processo di pulizia e sterilizzazione. grazie allo speciale silicone utilizzato, si possono mantenere aperte le pinze durante uno dei più importanti processi, in modo semplice e sicuro. Questa risulta essere una buona soluzione per lo stoccaggio delle pinze, prima dell’utilizzo.


langbeck ø max 0,4 mm (mm 130)

E 18

2 round beaks long type.


Jarabak ø max 0,6 mm (mm 135)

Light wire bending plier. Versatile in different uses, as bending or closing loops. One beak partially serrated for safe grip.



(mm 130)

(mm 130)

Bracket remover – Straight

Bracket remover – angled


E 19

BracKetS InStruMentS High precision alta precisione

Four different heights for bracket positioning, 3.5 mm, 4 mm, 4.5 mm and 5 mm. Star points sit inside the brackets face and measure to the incisal edge. Un solo piccolo strumento per misurare le altezze dove posizionare gli slot. 4 differenti altezze per posizionare le brackets 3.5 mm, 4 mm, 4.5 mm, 5 mm.

Specifically designed for posterior positioning of any direct bond attachment. Excellent view afforded by the small head. Serrated tips give you a firm grip. The hard anodized aluminum allows you to work in comfort.

Auxiliary instrument for the distal bending of the arches. Strumento ausiliario per la piegatura distale degli archi.


Positioning gauge posizionatore per bande e brackets

4874/1 (per slot 018) 4874/2 (per slot 022)

4876/1 (per slot 018) 4876/2 (per slot 022)


Bracket height Gauge – Aluminium altimetro per bracket – alluminio

Bracket height Gauge – Stainless steel altimetro per bracket – acciaio

ø mm 0,75 – 030"


ø mm 0,55 – 022"

dIrect BondInG BracKet HolderS piNzEttE pEr l’ESatto poSizioNaMENto dEl BraCKEt


Molar band seater ring adapter adattatore


Band seater with tin inserts adattatore di bande con inserto in stagno


Band seating instruments high heat bite stick used in all heat sterilizers Sterilizzabile a caldo

4870 (mm 145) Mershon


Light weight positive positioner (aluminium) posizionatore per tubi ed attacchi nei settori posteriori (alluminio)

PlIer’S Holder

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia

Strumento disegnato per il posizionamento di qualunque attacco diretto. la piccola parte lavorante consente di avere una eccellente visione del campo operativo ed inoltre le due zigrinature interne permettono di avere sempre una presa sicura. la leggerezza dello strumento, appositamente prodotto in alluminio, garantisce una maggiore precisione d’uso e maneggevolezza.

Essential to place the buccal tubes.


mm 135

E 20


mm 135


mm 135


mm 140


mm 135


mm 120


mm 135


240 x 140 mm


155 x 140 mm

E 21

lIGature InStruMentS StrUMENti pEr lEgatUrE


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)


Smaha (mm 140) Straight retto


Smaha (mm 140) Curved Curvo


Mini Mathieu (mm 140) Straight retto


Mini Mathieu smoothed (mm 140)

Utility instrument Strumento di utilità



Ligature Tucker legature tucker

Ligature Tucker legature tucker


Elastic ligature applicator applicatore per elastici



Curved Curvo

Smoothed liscio

ortHodontIcS / ortodoNzia

Ligature directional instruments direzionatori per legature

lIGature InStruMent Simple to use and to make ligature of the total arch without need to cut the wire. STRUMENTO PER LEGATURE Strumento ideato per realizzare legature metalliche dell’intera arcata senza la necessità del taglio del filo.

E 22

2825 (mm 140)

2824 (mm 120)

Pliers to place modules pinza per moduli

Forceps for placing dentalastics pinza per applicare i dentalastics

2812 (mm 165)

2822 (mm 150)

2823 (mm 150)

Ligature tying pliers pinza per tendere legature metalliche

Separating pliers for separating elastics and easy placement of elastomeric ligatures pinza per separazione elastici e semplice inserimento di elastomeri


E 23

cm 55 x 22 x 8 Exposer Espositore

laBoratorY / laBoratorio


Carry with you how many pliers as you want in a very nice and comfortable case. Choose how to fit it, selecting your favorite orthodontic pliers. An optimal solution for congress and exhibitions.

E 24

trasporta in modo semplice ed elegante le pinze ortodontiche, scegliendo tra tutte quelle presenti nella linea. Soluzione ottimale per congressi e fiere.


Wax and ModellInG InStruMentS


(1:1 scale / Scala 1:1)

StrUMENti pEr ModEllarE



p.K. thomas


p.K. thomas



p.K. thomas


p.K. thomas

p.K. thomas


laBoratorY / laBoratorio

With case. Set of 5 pieces. Light pattern. Con astuccio. Confezione da 5 pezzi. Modello leggero.

P.K. Thomas code color light handle ø 8 mm p.K. thomas codice colore manico leggero ø 8 mm






Aluminium handle Manico in alluminio

Aluminium handle Manico in alluminio

Aluminium handle Manico in alluminio

Aluminium handle Manico in alluminio

Aluminium handle Manico in alluminio

p.K. thomas

599/Set F2

With case. Set of 6 pieces. Light pattern. Con astuccio. Confezione da 6 pezzi. Modello leggero.

581/Set Color set Set colore

p.K. thomas

p.K. thomas

p.K. thomas

p.K. thomas


ceMent SPatulaS – Wax and ModellInG carVerS

Wax KnIVeS Wooden Handle – SPatulaS for alGInate and PlaSterS

Spatola pEr CEMENti – StrUMENti pEr ModEllarE

ColtElli pEr CEra MaNiCi iN lEgNo – SpatolE pEr algiNato E gESSo MaNiCi iN lEgNo

SolderInG tWeezerS

Fiber handles Manico in fibra











Fahnenstock mm 125

Flexible, for mixing medium cement Flessibile, per cementi medi


Fahnenstock mm 175


lessmann mm 125


lessmann mm 175



mm 125

le Cron



le Cron


le Cron

597 MSY

598 MSY


le Cron

594 Hylin

596 Hylin

595 Hylin

591 zahle

592 zahle

593 zahle





Rigid rigida

Flexible, assorted colors Flessibile, colori assortiti

Spatula 8x

mm 210



Straight retta

Curved Curva

mm 165

mm 160

PlaSter and alGInate algiNato E gESSo


mm 190

gritman mm 170

With bowl Con scodellino

elaStoMerS elaStoMerI



mm 170

laBoratorY / laBoratorio


mm 230


mm 215


mm 205




Curved, rigid Curva, rigida

Rigid rigida

Rigid rigida

mm 200

mm 180

mm 180


ceraMIcS SculPturInG InStruMentS

laBoratorY Set

StrUMENti pEr CEraMiCa

SEt pEr protESi MoBilE E pEr tECNiCo

Special set of ceramic sculpturing instruments light weight handles and stainless steel tips, different shape: gingival blade, incisal blade and knife blade. Replacement tips are availables. Manici leggeri e punte di forme diverse in acciaio inox, lama gengivale, lama incisale, lama coltello. disponibili con puntali di ricambio.





Contents / Contenuto art. 599 - 593 - 592 - 202 - 206 - 201 - 214 - 221 - 1519 - 3511 - 3522 - 3633 - 4981 - 2810.

“ MEDESY IN SPOT content can be changed on request. Il contenuto può essere cambiato a richiesta.

laBoratorY Set


SEt pEr CEraMiCa E protESi FiSSa

mm 0,1

Superflexible Tips puntali superflessibili

laBoratorY / laBoratorio


577/4-5-6 mm 0,2

Flexible Tips puntali flessibili

Both instruments are availables with flexible or superflexible tips. Entrambi gli strumenti sono disponibili con puntali flessibili o superflessibili.








Aluminium handle Yellow Manico alluminio giallo

Aluminium handle Blue Manico alluminio Blu

Aluminium handle Red Manico alluminio rosso

Aluminium handle Yellow Manico alluminio giallo

Aluminium handle Blue Manico alluminio Blu

Aluminium handle Red Manico alluminio rosso

577/1 577/2 577/3

577/4 577/5 577/6


Contents / Contenuto art. 581/1 - 581/2 - 581/3 - 581/4 - 581/5 - 3511 - 1519 - 1024 - 3633 - 596 - 594 - 575/1 - 575/2 - 575/3


MalletS – PlaSter SHearS – SaWS


MartEllEtti – CESoiE pEr gESSo – SEgHEtti


Riveting mallets, wooden handle Martelletti per rivettare, manici in legno

This is the new articulator, anatomic type, made in aluminium pressofusion of only 400/gr. weight. Realized for easy access and visibility to the lingual surface and for a perfect stability also in reversed position. The return to the hinge axis with recall springs is automatic. Technical details: • Opening 125°. • Condylar inclination fixed at 30°. • Intercondylar distance at 110 mm. • Incisal table inclination 10°. • Bennet angle fixed at 7°. • Distance between the mounting plates 85 mm. • Spare parts on request.

Questo nuovo articolatore anatomico, del peso di 400 gr. è prodotto in alluminio pressofuso. È stato ideato per un facile accesso e visibilità delle superfici linguali e per una perfetta stabilità anche in posizione rovesciata. il ritorno in asse è automatico grazie a delle molle di richiamo.

mm 200 Horn tip punta in corno


mm 220 Metal tip punta in acciaio inox


mm 220 Metal tip punta in acciaio inox



For plaster per gesso

For metal per metallo


mm 250 Fret saw archetto per seghetti


dettagli tecnici: • apertura 125°. • inclinazione condilare fissata a 30°. • distanza intercondilare a 110 mm. • inclinazioni base incisale 10°. • angolo di Bennet fissato a 7°. • distanza fra le piastre di montaggio 85 mm. • parti di ricambio su richiesta.

PlaSter SHearS

7 5 9 8 3 4

Complete Magnetic plate for articulator 5222 and related spare parts. piastra magnetica completa per articolatore 5222 e relativi ricambi.







laBoratorY / laBoratorio




mm 180



mm 0,12x5


Conf. 12 pcs Sacchetti da 12 pezzi

mm 0,25x5 4

Conf. 12 pcs Sacchetti da 12 pezzi

mm 200 Plastic handle Manici in plastica


mm 210

1645/1 (mm 250) 1645/2 (mm 320) Crucible tongs pinza per cilindri e muffole










Conf. 12 pcs Sacchetti da 12 pezzi





Mounting plates and occlusal table lock screws Viti per piastre di montaggio e piano di occlusione


Upper jaw member screws Viti per impugnatura movimenti laterali

5222/10 Magnet Magnete

Incisal table and incisal guide pin lock screws Viti per asta e base incisale

mm 0,25x3


Incisor indicator pin indicatore incisale

Incisal table 10° Base incisale 10°



Adjustable lateral excursion lock screws Viti di bloccaggio movimenti laterali

Incisal guide pin asta incisale graduata




Occlusal table piano di occlusione 3



Mounting plates piastre di montaggio


Cast fastening washers ghiere per fissaggio modelli sul magnete


Complete magnetic plate piastra magnetica completa


StaInleSS Steel anatoMIc IMPreSSIon traYS WItH retentIon rIM

portaiMproNtE ForatE rEgolari iNoX CoN il BordiNo ritENtiVo


6000/ l1 6000/ l2 6000/ l3 6000/ l4 6000/ l5 6000/ l6

6000/ u1 6000/ u2 6000/ u3 6000/ u4 6000/ u5 6000/ u6

uppers / Superiori

Sizes / Misure (mm)

lowers / inferiori

u1 xxS

u2 xS

u3 S

u4 M

u5 l

u6 xl












Sizes / Misure (mm)

uppers / Superiori

l1 xxS

l2 xS

l3 S

l4 M

l5 l

l6 xl














StaInleSS Steel reGular IMPreSSIon traYS WItHout retentIon rIM


u3 S

u4 M

u5 l

u6 xl













F 10

u4 M

u5 l

u6 xl











l2 xS

l3 S

l4 M

l5 l

l6 xl















Contains 12 pcs Contiene 12 pezzi

StaInleSS Steel anatoMIc IMPreSSIon traYS WItHout retentIon rIM

6004/ l1 6004/ l2 6004/ l3 6004/ l4 6004/ l5 6004/ l6

6004/ u1 6004/ u2 6004/ u3 6004/ u4 6004/ u5 6004/ u6


Sizes / Misure (mm)

uppers / Superiori

l1 xxS

l2 xS

l3 S

l4 M

l5 l

l6 xl














l1 xxS


Contains 12 pcs Contiene 12 pezzi

lowers / inferiori

u3 S

Sizes / Misure (mm)

portaiMproNtE aNatoMiCHE iNoX SENza il BordiNo ritENtiVo

Sizes / Misure (mm)

u2 xS


6004 Kit 6005 Kit


u1 xxS


6000 Kit 6003 Kit

6003/ l1 6003/ l2 6003/ l3 6003/ l4 6003/ l5 6003/ l6

uppers / Superiori


lowers / inferiori

u2 xS

portaiMproNtE ForatE rEgolari iNoX SENza il BordiNo ritENtiVo

6003/ u1 6003/ u2 6003/ u3 6003/ u4 6003/ u5 6003/ u6

Sizes / Misure (mm)

u1 xxS



6005/ l1 6005/ l2 6005/ l3 6005/ l4 6005/ l5 6005/ l6

6005/ u1 6005/ u2 6005/ u3 6005/ u4 6005/ u5 6005/ u6 6000/1lP


portaiMproNtE aNatoMiCHE iNoX CoN il BordiNo ritENtiVo


laBoratorY / laBoratorio

StaInleSS Steel reGular IMPreSSIon traYS WItH retentIon rIM


Sizes / Misure (mm)

lowers / inferiori

u1 xxS

u2 xS

u3 S

u4 M

u5 l

u6 xl















Sizes / Misure (mm)

l1 xxS

l2 xS

l3 S

l4 M

l5 l

l6 xl
















F 11

StaInleSS Steel IMPreSSIon traYS edentulouS (coMPlete denture) SPecIal forM

eHrIcKe StaInleSS Steel IMPreSSIon traYS portaiMproNtE iN aCCiaio iNoX ModEllo EHriCKE

portaiMproNtE pEr protESi totali – EdENtUli iNoX ForMa SpECialE 6009


6011/ l1 6011/ l2 6011/ l3 6011/ l4 6011/ l5 6011/ l6

6011/ u1 6011/ u2 6011/ u3 6011/ u4 6011/ u5



u1 xxS 60










l1 xxS


uppers / Superiori Sizes / Misure (mm) u2 u3 u4 u5 xS S M l

lowers / inferiori Sizes / Misure (mm) l2 l3 l4 xS S M

6002/ u1 6002/ u2

l5 l

l6 xl













u1 xxS










lowers / inferiori Sizes / Misure (mm) l2 l3 l4 xS S M

6010/ u1 6010/ u2 6010/ u3

l5 l

l6 xl













Partially toothed per arcate parzialmente dentate

Only available in kit 4 pcs disponibile solo in kit 4 pezzi

uppers / Superiori Sizes / Misure (mm) u2 u3 u4 u5 xS S M l


l1 xxS

6002/ l1 6002/ l2

6010/ l1 6010/ l2 6010/ l3

uppers / Superiori


6010/Kit Edentulous jaws per arcate edentule

Only available in kit 6 pcs disponibile solo in kit 6 pezzi

6001/ u1 6001/ u2 6001/ u3 6001/ u4 6001/ u5

portaiMproNtE pErForatE iN allUMiNio


6006/ l1 6006/ l2 6006/ l3 6006/ l4 6006/ l5 6006/ l6

6001/ l1 6001/ l2 6001/ l3 6001/ l4 6001/ l5


6001/Kit Toothed jaws per arcate dentate

Only available in kit 10 pcs disponibile solo in kit 10 pezzi 6006/4dr

F 12

Sizes / Misure (mm)

lowers / inferiori

u1 xxS

u2 xS

u3 S

u4 M

u5 l

u6 xl













56 Sizes / Misure (mm)







Sizes / Misure (mm)










lowers / inferiori







Sizes / Misure (mm)










Contains 11 pcs Contiene 11 pezzi

aluMInIuM Perforated IMPreSSIon traYS

uppers / Superiori


uppers / Superiori

6009 Kit 6011 Kit

6006/ u1 6006/ u2 6006/ u3 6006/ u4 6006/ u5 6006/ u6


lowers / inferiori


Sizes / Misure (mm)

For narrow toothed upper jaws per arcate superiori strette dentate

Sizes / Misure (mm)

l1 xxS

l2 xS

l3 S

l4 M

l5 l

l6 xl
















uppers / Superiori u1 u2 xxS xS 59




lowers / inferiori l1 l2 xxS xS

u5 l







Sizes / Misure (mm) l3 l4 S M

l5 l











uppers / Superiori


Sizes / Misure (mm) u3 u4 S M

laBoratorY / laBoratorio

6009/ l1 6009/ l2 6009/ l3 6009/ l4 6009/ l5 6009/ l6

6009/ u1 6009/ u2 6009/ u3 6009/ u4 6009/ u5

Sizes / Misure (mm) ucB 70 54

F 13

StaInleSS Steel edentulouS (coMPlete denture) rIM locK

StaInleSS Steel ortHodontIc (cHIldren) rIM locK

portaiMproNtE pEr protESi totali EdENtUli iNoX CoN il BordiNo ritENtiVo

portaiMproNtE ortodoNtiCHE iNoX CoN il BordiNo ritENtiVo

uppers / Superiori Sizes / Misure (mm)


u1 S

u2 M

u3 l

u4 xl







lowers / inferiori Sizes / Misure (mm) l1 S

l2 M

l3 l

l4 xl












uppers / Superiori Sizes / Misure (mm)


6013 Kit Contains 8 pcs Contiene 8 pezzi

u1 S

u2 M

u3 l

u4 xl







lowers / inferiori Sizes / Misure (mm) l1 S

l2 M

l3 l

l4 xl












StaInleSS Steel edentulouS (coMPlete denture) Perforated rIM locK

StaInleSS Steel ortHodontIc (cHIldren) Perforated rIM locK

portaiMproNtE pEr protESi totali EdENtUli iNoX ForatE CoN il BordiNo ritENtiVo

portaiMproNtE ortodoNtiCHE iNoX pErForatE CoN il BordiNo ritENtiVo

6014/ u1 6014/ u2 6014/ u3 6014/ u4

6014/ l1 6014/ l2 6014/ l3 6014/ l4

uppers / Superiori Sizes / Misure (mm)


F 14

6017/ l1 6017/ l2 6017/ l3 6017/ l4

6017/ u1 6017/ u2 6017/ u3 6017/ u4

u1 S

u2 M

u3 l

u4 xl

l1 S

l2 M

l3 l

l4 xl


















uppers / Superiori Sizes / Misure (mm)


6014 Kit Contains 8 pcs Contiene 8 pezzi

Contains 8 pcs Contiene 8 pezzi

6018/ l1 6018/ l2 6018/ l3 6018/ l4

6018/ u1 6018/ u2 6018/ u3 6018/ u4

lowers / inferiori Sizes / Misure (mm)

6017 Kit laBoratorY / laBoratorio

6013/ l1 6013/ l2 6013/ l3 6013/ l4

6013/ u1 6013/ u2 6013/ u3 6013/ u4

u1 S

u2 M

u3 l

u4 xl







lowers / inferiori Sizes / Misure (mm) l1 S

l2 M

l3 l

l4 xl












6018 Kit Contains 8 pcs Contiene 8 pezzi

F 15

dISPoSaBleS IMPreSSIon traYS

StaInleSS Steel reGular IMPreSSIon traYS WItH retentIon rIM – MIcroSandBlaSted

portaiMproNtE MoNoUSo

portaiMproNtE ForatE rEgolari iNoX CoN il BordiNo ritENtiVo 6007/24

Set of 24 assorted pieces Scatola da 24 pz. assortiti

6007/ l1 6007/ l2 6007/ l3 6007/ l4


Set of 100 assorted pieces Scatola da 100 pz. assortiti



u1 xxS

uppers / Superiori u2 xS

Sizes / Misure (mm) u3 S

u4 M









l1 xxS

lowers / inferiori l2 xS

Sizes / Misure (mm) l3 S

6000/SB Set

Medesy is pleased to introduce their new series of impression trays microsandblasted crafted of the finest quality stainless steel utilizing the innovative technique of microsandblasting. Using microsandblasted stainless steel impression trays guarantee higher results even in difficult areas. The microsandblasted surface of Medesy’s stainless steel impression trays are excellent in the retention of impression materials thus ensuring impressions as accurate as possible resistant to dry heat sterilization, autoclave and chemclave.

l4 M









abbiamo il piacere di presentare ed offrire la nuova serie di portaimpronte Medesy Microsabbiate, prodotte con il migliore acciaio inox e rifinite mediante l’utilizzo dell’innovativa tecnica di microsabbiatura, la quale permette di migliorare il grado di finitura e qualità del prodotto anche nelle zone di più difficile accesso. inoltre, cosa estremamente importante, dalla superficie microsabbiata si ottiene una migliore adesione del materiale da impronta e conseguentemente un migliore risultato del lavoro finale.

laBoratorY / laBoratorio

6007/ u1 6007/ u2 6007/ u3 6007/ u4

PaPer HolderS

PolYcarBonate IMPreSSIon traYS portaiMproNtE iN poliCarBoNato

full arcH PaPer Holder artIculatInG

autoclaving 136° c. / Sterilizzabili in autoclave 136° C.

6008/24 Kit

Series of 24 polycarbonate impression trays and compasses for final impressions Serie di 24 portaimpronte in policarbonato più compasso per impronte definitive

6008/7 Kit

Series of 7 impression trays for dentolous upper jaws Serie di 7 portaimpronte superiori per protesi totali

6008/13 Kit

Series of 13 impression trays for dentolous lower jaws Serie di 13 portaimpronte inferiori per protesi totali


Miller mm 155

F 16


mm 155


mm 140


mm 120

F 17

calIPerS CaliBri



z端richer mm 130

4980/c (For wax / per cera) 4981/M (For metal / per metallo) iwanson mm 100


Boley mm 145 Sliding caliper Calibro

acceSSorIeS / aCCESSori

Beerendonk mm 130


mm 150 6 inch Ruler righello

F 18


mm 130 Sliding Caliper Calibro

4986 Caliper Calibro a compasso


mm 125 Sliding caliper Calibro


StaInleSS Steel traYS VaSSoi iNoX CoN CHiUSUra di SiCUrEzza 981/M

mm 288 x 182 x 35

Stainless steel trays with locking instruments in silicon, resistant to corrosion. Medesy trays are simple to use and improve the protection and the storage of your valuables instruments. Maximize the efficiency and performance of washing and sterilization. Vassoi inox con bloccaggio strumenti in silicone, autoclavabili e resistenti alla corrosione. i vassoi Medesy sono semplici da usare, permettono di conservare e proteggere i vostri preziosi strumenti. Massimizzano l’efficacia della pulizia e della sterilizzazione.

20 instruments 20 strumenti

“ MEDESY IN SPOT Trays “M-Series” has more open areas, specially designed for better cleaning and sterilizing process. I vassoi “Serie M” hanno maggiori feritoie, per garantire migliore pulizia e sterilizzazione.


mm 288 x 182 x 35


mm 182 x 145 x 35



5 instruments 5 strumenti

10 instruments 10 strumenti

mm 182 x 72 x 35

9 instruments 9 strumenti

mm 182 x 145 x 35

Stainless Steel Safety Lock Chiusura di sicurezza in inox

acceSSorIeS / aCCESSori

20 instruments 20 strumenti


mm 185 x 150 x 20 10 instruments 10 strumenti


mm 180 x 85 x 15 5 instruments 5 strumenti


mm 290 x 190 x 60 Aluminium container with 2 filters Container in alluminio con 2 filtri

963/f g2

Easy Lock


Filters spare parts, one pair Filtri di ricambio, una coppia


HIGH enGIneered PolYSulfone traYS

Autoclavable up to 134° C / 273° F autoclavabile fino a 134° C / 273° F

VaSSoi iN polYSUlFoNE

Silicon mat tappeto in silicone


195 x 110 x 20 autoclavable up to 170° Kit (cover-lid and silicone mat) Kit (coperchio-fondo e tappeto silicone)


mm 195 x 90 x 35

mm 75 x 54 x 60

979 Our plastic trays are compatible with all sterilization technique including steam and dry autoclave. Specially designed silicone mats accommodate 5 various instruments. Available in 5 colours: beige, blue, green, red, white.

15 instruments 15 strumenti

la nostra cassetta è ideale nelle procedure di lavaggio in ultrasuoni e di sterilizzazione in autoclave. Molto leggera, si apre con estrema facilità. dotata di 3 supporti mobili di silicone che possono adattarsi a strumenti di varie forme e misure. può contenere 5 strumenti. disponibile in 5 colori: beige, blu, verde, rosso, bianco. Silicon mat tappeto in silicone

979/B 979/Bl 979/G 979/r 979/W

(Beige) (Blue – Blu) (green – Verde) (red – rosso) (White – Bianco)

mm 190 x 90 x 25

acceSSorIeS / aCCESSori



mm 260 x 160 x 24 10 instruments 10 strumenti


mm 260 x 160 x 60


Double deck doppio ripiano


StaInleSS Steel traYS

aluMInIuM traYS

VaSSoi iNoX

VaSSoi iN allUMiNio 1002/1


Kidney bowls Bacinella reniforme

Kidney bowls Bacinella reniforme

mm 200 x 90

mm 300 x 140

1002/1 cl mm 200 x 90

Cover for kidney bowl Coperchio per bacinella reniforme

1002/2 cl mm 200 x 90


Cover for kidney bowl Coperchio per bacinella reniforme

mm 284 x 187 x 29


Lid – Normal size Coperchio – Standard


mm 300 x 200 x 50

999/aS MInI


998/faS MInI

Perforated tray Assorted colors Normal size Vassoio forato Colori assortiti Standard

Perforated tray Assorted colors Small size Vassoio forato Colori assortiti Midi

mm 284 x 183 x 17

mm 187 x 145 x 25 Lid – Small size Coperchio – Midi

mm 210 x 160 x 25


mm 200 x 150 x 40

mm 183 x 140 x 17


acceSSorIeS / aCCESSori

Aluminium endodontic tray complete with lid. Dimensions mm 257 x 116 x 16. Vassoio per endodonzia in alluminio anodizzato completo di coperchio. dimensioni mm 284 x 187 x 16.





1005/fc MInI

1005/fV MInI

Lid Coperchio

Tray Vassoio

Perforated lid Coperchio forato

Perforated tray Vassoio forato

Perforated lid Coperchio forato

Perforated tray Vassoio forato

1005/c MInI

1005/V MInI







Lid Coperchio

Tray Vassoio

Stainless steel acciaio inox

Aluminium alluminio

Stainless steel acciaio inox

Aluminium alluminio

Stainless steel acciaio inox

Aluminium alluminio

mm 284 x 187 x 29

mm 187 x 145 x 25


mm 284 x 187 x 29

mm 183 x 140 x 17

mm 284 x 187 x 29

N. 23 pcs

mm 284 x 187 x 29

N. 17 pcs

N. 16 pcs

mm 187 x 145 x 25

N. 11 pcs

N. 16 pcs

SterIlIzatIon druMS

CESTELLI PER STERILIZZARE Cestelli cilindrici in acciaio inox sterilizzabili, con fasce scorrevoli e chiusura a cerniera inox.

mm 183 x 140 x 17

Small N. 8 pcs


ø mm 190 x 160 inox


ø mm 160 x 140 inox


ø mm 120 x 120 inox


ø mm 100 x 120 inox


colored aluMInIuM traYS

colored aluMInIuM traYS MInI

VaSSoi iN allUMiNio Colorati

VaSSoi iN allUMiNio Colorati MiNi Lid Coperchio







Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

mm 284 x 183 x 17

mm 183 x 140 x 17

mm 284 x 183 x 17

mm 183 x 140 x 17

mm 288 x 187 x 29

mm 187 x 145 x 25




Mini size

Mini size

Mini size

mm 100 x 180 x 11

mm 100 x 180 x 11

mm 100 x 180 x 11

Lid Coperchio






Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

mm 183 x 140 x 17

mm 284 x 183 x 17

mm 183 x 140 x 17

mm 284 x 183 x 17

mm 183 x 140 x 17

Perforated / Forati



Mini size

Mini size

mm 100 x 180 x 11


mm 100 x 180 x 11

mm 103 x 182 x 10

InStruMentS SeIzInG and SterIlIzInG forcePS piNzEttE Cogli/trattiENi Special tweezer used as instrument seizing and sterilizing forceps as that the small instruments may be put into and taken out of the disinfecting solution without the protection of the gloves. Besides, by this tweezer the protective needles cannulas may be replaced and cover the used needle without any risk of injury and infection.

1640 (mm 200) 1641 (mm 300)


Cheatle mm 270

acceSSorIeS / aCCESSori


mm 284 x 183 x 17

pinzette speciali con le quali è possibile mettere e prelevare piccoli strumenti dalle soluzioni disinfettanti senza la necessità dell’uso dei guanti. inoltre è possibile rimettere il cappuccio protettivo agli aghi usati evitando ogni rischio di ferite e infezioni.







Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

mm 284 x 183 x 17

mm 183 x 140 x 17

mm 284 x 183 x 17

mm 183 x 140 x 17

mm 284 x 183 x 17

mm 183 x 140 x 17


mm 165

Lid Coperchio







Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

Normal size Standard

Small size Midi

mm 284 x 183 x 17


mm 183 x 140 x 17

mm 284 x 183 x 17

mm 183 x 140 x 17

mm 288 x 187 x 29

mm 187 x 145 x 25


endodontIc BoxeS, aluMInIuM ENdo BoX iN allUMiNio



mm 204 x 105 x 54


mm 125 x 125 x 54

mm 104 x 44 x 54



ø mm 34 – h mm 48

ø mm 94 – h mm 67

Grey or colored top side parte superiore grigia o colorata




mm 204 x 105 x 54


mm 125 x 125 x 54

ø mm 48 – h mm 58


ø mm 48 – h mm 58


ø mm 48 – h mm 58


mm 104 x 44 x 54



ø mm 48 – h mm 58

acceSSorIeS / aCCESSori

mm 104 x 44 x 54


mm 204 x 105 x 54

mm 204 x 105 x 54

6160/r 997

Red rosso

mm 104 x 44 x 54


mm 100 x 40 x 40

991/d g 10

mm 104 x 44 x 54


mm 104 x 44 x 54


mm 104 x 44 x 54


mm 104 x 44 x 54

Endometer silver, red, blue Misuratore per strumenti canalari argento, rosso, blu

6160/G Silver grigio

g 11

Bur and canal InStruMentS Holder

MIScellaneouS cuPS

CoNtENitorE porta FrESE E StrUMENti CaNalari

CoNtENitori pEr MESColarE


ø mm 80 inox

Aluminium canal instruments holder porta strumenti canalari in alluminio




mm 50 x 50 x 25

mm 100 x 50 x 25

ø mm 30 inox


ø mm 25 inox

Aluminium low mill holders piastrine porta frese




48 holes FG (small burs) 48 fori Fg (piccoli)

48 holes FG/CA (small and big burs) 48 fori Fg/Ca (piccoli e grandi)

48 holes CA (big burs) 48 fori Ca (grande)

mm 75 x 40

mm 75 x 40


mm 75 x 40

ø mm 60 inox


ø max mm 45


mm 60 x 40 36 holes FG (small burs), with lid Con bordo 36 fori Fg (piccoli), con coperchio



mm 60 x 40

mm 60 x 40

36 holes CA (big burs), with lid Con bordo 36 fori Ca (grandi), con coperchio

36 holes FG/CA (small and big burs), with lid Con bordo 36 fori Fg/Ca (piccoli e grandi), con coperchio



mm 85 x 85 x 360

Lid. Not autoclavable Coperchio. Non lavare in autoclave

Drinking cup dispenser distributore di bicchieri

acceSSorIeS / aCCESSori

Aluminium mill holders porta frese in alluminio


mm 150 x 80 x 15 Mixing glass piastra vetro per impasti





24 holes FG (small burs), with lid Con bordo 24 fori Fg (piccoli), con coperchio

24 holes CA (big burs), with lid Con bordo 24 fori Ca (grandi), con coperchio

24 holes FG/CA (small and big burs), with lid Con bordo 24 fori Fg/Ca (piccoli e grandi), con coperchio

Lid. Not autoclavable Coperchio. Non lavare in autoclave

970/1B 969 Box with 2 bur holders Supporto porta frese, 2 vani

Mixing bowls for plaster and alginates tazze per alginato e gesso



mm 85 x 35

970/1r 934

mm 105 x 40

g 12

215/1 (ø mm 100) 215/2 (ø mm 120) 215/3 (ø mm 140) 215/4 (ø mm 160)



Box with 7 bur holders (with lid) Box porta frese, 7 interni


g 13

PatIent BIB cHaInS – SalIVa eJectorS CatENEllE appENdi-BaVagliolE – aSpiraSaliVa


ø 40 mm – h 30 mm Aluminium endodontic instruments cleaners pulitori per strumenti canalari in alluminio

6152/Scr Spare cleaners ricambi






Plastic assorted colors plastica colori assortiti

MEDESY disposable saliva ejectors made in PVC non toxic, with metal wire, rounded cap for a perfect aspiration, flexible. Transparent plastic bags of 100/each and cartons of 1000/each. aspirasaliva monouso MEdESY, in pVC non tossico, con filo metallico incorporato, cappuccio arrotondato per una perfetta aspirazione, flessibile. imballati in sacchetti trasparenti da 100/pz. e cartoni da 1000/pz.

Alcohol burner lampada ad alcool

Spare wick Stoppino di ricambio

Tweezers porte films pinzette porta lastrine inox











CoNtENitorE agHi USati – taVolo StrUMENti MaYo 6164 Plastic assorted colors plastica colori assortiti

dreSSInG and InStruMentS trolleY CarrEllo pEr MEdiCazioNi E StrUMENti

mm 40 x 40 x 50 Cotton pellet dispenser distributore di palline di cotone

Aluminium cotton dispensers, with internal spring, in 5 colours distributori di cotone in alluminio, con molla interna sterilizzabile, disponibili in 5 colori

ø 55 x 75 mm

acceSSorIeS / aCCESSori

uSed needleS Box – MaYo InStruMent taBle


Aluminium waste container in 5 colours porta rifiuti in alluminio, sterilizzabili, disponibili in 5 colori

8400 Mayo instrument table. Cast aluminium alloy five spoke base with 50 mm castors. Frame and removable tray in stainless steel. Height adjustable from 90 to 115 cm. Dimensions tray 70 x 45 x 2 h cm. tavolo servitore per sala operatoria. Base in alluminio a cinque razze con ruote ø 50 mm. telaio e vassoio asportabile in acciaio inox 18/10. altezza regolabile da 90 a 115 cm. dimensioni vassoio 70 x 45 x 2 h cm.

ø 70 x 75 mm

2821 g 14

Protesis carrier, assorted colors portaprotesi in plastica, colori assortiti

g 15

ManIcure InStruMentS

tHe art of qualItY… and tHe aBIlItY froM a lonG exPerIence

StrUMENti pEr MaNiCUrE

l’artE dElla QUalità… E l’aBilità di UNa lUNga ESpEriENza


Your hands are the best instruments for your work. Keep them cured with Medesy’s manicure set.

mm 165


mm 110 Stork scissors Forbici cicogna

le tue mani sono i più importanti strumenti per il tuo lavoro. tienile curate con il set manicure Medesy. 3162





Nail scissors Forbici per unghie

Cuticle scissors Forbici per pelli

Nail scissors Forbici per unghie

Cuticle scissors Forbici per pelli

Manicure implement, nickeled attrezzo per manicure, nichelato





Cuticle nipper tronchesino per pelli

Stainless steel inox

Stainless steel inox

Stainless steel inox

mm 90



Nail File limetta per unghie

Nail nipper tronchesino per unghie

mm 180

mm 90

mm 65

mm 65 Nickeled

mm 65 Nickeled

mm 100

mm 120

mm 140

304/d Gold plated, genuine leather dorato, astuccio in pelle




Stainless steel inox

Stainless steel inox

Cuticle nipper tronchesino per pelli




mm 110 Nickeled


Stainless steel inox

Stainless steel inox

Nail nipper tronchesino per unghie

Nickeled imitation velvet Nickeled. imitazione velluto

mm 78

mm 78

g 16

mm 90

acceSSorIeS / aCCESSori

mm 90

mm 78

mm 78

mm 110 Nickeled

g 17

InStruMentS dISPlaY caSe

InStruMentS dISPlaY caSe WItH 15 draWerS

Valigia ESpoSitorE

Valigia ESpoSitorE CoN 15 CaSSEtti Carry with you different instruments, choosing among the most representative pieces of our production. Weight Kgs. 4. Sizes cm 55 x 22 x 8. porta in modo pratico lo strumentario, scegliendo tra i pezzi più rappresentativi della nostra produzione. peso kg 4. Misure cm 55 x 22 x 8.

Inside assorted instruments the most representative pieces of our production. Sizes cm 42 x 34 x 50.

“ MEDESY IN SPOT content can be changed on request.

all’interno assortiti strumenti tra i più rappresentativi della nostra gamma di produzione. Misure cm 42 x 34 x 50.

Il contenuto può essere cambiato a richiesta.



Exposer Espositore

2915 WITH INSTRUMENTS: display case 2915 with instruments 2915 CoN StrUMENti: valigia espositore 2915 con strumenti IMB/TROLLER 2915: empty display case 2915 (without instruments) iMB/trollEr 2915: valigia espositore 2915 vuota (senza strumenti)

acceSSorIeS / aCCESSori

With wheels Con ruote

And… ideal for show-rooms and congresses E… ideale per show-rooms e congressi

“ MEDESY IN SPOT content can be changed on request. Il contenuto può essere cambiato a richiesta.

g 18

g 19




Baby Mosquito forceps ........................................................ a 72 Backhaus forceps ..................................................................... a 74 Bad parker scalpel handle .............................................. a 53 Balding tooth forceps ............................................. a 10, a 13 Band pushers ................................................................................. E 21 Band removers ............................................................................. E 12 Bandage scissors ...................................................... a 64, a 65 Barraquer-Katzin tweezers ........................... a 92, a 105 Barry root elevators ............................................................... a 34 Baumgartner needle holders ......................... a 68, a 69 Beebee scissors ......................................................................... a 65 Beerendonk caliper ................................................................. F 18 Bein root elevators .................................................................. a 29 Bennet burnisher .......................................................................... C 6 Bennett periosteals ................................................................. a 45 Bergh forceps ............................................................................... a 97 Bergmann scissors ................................................................. a 64 Barnhart Curette ........................................................................... B 9 Berten root elevators ............................................................ a 29 Beyer bone rongeurs .............................................................. a 51 Bird beak pliers .................................................. E 6, E 15, E 18 Bishop-Harman tweezers .............................. a 92, a 105 Black enamel instruments ................................................... C 9 Black Sharp scissors ............................................................. a 61 Blade beaks tooth forceps ................................ a 22-a 26 Blades breaker ............................................................................. a 52 Blades remover ........................................................................... a 52 Blumenthal bone rongeurs ............................................. a 50 Böhm forceps .............................................................................. a 96 Boley caliper .................................................................................. F 18 Bone aspirators ........................................................................... d 14 Bone collectors ............................................................ d 12, d 15 Bone compactors ...................................................................... d 12 Bone cracker .................................................................................. d 11 Bone Curettes ................................................................ B 17, B 18 Bone files ......................................................................................... a 48 Bone injectors .............................................................................. d 15 Bone mill ............................................................................................. d 11 Bone pluggers .............................................................................. d 12 Bone rongeurs .............................................................. a 50, a 51 Bone scoop ..................................................................................... d 12 Bone scraper .................................................................................. d 11 Bone well ........................................................................................... d 15 Bone-Splitting Set .................................................................... d 18 Bowmann probes ...................................................................... B 15 Boynton needle holders ...................................................... a 67 Bracket gauge positioner .................................................. E 20 Brackets holders ........................................................................ E 20 Brackets instruments ............................................................ E 20 Brackets removers ..................................................... E 12, E 18 Brewer clamps forceps ................................................... a 100

Bruenings retractors .............................................................. a 76 Buck periodontal File ............................................................ B 21 Buck periodontal Knives .................................................... B 22 Bur and Canal holders .......................................................... g 12 Burners ............................................................................................... g 15 Burnishers ................................................................................ C 4-C 6 Burnishers octagonal handle ............................................ C 6 Buser sinus lift ............................................................................ d 10

C Calcium Hydroxide appl. .................................................... C 16 Calipers ................................................................................. d 17, F 18 Calipers Castroviejo ................................................................ d 17 Calipers for implants .............................................................. d 17 Carvers instruments ....................................................... C 7, C 8 Case ....................................................................................... g 18, g 19 Castroviejo calipers ............................................................. a 105 Castroviejo calipers ................................................................. d 17 Castroviejo needle holders ................................ a 69-a 71 Castroviejo scissors ................................................................ a 62 Castroviejo tweezers ............................................................. a 89 Castroviejo-Barraquer needle holders ..... a 70, a 71 Cavities instruments .............................................................. C 16 Cement spatulas ............................................................................ F 4 Century line ....................................................................................... E 2 Ceramic sculpturing instruments .................................. F 6 Chains patient ............................................................................... g 14 Cheatle forceps .............................................................................. g 9 Cheek retractors ......................................................... a 76, a 77 Chin retractor ............................................................................... a 80 Chisels .................................................................................................... d 8 Chisels cavity preparation ................................................... C 8 Chisels periodontal ...................................................... B 8, B 23 Chompret syndesmotomes .............................................. a 45 Cinch back ortho plier ........................................................... E 11 Clamps forceps ....................................................................... a 100 Cleveland bone rongeurs .................................................... a 51 Colibri tweezers .......................................................................... a 92 College tweezers ...................................................................... a 89 Collins Forceps ............................................................................ a 74 Columbia Curette ......................................................................... B 8 Comella mirrors .......................................................................... a 81 Comella tooth forceps ......................................................... a 20 Composite instruments ti ................................................. C 11 Container .............................................................................................. g 2 Contouring pliers .......................................................... E 10, E 17 Cooley tweezers ........................................................................ a 90 Cotton dispensers .................................................................... g 14 Coupland root elevators ..................................................... a 30 Cow horn beak tooth forceps ........................................ a 10 Cp probe ..................................................................................... B 5 B 6 Crane-Caplan tweezer ........................................................ B 15 Crane-Caplan tweezers ...................................................... a 92 Crile-ryde needle holders ............................................... a 68 Crile-Wood needle holders .............................. a 68, a 69 Crimpable archwire ortho plier ..................................... E 12 Crown forceps ............................................................................. a 96 Crown instruments ................................................... a 96-a 98 Crown openers ............................................................................ a 97 Crown scissors ............................................................................ a 65 Cryer root elevators ................................................ a 29, a 30 Cryer tooth forceps ........................................................ a 7, a 17 Cumine Scaler ............................................................................... B 11 Curettes titanium ......................................................................... d 7

D darby-perry Scaler ................................................................... B 11 de Bakey tweezers ................................................................. a 90 de la rosa ortho pliers ........................................ E 10, E 16 de Marco Curette ........................................................................ B 9 dean scissors .............................................................................. a 60 delicate needle holders ...................................... a 68, a 69 delicate probe .............................................................................. B 15 dental dams ............................................................................... a 102 dental lubricant .............................................................................. E 6 dentalastics forceps .............................................................. E 22 derf needle holders ................................................ a 68, a 69 desmarres retractors ......................................... a 76, a 105 didner matrix retainer ........................................................... a 95 display case ................................................................... g 18, g 19 dissecting scissors ................................................................ a 60

distals End Cutters ....................................................... E 5, E 14 dressing forceps ........................................................................ a 74 dressing tweezers ................................................................... a 89 drinking cup dispensers .................................................... g 13 drums for sterilization .............................................................. g 7

E Ehricke impression trays .................................................... F 13 Eiselsberg-Mathieu needle holders ........................ a 67 Enamel instruments ................................................................... C 9 Endo guns for retrograds ................................................... d 15 Endodontic boxes ....................................................... g 10, g 11 Endodontic explorers .............................................. C 13, C 15 Endodontic pluggers .............................................................. C 12 Excavators .......................................................................... B 19-B 21 Explorers ............................................................................. C 14-C 16 Explorers double end ............................................................. C 15

F Fahnenstock wax knives ........................................................ F 5 Farabeuf retractors ................................................................. a 76 Fedi periodontal Chisel ...................................................... B 23 Fischer ortho plier .................................................................... E 18 Flag tweezers ............................................................................... a 89 Flohr root elevators ................................................. a 29, a 30 Foerster forceps ......................................................................... a 74 Forceps arnohold ...................................................................... d 16 Frahm carvers .................................................................................. C 7 Frazier tube .................................................................. a 73, a 104 Freer periosteals ......................................................... a 46, a 47 Friedman bone rongeurs .................................................... a 51 Friedman root elevators ...................................................... a 32 Furrer forceps .............................................................................. a 96

G gerald tweezers ....................................................... a 90, a 106 gill-Hess tweezers ................................................ a 92, a 105 gillies needle holders ............................................. a 70, a 71 gillies retractors ...................................................... a 76, a 105 gingival cord packer .............................................................. C 13 glick plugger .................................................................................. C 12 goldman H6/7 Scaler ........................................................... B 12 goldman-Fox Curette ............................................................ B 10 goldman-Fox periodontal Knives .............................. B 22 goldman-Fox periosteals ................................................. a 46 goldman-Fox probe ................................................. B 14, B 15 goldman-Fox scissors ............ a 56, a 57, a 59, a 63 goslee ortho plier ...................................................................... E 18 gracey aluminium ........................................................................ B 3 gracey Curettes ................................................................... B 2-B 7 gracey long type ......................................................................... B 6 gracey rigid type .......................................................................... B 7 gracey Short type ........................................................................ B 6 grinder for bone .......................................................................... d 11 gritman wax knives .......................................................... F 4, F 5 gross Maier forceps ............................................................... a 74

H Halsey needle holders .......................................... a 68, a 69 Halstead-Mosquito forceps ............................................. a 72 Hammers .............................................................................................. d 9 Hard steel cutters ......................................................................... E 4 Hard wire cutters ................................................. E 3, E 4, E 14 Harris tooth forceps ..................................................... a 7, a 16 Hartmann forceps ..................................................................... a 72 Hatches .................................................................................................. C 9 Heidbrink root elevators ...................................................... a 31 Heidemann spatulas .............................................................. C 10 Heiss forceps ................................................................................ a 72 Hemingway Bone Curettes ................................ B 17, B 18 Henahan retractors ................................................................ a 80 Hirschfeld periodontal File ............................................... B 21 Hoe .......................................................................................................... B 13 Hollenback carvers ...................................................................... C 7 Hollenback filling instruments ......................................... C 2 Hollow Chop pliers ...................................................................... E 9 Hopkins periosteals ................................................................ a 45 Hourigan periosteals .............................................................. a 47 How ortho pliers .............................................................. E 6, E 15 Howard apical root elevator ........................................... a 31 Howard periosteals ................................................................. a 47

Hygenist-Jaquette Scaler ................................................. B 12 Hylin root elevators ................................................................. a 30 Hylin wax knives ............................................................................. F 4

I implant Calipers ......................................................................... d 17 implant site dilatators .................................................. d 3, d 5 implant tweezers ....................................................................... d 16 impression trays ........................................................... F 10-F 17 impression trays aluminium ........................................... F 12 impression trays disposables ...................................... F 16 impression trays Ehricke .................................................. F 13 impression trays polycarbonate ................................ F 16 impression trays stainless steel ................... F 10-F 15 india Stone ....................................................................................... B 25 indiana Univ. Curette ................................................................ B 9 inox syringes ................................................................................. a 86 interproximal carvers ................................................................ C 7 intraligamental syringes ...................................... a 84-a 86 iris scissors ........................................ a 56, a 57, a 59, a 61 ivory clamps forceps .......................................................... a 100 ivory matrix retainer ............................................................... a 95 ivory rubber dam punch ................................................. a 100 iwanson calipers ........................................................................ F 18

J Jaquette Scaler ........................................................................... B 12 Jarabak ortho plier ........................................................ E 9, E 18 Johnson ortho plier ..................................................... E 10, E 17 Jones forceps ................................................................................ a 74 Joseph scissors ......................................................................... a 60

K Kells tooth forceps .................................................................... a 17 Kelly forceps .................................................................................. a 72 Kelly scissors ................................... a 56, a 57, a 60, a 63 Kelly-rankin forceps .............................................................. a 72 Kerrison bone rongeurs ..................................................... a 50 Kidney bowls ..................................................................................... g 6 Kilner scissors ............................................................................. a 60 Kirkland periodontal Knives ............................................ B 22 Kocher retractors ...................................................................... a 78 Kopp root elevators ................................................................. a 35

L la grange scissors .................... a 56, a 57, a 59, a 61 laboratory sets ............................................................................... F 7 ladmore burnishers .................................................................. C 4 ladmore tooth forceps ........................................................ a 14 lame de tessier ........................................................................ a 80 langbeck ortho plier .............................................................. E 18 langenbeck retractors ........................................................ a 78 langer Curette ................................................................................ B 8 laryngeal mirrors .................................................................... a 83 le Cron wax knives ..................................................................... F 4 lecluse root elevators ......................................................... a 34 lempert-delicate bone rongeurs ............................... a 51 lessmann wax knives .............................................................. F 5 ligature applicators ................................................................ E 23 ligature instruments ............................................................. E 22 ligature pliers .................................................................... E 3, E 14 light wires pliers ............................................................ E 9, E 18 lindo levian root elevators ............................................ a 38 lingual arch forming pliers ................................ E 11, E 16 lip retractors ................................................................................. a 77 locklin scissors ......................................................................... a 60 london Hospital root elevators ................................... a 30 loops closing pliers ...................................................... E 9, E 11 lorna forceps ................................................................................ a 73 lucas Bone Curettes .............................................................. B 17 luer bone rongeurs ............................................................... a 50 luks pluggers ............................................................................... C 12 luniatschek applicators ..................................................... a 73 lussatore root elevators ....................................... a 37, a 41

M Malleable retractors .............................................................. a 80 Mallets .................................................................................................... d 9 Mallets laboratory ......................................................................... F 8 Manicure instruments ........................................... g 16, g 17 Margin trimmers ........................................................................... C 9

Marilyn line scissors .............................................................. a 58 Markley filling instruments ................................................. C 2 Marquette filling instruments ........................................... C 2 Mathieu mini .................................................................................. E 22 Mathieu needle holders ...................................................... a 67 Mathieu-olsen needle holders ...................... a 70, a 71 Matrix bands ................................................................................. a 94 Matrix retainers ........................................................................... a 95 Mayo scissors ............................................................... a 56, a 64 Mayo table ....................................................................................... g 15 Mayo-Hegar needle holders ........................... a 68, a 69 Mc Call Curette ........................................................................... B 10 Mc Farlane Scaler .................................................................... B 12 Mc Kellops ortho plier ........................................................... E 16 ME Scaler .......................................................................................... B 11 Mead mallet ....................................................................................... d 9 Mead periosteals ....................................................................... a 47 Medan-Bein root elevators ............................................. a 33 Medan-Cryer root elevators ........................................... a 33 Medan-Flohr root elevators ........................................... a 33 Medesy root elevators .......................................................... a 35 Medesy scissors ....................................................................... a 64 MedesyJect intraligamental syringes .............................................................................. a 84, a 85 Medimpla root elevators .................................................... a 40 Mercury carvers ............................................................................. C 7 Mercury probe ............................................................................. B 14 Meriam tweezers ...................................................................... a 89 Merrit probe ................................................................................... B 14 Mershon band pusher ........................................................... E 21 Metzenbaum scissors ........................................... a 56, a 64 Micro adson tweezers .......................................................... a 91 Microsurgery instruments ........................... a 103-a 107 Microsurgery set ..................................................................... a 107 Microsurgery soft tissue set ....................................... a 108 Microsurgical scissors ...................................... a 62, a 103 Middeldorpf retractors ......................................................... a 78 Midelux root elevators ......................................................... a 39 Miller Bone Curettes ............................................................... B 17 Miller paper holders ................................................................ F 17 Miller root elevators ............................................................... a 30 Miller-Colburn bone files .................................................. a 48 Mini Mathieu .................................................................................. E 22 Minnesota University retractor ..................................... a 77 Mirrors .................................................................................. a 81-a 83 Mirrors handles .......................................................................... a 83 Miscellaneous cups ................................................................ g 13 Misch retractors ........................................................................ a 80 Mitchell Scaler .............................................................................. B 11 Mixing bowls .................................................................................. g 13 Mixing glass ................................................................................... g 13 Molt periosteals ........................................................... a 46, a 47 Molt retractors ............................................................................. a 75 Montfort forceps ........................................................................ a 97 Mosquito forceps ...................................................................... a 72 Mouth gags ..................................................................................... a 75 MSY wax knives ............................................................................. F 4 Mucotomes ..................................................................................... d 13

orban periodontal Knives ................................................. B 22 oringer-Medesy retractors .............................................. a 75 ortho case ....................................................................................... E 24 osteotomes ............................................................................. d 2-d 6 osteotomes double lock ..................................................... d 4 osteotomes Medoss ................................................................. d 3 osteotomes Set ................................................................. d 2, d 6


Safety hold pliers ............................................................ E 5, E 14 Saliva ejectors .............................................................................. g 14 Sanders periodontal Knives ............................................ B 22 Saws .......................................................................................................... F 8 Scalers ................................................................................... B 11, B 12 Scalpel blades ............................................................................. a 53 Scalpel handles ........................................................... a 52, a 53 Schluger periodontal File .................................................. B 21 Schwarz ortho plier .................................................................. E 11 Scissors ............................................................................... a 55-a 65 Seizing forceps ............................................................................... g 9 Seldin periosteals ..................................................................... a 45 Seldin root elevators .............................................. a 29, a 30 Semken tweezers .................................................................... a 90 Senn-Miller retractors .......................................................... a 76 Set Bone-Splitting .................................................................... d 18 Set osteotomes ................................................................. d 2, d 6 Set Sinus lift ................................................................................. d 18 Sharpening Stones .................................................................. B 25 Shears ...................................................................................................... F 8 SHo carvers ....................................................................................... C 7 Sinus lift instruments ........................................................... d 10

Naber probes ................................................................................ C 15 Nail scissors ................................................................................... g 16 Nance ortho plier ................................ E 9, E 11, E 16, E 17 Natural Stone ................................................................................ B 25 Needle holders ............................................................... a 66-a 71 Needles box .................................................................................... g 14 Neumann scissors .................................................................. a 59 Nevius tooth forceps .............................................................. a 16 Noyes scissors .......................................................... a 62, a 103 Nystrom carvers ............................................................................ C 8 Nystrom matrix retainer ...................................................... a 95 NYU burnishers .............................................................................. C 4

O obwegeser retractors ........................................... a 79, a 80 obwegeser-ramus retractor ......................................... a 78 ochsenbein chisels .................................................................... d 8 ochsenbein periodontal Chisel ................................... B 23 olsen-Hegar needle holders ........................... a 70, a 71 omega loops pliers ....................................... E 8, E 15, E 16 optical pliers ........................................................................ E 9, E 17

P paper holders ................................................................................. F 17 parmly tooth forceps ............................................................... a 17 partsch chisels ............................................................................... d 9 pedo tooth forceps .......................................................... a 3-a 7 pedo tweezers albrecht ......................................................... a 4 periodontal Chisels ................................................................ B 23 periodontal Files ........................................................................ B 21 periodontal Hoe .......................................................................... B 13 periodontal Knives ................................................................... B 22 periosteals ......................................................................... a 45-a 47 periotome ........................................................................................ a 49 perry tweezers ............................................................................ a 89 physick tooth forceps ............................................................ a 16 pin and ligature cutters ............................................ E 3, E 14 pK thomas modelling instr. ................................................ F 3 plaster Shears .................................................................................. F 8 plastic trays ........................................................................... g 4, g 5 pliers holder .................................................................................... E 21 pluggers ............................................................................................. C 12 pluggers and Condensers ....................................... C 2, C 3 polycarbonate impression trays ................................. F 16 positioner gauge ........................................................................ E 20 pott root elevators .................................................................... a 32 prichard periosteals ............................................................... a 47 probes .................................................................................... B 14-B 16 protesis carriers ......................................................................... g 15

R ragnell scissors ........................................................................ a 60 ramus retractors ....................................................................... a 78 retractors .......................................................................... a 75-a 80 retro filling pluggers .............................................................. C 12 reynolds ortho plier ................................................... E 10, E 17 rhodes periodontal Chisel .............................................. B 23 rochester-Kocher forceps ............................................... a 72 rochester-péan forceps ..................................................... a 72 romerowski burnishers ......................................................... C 4 root elevators ................................................................ a 28, a 41 roser-König retractors ........................................................ a 75 round tweezers ...................................................... a 90, a 106 routurier tooth forceps ....................................................... a 14 rowney tooth forceps ........................................................... a 10 rubber dam clamps ............................................................ a 101 rubber dam frame .................................................................. a 99 rubber dam instruments ................................. a 99-a 102 rubber dam punches ........................................................ a 100 rule Scaler ....................................................................................... B 11 russian tweezers ...................................................................... a 92


Sinus lift Set ................................................................................. d 18 Siqueland matrix retainer .................................................. a 95 Sliding calipers ............................................................................ F 18 Smaha ligature instr. .............................................................. E 22 Soldering tweezers ...................................................................... F 5 Spatula 8x ............................................................................................ F 5 Spatulas ............................................................................................. C 10 Spatulas for alginate and plaster ................................... F 5 Spatulas for cement ................................................................... F 4 Spencer scissors ...................................................................... a 60 Splinter forceps ........................................................................... a 13 Spr carvers ........................................................................................ C 7 Spreaders ......................................................................................... C 13 Square ring scissors ............................................................. a 58 Steiner ligatures ......................................................................... E 23 Sterilizing forceps ........................................................................ g 9 Sternberg retractor .................................................................. a 77 Stieglitz forceps .......................................................................... a 13 Stockes clamps forceps ................................................. a 100 Suction tubes ................................................................................ a 73 Sugarman periodontal File .............................................. B 21 Superior Cut scissors ............................................................ a 57 Suture scissors ........................................................................... a 60 Suture tweezers ........................................................................ a 89 Syndesmotomes ........................................................ a 44, a 45 Syringes .............................................................................. a 84-a 88

T table Mayo ....................................................................................... g 15 tampons applicators .............................................................. a 73 tanner filling instruments ..................................................... C 2 taylor Scaler .................................................................................... B 11 taylor tweezers ......................................................... a 90, a 106 tessier retractors ...................................................................... a 80 tg periodontal Chisel ........................................................... B 23 thomas tooth forceps ............................................................ a 17 thorne tooth forceps .............................................................. a 12 tissue forceps .............................................................. a 72, a 73 tissue nipper ................................................................................ a 64 tissue retractors ........................................................................ a 76 tissue-periodontal tweezers ........ a 90, a 91, a 106 titanium Curette ............................................................................ B 9 titanium Curettes .......................................................................... d 7 titanium instruments ................................................................. d 7 titanium Needleholders .......................................................... d 7 titanium probes .......................................................................... B 16 titanium scissors .................................................... a 63, a 103 titanium Scissors .......................................................................... d 7 titanium tweezers ........................................................................ d 7 tofflemire matrix retainer .................................................. a 95 tomati forceps ............................................................................. a 64 tomes tooth forceps ..................................................... a 7, a 17 tongue depressor ...................................................................... a 76 tongue forceps ............................................................................ a 74 tooth forceps ....................................................................... a 2-a 27 tooth forceps pedo ........................................................... a 3-a 7 tooth forceps scissor handle ......................................... a 27 towel forceps ................................................................................. a 74 towner -Jaquette Scaler .................................................... B 12 towner periodontal Knives ............................................... B 22 towner Scaler ................................................................................ B 11 tray for trephines ...................................................................... d 13 tray ortho .......................................................................................... E 19 trays stainless steel ........................................... g 2, g 3, g 6 trephines ........................................................................................... d 13 trolley ................................................................................................... g 19 trotter tooth forceps ................................................ a 18, a 19 tucker ligature .............................................................................. E 23 tweed ortho pliers ............................. E 8, E 10, E 15-E 17 tweezers ............................................................................. a 89-a 92 tweezers porte Films ............................................................. g 14

V V-Stop ortho plier ...................................................................... E 18 Vestibulum retractor ............................................................... a 77 Volkmann Bone Curettes ................................................... B 18

W W. Barry root elevators ....................................................... a 34 Wahl bone files ........................................................................... a 48 Wakefield chisels .......................................................................... d 8 Ward carvers ..................................................................................... C 7 Ward filling instruments ......................................................... C 3 Warwick-James root elevators .................................... a 32 Washington clamps forceps ....................................... a 100 Wassmund retractor ............................................................... a 78 Waste container ......................................................................... g 15 Wax and modelling carvers ...................................... F 4, F 5 Wax and modelling instruments .............................. F -F 4 Wax knives wood handle ....................................................... F 5 Wedelstaedt carvers ................................................................. C 8 Weingart ortho pliers .................................................. E 6, E 15 Westcott burnishers .................................................................. C 4 White burnisher .............................................................................. C 6 White clamps forceps ....................................................... a 100 White root elevators ............................................................... a 29 Wieder retractor ......................................................................... a 77 Wiland carvers ................................................................................. C 7 Williams probe .............................................................. B 14, B 15 Williger Scaler ............................................................................... B 11 Willinger bone Curettes ....................................................... B 18 Willinger periosteals ............................................................... a 45 Winter root elevators ............................................................. a 34 Wire cutters .............................................................. E 3, E 4, E 14 Witzel tooth forceps ................................................................ a 14 Wood tooth forceps ................................................................. a 10 Woodson burnishers ................................................................. C 5 Wynman forceps ....................................................................... a 96

Y Young forceps ............................................................................... a 74 Young ortho pliers .......................................................... E 8, E 16 Younger-good Curette .......................................................... B 10

Z zahle wax knives ............................................................................ F 4 zed line scissors ........................................................................ a 63 zerfing periodontal Chisel ............................................... B 23 züricher caliper ........................................................................... F 18

Index / iNdiCE

A abutment holder ........................................................................ d 16 adams ortho pliers ......................................................... E 7, E 15 aderer ortho plier ......................................................... E 10, E 17 adhesive crown powder ..................................................... a 96 adson needle holders .......................................................... a 69 adson tweezers ........................................................................... a 91 aemostatic forceps ................................................. a 72, a 73 ainsworth rubber dam punches ............................. a 100 albrecht tweezers ........................................................................ a 4 allen periosteals ......................................................................... a 47 allis forceps .................................................................................... a 73 allis-Baby forceps .................................................................... a 73 aluminium trays .................................................................. g 7-g 9 amalgam and Filling instruments ..................... C 2, C 3 amalgam carriers ..................................................... a 93, a 94 amalgam well .............................................................................. a 93 angle ortho pliers ............................................................ E 7, E 15 apexo root elevators .............................................................. a 36 apical root elevators .............................................................. a 29 argentum line .............................................................................. E 13 arkansas Stone ........................................................................... B 25 arnohold forceps ....................................................................... d 16 arrow clasp bending pliers ............................................... E 11 articulators .......................................................................................... F 9 aspirators bone ........................................................................... d 14 aspirators surgical use ..................................... a 73, a 104 austin retractor ........................................................................... a 77

U Univ. of Michigan probe ..................................... B 14, B 15 Universal Curettes ......................................................... B 8-B 10 Universal matrix retainer .................................................... a 95 Universal ortho plier ............................................................... E 19 Universal retractor ................................................................... a 77 Universal scissors ..................................................................... a 65 USC carvers ....................................................................................... C 7 Utility pliers .......................................................................... E 6, E 19



abbassa lingua ............................................................................ a 76 adams pinza ......................................................................... E 7, E 15 aderer pinza ..................................................................... E 10, E 17 adson pinzette ............................................................................. a 91 adson porta aghi ....................................................................... a 69 ainsworth foradiga ............................................................... a 100 albrecht pinzette pedo ............................................................ a 4 allen scollaperiostei ................................................................ a 47 allis pinze .......................................................................................... a 73 allis-Baby pinze .......................................................................... a 73 angle pinza ............................................................................ E 7, E 15 apexo leve per radici .............................................................. a 36 apical leve per radici ............................................................. a 29 applicatori per legature ....................................................... E 23 apribocca .......................................................................................... a 75 apricorone ........................................................................................ a 97 argentum line ............................................................................... E 13 arkansas pietre per affilare ............................................. B 25 arnohold pinza ............................................................................. d 16 arrow clasp pinze ....................................................................... E 11 articolatori ............................................................................................ F 9 aspirasaliva ..................................................................................... g 14 aspiratori chirurgici .............................................. a 73, a 104 aspiratori di osso ....................................................................... d 14 austin divaricatore ................................................................... a 77

B Baby Mosquito pinze .............................................................. a 72 Backhaus pinze ........................................................................... a 74 Bad parker manico per bisturi ...................................... a 53 Balding pinze per estrazione ........................... a 10, a 13 Barraquer-Katzin pinzette .............................. a 92, a 105 Barry leve per radici ................................................................ a 34 Baumgartner needle holders ......................... a 68, a 69 Becco d’uccello pinze .................................. E 6, E 15, E 18 Beebee forbici .............................................................................. a 65 Beerendonk calibro .................................................................. F 18 Bein leve per radici .................................................................. a 29 Bennet brunitori ............................................................................. C 6 Bennet scollaperiostei .......................................................... a 45 Bergh pinze ..................................................................................... a 97 Bergmann forbici ....................................................................... a 64 Barnhart Curette ........................................................................... B 9 Berten leve per radici ............................................................ a 29 Beyer pinze ossivore ............................................................... a 51 Bishop-Harman pinzette ................................. a 92, a 105 Bisturi per gingivectomia .................................................. B 22 Black Sharp forbici ................................................................... a 61 Black strumenti taglia smalto-dentina ..................... C 9 Blade beaks pinze per estrazione .............. a 22-a 26 Blumenthal pinze ossivore ................................................ a 50 Böhm pinze ...................................................................................... a 96 Boley calibro .................................................................................... F 18 Bone-Splitting Set .................................................................... d 18 Bowmann Sonda ........................................................................ B 15 Boynton porta aghi .................................................................. a 67 Brewer pinza per uncini .................................................. a 100 Bruenings divaricatori ........................................................... a 76 Brunitori ...................................................................................... C 4-C 6 Brunitori manico ottagonale .............................................. C 6 Buck lime periodontali ........................................................ B 21 Buck Bisturi ..................................................................................... B 22 Buser per rialzo seno mascellare .............................. d 10



Calibri ..................................................................................... F 18, d 17 Calibri per impianti ................................................................... d 17 Calibri scorrevoli .......................................................................... F 18 Cannule per aspirazione ..................................................... a 73 Castroviejo calibri .................................................................. a 105 Castroviejo calibri ...................................................................... d 17 Castroviejo forbici ..................................................................... a 62 Castroviejo pinzette ................................................................. a 89 Castroviejo porta aghi ............................................ a 69-a 71 Castroviejo-Barraquer porta aghi .............. a 70, a 71 Catenelle per pazienti ........................................................... g 14 Century line ....................................................................................... E 2 Cesoie per gesso ........................................................................... F 8 Cestelli per sterilizzare ............................................................ g 7 Chompret sindesmotomi .................................................... a 45

Cinch back pinza ......................................................................... E 11 Cleveland pinze ossivore .................................................... a 51 Colibri pinzette ............................................................................. a 92 College pinzette .......................................................................... a 89 Collins pinze ................................................................................... a 74 Coltelli per cera manico in legno .................................... F 5 Columbia Curette ......................................................................... B 8 Comella pinza per estrazione ........................................ a 20 Comella specchietti ................................................................. a 81 Compattatori di osso .............................................................. d 12 Container .............................................................................................. g 2 Contenitore per frese e strumenti canalari ................................................................ g 12 Contenitori aghi usati ............................................................ g 14 Contenitori di osso .................................................... d 12, d 15 Contenitori per mescolare ................................................ g 13 Contorni pinze ................................................................. E 10, E 17 Cooley pinzette ............................................................................ a 90 Corna di bue pinze per estrazione ............................ a 10 Coupland leve per radici ..................................................... a 30 Cp Sonde ..................................................................................... B 5 B 6 Crane-Caplan pinzette ......................................................... a 92 Crane-Caplan pinzette ......................................................... B 15 Crile-ryde porta aghi ............................................................ a 68 Crile-Wood porta aghi .......................................... a 68, a 69 Crimpable archwire pinza ................................................... E 12 Cryer leve per radici ................................................ a 29, a 30 Cryer pinze per estrazione .................................... a 7, a 17 Cucchiai alveolari ........................................................ B 17, B 18 Cucchiaio per osso .................................................................. d 12 Cumine Scaler .............................................................................. B 11 Curette Universali ........................................................... B 8-B 10 Curettes titanio ............................................................................. d 7

D darby-perry Scaler .................................................................. B 11 de Bakey pinzette ..................................................................... a 90 de la rosa pinza ......................................................... E 10, E 16 de Marco Curette ......................................................................... B 9 dean forbici ..................................................................................... a 60 delicate porta aghi ................................................... a 68, a 69 delicate Sonda ............................................................................. B 15 derf porta aghi ............................................................. a 68, a 69 desmarres divaricatori ...................................... a 76, a 105 didner portamatrici ................................................................. a 95 diga dentale ............................................................................... a 102 dilatatori sito implantare ........................................... d 3, d 5 dissecting forbici ....................................................................... a 60 distali ......................................................................................... E 5, E 14 distributore bicchieri .............................................................. g 13 distributore di cotone ............................................................ g 14 divaricatori ........................................................................ a 75-a 80 divaricatori malleabili ............................................................ a 80 divaricatori per guance ....................................... a 76, a 77 divaricatori per labbra .......................................................... a 77 divaricatori per mento .......................................................... a 80 divaricatori per tessuti ......................................................... a 76 divaricatori universali ............................................................ a 77

E Ehricke portaimpronte ........................................................... F 13 Eiselsberg-Mathieu porta aghi ..................................... a 67 Endodontic box ............................................................. g 10, g 11 Endodontic pluggers .............................................................. C 12 Endodontic sonde ...................................................... C 13, C 15

F Fahnenstock coltelli per cera ............................................. F 5 Falcetti .................................................................................................... C 9 Farabeuf divaricatori .............................................................. a 76 Fedi Scalpelli .................................................................................. B 23 Fili leggeri tronchesi .................................................... E 9, E 18 Fischer pinza .................................................................................. E 18 Flag pinzette ................................................................................... a 89 Flohr leve per radici ................................................. a 29, a 30 Foerster pinze ............................................................................... a 74 Forbici .................................................................................... a 55-a 65 Forbici per bende ...................................................... a 64, a 65 Forbici per corone ..................................................................... a 65 Forbici per microchirurgia .............................. a 62, a 103 Forbici per pelli ............................................................................ g 16

Forbici per suture ...................................................................... a 60 Forbici titanio .................................................................................. d 7 Forbici universali ........................................................................ a 65 Frahm strumenti per scolpire ........................................... C 7 Frazier aspiratore ................................................... a 73, a 104 Freer scollaperiostei ............................................... a 46, a 47 Friedman leve per radici ..................................................... a 32 Friedman pinze ossivore ..................................................... a 51 Furrer pinza ..................................................................................... a 96

G gerald pinzette .......................................................... a 90, a 106 gill-Hess pinzette ................................................... a 92, a 105 gillies divaricatori ................................................... a 76, a 105 gillies porta aghi ......................................................... a 70, a 71 glick plugger .................................................................................. C 12 goldman H6/7 Scaler ........................................................... B 12 goldman-Fox Bisturi .............................................................. B 22 goldman-Fox Curette ............................................................ B 10 goldman-Fox forbici ................. a 56, a 57, a 59, a 63 goldman-Fox scollaperiostei ......................................... a 46 goldman-Fox Sonda ................................................ B 14, B 15 goslee pinza ................................................................................... E 18 gracey Curettes ................................................................... B 2-B 7 gracey in alluminio ..................................................................... B 3 gracey tipo Corto ......................................................................... B 6 gracey tipo lungo ........................................................................ B 6 gracey tipo rigido ....................................................................... B 7 grattino per osso ....................................................................... d 11 gritman strumenti per modellare .................................. F 4 gross Maier pinze ..................................................................... a 74

H Halsey porta aghi ....................................................... a 68, a 69 Halstead-Mosquito pinze ................................................... a 72 Harris pinze per estrazione ................................... a 7, a 16 Hartmann pinze ........................................................................... a 72 Heidbrink leve per radici ..................................................... a 31 Heidemann spatole .................................................................. C 10 Heiss pinze ....................................................................................... a 72 Hemingway Cucchiai alveolari ....................... B 17, B 18 Henahan divaricatori .............................................................. a 80 Hirschfeld lime periodontali .......................................... B 21 Hoe .......................................................................................................... B 13 Hollenback otturatori ................................................................ C 2 Hollenback strumenti per scolpire ............................... C 7 Hollow Chop pinze ........................................................................ E 9 Hopkins scollaperiostei ........................................................ a 45 Hourigan scollaperiostei ..................................................... a 47 How pinza di utilità ........................................................ E 6, E 15 Howard apical leve .................................................................. a 31 Howard scollaperiostei ......................................................... a 47 Hydroxile applicatori ............................................................... C 16 Hygenist-Jaquette Scaler .................................................. B 12 Hylin leve per radici ................................................................. a 30 Hylin strumenti per modellare ........................................... F 4

I indiana pietre per affilare .................................................. B 25 indiana Univ. Curette ................................................................ B 9 iniettori per osso ........................................................................ d 15 interproximal strumenti per scolpire .......................... C 7 iris forbici .............................................. a 56, a 57, a 59, a 61 ivory foradiga ............................................................................. a 100 ivory pinza per uncini ......................................................... a 100 ivory portamatrici ...................................................................... a 95 iwanson calibri .............................................................................. F 18

J Jaquette Scaler ........................................................................... B 12 Jarabak pinza ..................................................................... E 9, E 18 Johnson pinza ................................................................ E 10, E 17 Jones pinze ..................................................................................... a 74 Joseph forbici ............................................................................... a 60

K Kells pinze per estrazione ................................................. a 17 Kelly forbici ........................................ a 56, a 57, a 60, a 63 Kelly pinze ......................................................................................... a 72 Kelly-rankin pinze .................................................................... a 72 Kerrison pinze ossivore ........................................................ a 50

Kilner forbici ................................................................................... a 60 Kirkland Bisturi ............................................................................ B 22 Kocher divaricatori ................................................................... a 78 Kopp leve per radici ................................................................ a 35

L la grange forbici .......................... a 56, a 57, a 59, a 61 ladmore brunitori ........................................................................ C 4 ladmore pinze per estrazione ...................................... a 14 lama di tessier ........................................................................... a 80 lame sterili ...................................................................................... a 53 lampada ad alcool .................................................................. g 15 langbeck pinza ........................................................................... E 18 langenbeck divaricatori ..................................................... a 78 langer Curette ................................................................................ B 8 le Cron strumenti per modellare ................................... F 4 lecluse leve per radici .......................................................... a 34 legature pinze ................................................................... E 3, E 14 lempert-delicate pinze ossivore ............................... a 51 lessmann coltelli per cera ................................................... F 5 leve per radici ................................................................ a 28-a 41 lime per alveolotomia ........................................................... a 48 lime periodontali ....................................................................... B 21 lindo levian leve per radici ............................................ a 38 linguali pinze .................................................................. E 11, E 16 locklin forbici ................................................................................ a 60 london Hospital leve per radici ................................... a 30 loops closing pinze ...................................................... E 9, E 11 lorna pinze ...................................................................................... a 73 lucas Cucchiai alveolari .................................................... B 17 luks pluggers ............................................................................... C 12 luer pinze ossivore .................................................................. a 50 luniatschek applicatori ....................................................... a 73 lussatore leve per radici ..................................... a 37, a 41

M Macinatori di osso .................................................................... d 11 Manici per bisturi ....................................................... a 52, a 53 Manici per specchietti .......................................................... a 83 Manicure accessori .................................................. g 16, g 17 Marilyn forbici ............................................................................... a 58 Markley otturatori ........................................................................ C 2 Marquette otturatori .................................................................. C 2 Martelletti per laboratorio ..................................................... F 8 Martelli .................................................................................................... d 9 Mathieu mini .................................................................................. E 22 Mathieu porta aghi ................................................................... a 67 Mathieu-olsen porta aghi .................................. a 70, a 71 Matrici .................................................................................................. a 94 Mayo forbici .................................................................... a 56, a 64 Mayo tavolo ..................................................................................... g 15 Mayo-Hegar porta aghi ....................................... a 68, a 69 Mc Call Curette ........................................................................... B 10 Mc Farlane Scaler ..................................................................... B 12 Mc Kellops pinza ........................................................................ E 16 ME Scaler .......................................................................................... B 11 Mead martelli ................................................................................... d 9 Mead scollaperiostei .............................................................. a 47 Medan-Bein leve per radici ............................................. a 33 Medan-Cryer leve per radici ........................................... a 33 Medan-Flohr leve per radici ............................................ a 33 Medesy forbici .............................................................................. a 64 Medesy leve per radici ......................................................... a 35 MedesyJect siringhe intraligamentali ............................................................ a 84, a 85 Medimpla leve per radici .................................................... a 40 Mercury Sonda ............................................................................ B 14 Mercury strumenti per scolpire ...................................... C 7 Meriam pinzette .......................................................................... a 89 Merrit Sonda .................................................................................. B 14 Mershon spingibande ............................................................ E 21 Metzenbaum forbici ................................................ a 56, a 64 Micro adson pinzette ............................................................. a 91 Microchirurgia set ................................................................. a 107 Microchirurgia set per tessuti molli ..................... a 108 Microchirurgia strumenti ............................... a 103-a 107 Middeldorpf divaricatori ...................................................... a 78 Midelux leve per radici ......................................................... a 39 Miller Cucchiai alveolari ..................................................... B 17 Miller leve per radici ............................................................... a 30 Miller-Colburn lime .................................................................. a 48

Mini Mathieu .................................................................................. E 22 Minnesota University divaricatori .............................. a 77 Mish divaricatori ......................................................................... a 80 Mitchell Scaler ............................................................................. B 11 Molt divaricatori .......................................................................... a 75 Molt scollaperiostei ................................................. a 46, a 47 Montfort pinza .............................................................................. a 97 Mortaio per amalgama ........................................................ a 93 Mortaio per osso ........................................................................ d 15 Mosquito pinze ............................................................................. a 72 MSY strumenti per modellare ........................................... F 4 Mucotomi .......................................................................................... d 13

Naber sonde ................................................................................... C 15 Nance pinza ............................................. E 9, E 11, E 16, E 17 Natural pietre per affilare .................................................. B 25 Neumann forbici ......................................................................... a 59 Nevius pinze per estrazione ............................................ a 16 Noyes forbici ............................................................... a 62, a 103 Nystrom portamatrici ............................................................. a 95 Nystrom strumenti per scolpire ...................................... C 8 NYU brunitori .................................................................................... C 4

pinzette per suture ................................................................... a 89 pinzette porta lastrine .......................................................... g 14 pinzette titanio ................................................................................ d 7 pK thomas per modellare .................................................... F 3 pluggers strumenti canalari ............................................ C 12 policarbonato portaimpronte .......................................... F 16 polvere adesiva per corone ............................................. a 96 porta aghi .......................................................................... a 66-a 71 porta aghi titanio ......................................................................... d 7 porta rifiuti alluminio .............................................................. g 15 portaimpronte .................................................................. F 10-F 17 portaimpronte Ehricke ........................................................... F 13 portaimpronte alluminio ...................................................... F 12 portaimpronte inox ..................................................... F 10-F 15 portaimpronte monouso ...................................................... F 16 portaimpronte policarbonato .......................................... F 16 portamatrici .................................................................................... a 95 portapinze ortodonzia ........................................................... E 21 portaprotesi .................................................................................... g 15 portatamponi ................................................................................. a 73 posizionatore per brackets ............................................... E 20 pott leve per radici ................................................................... a 32 prichard scollaperiostei ....................................................... a 47



obwegeser retractors ........................................... a 79, a 80 obwegeser-ramus divaricatore ................................. a 78 ochsenbein scalpelli ................................................................. d 8 ochsenbein scalpelli .............................................................. B 23 olio lubrificante ............................................................................... E 6 olsen-Hegar porta aghi ....................................... a 70, a 71 omega loops pinze ......................................... E 8, E 15, E 16 optical pinze ........................................................................ E 9, E 17 orban Bisturi .................................................................................. B 22 oringer-Medesy divaricatori ........................................... a 75 osteotomi .................................................................................. d 2-d 6 osteotomi double lock .......................................................... d 4 osteotomi Medoss ...................................................................... d 3 osteotomi Set ...................................................................... d 2, d 3 otturatori .................................................................................. C 2, C 3

ragnell forbici ............................................................................... a 60 ramus divaricatori ................................................................... a 78 retro filling pluggers .............................................................. C 12 reynolds pinza ............................................................... E 10, E 17 rhodes Scalpelli ......................................................................... B 23 rialzo seno mascellare ........................................................ d 10 rialzo seno mascellare Set .............................................. d 18 rochester-Kocher pinze ..................................................... a 72 rochester-péan pinze ........................................................... a 72 romerowski brunitori ............................................................... C 4 roser-König divaricatori ..................................................... a 75 round pinzette .......................................................... a 90, a 106 routurier pinze per estrazione ..................................... a 14 rowney pinze per estrazione ......................................... a 10 rule Scaler ...................................................................................... B 11 russian pinzette ......................................................................... a 92


P parmly pinze per estrazione ............................................ a 17 partsch scalpelli ............................................................................ d 8 pedo pinze per estrazione ......................................... a 3-a 7 pedo pinzette albrecht ............................................................ a 4 periodontal Hoe .......................................................................... B 13 periotomo .......................................................................................... a 49 perry pinzette ................................................................................ a 89 physick pinze per estrazione .......................................... a 16 pietre per affilare ...................................................................... B 25 pinza arnohold ............................................................................. d 16 pinza Cheatle .................................................................................... g 9 pinza per dentalastici ........................................................... E 22 pinza porta moncone ............................................................. d 16 pinza rimuovi bande ................................................................ E 12 pinza rimuovi brackets ........................................... E 12, E 18 pinza rompi lame ....................................................................... a 52 pinza Seizing ..................................................................................... g 9 pinza togli lame ........................................................................... a 52 pinza Universale ortodonzia ............................................ E 19 pinze emostatiche ..................................................... a 72, a 73 pinze foradiga ........................................................................... a 100 pinze ossivore ................................................................ a 50, a 51 pinze per brackets .................................................................... E 20 pinze per corone ........................................................................ a 96 pinze per estrazione ......................................................... a 2-27 pinze per estrazione con manici a forbice ........ a 27 pinze per estrazione per bambini ....................... a 3-a 7 pinze per sterilizzare ................................................................. g 9 pinze per tamponi ..................................................................... a 74 pinze per tessuti .......................................................... a 72, a 73 pinze per uncini ....................................................................... a 100 pinze tira lingua ........................................................................... a 74 pinzette ................................................................................ a 89-a 92 pinzette carta articolatori ................................................... F 17 pinzette di saldatura ................................................................... F 5 pinzette per chirurgia e paradontologia ...................................... a 90, a 91, a 106 pinzette per impianti e monconi ................................. d 16 pinzette per medicazioni .................................................... a 89

S Sanders bisturi ............................................................................. B 22 Scalers ................................................................................... B 11, B 12 Scalpelli ................................................................................................. d 8 Scalpelli chirurgici .................................................................... B 23 Scalpelli parodontali ................................................... B 8, B 23 Scalpelli per cavità ...................................................................... C 8 Scavatori ............................................................................. B 19-B 21 Schluger lime periodontali ............................................. B 21 Schwarz pinza ............................................................................... E 11 Scollaperiostei ............................................................... a 45-a 47 Seghetti di laboratorio .............................................................. F 8 Seldin leve per radici .............................................. a 29, a 30 Seldin scollaperiostei ............................................................. a 45 Semken pinzette ........................................................................ a 90 Senn-Miller divaricatori ....................................................... a 76 Set Bone-Splitting .................................................................... d 18 Set per ceramica e protesi fissa ..................................... F 7 Set per protesi mobile e tecnico ..................................... F 7 Set rialzo seno mascellare ............................................... d 18 SHo strumenti per scolpire ................................................ C 7 Sindesmotomi ............................................................... a 44, a 45 Siqueland portamatrici ......................................................... a 95 Siringhe ................................................................................ a 84-a 88 Siringhe inox .................................................................................. a 86 Siringhe intraligamentali ..................................... a 84-a 86 Siringhe per retrogradi ......................................................... d 15 Sliding calibri .................................................................................. F 18 Smaha per legature ................................................................. E 22 Sonde ......................................................... B 14-B 16, C 14-C 16 Sonde doppie ................................................................................ C 15 Sonde endodonzia ..................................................... C 13, C 15 Spatola 8x ............................................................................................. F 5 Spatole ................................................................................................. C 10 Spatole per alginato-gesso manico legno ............ F 5 Spatole per cementi .................................................................... F 4 Specchietti ......................................................................... a 81-a 83 Specchietti laringeali ............................................................. a 83 Spencer forbici ............................................................................. a 60

Spingi amalgama ....................................................... a 93, a 94 Spingibande .................................................................................... E 21 Splinter pinze ................................................................................. a 13 Spr strumenti per scolpire ................................................. C 7 Spreaders Strumenti canalari ....................................... C 13 Square ring forbici .................................................................... a 58 Steiner per legature ................................................................ E 23 Sternberg divaricatori ........................................................... a 77 Stieglitz pinze ................................................................................ a 13 Stockes pinza per uncini ................................................ a 100 Strumenti per brackets ........................................................ E 20 Strumenti per composito in titanio ......................... C 11 Strumenti per corone ............................................. a 96-a 98 Strumenti per diga ................................................. a 99-a 102 Strumenti per filo retrattore ............................................ C 13 Strumenti per legature ......................................................... E 22 Strumenti per modellare ...................... C 2, C 3, F 2-F 4 Strumenti per scolpire .................................................. C 7, C 8 Strumenti rialzo seno mascellare ................................. d 9 Strumenti taglia smalto-dentina .................................... C 9 Strumenti trattamento cavità ......................................... C 16 Strumenti per ceramica .......................................................... F 6 Sugarman lime periodontali .......................................... B 21 Superior Cut forbici ................................................................. a 57

T tanner otturatori ........................................................................... C 2 tavolo di Mayo .............................................................................. g 15 taylor pinzette ........................................................... a 90, a 106 taylor Scaler ................................................................................... B 11 tazze per alginato e gesso ............................................... g 13 telaio per diga .............................................................................. a 99 tessier divaricatori ................................................................... a 80 tg Scalpelli ..................................................................................... B 23 thomas pinze per estrazione ......................................... a 17 thorne pinze per estrazione ........................................... a 12 titanio Curettes ............................................................................. d 7 titanio forbici .............................................................. a 63, a 103 titanio Strumenti vari ............................................................... d 7 titanium Curette ........................................................................... B 9 titanium Sonde ........................................................................... B 16 tofflemire portamatrici ........................................................ a 95 tomati pinze ................................................................................... a 64 tomes pinze per estrazione ................................. a 7, a 17 towel pinze ...................................................................................... a 74 towner-Jaquette Scaler ..................................................... B 12 towner Bisturi ............................................................................... B 22 towner Scaler ............................................................................... B 11 trephines ........................................................................................... d 13 trituratore per osso ................................................................. d 11 trituratore per osso ti .......................................................... d 11 trolley .................................................................................................... g 19 tronchesini fili grossi ....................................... E 3, E 4, E 14 tronchesini fili pesanti .............................................................. E 4 tronchesini ortodonzia ................................... E 3, E 4, E 14 tronchesini per legature .......................................... E 3, E 14 tronchesino per tessuti ....................................................... a 64 trotter pinze per estrazione ............................. a 18, a 19 tucker per legature ................................................................. E 23 tweed pinza ............................................. E 8, E 10, E 15-E 17

W W. Barry leve per radici ....................................................... a 34 Wahl lime ........................................................................................... a 48 Wakefield scalpelli ....................................................................... d 8 Ward otturatori ................................................................................ C 2 Ward strumenti per scolpire .............................................. C 7 Warwick-James leve per radici ................................... a 32 Washington pinza per uncini ...................................... a 100 Wassmund divaricatore ....................................................... a 78 Wedelstaedt strumenti per scolpire ........................... C 8 Weingart pinza di utilità ........................................... E 6, E 15 Westcott brunitori ........................................................................ C 4 White brunitori ................................................................................. C 6 White leve per radici ............................................................... a 29 White pinza per uncini ...................................................... a 100 Wieder divaricatore ................................................................. a 77 Wiland strumenti per scolpire .......................................... C 7 Williams Sonda ............................................................. B 14, B 15 Williger Scaler ............................................................................... B 11 Willinger cucchiai alveolari .............................................. B 18 Willinger scollaperiostei ...................................................... a 45 Winter leve per radici ............................................................. a 34 Witzel pinze per estrazione .............................................. a 14 Wood pinze per estrazione ............................................... a 10 Woodson brunitori ....................................................................... C 5 Wynman pinza .............................................................................. a 96

Y Young pinza .......................................................................... E 8, E 16 Young pinze ..................................................................................... a 74 Younger-good Curette .......................................................... B 10

Z zahle strumenti per modellare ......................................... F 4 zed line forbici .............................................................................. a 63 zerfing Scalpelli .......................................................................... B 23 züricher calibro ............................................................................ F 18

Index / iNdiCE


U Uncini per diga ......................................................................... a 101 Univ. of Michigan Sonda ..................................... B 14, B 15 Universal portamatrici .......................................................... a 95 USC strumenti per scolpire ................................................. C 7 Utilità pinze ........................................................................... E 6, E 19

V V-Stop pinza ................................................................................... E 18 Valigia espositore ....................................................... g 18, g 19 Valigia ortodonzia ...................................................................... E 24 Vaschette reniformi .................................................................... g 6 Vassoi in alluminio ............................................................ g 7-g 9 Vassoi in plastica .............................................................. g 4, g 5 Vassoi inox .................................................................. g 2, g 3, g 6 Vassoi per trephines .............................................................. d 13 Vassoio ortodonzia ................................................................... E 19 Vestibulum divaricatore ....................................................... a 77 Vetro di supporto ....................................................................... g 13 Volkmann Cucchiai alveolari .......................................... B 18


code Index


100 ........................................................... g 17 101 ............................................................ g 17 115 ............................................................... F 5 116 ............................................................... F 5 139 ............................................................... d 3 201 .............................................................. F 5 202 ............................................................... F 5 203 ............................................................... F 5 204 ............................................................... F 5 205 ............................................................... F 5 206 ............................................................... F 5 208 ............................................................... F 5 209 ............................................................... F 5 210 ............................................................... F 5 211 ............................................................... F 5 213 ............................................................... F 5 213/2 ........................................................... F 5 214 ............................................................... F 5 215/1 ........................................................ g 13 215/2 ........................................................ g 13 215/3 ........................................................ g 13 215/4 ........................................................ g 13 220 ............................................................ g 15 221 ............................................................... F 5 222 ............................................................... F 5 304/D ...................................................... g 17 304/t ........................................................ g 17 466/1 ......................................................... C 2 466/2 ........................................................... C 2 466/3 ........................................................... C 2 466/4 ........................................................... C 2 470/0 ........................................................... C 2 470/1 ........................................................... C 2 470/2 ........................................................... C 2 470/3 ........................................................... C 2 472/2 ........................................................... C 4 473/1 ........................................................... C 5 473/2 ........................................................... C 5 473/3 ........................................................... C 5 474/2 ........................................................... C 4 474/3 ........................................................... C 4 475/18 ........................................................ C 4 475/28 ........................................................ C 4 475/29 ........................................................ C 4 475/30 ........................................................ C 4 477/32 ........................................................ C 6 477/33 ........................................................ C 6 478 ............................................................... C 6 479/29 ........................................................ C 6 484/1 ........................................................... C 5 484/2 ........................................................... C 5 485/1 ........................................................... C 5 485/2 ........................................................... C 5 488/1 ........................................................... C 2 488/2 ........................................................... C 2 488/3 ........................................................... C 2 488/4 ........................................................... C 2 488/5 ........................................................... C 2 488/6 ........................................................... C 2 490/pF1a ............................................... C 10 491/pF1 .................................................. C 10 494/1 ........................................................... C 5 494/2 ........................................................... C 5 494/3 ........................................................... C 5 497/1 ........................................................... C 5 497/2 ........................................................... C 5 497/3 ........................................................... C 5 499/1t ..................................................... C 11 499/2t ..................................................... C 11 499/3t ..................................................... C 11 499/4t ..................................................... C 11 499/5t ..................................................... C 11 499/6t ..................................................... C 11 499/7t ..................................................... C 11 499/8t ..................................................... C 11 499/9t ..................................................... C 11 499/Set .................................................... C 11 500/1 ......................................................... C 4 500/2 ........................................................... C 4 500/3 ........................................................... C 4 500/4 ........................................................... C 4

500/5 ........................................................... C 4 505/1 ........................................................... C 3 505/2 ........................................................... C 3 507/6 ........................................................ C 10 507/11 ..................................................... C 10 507/179 .................................................. C 10 509/10 ..................................................... C 10 509/11 ..................................................... C 10 509/12 ..................................................... C 10 509/13 ..................................................... C 10 518/1 ........................................................... C 5 518/2 ........................................................... C 5 518/3 ........................................................... C 5 521/1 ........................................................... C 4 521/2 ........................................................... C 4 521/3 ........................................................... C 4 523/1 ........................................................... C 3 523/1z ........................................................ C 3 523/2 ........................................................... C 3 523/2z ........................................................ C 3 523/3 ........................................................... C 3 523/3z ........................................................ C 3 527/1 ........................................................... C 3 527/1z ........................................................ C 3 527/2 ........................................................... C 3 527/2z ........................................................ C 3 527/3 ........................................................... C 3 527/3z ........................................................ C 3 527/4 ........................................................... C 3 527/4z ........................................................ C 3 528/1 ........................................................... C 2 530/1 ........................................................... C 4 530/2 ........................................................... C 4 530/3 ........................................................... C 4 535/1 ........................................................... C 6 535/2 ........................................................... C 6 535/3 ........................................................... C 6 535/4 ........................................................... C 6 536/1 ........................................................... C 6 536/2 ........................................................... C 6 536/3 ........................................................... C 6 537/1 ........................................................... C 6 537/2 ........................................................... C 6 537/3 ........................................................... C 6 538/1 ........................................................ C 12 538/2 ........................................................ C 12 539/1 ........................................................ C 13 539/2 ........................................................ C 13 539/3 ........................................................ C 13 539/4 ........................................................ C 13 539/5 ........................................................ C 13 539/6 ........................................................ C 13 539/7 ........................................................ C 13 540/1 ........................................................ C 12 540/2 ........................................................ C 12 540/3 ........................................................ C 12 540/4 ........................................................ C 12 541/1 ........................................................ C 12 541/2 ........................................................ C 12 541/3 ........................................................ C 12 541/4 ........................................................ C 12 542/1CC .................................................. C 12 542/2CC .................................................. C 12 542/3CC .................................................. C 12 542/4CC .................................................. C 12 543/1CC .................................................. C 13 543/2CC .................................................. C 13 543/3CC .................................................. C 13 543/4CC .................................................. C 13 544/1-3 ................................................... C 12 544/5-7 ................................................... C 12 544/9-11 ................................................ C 12 545/1 ........................................................ C 12 546/1 ........................................................ B 14 546/2 ........................................................ B 14 546/3 ........................................................ B 14 546/4 ........................................................ B 14 546/5 ........................................................ B 14 546/6 ........................................................ B 14 546/7 ........................................................ B 14 548/1 ........................................................ B 16

548/1 pt ................................................. B 16 548/2 ........................................................ B 16 548/2 pt ................................................. B 16 548/3 ........................................................ B 16 548/3 pt ................................................. B 16 548/4 ........................................................ B 16 548/4 pt ................................................. B 16 548/5 ........................................................ B 16 548/5 pt ................................................. B 16 548/6 ........................................................ B 16 548/6 pt ................................................. B 16 548/7 ........................................................ B 16 548/7Fi .................................................... B 15 548/7 pt ................................................. B 16 550/10 tC .............................................. B 13 550/11 tC .............................................. B 13 550/12 tC .............................................. B 13 550/13 tC .............................................. B 13 550/Set .................................................... B 13 552/5-6 ................................................... C 16 552/23-17 ............................................. C 16 552/23-17a .......................................... C 16 553/6 ........................................................ C 16 553/8 ........................................................ C 16 553/9 ........................................................ C 16 553/12 ..................................................... C 16 553/17 ..................................................... C 16 553/17a .................................................. C 16 553/23 ..................................................... C 16 554/2 ........................................................ C 14 554/3 ........................................................ C 14 554/3a ..................................................... C 14 554/5 ........................................................ C 14 554/6 ........................................................ C 14 554/8a ..................................................... C 14 554/9 ........................................................ C 14 554/10 ..................................................... C 14 554/11 ..................................................... C 14 554/12 ..................................................... C 14 554/16 ..................................................... C 14 554/17 ..................................................... C 14 554/17a .................................................. C 14 554/23 ..................................................... C 14 555/2 ........................................................ C 14 555/3 ........................................................ C 14 555/3a ..................................................... C 14 555/5 ........................................................ C 14 555/6 ........................................................ C 14 555/8 ........................................................ C 14 555/8a ..................................................... C 14 555/9 ......................................... a 105, C 14 555/10 ..................................................... C 14 555/11 ..................................................... C 14 555/12 ..................................................... C 14 555/16 ...................................... a 105, C 14 555/17 ..................................................... C 14 555/17a .................................................. C 14 555/23 ..................................................... C 14 560/1 ........................................................ C 15 560/2 ........................................................ C 15 560/3 ........................................................ C 15 560/4 ........................................................ C 15 560/5 ........................................................ C 15 560/6 ........................................................ C 15 560/7 ........................................................ C 15 560/8 ........................................................ C 15 565/1 ............................................ C 13, C 15 565/2 ........................................................ C 15 565/3 ........................................................ C 15 566/16 ..................................................... B 14 566/17 ..................................................... B 15 566/23 ..................................................... B 14 567/3 ........................................................ B 14 567/16 ..................................................... B 14 567/17 ..................................................... B 15 567/23 ..................................................... B 15 568/1 ........................................................ B 15 569/1 ........................................................ C 15 569/2 ........................................................ C 15 569/2 Col .............................................. C 15 570/1 ........................................................ B 15

570/2 ........................................................ B 15 571/3 ........................................................ B 14 571/16 ..................................................... B 14 571/17 ..................................................... B 15 571/23 ..................................................... B 15 575/1 ........................................................... F 6 575/2 ........................................................... F 6 575/3 ........................................................... F 6 575/Set ....................................................... F 6 576/1 ........................................................... F 6 576/2 ........................................................... F 6 576/3 ........................................................... F 6 576/Set ....................................................... F 6 577/1 ........................................................... F 6 577/2 ........................................................... F 6 577/3 ........................................................... F 6 577/4 ........................................................... F 6 577/5 ........................................................... F 6 577/6 ........................................................... F 6 578/1 ........................................................ C 10 578/2 ........................................................ C 10 578/3 ........................................................ C 10 579/1 ........................................................ C 10 579/2 ........................................................ C 10 579/3 ........................................................ C 10 580/1 ........................................................ C 10 580/2 ........................................................ C 10 580/3 ........................................................ C 10 581/1 ........................................................... F 3 581/2 ........................................................... F 3 581/3 ........................................................... F 3 581/4 ........................................................... F 3 581/5 ........................................................... F 3 581/Set ....................................................... F 3 582 ............................................................ C 16 583/1 ........................................................... F 3 583/2 ........................................................... F 3 583/3 ........................................................... F 3 583/4 ........................................................... F 3 583/5 ........................................................... F 3 583/Set ....................................................... F 2 584 ............................................................ C 16 585 ............................................................ C 13 585/81 ..................................................... C 13 585/MSY ................................................. C 13 586/1 .................................................. C 4, F 3 587 ............................................................ C 16 588 ............................................................... F 4 589 ............................................................... F 4 590 ............................................................... F 4 591 ............................................................... F 4 592 ............................................................... F 4 593 ............................................................... F 4 594 ............................................................... F 4 595 ............................................................... F 4 596 ............................................................... F 4 597 ............................................................... F 4 598 ............................................................... F 4 599 ............................................................... F 4 599/Set ....................................................... F 2 600/1 ......................................................... C 7 600/2 ........................................................... C 7 600/3 ........................................................... C 7 601/2 ........................................................... C 7 601/3 ........................................................... C 7 601/4 ........................................................... C 7 602 ............................................................... C 7 602/1 ........................................................... C 7 603 ............................................................... C 7 604/1 ........................................................... C 7 604/2 ........................................................... C 7 605/1 ........................................................... C 7 605/3 ........................................................... C 7 605/4 ........................................................... C 7 605/8 ........................................................... C 7 606/1 ........................................................... C 7 607 ............................................................... C 7 608/0 ........................................................... C 8 608/1 ........................................................... C 8 608/2 ........................................................... C 8 608/3 ........................................................... C 8

608/4 ........................................................... C 8 608/5 ........................................................... C 8 609/1 ........................................................... C 9 609/2 ........................................................... C 9 609/3 ........................................................... C 9 609/4 ........................................................... C 9 609/5 ........................................................... C 9 609/6 ........................................................... C 9 609/7 ........................................................... C 9 609/8 ........................................................... C 9 609/9 ........................................................... C 9 610 ............................................................... F 4 610/1 ........................................................... C 8 610/2 ........................................................... C 8 610/3 ........................................................... C 8 611/243 .................................................. B 20 611/244 .................................................. B 20 611/245 .................................................. B 20 612/26 ........................................................ C 9 612/27 ........................................................ C 9 612/28 ........................................................ C 9 612/29 ........................................................ C 9 613/78 ........................................................ C 9 613/80 ........................................................ C 9 614/52 ........................................................ C 9 614/54 ........................................................ C 9 615/1 ........................................................... C 9 615/2 ........................................................... C 9 616/2 ........................................................... C 8 616/4 ........................................................... C 8 616/6 ........................................................... C 8 617/1-2 ...................................................... B 3 617/3-4 ...................................................... B 3 617/5-6 ...................................................... B 3 617/7-8 ...................................................... B 3 617/9-10 ................................................... B 3 617/11-12 ................................................ B 3 617/13-14 ................................................ B 3 617/15-16 ................................................ B 3 617 Set ....................................................... B 3 619/1 ........................................................ a 73 619/2 ........................................................ a 73 620/1 ........................................................... B 9 620/5 ........................................................... B 9 621/3 ........................................................ B 11 622/13 ........................................................ B 9 622/14 ........................................................ B 9 623/1-2 ...................................................... B 9 623/412 ..................................................... B 8 623/414 ..................................................... B 8 624/1 ........................................................ B 10 624/2 ........................................................ B 10 624/3 ........................................................ B 10 624/4 ........................................................ B 10 624/5 ........................................................ B 10 624/6 ........................................................ B 10 624/21 ..................................................... B 10 625/1-2 (8Hl) .......................................... B 4 625/3-4 (8Hl) .......................................... B 4 625/5-6 (8Hl) .......................................... B 4 625/7-8 (8Hl) .......................................... B 4 625/9-10 (8Hl) ....................................... B 4 625/11-12 (8Hl) .................................... B 4 625/13-14 (8Hl) .................................... B 4 625/15-16 (8Hl) .................................... B 4 626/2 ........................................................... B 8 626/4 ........................................................... B 8 626/6 ........................................................... B 8 627/2 ........................................................... B 8 627/4 ........................................................... B 8 627/4 ti ............................................ B 9, d 7 627/14 ........................................................ B 8 628/1-2 (8Hl) .......................................... B 7 628/3-4 (8Hl) .......................................... B 7 628/5-6 (8Hl) .......................................... B 7 628/7-8 (8Hl) .......................................... B 7 628/9-10 (8Hl) ....................................... B 7 628/11-12 (8Hl) .................................... B 7 628/13-14 (8Hl) .................................... B 7 629/12 ..................................................... B 10 629/13 ..................................................... B 10

629/14 ..................................................... B 10 629/15 ..................................................... B 10 629/17 ..................................................... B 10 629/19 ..................................................... B 10 629/20 ..................................................... B 10 630/1 ........................................................ B 23 631/11-14 ................................................ B 8 631/12-13 ................................................ B 8 632/1 ........................................................... B 9 632/2 ........................................................... B 9 633/8 ........................................................ B 10 634/7 ........................................................ B 22 634/8 ........................................................ B 22 634/9 ........................................................ B 22 634/11 ..................................................... B 22 635/4 ........................................................ B 22 635/6 ........................................................ B 22 636/2 ........................................................ B 22 636/5 ........................................................ B 22 637/20 ..................................................... B 22 638/3 ........................................................ B 22 639/23 ........................................................ B 8 639/24 ........................................................ B 8 639/25 ........................................................ B 8 640/1 ........................................................ B 11 640/2 ........................................................ B 11 640/3 ........................................................ B 11 640/5 ........................................................ B 11 640/5 ti ............................................ B 9, d 7 640/13 ..................................................... B 11 640/24 ..................................................... B 11 641/1 ........................................................... d 8 641/2 ........................................................... d 8 641/3 ........................................................ B 23 642/1 ........................................................ B 23 642/2 ........................................................ B 23 642/3 ........................................................ B 23 643/3 ........................................................ B 23 643/4 ........................................................ B 23 643/37 ..................................................... B 23 644 Set .................................................... B 27 645/1 ........................................................ B 22 645/2 ........................................................ B 22 645/3 ........................................................ B 23 646/3 ........................................................ B 22 647/1 ........................................................ B 22 647/2 ........................................................ B 22 648/3 ........................................................ B 22 649/3-7 ................................................... B 21 649/5-11 ................................................ B 21 649/9-10 ................................................ B 21 650/2 ........................................................ B 21 650/4 ........................................................ B 21 650/10 ..................................................... B 21 650/12 ..................................................... B 21 651/10 ..................................................... B 12 651/11 ..................................................... B 12 651/11 ti ......................................... B 9, d 7 651/30-33 ............................................. B 12 651/31-32 ............................................. B 12 651/34-35 ............................................. B 12 651/37-38 ............................................. B 12 651/U15-30 .......................................... B 12 651/U15-33 .......................................... B 12 652/2-3 ................................................... B 12 652/4-5 ................................................... B 12 652/50 ..................................................... B 11 653/1 ........................................................ B 11 653/11 ..................................................... B 11 653/12 ..................................................... B 11 653/21 ..................................................... B 11 653/22 ..................................................... B 11 653/U15 .................................................. B 11 654 ............................................................ B 11 655 ............................................................ B 11 656/1 ........................................................ B 11 657/0000 ............................................... B 18 657/000 .................................................. B 18 657/00 ..................................................... B 18 657/0 ........................................................ B 18 657/1 ........................................................ B 18

657/2 ........................................................ B 18 657/3 ........................................................ B 18 658 ............................................................ B 18 658/0 ........................................................ B 18 658/1 ........................................................ B 18 658/2 ........................................................ B 18 659/0 ........................................................ B 18 659/1 ........................................................ B 18 659/2 ........................................................ B 18 659/3 ........................................................ B 18 659/4 ........................................................ B 18 660/0 ........................................................ B 17 660/1 ........................................................ B 17 660/2 ........................................................ B 17 660/3 ........................................................ B 17 660/4 ........................................................ B 17 660/9 ........................................................ B 17 660/10 ..................................................... B 17 661/85 ..................................................... B 17 661/86 ..................................................... B 17 661/87 ..................................................... B 17 661/88 ..................................................... B 17 663/17 ..................................................... B 19 663/18 ..................................................... B 19 663/19 ..................................................... B 19 664/14 ..................................................... B 19 664/17 ..................................................... B 19 664/18 ..................................................... B 19 664/19 ..................................................... B 19 665/31 ..................................................... B 19 665/32 ..................................................... B 19 665/33 ..................................................... B 19 666/125-126 ........................................ B 20 666/127-128 ........................................ B 20 667/153-154 ........................................ B 20 667/155-156 ........................................ B 20 668/39 ..................................................... B 19 668/64 ..................................................... B 19 668/66 ..................................................... B 19 669/1-2 (8Hl) .......................................... B 6 669/3-4 (8Hl) .......................................... B 6 669/5-6 (8Hl) .......................................... B 6 669/5-6 ti (10Hl) ........................ B 9, d 7 669/7-8 (8Hl) .......................................... B 6 669/7-8 ti (10Hl) ........................ B 9, d 7 669/9-10 (8Hl) ....................................... B 6 669/11-12 (8Hl) .................................... B 6 669/11-12 ti (10Hl) .................. B 9, d 7 669/13-14 (8Hl) .................................... B 6 669/13-14 ti (10Hl) .................. B 9, d 7 670/0 ........................................................ B 20 670/1 ........................................................ B 20 670/2 ........................................................ B 20 670/3 ........................................................ B 20 670/4 ........................................................ B 20 671/1 ........................................................ B 20 671/2 ........................................................ B 20 671/125-126 ........................................ B 21 671/127-128 ........................................ B 21 671/129-130 ........................................ B 21 671/133-134 ........................................ B 21 671/153-154 ........................................ B 21 672/1 ........................................................ E 23 672/2 ........................................................ E 23 672/3 ........................................................ B 21 672/4 ........................................................ B 21 672/5 ........................................................ B 21 673 ............................................................ E 23 673/2C ..................................................... E 23 674 ............................................................ E 23 675/00 ........................................................ F 4 675/0 ........................................................... F 4 675/1 ........................................................... F 4 675/2 ........................................................... F 4 675/3 ........................................................... F 4 675/4 ........................................................... F 4 675/MBC ................................................. d 12 676/1 ........................................................... F 4 677/1 ........................................................... F 4 678/3 ........................................................... F 4 679/1-2 (8Hl) .......................................... B 6

679/3-4 (8Hl) .......................................... B 6 679/5-6 (8Hl) .......................................... B 6 679/7-8 (8Hl) .......................................... B 6 679/9-10 (8Hl) ....................................... B 6 679/11-12 (8Hl) .................................... B 6 679/13-14 (8Hl) .................................... B 6 680/1 ........................................................ a 29 680/2 ........................................................ a 29 680/3 ........................................................ a 29 680/4 ........................................................ a 29 680/5 ........................................................ a 29 680/6 ........................................................ a 29 680/7 ........................................................ a 29 680/8 ........................................................ a 29 680/9 ........................................................ a 29 680/11 ..................................................... a 29 680/12 ..................................................... a 29 680/13 ..................................................... a 29 680/14 ..................................................... a 29 680/33 ..................................................... a 35 680/34 ..................................................... a 35 680/35 ..................................................... a 35 680/36 ..................................................... a 35 680/37 ..................................................... a 35 680/38 ..................................................... a 35 680/Set .................................................... a 42 681/1 ........................................................ a 32 681/2 ........................................................ a 32 682/Set .................................................... a 42 684/Set 11 pcs .................................... a 43 686/Set 9 pcs ....................................... a 43 690/3 ........................................................ a 29 690/4 ........................................................ a 29 690/5 ........................................................ a 29 690/6 ........................................................ a 29 690/7 ........................................................ a 29 690/8 ........................................................ a 29 700/1 ...................................................... a 32 700/2 ........................................................ a 32 700/3 ........................................................ a 32 700/8 ........................................................ a 31 700/9 ........................................................ a 31 700/10 ..................................................... a 31 700/11 ..................................................... a 31 700/12 ..................................................... a 31 700/13 ..................................................... a 31 700/20 ..................................................... a 31 700/21 ..................................................... a 31 705/1 ........................................................ a 31 705/2 ........................................................ a 31 705/3 ........................................................ a 31 705/4 ........................................................ a 31 705/6 ........................................................ a 31 705/7 ........................................................ a 31 705/8 ........................................................ a 31 705/9 ........................................................ a 31 720/1 ........................................................ a 29 720/2 ........................................................ a 29 720/3 ........................................................ a 29 720/4 ........................................................ a 29 720/5 ........................................................ a 29 720/6 ........................................................ a 29 720/7 ........................................................ a 29 720/8 ........................................................ a 29 720/9 ........................................................ a 29 720/10 ..................................................... a 29 720/11 ..................................................... a 29 720/15 ..................................................... a 29 720/20 ..................................................... a 30 720/21 ..................................................... a 30 720/22 ..................................................... a 30 720/23 ..................................................... a 30 720/24 ..................................................... a 30 720/27 ..................................................... a 30 720/27 S ................................................. a 30 720/28 ..................................................... a 30 720/28 S ................................................. a 30 720/29 ..................................................... a 30 720/30 ..................................................... a 30 720/31 ..................................................... a 30 720/32 ..................................................... a 30

722/1 ........................................................ 722/2 ........................................................ 722/3 ........................................................ 725/1 lll ............................................... 725/2 llM ............................................. 725/3 llS ............................................... 725/4 lllC ............................................ 725/5 llMC .......................................... 725/6 llSC ........................................... 725/Set lindo levian ........................ 726/1S ..................................................... 726/2 S ................................................... 726/3 S ................................................... 726/4 S ................................................... 726/5 S ................................................... 726/6 S ................................................... 727/50 ..................................................... 728/1 ........................................................ 728/2 ........................................................ 730/3 C ................................................... 730/3 S ................................................... 730/4 C ................................................... 730/4 S ................................................... 730/5 C ................................................... 730/5 S ................................................... 730/301 .................................................. 730/302 .................................................. 730/302 CB ........................................... 730/303 .................................................. 730/303 CB ........................................... 730/304 W ............................................ 730/Set lussatore .............................. 735/Set .................................................... 735/Set apexo ...................................... 740/1 ........................................................ 740/2 ........................................................ 740/3 ........................................................ 740/4 ........................................................ 740/5 ........................................................ 750/1 ........................................................ 750/2 ........................................................ 770/1 ........................................................ 780/1 ........................................................ 780/2 ........................................................ 780/3 ........................................................ 780/4 ........................................................ 785/1l ..................................................... 785/1r ..................................................... 785/11l .................................................. 785/11r .................................................. 785/12l .................................................. 785/12r .................................................. 790/1 ........................................................ 790/2 ........................................................ 795/1 ........................................................ 795/2 ........................................................ 795/3 ........................................................ 795/4 ........................................................ 795/5 ........................................................ 796/1 ........................................................ 796/2 ........................................................ 796/3 ........................................................ 797/1 ........................................................ 797/2 ........................................................ 797/3 ........................................................ 797/4 ........................................................ 798/1 ........................................................ 798/2 ........................................................ 798/3 ........................................................ 799/2 ........................................................ 799/3 ........................................................ 799/5 ........................................................ 799/6 ........................................................ 799/7 ........................................................ 799/8 ........................................................ 799/9 ........................................................ 799/10 ..................................................... 800/1 ...................................................... 800/2 ........................................................ 800/3 ........................................................ 800/4 ........................................................

a 33 a 33 a 33 a 38 a 38 a 38 a 38 a 38 a 38 a 38 a 29 a 29 a 29 a 29 a 29 a 29 a 41 a 32 a 32 a 37 a 37 a 37 a 37 a 37 a 37 a 36 a 36 a 36 a 36 a 36 a 36 a 37 a 36 a 36 a 35 a 35 a 35 a 35 a 35 a 32 a 32 a 34 a 34 a 34 a 34 a 34 a 34 a 34 a 34 a 34 a 34 a 34 a 33 a 33 a 30 a 30 a 30 a 30 a 30 a 32 a 32 a 32 a 30 a 30 a 30 a 30 a 30 a 30 a 30 a 33 a 33 a 33 a 33 a 33 a 33 a 33 a 33 a 35 a 35 a 35 a 35

800/5 ........................................................ a 35 800/6 ........................................................ a 35 810-1ti .................................................... a 39 810-2ti .................................................... a 39 810-3ti .................................................... a 39 810-4ti .................................................... a 39 810-5ti .................................................... a 39 810-6ti .................................................... a 39 810-7ti .................................................... a 39 810/Set .................................................... a 39 812-1ti .................................................... a 40 812-2ti .................................................... a 40 812-3ti .................................................... a 40 812-4ti .................................................... a 40 812-5ti .................................................... a 40 812-6ti .................................................... a 40 812-7ti .................................................... a 40 812/Set .................................................... a 40 818 ............................................................ a 76 820/1 ........................................................ a 75 820/2 ........................................................ a 75 820/3 ........................................................ a 75 830/1 ........................................................ B 15 830/2 ........................................................ B 15 831/1 ........................................................ B 15 831/2 ........................................................ B 15 850 ............................................................ a 47 851/Hp3 .................................................. a 46 851/Hp3 ti ............................................. a 46 852/Hp3 .................................................. a 46 854/H02 .................................................. a 46 854/H02 ti ............................................. a 46 856 ............................................. a 46, a 105 868/1 ........................................................ a 49 868/2 ........................................................ a 49 868/3 ........................................................ a 49 868/4 ........................................................ a 49 868 Kit ..................................................... a 49 869 ............................................................ a 47 870 ............................................................ a 47 871/2-4 ................................................... a 46 871/2-4 ti .............................................. a 46 872/p14 .................................................. a 46 872/p14 ti ............................................. a 46 873/pH2 .................................................. a 47 874/p1 ..................................................... a 45 874/p2 ..................................................... a 45 875/12 S ................................................. a 45 876/22 ..................................................... a 45 876/23 ..................................................... a 45 877/HK4 .................................................. a 47 877/HK4 ti ............................................. a 47 878 ............................................................ a 47 879 ............................................................ a 47 880 ............................................................ a 45 881 ............................................................ a 45 882 ............................................................ a 47 882 ti ....................................................... a 47 883 ............................................................ a 46 884 ............................................................ a 46 885 ............................................................ a 47 886 ............................................................ a 76 887/1 ........................................................ a 78 887/2 ........................................................ a 78 887/3 ........................................................ a 78 888/1 ........................................................ a 78 888/2 ........................................................ a 78 888/3 ........................................................ a 78 888/4 ........................................................ a 78 888/5 ........................................................ a 78 889/1 ........................................................ a 78 889/2 ........................................................ a 78 890 ............................................................ a 77 891 ............................................................ a 77 892 ............................................................ a 77 893 ............................................................ a 76 894/1 ........................................................ a 48 894/2 ........................................................ a 48 895/1 ........................................................ a 48 895/2 ........................................................ a 48 895/3 ........................................................ a 48

Index / iNdiCE

iNdiCE pEr CodiCE



954/4 ........................................................... d 9 954/5 ........................................................... d 9 954/6 ........................................................... d 9 955/3 ........................................................... d 9 955/4 ........................................................... d 9 955/5 ........................................................... d 9 955/6 ........................................................... d 9 956/3 ........................................................... d 9 956/4 ........................................................... d 9 956/5 ........................................................... d 9 956/6 ........................................................... d 9 957/1 ........................................................ d 13 957/2 .............................................. d 13, g 4 957/5 ........................................................... g 4 957/6 ........................................................... g 4 957/7 ........................................................... g 4 960/B ........................................................... g 9 960/d .......................................................... g 9 960/r ........................................................... g 9 960/S ........................................................... g 9 960/V ........................................................... g 9 961/g .......................................................... g 9 963 ............................................................... g 3 963/F ........................................................... g 3 965/1 ........................................................ g 12 965/2 ........................................................ g 12 965/3 ........................................................ g 12 965/4 ........................................................ g 12 966/1 ........................................................ g 12 966/2 ........................................................ g 12 966/3 ........................................................ g 12 966/4 ........................................................ g 12 967/1 ........................................................ g 12 967/2 ........................................................ g 12 967/3 ........................................................ g 12 968/1 ........................................................ g 12 969 ............................................................ g 12 970/1a ..................................................... g 12 970/1B ..................................................... g 12 970/1g ..................................................... g 12 970/1r ..................................................... g 12 970/1V ..................................................... g 12 971 ............................................................ g 12 972 ............................................................ g 12 974/B ........................................................ g 15 974/d ....................................................... g 15 974/g ....................................................... g 15 974/r ........................................................ g 15 974/V ........................................................ g 15 975/B ........................................................ g 15 975/d ....................................................... g 15 975/g ....................................................... g 15 975/r ........................................................ g 15 975/V ........................................................ g 15 977 ............................................................... g 2 977/10 ........................................................ g 2 978 ............................................................... g 2 979 ............................................................... g 5 979/B ........................................................... g 5 979/Bl ........................................................ g 5 979/g .......................................................... g 5 979/r ........................................................... g 5 979/W ......................................................... g 5 980 ............................................................... g 2 980/M ......................................................... g 3 981 ............................................................... g 2 981/M ......................................................... g 3 981/ortHo ........................................... E 19 982 ............................................................... g 6 982/a ........................................................... g 6 983 ............................................................... g 6 983/a ........................................................... g 6 984 ............................................................... g 6 984/a ........................................................... g 6 985 ............................................................ g 10 986 ............................................................ g 10 987 ............................................................ g 10 988 ............................................................ g 10 989 ............................................................ g 10 990 ............................................................ g 10 991/d ....................................................... g 10

991/r ........................................................ g 10 992 ............................................................ g 10 993 ............................................................ g 10 994 ............................................................ g 10 995 ............................................................ g 10 996 ............................................................ g 10 997 ............................................................ g 10 998/a ........................................................... g 8 998/aS ........................................................ g 8 998/B ........................................................... g 8 998/BS ........................................................ g 8 998/d .......................................................... g 8 998/dS ........................................................ g 8 998/Fa .............................................. g 7, g 8 998/FaS ..................................................... g 8 998/FaS MiNi ........................................... g 7 998/FB ........................................................ g 8 998/FBS ..................................................... g 8 998/Fd ........................................................ g 8 998/FdS ..................................................... g 8 998/Fg ........................................................ g 8 998/FgS ..................................................... g 8 998/Fr ........................................................ g 8 998/FrS ..................................................... g 8 998/FV ........................................................ g 8 998/FVS ..................................................... g 8 998/r ........................................................... g 8 998/rS ........................................................ g 8 998/V ........................................................... g 8 998/VS ........................................................ g 8 999/a ................................................. g 7, g 8 999/aS ........................................................ g 8 999/aS MiNi ............................................. g 7 1000/V ...................................................... g 6 1000/VF ..................................................... g 6 1001/C ........................................................ g 6 1001/CF ..................................................... g 6 1002/1 ........................................................ g 6 1002/1 Cl ................................................. g 6 1002/2 ........................................................ g 6 1002/2 Cl ................................................. g 6 1003 ............................................................ g 7 1004/0 ........................................................ g 7 1004/1 ........................................................ g 7 1004/2 ........................................................ g 7 1004/3 ........................................................ g 7 1005/C MiNi ............................................. g 6 1005/FC MiNi .......................................... g 6 1005/FV MiNi ........................................... g 6 1005/V MiNi ............................................. g 6 1006 ......................................................... E 20 1007/a ...................................... a 90, a 107 1007/r ..................................................... a 90 1008 ......................................................... E 20 1009 ......................................................... E 20 1010 ......................................................... E 20 1011 ............................................................ g 9 1012-oY ................................... a 91, a 107 1013 tC .................................................. a 91 1014 tC .................................................. a 91 1015 tC .................................................. a 91 1016-oY .................................................. a 91 1017 ......................................................... a 91 1018 ......................................................... a 89 1019 ......................................................... a 89 1020/0,6-oY ........... a 90, a 106, a 107 1020/0,9-oY .......................... a 90, a 106 1021 ............................................. a 92, B 15 1021/1 ......................................... a 92, B 15 1021/2 ......................................... a 92, B 15 1022/130 ............................................... a 89 1022/150 ............................................... a 89 1023 ......................................................... a 89 1024 ......................................................... a 89 1026 ......................................................... a 89 1027/90 .................................................. a 90 1027/120 ............................................... a 90 1027/150 ............................................... a 90 1027/180 ............................................... a 90 1028/90-oY ........................... a 90, a 106 1028/120-oY ......................... a 90, a 106

1028/150-oY ......................... a 90, a 106 1028/180-oY ......................... a 90, a 106 1029 ............................................................ a 4 1030 ............................................................ a 4 1031/0,6-oY ......................................... a 90 1031/0,9-oY ......................................... a 90 1032 .......................................... a 89, a 106 1033 .......................................... a 89, a 106 1034 ......................................................... a 92 1037 ......................................................... a 92 1038 ......................................................... a 92 1040/0,6-oY ........... a 90, a 106, a 107 1040/0,9-oY .......................... a 90, a 106 1042 .......................................... a 90, a 106 1044 .......................................... a 90, a 106 1045-oY .................................................. a 91 1046-oY .................................................. a 91 1048 ......................................................... a 90 1049 ......................................................... a 90 1049/d ..................................................... a 91 1049-oY .................... a 90, a 106, a 108 1050 ......................................................... a 90 1050/d ..................................................... a 91 1050-oY .................... a 90, a 106, a 108 1052 ......................................................... a 92 1070 .......................................... a 92, a 105 1072 .......................................... a 92, a 105 1074 .......................................... a 92, a 105 1078 .......................................... a 92, a 105 1118 ........................................................ a 89 1120 ......................................................... a 89 1122 ......................................................... a 89 1123 ......................................................... a 89 1124 ......................................................... a 89 1124/d ..................................................... a 91 1126 ......................................................... a 89 1128 ......................................................... d 16 1129 ......................................................... d 16 1130 ......................................................... E 20 1132 ......................................................... E 20 1134 ......................................................... E 20 1140 ............................................. a 103, d 7 1141 ............................................. a 103, d 7 1148 ......................................................... g 13 1149 ......................................................... g 13 1150 ......................................................... g 13 1151 ......................................................... g 13 1152 ......................................................... g 13 1155 ............................................................ g 6 1160 ............................................................ g 6 1162 ......................................................... d 15 1165 ............................................................ g 6 1200 ........................................................ B 25 1202 ......................................................... B 25 1204 ......................................................... B 25 1206 ......................................................... B 25 1208 ......................................................... B 25 1210 ......................................................... B 25 1300 ........................................................... d 2 1300/1 ........................................................ d 5 1300/2 ........................................................ d 5 1300/3 ........................................................ d 5 1300/4 ........................................................ d 5 1300/5 ........................................................ d 5 1300/6 ........................................................ d 5 1301 ......................................................... d 12 1304/901 ............................................... d 10 1304/902 ............................................... d 10 1304/903 ............................................... d 10 1304/904 ............................................... d 10 1304/905 ............................................... d 10 1304/Kit .................................................. d 18 1305 ............................................................ d 2 1307/1B ..................................................... d 4 1307/1BCC ............................................... d 4 1307/1rrC ............................................... d 4 1307/1rrt ............................................... d 4 1307/2B ..................................................... d 4 1307/2BCC ............................................... d 4 1307/2rrC ............................................... d 4 1307/2rrt ............................................... d 4

1307/3B ..................................................... d 4 1307/3BCC ............................................... d 4 1307/3rrC ............................................... d 4 1307/3rrt ............................................... d 4 1307/4B ..................................................... d 4 1307/4BCC ............................................... d 4 1307/4rrC ............................................... d 4 1307/4rrt ............................................... d 4 1307/5B ..................................................... d 4 1307/5BCC ............................................... d 4 1307/5rrC ............................................... d 4 1307/5rrt ............................................... d 4 1307/Stop ............................................... d 4 1308/1 ..................................................... d 10 1308/2 ..................................................... d 10 1308/3 ..................................................... d 10 1309/1 ..................................................... d 10 1309/2 ..................................................... d 10 1309/3 ..................................................... d 10 1309/4 ..................................................... d 10 1309/5 ..................................................... d 10 1309/6 ..................................................... d 10 1309/7 ..................................................... d 10 1309/8 ..................................................... d 10 1309/9 ...................................... a 108, d 10 1310/1S ..................................................... d 8 1310/2S ..................................................... d 8 1310/3S ..................................................... d 8 1310/4d ..................................................... d 8 1310/5d ..................................................... d 8 1310/6d ..................................................... d 8 1312/1p ..................................................... d 5 1312/2p ..................................................... d 5 1312/3p ..................................................... d 5 1312/4p ..................................................... d 5 1315/2.0 ................................................. d 13 1315/2.5 ................................................. d 13 1315/3.0 ................................................. d 13 1315/3.5 ................................................. d 13 1315/4.0 ................................................. d 13 1315/4.5 ................................................. d 13 1315/5.0 ................................................. d 13 1315/5.5 ................................................. d 13 1315/6.0 ................................................. d 13 1315/6.5 ................................................. d 13 1315/7.0 ................................................. d 13 1315/7.5 ................................................. d 13 1315/8.0 ................................................. d 13 1315/8.5 ................................................. d 13 1315/9.0 ................................................. d 13 1315/9.5 ................................................. d 13 1315/10.0 .............................................. d 13 1317/1 ..................................................... d 12 1317/2 ..................................................... d 12 1317/3 ..................................................... d 12 1318/2,3 ................................................. d 13 1318/3,5 ................................................. d 13 1318/4,1 ................................................. d 13 1318/4,6 ................................................. d 13 1318/5,1 ................................................. d 13 1319/C4 .................................................. d 13 1319/C5 .................................................. d 13 1319/C6 .................................................. d 13 1319/r4 .................................................. d 13 1319/r5 .................................................. d 13 1319/r6 .................................................. d 13 1320/1 ..................................................... d 12 1320/2 ..................................................... d 12 1321/1 ........................................................ d 3 1321/2 ........................................................ d 3 1321/3 ........................................................ d 3 1321/4 ........................................................ d 3 1321/5 ........................................................ d 3 1321/6 ........................................................ d 3 1321/7 ........................................................ d 3 1321/8 ........................................................ d 3 1321/9 ........................................................ d 3 1321/10 ..................................................... d 3 1321/Set .................................................... d 6 1322/1 ........................................................ d 3 1322/2 ........................................................ d 3

1322/3 ........................................................ d 3 1322/4 ........................................................ d 3 1322/5 ........................................................ d 3 1322/6 ........................................................ d 3 1322/7 ........................................................ d 3 1322/8 ........................................................ d 3 1322/9 ........................................................ d 3 1322/10 ..................................................... d 3 1322/Set .................................................... d 6 1323/1 ........................................................ d 3 1323/2 ........................................................ d 3 1323/3 ........................................................ d 3 1323/4 ........................................................ d 3 1323/5 ........................................................ d 3 1323/6 ........................................................ d 3 1323/7 ........................................................ d 3 1323/8 ........................................................ d 3 1323/9 ........................................................ d 3 1323/10 ..................................................... d 3 1325 ......................................................... d 11 1325/a ..................................................... d 11 1325/lr .................................................. d 11 1325/lra ............................................... d 11 1330 ......................................................... d 14 1330/F ..................................................... d 14 1331/1 ..................................................... d 14 1331/1F .................................................. d 14 1331/2 ..................................................... d 14 1331/2F .................................................. d 14 1332 ......................................................... d 14 1332/F ..................................................... d 14 1340/1r ..................................................... d 8 1340/2a ..................................................... d 8 1340/3r ..................................................... d 8 1340/4a ..................................................... d 8 1350/Kit .................................................. d 18 1510 ........................................................ a 74 1510/1 ..................................................... a 74 1512 ......................................................... a 74 1513 ......................................................... a 74 1517 ......................................................... a 72 1518 ......................................................... a 72 1519 ......................................................... a 72 1520 ......................................................... a 72 1521 ......................................................... a 72 1522 ......................................................... a 72 1523 ......................................................... a 72 1524 ......................................................... a 72 1526 ......................................................... a 72 1527 ......................................................... a 72 1528 ......................................................... a 72 1529 ......................................................... a 72 1530/1 ..................................................... a 73 1530/2 ..................................................... a 73 1530/3 ..................................................... a 73 1531 ......................................................... a 73 1532 ......................................................... a 73 1533 ......................................................... a 72 1534 ......................................................... a 72 1540 ......................................................... d 16 1541 ......................................................... d 16 1580 ......................................................... a 97 1585 ......................................................... d 16 1629 ........................................................ a 74 1633 ......................................................... a 74 1634 ......................................................... a 74 1635 ......................................................... a 74 1640 ............................................................ g 9 1641 ............................................................ g 9 1642 ............................................................ g 9 1645/1 ........................................................ F 8 1645/2 ........................................................ F 8 1650/1 ..................................................... a 45 1650/2 ..................................................... a 45 1650/3 ..................................................... a 45 1650/4 ..................................................... a 45 1651/0 ..................................................... a 44 1651/1 ..................................................... a 44 1651/2 ..................................................... a 44 1651/3 ..................................................... a 44 1651/4 ..................................................... a 44

1651/5 ..................................................... a 44 1651/6 ..................................................... a 44 1651/7 ..................................................... a 44 1651/8 ..................................................... a 44 1651/9 ..................................................... a 44 1651/11 .................................................. a 44 1651/21 .................................................. a 44 1651/22 .................................................. a 44 1651/23 .................................................. a 44 1651/24 .................................................. a 44 1651/25 .................................................. a 44 1651/26 .................................................. a 44 1651/27 .................................................. a 44 1651/28 .................................................. a 44 1651/29 .................................................. a 44 1651/MN ................................................. a 44 1651/ott ............................................... a 44 1651/Set ................................................. a 44 1655/1 rS .............................................. a 45 1655/2 CB .............................................. a 45 1735 ........................................................ a 69 1736 ......................................................... a 69 1736-tC .................................................. a 68 1739 ......................................................... a 69 1739-tC .................................................. a 68 1740 ......................................................... a 69 1740-tC .................................................. a 68 1741 ......................................................... a 69 1741-tC .................................................. a 68 1742 ......................................................... a 69 1742-tC .................................................. a 68 1743 ......................................................... a 69 1743-C-tC ............................................. a 68 1743-tC .................................................. a 68 1748 ......................................................... a 69 1748-tC .................................................. a 68 1749 ......................................................... a 71 1749-tC .................................................. a 70 1750 ......................................................... a 71 1750-tC .................................................. a 70 1850 ........................................................ E 22 1851 ......................................................... E 22 1852 ......................................................... E 22 1853 ......................................................... a 67 1853-tC .................................................. a 67 1854 ......................................................... a 67 1854-tC .................................................. a 67 1855 ......................................................... a 67 1855-MV ................................................. a 67 1855-tC .................................................. a 67 1856 ......................................................... a 67 1856-MV ................................................. a 67 1856-tC .................................................. a 67 1857 ......................................................... a 67 1857-tC .................................................. a 67 1858-MV ................................................. a 67 1858-MV-tC ......................................... a 67 1860 ......................................................... a 67 1860-tC .................................................. a 67 1862 ......................................................... a 71 1862-tC .................................................. a 70 1910 ........................................................ a 71 1910-tC .................................................. a 70 1911 ......................................................... a 71 1911-tC .................................................. a 70 1922/a ..................................................... a 71 1922/a-tC ............................................. a 70 1922/B ..................................................... a 71 1922/B-tC ............................................. a 70 1922/C ..................................................... a 71 1922/C-tC .............................. a 70, a 107 1922/d ..................................................... a 71 1922/d-tC .............................. a 70, a 108 1923 ......................................................... a 69 1923-tC .................................................. a 68 1924 ......................................................... a 69 1924-tC .................................................. a 68 1925-a .................................................... a 69 1925-a-tC ............................................. a 68 1925-B .................................................... a 69 1925-B-tC ............................................. a 68

1925-C .................................................... a 69 1925-C-tC ............................................. a 68 1950/Set .............................................. a 107 1951/Kit .................................................. B 28 1953/Kit .................................................. B 28 1954/Set .............................................. a 108 1955/Kit ..................................................... d 9 1957/r ...................................... a 62, a 103 1958/C ....................... a 62, a 103, a 108 1959/r ....................... a 62, a 103, a 107 1960/C ....................... a 62, a 103, a 107 1970 ................................. a 63, a 103, d 7 1971 ................................. a 63, a 103, d 7 2000 ........................................................ a 71 2000-tC .................................................. a 70 2001 ......................................................... a 71 2001-tC .................................................. a 70 2002 ......................................................... a 71 2002-tC .................................................. a 70 2003 ......................................................... a 71 2003-tC .................................................. a 70 2004 ......................................................... a 67 2004-tC .................................................. a 67 2005 ......................................................... a 71 2005-tC .................................................. a 70 2010 ............................................. a 103, d 7 2012 ............................................. a 103, d 7 2100/Set .................................................. F 7 2105/Set .................................................... F 7 2162/C ..................................................... a 13 2162/r ..................................................... a 13 2163/r ..................................................... a 13 2164/C ..................................................... a 13 2400/1 ................................................... a 23 2400/7 ..................................................... a 23 2400/13 .................................................. a 25 2400/17 .................................................. a 23 2400/18 .................................................. a 23 2400/22 .................................................. a 25 2400/34 N .............................................. a 23 2400/35 N .............................................. a 23 2400/51 .................................................. a 25 2400/51 al ........................................... a 25 2400/67 .................................................. a 25 2400/67 N .............................................. a 25 2400/70 .................................................. a 20 2400/74 .................................................. a 25 2400/79 .................................................. a 26 2400/79 N .............................................. a 26 2400/86 .................................................. a 25 2400/101 BC pedo ............................... a 4 2400/133 BC pedo ............................... a 4 2400/151 BC pedo ............................... a 4 2400/187 ............................................... a 26 2400/Set 10 pcs ................................. a 26 2500/1 ...................................................... a 8 2500/2 ........................................................ a 8 2500/3 ........................................................ a 8 2500/4 ........................................................ a 8 2500/7 ........................................................ a 8 2500/8 ........................................................ a 8 2500/13 ..................................................... a 8 2500/13 S ................................................. a 6 2500/17 ..................................................... a 9 2500/18 ..................................................... a 9 2500/18 a ................................................. a 9 2500/19 ..................................................... a 9 2500/20 .................................................. a 10 2500/21 .................................................. a 10 2500/22 .................................................. a 10 2500/22 S ................................................. a 6 2500/23 .................................................. a 10 2500/24 .................................................. a 10 2500/29 .................................................. a 11 2500/29 S ................................................. a 5 2500/30 .................................................. a 11 2500/33 .................................................. a 12 2500/33 a .............................................. a 12 2500/33 l .............................................. a 12 2500/37 ..................................................... a 5 2500/38 ..................................................... a 6

2500/39 ..................................................... a 5 2500/39 a ................................................. a 5 2500/39 l ................................................. a 5 2500/39 r ................................................. a 5 2500/40 ..................................................... a 6 2500/41 .................................................. a 11 2500/46 .................................................. a 13 2500/49 .................................................. a 11 2500/51 .................................................. a 11 2500/51 a .............................................. a 11 2500/51 l .............................................. a 11 2500/52 .................................................. a 11 2500/54 ..................................................... a 9 2500/55 ..................................................... a 9 2500/56 .................................................. a 10 2500/67 ..................................................... a 9 2500/67 a ................................................. a 9 2500/68 .................................................. a 13 2500/73 .................................................. a 10 2500/73 l .............................................. a 10 2500/73 S .............................................. a 10 2500/74 .................................................. a 12 2500/74 d .............................................. a 12 2500/74 M ............................................. a 12 2500/74 N .............................................. a 12 2500/75 ..................................................... a 8 2500/75 a ................................................. a 8 2500/76 .................................................. a 12 2500/76 N .............................................. a 12 2500/76 S .............................................. a 12 2500/79 .................................................. a 10 2500/79 a .............................................. a 10 2500/86 .................................................. a 10 2500/86 C .............................................. a 10 2500/87 .................................................. a 10 2500/88 .................................................. a 27 2500/89 ..................................................... a 9 2500/90 ..................................................... a 9 2500/91 .................................................. a 10 2500/94 ..................................................... a 9 2500/95 ..................................................... a 9 2500/96 ..................................................... a 9 2500/97 ..................................................... a 9 2500/98 .................................................. a 27 2500/99 .................................................. a 10 2500/101 ............................................... a 11 2500/101 a ........................................... a 11 2500/107 .................................................. a 8 2500/108 ............................................... a 12 2500/110 ............................................... a 12 2500/111 ............................................... a 12 2500/113 ............................................... a 11 2500/114 ............................................... a 12 2500/122 .................................................. a 8 2500/123 .................................................. a 6 2500/130 ............................................... a 14 2500/136 .................................................. a 8 2500/137 .................................................. a 8 2500/138 .................................................. a 5 2500/139 ............................................... a 11 2500/143 ............................................... a 12 2500/144 ............................................... a 13 2500/147 ............................................... a 11 2500/148 ............................................... a 10 2500/157 .................................................. a 5 2500/158 .................................................. a 5 2500/159 .................................................. a 5 2500/160 .................................................. a 6 2500/161 .................................................. a 6 2500/162 .................................................. a 6 2500/163 .................................................. a 5 2500/166 ............................................... a 19 2500/167 ............................................... a 18 2500/168 ............................................... a 18 2500/169 ............................................... a 18 2500/170 ............................................... a 18 2500/171 ............................................... a 19 2500/172 ............................................... a 18 2500/173 ............................................... a 18 2500/180 .................................................. a 8 2500/181 .................................................. a 8

2500/182 .................................................. a 8 2500/185 ............................................... a 13 2500/187 ............................................... a 13 2500/189 ............................................... a 11 2500/190 ............................................... a 11 2500/221 ............................................... a 14 2500/223 ............................................... a 14 2500/350 ............................................... a 14 2500/351 ............................................... a 14 2500/352 ............................................... a 14 2500/353 ............................................... a 14 2500/Set 10 pcs ................................. a 15 2500/Set 12 pcs ................................. a 15 2510/Set 10 pcs ................................. a 21 2515/Set 8 pcs .................................... a 21 2600/101 ................................................ a 3 2600/111 .................................................. a 3 2600/115 .................................................. a 3 2600/122 .................................................. a 3 2600/150 .................................................. a 3 2600/160 .................................................. a 3 2600/170 .................................................. a 3 2600/Set 6 pcs pEdo .......................... a 3 2650/1 a ................................................. a 17 2650/5 ..................................................... a 16 2650/6 ..................................................... a 17 2650/10 S .............................................. a 16 2650/15 .................................................. a 16 2650/16 .................................................. a 16 2650/16 pedo ......................................... a 7 2650/17 .................................................. a 16 2650/17 pedo ......................................... a 7 2650/18 l .............................................. a 16 2650/18 l pedo ..................................... a 7 2650/18 r .............................................. a 16 2650/18 r pedo ..................................... a 7 2650/23 .................................................. a 16 2650/24 .................................................. a 16 2650/32 .................................................. a 17 2650/32 a .............................................. a 17 2650/53 l .............................................. a 16 2650/53 r .............................................. a 16 2650/65 .................................................. a 17 2650/65 pedo ......................................... a 7 2650/69 .................................................. a 17 2650/69 pedo ......................................... a 7 2650/85 a .............................................. a 17 2650/88 l .............................................. a 16 2650/88 r .............................................. a 16 2650/99 a .............................................. a 17 2650/99 C .............................................. a 17 2650/103 ............................................... a 17 2650/150 ............................................... a 17 2650/150 a ........................................... a 17 2650/150 aS ........................................ a 17 2650/150 pedo ....................................... a 7 2650/151 ............................................... a 17 2650/151 a ........................................... a 17 2650/151 aS ........................................ a 17 2650/151 pedo ....................................... a 7 2650/203 ............................................... a 17 2650/203 pedo ....................................... a 7 2650/210 ............................................... a 16 2650/222 ............................................... a 16 2650/286 ............................................... a 17 2650/Set 9 pcs pEdo .......................... a 7 2810 ........................................................ E 19 2810 tC .................................................. E 19 2811 ......................................................... E 20 2812 ......................................................... E 23 2815/1 ..................................................... E 20 2815/2 ..................................................... E 20 2817 ......................................................... E 21 2821 ......................................................... g 15 2822 ......................................................... E 23 2823 ......................................................... E 23 2824 ......................................................... E 22 2825 ......................................................... E 22 2825/orto ............................................ E 22 2900/Set ............................................... a 42 2915 ......................................................... g 19

Index / iNdiCE

896 ............................................................ a 76 897/2 ........................................................ a 76 897/3 ........................................................ a 76 897/4 ........................................................ a 76 898/1 ........................................................ a 48 898/2 ........................................................ a 48 898/3 ........................................................ a 48 898/4 ........................................................ a 48 899 ............................................................ a 75 900 ........................................................... a 75 901 ............................................................ a 77 903/1 ........................................................ a 80 903/2 ........................................................ a 80 903/3 ........................................................ a 80 903/4 ........................................................ a 80 905/1 ........................................................ a 78 905/2 ........................................................ a 78 906 ............................................................ a 77 907 ............................................................ a 77 908/1 ........................................................ a 77 908/2 ........................................................ a 77 909/1 ........................................................ a 77 909/2 ........................................................ a 77 910/1 ........................................................ a 73 910/2 ........................................................ a 73 910/3 ........................................................ a 73 911/1 ......................................... a 73, a 104 911/2 ......................................... a 73, a 104 911/3 ......................................... a 73, a 104 912/1 ......................................... a 73, a 104 912/2 ......................................... a 73, a 104 912/3 ......................................... a 73, a 104 913 ............................................................ a 76 914 ............................................................ a 76 915 ............................................................ a 78 916 ............................................................ a 80 917 ............................................................ a 75 918/1 ........................................................ a 80 918/2 ........................................................ a 80 918/3 ........................................................ a 80 918/4 ........................................................ a 80 919/1 ........................................................ a 80 919/2 ........................................................ a 80 919/3 ........................................................ a 80 920/1 ......................................... a 76, a 105 920/2 ......................................... a 76, a 105 920/3 .......................... a 76, a 105, a 107 921/1 ........................................................ a 76 921/2 ........................................................ a 76 922 ............................................. a 76, a 105 923 ............................................................ a 78 924 ............................................................ a 78 925/1 ........................................................ a 79 925/2 ........................................................ a 79 925/3 ........................................................ a 79 925/4 ........................................................ a 79 925/5 ........................................................ a 79 925/6 ........................................................ a 79 926/1 ........................................................ a 79 926/2 ........................................................ a 79 926/3 ........................................................ a 79 926/4 ........................................................ a 79 926/5 ........................................................ a 79 926/6 ........................................................ a 79 932 ............................................................ g 12 934 ............................................................ g 12 941 ............................................................... d 8 942 ............................................................... d 8 947 ............................................................... F 8 948 ............................................................... F 8 949 ............................................................... F 8 950 ............................................................... d 9 950/r ........................................................... d 9 951 ............................................................... d 9 952 ............................................................... d 9 952/r ........................................................... d 9 953/3 ........................................................... d 9 953/4 ........................................................... d 9 953/5 ........................................................... d 9 953/6 ........................................................... d 9 954/3 ........................................................... d 9



3184 ......................................................... 3200/10 ................................................ 3200/11 tC ........................................... 3200/12 .................................................. 3200/13 .................................................. 3200/14 .................................................. 3200/15 .................................................. 3200/16 .................................................. 3200/18 tC ........................................... 3200/20 .................................................. 3200/23 .................................................. 3200/31 .................................................. 3200/32 .................................................. 3200/34 .................................................. 3200/35 .................................................. 3200/39 tC ........................................... 3200/45 .................................................. 3200/51 .................................................. 3200/52 .................................................. 3200/54 .................................................. 3200/55 .................................................. 3200/56 .................................................. 3200/57 .................................................. 3200/58 .................................................. 3200/59 .................................................. 3200/61 .................................................. 3200/67 tC ........................................... 3200/72 .................................................. 3200/77 tC ........................................... 3200/80 .................................................. 3200/82 .................................................. 3200/83 .................................................. 3200/84 .................................................. 3200/85 tC ........................................... 3200/87 tC ........................................... 3200/88 tC ........................................... 3200/90 .................................................. 3200/94 tC ........................................... 3200/97 .................................................. 3200/98 .................................................. 3200/171 tC ........................................ 3501 ........................................................ 3502 ......................................................... 3503 ......................................................... 3504/1 ..................................................... 3504/2 ..................................................... 3505 ......................................................... 3506 ......................................................... 3506/120 ............................................... 3507 ......................................................... 3508 ......................................................... 3509 ......................................................... 3509 tC .................................................. 3510 ......................................................... 3510 aN .................................................. 3510 tC .................................................. 3510 titaNio ....................................... 3511 ......................................................... 3511 tC .................................................. 3512 ......................................................... 3512/90 .................................................. 3512 tC .................................................. 3513 ......................................................... 3514 ......................................................... 3515 ......................................................... 3515 tC .................................................. 3516 ......................................................... 3516 tC .................................................. 3517 ......................................................... 3518 ......................................................... 3518 tC .................................................. 3519 ......................................................... 3519 tC .................................................. 3519 titaNio ....................................... 3520 ......................................................... 3521 ......................................................... 3522 ......................................................... 3522-tC .................................................. 3523 ......................................................... 3523 tC .................................................. 3524 .........................................................

g 16 E 19 E 18 E 18 E 18 E 18 E 16 E 17 E 14 E 18 E 15 E 15 E 15 E 16 E 16 E 15 E 15 E 17 E 17 E 17 E 16 E 17 E 17 E 16 E 17 E 17 E 14 E 15 E 14 E 16 E 18 E 18 E 15 E 14 E 14 E 14 E 15 E 14 E 16 E 16 E 18 a 60 a 60 a 60 a 60 a 60 a 59 a 60 a 60 a 64 a 60 a 60 a 56 a 60 a 57 a 56 a 63 a 59 a 56 a 59 a 59 a 56 a 59 a 59 a 64 a 56 a 64 a 56 a 64 a 59 a 56 a 59 a 56 a 63 a 60 a 60 a 65 a 65 a 64 a 56 a 64

3524 tC .................................................. a 56 3525 ......................................................... a 59 3525 tC .................................................. a 56 3526 ......................................................... a 64 3526 tC .................................................. a 56 3527 ......................................................... a 64 3527 tC .................................................. a 56 3528 ......................................................... a 60 3528 tC .................................................. a 56 3529 tC .................................................. a 56 3530 ......................................................... a 64 3531 ......................................................... a 64 3532 ......................................................... a 64 3533 ......................................................... a 64 3534 ......................................................... a 64 3535 ......................................................... a 64 3536 ......................................................... a 64 3537 tC .................................................. a 56 3538 ......................................................... a 64 3538 tC .................................................. a 56 3539 tC .................................................. a 56 3540 tC .................................................. a 56 3541 .......................................... a 58, a 104 3542 .......................................... a 58, a 104 3543 aN .................................................. a 57 3543 BlKN ............................................. a 61 3544 aN .................................................. a 57 3544 BlKN ............................................. a 61 3545 ......................................................... a 65 3545 aN .................................................. a 57 3546 aN .................................................. a 57 3547 .......................................... a 58, a 104 3548 .......................................... a 58, a 104 3549 aN .................................................. a 57 3549 BlKN ............................................. a 61 3550 ......................................................... a 65 3550-tC .................................................. a 65 3551 ......................................................... a 65 3551-tC .................................................. a 65 3552 ......................................................... a 58 3553 ......................................................... a 58 3557 ......................................................... a 59 3558 ......................................................... a 63 3558 tC .................................................. a 63 3559 ......................................................... a 63 3559 tC .................................................. a 63 3560 C ..................................................... a 58 3560 r ..................................................... a 58 3562 C ..................................................... a 58 3562 r ..................................................... a 58 3564 C ...................................... a 58, a 104 3564 r ...................................... a 58, a 104 3570/9 ..................................................... a 65 3570/11 .................................................. a 65 3571 ......................................................... a 64 3572 ......................................................... a 64 3573 ......................................................... a 64 3574 ......................................................... a 64 3575 ......................................................... a 64 3580 ......................................................... a 64 3581 ......................................................... a 64 3584 ......................................................... a 64 3621 ......................................... a 62, a 103 3624 .......................................... a 62, a 103 3625 ......................................................... a 62 3626 .......................................... a 62, a 103 3628 ......................................................... a 62 3629 ......................................................... a 53 3630 ......................................................... a 53 3631 ......................................................... a 53 3632 ......................................................... a 53 3633 ......................................................... a 53 3634 ......................................................... a 53 3635/10 .................................................. a 53 3635/11 .................................................. a 53 3635/12 .................................................. a 53 3635/12 d .............................................. a 53 3635/13 .................................................. a 53 3635/15 .................................................. a 53 3635/15C ............................................... a 53 3635/20 .................................................. a 53

3635/21 .................................................. a 53 3635/22 .................................................. a 53 3635/23 .................................................. a 53 3635/24 .................................................. a 53 3636 ......................................................... a 52 3637/C ..................................................... a 52 3637 Kit ................................................... a 52 3637/l ..................................................... a 52 3637/p ..................................................... a 52 3638 ............ a 53, a 104, a 107, a 108 3638/62 ................................... a 53, a 104 3638/64 ................................... a 53, a 104 3638/65 ................................... a 53, a 104 3638/67 .................... a 53, a 104, a 108 3638/69 ................................... a 53, a 104 3639 ......................................................... a 52 3801 ........................................................ a 50 3802 ......................................................... a 50 3803 ......................................................... a 50 3804 ......................................................... a 50 3805 ......................................................... a 50 3806 ......................................................... a 51 3807 ......................................................... a 51 3808 ......................................................... a 51 3809 ......................................................... a 51 3810 ......................................................... a 51 3811 ......................................................... a 51 3812 ......................................................... a 50 4100 ........................................................... E 6 4558 ........................................................... F 8 4559 ............................................................ F 8 4562 ......................................................... a 96 4562/1 ..................................................... a 96 4562/2 ..................................................... a 96 4563 ......................................................... a 96 4564 ......................................................... a 96 4565 ......................................................... a 96 4566 ......................................................... a 97 4567 ......................................................... a 97 4567/r ..................................................... a 97 4568-tC .................................................. a 96 4569 ......................................................... a 98 4569/1 ..................................................... a 98 4569/2 ..................................................... a 98 4569/3 ..................................................... a 98 4569/4 ..................................................... a 98 4569/5 ..................................................... a 98 4569/6 ..................................................... a 98 4569/7 ..................................................... a 98 4569/8 ..................................................... a 98 4569/9 ..................................................... a 98 4570 ......................................................... a 98 4570/1 ..................................................... a 98 4570/2 ..................................................... a 98 4570/3 ..................................................... a 98 4571 ......................................................... a 98 4571/1 ..................................................... a 98 4571/2 ..................................................... a 98 4571/3 ..................................................... a 98 4572 ......................................................... a 98 4572/1 ..................................................... a 98 4572/2 ..................................................... a 98 4573/d ..................................................... a 96 4574/d ..................................................... a 96 4575 ......................................................... a 97 4576/a ..................................................... a 96 4576/r ..................................................... a 96 4577/1 ..................................................... a 97 4577/2 ..................................................... a 97 4577/3 ..................................................... a 97 4577/4 ..................................................... a 97 4578 ......................................................... d 17 4580 ......................................................... d 17 4583 ......................................................... F 17 4584 ......................................................... F 17 4585 ......................................................... F 17 4586 ......................................................... F 17 4855 ........................................................ a 93 4856 ......................................................... a 93 4856/1 ..................................................... a 93 4857 ......................................................... a 93

4857/2 ..................................................... a 93 4858 ......................................................... a 93 4858/3 ..................................................... a 93 4859 ......................................................... a 94 4860 ......................................................... a 93 4861/1 ..................................................... a 93 4861/2 ..................................................... a 93 4861/3 ..................................................... a 93 4861/4 ..................................................... a 93 4861/Mod ............................................. d 15 4862/1 ..................................................... a 93 4862/2 ..................................................... a 93 4862/3 ..................................................... a 93 4863 ......................................................... a 94 4864 ......................................................... a 94 4865 ............................................. a 94, d 15 4866 ............................................. a 94, d 15 4867 ......................................................... a 93 4868 ......................................................... a 93 4870 ......................................................... E 21 4871 ......................................................... E 21 4872 ......................................................... E 21 4873 ......................................................... E 21 4874/1 ..................................................... E 20 4874/2 ..................................................... E 20 4876/1 ..................................................... E 20 4876/2 ..................................................... E 20 4880 ............................................. a 94, d 15 4881 ......................................................... d 15 4882 ......................................................... d 15 4883 ......................................................... d 15 4884 ......................................................... d 15 4885/BC .................................................. d 12 4886 ......................................................... d 15 4887 ......................................................... d 15 4888 ......................................................... d 15 4890 ......................................................... d 15 4892 ......................................................... d 11 4895 ......................................................... d 11 4900 ........................................................ a 83 4901 ......................................................... a 83 4902 ......................................................... a 83 4903/3 ..................................................... a 82 4903/4 ..................................................... a 82 4903/4Ma .............................................. a 82 4903/4ro ............................................... a 82 4903/5 ..................................................... a 82 4903/5Ma .............................................. a 82 4903/5ro ............................................... a 82 4903/6 ..................................................... a 82 4903/10 .................................................. a 81 4903/10 ro ........................................... a 81 4904 ......................................................... a 83 4905/6 ..................................................... a 83 4905/8 ..................................................... a 83 4905/10 .................................................. a 83 4906/gr .................................................. a 83 4906/rE .................................................. a 83 4906/YE .................................................. a 83 4908/5 ...................................... a 83, a 104 4910/4ro ............................................... a 82 4910/5ro ............................................... a 82 4911/3ro ............................................... a 82 4915/000 ................................ a 83, a 104 4915/00 ................................... a 83, a 104 4915/0 ...................................... a 83, a 104 4915/1 ...................................... a 83, a 104 4915/2 ...................................... a 83, a 104 4915/3 ...................................... a 83, a 104 4915/4 ...................................... a 83, a 104 4915/5 ...................................... a 83, a 104 4915/6 ...................................... a 83, a 104 4915/7 ...................................... a 83, a 104 4915/8 ...................................... a 83, a 104 4920 .......................................... a 83, a 104 4930 ......................................................... a 95 4952 ......................................................... a 87 4956 ......................................................... a 87 4956/iNoX .............................................. a 86 4957/1 ..................................................... a 88 4957/2 ..................................................... a 88

4957/SS iNoX ....................................... a 88 4958 ......................................................... a 87 4959/1 ..................................................... a 87 4959/2 ..................................................... a 87 4960 ......................................................... a 87 4960/iNoX .............................................. a 86 4961 ......................................................... a 87 4962/1 ..................................................... a 86 4962/tpF ................................................ a 86 4963/1 ..................................................... a 86 4963/2 ..................................................... a 86 4964/aM-Bl ......................................... a 84 4964/aM-da ......................................... a 84 4964/aM-gr ......................................... a 84 4964/aM-iNoX ..................................... a 85 4964/aM-or ......................................... a 84 4964/aM-Si ........................................... a 84 4964/EU-Bl ........................................... a 84 4964/EU-da .......................................... a 84 4964/EU-gr .......................................... a 84 4964/EU-iNoX ...................................... a 85 4964/EU-or .......................................... a 84 4964/EU-Si ............................................ a 84 4966/1 ..................................................... a 87 4966/2 ..................................................... a 87 4967/1 ..................................................... a 88 4967/2 ..................................................... a 88 4968 ......................................................... a 87 4969/Co ................................................. a 87 4969/CV .................................................. a 87 4969/F ..................................................... a 87 4970 ......................................................... a 95 4971 ......................................................... a 95 4972/NS .................................................. a 95 4972/Wl ................................................. a 95 4973 ......................................................... a 95 4974/5 ..................................................... a 95 4974/6 ..................................................... a 95 4974/7 ..................................................... a 95 4975 ......................................................... a 95 4976 ......................................................... a 95 4977 ......................................................... a 95 4978 ......................................................... a 95 4979/1 ..................................................... a 94 4979/2 ..................................................... a 94 4979/3 ..................................................... a 94 4979/4 ..................................................... a 94 4979/5 ..................................................... a 94 4979/6 ..................................................... a 94 4979/7 ..................................................... a 94 4979/8 ..................................................... a 94 4979/9 ..................................................... a 94 4979/10 .................................................. a 94 4979/11 .................................................. a 94 4979/12 .................................................. a 94 4979/13 .................................................. a 94 4980/C ..................................................... F 18 4981/M .................................................... F 18 4982 ......................................................... F 18 4983 ......................................................... F 18 4984 ......................................................... F 18 4985 ......................................................... F 18 4986 ......................................................... F 18 4987/1r ................................... a 105, d 17 4987/2a ................................... a 105, d 17 4988 ......................................................... F 18 4989 ............................................. d 17, F 18 4990 ............................................................ F 8 4990/1 ........................................................ F 8 4990/2 ........................................................ F 8 4990/3 ........................................................ F 8 4991 ............................................................ F 8 4991/1 ........................................................ F 8 4991/2 ........................................................ F 8 4995/1r .................................................. d 17 4995/2a .................................................. d 17 5222 ........................................................... F 9 5222/1 ........................................................ F 9 5222/2 ........................................................ F 9 5222/3 ........................................................ F 9 5222/4 ........................................................ F 9

5222/5 ........................................................ F 9 5222/6 ........................................................ F 9 5222/7 ........................................................ F 9 5222/8 ........................................................ F 9 5222/9 ........................................................ F 9 5222/10 ..................................................... F 9 5222/11 ..................................................... F 9 5222/12 ..................................................... F 9 5224 ............................................................ F 9 5550 ..................................................... a 100 5551 ...................................................... a 100 5552 ......................................................... a 99 5553 ......................................................... a 99 5560-1 .................................................. a 100 5560-2 .................................................. a 100 5570 ...................................................... a 100 5580 ...................................................... a 100 5590 ...................................................... a 100 5595 ...................................................... a 100 5595/00 ............................................... a 101 5595/0 .................................................. a 101 5595/1 .................................................. a 101 5595/1a ............................................... a 101 5595/2a ............................................... a 101 5595/3 .................................................. a 101 5595/4 .................................................. a 101 5595/5 .................................................. a 101 5595/7 .................................................. a 101 5595/8 .................................................. a 101 5595/8a ............................................... a 101 5595/9 .................................................. a 101 5595/10 ............................................... a 101 5595/11 ............................................... a 101 5595/12a ............................................ a 101 5595/13a ............................................ a 101 5595/14 ............................................... a 101 5595/14a ............................................ a 101 5595/15 ............................................... a 101 5595/18 ............................................... a 101 5595/22 ............................................... a 101 5595/24 ............................................... a 101 5595/25 ............................................... a 101 5595/26 ............................................... a 101 5595/26N ............................................ a 101 5595/27 ............................................... a 101 5595/28 ............................................... a 101 5595/29 ............................................... a 101 5595/30 ............................................... a 101 5595/31 ............................................... a 101 5595/51 ............................................... a 101 5595/56 ............................................... a 101 5595/138 ............................................ a 101 5595/139 ............................................ a 101 5595/200 ............................................ a 101 5595/201 ............................................ a 101 5595/202 ............................................ a 101 5595/203 ............................................ a 101 5595/204 ............................................ a 101 5595/205 ............................................ a 101 5595/206 ............................................ a 101 5595/207 ............................................ a 101 5595/208 ............................................ a 101 5595/209 ............................................ a 101 5595/210 ............................................ a 101 5595/211 ............................................ a 101 5595/212 ............................................ a 101 5595/W7 .............................................. a 101 5595/W8a ........................................... a 101 5595/W14 ........................................... a 101 5595/W14a ........................................ a 101 5600 Kit ................................................ a 99 5605 ......................................................... a 99 5606 ......................................................... a 99 5610/H .................................................. a 102 5610/M ................................................. a 102 5610/t .................................................. a 102 6000/1LP ............................................. F 10 6000/1Up ............................................... F 10 6000/4dr ............................................... F 10 6000/4Sl ................................................ F 10 6000 Kit ................................................... F 10

6000/ l1 ................................................. 6000/ l2 ................................................. 6000/ l3 ................................................. 6000/ l4 ................................................. 6000/ l5 ................................................. 6000/ l6 ................................................. 6000/SB Set .......................................... 6000/ U1 ................................................. 6000/ U2 ................................................. 6000/ U3 ................................................. 6000/ U4 ................................................. 6000/ U5 ................................................. 6000/ U6 ................................................. 6001/Kit .................................................. 6001/ l1 ................................................. 6001/ l2 ................................................. 6001/ l3 ................................................. 6001/ l4 ................................................. 6001/ l5 ................................................. 6001/ U1 ................................................. 6001/ U2 ................................................. 6001/ U3 ................................................. 6001/ U4 ................................................. 6001/ U5 ................................................. 6002/Kit .................................................. 6002/ l1 ................................................. 6002/ l2 ................................................. 6002/ U1 ................................................. 6002/ U2 ................................................. 6003/4dr ............................................... 6003/4Sl ................................................ 6003 Kit ................................................... 6003/ l1 ................................................. 6003/ l2 ................................................. 6003/ l3 ................................................. 6003/ l4 ................................................. 6003/ l5 ................................................. 6003/ l6 ................................................. 6003/ U1 ................................................. 6003/ U2 ................................................. 6003/ U3 ................................................. 6003/ U4 ................................................. 6003/ U5 ................................................. 6003/ U6 ................................................. 6004/4dr ............................................... 6004/4Sl ................................................ 6004 Kit ................................................... 6004/ l1 ................................................. 6004/ l2 ................................................. 6004/ l3 ................................................. 6004/ l4 ................................................. 6004/ l5 ................................................. 6004/ l6 ................................................. 6004/ U1 ................................................. 6004/ U2 ................................................. 6004/ U3 ................................................. 6004/ U4 ................................................. 6004/ U5 ................................................. 6004/ U6 ................................................. 6005/1lp ................................................ 6005/1Up ............................................... 6005/4dr ............................................... 6005/4Sl ................................................ 6005 Kit ................................................... 6005/ l1 ................................................. 6005/ l2 ................................................. 6005/ l3 ................................................. 6005/ l4 ................................................. 6005/ l5 ................................................. 6005/ l6 ................................................. 6005/ U1 ................................................. 6005/ U2 ................................................. 6005/ U3 ................................................. 6005/ U4 ................................................. 6005/ U5 ................................................. 6005/ U6 ................................................. 6006/4dr ............................................... 6006/4Sl ................................................ 6006/ l1 ................................................. 6006/ l2 ................................................. 6006/ l3 .................................................

F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 17 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 10 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 11 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12

6006/ l4 ................................................. 6006/ l5 ................................................. 6006/ l6 ................................................. 6006/ U1 ................................................. 6006/ U2 ................................................. 6006/ U3 ................................................. 6006/ U4 ................................................. 6006/ U5 ................................................. 6006/ U6 ................................................. 6007/24 .................................................. 6007/100 ............................................... 6007/ l1 ................................................. 6007/ l2 ................................................. 6007/ l3 ................................................. 6007/ l4 ................................................. 6007/ U1 ................................................. 6007/ U2 ................................................. 6007/ U3 ................................................. 6007/ U4 ................................................. 6008/7 Kit .............................................. 6008/13 Kit ........................................... 6008/24 Kit ........................................... 6009 Kit ................................................... 6009/ l1 ................................................. 6009/ l2 ................................................. 6009/ l3 ................................................. 6009/ l4 ................................................. 6009/ l5 ................................................. 6009/ l6 ................................................. 6009/ U1 ................................................. 6009/ U2 ................................................. 6009/ U3 ................................................. 6009/ U4 ................................................. 6009/ U5 ................................................. 6010/Kit .................................................. 6010/ l1 ................................................. 6010/ l2 ................................................. 6010/ l3 ................................................. 6010/ U1 ................................................. 6010/ U2 ................................................. 6010/ U3 ................................................. 6011 Kit ................................................... 6011/ l1 ................................................. 6011/ l2 ................................................. 6011/ l3 ................................................. 6011/ l4 ................................................. 6011/ l5 ................................................. 6011/ l6 ................................................. 6011/ U1 ................................................. 6011/ U2 ................................................. 6011/ U3 ................................................. 6011/ U4 ................................................. 6011/ U5 ................................................. 6012/UCB ............................................... 6013 Kit ................................................... 6013/ l1 ................................................. 6013/ l2 ................................................. 6013/ l3 ................................................. 6013/ l4 ................................................. 6013/ U1 ................................................. 6013/ U2 ................................................. 6013/ U3 ................................................. 6013/ U4 ................................................. 6014 Kit ................................................... 6014/ l1 ................................................. 6014/ l2 ................................................. 6014/ l3 ................................................. 6014/ l4 ................................................. 6014/ U1 ................................................. 6014/ U2 ................................................. 6014/ U3 ................................................. 6014/ U4 ................................................. 6017 Kit ................................................... 6017/ l1 ................................................. 6017/ l2 ................................................. 6017/ l3 ................................................. 6017/ l4 ................................................. 6017/ U1 ................................................. 6017/ U2 ................................................. 6017/ U3 ................................................. 6017/ U4 .................................................

F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 16 F 16 F 16 F 16 F 16 F 16 F 16 F 16 F 16 F 16 F 16 F 16 F 16 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 13 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 12 F 13 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 14 F 15 F 15 F 15 F 15 F 15 F 15 F 15 F 15 F 15

6018 Kit ................................................... F 15 6018/ l1 ................................................. F 15 6018/ l2 ................................................. F 15 6018/ l3 ................................................. F 15 6018/ l4 ................................................. F 15 6018/ U1 ................................................. F 15 6018/ U2 ................................................. F 15 6018/ U3 ................................................. F 15 6018/ U4 ................................................. F 15 6100 ........................................................ g 14 6140 ......................................................... E 21 6141 ......................................................... E 21 6150 ......................................................... g 11 6152 ......................................................... g 15 6152/SCr ............................................... g 15 6160/B ..................................................... g 11 6160/g ..................................................... g 11 6160/r ..................................................... g 11 6161 ......................................................... g 13 6162 ......................................................... g 15 6163 ......................................................... g 15 6163/S ..................................................... g 15 6164 ......................................................... g 14 6200 ........................................................ g 11 6201/d ..................................................... g 11 6201/V ..................................................... g 11 6204/g ..................................................... g 11 6204/r ..................................................... g 11 6210 ......................................................... g 14 6300 ........................................................ g 13 6415/Kit ................................................... g 5 8330 ........................................................ a 72 8332 ......................................................... a 72 8334 ......................................................... a 72 8336 ......................................................... a 72 8338 ......................................................... a 72 8340 ......................................................... a 72 8350 ......................................................... a 72 8352 ......................................................... a 72 8354 ......................................................... a 72 8356 ......................................................... a 72 8358 ......................................................... a 72 8360 ......................................................... a 72 8400 ........................................................ g 14 8535 ........................................................ a 72 8537 ......................................................... a 74 8540 ......................................................... a 74 9952/160 TC ......................................... E 4 9952/180 tC ........................................... E 4 9952/230 tC ........................................... E 4 9953/150 tC ........................................... E 4 9953/170 tC ........................................... E 4

Index / iNdiCE

2918 ............................................. E 24, g 18 3000/18 TC ............................................ E 4 3000/20 ..................................................... E 9 3000/21 ..................................................... E 7 3000/23 ..................................................... E 7 3000/25 tC .............................................. E 6 3000/28 ..................................................... E 7 3000/29 .................................................. E 11 3000/30 .................................................. E 11 3000/31 ..................................................... E 6 3000/32 ..................................................... E 6 3000/34 .................................................. E 10 3000/35 .................................................. E 10 3000/38C tC ........................................... E 8 3000/39 tC .............................................. E 7 3000/40C tC ........................................... E 8 3000/43 .................................................. E 11 3000/44 ..................................................... E 7 3000/46C tC ........................................... E 7 3000/47 tC .............................................. E 7 3000/49 tC ........................................... E 12 3000/50 tC ........................................... E 12 3000/51 .................................................. E 10 3000/52 .................................................. E 10 3000/53 ..................................................... E 9 3000/54 .................................................. E 10 3000/55 ..................................................... E 8 3000/56 ..................................................... E 9 3000/57 .................................................. E 10 3000/58 .................................................. E 11 3000/59 .................................................. E 10 3000/60 ..................................................... E 9 3000/61 .................................................. E 10 3000/62 .................................................. E 12 3000/63 .................................................. E 11 3000/64 tC .............................................. E 5 3000/67 tC .............................................. E 5 3000/67 tC ll ........................................ E 5 3000/69 tC .............................................. E 5 3000/70 ..................................................... E 9 3000/72 ..................................................... E 6 3000/77 tC .............................................. E 5 3000/79 ..................................................... E 9 3000/80 .................................................. E 11 3000/81 ..................................................... E 9 3000/82 .................................................. E 12 3000/83 .................................................. E 12 3000/84 ..................................................... E 6 3000/85 tC .............................................. E 3 3000/85 tC - 15째 ................................. E 3 3000/86 tC .............................................. E 7 3000/87 tC .............................................. E 3 3000/87 tC - 15째 ................................. E 3 3000/88 tC .............................................. E 5 3000/89 tC .............................................. E 3 3000/90 ..................................................... E 8 3000/91 tC .............................................. E 3 3000/92 tC .............................................. E 4 3000/94 tC .............................................. E 3 3000/95 ..................................................... E 8 3000/96 ..................................................... E 8 3000/97 ..................................................... E 8 3000/98 ..................................................... E 8 3000/99 tC .............................................. E 3 3000/rS49 ............................................ E 12 3161 ........................................................ g 16 3162 ......................................................... g 16 3163 ......................................................... g 16 3164 ......................................................... g 16 3165 ......................................................... g 16 3166 ......................................................... g 16 3167 ......................................................... g 16 3170 ......................................................... g 16 3171 ......................................................... g 16 3175/o .................................................... g 16 3175/r ..................................................... g 16 3175/S ..................................................... g 16 3175/t ..................................................... g 16 3177 ......................................................... g 16 3180 ......................................................... g 16 3182 ......................................................... g 16


Si ringraziano il Comitato per il Millenario ed il Comune di Maniago per la gentile concessione delle foto storiche. Medesy thanks those who have contributed to the catalogue creation, in particular: Hervé penel, Mario antonini, Fulvio del tin.

Ideazione e direzione artistica Studio Fabbro – italy Impaginazione grafica e realizzazione Studio Fabbro – italy Impianti e Stampa lito immagine srl – rive d’arcano (Ud) Edizione 2011

© copyright Medesy srl © Diritti Medesy srl This catalog will remain always of our property and has been numbered and registered under your name and its use solely for the purchase or sale of Medesy products. reproduction, even partial, of the illustrations and the use of the texts reproduced in this catalogue are strictly prohibited. Questo catalogo, che sarà sempre di nostra proprietà, è stato registrato e numerato sotto il Vostro nome ed il suo uso è limitato esclusivamente per l’acquisto o la vendita dei prodotti Medesy. La riproduzione o l’uso delle illustrazioni e/o testi riportati in questo catalogo sono rigorosamente proibiti.







































Maniago, 1930




MEDESY SRL 33085 Maniago, PN – Italy Via La Mola, 9 – Industrial area Tel. (+39) 0427.72786 Fax (+39) 0427.71541 –

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