Giarte Insight

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Introducing Giarte Insight ITsat provides you with a lot of data on the satisfaction

We are proud that we now can introduce Giarte

of your employees with the provided IT-services.

Insight: a central place where you can access

The results are presented by means of reports and

everything related to the ITsat results. Reports,

accessible through the ITsat Action Client. We did

dashboards, the Action Client, it will all be accessible

have a BI-portal, but it was not the most user friendly

with one log-in.

application. And we still think the Action Client is great, but it lacked some important features that are

In this booklet, we describe the key features, the

important to you, our clients, like seeing trends in time.

functionality and a preview on what is in our pipeline. Building Giarte Insight is work-in-progress, so we

Based on all feedback (like you, we also listen to our

welcome any feedback you might have after reading

users‌) we decided to build a new solution from the

this booklet or after your first experience with the new

ground up. To be honest: it took a little bit longer


than we expected. We didn’t want to compromise on issues like security and role-based access, so we developed a complete new foundation on which all satisfaction insights are presented. It provides us a future-ready platform and it enables us to introduce new features more quickly.

The ITsat team

IT satisfaction dashboard with a breakdown of the business application results into 3 countries.


Key features of the new platform Giarte Insight provides a central point of access to all

Details - The ‘raw data’ with the results per respondent

ITsat related results. It improves in several ways how

can be downloaded as an Excel-file. It is possible to

you can use the results within your organisation.

restrict this option for individual Insight users.

Interactive dashboards – The dashboards present

Integrated Action Client - the Action Client is now an

the ITsat results and you can make any selection

integrated part of Giarte Insight.

within the data and break down the results to create comparisons. Look at differences in satisfaction scores

The platform also has some other new functionalities:

across divisions, countries or ticket characteristics. Granular access - You can control the access to Trends - The Action Client didn’t allow to follow

different dashboards or particular data on a granular

satisfaction scores in time. Now, most dashboards

level. The platform provides an easy user interface that

feature diagrams that show the up-to-date results for

helps you to manage all accounts.

the last 13 months, displayed as a trend line. You can switch the time frame (week, month, quarter, year) and

Mobile access - You can access the platform on a PC or

go back in time.

on a tablet, including the Action Client functionality. Depending on the screen size, dashboards will be scaled to the right dimensions.

The vendor performance dashboard shows the satisfaction trends for resolved incidents and handled request for every service provider.


Three standard dashboards You can access all ITsat end user evaluations via

Vendor performance – This dashboard provides trend

3 standard dashboards. Every dashboard takes a

lines for satisfaction with Incidents and Requests per

different angle at the satisfaction data.

(external) service provider. This dashboard can be shared with your suppliers, and you can either give

Satisfaction trends – This dashboard shows

them full access to all results or restrict their view

all satisfaction data from the general survey

so they will only see the results based on their own

(workspace, business applications and training &


information) and the ticket surveys (incidents, requests) in historical perspective. You can select

Benchmark - Compare any set of results with the ITsat

any subset of data and breakdown results into any

benchmark. You can compare your performance on a

relevant characteristic.

detailed level against the three benchmark levels: the median score and the best and worst performers. This dashboard will be released in November 2015.

The Action Client is now an HTML5 application and accessible on any tablet.


ITsat Action The ITsat Action application is a powerful analysis

Fast loading – We upgraded to a new backend and the

tool targeted at business users. This app allows you to

results are now directly retrieved from an analytical

explore the ITsat results in an intuitive way and plot

database optimized for fast querying. This means that

the results on the world map or view them as simple

there is no need to define and download datasets first.

lists. You can use the tool in workshop settings to

It also means that the Action Client will not slow down

provide an overview of the ITsat results, look at the

when you analyse the results within a large time frame.

open comments and drill down to the lowest level. Accessible via the Insight portal - the ITsat Action ITsat Action is now part of Giarte Insight with some

application is now integrated into the Insight portal.

notable changes:

No more need for users to remember and bookmark different urls for different reports and applications.

Mobile access - The Action Client was originally built with Adobe Flash and was therefore not usable on a tablet. The app is now recoded into HTML5 using Javascript. This means that you can now use the application on the iPad or any other tablet.


Granular access and data restrictions The Insight portal makes it very easy to allow access

Granular access - Administrators can control the

to different dashboards or set restriction filters on

access rights for every end user. Access can be given

data. All is managed within an easy to use graphical

on a dashboard level. This makes it possible to control

user interface. Giarte Insight assigns a role to each

which users can access which dashboards.

user of the platform. Administrators control who have access to the portal and what they can see. End Users

Data restriction - Per end user a custom data

can only use the portal to look at results, they have

restriction can be defined. For example, you can set a

no administrative rights.

restriction that allows country managers to only see the results for their country. Or you can make sure

Giving access – Administrators can easily add an

that service providers only see information for their

account by filling out the name and email address

own tickets. The data restriction will be automatically

for a specific person. He or she will receive an

applied to all dashboards to which a specific user has

email to set his or her password online. When


done successfully, the new user has access to the Insight portal. There is a self-service option to reset passwords in case someone has forgotten his or hers.


Customized projects and dashboards Giarte Insight provides you with many reports and

with ITsat results to provide a meaningful insight.

dashboards. But sometimes you have a specific need

Examples of this kind of data would be SLA data or

for insights that is not captured with the available

financial data. A custom data import procedure needs

dashboards and reports. There are several options to

to be set up to support these situations.

provide you with a bespoke solution. Customized projects - Several of our customers Customized dashboards – In case the dashboards that

run customized continuous feedback programs on

we offer do not fulfil your exact needs, customized

our platform. Most of those projects measure the

dashboards can be developed. The dashboards are

sentiment and satisfaction in the fields of human

visible in the same dashboard overview as other

resources, finance projects or specific IT projects.

dashboards. Also giving access to these dashboards

The results of these projects can be distributed

works exactly the same, so you can control who sees

via one or more customized dashboards. All of


your dashboards will be conveniently listed in one overview. And access control to these dashboards

External data - Customized dashboards can also

and restricting access to data is managed in the same

contain data from other sources (delivered by you

way as the other dashboards, so you only have one

from other sources like monitoring systems). In most

user interface to work with.

cases this will be data that needs to be combined

Overview of the evaluation of a specific business project. The focus of reporting is on early detecting negative signals.


TrAction and OP360


While you are reading this booklet, we are working

periodically surveyed on their perception of the quality

on two new services that Giarte can run for you.

of execution and confidence in success. The results

TrAction and OP360 help you to manage the complex

provide a rich insight to the project organization and

relationships in two areas: projects and managed

can be used to steer and fuel discussion.

services (outsourcing). Outsourcing Performance 360 - Like TrAction, OP360 TrAction - IT projects that hold strategic value to

helps to obtain insights into complex relations. Based

your organization tend to be complex in terms

on a decade of research, Giarte developed a method

of stakeholder management and execution. The

to evaluate the relation between outsourcers and

commitment and active participation of stakeholders

their service provider(s). Key individuals on both sides

in projects is key to success. TrAction enables project

are periodically asked to rate different aspects of the

sponsors to signal issues within the governance,

relationship. The outcomes can be used to support

execution or personal commitment before projects

meetings with your vendor(s) and help to build a trusted

derail. Stakeholders in both business and IT are




Ticket data and the ‘combined view’ When you run the ITsat ticket surveys, Giarte

• The quality of the solution/delivery

receives all closed ticket data on a weekly basis. This

• The timeliness of the solution delivery

collection of tickets is made accessible for further

• The ‘no hassle’ score indicating if it was easy for the

inspection in Giarte Insight. This means that you can

end user to get this incident resolved or request

get a structured overview of all work that has been


done in the last week.

• The number of tickets (hard metric)

Determine your productivity - all closed tickets will

This dashboard will help you to make the hard/soft

be ready for analysis with the ‘usual selection and

connection on metrics. For example, the dashboard

breakdown options. You can see the development

can show how all channels like email, phone and chat

of Incidents and Requests for different countries,

perform on the abovementioned metrics. This helps

divisions or service providers.

you to determine whether you are succeeding in making an effective shift to low cost channels. The IT

The ‘combined view’ - A new dashboard will be

Service Effort tells you if you are really efficient or just

introduced that will show several hard and soft

shifting the burden from the helpdesk to the employee.

metrics over time:

Planning Giarte Insight will be accessible for customers

After the launch new data and dashboards will be

and their end users as of October 28 2015. When

added. Currently, the planning is as follows:

launched, the portal will contain the following

• ITsat benchmark dashboard: November 23rd


• Ticket data and dashboards: December 21st

• IT satisfaction trends dashboard

Reports and dashboards for custom projects will be

• Vendor performance dashboard

deployed in the portal from the launch date.


• ITsat Action Client • All customized pdf and excel reports that are sent to the customer

Benchmark dashboard Ticket data & dashboards

Launch Insight





ITsat TrAction




Q2 2016

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