2015 Newsletter

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WHTF NEW MEMBER SPOTLIGHT Faith Nawagi of Uganda, WHTF Member Since 2014 and a 2015 Mini Grant Recipient I recently participated in the WHTF workshop in Gauteng, South Africa were I gave a presentation about my project, contributed and shared ideas with various members on women health issues around the world, and made resolutions on how to push the WHTF forward. The WHTF is a platform whose objectives I aim to contribute to as a new member by adding to the training modules, enhancing its visibility, writing posts about women’s health, and participating in project development and implementation.

HEALTH WORKFORCE ADVOCACY INITIATIVE As the Global Health Workforce Alliance (GHWA) completes its mandate by 2016, the Health Workforce Advocacy Initiative (HWAI) has been discussing potential ways of sustainable impact. HWAI is an invaluable advocacy vehicle that seeks to empower members of the Global South to voice their concerns and requests for health systems reforms to their country’s leaders. Through a dynamic civil society agenda, HWAI aims to bring Human Resources for Health issues to the forefront of the

Sustainable Development Goals’ agenda for implementation and ensure that healthcare workers are being recognized, supported, and educated.

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