Athens Oconee Parent March-April 2019

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A Resource for Families in Athens, Oconee County and the Surrounding Area

April 2019

Building Families... Building Businesses


Health HEALTHY BABIES FRUIT JUICE HEALTHY BACKS COLD & FLU It ain’t over until it’s over

Get Out! It’s Spring!



2 Athens-Oconee Parent

“Building Families...Building Businesses” March/April 2019 • Vol. 21 No. 3 LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED SINCE 1998


Shannon H. Baker


A.W. Blalock


Sarah Danis


Anniston Howell WEB MANAGER


Steven A. Abrams, MD, FAAP, Liz Conroy, Sarah Danis, Melvin B. Heyman, MD, FAAP, Dr. Chad Larson, Dr. Jocelyn Lieb, Dr. John Norris MD Ph.D, Jonathan C. Robinson Athens-Oconee Parent Magazine is published six times a year. Reader correspondence and editorial submission welcome.We reserve the right to edit, reject or comment editorially on all material contributed. No portion of this magazine may be reproduced without express written consent of the publisher. Athens-Oconee Parent Magazine reserves the right to refuse any advertising for any reason. The opinions expressed by contributors or writers do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this magazine. Distribution of this product does not constitute an endorsement of the products or services herein. Athens-Oconee Parent Magazine P.O. Box 465, Watkinsville, GA 30677 Advertising: Editorial: Office & Production: Calendar: Website: PUBLISHED BY

on the cover Holley Westbrooks and son, Jack, age 4 months PHOTO BY A.W. BLALOCK 3

4 Athens-Oconee Parent



t’s so nice that spring has come and we’re closer to summer break! We hope that you enjoyed our Education issue in February and we’re excited to share our annual Health issue with you now. We enjoy finding articles to share with our readers that we think you’ll find interesting. If there’s ever a topic you’re interested in sharing with our readers or a topic that you’d like us to write about, please let me know! In this issue, Liz Conroy shares how we can help teens protect their backs, our own Dr. Jonathan Robinson has great advice for the parents that read AOPM, and local physician Dr. John Norris chimes in on breastfeeding. We get suggestions from dermatologist Dr. Jocelyn Lieb about scars and Dr. Chad Larson has tips for us to continue avoiding the flu. I’m excited that we can share Part 1 of our Summer Camps guide with you in this issue as well! Part 2 of our camps guide will be coming out in our May/June issue – Summer Camps and Family Fun. Stay healthy!

Sarah Danis



Part 1 22-29 FEATURES

8 Keep It Straight: Exercise, Posture and Backs 10 Breastfeeding vs. Bottle Feeding: Make the Best Choice for You 12 Fruit Juice: It’s Not for Babies 18 Flu Season: It Ain’t Over Until It’s Over 20 The Score on Scars


DEPARTMENTS 6 Sarah with her sons, Oliver and Trey

Like us on Facebook!

6 Show & Tell 14 On Your Mind: “Oh Dad Poor Dad” 16 Get Out! 30 ’Til We Meet Again

read us online!

Read Athens-Oconee Parent Magazine anywhere, any time ... online! Visit and click “read online.” Also, check out our online calendar for up-to-date, family-friendly events.

Athens-Oconee Parent Magazine 5


Compiled by Sarah Danis



ngry u h ! ry

HAPPY 50th

The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle has been crawling its way into kids’ hearts for 50 years, and what better way to celebrate than by giving him a brand new cocoon! With a beautiful golden anniversary jacket, along with a new introduction from Eric Carle himself, this anniversary edition will be sure to delight Caterpillar fans of all ages. Bonus content features an appreciation by prominent children’s literacy advocate Dolly Parton, as well as an essay on the history and significance of the Caterpillar, including rare images of the original sketches and historic photos.

Visit us on Facebook for a chance to win a copy of The Very Hungry Caterpillar 50th Anniversary Edition!

Celebrate the 50th anniversary of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and make an edible caterpillar snack! You could do this with fruit or veggies. For our caterpillar, we used a strawberry and pieces of green apple for the face. For the body, we used green apple, pear, and kiwi slices, but you could use green grapes, cucumber or zucchini! His legs, feet and nose are made out of raisins. Make your caterpillar on a tray or platter and serve with yogurt for dipping. Thanks to for this fun idea!

Try these! D

on’t let runny noses and scratchy throats slow your little ones down. Propolis Throat Spray for Kids, with antioxidantrich buckwheat honey and propolis, is a gentle, kid-friendly duo that’s naturally tough on germs, but also super soothing on scratchy throats. Many more superfoods from the hive are available at beekeepers


hermal-Aid stuffed animals are made for kids to make their parent’s life easier. With a cuddly animal acting as a heating/cooling pack, a child will feel comforted rather than intimidated. The Thermal-Aid animals are 100% natural cotton on the outside and the inside is made of specifically engineered corn, eliminating any potential odor or mold that most natural therapeutic packs get, plus they are washable, allowing repeated use.

Send your ideas & photos to P.O. Box 465, Watkinsville, GA 30677 or e-mail 6 Athens-Oconee Parent

‘Abilities! ‘ Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that’s very important for good health.” Dalai Lama

Patti + Ricky offer fashion for people of all abilities. From fidget rings and hearing aid earrings, to these stylish bags for your ride! PunkinPie Wheelchair Bags by PunkinFutz carry inhalers, wallets, ID cards, catheters, EpiPens – anything you need to keep close at hand. Designed especially for wheelchairs, a PunkinPie Bag will also work on walkers, scooters, strollers, bicycles and carts. Where will you use your PunkinPie?

Troy Tastes... ON THE BOOKSHELF In Fish Are Not Afraid of Doctors by J.E. Morris, Maud gets nervous waiting at the doctor’s office for a checkup, so she looks to the fish tank in the waiting room for comfort. Fish don’t have to go to the doctor – she wishes she could be a fish. So when Maud has to get a shot, she shuts her eyes and pretends exactly that: She becomes an aquatic version of herself and pretends to swim through the sea, blowing bubbles and meeting other marine life, until she hears the doctor telling her it’s all done!

Restaurant: Planet Smoothie Troy’s Score: 4 1/2 napkins

I Love Big by Kat Kronenberg has a beautiful message that makes it a wonderful gift for those who want to build a loving WE community – from home to school, neighborhoods, church, or travel. If people can begin to encourage one another to pursue their passions – with kindness, sharing, listening, and care – we can overcome anything and achieve extraordinary dreams together.

went to Planet Smoothie, which can be very healthy, and I decided to try a shot of wheat grass. One ounce equals 5 lbs. of fresh vegetables. The wheat grass has an acquired taste, but it is only one ounce so you can drink it down and then sip your smoothie. It doesn’t have the best aftertaste, but it was worth it because it is easier than eating 5 lbs. of vegetables. The smoothie that I ordered was the Chocolate Elvis which has cocoa, peanut butter, bananas, frozen yogurt, nonfat milk, and energy blast. I’m a big smoothie fan anyway, but when you add all those ingredients, it is something extraordinary. I hope that Planet Smoothie never gets rid of the Chocolate Elvis! Thank you, thank you very much (said in Elvis accent) for reading. I give Planet Smoothie 4 1/2 napkins. Troy Aldrich is a local 10-year-old who enjoys food and is over the kids menu at most restaurants – but not everywhere. His reviews started as a summer teaching tool on opinion writing and appear in each issue of Athens-Oconee Parent Magazine. Troy guides parents to great places to take their kids to eat – from a kid’s point of view. Each restaurant is given a rating on a scale of 5 napkins. For more kid’s reviews go to 7

backhabits By Liz Conroy


Keep It Straight Exercise, Posture & Backs

THE INSTRUCTOR WALKED TO the edge of the ring where my two daughters were finishing their horseback riding lesson. “I bet you don’t allow your teens too much time in front of a screen,” the woman observed. “Laura and Mary sit with their heads up and their backs straight. So many kids seem to be hunching over these days.” Indeed, our teens didn’t spend as much time on computers as many youngsters do now. To be fair, they attended Clarke Central High when computer use was less intense. I’d also mention how attractive they looked when they had good posture and held their heads high. Since appearance is important to teens – they really listened! Today’s teens need information about damage they do to their spines as they sit “hunched over” for long periods on different electronic devices. That, and carrying overloaded backpacks are a recipe for back issues that may haunt them later in life. Adults can help kids learn

about good back care by role modeling and offering guidance. Kaiser Permanente is a respected source for tips involving health care for all ages: ncal/structured-content/#/Condition_ Low_Back_Pain_Teen_-_Pediatrics.xml Their recommendations for teens include: proper lifting form (bend knees to lift and maintain a straight spine while holding the heavy load close to the body), enough rest, keeping body weight in normal range, and regular exercise. For the latter, they emphasize the following: “Exercise is medicine for your teen’s back. We cannot stress this enough. During aerobic exercise, your teen’s body releases endorphins that can help improve mood and reduce pain. It is important to choose the right kind of exercise while your teen is recovering from an episode of low back pain. Here are some guidelines to follow: We recommend bicycling, walking, and swimming. Choose a form of exercise that does not aggravate your teen’s pain. If your teen can ride a bicycle or an exercise bike without aggravating the pain, then this is generally a safe thing to do, even in the acute phase of pain.”


r. Christopher Doerr (CD), a Rehabilitation Specialist who runs Physicians Back and Neck Clinic Athens Physical Therapy, agrees about the importance of careful lifting and appropriate exercise for back care. Doerr seeks ways to heal patients through exercise whenever possible. He answered these questions about back care in an interview with Athens-Oconee Parent Magazine (APM).

Emma Julia shows how to bend your knees while keeping your back straight and holding the heavy load close to your body while lifting. PHOTO BY LIZ CONROY

8 Athens-Oconee Parent

APM: Back pain seems increasingly common in the U.S. What are some reasons for back problems?

Teens practice the “plank” which strengthens the abdominal muscles amd helps keep the back straight.

CD: First, proper form is not being used. We can hurt our backs if we don’t know how to lift correctly. We need to use proper form in lifting and exercises must be done correctly. As an Athens yoga teacher would quote to her class, “Range of motion is the ego. Form is the Divine.” People of all ages tend to take their backs for granted. The spine is a structural part of the body and often gets little attention until there is pain. Sitting for too long often causes problems. People don’t get up and move around enough. They don’t consider their spine conformation while sitting for long periods at desks or in cars. APM: How can we protect our backs while traveling in cars? CD: Drive with regular breaks so you can get out and move. Consider your spine confor-

mation in the car. Are you slouching because you don’t have enough support in the seat? Roll up a towel to help support the lower back. When you need to get something out of the back seat, avoid twisting and reaching for it. That can get the back in trouble. APM: What are some general tips for protecting the back? CD: Get up! Back injuries can occur passively when people sit for hours and don’t get up and move. Damage may be happening to the spine slowly when you continue to put pressure on the discs for prolonged periods of time. Learn good back mechanics. Don’t do a sit-up to get out of bed. Instead roll over to one side and get up that way. Hold heavy loads close to your body. Poke the butt out. Do “potty squats” for a strengthening exercise as if you are

about to sit on a toilet in the dark. Keep your torso stiff. Lower slowly down with a neutral spine. That means not overarched or flattened. Just have a slight, natural curve. Develop core strength so all the muscles are working together in your core and helping to protect the back. Avoid overuse. Some people will focus on one part of the body and overuse the back in the process. In other words, they train one part of the body while hurting another part. An example is focusing too much on the abs [abdominal muscles] to develop a “six-pack” of strong muscles. But the spine may become the victim. Respect the vulnerable parts of the body in general. Have an exercise plan that’s balanced. APM: What do you find discouraging about the way people treat their backs? CD: Sometimes patients say, “My back

hurts. I need pain medicine.” But pain medicine doesn’t solve the problem. It hides it. A more useful mindset is to ask, “What’s wrong with my form that’s making my back hurt? When we perpetuate poor back mechanics, we’re not solving the problem. APM: What do you find encouraging? CD: When patients learn and make educated choices and are willing to try exercise and other modalities for taking care of their backs. Patients need to work their way up to “earn surgery.” They need to flunk PT [physical therapy] and rehab exercises. Flunk injections and all that before surgery. Many surgeons believe the same thing. It’s a shared mindset among many pain specialists and spine surgeons. n Liz Conroy is an Athens-based freelance writer interested in proper back care for all ages. 9


breastvsbottle By Dr. John Norris MD Ph.D

Make the Best Choice

WHEN AN OBSTETRIC NURSE hands a mother her newborn infant for the first time, the healthcare worker’s first two questions are likely to be: “What is his/her name?” and, “How do you plan to feed them – breast or bottle?” The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has no interest in the former but has a strong interest in the latter. For those mothers who are willing and able, the AAP strongly believes: ”breast is best.” Why? One of the hallmarks of mammals, including humans, is the capacity to breastfeed. Evolution – a biologic version of trial and error – has had more than 220 million years to perfect mammalian milk as the optimal nutrition for newborn infants. In contrast, commercial formulas (i.e. synthetic or artificial milk) have been around for only about one hundred years and have spent most of that time trying to identify and imitate the many components of natural human milk. With more than 200 million years to tinker, it is not surprising that human breast milk has become an extremely complex fluid. (Even in 2018, we do not yet understand all of its components and their functions). Recent studies of human milk have identified 710 different components in breastmilk! Among these are more than 200 types of fatty acids, 400 different proteins, and nearly 200 unique human milk oligosaccharides. In addition to meeting the complex nutritional needs of a rapidly growing and changing infant, these diverse components serve as anti-inflammatory agents, growth factors, hormones, immune modulators, and neuropeptides. Breastmilk is not only an extremely complex solution but also a multi-purpose one. In addition to providing optimal nutrition for a baby’s unique needs, human milk does four other things that formula can never hope to imitate. First, the compo-


The only way to know if breastfeeding is right for you and your baby is to try.

10 Athens-Oconee Parent

sition of human milk changes over time as the growing infant’s nutritional needs change. The composition of breastmilk changes from the beginning of a single feed to the end; from the beginning of the first week of life to the end; and from the first month of life to the seventh, etc. Second, breastmilk plays an important role in providing immune protection at a time when the baby’s own immune system is still immature. During this vulnerable period, human milk provides the infant with maternal disease-fighting antibodies, as well as with a host of other anti-microbial chemicals and immune system regulators. Third, among its many components are specific sugars, growth factors and regulators that contribute to the normal development of the gastrointestinal tract and the central nervous system. Finally, it sets the table for a more open-minded approach to complementary (solid) foods. Scientists believe that the different foods in a mother’s diet lead to variations in the flavor of her breastmilk. Thus, when solid foods are added to the infant diet at around 6 months of age, breastfeeding babies are more accepting, as they have already been sampling these different tastes via the mother’s milk, whereas formula fed babies have experienced only formula and often object to the new tastes offered by cereals, fruits and vegetables. Currently, the AAP recommends exclusive breastfeeding for about 6 months.


Following the addition of complementary (solid) foods at about six months of age, they recommend continued breastfeeding until the first birthday or longer, as mutually desired by mother and infant. Similar recommendations are endorsed by the Institute of Medicine, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, and the World Health Organization (WHO). Unfortunately, in the US, only 22 % of mothers meet this goal! Many of these failures result from a lack of understanding of the many significant health benefits of breastmilk, coupled with an incorrect perception that formula somehow represents “the standard” feeding method. Even worse, many of the mothers and families that could benefit most from the low cost, convenience and protective health benefits of breastfeeding – teen mothers and families with limited resources – are the most likely to hold incorrect views of its importance.


here are a limited number of medical conditions in which breastfeeding is NOT recommended. These include infants with classic galactosemia. Also, mothers with human T-cell lymphotrophic virus (type I or II), untreated brucellosis, active tuberculosis, active herpes simplex lesions on her breast, or (in the developed world) mothers with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Street drugs such as phencyclidine (PCP), cocaine, and marijuana can be detected in human milk, and



ltimately, the decision to breastfeed (or not) is a deeply personal one. Given the significant medical and health benefits for both Mom and baby, I recommend every mother for whom there are no contraindications give it a try. The process seems very straight forward – breast+baby=breastfeeding. However, there are many factors that can make it difficult including: flat nipples; large, engorged breasts; breast infection or pain; uncooperative baby; etc, at a time when the mother may already feel exhausted and overwhelmed. Ultimately, the only way to know if it is for you and your baby is to try. Most newborn healthcare providers are knowledgeable about breastfeeding tips and support. Another solution, which is less intimate, but continues to provide the many health benefits is pumping and then bottle feeding. Good luck! n

Dr. John Norris MD, Ph.D, is a board certified pediatrician, an assistant clinical professor at the UGA/AU Medical Partnership, and the father of three formerly breastfed children.

Breastfeeding Benefits


their use by breastfeeding mothers may lead to problems with the infant’s longterm development and behavior, and is not recommended. In summary, breastfeeding is a free, convenient, natural way to feed your full-term baby (nutrition in preemies may include additional considerations). In addition to providing optimal nutrition, breastfeeding promotes mother-infant bonding, offers partial protection against a variety of maternal diseases, and provides increased protections for the infant to infectious diseases, SIDS, gastroesophageal reflux (GER), leukemia, diabetes and obesity. In those rare instances, such as an infant with metabolic disease, a mother with a history of breast surgery, a mother requiring certain medications, or with a history of some systemic illnesses, that make breastfeeding either dangerous or impossible, modern artificial milk (i.e, infant formulas) provides a safe and acceptable alternative for feeding an infant. Except for meeting a baby’s basic nutritional needs under these special circumstances, formula provides NO additional nutritional or health advantages. For everyone else, “breast is best”!

From the cover, Holley Westbrooks and son, Jack, age 4 months

... for full-term infants:

... for mothers:

• decreased risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) • decreased risk of acquiring upper respiratory infections including respiratory syncytial virus • decreased risk of acquiring a diarrheal illness • decreased risk of acquiring ear infections • decreased risk of celiac disease • decreased risk of developing childhood leukemia • improved neurodevelopmental outcomes • decreased risk of being subjected to abuse or neglect • decreased risk of gastroesophageal reflux (GER) • each month of breastfeeding is associated with a 4 % reduction in risk of obesity • decreased risk of type 1 AND type 2 diabetes • breastfeeding is affected by the mother’s diet and, therefore, introduces the infant to a wider variety of flavors than formula, which may explain why breastfed infants have more diverse food preferences upon the introduction of solid foods

• decreased postpartum blood loss and more rapid involution of the uterus • increased child spacing • decreased risk of post-partum depression • decreased risk of ovarian cancer • decreased risk of breast cancer • decreased risk of rheumatoid arthritis • with prolonged breastfeeding (greater than or equal to 1 year) women have a decreased risk of high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

... for premature babies: • decreased risk of acquiring necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) • decreased risk of sepsis (i.e., overwhelming infection) • improved developmental outcomes • decreased risk of retinopathy of prematurity • improved blood pressure, blood fat profiles and insulin metabolism in adolescence

“Healthy is best! Whether you are breastfeeding or feeding with formula, a happy, healthy mama and baby is the most important thing!” HOLLEY WESTBROOKS 11



By Melvin B. Heyman, MD, FAAP and Steven A. Abrams, MD, FAAP

FRUIT JUICE OFFERS NO nutritional benefit to children under age 1 and should not be included in their diet, according to a new policy statement issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics that marks the Academy’s first change in recommendations on fruit juice since 2001. Over past years, the Academy advised against offering fruit juice to children under the age of 6 months, but has expanded that time frame to include the entire first year of life. The statement, “Fruit Juice in Infants, Children, and Adolescents: Current Recommendations,” was published in Pediatrics and accounts for the rising rates of obesity and concerns about dental health based on evidence accumulated over recent years.

“Parents may perceive fruit juice as healthy, but it is not a good substitute for fresh fruit and just packs in more sugar and calories,” said Melvin B. Heyman, MD, FAAP, co-author of the statement. “Small amounts in moderation are fine for older kids, but are absolutely unnecessary for children under 1.” The new recommendations state that 100-percent fresh or reconstituted fruit juice can be a healthy part of the diet of children older than 1 year when consumed as part of a well-balanced diet. Consumption, however, should be limited depending on a child’s age. The Academy supports policies that seek to reduce fruit juice consumption and promote fresh fruit. This support extends to developing policies for the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), provided that the policies do not have negative nutritional consequences for children without access to fresh fruit. “We know that excessive fruit juice can lead to excessive weight gain and tooth decay,” co-author Steven A. Abrams, MD, FAAP said. “Pediatricians have a lot of information to share with families on how to provide the proper balance of fresh fruit within their child’s diet.”


[It’s Not For Babies] The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends no fruit juice for children under 1 year old. Fresh fruit is preferable for older children because it provides dietary fiber and less sugar than juice.

12 Athens-Oconee Parent


Portion control is key when serving fruit juice to older children. Use a measuring cup to learn how much a 4-, 6-, or 8-ounce serving really is.

PLUS: limit juice as

your child gets older!


ntake of juice should be limited to, at most, 4 ounces daily for toddlers age 1-3. For children age 4-6, fruit juice should be restricted to 4 to 6 ounces daily; and for children ages 7-18, juice intake should be limited to 8 ounces or 1 cup of the recommended 2 to 2 1/2 cups of fruit servings per day.

The policy statement recommendations include: • Toddlers should not be given juice from bottles or easily transportable “sippy cups” that allow them to consume juice easily throughout the day. The excessive exposure of the teeth to carbohydrates can lead to tooth decay, as well. Toddlers should not be given juice at bedtime. • Children should be encouraged to eat whole fruits and be educated about the benefits of the fruit as compared with juice, which lacks dietary fiber and may contribute to excessive weight gain. • Human milk or infant formula is sufficient for infants, and low-fat/nonfat milk and water are sufficient for older children. • Consumption of unpasteurized juice products should be strongly discouraged for children of all ages. • Children who take specific forms of medication should not be given grapefruit juice, which can interfere with the medication’s effectiveness. • Fruit juice is not appropriate in the treatment of dehydration or management of diarrhea. n 13



By Jonathan C. Robinson, Ph.D.

“Oh Dad Poor Dad.”

Dear Dr. Robinson,

AL IS A GREAT guy, great provider, and a great husband. Our resources are such that I get to stay home with the kids. I love it all. However, sometimes I feel drained and taken advantage of. I mean, that seems so selfish since my husband works so hard, 9 to 5, 5 days/week. I’ve already put in a long day’s work when he gets home, and he just kisses me, says “hi” to the kids, and sacks out on the couch waiting for dinner. I’m wrangling my two boys, trying to finish supper, helping them with homework, and then putting them to bed. All the while, Al is yelling at the TV because he doesn’t like the news that’s on. On weekends, he plays golf because “he needs to clear his head.” Clearly, I’m the primary caregiver in our home, and that’s okay with me. But, really, how can I include Al in the parenting routines on weekends and evenings when he’s so tired and sometimes cranky? Signed, Frustrated Dear Frustrated, Okay, so you have probably described the majority of homes in America. If it helps any, you are not alone with your frustrations. Several things. First, you need to have a “come to Jesus” moment with Al, where you lay out for him all that you just shared with me, and more. Just like you did in your letter to me, describe the circumstances vividly and state your feelings. Second, in reality, he has one, 40 hrs/wk job and you have one, 80 hrs/wk job. He will contend that his job is the moneymaker and remind you of all the benefits you accrue from his job. That’s just his being defensive and not wanting to change his ways. Don’t let him sidetrack you. Third, active listen his feelings. Too tired, doesn’t know how to do it, out of his comfort zone. When he gets that you understand him, he will be more likely to negotiate and compromise. Fourth, after he gets it and is calmer, go over the weekend and evening routines specifically and 14 Athens-Oconee Parent

thoroughly. Then, ask him where he sees himself pitching in and helping out? Don’t give up your role as primary caregiver, but encourage him to co-parent with you when you are both at home. Sharing the load cuts the work in half. Consider him a “junior partner,” where you oversee his efforts and bring him along in this parenting journey. Finally, when you both are on the same page, call a family meeting to let the kids in on the experiment. Write down the weekend and evening routines, so all know exactly what is happening and who’s in charge. As your kids get older, they can do more on their own, but always with parental oversight. Take a week or two to try it all out, tweak the system as you need to, ask for feedback from everybody. Then, put it into effect with a check-in meeting on Sunday afternoons to debrief on how last week went and plan for the coming week. I know this all sounds like a lot. Both you and Al will feel more appreciated, working together, and you are presenting a great role model for your kids. Happy parenting.


ear Dr. Robinson,

WHAT DO I DO when my child does not seem effected by punishment? Signed, Puzzled Dear Puzzled, Aah, in a power struggle, I see. Of course, you win because you are the parent, physically bigger and stronger. But that’s not the point. Again, relationship always tops power in healthy parenting. Our son, Todd, was about 3 years old when his mom swatted him on the bottom to get his attention. “That didn’t hurt,” he said matter-of-factly. Whaaat? She swatted him harder and asked, “How about now?” She demonstrated her power, but at the expense of the relationship. Often, when we sent him to his room, he wouldn’t fuss. He would just go to sleep until his

time was up. Not much impact. The point of punishment is not to hurt the child. Hopefully it is to make such an impression on him that he gets it and doesn’t do the wrong behavior again. The best way to make that point is to involve your child in the process from the start. Also, remember that “punishment” will only likely have a short-term effect. Go for “natural consequence.” With that goal, your child personalizes the process and, hopefully, sees how his behavior effected his actions. The best natural consequences lead to teachable moments. Joey hits his younger sister, Sally. Mom sees it all. “Go to your room, young man, and no electronics for a week.” Joey complies, but learns nothing. This punishment might fit the crime, but at the cost of Joey’s relationship with his parents and with his sister. After all, Sally “caused” Joey to hit her. “Go to your room, young man, and think about how we can fix this so it doesn’t happen again. I’ll be in there after I get your sister settled.” When you get back to your son, active listen his protests and rationale for his behavior. When he’s settled enough to be able to hear you, ask how he could have handled the situation differently. Now he has options, rather than impulses. Then tell him, as his “natural consequence”, he needs to write his sister a letter of apology, spend at least 30 minutes a day for the next week hanging out with her to understand what makes her tick, and then talk to you after the week to let you know what he found out. Will it work every time? Probably not, but it’s a step in the right direction. Hang in there. n Dr. Robinson is a licensed, clinical psychologist. His specialty is in school-clinical, child psychology, with emphasis on child development, parenting and family counseling. He is also author of Teachable Moments: Building Blocks of Christian Parenting, now available nationwide in bookstores and on-line as an e-book. 15

getout! ONGOING

n Infant Story Time at the

n Little Athens Pop-Up at

Babies love books, too! This is a special Storytime for the youngest readers-to-be, 0-18 months. Share fingerplays, songs and simple books with your babies as they sit in your lap. Mondays, March 4, 11, 18, & 25; April 1, 8, & 15. Athens-Clarke County Library. 10:30am. 613-3650. n Athens Mothers’ Center

Georgia Square Mall

Little Athens Children’s Museum will bring their pop-up exhibit to Georgia Square Mall the second Saturday of each month during 2019. 10am-12pm. about-little-athens n Storytimes at the Oconee

County Library

Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 10am and 11am. Storytime is for all preschool aged children and their caregivers. Come for stories, songs, movement, crafts, and fun! 769-3950 (no storytimes the first week of May) n Bogart Library

Story Time

Fall in love with stories, rhymes and songs every Monday (but not in March) at 11:30am for ages 3-5 and Wednesday at 10:30 for ages 3 to 8. Call for the location. Free. 614-9231 n Bogart Library Monday

Funday Story Time for Little Ones

Little ones ages birth to three and their caregivers are invited to join Miss Donna for songs, finger plays, wiggles and lots of giggles on Mondays (but not in March) at 10:30am. Call for the location. Free. 614-9231 n Preschool Story Time at

ACC Library

Social Group

Come and meet other moms experiencing similar joys and challenges! Tuesday and Friday mornings from 9:30-11:30am year-round (except when Clarke County Schools are closed). Dads are welcome on Fridays. Covenant Presbyterian Church n Lego Club at the

Oconee County Library

Let’s build! Join us in creating Lego art and playing Lego-based activities. Lego blocks provided! For children up to age 11. Free. 4pm. Mar 12, 26, Apr 9, 23, May 7, 21. 769-3950 n Georgia Renaissance


April 13 - June 2, Saturdays and Sundays plus Memorial Day,

the ACC Library

Story program for children ages 18 months to 5 years old and their caregiver. Lively time of sharing books, songs, puppets, nursery rhymes, early literacy and preschool activities. Tues and Wed 9:30-10am and 10:30-11am. 613-3650 n Open Chess Play at the

ACC Library

All skill levels, come out for chess! Led by volunteer members of our local Chess and Community Conference who assist players and build skill levels. Open to ages 7-18 years. Athens-Clarke County Library. Mondays. 4-5:30pm. 6133650.

16 Athens-Oconee Parent

MARCH 2019 23 Alice H. Richards Children’s Garden Grand Opening at the State Botanical Garden

Activities and free play will fill every part of this much-anticipated destination which is loaded with learning adventures relating Georgia’s natural history and resources. Be ready to get your hands dirty, enjoy community and learn about what makes our state so unique by beginning your Garden Earth Explorers passport in this new playscape! Free. 9am-4pm.

Compiled by Sarah Danis

23 Bears’ Birthday Party

Bear Hollow Zoo is throwing a birthday party for their bears! Celebrate by offering the bears special birthday treats and presents. There will be cupcakes (while supplies last) and crafts for party guests as well. Make sure to sign the bears’ birthday card! Free. All ages. 10am-1pm. 613-3580

friendly. Various UGA student groups and community organizations host exciting cultural displays and performances throughout the Festival, which occurs in downtown Athens each spring. Free

30 Lego Club

Let’s build! Join us in creating Lego art and playing Legobased activities. Lego blocks provided! Ages 6-11 and their caregiver. Athens-Clarke County Library. 11am. 613-3650

30 Women in Science Open House at Sandy Creek Nature Center

Stations will be set up around the nature center with women scientists sharing what they do in their field. They will have an activity to give attendees a chance to experience what they do in their career. All ages. Free. 1-4pm

APRIL 2019 5 Spanish Storytime

Come listen and practice fun Spanish songs and stories! You don’t have to speak Spanishcome have fun and learn! All ages! Free. Oconee County Library. 4pm. 769-3950

5 Bilingual Spanish Storytime

¡Bienvenido! Join us for this special program of Spanish/ English language fun! Share books, songs, rhymes and activities en español y ingles on the first Friday of every month. Ages 3-8 and their caregiver. Athens-Clarke County Library. 4pm. 613-3650

5 Friday Baby Music Jam

Preschool-aged children and caregivers play musical instruments, sing, and dance together. Oconee County Library. 10:30am. 769-3950

6 UGA International Street Festival

Festival is student and family

6 Bunny Brunch

Enjoy a full delicious brunch buffet with the bunny. Children’s tickets include a visit and photo with the Easter Bunny (including a complimentary digital copy), a stop by the bunny petting zoo, an exciting Easter egg hunt for fun prizes, an Easter themed crafting station and more. 10am-12pm at The Classic Center. Tickets $25 adult, $20 children over 1 year, children 1 year and under free. Visit

12 Spanish Storytime

Come listen and practice fun Spanish songs and stories! You don’t have to speak Spanishcome have fun and learn! All ages! Free. Oconee County Library. 4pm. 769-3950

13 Saturday Spring “Crafternoon” at the Oconee County Library

Drop in and create your own awesome make-and-take crafts! All supplies provided. All ages! Free. Oconee County Library. 2-4pm. 769-3950

13 4th Annual Fairy and Elf Festival: Into the Woods! Spend a magical day of family fun as we share stories, fairy house building, crafts, face painting, family folk dancing, and more. Dress up as your favorite fairytale character and enter the magic wood. Cos-

PHOTOS PROVIDED BY THE CLASSIC CENTER AND THE OCONEE COUNTY LIBRARY tumes are encouraged for all events. All magical creatures are welcome. Ages 3-11 and their caregiver. Athens-Clarke County Library. 1pm. 613-3650

13 Athens Academy Festival Day

Join us for a day of festival fun on our campus! Inflatables, climbing wall, dunking booth, games, face painting, prizes, and more! Tickets and wristbands can be purchased at the door and concessions and lunch food will be available for purchase. Festival will take place at the baseball complex, located just inside the gates on Highway 441.

14 Read to Rover

Come read with and meet our new doggie friend, Bandit! Reading aloud to a dog creates a relaxed, non-judgmental environment that helps children develop their reading skills and builds confidence. And, it’s a lot of fun, too! All ages! Free. Oconee County Library. 3pm. 769-3950

19 Friday Infant Story Time Babies love books, too! This is a special Storytime for the youngest readers-to-be, 0-24 months. Stories, songs, nursery rhymes, bouncing, and cuddling, and then stay for some playtime with friends. Oconee County Library, 10:30am, 769-3950

20 G-Day Game

Get a preview of this fall’s UGA squad while you enjoy a free visit to one of college football’s premier stadiums. Sanford Stadium at UGA

23 The Very Hungry

Caterpillar and His Cool Cool Car!

The Very Hungry Caterpillar is celebrating his 50th Anniversary by traveling around the country in his Cool Car! Although he may be 50, the Caterpillar still wants to meet all of his fans young and old. Check out his groovy vehicle, meet the caterpillar himself, make colored paper collage art, and experience his classic story. Books will be available for sale. All ages.

Athens-Clarke County Library. 10:30am. 613-3650

26 Pagemasters – Kids’ Book & Movie Club: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judi Barrett Which was better, the book or the movie? We’ll talk about what we think and watch the movie, too! We’ll have copies of the book available at the Circulation desk for check-out all month long. For elementary school-ages. Oconee County Library. 4pm. 769-3950

27 Dia Celebration - Omu

& Her Storytime Stew Cooking Class

Omu is Igbo for “queen” and Omu is definitely the queen of the kitchen. All the neighbors want some of her delicious stew, but will there be enough for everyone? Help us celebrate Dia! (Children’s Day/Book Day) as we share Caldecott Honor book Thank You Omu!, and prepare a real storytime stew you can actually eat, with our new culinary kitchen. Ages 4-11. Athens-Clarke County Library. 11am. 613-3650

MAY 2019 4 Out and About: Bird Appreciation Day with the Oconee County Library and Hard Labor Creek Park The OC Library will visit friends at Hard Labor Creek State Park and learn all about birds! Make crafts and participate in

Some events, dates and times are subject to change. Please call individual event organizers to confirm schedules. All area codes are 706 unless otherwise noted.

fun outdoor activities! Don’t forget to check out a Park Pass from the library and get into the park for free! All supplies provided. All ages! Free. This event will be held at Hard Labor Creek State Park, 5 Hard Labor Creek Rd, Rutledge, GA 30663. 11am-2pm

10 Spanish Storytime

Come listen and practice fun Spanish songs and stories! You don’t have to speak Spanishcome have fun and learn! All ages! Free. Oconee County Library. 4pm. 769-3950

11 Family Fun Day at the Oconee County Library

A petting zoo, moonwalk, crafts, music, games, and more! Fun for the whole family – and it’s free! Pick up your reading log and you can earn prizes for reading all summer long. All ages! Free. Oconee County Library. 4pm. 769-3950

12 Read to Rover

Come read with and meet our new doggie friend, Bandit! Reading aloud to a dog creates a relaxed, non-judgmental environment that helps children develop their reading skills and builds confidence. And, it’s a lot of fun, too! All ages! Free. Oconee County Library. 3pm. 769-3950

Join local experts for a day of snakes! Meet local snakes and learn about their value in our habitat. Enjoy games and crafts, as well as food from local vendors. Sandy Creek Nature Center, 12-4pm, $4 Children younger than 3 are admitted free. Pre-register before May 19 for a $3 price or day of the event is $4 per person. 613-3615

23 Infant Story Time

Babies love books, too! This is a special Storytime for the youngest readers-to-be, 0-24 months. Stories, songs, nursery rhymes, bouncing, and cuddling, and then stay for some playtime with friends. Oconee County Library, 10:30am, 769-3950

24 Pagemasters – Kids’

Book & Movie Club: How to Train Your Dragon by Cressida Cowell

Which was better, the book or the movie? We’ll talk about what we think and watch the movie, too! We’ll have copies of the book available at the Circulation desk for check-out all month long. For elementary school-ages. Oconee County Library. 4pm. 769-3950

16 Baby Music Jam

Preschool-aged children and caregivers play musical instruments, sing, and dance together. Oconee County Library. 10:30am. 769-3950

18 Snake Day 2019

31 Starlab Inflatable

Planetarium hosted by the Oconee County Library

OC Library is holding a real-life planetarium show at the Oconee Civic Center! Learn all about planets and outer space inside of an inflatable planetarium. Registration required; please call or ask at the library front desk to sign up for one of four session times. All ages! Free. Oconee County Civic Center is located at 2661 Hog Mountain Rd, Watkinsville. 10:30am, 11:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm n 17

fluseason By Dr. Chad Larson

It Ain’t Over Until It’s Your Immune System Checklist



IT’S THAT TIME OF year when we’re all desperately avoiding the guy at the office who just got sick. Flu season can last all the way into May. For anyone living with an autoimmune condition, flu season comes with added challenges. Because autoimmune diseases alter the immune system, it makes it hard for one’s system to distinguish cells from itself or foreign invaders like the flu virus, bacterial infections or other germs. Besides battling the discomfort and symptoms of viruses like the influenza (flu) and rhinovirus (common cold), it can also mean increased inflammation and autoimmune flare-ups. Needless to say, it’s extremely important for anyone with a compromised immune system to be proactive in taking care of his or her health during this heightened period of influenza. Below are a few recommended steps for strengthening an immune system to battle the perils of flu season:

18 Athens-Oconee Parent

GET plenty of rest and sleep Our bodies heal and rejuvenate during restful periods, particularly while we slumber. A susceptible host (you) is vulnerable to an opportunistic pathogen (virus). Do not allow yourself to run on overdrive, or you could end up completely down for the count, making you more likely to get sick. Shoot for a solid eight hours of sleep per night and even a mid-day nap or rest if your energy is low to strengthen your immune system, thus reducing your chances of catching “the bug.”

TAKE beneficial supplements More than 40 percent of the population lack the recommended intake of vitamins and nutrients for their age and gender. Even

worse, 75 percent of the general population is Vitamin D deficient and the same is true for the vital mineral magnesium! Various autoimmune diseases can cause increased deficiencies in specific vitamins or nutrients as well. For example, celiac disease sufferers commonly have Vitamin D and iron deficiency. Vitamin A deficiency has been linked to rheumatoid arthritis and type-1 diabetes. Becoming ill with the flu (or even a common cold) causes an even greater need for these nutrients. The following supplements can help to prevent symptoms and even reverse the effects of overall autoimmune disease in various ways: • Vitamin A – mucosal immune system support • Vitamin D – better immune and muscle function and reduced inflammation • Vitamin K2 – brain, gut, bone and nervous system support • Iron – improve energy and replenish deficits caused by autoimmune-induced gut dysfunction • Micronutrients (selenium, magnesium, zinc) – optimize immune function, antioxidant support and reduce inflammation • Omega-3 fatty acids – decrease inflammation and support cell membrane integrity • Probiotics (spore-based or 25-50 billion CFUs) – overall gut health, microbiome balancing

MAINTAIN a healthy diet Eating a whole foods-based diet rich in vitamins and nutrients, protein and omega-3 fats is beneficial for everyone. Increasing your green veggies and foods rich in Vitamin C is also important. But there are many foods for autoimmune disease sufferers to avoid. One symptom that all autoimmune diseases have in common is inflammation. There are many foods that can cause inflammation, including: • Dairy • Gluten • Processed carbohydrates • Refined grains • Meat from grain-fed animals • Processed meat • Refined sugars • Alcohol • Additives and artificial coloring • Omega-6 fats

EXERCISE We all know that exercise is essential for overall well-being and good health. Additionally, it is also believed that exercise is necessary for a healthy immune system in that it promotes good circulation, which

allows the cells of the immune system to move throughout the body to do their job efficiently! Regular physicals and routine lab work should be done to maintain optimal health and keep informed of any deficiencies or problems with your body’s system. Vitamin and nutrient deficiencies, lack of sleep, and inflammatory foods can make us more susceptible to contracting the flu or infection. If you suspect you may be nutrient deficient or have autoimmune-related symptoms, please make an appointment with your primary care physician. Being proactive with proper diet, rest and exercise and regular doctor visits can all assist in maintaining optimal health and beating the flu — even during the height of the season! n

Dr. Chad Larson, NMD, DC, CCN, CSCS, is a Certified Clinical Nutritionist and a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. He particularly pursues advanced developments in the fields of endocrinology, orthopedics, sports medicine and environmentally-induced chronic disease.

AVOID harmful supplements While there are many supplements that can aid in strengthening a compromised immune system, there are also herbs and other supplements that can aggravate an already-overactive immune system. The enhancement of immune response can be counterproductive in people with autoimmune disease, therefore certain supplements should only be taken under the guidance of a qualified practitioner. One herb to be aware of is Echinacea, a botanical supplement used to boost the immune system, as it may cause added flare-ups in an already hyperactive immune system. Garlic is another, as three substances in it – allicin, ajoene, and thiosulfinates – potentially rev up your immune system by increasing the activity of white blood cells. It is suggested to check with your naturopathic physician about other supplements to avoid for specific autoimmune diseases.

Ad space contributed by Athens-Oconee Parent 19


a By Dr. Lieb AmyJocelyn Lasseter

The Score on


A SCAR IS AN unavoidable result of incision or injury to the skin. Unsightly as it may be, a scar is a near-miraculous example of the body’s ability to heal itself. The appearance of a scar is dependent on many factors - the size and depth of the wound as well as the individual’s age, genes, and skin pigmentation. “Many scars fade to near invisibility on their own over a period of months,” says Dr. Jocelyn Lieb of Advanced Dermatology, P.C. “But some disfiguring scars do not fade and cause emotional and physical discomfort long after the initial wound has healed. Fortunately, we can take steps to reduce the severity of a scar and, although we can’t always remove it entirely, we have a range of treatments that can minimize the scar and make it more consistent with surrounding skin.” A scar forms when there has been damage to the deep, thick layer of skin called the dermis. As the skin heals, the new collagen fibers that replace the damaged tissue have a different protein composition than the original tissue, which causes the new skin to have a different texture and appearance than surrounding skin. There are different types of scars: Most are flat and pale. When too much collagen is produced, the scar may be red and raised (hypertrophic) and if the raised scar extends beyond the boundaries of the original wound, it is known as a keloid scar. Contracture scars result from burns; as they tighten, they can restrict movement and may affect underlying muscles and nerves. Cystic acne and chickenpox scars are often pitted or indented (atrophic).


the Appearance of Scars

“If, despite your best efforts and the passage of time, you are still bothered by the appearance of a scar, your dermatologist can suggest a course of treatment appropriate for the severity and characteristics of the scar,” says Dr. Lieb. “Options range from topical applications to surgery.” • A silicon-based gel or a silicon gel sheet that is pressed on the skin can help flatten a swollen, raised scar. Silicon gel sheeting can also be helpful as the wound is healing, leading to a thinner, softer, less red and less painful scar. • Injections of corticosteroids are used to soften and flatten keloid and hypertrophic scars. Filler injections can raise sunken scars to the level of surrounding skin. • Dermabrasion and laser therapy are different methods that achieve similar results: to remove the surface layers of the skin. They are used on raised scars. • Surgery can alter a scar’s shape or make it less visible. The scar may be removed completely and the new wound closed carefully (excision) or a series of small incisions can re-orient the scar so it 20 Athens-Oconee Parent


• Don’t let the wound get soaking wet but keep it moist with a light application of petroleum jelly. Don’t use home remedies or over-the-counter lotions, creams or ointments that purport to prevent scarring. Most, including the popular vitamin E, don’t work and many have ingredients that can be irritating or cause an allergic reaction. • Keep the area clean with a gentle cleanser. Don’t use soap and don’t scrub. Pat dry. • Let the wound breathe. Cover it with a thin, light bandage that allows air to circulate; change the bandage daily. • Avoid sun exposure, which can make scarring worse. • When a scab forms, don’t touch it! Picking at a scab will impede healing and might cause scarring that would otherwise not have occurred. n

“How you treat a wound can make a big difference in the appearance of the scar after the wound heals,” says Dr. Lieb. Here are the most important preventive steps:

Jocelyn Ann Lieb, M.D. F.A.A.D., is board certified in dermatology and is a member of the New York Academy of Medicine, the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Dermatology.

better follows the natural folds of the skin and is less noticeable (Z-plasty). A skin graft may be used when a large area of skin has been lost. • For keloid scars that are resistant to corticosteroid injections, there is a new procedure called the Cryoshape. It freezes the keloid from the center and causes all or most of it to fall off, causing improvement. It is not yet covered by insurance. “Any injury or trauma to the skin can cause a scar,” Dr. Lieb concludes. “If it is small or can be easily concealed, a scar may not be troubling. But for those that make people self-conscious and cause emotional distress, we can take steps to minimize the effects.”

Minimize Scarring 21

Sum Camps! Consider these great camps that Athens and Oconee County – and throughout Georgia – have to offer children of all ages during the summer! We have tried to iclude the important information for each camp. However, due to changes that may have occured after press time, please call individual camps or visit their web sites for the most up-to-date details.

22 Athens-Oconee Parent

mer s


Summer Camps! Athens-Clarke County Leisure Services

online at www.oconeecounty. com/ocprd beginning Monday, April 15 at 8:oo a.m. Summer-Camps • Registration takes place online at www.athensclarke • Registration begins Saturday, March 23 at 9:00 a.m. for ACC residents • Registration for non-residents begins Monday, March 25 at noon

Alice DePass Studio of Dance

Oconee County Parks and Recreation Department ocprd/433/Summer-Camps • Registration takes place

24 Athens-Oconee Parent

706-769-1177 www.depassstudioof TINKERBELL’S BALLET CAMP • For ages 2.5-3.5 • June 3rd – 5th (MondayWednesday) from 9:3011:00am • $65 (includes snack and craft materials) • Calling all tiny dancers! Come join us for this special introduction to ballet, which includes dance instruction, movement games, dress-up,

story time, and fun fairy crafts! PRINCESS BALLET CAMPS All of the following princess ballet camps are for dancers ages 3-7 (will be divided into 2 groups) and will include ballet class, dress-up, story time, crafts, and snacks. Each camp is $65 (includes snack and craft materials) • Cinderella’s Ballet Camp: June 10th–12th (Mon-Wed) from 9:30-11:00am • Belle’s Ballet Camp: June 17th–19th (Mon-Wed) from 9:30-11:00am • Elsa and Anna’s Ballet Camp: June 24th-26th (Mon-Wed) from 9:30-11:00am • Rapunzel’s Ballet Camp: July 8th–10th (Mon-Wed) from 9:30-11:00am

• Moana’s Ballet Camp: July 15th –17th (Mon-Wed) from 9:30-11:00am POP JAZZ DANCE CAMP • For ages 5-8 • July 22nd-25th (Monday -Thursday) from 9:30-11:30am • $80 (includes snack and craft materials) Come join us for pop jazz class, crafts, and a mini-performance on the last day!

Summer at Athens Academy 706-549-9225 Athens Academy offers a wide range of camps, from six weeks

of day camp to robotics, fine arts, sports camps, coding camps, enrichment classes, and much, much more! Anyone can participate in Summer at Athens Academy--no matter what school you go to! New this year are offerings like Dungeons & Dragons, Games Galore!, Art Camp for Middle Schoolers, plus several others. Check the website often because new camps are added every week!

New Moon Summer Adventure Camp 706-310-0013 Travel to different locations throughout Georgia and South Carolina. Activities include hiking, swimming, boating, ropes course, trips to museums, farms, zoos and much more! Ages 6-12. $175 per week covers all activity and travel expenses. Operating weeks of June 3rd-7th, and 10th-14th; and July 8th-12th and 15th-19th.; from 8:30am5pm. Contact Cindy Jones at 706-310-0013 to register.

ARTeenies Afternoon ARTcamp!

Summer Camp at Double Helix! • What: Each week has a different theme with rotating, expert instructors who are professionals in their fields. • When: All summer, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.- 2 p.m. No camp on July 4. Aftercare is available until 5 pm for an additional cost. • Where: Double Helix STEAM School, 580 Tallassee Road, Athens, GA, (706) 521-5477 • Ages: Rising 3rd-6th graders, but campers outside of that age range may be considered by parental request • Cost: $175/week; aftercare until 5 pm is $10/day. Some camps require supply fees. • For detailed information about each camp, supply fees or to register visit https://doublehelixsummer • JUNE 3-7: Art Journaling: A Doorway to Creative Exploration and Self-Reflection with Robin Nunan. The instructor will lead students with ideas and prompts as she teaches them a wide variety of techniques and skills, equipping them with a “creative toolbox” to utilize as they fill the pages of their sketchbooks. Topics of art theory and art history will also be introduced. We will


At ARTeeniess ARTcamp your child will not only get to explore their creative side, but they’ll learn terminology & technique, as well. Your children will have a great time and take away from ARTcamp artwork they created, fun memories & art knowledge. We’ll be doing canvas painting, wood crafts, ceramic painting, and polymer clay. • Ages 7 & up. • $175 per child per week. • $150 for each additional child per week.

• $35 daily drop in • All supplies are provided. • Seven weekly sessions to choose from starting the weeks of June 3-July 23 (no camp the week of July 4th) • Camps are held from 1pm to 4pm. Doors open at 12:45pm. Please call or email us with any questions: 706.353.8530, 25

Summer Camps! explore: Painting and printing techniques; collage and altered paper ideas; sewing and weaving on paper; writing with pens, pencils and typewriter • JUNE 10-14: Harry Potter Camp with Heather Hogan We’ll be teaching muggles how to be wizards! House sorting ceremony on the first day, along with Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, and Care of Magical Creatures classes. Come dressed as your favorite character everyday or wear your Harry Potter inspired clothing. • JUNE 17-21: Ukulele-based songwriting with Erica Strout Local musician and Girls Rock Athens veteran Erica Strout teaches ukulele at Double Helix. In this camp, she’ll be guiding students in creating their own compositions through ukulele-based songwriting. • JUNE 24-28 Games! With Tiffanie Reid Campers will spend the morning playing outdoor games before it gets too hot. Then, we’ll head indoors for some board

26 Athens-Oconee Parent

games, card games and reading. The last part of the day, campers will spend time developing their own games! Kids can develop a new board game, outdoor game, carnival game or party game. Whatever campers think would be fun to develop, we will help them do it! And, of course, they can take their game home at the end of the week! • JULY 1-5 (no camp July 4): Chocolate-making with Amanda Crouse We will learn to hand temper and make chocolates by working with various couverture chocolates. We will sample chocolates from various regions and learn about farming practices and climates in these regions. We will experiment with various techniques such as molding, dipping, making centers, ganache, fondant, cookies, and creams. We will learn to steep creams and make essence and extracts as well. • JULY 8-12: Music and Movement Camp with Natalie Smith Music and Movement Camp will be an exciting week of learning and playing music, moving creatively and practicing yoga. Campers will learn through instruction and through experience the basics of rhythm, musical notation, music theory and harmony, using all that they’ve learned to create their very own pieces of music by the end of the week. There will be a recital of their pieces at the end of the day on Friday. • JULY 15-19: Harry Potter Camp with Heather Hogan We’ll be teaching muggles how to be wizards! House sorting ceremony on the first day, along with Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, and Care of Magical Creatures classes. Come dressed as your favorite character everyday or wear your Harry Potter inspired clothing. • JULY 22-26: Pastry and Needlecraft with Ashley Dunn Ashley combines her experience as a pastry chef and working in a Montessori classroom to lead children in a multitude of crafty and baking endeavors. • JULY 29-AUG. 1: KPop & art with Nara Kim & Ellen Klinger Nara Kim leads Double Helix’s afterschool art club while pursuing her doctorate in UGA’s School of Art. Ellen Klinger a Masters in Art Education. This camp highlights the cultural and artistic context of highly popular KPop bands while engaging campers’ artistic interests!

Camps! BOOKSHELF It’s the first day of summer camp, and

Canopy Studio

one little camper doesn’t know what to

out of the crowd and reassures him that

Unique trapeze and art camp at Canopy Studio in Athens. • Weekly starting May 20th - July 26th. (No camp week of 7/4.) • No experience necessary. • Ages: entering Kindergarten through teens, 9am-12pm daily. $175 per week, $149 per week for additional child from family or multiple weeks. Aftercare from noon-3pm also available some weeks for additional $100. Registration form at 706-549-8501

expect. But an unlikely friend appears summer camp is tons of fun!

Camp Southern Ground 678-561-9600 At Camp Southern Ground we believe in helping to grow more good into the world. We also know that families all across America want their kids to grow into good people. Yet today with our kids stuck behind screens, being bullied in schools, or just struggling to fit in and be themselves – goodness can seem hard to find! Camp Southern Ground wants to be the place where your child can have good fun, eat good food, connect with good friends, and learn the confidence to go put more good into the world. During summer, Camp Southern Ground hosts campers for weeklong residential camps. As an inclusive camp, we serve children ages 7-17, from all socioeconomic backgrounds, races and religions, with programs that challenge, educate, and inspire.

A Fun Fine Motor and Handwriting Camp

s • Camp location: the Oconee County Chamber of Commerce Through play, art, and cooperative motor games, the camp will develop the skills necessary to provide foundations for good handwriting, such as upper body strength and 27

Camps! BOOKSHELF Written by former campers, these 10 fun chapters have everything you need to know before or after you go to camp. Includes tearout post cards, autograph and address pages.

Summe Camps!


stability, postural control, fine motor skills, visual perceptual skills, and eye-hand coordination. The entire camp is designed and taught by a pediatric occupational therapist and mother who is dedicated to supporting children’s development and confidence. • BEAR WALKERS (prek-k skill level/ages 4-6) Best for children experiencing fine motor and visual motor difficulties in relation to drawing, coloring, and holding crayons and writing utensils appropriately. Max 4-5 children. • 8 sessions Tuesday-Friday, June 11-21, 2019 • 9:30am-12:00pm • CRAB WALKERS (1st grade Skill level/ages 5-7) This camp will focus on correct letter formation, sizing of letters, spacing, alignment of letters, and eliminating letter reversals. Additional activities targeting your child’s fine motor skills, strength, grasp, and motor coordination are included. Max 5 children. • 8 sessions Tuesday-Friday, June 11-21, 2019 • 1:00pm-3:30pm Both camps are $400. Included in each camp Tuition: Handwriting Without Tears workbook; Mini Fine Motor Box with select individual activities for at-home practice; Assessment results from screening performed on the first and last days. For additional information or to register, please contact Sara Shue, OTD, OTR/L, at

Rush! Trampoline Park Spend your summer at Rush! We have camps the weeks of: • May 20-May 24 • June 10-June 14 • July 8- July 12 • July 29-August 2 These camps are for rising 1st - 6th graders. Camp will be from 9AM - 3PM each day with drop off beginning at 8:30AM for $199/week. After care will be offered from 3 - 4PM each day for $50/ week. • Each camper will receive a Rush t-shirt, snack, lunch, Rush socks and water. Children in after care will receive an additional 28 Athens-Oconee Parent

er snack and extra jump time. • Only 40 spots are available for each week, so register today! • Register on our website or in store. If you have any additional questions, please email us at

Prince Avenue Christian School Join the fun this summer at Prince Avenue Christian School where we learn to work and play The Wolverine Way... by honoring God, pursuing excellence and discipling students! We offer various sports and fine arts camps for rising Kindergarteners through 12th grade and adult. • Visit http://www.princeave. org/campus-life/summer atprince for more details and to register.

Pump It Up Camp 706-613-5675 Discover, explore, invent and imagine! Pump It Up camps are high-energy, fast-paced and just fun for kids. Themed camps run by local teachers. Call the store for our summer schedule. Check our website for Open Jump times for ages 11 and under or 5 and under. bogart-ga/ May/June 2019 Athens-Oconee Parent

Summer Camps and


Family Fun

Athens YMCA Camp Kelley 706-543-6596 Is your child ready for the best summer ever? Camp Kelley is the longest running day camp in our area and we are proud to say that camp has served many generations over the past 83 years. We are excited to offer your child an unforgettable summer experience. We have carefully designed our camp to provide age appropriate activities that are sure to help your child(ren) develop both mentally and physically. Join us for an amazing summer!

Wild Intelligence 706-614-7818 Camps are held at Earthsong on Big Bear Road. FOREST CATERPILLARS CAMP • Ages 4-6 years old. • Two sessions to choose from: May 28-31st Or June 4-7th from 9am-2pm WILD PLAY! CAMP • Each session is 2 weeks long, Mon-Fri, 9am-2pm. BASIC CAMP • Ages 7-11, two weeks for a total of $415 ADVANCED CAMP • Ages 10-13 (attended our camp previously or a similar program) Kids will camp out on the first Thursday of the session, running weeks days June 1728th or July 8th-19th n

Contact 29


Clay, 4, and Catherine, 4

Send your photos and info to facebook at Athens-Oconee Parent Magazine.

Harlin, 9

Calleigh Rose, 6, and Ellie, 11

Lileigh, almost 2

Kids love to see their picture, and you’ll love the keepsake!

Camden, 7 months

Chloe, 13

Bodhi, 7 months

Malachi, 2.5

Colt, 3

Tally, 4 with a play princess

Callie Jean, 10, and Charlie, 6

Caroline, 7

Noah, 9 months

Please support our advertisers who make this FREE family resource possible! ACC Leisure 28

Camp Southern Ground 2

High Shoals Fun Run 20

Prince Avenue Christian School 29

Alice DePass Studio of Dance 25

Canopy 26

Linder & Linder Family Dentistry 21

Pump It Up 4

Athens Academy 25

Clarke County School District 18

Manning Brothers 13

Rush Trampoline Park 31

Athens Dentistry for Children 3

Classic Center / Neverland 3

Miles for Moms 5k 19

Wild Intelligence 29

Athens Family Vision/Dr. Springer 13

Children First 15

Newell Orthodontics 15

Women’s Center of Athens 15

Athens YMCA / Camp Kelley 24

Funopolis 32

Oconee Co. Parks & Recreation 27

30 Athens-Oconee Parent

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