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3.2. CUSTOMERS Object description

Note that most, but not all, shops are configured to use the email address as the customer login. For these shops the system will set “Login” and “EMail” equal. The “Login” element takes precedence if both are present in the update.

Name CustomerNo Type

Type str str

Mode read,write read,write




OrgNo VatNo FirstName LastName Company Address1 Address2 ZIP City Country

str str str str str str str str str ccode

read,write read,write read,write read,write read,write read,write read,write read,write read,write read,write

PhoneNo CellPhoneNo FaxNo EMail

str str str emailaddr

read,write read,write read,write read,write

DiscountPercent CreditLimit CreditUsed Currency

str str str str

read,write read,write read,write read,write


Description The customer id / customer number. Type of customer. Allowed values are: “PERSON”, “COMPANY”, “GOVERNMENT” Marks that this is a one-time customer created by the shop. One-time customer records are created on the fly during the purchase process if the customer doesn’t wish to create an account. One-time customers are readonly. A client MUST NOT try to update the customer, or create one-time customers. The social security number or organization number. The VAT number. Customer first name. Customer last name. Customer company name. Address line 1. Address line 2. Postal code. City. 2-letter country code according to ISO-3166-1 as CAPITALS. Phone number. Cellphone number. Fax number. Email address of the customer. Note that most shops are configured to use the email address as login. For these shops the system will set “Login” and “EMail” equal. The “Login” element takes precedence here. Discount in percent (%) The credit limit for this customer. How much of the credit limit is used. 3-letter alphabetic currency code according to ISO4217 as CAPITALS. If empty it defaults to the shop default currency.

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