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CRESCENT. Lewis' latest:

LOCAL. Thanksgiving.


THE Washing dishes.

Gertrude Lamb still hopes to be able to be with us during the winter term.

Miss Ethel Townsend a former A coming athlete—Wiley Snyder. student, is principal of the SherT h e gymnasium is still growing. wood school. Let the good work go on.

Elma and Florence Brown have returned to their home at Scotts W e understand the boarding hall Mills. Their absence from school was visited by tramps on a recent creates a vacancy not easily filled. date. T h e preparations being made for Oscar Cox attended Friends the mu sical to be held on the evenquarterly meeting at Salem on the ing of Nov. 27th, indicate that 17th inst. that event will be a decided sucOran Edwards has traded for cess. Bob Bell's bicycle, and now rides President to Psychology class: at every opportunity. ' 'You are not to love a thing for Edna Allen is spending a few its own sake." Student wants to weeks in Portland, in the hope that know if that will hold good with regard to a person. the change will benefit her health. Prof. C. E. Vance who was a W h a t special attraction can there member of the faculty two years be at the public school that lures ago, and who left here to take the some of the college students there position of principal of the Acadeto play? my at New Providence, Iowa, is T h e girls of the college are anx- holding the same position this year. ious that it be understood it is not A large pair of elk horns have all talk, but that they are going to been temporarily placed in the coldo something in athletics this year. lege museum. They were found T h e gymnasium is now boarded above Scotts Mills, in the Cascade u p on three sides and soon all that mountains by Alf. Rees. Some of will be needed will be a roof to the Freshmen think that they are keep out the rain so that the work the horns of a de(a)r that was seen inside can be pushed ahead. here some time ago.



Mrs. Vannie Martin started east Steps should be taken to increase Tuesday morning the 19th, in the the number of volumes in the liinterests of Pacific College. brary. Lock Horns. That's what the Dr. H . J. Minthorn, the first " coots" and the college boys will principal of the Academy is pracdo in football, in the afternoon of ticing medicine at Muscatine, Iowa. Thanksgiving day. T h e chapel talks have taken a decided biographical turn during John Smith deserves great credit the past month. There is always for his persistent efforts in regard to the gymnasium. H e is contin- inspiration in the review of successful lives. ually " b a n g i n g " away at it when Prof. Starbuck who was a teachthere is anything to be done. er in the Academy the year the Miss Fannie Dorsey of Dayton, school opened, secured a position who was one of the pioneer stu- as civil engineer for the Southern dents of the Academy, was mar- Bridge Co. at a good salaiy, and ried recently to the Methodist min- the latest heard from him was that ister, who has charge of the Dayton he was still located at Birmingham, circuit. Alabama, and that he was thinkIf Miles Reece would open Riv- ing of taking unto himself a helpT h e writer is not sure er street through his property, he meet. whether he is still located at the would receive the hearty thanks of same place or not. T h e professor a large number of students, who are compelled to either go across is a fine mathematician. private property or walk several Mr. Savage, the bald headed blocks out of the way when pass- man who played in the football game here last year with the Wiling to and from school. lamette team, was with the team The city fathers should be pe- at Corvallis a short time ago, when titioned to order the side walk com- a game was played on a very rainy pleted along the Dr. Clark proper- sloppy day. The Corvallis boys ty, now owned by W m . McLaugh- say they lost the game, owing to the fact that after they had made a lin, and a couple of crossings put few passes, Savage's head changed in on the cross streets. This street color and consequently they were is traveled over by a large number often confused during the progress of the students every day and a of the game, by mistaking his good walk is a necessity. head for the pigskin.

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