A user's guide to Capitalism and Schizophrenia - Deviations from Deleuze and Guattari

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53. On AI'I'LICATlON, sec Anli·OuJliJuJ, iftossim, esp. pp. 100-101. 177_

goe~ or not, on the basis of the elcment.,!'), units. This time. the binan'

79,306--308 [/20-21. 21/9-11, 314-21, 36->-67j. ApplicMion is a form of ~'OLD~G, as Ji~cll~~ed above. It i~ n l~o called ",.af,alltm(II{" (usually translated in Allti.OeJipuJ as "falling bac k on~ ur "reduction H).

relation is of the 'Jes- no' type.... Racism operates b" the detcnnin;_ tion of degrees of deviance in relation to the White-M,an tace, which endeavors to in.tcgrate nonconforn.\ing traits into increa.~ingly eccen_ tric and backward wayes, sometime~ tolerating them at giyen places under given conditlun~, inagiven ghetro. Immetime~ erasing them rrom the wall, which neVer abides a lterity" (II 'l/mu.uIllJ Pial(.1Itd, pp. 176-77 [2/6-181). ~F.\ci;\ljty" organizcs ~ys tems of JUXAIl;Y OPPOSfl'l()N operat· ing on llifl-erent le"els, and funct ioos a~ their dynamic point of contact: an abstract pJa.ne with which they all intersect, and by virtue oFwhieh they can communicate with each other and with the world at large (to continue DcJeu1.e a nd Guattari's computer metaphor, it is the "central processing unit 'I th rough which each binary program runs). It ensures cros~-system conllilltency (the mutual adaptation. for uample. of (he binary systems regulating the ptrsonal a nd thc politic;lol: a common ·operating system" and ~machinc language '). It sets up functional correlations between distinction~ made on one le"d and analogous distinctions on nnother, suggesting a web of standardized ~ymbolic relays between levek This aulhorize~ one to proceed metaphorically from any given disti nction 10 its counterpart on any level. The family, however, .se rvc~ as the default rde fence ie~·d to which aU symbolic relays aUtomatically return unlell~ otherwisc programme(i (OEDn'l,.s). Communication between levels al~oereates the possibility of acotlapse of lev cis. Hall ucination returns the oppositional sy~!em~ to their plane of contact in faciality-but in a dysfunctional way that sees only the equivalence!; and crases the diffe renccs. Regression a nd breakdown are when the dis tance Letween bina rizcd levels is eIT.,c ed.leavingonly the socius's an.,logie, now llefunc tionotl i1.ed, correlMions; they are when society'~ 'i~ like" become~ a painfully personalized -i~."

54. Deleuze and Guatrari analyze the conjunction between religion, cotrl), childhood experience. class, and race in tcrnL~ of FACIi\LI'TY (A

Thl'l/JdnJ Piafmu." pp. 167-91). Thc ~ f'acc" in question (or ~bl ack holel white wall system") is lessa particular body parr than theahstract outline of a libidinally inl'ested catego rical grill applied to bodie~ (it is the "diagram" or the mother's breast anJ/or face abstracted ['rom the maternal body without organs and set 10 work by the ~ocill~ toward patriarchal ends): "The Fa= is not allniver~al. It is not e"en that uFthe W'fIiTE MAN; it is \\Thite I\ 'ian himself, with his broad white cheeks aod the black hole of hi,. eyes. The [u::e is Christ. The face is the rypic....i European, what Ezra I"ound called the ;wcrage ~ensual man, in s hort, the ordinary e"eryd;lj' E.rotomaniac .... Not a uni,'e rsal. but /1II:ir.. totiu., uJ/l:~rr"i. ,Je~u~ ChriM superstar: he invented the the fncializatiun the entire body and s pread it everywhere .... [T]he face i~ by nature ;m entirely ~pecific idea, which did not preclude iu acquiring and exercising the mos t general of fun c tions: the function of l>iuni"ocaliz.:uion. or binarization. It has two aspects: the a~tract machine of faciaJiry. i n~ofar as ;t is composed by a hlack hole I white wall system, function~ in two ways, one of which ';oneern. . the unit . . or clements, the other t he chuices. Under the first a~pect, the blacl, hole acts as a central computer, Christ, the third '=y'= that moves a cross the wall or the white ~creen senring as general sur~acc of reference. Regardless of the content one gives it , the machine coost;tutes., f.,ci.t! un it, an elementary face in biunivocal relation with another: it i~ a man a woman, a rich person <lr a poor one, an ad u It or a child. a leader or a ~ubject, 'an x or a .y.' The mu,'ement of' the black hole across the ~creen, the trajectory ur the third eye over the surface of reference, constitutes so many dichotomies or arborescences ." (Cloncrete individual faccs are produced and Ira nsf'on ucd on the basis of'these units, these combinations of units.... You don' t so muc h h;lo ye a f;lce ;loS slide into one. Under the second a~pect, the abstract maehinc of F.lciality assume~ a role of selectiye response, or choice: given a concrete face, the machine judges whether it passes or not, whcther it


55. On the PH.M .T.US a~ "despotic" age nt of BINARI7,ATJOX a.nd social

controL s=.4nli.()(Jipll.J, pp. 72-73, 205-209, 294- 95, 35H-59l86:....:1'7. 242-47,1.50-51, 4.10j. t\ conncetion may be made between the very different vocabularies Deleuze and Guarta,; usc to aoa l,\·1.e prncesse~ of subjectifie;lotion in IInti-(kJiru., a nd A 'l hOll,'lUlJ Platenll.,l by interpreting the phallu!\ a~ the operator or I'ACIALlTY (the ~cuhor," or Christ'~ eye).

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