2018 WFAD Report

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Photo : Cambodian Red Cross Society


KEYS NUMBERS 61 reports received

Introduction and background From the very first action of Henry Dunant in Solferino, first aid has always been the core activity of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. In line with Strategy 2020, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is committed to scaling up its first aid programs to make every National Society around the world able to prepare communities - with a high quality approach - to face disasters but also daily risks. First aid is a fundamental skill that can provide effective and rapid interventions to help reduce injury and suffering, and improve the chances of survival of someone in need. Our belief is that performing first aid is an act of humanity – not just a series of techniques. IFRC has been the world’s leading first aid trainer and provider for more than 100 years. In 2017, more than 16 million people were trained in first aid worldwide by 100 National Societies.

96 National Societies marked World First Aid (events & social media) 5 530 353 people reached 849 branches involved 90% of National Societies involved

Since 2003, World First Aid Day is an annual opportunity to highlight the importance of first aid around the globe as an act of humanitarian empowerment and as a key component of a wider resilience approach; it is an occasion to reach a wider public audience and to try to change the way the world thinks about first aid. Every year, the Global First Aid Reference Centre coordinates the event, provides resources for National Societies and makes available a final report.

used the theme

The 2018 theme chosen by NS was Road Accident because with Road traffic injuries are the ninth leading cause of death globally which takes the lives of more than a million people each year on the roads (WHO Global Status Report 2015).




Automated External Defibrillation Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation First Aid Regional Reference Centre for Medical Emergencies and Pre-hospital Care Global First Aid Reference Centre International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies International Committee of the Red Cross National Society Red Cross and Red Crescent Social Media World First Aid Day

CONTENTS Introduction and background ......................................................................................................... 1 Glossary ........................................................................................................................................ 2 Acknowledgements........................................................................................................................ 2 Use of the communication package by the National Societies ....................................................... 3 Media report .................................................................................................................................. 3 GENERIC Social media (IFRC and GFARC) .............................................................................. 4 GLOBAL Event and partnership ................................................................................................. 4 Press, TV, RADIO, SM among National Societies ...................................................................... 5 Africa .................................................................................................... Erreur ! Signet non dĂŠfini. America ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Asia-Pacific .................................................................................................................................. 12 Europe ......................................................................................................................................... 17 Middle East and North Africa ....................................................................................................... 23 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 24

Acknowledgements All contents are produced by or belong to RC/RC National Societies and IFRC/GFARC. If you are interested in some materials or ideas included in this report, please feel free to contact us at first.aid@ifrc.org. All the numbers provided are based on the evaluations sent to the GFARC. Reports from National Societies on World First Aid Day are essential for the IFRC to document and profile its leading role in first aid. It is important to have numbers of volunteers, staff and branches involved in the activities and brief descriptions of the community response. Reports may also help National Societies to exchange good practices and ideas.


For this 2018 theme on first aid and road crashes, we would like to thank the Global Road Safety Partnership, hosted by the IFRC, for their help. National Societies can visit their website for having more tools on this topic. We would like to thank particularly for their valuable feedback on their WFAD activities : Albanian Red Cross, Argentinian Red Cross, Austrian Red Cross, Bahrain Red Crescent Society, Bangladesh Red Crescent Society, Belgian Red Cross, British Red Cross, Burkinabe Red Cross Society, Burundi Red Cross, Cambodian Red Cross Society, Colombian Red Cross Society, Croatian Red Cross, Egyptian Red Crescent Society, Fiji Red Cross Society, Finnish Red Cross, French Red Cross, Gambia Red Cross Society, Georgia Red Cross Society, Guatemalan Red Cross, Indian Red Cross Society, Lebanese Red Cross, Mali Red Cross, Malta Red Cross Society, Mexican Red Cross, Moroccan Red Crescent, Myanmar Red Cross Society, Nepal Red Cross Society, Pakistan Red Crescent, Palau Red Cross Society, Philippine Red Cross, Polish Red Cross, Red Crescent Society of Turkmenistan, Red Crescent Society of Uzbekistan, Red Cross of Chad, Red Cross of Monaco, Red Cross of Montenegro, Red Cross Society of China, Red Cross Society of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Senegalese Red Cross Society, Seychelles Red Cross Society, Singapore Red Cross Society, Slovak Red Cross, Slovenian Red Cross, The Canadian Red Cross Society, The Red Cross of Serbia, The Republic of Korea National Red Cross, The Russian Red Cross Society, The Thai Red Cross Society, Timor-Leste Red Cross Society, Turkish Red Crescent Society, Ukrainian Red Cross Society, Yemen Red Crescent Society, Zimbabwe Red Cross Society.

Use of the communication package by the National Societies Road Safety was the WFAD main theme in 2013, therefore NS had some tools ready for use. Several new tools related to the theme were produced. National Societies really liked the tools and could easily translate them into their language. The majority of NS used the theme and the materials provided and especially the slogan “You don’t need a license to save lives”. All the National Societies who sent the evaluation used the materials provided and more than 80% found it useful. The following was sent:      

Concept note with global statistics Double Poster and leaflet with 10 tips on prevention and actions Picture frame videos Test: “You do not need a license to save lives” Manual of the training “First response to road crashes” Social media tips

According to the National Societies, it is very helpful to define a main theme for World First Aid Day and to be provided guidelines and materials from the Global First Aid Reference Centre. They wish to have more tools available and adaptable documents, sharing of videos and testimonies. Comments were also made on the delivery of the tools which should be given earlier in order to have more time to prepare the event.

Media report To know more, see annex: data of WFAD 2018



One week before, a communication plan on social network (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, twitter and website) was released by IFRC. The Facebook page of the Global First Aid Reference Centre was WFAD centered. The MOOC, as well as videos from NS regarding first aid for adults and children were promoted through these networks in order to encourage people to join our first aid community. This year campaign on social media (Facebook, twitter, Instagram) was large and publication related to WFAD was quite huge and shared both by communities, volunteers and public who are not used to go on RC website. A dedicated page was created in the IFRC new website which highlighted some stories. In celebration of World First Aid Day 2018, the IFRC made available a range of stories on SM in response to a road crash, in order to support National Societies in their activities to mark the day. Almost all National Societies had their own hashtag on twitter and Facebook and the impact increases each year but it was not possible to have statistic by country.  28 National Societies used the hashtag #WAFD2018 and mentioned this year’s team on road safety  46 remaining ones used the hashtag #FirstAid or #WorldFirstAidDay  3 Instagram stories with 27 posts, in total, that performed quite well with an average of 1,909 impressions for each post versus an average of 1,515 impressions before.  9 twitter posts including videos and cards with an average engagement rate of 3.4%. The engagement rate is the number of engagements (clicks, retweets, replies, follows and likes) divided by the total number of impressions.  3 Facebook posts promoted with over 1 million people reached  WFAD 2018 web page is the second most viewed page on the IFRC website with over 6,000 page views plus an average of 3 min on the page. GLOBAL EVENT AND PARTNERSHIP Almost all NS made a partnership with local traffic police, district committee on road safety to increase the impact. In Asia, Prudence Foundation, a long date partner, organized an awareness campaign around WFAD theme and enhance our message regarding road safety accidents with a popular hastag #SAFESTEPSRoadSafety. A special website was also launched. On Saturday 8 September, on the occasion of WFAD, a joint event with the IFRC, IKEA Vernier and the Samaritans (linked to the Swiss Red Cross) in Geneva was organised. An instructor made a demonstration to the public at IKEA on how to perform First Aid. The IFRC Secretary General, Mister


Sy, also participated in the event. The event was promoted on IFRC Instagram channel and generated lots of interest with a good average of 1,732 impressions per story. As every year, GFARC was on the spot during the event in France which took place in Créteil (near Paris) with the tests, house dangers game, and poster. PRESS, TV, RADIO, SM AMONG NATIONAL SOCIETIES Through National Societies’ network, all usual media made promotion of the day including international newspapers. Among the suggestions made by NS was mentioned a Global TV campaign spot that could be produced and sent to BBC, CNN and other international and national TV channels. In Croatia, the event was released on all the media from TV to radio, including also newspaper and social media: RTL, Radio Nova, Sloblodona Dalmacija, T portal, Magazin HTR, Glas Slavonije etc. In China, FA completion was released on TV and the general event announced in 13 provincial newspapers, 6 provincial TV stations, 52 Municipal TV station, 82 Municipal newspapers. Mass Media: TV Program – Smart Elderly 開心老友記 (Event Promotion); Newspaper – AM730 (print advertisement, advertorial). In France, more than 60 Media relayed the event. A good coverage was noted on the internet also with News press. As the official launch was in a big shopping centre, various local media took the opportunity to promote it as: 94CITOYENS, le Journal du Val de Marne… In Albania, the activities appeared in 6 national and local TV station. Bangladesh partnered with Federal Police to sensitize people and made a press conference, reported by official media : during celebration of the day a lot of journalists attended & witnessed the events and some of them interviewed management & governance. These were broadcasted and published through 3 television channels and 4 national daily newspapers. Belgian Red Cross found a lot of media partners: Reportages TV and radio (Vivacité, Bx1, Bel RTL, Contact, DH radio, etc.) for local and national radios. Interviews was held on direct live on national channels ( RTBF, JT 13h from RTL direct) and press articles : Magazine Le Soir, La Libre, Sud Press, Belga etc.

In Burundi, focus was more on radio and television, through official declaration and medialization of the trainings: La RADIO TELEVESION NATIONALE DU BURUNDI, la Radio ISANGANIRO, la radio NDARGAKURA, Le RENOUVEAU, le journal IWACU. In Democratic’s People Republic of Korea the event was widely covered by mass media including central TV, ‘Rodongsinmun’, main newspaper, Minju Joson and Pyongyang Times. Central TV broadcasted event of RC youth and Radio carried key messages on RC FA and annual WFAD. In Gambia, the whole process was cover by QTV Gambia, approximately 30% of the country cover.


In Guatemala, a huge campaign took place through the country but also on internet and a video was created for this occasion. 13 media covered the event : Emisoras Unidas, Publinews, Noti7, TN23, TV Azteca, Telediario, noticiero de Viva la Noticia, el Matutino exprés de Canal Antigua, Radio Punto, Nuestro Diario y La Hora, Prensa Libre, AGN. Officials and volunteers gave interviews on direct. The Republic of Korea National Red Cross: a lot of media released the First Aid Campaign, and explained the concept of “World First Aid Day” and also promoted the motto, “Be a hero. Save lives”. In Malta, the event information and a special article on road safety with specific statistics were published in the famous national cover of Time’s Malta. In Mexico, a global coverage was released through Radio spots for 15 days, inviting citizens to attend the training, dissemination in social networks from September 8-27, of key information on the importance of training and invitation to join these activities, interview with the local television and communication of the UABJO (Universidad Autónoma Benito Juárez de Oaxaca) to the organizers in the state of Oaxaca. In Monaco, the slogan “you don’t need a license to save life’’ was posted in more than 20 traditional and social media as Nice Matin, Monaco Matin, Actualités du Jour, Monaco Channels, Le Journal du Soir, Radio Monaco Montenegro had excellent cooperation with media at local and national level. For WFAD theyparticipated in different television and radio shows on national and local level. In United Kingdom, 27.4 million people were reached through print and digital media. On the Brand Tracker in September, 13% of people reported seeing adverts or something similar. A significant number of national and regional media promoted this day as Life Magazine, Daily sun, The Mirror’s website. A Sky News package played throughout the day, including an interview with Red Cross first aid spokesperson Brian McNally in Edinburgh, a case study and Snapchat stories to audience of over Sky News published the story online. Good Morning Britain mentioned the story in their news bulletin, HuffPost published a piece on the 5 tips to save someone’s life and the story featured in Friday’s Express. BBC Look East, which featured a Norwich Red Cross member of shop staff who saved a volunteer when she was choking and a Red Cross spokesperson interviewed in the studio. The piece also went up on BBC News online. In Ukraine, a national video social network URCS TV channels - UA Donbass, Si Sirius, UA Sumy. In Uzbekistan, the WFAD activities were covered about 20 times in local media, in particular in newspapers, radio and TV. In Zimbabwe, the 2018 WFAD Commemoration was widely profiled in the mainstream print and electronic media, with stories published in publications like The Standard, Business Times as well as the National Broadcaster, ZBC-TV. Other Red Cross communication platforms like facebook, twitter and instagram were also used to disseminate key WFAD messages. Mainstream media stories on National TV had a reach of over 3 million people while social media platforms reached over 100,000 people.


In Timor Leste, the event was shared through Private Television, official facebook, private and national radio. Approximately 300,000 watched on the national television, 500 listened to the radios, likes and comments on facebook approximately 2,000 members. Pakistan Red Crescent organized a national drawings competition, released by all types of media: WFAD Prize distribution was attended by national print and electronic media, including: Geo news, Samaa News, Channel 92 and Hum Tv, Daily times, The Nation and Nawae Waqt. In Turkey, more than 30 local TV channels and newspapers promoted WFAD and they reached more than 30,000 participants. The videos prepared specifically for the event were watched by approximately 4,000 people in the second week of September 2018 on The Turkish Red Crescent’s official Youtube channel, shared by Local TV channels and Newspapers, Municipalities, Radio programs, Ministry of Health, Social Media, AFAD and Prime Ministry Office, TRT , Anatolian Press Agency, TRT Radio ANKARA.



Africa CHAD Many activities were organized with the support of the French Red Cross, ICRC and local committees. Were produced or spread: banners and t-shirts on the theme of the year, statements on TV and in various radio stations made by the National President, short trainings made available by GFARC on road safety. The event was launched by the National President, in the presence of various actors of road safety and partners. Committees made demonstrations and awareness sessions in the eight regions of the country and proposed the quizz.

BURKINA FASO In Burkina Faso, lots of road accidents happen every day and the majority of the population does not wear an helmet. The RC decided during the week where WFAD was held to train their volunteers and made them aware of traffic accidents and the first aid techniques to provide if necessary. Volunteers gained skills in the field and the module will be deployed throughout the country in many districts. This information was spread internally, and an article was written in the journal.

BURUNDI In link with WFAD theme, during the week of the 8th October there was a double celebration in Burundi, as an agreement between the Government and the NS was signed. Related to that, the NS organized a lot of events and trainings in public places, with the support of the City Hall, Ministries and Administration. During the press conference given by the assistant of Transport Ministry the focus was on the obligation for drivers to be trained in first aid. Testimonies of participants (employees of administration, Police etc.) showed that there is a need to train more and more people and that they lack of awareness and knowledge in terms of first aid techniques. Good feedbacks were collected from this event.

GAMBIA Volunteers were available for meeting the drivers at all the major highways at various junctions and check points closely working with traffic and fire officers to made drivers aware of the Top 10


prevention simple actions to avoid car crash and Top 10 first aid techniques in case of car crash. Fifty drivers and heads of garages were also trained in first aid.

MALI For WFAD, Malian Red Cross organized various activities related to first aid.

RWANDA Rwanda Red Cross conducted various local events throughout the country with the theme provided.

SENEGAL Many activities were organized in the city of Mbacké during 3 days to celebrate World First Aid Day 2018: preparatory meetings with the Prefect of the city, awareness caravan with demonstration of first aid techniques through Mbacké and Touba, There were an opening ceremony co-chaired by the President of the RCS and the Prefect of Mbacké area, and a simulation of a traffic accident with several casualties. Short training sessions were provided to road users. Awareness sessions were held as well as graduation of rescuers and socio-educational activities with young people of the Red Cross and other associations.

SEYCHELLES For WFAD, the NS organized two major activities. First, a seminar was held to raise awareness about the scale of road crashes death and injury in Seychelles and encourage the youth to learn first aid and first response techniques to acquire skills and confidence to address emergency situations at the scene of a road crash. Diverse presentations were made: a presentation by the Ministry of Health Representative on the role of health services during road crashes and challenges that they face, another by representative from Road and Safety advisory committee on the role of the advisory committee, a live testimony from a road crash victim and a practical demonstration on how to manage an unconscious breathing casualty involved in a car crash. The second activity was a training on how to respond to road crashes to build the capacity of the Seychelles Public Transport Cooperation (SPTC) drivers and accident committee members with knowledge and skill on how to respond to such accidents and increase awareness amongst the SPTC drivers and accident committee members on the impact of road crashes in Seychelles: ice breaker questionnaire on road use attitudes, presentation, practical demonstration on the skills to respond to road crashes…



As last year, 13 teams participated in an official competition, with 6 top teams coming from each of the two main regions of the country. The 13th team was the Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) Select which gained automatic qualification as host. The teams were chosen from the mining sector, industrial sector, tertiary institutions, ZRCS provinces and Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP). The competition emergency scenarios involved a road traffic accident in line with this year theme. The ZRCS president, Mr. Edson Mlambo gave his speech before inviting the guest of honor, the Commissioner General of Police, Mr. Godwin Matanga to address the audience. In his speech the guest of honor announced that the Government has had implement measures against unruly, errant and unlicensed drivers in order to make the country’s roads safer. A short quiz was conducted and several people won t-shirts.

America ARGENTINA The Argentinian Red Cross involved different partners for WFAD. The focus was on “PAS” Proteger, Alertar, Soccorer” (protect, alert, rescue), the NS created 3 leaflets around this for people to put in their car: a cover for the windscreen, a tryptic with attitudes and first aid techniques, a stick designed for the gear box.

CANADA Canada organized various activities throughout the country and focused more on social media and campaign with good results. Facebook: 7,116 people reached and 130 engagements (reactions, shares, comments), twitter gained 10,056 impressions and 120 engagements (clicks, retweets, likes, etc.). The SM team retweeted some of the IFRC content for WFAD but they also created their own content for WFAD which was shared through the CRC social channels, and did an email campaign that included a first aid quiz and an opportunity to win a free first aid kit.

COLOMBIA This year, Colombian Red Cross focused on a campaign on SM (twitter, Facebook, Instagram mostly) asking the public one question per day related to FA to which people could answer and get the good answer the next day. They create posters with images, iconographic and promoted them through different ways. Results were significant with more than 100,000 people reached through SM.


GUATEMALA A global campaign was created by the Guatemala RC and more than 60 staff and volunteers were involved. Stands were held by members of GRC to train about 175 people in Guatemala Ciudad in partnership with the fire brigade and the police, especially for road safety. Key messages were made on social networks, with emphasis on the prevention of car accidents and first aid knowledge to provide a quick response in case of car accident, with the sentence #QueChileroEs saber primeros auxilios. First aid workshops were held, motivating and promoting in families the importance of having and reinforcing knowledge on the subject. A promotional video was made, as well as posters, post on social networks, hashtag, bags for masks.

MEXICO The NS organized trainings in the whole country at regional/state levels. The training department of Mexican Red Cross supported the activities related to the First Aid training and the World Re-start a Heart Day in September and October. These activities were: free courses open to the general public with themes of Wounds, Hemorrhages, Fractures (bandages), mobilization and transportation of injured people, CPR workshops (adult, child, baby), awareness-raising workshops on prevention and first aid. Some coordinators shared information on these issues on social networks and attended interviews on local radio and television.

UNITED STATES A special podcast was created on the radio for American Red Cross, both in English and Spanish. GFARC and CREMYAP Centre were invited to comment about road safety accidents.


Asia-Pacific BANGLADESH 30 drivers of BDRCS & PNS were trained in first aid, traffic regulations & rules and about 3,000 people from the general public were made aware of them through leaflet distribution in 4 strategically important spots by the Red Cross youth branch. They conducted a day long workshop on traffic rules/ signals and basic first aid training for the drivers. Inspectors from police headquarters and first aid trainer from BDRCS training department conducted the sessions. A first aid box with Kits for 30 vehicles was provided.

CAMBODIA The Cambodian Red Cross Society organized demonstrations in a public place with teenagers and children, focusing on road safety and traffic accidents. People were invited in group to recap and made games to rescue victims: recovery position, removing the helmet, check breathing‌All was based on simulation and practice.

PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA In China, 4,8 million people were trained or were provided educational information regarding basic first aid by the Red Cross Society of China. Staff and volunteers were highly involved throughout the country. Media, partner hospitals, emergency centers, health administrative departments, primary and middle schools, universities, companies, communities and organizations were fairly engaged as they shared the activities. Local first aid competitions were hosted by local Red Cross branches and a National Red Cross First Aid Competition took place (released on TV). Otherwise, a lot of local branches organized first aid trainings, emergency exercises, health and safety lectures for families and communities, for this special day.


Hong Kong Red Cross – Branch of the Red Cross Society of China With the theme of “First Aid & Road Safety”, first aid knowledge and road safety were promoted to the public through a “First-aid Carnival”. Theme booths included live demonstration of first aid skills (CPR, simple bandaging), first aid and home safety games, Road Safety activities, promotion of First Aid App and disaster preparedness experiential activity were set up for public involvement and interaction. Promotion leaflet, souvenirs and useful information were also distributed to the participants.

DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF KOREA A total of 6,257 adult volunteers, 55,919 RC youth members and 69 RC staff including master trainers in the FA training centers throughout country were involved in WFAD 2018. One of the activities was the first aid event of RC youth under this year’s theme. This particular event took place in Pyongyang Children’s Traffic Park on 19th September 2018. The event was characterized by education of first aid and road safety regulations for schoolchildren with focus on first response to road crashes. The event was closed by delivery of key messages on FA and road safety by RC youth with art performance. One testimony: Pak Kwang Il (16 years old, Ryongbuk senior middle school) said after participation of FA event of RC youth: “Through the FA event of RC youth, I was able to update and consolidate knowledge and skills on FA and road safety, which I learned in the school. By practicing CPR and recovery position, I had more confidence to give simple FA to the injured people. One of the best learning out of this event was a simple FA technique such as proper positioning of an injured person prior to the arrival of emergency medical team can make a difference between life and death. Keeping this in mind, I will continue to learn more about FA to help others in need”.

FIJIS Fiji Red Cross Society celebrated World First Aid Day on public places and many people could practice first aid techniques and assisted to different demonstrations. Officials and press were present at the event, a lot of photos were published and awards were given. Suva Branch volunteers joined the staff of the National Office at Tailevu North College to celebrate the WFAD as well as the community based volunteers from Wailotua Village. This year's celebrations were also special as children from nearby schools were awarded their first aid certificates having undergone the training the previous



INDIA Indian Red Cross society organized various activities for this special day and used the theme to promote awareness campaign in different media. Secretary General was personally engaged to disseminate the message and provide statistics thanks to the concept note of GFARC.

JAPAN Branches of Japanese Red Cross Society held events (workshops, competition etc.) about first aid or implemented exhibition in some external events. HQs participated in the event of “The Day of First Aid� held by Ministry of Health and held the workshop of Basic Life Support for attendance.

MYANMAR Myanmar Red Cross Society put a lot of effort to organize various activities as World First Aid Day 2018 ceremonies, first aid skills competitions (Red Cross volunteers and public), basic first aid trainings and first aid talks.

NEPAL Nepal Red Cross Society marked WFAD with various programs throughout the country such as first aid demonstrations, first aid trainings, meeting with the press, a first aid competition, learn first aid in fifteen minutes, rally, reward to first aid volunteers and trainers and mass meetings. In the programme NRCS Chairmain Mr. Sanjeev Thapa, with various distinguished guests, different stakeholders, PNS and RC volunteers participated. National ceremony was held with a traditional show (Jhaki) during the rally throughout the city. In the closing ceremony best trainers and volunteers- 2018 were awarded. All together around 98 thousand people received first aid information through different activities.

NEW-ZEALAND For WFAD 2018, an inuagural newsletter to the First Aid trainers in the Pacific was launched. This newsletter is a vehicle for updating FA Instructors on technical aspects of First Aid, as well as an opportunity to share their own stories and experiences from within their countries. They hope to continue this newsletter on an adhoc basis.


PALAU The NS organized various activities including World first Aid in the framework of the National Month of Preparedness in September. All the volunteers of the Red Cross were mobilized as well as officials.

PAKISTAN Lots of activities were organized in Pakistan this year, particularly a Nationwide Poster Competition organized on the theme, in which students from educational institutes where FA trainings were conducted in 2018 were invited to participate. The posters were judged at District and Provincial level by panels consisting of branch management and artist community. The best posters were sent to National Headquarters for final judgement. The drawers of the best posters were invited to participate in the WFAD Event conducted at NHQ on 7th November where the final result was revealed. The ceremony was conducted at the auditorium in National Head Quarters and was graced by many officials and members of headquarter, as well as volunteers. Cash prizes were awarded to winners from provincial category, and open competition via social media (2,295 posters for the competition were received in total from following seven provinces and directly to NHQ via Social media). Best posters will be used by PRCS in printing of PRCS promotional material. Moreover, WFAD Awareness Walk was conducted on 8th September to celebrate the WFAD in collaboration with the Islamabad Traffic Police. PRCS first aid brochures were distributed on the National Highways and Motorways in collaboration with the National Highway and Motorway Police.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA The NS commemorates WFAD and organized various trainings.


PHILIPPINES PRC, in partnership with the Manila Ocean Park, kicked off the celebration of the World First Aid Day 2018 on the road: riders and PRC rescue teams joined the campaign to raise awareness on the importance of first aid to save lives in case of a road crash and it was highly shared through SM with #SafeRoadsPH #PRCWFAD2018. There were also implemented a lot of workshops and lectures in public places and schools: lecture, demonstration of First Aid and CPR in elementary schools and companies.

REPUBLIC OF KOREA Campaigns were held at highway rest areas, railway stations, high-speed bus terminals, etc., which have a large population. During September, they gave 58 first aid courses for 4,836 people and the campaign reached about 23,070 people in 22 locations nationwide.

SINGAPORE Singapore Red Cross Academy (SRCA) commemorated World First Aid Day on 8 & 9 September 2018. Academy Trainers came to share their experiences and conduct life-saving skills courses. A total of 58 CPR+AED and 32 BCLS+AED providers were certified by the Singapore Red Cross Academy. Youth learners were introduced to the skills of CPR, use of an AED and techniques of relieving foreign body airway obstruction. At the end a First Aid Fiesta with booth exhibition were held.

THAILAND The event was held at the Bangkok Bus Terminal at Mochit and was followed by many members of both public and private bus operation agencies, as well as representatives from the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies and the International Committee of Red Cross.


First aid demonstrations and educational materials were provided to participants by the TRCS First Aid and Health Care Training Centre. Leading up to the event, 359 staff of the bus operation agencies participated in the first aid training to learn how to provide basic care to passengers during emergencies.

TIMOR LESTE The TLRC invited partners as national and municipalities traffic police to provide basic information about road traffic report in 2018 and the regulation to utilize public road to prevent the crashes through the half day workshop in 13 municipalities included national level. Through the workshop, they also showed demonstration FA technique to the participants.

TONGA Tonga Red Cross Society commemorated the World First Aid Day 2018 with the presence of the Police Commissioner Caldwell presenting certificate to Tonga Airport Limited security guards, staff among people who have completed First training with their First aid Team. Online events were organized through facebook.

TUVALU A demonstration towards children was held for them to learn FA techniques.

Europe ALBANIA Albania Red Cross organized the National First Aid Competition in Tirana on 8th September: 38 first aid teams from 38 RC branches participated. The NS produced a press release for local media highlighting the theme and the 10 GFARC messages with prevention advice and response during traffic accidents, printed 3 big banners and set out in the center square of main towns in Albania. In 25 branches of Albania Red Cross, the volunteers demonstrated how to provide first aid techniques, spoke about the traffic safety rules etc. In the same time, in the street, during this activity, the volunteers distributed materials of first aid knowledge like leaflets etc.


AUSTRIA Austrian Red Cross organized lots of activities for WFAD which were covered by various media; moreover, the NS incorporated its FA test in existing events with firefighters, village’s festival across the country. As always, the focus was on CPR and other topics.

CROATIA Croatian Red Cross successfully marked the World First Aid Day by organizing various public events in all parts of Croatia together with its local Red Cross branches. They staged road accidents simulations and displayed the examples of first aid techniques. They celebrated the event in cooperation with the Croatian Automobile Club which was released by various media.

CZECH REPUBLIC Czech RC organized events with the tools provided by GFARC on Road Safety.

BELGIUM Belgian Red Cross French community made a huge promotional campaign through the French part of the country and also organized a large event in a public place (commercial centre). A famous singer participated in the communications and encouraged people to be trained. As attending a first aid course for obtaining driving licence was made compulsory on November 2018 in Brussels, WFAD was a good opportunity to reinforce the idea. Every hour road accidents simulations were organized on the spot, with some people trained in first aid and the arrival of emergencies services. After this awareness moment, the public was invited to try and practice first aid according to a specific scenario, for instance removing the helmet of someone having fallen from the bicycle. It was also possible to visit on the spot an ambulance and to be informed of all the trainings.

FINLAND Staff was involved: around 10 persons arranging award “shows” in their region. They rewarded firstaid providers who were laypeople and who, with the help of emergency services could save the casualty or prevented the situation became worst. In addition, more media produced together with the NS first aid youtube videos to their webpages and FA instructions on their own pages.


FRANCE French Red Cross wrote a practical guide for local branches to help them to have all the relevant material related to the event. An official launch took place in Créteil Soleil (shopping centre) with partners and institutions and various communication tools were used to announce the event (spot on facebook, video, giant poster…). WFAD was the appropriate moment to present different workshop and projects to encourage people to attend a first aid course. This was very positive regarding young people and teenagers but also adults. A partnership was created with an awareness association on road safety and they proposed to the public to live the experience of someone who is drunk and is driving. A communication pack was sent to local branches, which contained customizable material as press release, invitation letter and poster (also, goodies, guides on first aid, emergency personal card). FRC used all the material provided by GFARC, including statistics. Moreover, in other part of France, volunteers proposed an escape game where they had to escape a place of a home in order to avoid all the dangers in 20 minutes. An interesting initiative, the “walk of first aid”, was held in at the local unit 3 frontières.

GEORGIA In 2018 GRCS celebrated its 100th Birthday and WFAD on the same day: therefore FA activities dedicated to WFAD were organized in the frame of other GRCS events dedicated to this 100th anniversary. FA trainings, simulation exercises and street events in public places were organized in all target locations. During the whole week GRCS volunteers and local community members through face to face meetings as well as the SM (facebook) filled in the tests/questionnaires developed especially for the WFAD 2018 by the IFRC and translated into Georgian. The aim of the test was to evaluate behavior of Georgian peope on the roads. In total 1,080 GRCS staff/volunteers and community members filled in the tests. After filling the questionnaires, GRCS volunteers gave recommendations to general public on how to improve their habits. Finally the volunteers taught public on how to provide immediate first aid to casualty(ies) in case of road crashes and reminded that correctly and timely provided first aid increases chance to save life!


MALTA Awareness’ campaign was held in the newspaper to prevent road safety.

MONACO All the branches of Monaco Red Cross participated in the event and workshops and activities were organized in a huge tent, the International Automobile Federation was present and supported the event. A lot of volunteers were mobilized and about 500 people trained in first aid participated in different workshop and activities: prevention and first aid passports, the child area, the road education course, prevention area of two motorized wheels, giant goose game, Monaco's road safety area, testing the test-shock simulator, Escape Game. Testimony of FIA President Jean Todt, who also serves as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, said: “Every year, 50 million road users are injured, often seriously. It is well known that unless timely first aid is provided, many severely injured people do not survive a road crash. The World First Aid Day is a great opportunity to raise awareness about the global scale of road crash death and injury as well as to encourage people to learn first aid techniques. It is also crucial that authorities include first aid as a component of driver license training and the FIA is very happy to work with the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies on that.”

MONTENEGRO Different trainings were organized throughout the country by the National Society to different targets but focused on road safety. NS made aware about 2,000 people about the importance of first aid through the sharing of promotional material. 74 people participated to the first aid quiz published on the NS Facebook page. The NS organized lectures in primary and high schools, NGO sector with more than 500 participants. In cooperation with the police, as well as informed drivers about the importance of first aid, why to hold first aid kits, and gave people a flyer with recommendations on how to behave responsibly while driving and what to do when traffic accidents happen. In some institutions, they organized round tables and education for children in schools.


RUSSIA All activities in all regions were carried out by the staff and volunteers of the regional offices of The Russian Red Cross, under the slogan "you do not need a license to save lives." On the Central squares and streets with a pedestrian zone, city squares were conducted training workshops, situational games in children's health camps, schools, universities and also seminars, master classes, competitions, quests, flash mob. Traffic police, regional ministries of emergency situations, Commissioner for human rights in the Sverdlovsk region, the Association of teachers of law of the Sverdlovsk region "Legal education – XXI century" and the Center for legal education and human rights of the faculty of law of the University of Humanities were part of these activities.

SERBIA “Become the best version of yourself- Learn first aid” was the motto of Serbian Red Cross. Central promotion event took place in Belgrade city central park of Kalemegdan, the NS also had the National FA competition for youth with 700 participants with ceremonial parade of young RC volunteers through city center of Belgrade.

SLOVAKIA First aid demonstrations for the general public, free first aid courses for socially vulnerable people groups, simulated traffic accident in cooperation with firefighters and police men were the activities organized this year. The NS re-useD the characters theme of 2014 super heroe for their communication campaign.

SPAIN A local event was organized including some partners.

TURKEY Turkish Red Crescent Society had many activities during the World First Aid Day 2018. They had translated WFAD Concept Note to Turkish language and sent to all first aid training centers. The training centers prepared press release for local media and shared at national level. Some training centers organized information points where they raised awareness of road safety, for some of them with support of traffic polices on the roads. Public demonstrations were organized across the country.


A team from the NS attended to a popular radio program and had interview about “road safety and first aid”, the team provided information about the history of our Movement and first aid. Anadolu Agency and TRTHaber arranged live broadcast about WFAD2018. These videos prepared as “public service announcement” in order to raise community awareness. It was published on the official Turkish Red Crescent youtube channel and first aid website (www.ilkyardim.org.tr and www.kizilay.org.tr) on 8th September.

UNITED KINGDOM Information was shared with all staff and volunteers. The call to action was for staff to sign up to a first aid course and 19,000 volunteers received a copy of Life Magazine, which sole focus was first aid learning and WFAD. Theme for WFAD was on sharing simple actions that can save lives. British Red Cross conducted research to see which first aid emergencies people were most concerned about and felt least confident to deal with, and developed a campaign based around these findings. As WFAD happened on a Saturday, which means less media interest, BRC launched the campaign on Monday 3rd September, sharing a new skill each weekday to show people how anyone can do a simple action to save someone’s life in that situation. They produced new content to demonstrate this and had real life stories explaining the impact knowing first aid had on them and the person they had saved. Their main media moment happened on Friday 7th September where the NS ran a radio day and shared their most powerful stories. They worked with Olympian Victoria Pendleton and filmed her learning the five key skills and shared this content on social media. Aviva also shared content about WFAD and BRC partnership via their social channels.BRC also worked with Mumsnet and streamed a live session via their Facebook page which showed one of our trainers explaining how to help if a baby is unresponsive and not breathing.

UKRAINE On September 7 - 8, 2018, at 12:00, simultaneous flash mobs for all major cities of Ukraine were held. As part of the action, training was conducted for cardiopulmonary resuscitation, first aid at a traffic accident. During the campaign, volunteers carried out a distribution of information materials about first aid, with the aim of popularizing the passage of trainings among the population.

UZBEKISTAN Throughout the country, the URCNS trainers provided a lot of FA exercises in the different regions of the country. They also worked a lot with health organizations, public education organizations and local community and gave with them rounded tables and introductory lectures around first aid. Around 3,000 people were reached by these activities. With the branches of the Red Crescent Society of Uzbekistan, together with the partners in public places, educational institutions (schools), manufacturing enterprises organized events in honor of this World First Aid Day 2018.


Middle East and North Africa BAHREIN Diverse activities were organized: short lectures for each individual subject with focus on cardiopulmonary resuscitation, distribution of promotional invitations to join first aid courses and simple educational bulletins with gifts for adults and children while encouraging them to do tests. The NS also distributed letters of invitation to train cyclists at restaurants to train them and enroll them in free courses. They enjoyed the pack sent by GFARC for organizing their activity.

EGYPTIA The Egyptian Red Crescent conducted a campaign to train the public on CPR / AED in cooperation with Philipscompany.

LEBANON The National Emergency services organized a public event for this special day and gave various training and awareness discussion on first aid and cardiac massage. People were invited to test RCP on manikins.

MORROCO The WFAD was also an occasion for Moroccan RC organizations to streamline the principles of first aid through training sessions and awareness-raising campaigns throughout the world aimed at qualifying the citizen to intervene to provide humanitarian assistance when necessary. In addition to its field interventions, the NS also conducted public workshops and awareness campaigns aimed at teaching ambulance techniques, on the one hand, and the dissemination of a culture of volunteerism, on the other.In this regard, the Red Crescent in Larache celebrated this day according to a specific program which was dedicated to the assistance provided during the traffic accidents. The activity was attended by a good group of Red Crescent volunteers.

YEMEN In Yemen, WFAD was a success, the event was covered by a lot of local media and volunteers from all the country were involved in different activities: awareness loop for people who filled in the test to correct their information and add information as in the Road Accident Response Manual; distribution of brochures on different segments of civil society in seven governorates; distribution of first aid boxes on 30 places (schools, institutes, mosques); Ads on the photovoltaic screen of volunteers


and various community figures displaying a framework titled World Day (you do not need a license to save people's lives); display of the protective measures from the Reference Centre on street plates; video on social networking sites (Facebook and YouTube) for volunteers and various personalities from the community chanting the title of the World Day (you do not need a license to save people's lives).

Conclusion To conclude, in every country where it was organized, WFAD was a success and it enabled to reach a lot of people and involved different partners. This day was an opportunity for RC/RC NS to start or pursue advocacy on the obligation for drivers to follow a first aid course and also to promote existing laws in the field. Collaboration with police and road safety associations were re-enforced and new partnerships were created. Trainings focused a lot on care and rescue on the road and in cars, and it was also the opportunity to organize simulation exercise. The slogan “You do not need a license to save lives� was hugely used and spread.




A big thank you to all the volunteers involved! Please do not hesitate to send us your suggestion using: first.aid@ifrc.org


Global First Aid Reference Centre International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies French Red Cross 21 rue de la Vanne | 92120 | Montrouge | France Tel. +33 (0)1 44 43 14 46 | Email first.aid@ifrc.org Find out more on Facebook


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