Call of duty

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"Call of Duty" Games

I have actually played nearly all of the "Call of Duty" video games, and for the most part, I have always loved the series. "Ghosts" is another solid addition to the series, but it wasn't the groundbreaking game I believed maybe when I saw a few of the preliminary advertisements and teasers for it.

Advantage: Like all "Call of Duty" games, the visuals and sound continue to improve and much better with each game in the series. The game-play is much more expansive than the previous series, with missions happening in space, undersea, tanks, helicopters, and more. The game takes place in the future, so there are a lot of new firearms, and most importantly, there's Riley, the German Shepherd who follow on a number of objectives (who you can manage.) Without any going into detail, the plot is completely new with a totally brand-new set of characters and an extremely effective and emotional story with an excellent closing. It isn't such as

the "M.W." series, where it's just useless battle after fight; you actually get connected to the characters and understanding of them. The creators of the series knew when it was time to move on from a World War II readying to a modern-day one, plus now, they look to be moving into a futuristic one, as well as they does this fairly well.

Cons: I have two main problems about the video game. The very first one is that the project is very short, even much shorter than the recent games in the series. The campaign is 18 missions long (the very same length as a

couple of other games in the series,) however 3 or 4 of the goals are exceptionally brief and are finished in a matter of minutes. Provided there are longer objectives that drag on, but in general, this game is very brief, even when as compared to other video games in the series. My other grievance is that the campaign mode is way too simple, even on Veteran. The series has actually gradually gotten simpler and much easier on Veteran, moving from difficult to exceptionally challenging, to now fairly simple. After playing "Modern Warfare 1" on Veteran, this resembles cake.

Various remarks: One of the objectives is called "Brave New World," which perfectly explains this game, especially during the very first few missions. It certainly has a futuristic style, not too far in the future, however certainly imaginable. When it comes to the multiplayer, I have not played it much; however it seems to be simply fine.

Total: I might recommend this video game to everybody, as it's definitely a fun game with a wonderful story, but it's not a ground-breaker like I was hoping maybe. However I'm pleased to see Activision moving on from the "Modern

Fight" style, which appeared to have run its course.

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