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Best Charter Destinations Around the World

You don’t have to sail around the world to explore some of the world’s best cruising grounds

WHETHER YOU’RE A SEASONED sailing purist who will never abandon your loyalty to monohulls, or a catamaran fan delighting in space and stability, all sailors can agree on one thing – there’s no such thing as a bad day on the water. Every experience is different from the last, and your opportunities for new adventures are practically infinite.

Sailors are equipped with an incredible skill. Once you’ve acquired the experience and knowledge necessary to navigate the open water, ultimate freedom is yours. The biggest concern as a bareboat captain is destination. Where should you set sail to next? What locations will offer the most beautiful scenery and the most memorable experiences at sea?

There’s certainly no shortage of phenomenal places to bareboat, but here’s five of the absolute best that every sailor must visit at least once.