Geoffrey Sorrell

Page 21

Fig. 26 , 27 (top left and right) Model Perspectives; Constructed of Machine Cut Perforated Steel Fig. 28, 29, 30, 31 ( Middle) 1 - Exterior walkway (top left) 2 - Punched hole (top right) 3 - Auditorium (bottom left) 4 - Review with City Image as a Backdrop (bottom right) Fig. 32 (far left) Shop Drawing of Rotating Steel Model Stand

The One-Two Punch is a simple yet

relationships are crucial for their own

effective strategy for defeating the degree

vitality. This is particularly true for

zero. The combination of the inward

community colleges whose status is

city and the ecstatic building produce a

becoming ever more important yet whose

dynamic interface through which the

presence has always been overshadowed

punctual exchange between being in the

by Universities.

city beyond the building and being in the city within the building can play out. The

The One-Two Punch is a response to

resulting building has a strong formal

Sloterdijk’s provocation ( p. 5) between

language that is derivative of and in

the ecstatic and the enstatic. It is the

service to an even stronger social agenda.

internal that allows for an ecstatic building and it is the external that allows

Architecture needs holes and volumes

for the inward city. Capturing each of

that exceed the limits of the interior in

these through architecture embodies the

order to produce meaningful spatial

mission of the community college as a

relationships with its surroundings.

vital institution embedded in the life of

For an institution, such meaningful

the city. 19

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