Issue 30 - June 2005

Page 36


Gemini Scientist Receives Prestigious Young Researcher Award G

emini Observatory is proud to announce

first time in history, they successfully imaged a

that Inseok Song, assistant astronomer at

bound extra solar planet orbiting a celestial object

Gemini North has won the prestigious

other than our Sun (known as planet 2M1207b).

2005 Outstanding Young Researcher Award

Major mass media, including BBC and CNN,

(OYRA) given by the Association of Korean

reported this discovery and in-depth description

Physicists of America. The honor, bestowed

of this system has been published as an article in

during the American Physical Society’s spring

Astronomy and Astrophysics (2004, volume 425, page

2005 meeting in Los Angeles, includes a $1,000


cash award. It recognizes and promotes excellence in research by outstanding young ethnic Korean

Dr. Song is also studying sites of ongoing planet

physicists in North America who are working at

formation using both Gemini and Keck telescopes.

research-doctorate institutions, and industrial and

He recently found a young solar system analog

government laboratories.

believed to harbor a planet at 1 AU (the distance between the Sun and Earth). The system has

Dr. Song was nominated particularly for his

about 10,000 times more asteroidal material than

work in the search for Jupiter-like planets and

our own system currently has, and it seems to be

the formation and evolution of planetary systems.

undergoing a period of very frequent collisions

In making the award, the OYRA committee also

among planetesimals.

cited his contributions to the systematic search for extrasolar planets using the Hubble Space

Frequent collisions in this star system are

Telescope. He is a Principal Investigator on a large

remarkably similar to the lunar creation event in

HST program titled “Coronagraphic Imaging

our own Earth-Moon history. This discovery will

Search for Giant Gas Planets around Young Nearby

be published soon in a major refereed journal.

Stars.” Currently, eight Ph.Ds from three different countries are involved in this program. From

Dr. Song currently manages four research grants

observed data, Dr. Song and his team have found a

totalling a half-million dollars and has brought two

handful of very promising candidate planets.

post-doctoral researchers on board at Gemini. The Observatory is very proud of his achievements,

In addition to his HST planet search program,

and looks forward to many more exciting science

Dr. Song and his team are working with French

results from Dr. Song’s research group.

astronomers using the 8-meter telescope at the


European Southern Observatory in Chile. For the

Gemini Observatory

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