A Wicked Soul in Cherry Hill Program

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Welcome to A Wicked Soul in Cherry Hill. We

As we close out our first season back in the

take particular pride in this world premiere as

Gil Cates Theater, I want to thank you for your

it is the first to be produced after being written

patience and commitment as we have navi-

in our play development program, The Writers’

gated the challenges of doing live theater now.

Room. Like all new work, this has been many

We have been able to keep our doors open

years in the making. After a lengthy postpone-

because of our shared responsibility to keep

ment, it is incredibly rewarding to present this

the performers and patrons safe, and that is

exciting new piece to all of you.

only possible with your participation.

Told solely through song, writer Matt Schatz

Enjoy A Wicked Soul in Cherry Hill and I look

and director Mike Donahue have found an

forward to seeing you for The Inheritance!

exciting and elegant way to tell a complicated, difficult story. Thanks to a brilliant company

Matt Shakman

of actors and a phenomenal team of design-

Artistic Director

ers, the story weaves through the past with incredible ingenuity and artistry. What has been created here is a deeply felt, beautiful play centered on a fundamental question of how a community moves forward in the wake of a tragedy. 2 P L AY B I L L




Adi Greenberg CHAIR

Beth Behrs Dr. Gene D. Block Kevin Bright Gil Cates, Jr. Executive Director

Bruce M. Ramer Founding Chair Victoria Mann Simms Andy Spahn Steven Spielberg Steve Tisch

Mary Ann Cloyd Vice Chair

Dr. Charles E. Young Chair Emeritus

Merle Dandridge


Dr. Brad Edgerton Bonnie E. Eskenazi

Gilbert Cates Founder

Mark Fleischer

Marcia Israel-Curley

Susan Nahley Fleishman

Audrey Skirball Kenis

Patricia L. Glaser

Karl Malden

Martha Henderson Chair Emeritus

Ginny Mancini

Loretta Everett Kaufman

Edie Wasserman

Carla Malden Brian Mann Tiffany Mayberry


Victoria Alonso

Charles Kenis

Jerry Perenchio Lew Wasserman


Welcome to the world premiere production of A Wicked Soul in Cherry Hill. We are proud to present the first play from our The Writers’ Room playwrights group to be produced on a Geffen Playhouse stage. As we approach the close of our 2021/2022 season, we also look back on the last 25 years of incredi-

Nikki Kerman Venable LLP

ble and genuine heartfelt memories. Not only are

Pamela Robinson Chair Emeritus


but we are also excited to announce the establish-

Linda Bernstein Rubin

Miranda Tollman Chair

Danny Passman Holly Rice

Matt Shakman Artistic Director Richard Sherman Cynthia P. Stafford Howard Tenenbaum Chair Emeritus

Stephanie Carson Lori Collins Ellyce R. Cooper Debra Davis Giovanna Desselle

Marc Weinstock

Brenda Garcia

Kevyn Wynn

Ann Gianopulos

FOUNDING TRUSTEES Harold A. Brown Kirsten Combs Robert A. Daly David Geffen Herbert M. Gelfand Chair Emeritus Quincy Jones Jeffrey Katzenberg

Priscila Giraldo Kirsten Hansen Eric Heer Laura Kennedy Wendy Kurtzman

we celebrating our 25th Anniversary this season, ment of the Geffen Playhouse Fund for the Future Endowment with a goal of $25 million. This newly created fund will make certain Geffen Playhouse can continue to produce provocative classic and world premiere productions, share our vital education and community engagement programs, and invest in the next generation of audiences, playwrights, actors, and theatrical professionals. As we now enter the public phase of the Fund for the Future campaign, we invite you to join the future of Geffen Playhouse and consider donating to carry on our legacy for the next 25 years and beyond, ensuring

Hannah Linkenhoker

a permanent home for the arts in Los Angeles for

John McCrite

generations to come.

Audrey Povar Eric Rollins Scott Sandler

Geffen Playhouse is a family and you are a part of it. Thank you for being here. Enjoy the show!

Glorya Kaufman

Allen Shay

Frank G. Mancuso Chair Emeritus

John Sonego

Gil Cates, Jr.

Cela Devine Sutton

Ron Meyer

Executive Director

Rebecca Vail

Jerry Moss

Laurie Ziegler G E F F E N P L AY H O U S E 3





Playwright & Composer Matt Schatz


A M Y L E V I N S O N : Understanding that this is

are moments in this story that take place in the

sensitive subject matter, what inspired you to

same room where my prom pictures were tak-

write a play about the events in Cherry Hill?

en, where I sat at the piano and made up songs,

M AT T S C H AT Z : Though I also write for

television and film, I consider myself first and foremost a playwright. Most playwrights I know write when they are wrestling with something. And this is a story I’ve been wrestling with for a long time.

and where I spent time with my family. My family were never members of the temple at the center of the play, and I did not grow up in Cherry Hill. But because of our history in the area, I have many personal connections to the material. And I’m not saying that a writer

I am Jewish. My family is from South Jersey,

needs to have a personal connection to retell a

where we’ve been part of the Jewish communi-

story, only that these connections certainly in-

ty for generations. In 1997, when I was a senior

fluenced my desire to explore it, and I believed I

in high school, we moved to the Landmark

could do so honestly and authentically.

Apartments in Cherry Hill. When this trial was

This story has been covered and retold in

broadcast on Court TV, we learned that the

so many ways over the years, but always with

hitmen had lived not just in our building but in

a focus on the event rather than the impact it

the very same unit. I found this to be fascinat-

had. For me, the questions raised by this story

ing, haunting, and a little embarrassing. There

are universal. How does a community grapple

4 P L AY B I L L


with terrible events, especially when it involves

includes a recounting of something terrible

someone the community admired and trusted?

that happened to us. Jews are also known to

How do we keep our faith when our faith leader

use music to deal with such things. By their

turns out to be a murderous sociopath? And

very nature, all true-crime stories are about

should we even try?

actual people, many of whom are still grieving

After the rabbi was found guilty, I remem-

and reckoning with what happened in a very

ber my grandmother saying that she believed

personal way. In telling this story, I made every

he was innocent because he was a rabbi. A

attempt to honor the life and memory of the

rabbi would never do such a thing. And that always stuck with me. A L : How does music help tell this story?

very real victim and be respectful to those who mourn her. It’s important to remember what happened because it can happen again. And it can happen

M S : I’m a songwriter, and I find that music and

to any community, not just the Jewish commu-

lyrics are the best way to connect with an au-

nity. Blind faith in our leaders can sometimes

dience. It’s a way to talk about difficult things.

be misplaced. I think that’s one of the themes of

It evokes emotion in a way that it’s hard to with

this show. In recent years, we’ve had to reckon

words alone.

with a fair number of leaders, artists, and enter-

But another reason I chose to recount this

tainers who have done bad things. Can we still

story using a series of songs is that I wanted to

enjoy what they’ve given us? Can we still learn

hew as close to the documented facts as pos-

from what they’ve taught us?

sible. Music and lyrics, rhythm and rhyme, various song styles, and narrative points of view help me retell this story clearly and hopefully compellingly without needing to make stuff up. Though it was still necessary for me to change some details given the sensitivities surrounding this subject, I would have had to change more if this were a conventional docudrama or a traditional musical.

A L : What do you hope audiences take away

from the piece? M S : In any play, artists hope that audiences are

compelled by, and even learn from, the story. And I think all playwrights want their audiences to engage with the play. I hope that audiences come away from this story asking questions. I firmly believe theater is a way to try to answer unanswerable things. It’s a way to try to make

A L : What inspired the idea of a community com-

sense of the senseless. There are two ways peo-

ing together to look back and retell this story?

ple try to do this: art and religion. With A Wicked

M S : Jews are a people of memory. We don’t

bury the ugly chapters of our history. We remember. Basically, every Jewish holiday

Soul in Cherry Hill, you get a little of both. To read more about A Wicked Soul in Cherry Hill, visit geffenplayhouse.org/blog.

THE ANNA M. SAMPLE SHELTER FOR WOMEN & CHILDREN This show deals with violence against women and the impact of that violence within a community. The Anna M. Sample Shelter for Women & Children serves as a crucial lifeline for residents of Camden County New Jersey, where Cherry Hill is located. We encourage you to support this organization at voadv.org/family-shelters or via the adjacent QR code; your donation will help provide safe harbor for women and children in this community.


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THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 2022 This play was created during the Geffen Playhouse inaugural The Writers’ Room program, in which six Los Angeles playwrights develop new works with the support and guidance of the Geffen Playhouse artistic team


Recipient of the Edgerton Foundation New Play Award

Pamela Robinson Hollander & Robert Hollander

Major support for this world premiere production provided by the Edgerton Foundation New Play Production Fund

6 P L AY B I L L

Adi & Jerry Greenberg

Jerry & Terri Kohl

Martha Henderson

Linda Bernstein Rubin & Tony Rubin

Loretta Everett Kaufman & Victor Kaufman

Miranda & Brett Tollman


JAHBRIL COOK * THE LADY ON THE RADIO & OTHERS ��������������������������������������������������������������������������ZEHRA FAZAL THE JUNIOR RABBI, THE PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR & OTHERS ��������������������������������������������� NICHOLAS MONGIARDO-COOPER* * THE DAUGHTER, THE REPORTER & OTHERS ������������������������������������������������������������� RIVKAH REYES * THE RABBI & OTHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DANNY ROTHMAN * THE CANTOR, THE RABBI’S WIFE & OTHERS ������������������������������������������������������������������� JILL SOBULE THE SON & OTHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


DAHLYA GLICK * THE JUNIOR RABBI, THE PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR & OTHERS ��������������������������������JIMMY KIEFFER THE SON & OTHERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLARK MOORE Standbys never substitute for listed players unless specified. *The Actors and Stage Managers employed in this production are members of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. SETTING/TIME


A Jewish Community Center, the evening of November 1st.

There is no photography or filming of any kind allowed during the performance. Please turn off all electronic devices, including cell phones. Thank you!


90 minutes There will be no intermission. 25TH ANNIVERSARY SEASON SPONSOR


G E F F E N P L AY H O U S E 7


SCOTT ANTHONY VIOLIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XENIA DEVIATKINA-LOH DRUMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NICOLE MARCUS BASS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CARLOS RIVERA, JR. GUITAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WILL WU KEYBOARDS, GUITAR, MANDOLIN �����������������������������������������������������������������

SONGS “Intro” / “Ten Miles Outside of Philly” / “On November 1st”. . . . . . . . . . . . The Cantor and Company “That’s What He Said”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company “The First Step in Any Revolution”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Rabbi and Company “The Cherry Hill Kosher Cake Company”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Rabbi’s Wife “Gary (The Junior Rabbi) Part 1”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Junior Rabbi “Friday Night”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Women “Yes” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lady on the Radio “Everybody Needs a Break”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company “She Wanted More”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Songstress, The Rabbi, and The Lady on the Radio “Tell it Again” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The AA Guy, The Private Investigator, The Rabbi, and Company “The Cherry Hill Kosher Cake Company (Reprise)”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Rabbi’s Wife, The Daughter, and The Private Investigator “Apt. 1007, Building 2”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Private Investigator and His Roommate “On November 1st (Reprise)”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Daughter, The Rabbi’s Wife, The Rabbi, The 911 Dispatcher, and The Son “Where Is It We Go When We Die” / “Maybe We Should Get A Dog” ������������������������������������� Company “Yes (Reprise)”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lady on the Radio “Your Story”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Reporter, The Private Investigator, and The Rabbi “How?”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company “Gary (The Junior Rabbi) Part 2”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Junior Rabbi and Company “He Wanted More”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Prosecution, The Defense, and Company “Local News”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Anchorman and The Correspondent “Call Him Fred”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Son and The Daughter “Song of a Son”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Son “Monmouth County Courthouse, Trial 2” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Cantor “Light a Candle”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Daughter, The Son, and Company “Outro” / “Ten Miles Outside of Philly (Reprise)”. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Company 8 P L AY B I L L



The Son and Others

Jahbril is an actor, writer, baker, and musician based in Los Angeles. Jahbril received his B.A. in Drama & Theatre Arts from Columbia University, where he wrote and presented an original musical thesis project, and starred in many on-campus productions, including Godspell, [title of show], Bingo, and The 121st Annual Varsity Show. NY Theatre: Nature Whatever (New Georges), The Snowy Day and Other Stories (off-Broadway). Film: A Week Away (Netflix), Spin (Disney Channel Original). Jahbril is thrilled to be making his L.A. theatre debut at Geffen Playhouse! Big thanks to his manager Rikki, his agent Matt, and his supportive friends and family. @jahbrilcook

Angry Bitch (FringeNYC/Cherry Lane Theatre). Zehra provides the voice of numerous characters for Disney, Nickelodeon, Warner Bros., DreamWorks, Comedy Central, Netflix, and Cartoon Network. Notable animation credits include: BoJack Horseman, Amphibia, Blade Runner: Black Lotus, Voltron: Legendary Defender, She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, Big Hero 6: The Series, Craig of the Creek, Young Justice, and Batman villain Talia al Ghul. Zehra has also lent her voice to several video game franchises, including Apex Legends, Halo, Borderlands, Call of Duty, Destiny, and League of Legends. On camera, Fazal has appeared in How to Get Away wth Murder, Magnum P.I., Lucifer, Mr. Mayor, and is the voice of the spaceship in Lost in Space. Zehra is represented by A3 Artists Agency and NOVA Talent Group. IG & Twitter: @zehrafazal

Street (Redhouse Performing Arts Center); A Midsummer Night’s Dream (Santa Barbara City College); Side Show (La Jolla Playhouse); Of Mice and Men, Side by Side by Sondheim, Sherlock Holmes and the Adventure of the Great Nome Gold Rush, Laughter on the 23rd Floor, Words by Ira Gershwin (North Coast Repertory Theatre). His TV credits include Fuller House (Netflix, Warner Bros.), Superstore (NBCUniversal), Casual (Hulu), The Connors (ABC), The Fairly Oddparents: Fairly Odder (Paramount+), and Danger Force (Nickelodeon). He attended Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School for Performing Arts and received a B.F.A. from NYU. He is a proud Equity member. nicholasmongiardocooper.com


The Daughter, The Reporter, and Others


The Junior Rabbi, The Private Investigator, and Others


The Lady on the Radio and Others

Zehra Fazal is thrilled to make her Geffen debut! Favorite theatre credits include FOUND: A New Musical (IAMA Theatre Company), Bars and Measures (Boston Court), The Engine of Our Ruin (Victory Theatre Center), Opera Meets Improv (LA Opera/The Groundlings), Othello (Folger Shakespeare Library), and her award-winning solo show Headscarf and the

Nicholas Mongiardo-Cooper has appeared off-Broadway in Rothschild & Sons, Lonesome Traveler, and Julius Caesar. Regional appearances include Once (Geva Theatre Center); Rounding Third (Florida Studio Theatre); House of Dreams (San Diego Repertory Theatre); Matilda (5 Star Theatricals); Sweeney Todd, Once, Shakespeare in Love (South Coast Repertory); King Lear (Rubicon Theatre Company); Harvey, End of the Rainbow (Laguna Playhouse); Our Lady of 121st

Rivkah Reyes (they/she) is a queer Filipina-Jewish actor, writer, musician, and host of the Where Are We Now? podcast. In 2003, Riv made their film debut in the beloved School of Rock and has been an active force in Chicago, New York and L.A.’s theatre and comedy scenes ever since. Theatre: Spamilton (Center Theatre Group), American Idiot (The Hypocrites) and A Doll’s House, Part 2 (Indiana Repertory Theater). TV/Film: Easy (Netflix), A Picture Perfect Holiday (Lifetime), and Bring the Funny (NBC). Rivkah is represented by Framework Entertainment and DDO Artists Agency. You can follow Riv on TikTok and IG @rivkah.reyes! Special thanks to Allan, Brando, Kevin, Jess, Kristen, and the family—blood and chosen. G E F F E N P L AY H O U S E 9



The Rabbi and Others

Geffen debut! Off-Broadway: Sweeney Todd (Barrow Street Theatre), The Loophole (The Public Theater), Easter Mysteries (Theatre at St. Clements). Other West Coast: Rags (TheatreWorks Silicon Valley), Ace (The Old Globe), Ragtime (Portland Center Stage). He has performed nationally at Tony Award–winning venues such as Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park, Goodspeed Musicals, Signature Theatre, The Denver Center for the Performing Arts, as well as with The Repertory Theatre of St. Louis, York Theatre Company, North Shore Music Theatre, Fulton Theatre, Maine State Music Theatre, Lyric Theatre of Oklahoma, Stages St. Louis, Stamford Center for the Arts, The Muny, Starlight Theatre, Pittsburgh CLO, Hangar Theatre, and Theatre Aspen, to name a few. Concerts: Lincoln Center’s David Geffen Hall. TV upcoming: Jigsaw (Netflix) and Let the Right One In (Showtime). B.F.A. Carnegie Mellon University. Love to my amazing wife Stacie for all her support, mom, dad, family, and friends. www.dannyrothman.com Instagram: @dannyrothman


The Cantor, The Rabbi’s Wife, and Others

Jill Sobule has recorded 12 albums, composed music for TV 1 0 P L AY B I L L

and films and has two top 20 hits—“Supermodel” from the film Clueless, and “I Kissed a Girl” (the 1995 original), the first openly queer-themed song to break the Billboard Top 20. Jill has performed with Cyndi Lauper, Billy Bragg, X, Neil Young, Joe Jackson, Paul McCartney, Tom Morello, and Warren Zevon. She toured with SNL alum Julia Sweeney in The Jill & Julia Show, and has appeared in The Simpsons, The West Wing, and Treme. She will be performing her own autobiographical musical, F*ck 7th Grade, this fall at the Wild Project in NYC. Included in the book Jews Who Rock, “Jill Sobule can claim her place among the stellar New York singer-songwriters of the last decade. Topical, funny, and more than a little poignant... grown-up music for an adolescent age.” —New York Times pop music critic Jon Pareless. www.jillsobule.com Instagram: @jillsobule

Larson Award Finalist), Love Trapezoid (Kleban Prize for Musical Theatre), The Tallest Building in the World (EST/ Sloan Commission), and others. His work has been developed and produced by theaters and universities all over the country. Matt has had television and film projects sold to and developed for Fox, USA, Fullscreen, TBS, Warner Bros, EOne, and others. Matt wrote the songs for Season 3 of the Spotify/Gimlet podcast series The Two Princes and was a writer on Netflix Animation’s upcoming Charlie and the Chocolate Factory adaptation. Matt has recently worked on projects with Michael Arndt, Lynn Nottage, and Taika Waititi. Currently, he is a story consultant for Lucasfilm Ltd. Matt is from New Jersey and lives in Los Angeles with his wife and their daughter.




Playwright & Composer

Matt Schatz is a writer and composer. His plays and musicals include A Wicked Soul in Cherry Hill (Edgerton New Play Award), An Untitled New Play By Justin Timberlake (ASCAP Foundation Harold Arlen Musical Theatre Award), The Door You Never Saw Before (Geffen Stayhouse), The Burdens (O’Neill Conference, Riva Shiner Comedy Award, Broadway World Pittsburgh’s Script of the Decade), No One Sings Like You Anymore (Seattle Rep Commission), Georama (5 New York Musical Festival Awards, including outstanding lyrics), Dunkfest ‘88 (Jonathan

NYC credits include: world premieres of Ana Nogueira’s Which Way to the Stage (MCC Theater); Matthew López’s The Legend of Georgia McBride (MCC Theater, Geffen Playhouse, and Denver Center for the Performing Arts); Jen Silverman’s Collective Rage (MCC Theater, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company) and Phoebe in Winter (Clubbed Thumb); Jordan Seavey’s Homos, Or Everyone In America (Labyrinth Theater Company); and Ethan Lipton’s Red-Handed Otter (The Playwrights Realm). Regionally: Little Shop of Horrors with Mj Rodriguez, George Salazar, and Amber Riley (Pasadena Playhouse), and world pre-

PRODUCTION BIOGRAPHIES mieres of Jen Silverman’s The Roommate (Humana Festival, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Long Wharf Theatre); Rachel Bonds’ Curve of Departure (South Coast Repertory, Studio Theatre) and The Wolfe Twins (Studio Theatre); Kate Cortesi’s Love (Marin Theatre Company); Matthew López’s Zoey’s Perfect Wedding and Lauren Feldman’s Grace, or The Art of Climbing (Denver Center for the Performing Arts); and Shostakovich’s Moscow, Cheryomushki with a new libretto by Meg Miroshnik (Chicago Opera Theatre). Upcoming: Euripides’ Bakkhai, in a new version by Anne Carson with music by Diana Oh (Baltimore Center Stage); and the Los Angeles premiere of Matthew López’s The Inheritance (Geffen Playhouse). Mike’s first short film, Troy, will premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival this June. A L E X A N D E R WO O DWA R D

Scenic Designer

Alexander Woodward is a New York based multi-hyphenate, designer, organizer, and artist focused in scenic and costume design for live performance in theatre, opera, and dance with credits all over, including the world and Broadway premiere of The Sound Inside. As a designer and educator, Alexander is an avid proponent for advancing arts advocacy, exploring all aspects of our medium as a form for social change and a tool to shape the environment around us. Alexander is the head of the B.F.A. and M.F.A. Scenic Design programs at the University of Connecticut, a Broadway Green Alliance Captain, co-founder of In the Wings: A Design/ Tech Showcase for young artists at Williamstown Theatre Festival, and has served on the executive board for Wingspace, a non-profit organization that promotes conversation on design, our community, and furthers activism within the

industry. Alexander received his M.F.A. from Yale and is a proud member of United Scenic Artists Local 829. Instagram @alexanderwoodwarddesign and at alexanderwoodward.com. DA N E L A F F R E Y

Original Scenic Design

Geffen Playhouse: Witch, set and costumes for Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and Sell/Buy/Date. Broadway: Once on This Island (2018 Tony for Best Revival of a Musical), Deaf West’s Spring Awakening, Sam Shepard’s Fool for Love. Recent off-Broadway: Hercules (Public Theater / Delacorte), Dying City (Second Stage Theater), Apologia (Roundabout Theatre Company), Collective Rage: A Play in 5 Betties (MCC Theater), Summer & Smoke (Classic Stage Company), Rancho Viejo (Playwrights Horizons), The Harvest (Lincoln Center), David Greenspan’s Strange Interlude (Transport Group Theatre Company). Recent Los Angeles: Good Boys (Pasadena Playhouse), Quack (Kirk Douglas Theatre), Annie (Hollywood Bowl), Merrily We Roll Along and Spring Awakening (Wallis Annenberg Center), The Christians (Mark Taper Forum). Other Regional: The Old Globe, Huntington Theatre Company, Williamstown Theatre Festival, Arena Stage, and many others. Dane has been nominated for a Tony Award, two Drama Desk Awards, seven American Theatre Wing Henry Hewes Awards, an Ovation Award, and won a 2017 OBIE for sustained excellence in set and costume design. R AQ U E L B A R R E TO

Costume Designer

Recent projects include All’s Well That Ends Well at Chicago Shakespeare Theater and The Gradient at Repertory Theatre of St. Louis. Raquel’s designs have been seen off-Broadway at Theatre for a New Audience (Julius Caesar), in five seasons

at the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, and regionally at the Mark Taper Forum, the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Kirk Douglas Theater, Pasadena Playhouse, South Coast Repertory, Alley Theatre, Guthrie Theater, Denver Center for the Performing Arts, Arena Stage, Berkeley Repertory Theatre, Actors Theater of Louisville, Portland Center Stage, Folger Theater, Syracuse Stage, California Shakespeare Theater, Cornerstone Theater Company, Magic Theatre, Latino Theater Co., Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, Opera UCLA, and many others. Raquel is from Brazil, holds an M.F.A. from UC San Diego, and is a Professor of costume design at the University of Texas, Austin. Member, USA 829. www.raquelbarreto.com JOSH EPSTEIN

Lighting Designer

Josh Epstein’s previous Geffen Playhouse productions include Sex With Strangers and The Legend of Georgia McBride. He has designed lighting at many of the top regional theaters in the country. Recent productions include Little Shop of Horrors (Pasadena Playhouse), Indecent (Arena Stage), and Romeo and Juliet (Guthrie Theater). His work has also been seen at the Mark Taper Forum, Goodman Theatre, South Coast Repertory, Kirk Douglas Theatre, Baltimore Center Stage, Trinity Repertory Company, Long Wharf Theatre, Alliance Theatre, and Actors Theatre of Louisville. Josh is on faculty at Chapman University’s College of Performing Arts. He is an Ovation Award and Knight of Illumination Award winner and a Helen Hayes Award nominee. He was a recipient of the NEA/TCG Career Development Program for Designers and currently serves on the O’Neill Playwrights Conference Artistic Council. Josh received his M.F.A. from NYU and lives in LA with his wife and three daughters. www.joshepsteindesign.com G E F F E N P L AY H O U S E 1 1


Sound Designer

Veronika Vorel divides time between Los Angeles, Paris, and Prague. Sound design credits include Little Shop of Horrors at Pasadena Playhouse, A Nice Indian Boy at East West Players, Zoey’s Perfect Wedding at Denver Center for the Performing Arts, as well as plays and musicals at Shakespeare Theatre Company, Ford’s Theatre, Woolly Mammoth Theatre Company, Folger Theatre, Yale Repertory Theatre, Signature Theatre (VA), and Starlight Theatre Kansas City. Associate sound design: Manhattan Theatre Club, The Kennedy Center, Baltimore Center Stage, Arena Stage, and Geffen Playhouse. Outside of the theatre, she has worked with Walt Disney Imagineering as a sound designer and mixer around the world, and currently heads Audio/ Video Design and Engineering at the Imagineering office in Paris. Training: Prague Conservatory of Music, California Institute of the Arts, Yale School of Drama. S C OT T A N T H O N Y

Musical Direction, Arrangements, and Orchestration

Scott Anthony is a musician, actor, songwriter, composer, and parent based in Los Angeles. Favorite credits include music directing the Humana Festival of New American Plays world premieres of The Christians, Oh, Gastronomy!, This Beautiful City, Game On!, and The Veri**On Play (Actors Theatre of Louisville); The Door You Never Saw Before (Geffen Stayhouse); The Christians (Mark Taper Forum, Alley Theatre); Hedwig and the Angry Inch, Evil Dead: The Musical (Art Sanctuary/Alley Theater); and staged readings of Canary (Playwrights Horizons) and A Wicked Soul in Cherry Hill (Geffen Playhouse); as composer and/or sound designer on Sleep Rock Thy Brain (Humana Festival); A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Henry V (Kentucky Shakespeare); Blueberry Toast (Echo Theater Company); Fight

1 2 P L AY B I L L

Girl Battle World (Art Sanctuary/ Alley Theatre), and multiple seasons as the Resident Sound Designer for Theatre [502]; and acting on many of the aforementioned stages and at South Coast Repertory, Pioneer Theatre Company, and StageOne Family Theatre. scottanthonysounds.com K AT H RY N B U R N S


Kathryn Burns, aka Kat Burns, is a two-time Emmy-winning choreographer for her work on Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. She has choreographed more than 200 episodes of TV including Key & Peele, Dancing with the Stars, The Afterparty, The Simpsons, The Dropout, The Morning Show, The Other Two, Drunk History, Why Women Kill, The Late Late Show with James Corden, Bill Nye Saves the World, 2 Broke Girls, Better Things, and Wet Hot American Summer: First Day of Camp. Film credits include Borat Subsequent Moviefilm, Other People, and Renfield. Other career highlights: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Live at Radio City Music Hall, the Grammy-winning video Happy by Pharrell Williams and a Weird Al video, Foil. In the before times, her show Quick & Funny Musicals ran every month for more than a decade at Upright Citizens Brigade. She is thrilled to be working at the Geffen for first time and back in the theater! JILL GOLD

Production Stage Manager

Jill Gold proudly returns to the Geffen, where her career spans Quills to Chasing Mem’ries with many Backstage at the Geffen galas in between. She has stage managed numerous shows for other favorite companies, including the Pasadena Playhouse (most recently, Little Shop of Horrors directed by Mike Donahue), Reprise Theatre Company, McCoy Rigby Entertainment, LATC, and Paper Mill Playhouse. Jill toured the U.S. with Les Misérables, The Unsinkable Molly Brown, City of Angels, Wicked, and Not the Messiah, as well as Germany and Austria with Sis-

terella. She teaches at UCLA and Occidental College, and recently co-authored the 12th edition of Stage Management by Lawrence Stern and Jill Gold. Thanks to her family and her SM team! A LYSSA E S CA L A N T E

Assistant Stage Manager

Alyssa is thrilled to be making her Geffen debut! She is a Los Angeles-based stage manager born and raised in San Diego, CA. She graduated from Occidental College with a B.A. in theater. Her credits include Spamilton (Musical Theatre West); All’s Well That Ends Well (A Noise Within); Lizastrata (Troubadour Theatre Company); Hamilton (Eliza Tour at the Pantages); The Bacchae (SITI Company at Guthrie Theater); Hold These Truths (San Diego Repertory Theatre); Fireflies, M. Butterfly, Photograph 51, Culture Clash (Still) in America (South Coast Repertory); A Streetcar Named Desire, Mojada: A Medea in Los Angeles, Happy Days (Boston Court Pasadena); Criers for Hire (East West Players). Thanks to Mom, Dad & Minerva! JULIE ANN RENFRO

Assistant Stage Manager

Julie is incredibly excited to return to the Geffen for A Wicked Soul in Cherry Hill! Previous Geffen credits include: The Future, Revenge Song, Witch, Invisible Tango, The Untranslatable Secrets of Nikki Corona, Sell/Buy/Date, Letters from a Nut, and The Legend of Georgia McBride. Additional theatre credits: Los Angeles Opera, South Coast Repertory, McCoy Rigby Entertainment, Pasadena Playhouse, Lythgoe Family Productions, Shakespeare Orange County, Sydney Independent Theatre Company, Ojai Playwrights Conference, Long Beach Shakespeare Company, and the 2018 North American tour of A Night with Janis Joplin. Some favorite events include West Hollywood Halloween Carnaval, Warner Bros. International Television Gala, VidCon, and Made in America Festival.

PRODUCTION BIOGRAPHIES Julie is from Orange County, CA where she received her B.A. from Vanguard University, and is a proud member of Actors’ Equity Association. LYBNC! P H Y L L I S S C H U R I N G A , C SA

Casting Director

Phyllis is an Artistic Associate and the Casting Director for Geffen Playhouse. Recent casting includes Power of Sail, Paradise Blue, Mysterious Circumstances, Black Super Hero Magic Mama, Skeleton Crew, The Legend of Georgia McBride, Guards at the Taj, and American Buffalo at the Geffen, and Put Your House in Order at La Jolla Playhouse. She has received 6 Artios nominations: Witch, Significant Other, Actually, Barbecue, Barcelona, The Country House. Before joining the Geffen, she was the Casting Director for Steppenwolf Theater Company in Chicago where her favorites include Frank Galati’s adaptation of The Grapes of Wrath (also La Jolla Playhouse, National Theatre in London and Broadway, where it received the Tony Award for Best Play), the original production of Steve Martin’s Picasso at the Lapin Agile (and subsequent productions including Westwood Playhouse and Briar Street Theater in Chicago), Austin Pendleton’s Orson’s Shadow, and Charles L. Mee’s Time to Burn. Broadway transfers include One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (Tony Award for Best Revival) and The Song of Jacob Zulu. She is a member of the Casting Society of America.

Circumstances for the Geffen in 2019 and prior to joining as Artistic Director in 2017, Shakman directed three acclaimed productions at the Playhouse: the West Coast premiere of David Lindsay-Abaire’s Good People (2012), the world premiere of Jeffrey Hatcher’s new adaptation of Wait Until Dark (2013), and Joshua Harmon’s Bad Jews (2015). Matt founded and was the artistic director of the Black Dahlia Theatre in Los Angeles, which was named “one of a dozen young American companies you need to know” by American Theatre magazine and “Best Small Theatre” by Los Angeles magazine. Matt is a director and producer for FX’s It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and has directed episodes of Game of Thrones (DGA nomination), Mad Men, Fargo, The Good Wife, and Succession. He helmed the pilot episode for Hulu’s The Great (Emmy nomination) starring Elle Fanning and Nicholas Hoult and produced and directed all episodes of WandaVision (Emmy nominations for Direction and Limited Series, DGA nomination), a Marvel Studios event series for Disney+ starring Paul Bettany and Elizabeth Olsen. Matt is currently directing Star Trek for Bad Robot and Paramount Studios.

for managing the Geffen’s day-to-day operations; developing new, ongoing theater partnerships and leading its mission to inform, entertain and inspire diverse audiences with live theater of the highest caliber. Prior to being named Executive Director in 2015, Cates served as Geffen Playhouse Board Vice Chairman since 2012 and served as a producer and director in theater, film and television. His theater credits include the award-winning Names (Matrix Theatre Company) and Three Sisters and David Mamet’s A Life in the Theatre (both at Syracuse Stage). Cates’ film credits include The Surface (starring Sean Astin and Geffen Playhouse alumnus Chris Mulkey), Jobs (starring Ashton Kutcher, Josh Gad, Dermot Mulroney, as well as Geffen Playhouse alumni Matthew Modine and Ron Eldard) and the 2011 feature film Lucky (starring Colin Hanks, Ari Graynor and Ann-Margret). In addition, Cates co-produced and co-directed the critically acclaimed Life After Tomorrow, featuring Sarah Jessica Parker, which premiered on Showtime. His other films include Deal (starring Burt Reynolds, Bret Harrison and Charles Durning) and The Mesmerist (starring Jessica Capshaw and Geffen Playhouse alumnus Neil Patrick Harris). Cates’ television directorial debut was an episode of the NBC comedy Joey, starring Emmy winner


G I L CAT E S, J R .

Artistic Director

Executive Director

Matt Shakman is Artistic Director of Geffen Playhouse. Matt last helmed Mysterious

Gil Cates, Jr. is Executive Director of Geffen Playhouse. In this role, he is responsible

Matt LeBlanc. He studied at the National Theatre Institute in Waterford, Connecticut, and holds a B.F.A. in Drama from Syracuse University. G E F F E N P L AY H O U S E 1 3

PRODUCTION BIOGRAPHIES for accounting functions of the

CPA, after holding the position

theater, including operating and

of Director of Accounting at

capital budgets. In addition,

FABS Management, where she

she supports all IT and HR activ-

was responsible for overseeing

ities. Behnaz was named Chief

the finances of more than 25

Financial Officer in 2015 after

non-profit organizations. As

serving as General Manager

a financial professional with

since 2002. She first joined

more than 30 years’ experience

Geffen Playhouse in 1999. Previ-

in for-profit and non-profit

ously, Ataee worked as a senior

financial management and au-

financial analyst for Ultratech

diting, Ataee began her career

Behnaz “Nazy” Ataee is Chief

Inc., an international semicon-

in the Bay Area as a partner in

Financial Officer of Geffen

ductor company based in San

a small tech startup. She holds

Playhouse. In this role, she

Jose. Prior to Ultratech, she

a master’s degree from Pepper-

has oversight responsibility

was an auditor for Van Sloten

dine University.

B E H N A Z ATA E E Chief Financial Officer

THE NEW PLAY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Supporting artists is central to the mission of the Geffen Playhouse, and play commissions are a cornerstone of that support. To commission a playwright to write a play means making a commitment to their voice, craft and vision, with the hope of sharing the fruits of their work on our stage. The Geffen Playhouse’s New Play Development Program is made possible, in large part, through the leadership and generosity of donations from: The Edgerton Foundation, The Harold & Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust, Fay & Frank Mancuso, Sandra Krause & William Fitzgerald, Hilary & Jack Angelo and Mary Bianco, The MOCA Foundation. We are proud to have the following artists under commission: RACHEL BONDS COLMAN DOMINGO MICHAEL GOLAMCO MEGHAN KENNEDY MATTHEW LOPEZ MARTYNA MAJOK



For more information on this program, please visit geffenplayhouse.org/newplays.

THE WRITERS’ ROOM A group for Los Angeles-based playwrights, The Writers’ Room is a product of the Geffen’s deep commitment to supporting new plays and specifically to fostering bold, relevant work by the vibrant artistic community of this city. During this one-year residency, playwright members gather monthly at the Geffen to share their work and receive feedback from their peers and the Geffen’s artistic staff, culminating in a play reading series. VIVIAN BARNES LISA SANAYE DRING WESTON GAYLORD



The Writers’ Room 2021/2022 is made possible through the generous support of Jerry and Terri Kohl. For more information on this program, please visit geffenplayhouse.org/thewritersroom.

1 4 P L AY B I L L

GEFFEN AT A GLANCE CONTACT Geffen Playhouse 10886 Le Conte Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES

310.208.6500 Monday through Friday, 10:00am – 6:00pm AUDIENCE SERVICES

310.208.2028 Tuesday through Sunday, 12:00pm – 6:00pm Please visit geffenplayhouse.org for hours, parking and more information.

BOX OFFICE The box office window is open Tuesday through Sunday from 12:00pm – 6:00pm, as well as on performance days up until 15 minutes after curtain during the run of a show. Please note: the box office window is unable to process exchanges and future sales one hour prior to curtain time on any performance day.

ACCESSIBLE ACCOMMODATION Geffen Playhouse is fully committed to providing access to patrons with mobility, visual and hearing impairments. Parking spaces directly outside the theater are zoned for drop off and pick up, as well as disabled parking spots for patrons with appropriate placards and plates. For more information about our Accessibility services and programs, visit geffenplayhouse.org/ access or call our box office.

LATE SEATING Should you arrive late to the theater or vacate your seat during the performance, please expect to be held in the lobby until an appropriate pause in the action on stage. To minimize disturbance to other patrons, you may be seated in the first available location by the house staff even if it is different from your assigned seat. Be advised that some productions or circumstances may not allow for late or return seating.

NO PHOTOGRAPHY There is no photography or filming of any kind allowed during the performance. Please turn off all electronic devices, including cell phones.


A1 Jake Delgado

Associate Scenic Designer Matthew Iacozza

A2 Stephanie Lynn Yackovetsky

Assistant Costume Designer Jenny Deck

Wardrobe Supervisor Michayla Van Treeck

Hair & Wig Designer Janell Turley

Dresser Kassidy Klinesmith

Assistant Lighting Designers Nicole Jaja, Erica Ammerman

Lead Carpenters Melissa Hartman, Philip Rossi

Assistant Sound Designer Andrew Tarr

Carpenters Christopher R. Baab, Austin Bosley, Christopher Bowe, Casey Braxton, James Chew, Chris Cowan, Ryan Fischer, Sean Fitz, Erin Galloway, Rob Hille, Sarah King, Vanessa Lara, Sarah Nearhoff, Chandish Nester, James Stanley, Sam Stein-De Turck, Eiden Weissblum

Video Content Margaret Small Production Assistant Rebecca Cindel Moreno Dialect Coach Paul Wagar Music Assistant Anthony Zediker Rehearsal Pianists Tony Gonzalez, Sam Johnides Stage Supervisor & Automation Operator Alexandre Norkus Deck Crew Austin Bosley, Sean Fitz Master Electrician Julie Cowger Lighting Programmer Gabriel Rodriguez

Properties Artisans Christopher R. Baab, Danny Dolan, Sarah Nearhoff Electricians Sean Allinson, Ezra Fisher, Justin Kelley-Cahill, Alannah Lasiter, Skye Mahaffie, Melanie Miller, Emily Moore, Gabriel Rodriguez, Keanu Ross-Cabrera, Christiana Saldibar, James Tatsch, Kyle Wurtz COVID-19 Compliance Manager Bella Luna COVID-19 Safety Managers Cecelia Bonner, Bethany Koulias, Juliet Park, Bradley Pierce

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Scenery Provided by F&D Scene Changes Ltd.

Production Photographer Jeff Lorch

Lighting Equipment Provided By Kinetic Lighting, Inc.

Media Filming Ramon Garcia

Sound Equipment Provided By DnB Design, Jon Sound Inc., Launch, Hollywood Sound

Photography Justin Bettman

SPECIAL THANKS UCLA School of Theater, Film, and Television Scene, Prop, Sound, and Costume Shops; London Cleaners; Jason H. Thompson

UCLA SCHOOL OF THEATER, FILM AND TELEVISION Geffen Playhouse is affiliated with the University of California at Los Angeles, specifically the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television. Geffen Playhouse values its role as an important educational resource by providing students with master classes, workshops and internships. Students are also able to work and learn from distinguished visiting Geffen artists in areas of directing, playwriting, acting, design, dramaturgy, management and production. Geffen Playhouse also draws upon the distinguished experts in the university to enhance the theater’s programs and research.

This theater operates under agreement between the League of Resident Theaters and Actors Equity Association, the union of professional actors and stage managers in the United States. The Actors and Stage Managers employed in this production are members of Actors’ Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers in the United States. This theater operates under agreement between the League of Resident Theaters and Stage Directors and Choreographers Society, an independent national labor union. The Director and Choreographer are Members of the Stage Directors and Choreographers Society, a national theatrical labor union. The scenic, costume, lighting and sound designers in LORT theaters are represented by United Scenic Artists Local USA-829, IATSE. G E F F E N P L AY H O U S E 1 5


25 YEARS AND COUNTING Founder Gilbert Cates with Trustee Kristen Combs at the soon-to-be Geffen Playhouse (formerly Westwood Playhouse)

“ONWARD AND UPWARD WITH THE ARTS.” That was the mantra of Geffen Playhouse Founder and Producing Director Gilbert (Gil) Cates, a visionary and a showman who brought this theater to life a quarter of a century ago. And it remains our mantra today. With the launch of our 2021/2022 season, we celebrate 25 years of storytelling, opening nights, world premieres, standing ovations, and all the artists and audiences who have passed through our doors since we first raised our curtain with Four Dogs and a Bone in 1995. We did not just begin life as Geffen Playhouse—there’s more to our story. It was the early 1990s and, as a lover of the arts, then-Dean of the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television Gil Cates had a dream and a vision. The goal was to create a new non-profit professional theater company that 1 6 P L AY B I L L

OCT 10, 1995 — John Patrick Shanley’s Four Dogs and a Bone, directed by Lawrence Kasdan, featuring Brendan Fraser, Elizabeth Perkins, Parker Posey, and Martin Short opened the Geffen Playhouse

Founder Gilbert Cates with philanthropist David Geffen and UCLA Chancellor Emeritus Charles E. Young

Geffen Playhouse is excited to celebrate 25 years with its 2021/2022 Anniversary Season

would enrich the cultural life of Greater Los

of an endowment gift from philanthropist

Angeles and the UCLA community through

David Geffen) to begin the creation of a

plays and educational programs that in-

permanent professional non-profit theater

form, entertain and inspire.

in Westwood. The university created an

UCLA had a long history of working closely with professional theaters as an extension of its academic mission and, for many

independent board, helmed by Cates, which would assume all costs and risks of operating the theater. And the rest is history.

years, owned and operated the Doolittle

Since opening, Geffen Playhouse has

Theater in Hollywood to fulfill this mission.

staged nearly 200 productions, held more

Cates recognized the Doolittle’s geographic

than 9,000 performances, and entertained

distance from campus created a barrier to

countless audiences from around the world

any meaningful relationship with UCLA and

and every walk of life. Each year has brought

argued a better partner would be the West-

with it new stories, new artists, new laugh-

wood Playhouse, located right across from

ter, new tears and new challenges—and we

campus. Compelled by the proximity and

grow as a theater, and as a family, with every

potential of the historic theater, Chancellor

one of them.

Charles Young agreed to sell the Doolittle and pledged the proceeds of the sale to assist Cates with the purchase and refurbishment of the Westwood Playhouse.

It has been an honor to be a home for the arts in this remarkable city of Los Angeles, and we are excited for what the next 25 years will bring. We hope you will continue

UCLA leased the theater to the newly

to join us on this journey, as we go onward

named Geffen Playhouse (in recognition

and upward with the arts. G E F F E N P L AY H O U S E 1 7



As part of Geffen Playhouse’s inaugural Art Lives Here project, four Los Angeles artists have been invited to create original art works to be displayed in our lobby welcoming back audiences during our 25th Anniversary Season. We celebrate the diversity in our audiences and our productions, and it is our mission to create, foster, and nourish an environment that is open and welcoming for all. We are a home for the arts, and we believe our physical space should also reflect and be representative of our ongoing commitment to equality, diversity, and inclusion in everything we do and the communities we support.

FEATURED WORK #4 Play, Art, Life ARTIST Yeu “Q” Nguyen ON DISPLAY Jun. 21 – Aug. 14, 2022

Using heirloom tapestry weaving as an allegory to the communal nature of theatre production, this work embodies the magic of theatre in form, material, and process. Fabric remnants of different texture and colors, some sourced directly from the Geffen’s costume department, ripple with energy as they flow seamlessly together to create a new whole. Featuring actors’ signatures from past Geffen productions, the title words, dazzling with costume gems and read like a backstage cheer, celebrate stage life and those who live it. Like a performance, this work is incomplete without audience presence. Please help me fully realize this work’s intention by tying your ticket to the tapestry using the loose ribbon ends.

lations and intricately crafted objects rich in symbolism, Q has exhibited at notable venues such as the SouthWest Museum, the Orange County Center for Contemporary Art, and the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery. “The Resilience Archive,” a retrospective of Q’s expansive work circa 2016-22, is currently on view at Stay Gallery in Downey. Upcoming


projects include “At The Table” group exhibition at the Armory Center for the Arts and an

Born in Saigon, Yeu “Q” Nguyen is a multi-

art commission with Santa Monica city. More

disciplinary artist working in Los Angeles.

on Q can be found at www.yeuqart.com and

Known for her vibrant, interactive instal-

Instagram @yeuqart.









We look forward to seeing you next year for Backstage at the Geffen in May 2023. SIGN-UP FOR MORE INFORMATION GEFFENPLAYHOUSE.ORG/BACKSTAGE



Geffen Playhouse is deeply committed to creating powerful and impactful arts education and engagement experiences that amplify, inspire, and encompass our diverse Los Angeles community. Our programs provide unique, in-depth access to theater and the arts for under-resourced and under-represented groups of youth and adults. the continued growth and expansion of our programs.



We invite you to support the vitality of education by contributing to

ANNUAL DONORS Geffen Playhouse recognizes the following individuals and organizations for their generous support of our Annual Fund and Backstage at the Geffen. Donors are listed at the Associate level and higher for gifts made between January 1, 2021, and May 19, 2022. In appreciation, donors enjoy a host of special benefits including house seats, complimentary drinks, receptions, and much more. For more information, please call Tracy Reich at 310.208.6500 ext. 113. ANGELS


Anonymous (2)

Anonymous (2)


Kevin & Claudia Bright City National Bank

$25,000 – $49,999

Jack & Hilary Angelo

Mary Ann Cloyd

City of Los Angeles Department of Cultural Affairs

Kelly Coffey

Robin Dearden & Bryan Cranston

Edgerton Foundation

The Walt Disney Company

Louise & Dr. Brad Edgerton

Joyce Eisenberg-Keefer & Melvin Keefer

David Geffen Foundation

Carol & Paul Frimmer

The Adi & Jerry Greenberg Foundation

The Rosalinde and Arthur Gilbert Foundation

Karen & Russell Goldsmith Martha Henderson

Patty Glaser & Sam Mudie

Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg

Samantha & Eric Heer

Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg Fund for Arts Education at the Geffen Playhouse

Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation Cindy & Alan Horn

Loretta Everett Kaufman & Victor Kaufman

Marcia Israel Foundation, Inc.

Jerry & Terri Kohl Linda Bernstein Rubin & Tony Rubin Matt Shakman & Maggie Malone Shubert Foundation Kate Capshaw & Steven Spielberg Jodi & Howard Tenenbaum UCLA

Stanley Iezman & Nancy Stark Erich and Della Koenig Foundation LA County Department of Arts and Culture Laurents / Hatcher Foundation Paramount Pictures The Edward A. & Ai O Shay Family Foundation

UCLA Health

State of California, Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development


Judith & Bruce Stern

$50,000 – $99,999

California Arts Council Elizabeth & Gil Cates, Jr. Dwight Stuart Youth Fund Ben/Joyce Eisenberg Foundation Fay & Frank Mancuso John McCrite & Juan Lopez Donna McKenna & Flynn Chernos Tina & Jerry Moss / The Moss Foundation Kenneth T. and Eileen L. Norris Foundation Ralph M. Parsons Foundation Madeline & Bruce Ramer Holly Rice & Vince Gilligan Allen Blue & Kira Snyder Shel & Cynthia Stone Ken Willner & Jim Stine The Elaine P. Wynn & Family Foundation Judy & Chancellor Charles E. Young Dirk & Natasha Ziff

STK Steakhouse


$10,000 – $24,999 Anonymous Eva Aaronson & Bucky Hazan Pat & Sandy Adams Patricia Kiernan Applegate Audi of America, Inc. Cathy & Shel Bachrach Berlanti Family Foundation Mary Bianco & The MOCA Foundation The Sheri and Les Biller Family Foundation Cindy & Bob Broder Eileen & Harold Brown Stephanie & Jonathan Carson Comcast NBCUniversal Merle Dandridge Martha De Laurentiis & Randy Sherman MD Dr. & Mrs. Paul Eisenberg Bonnie E. Eskenazi

Eric Flamholtz & Yvonne Randle Susan & Mark Fleischer Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea Fox Entertainment Gang, Tyre, Ramer, Brown & Passman, Inc. Herbert M. & Beverly J. Gelfand Ann & Jim Gianopulos Goldman Sachs Manuela & James Goren Marcy & Edgar Gross Bryan Hawkins In Memory of Morris A. Hazan ICM Partners Liberty Ross & Jimmy Iovine Peggy Jones & Parise Livanos Kat Judd Glorya Kaufman Julie & David Kavner Kathleen Kennedy & Frank Marshall Willette & Manny Klausner LA Unified School District Lyn & Norman Lear Carla Malden & Norman Beil Wendy & Barry Meyer Ron Meyer Conan & Liza O’Brien Mo Ostin Carol & Bill Ouchi Soundis & Danny Passman Judith Reichman, MD Pamela Robinson Hollander & Robert Hollander Fredric D. Rosen & Nadine SchiffRosen Family Foundation Thomas L. Safran Hon. Nicole A. Avant & Ted Sarandos Carol ‘Jackie’ & Charles Schwartz Jessica & Jerry Seinfeld Richard & Barbara Sherman Marcia & Robert Shuwarger The Simms/Mann Family Foundation Sitrick Group, LLC Sony Pictures Entertainment Wendy Stark Steve Tisch Miranda & Brett Tollman U.S. Bank Foundation Dannelle Ward/Acropolis Investment Management Joanne & Ken Weinman Aurora & Marc Weinstock Kevyn Wynn G E F F E N P L AY H O U S E 2 1


$5,000 – $9,999 Jehan F. Agrama & Dwora Fried In Honor of Laura Alpert Aversa Foundation The Hilaria & Alec Baldwin Foundation Bank of America Pamela & Dennis Beck Judith & Thomas Beckmen Carolyn Benson Mara W. Breech Foundation Robert Brook & Jacqueline Kosecoff Butterfly Equity Captive8 Glenn & Lynn Cardoso Marcy Carsey Ellyce R. Cooper & Barry Cohen / Sidley Austin LLP Mary Jo & Caleb Deschanel Susan & Jonathan Dolgen Lauren Shuler Donner Fielding Edlow & Larry Clarke Lisa Field, Field Family Foundation Erika Fiore Susan Nahley Fleishman Sonia & Robert Freedman and Family Steve Freedman & Helen Sideris Bob & Diana Friedman Herbert M. & Beverly J. Gelfand Kiki & David Gindler Waterman & Glicksteen Families Sue & Steve Glusker MaryAnn & Irwin Gold Dr. Irene Goldenberg Lori & Ken Goldman Greenberg Traurig Alexander & Katie & Grey Grosvenor Star Gutman Noble & Jacquelynn Hansen Cindy Hanson Mellody Hobson / Ariel Investments, LLC Ann Husvar Sir Elton John & David Furnish David & Martha Kadue Barbara & Ronnie Kahn Mannon Kaplan Laura Kennedy Kling Family Foundation / Allen & Jessica Kling Wendy Kurtzman Karen & Walter Loewenstern Padma & Rao Makineni Stewart Mayeda Merle & Jerry Measer Hillary Messenger Microsoft Marcia & Brett Molotsky Rio & Frank Morse Benedicta & Geoffry Oblath Laurie MacDonald & Walter Parkes PCCP, LLC Cheryl Petersen & Roger Lustberg Allison & Birk Rawlings The Michael Schwab Family 2 2 P L AY B I L L

Gussie Paster Sitkin Jane Rissman & Richard Sondheimer Nancy Heller & Fred Specktor Heather Thomas & Skip Brittenham Karen Zoller, MD & David Tillman, MD William & Karen Timberlake Olympus Theatricals Town & Country Event Rentals Gayle & Barry Tyerman Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz The Waterman Family Foundation Benjamin Weisman Sandra Willen Rita Wilson & Tom Hanks Karen & Rick Wolfen YPO Golden West Gold In Loving Memory of Herman Ziegler


$3,000 – $4,999 Anonymous Janis Adams & John Lyons Alligator Pear Catering Robert E. & Maria H. Barron Beam Suntory Madelyn Bennett & Eric Gibson Paula & Bruce Bennett Shelly & Libby Bergen Laurie Bernhard Susan Bloch-Kay & Stephen Kay Thomas & Nancy Boxwell VJ Boyd The Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation Noora Raj Brown Linda & Jerry Bruckheimer Carillon Miami Wellness Resort Marissa Caudill & David Merrill Adam & Lin Cheyer Lawrence N. Field Lisa Firestone & Caspar Von Winterfeldt Lynn T. Franklin Larry Gagosian Karney Guren Family Foundation John & Ann Daly Gustafson Michael Hayden Gallery Stephen Sass & Steven Hochstadt Vicki Iovine & David Coiro Marla & Daniel Klein Thea & Neal Koss Nancy Koven Renee & Meyer Luskin Ginny Mancini Jane & Rand Marlis Cara Gardenswartz & David Melnick Robin Mitchel & Kathleen Marshall Morgan Stanley Michael R. Oppenheim Carolyn A. Poer & John M. Poer Jennifer von Schneidau Eric Strom & Eileen Goodis Peter & Denise Walsh Julie & Peter Weil Leslie White & Al Limon Susan & Dan White


$1,500 – $2,999 Anonymous Miriam Aguiar Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Allen Basch Family Foundation Shelley & Rick Bayer Patricia & Mark Benjamin Yvette Bergeron & Dean Bailey Susan J. Booth & Christopher Wadden Dr. Wallace P. Brithinee Diana Buckhantz and the Vladimir and Araxia Buckhantz Foundation Jay Butterfield & Susan Ewert Kristen & Jake Carlson Lexy & John Carroll Kasey Carrothers Steven Cerasale & Mary Katherine Cocharo Caroline Choi The Christal Family Cindy Clark Linda & John Coleman Lori & Jerry Collins Tim Curtis & Shandon Youngclaus Phil Davis Noah Dinkin Rich & Christina Doren Anne Dougherty Jacki & Murray Drechsler Edward Avedis David & Joyce Evans Barbara Fairchild Anita Dann Friedman & Harvey Friedman G2 Graphic Service, Inc. Charlotte Gold Linda & Louis Goldsman Kelly Gonda Jack Grossbart & Marc Schwartz Penny Grosz & Eugene Korney The Guerin Foundation Zvia Hempling Rand Hoffman & Charlotte Robinson David Israeli & Dr. Marie Mazzone Freya & Marc Ivener Deborah & Ivan Kallick Katherine Kleindienst & Marc Goldsmith Carol Krause Carol Leif & Jeff Parker Lydia & Chuck Levy Elisabeth & Jeff Lipsman Judith Locke The Malins Family Foundation Sue & Anthony Marguleas Sue McHugh & Herb Seese Cookie Miller Joan & Phil Miller Laurie & Chuck Mondrus Deborah & Stacey Olliff Tal Oren & Liana Morgado-Oren Carol & Alan Ostroff Michael Parks & Judith Hayward In Memory of Robert & Stephen Paskus Daniel & Denise Perlstein

ANNUAL DONORS Ruth Popkin Clark & Kathryn Porter Drs. Laurence & Isabell Purdy Gary & Gail Rachelefsky Richard Rasiej & Joan Herman Joyce & Harvey Reichard Pamela Ribon Louis & Laura Rohl Wil Rosser Amy & Andy Schwartz Susan Schwarz & Stuart Berton Snyder Family Foundation Tom & Melanie Staggs Andrew Stearn Mitch & Sherry Stein Deborah Tavlin Franklin David Tell Catherine & Leonard Unger Union Bank Susan & Peter Van Haften Kathryn & Alan Van Vliet Gelena & Seth Weissman Alison Whalen & Steve Marenberg Richard Yaffe David Young Alissa & Jordan Zachary Ellen & Arnold Zetcher

EDUCATION ADVOCATE $1,000 – $1,499

Anonymous (4) Dr. Richard Ackerman & Miriam Shakter Jan & David Altemus Bonnie R. Arnold Margaret Campbell Arvey Elissa & Scott Ashwood Karen Bell & Robb Cox Dr. Joan Denson & Dr. Victoria Berck Wendy & John Bergquist Diane & James Berliner Mrs. Carol K. Block & Chancellor Gene D. Block Pamela & Bill Bohnert Paula Brand Broadway Wine Club Janet & Mark Brown Katherine Brown Chancellor Albert Carnesale & Mrs. Robin Carnesale Margaret Casey Jane Cates Shelby & Lee Chaden Danny & Lisa Charnes-Sarokin Sachiko T. Cochran MD & Joseph T. Araki Stephen Cook Honorable Candace Cooper Jan & Thea Drayer

Ed & Barbara Dreyfus Dr. & Mrs. William M. Duxler Elizabeth A. Evans Bill Fagerbakke Fairmont Scottsdale Princess Lynne & Michael Feldman Dr. Kimberly Finney Shari Foos Burt & Nanette Forester Steven Forness In Honor of Frank & Betty Fouce Dennis & Jackie Fox Tomas Fuller & William Kelly Pat & Sandy Gage The Glass Family Hannah & Barrie Godwin Roz & Abner Goldstine Ellie Goodman Jill Grigsby & Rett Bull Deidre Hall Harris Family Foundation Scott Hartle Murray & Gail Heltzer Jackson Henry Michael & Candie Herman Dr. John D. Hofbauer & Dr. Laura E. Fox Rob & Cassie Holmes William Hoover & Jon Rupp Lynn Hunt & Margaret Jacob Gary T. Izumi Victoria Jackson & Bill Guthy Marcie & Marc J. Jacoby Nancy & Len Jacoby Carrie Johnson Linda & David Kagel Mark Kaplan Sally & Dr. Manny J. Karbelnig Patricia Keating Trisha Kelley King Nutronics Corporation Barton H. Kogan Norman Koplof & Leslie Falick Lena & Mark Labowe Sherry Lansing Foundation Carl Levinger Steven & Nancy Lippman In Memory of Effie Lucero & Anne Ettinger Martin S Appel Survivors Trust Sheri & Jim McCashin James and Ana Miles Family Foundation Mintz Family Fund Andrew & Laura Mintzer Thaine & Elizabeth Morris Craig Morrison Lon Morse & Toni Hollander Morse Dr. Paula C. Moseley Ron Myrick

Mieke & Spencer Neumann Albert & Barbara Nichols Ornest Family Foundation London, Alex & Marty Padilla Jacalyn & Paul Pepperman Peters Family Fund at Chicago Community Foundation Dolores Rogers Nancy Stephens & Rick Rosenthal and The Rosenthal Family Foundation Peymaneh Rothstein & Emad Asfoury Lori & David Rousso David A. & Karen Richards Sachs Nancy & Ted Sanborn Gerald Sauer Peggy & Robert Shapiro John Shaw Rita & Jose Sigal Robin & Robert L. Sills Ron Silverman & Soraya Ross Aaron & Ross Smith-Knight Jerome & Joan Snyder John Sonego & Thomas Faughnan Lisa Stonich Melora Sundt & Rob Kadota Rose Tarlow The Tatasciore Family Anne C. Taubman & David Boyle John M. Teeples & Nicolas Martinez, Jr. Marjorie Thomson Tito + Craig John Turmes Leon & Stephanie Vahn Daniel & Shauna Valenzuela Marcia & Charles Wasserman Ph.D In Honor of Sid & Sheila Weiss Westmount Asset Management John & Connie Weston In Loving Memory of Gareth Wigan Judith & Philip Winik Cherie Wrigley Linda Yellin Elena & Drew Zager Arnold & Tricia Zane Bobbi & Walter Zifkin


Anonymous (5) Toshka & Norman Abrams Allan Africk Sylvia Almstadt

Henry Alpert Laura and Harvey Alpert Charitable Foundation Patti Amstutz Don Bacigalupi The Bordy & Leibovic Families Carol J. Bradshaw Steven Briggs Marlene Bronson Mary Ellen Callahan Anthony Carbone Sean & Martha Carey Family Sylvie & Peter Cartmell Julianna & William Cellini Julie Chait James Clark Laurel & Aaron Clark The Clements Family Dr. Mara Cohen Ginger Conrad Ted Cordes & Bill Derby Muriel Dance & Alvin Martin Zoud Danko Hedva & Dr. Dudley Danoff Susan Dashe Joanna Davis Julie & Don Davis Brock Dewey Dale Dickey Linda Dozier Jane DuBovy Stephen Duncan Jeff Eckerle Colleen M. Ellis Terry Feuerborn Brian & Krista Fleming Charles Flippen Carol & John Fox Diane Futterman Gordon Gerson Benita & Bert Ginsberg Tina & Michael Gittelson Linda & Tom Givvin Ellen & Reginald Golla Howard Gradet Adrienne Grant & Paul Jennings Gaby Allen & Rob Greenberg Vera & Paul Guerin Dean Haas Lonnie Hamerman & Kenneth Freundlich Mary Hartley Drex Heikes Hella Hershson Winifred C. Hervey Jack Hileman & Roxanne Huddleston Robin & Edgar Hirst Mrs. Dorothy Hoffman Paul Gordon Hoffman & Sue Caren Hoffman In Loving Memory of Stan Hollander Drs. Sharon & Lou Ignarro G E F F E N P L AY H O U S E 2 3

ANNUAL DONORS Robert & Gail Israel Brenda Marie Izzi Dr. Carole & David Jones Judith & Steaven Jones Linda Kaplan Nancy Kenney William & Renee Kendall Sharon Kerson Dr. Leonard & Stella S. Kleinrock Dorothy Klinger Patricia Klous Sharon & Joel Koppelman Millicent Sanchez Hisao Kushi Deborah Lacusta & Daniel Castellaneta John & Sandra Langfitt Rhonda K. Lawrence Christo & Jeanne Lavagnino David Lee Rena & Craig Leeds Ann Leland Gina Maria Leonetti Marla E. Levine Hannah Linkenhoker & Carter Cohn Jeffrey Lipp Deborah Marsten Kathy & Jim McCaffery Vickie McCorkendale Cynthia Melville Nick & Vaughan Meyer Norma & Larry Meyers Mona D. & Steven J. Miller Lee & Jeff Milman Thomas Mitchell John Moschitta, Jr. Mark & Diane Neubauer Robert Nelson & Marguerite Renner Charles Owens Ralph Page Naidu & Jane Permaul Tami Pflug The Poker People Jeanne McDonald-Powers & Travis Powers Ron Rafay Catherine Raneri Jennifer Redner Fred & Denise Reimer Carol Risher Ronda & Fred Rose Peter Rose Barry Rosen & Neil Bokal Dr. Martin & Lorraine Ross Arlene & Peter Sacks Susan & Kenneth Sarno Cliff & Linda Schaffer Mary Lou Schanche Mr. Bernard Schiffer Gary & Karen Schneider Joel & Sonia Schneider Nancy & Steven Schneider 24 P L AY B I L L

Melanie Sharp & Kevin Miller In Memory of Michael Sherman Robert M. Shore & Diane M. Young Karen & Bill Skinner Amy Jo & Jeff Smith Diane Good & Frank Smith South Pasadena Arts and Music Academy Jill & Scott Spiwak Sarah Stegemoeller Sandra Stewart Dr. Margaret Stuber Robert & Kristie Svaleson Mr. & Mrs. David Tann Barbara & Larry Tenan Audri & Stan Tendler David & Cathy Thomas Brigitta Troy Richard Vance Bradley & Natalie Wallace Jennifer Weiser Elizabeth Wheat Gia & Michael Wise Herbert Wolas Delores Komar & Susan Wolford Marc Zachary

ASSOCIATE $250 – $499

Anonymous (7) Terry & Richard Abrams James Ach Elaine & Michael Agran Shannon Ahl Carol & Silvy Alcalay Charles & Annick Allen Eden Alpert Robert C. Anderson Peter Anderson Bonnie Ank Claudia Apelfeld Eloise & Mark Appel Joseph D. Argilagos Barbara & Ethan Aronoff Behnaz Ataee David & Linda Atkinson Lisa Austin Ross & Lindsey Avner Elizabeth & Marc Axelrod Christopher & Azita Baffa Cecilia Ball Cindy & Jeff Ballard Donald Balzano Patricia Beals Anthony Bellasalma & Susan B. Katz Jeme Benadon Karen Berko-Gibson Barbara Berkowitz Marsha C. Berkowitz Marilyn R. Blacker Marjorie Blatt

Bonnie & Cary Blume Toby Bornstein Christopher Bower Jill Boyd & Jarid Sumner Doug & Arlene Braun Howard Brightman Lonni Brill Mr. & Mrs. Todd Brown & Family The Broderick Family Ms. Leah Lynn Broidy Laurrie Brooke Raegan Brunson George & Nadine Buck Renee & Seth Burton Laura D. Campbell Karla Campbell Marlene & David Capell Lorena Carlson Ellen Castleman The Claman/Cates Family Carrie Certa Sandra Chan & Richard Pezner Diane Chernansky Nancy Chess The Chisolm Family Lori Christopher Shirley Churgin Pam Coats Carl Cohn Kenneth Cohn Jennifer Colantuoni Lynn Comer Nessa Cooper Michael Connelly Heidi Jo Corey Gail Cottingham Shawn Cunningham In Loving Memory of Ed Cypert Alex & Ben Dashwood Steven & Linda Darling J. Jason Daunter Jeffrey & Louise Davis Judith Delafield Hal & Roberta Delevie Dr. & Mrs. Darin Detwiler Gayle & Dan Devin Dr. Joseph Demer & Dr. Melissa Reider-Demer Elizabeth De Oliveira & Moacyr Da Silva Kristin Diehl Dr. Glorya Dixon Robin Donzis Tom & Diane Duralde Michael East & Tanisha Gonzalez Ken Egel & Liz Wiegardt Joan & Jerry Elledge Terri & David Elston A.W. England Carl & Courtenay Enright Lidia & Mauricio Epelbaum Katherine A. Evans Stephen Falk Carol Fatuzzo

Wilbur Faulk Diedre Feehan Lisa & William Finkelstein Ruth Fisher Geralyn Flood Melissa Ford Christopher & Claire Forsyth Rosella Forte Lora Fremont Elaine & Larry Friedman Jean & Jerome Friedman Lynn & Barry Friesen Laurelle Frome & Brady Frome Mr. Scot McIntosh & Dr. Ruchira Garg Barbara & Jack Garrett Corinne B. Garson Daniel Giesberg Jarrod Gilbreath Bert & Benita Ginsberg Priscila Giraldo Dr. Diane & Michael Glazer Lori Glickman Lorain Goldberg Mark & Molly Goldberg Francine Golden & Marvin Schlossman The Goldfarbs Ronald Goldman Gretchen Goldsmith Dina Goldstein AnaAlicia Gonzalez Roger Gordon Liz Gottainer & David Sadkin Andrea Gozali Michael A. Green Trudi Green Jana & Randall Greer Kimberly Grieger Annika Guy Eve Haberfield & David N. Johnson Estrella Hacker Louise Halevy & Kenneth Erlich Keith Hall Pamela Halle Maurice Hamilton Chris Hardeman Lorraine Hartman Brian & Karen Hatch Erica & Madison Hatchett Diane Haun Kam Hekmat Jacqueline Heller & Gabriel Kahana Sue Herbers Carla & Alan A. Herd Gary & Jane Hewer Karen Higgins Diana & Joe Hilberman Penny Hildebrand Melvin Horowitz Tamara Horwich & Gerry Lipshutz Roger & Linda Howard Kevin Huvane

ANNUAL DONORS Michael Infiesto Jackie & Warren Jackson In Memory of Joseph Jacobs Frederic A. & Nancy Jacobus Stephen & Erica Jamieson Linda Janger Sheila Johnson-Brousseau Philip Angerhofer & Stephen A. Jones Arlene Kageyama Jessica Kaltman & Robert Reznik Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Kamine Julia Kantrowitz Victoria Kapitany Harris Katleman Owen Kato Jim Keily Rachael Kelley Stuart Kessler Sarah Kilpatrick Cynthia King Ann & Jonathan Kirsch Phyllis H. Klein Leana Kleinman & Jerald Johnson Allison Krensky The Kriloff Family The Krischer Family Charles Kristenson Barbara Kroll & Ruth Spielman Mona Lands Sheila & Norman Lane Donald LaPlante Joan Larkin Jill & Michael Lasky Mindy Lauerlevin & Ed Levin Alyce LaViolette Pamela Lawler Rhonda Lawrence Miriam & Eli Lebental Doreen & Bruce Leddy Johanna Leovey Jerry & Eve Lerman Suzann & Jimmy Levine Lawrin & Linda Lewin Mae & Hugh Lichtig Joanne Lindsay Hugh & Gail Linstrom Andria Litto The Taylor Family Foundation Leslie & Adam Lobel Karen & Peter Locke Fran & David Loew Renee Lonner Bryan Lourd Michelle & Tony Maiden Mactarun & Risha Malik Jain Malkin Eric & Eva Plaza Mandel Phillips & Emily Marshall Tracey Martin Gina Martino Laura Maslon Phyllis & Bert Massing

George Mayer Douglas McAvoy, Jr. Kathleen McCarthy John McClure Kelly McDevitt Joel & Sherry McKuin Kathleen McMullin Sharon McQueen Anupama Menon Eileen & Paul Meshekow For Everett Mikelich In Memory of Gregory Millar Julie Miller-Phipps Denise V. Moore Marvin & Jean Moore Dr. Gail Devlin Moradi Howard J. Morris Linda Muccitelli Bill Mullins Anita Nagler Michael & Delight Nasatir Bonnie Nash Stephen Nathan David Neilan Sherri & Arnie Nelson Dan Newman Andrew Newman Helen Nightengale Robert & Anita Nitta Steven & Lori Nolls Doreen & Donald Nortman Susan Oka Louise Olin Adrienne & Arthur Omansky Cory & Bill Oppenheim Sharon Oxborough Jorge Paganin Steven Papazian Sylvia & Robert Paris Edward Parker Sun Parmeshwaran Kelly & Abhilash Patel Mr. & Dr. Don Pestana Susan Petelik Carol F. Phillips Vanessa Pizzuto Darcy Pollack Jack & Jane Pollock Heather M. Porter Susan Poulson Paul Quaranto Gloria & Michael Rausch Kay & Bob Rehme Mike Resnick Marianne Reynolds Linda & Erin Rice Richard Rico Lindy Robbins Susan & Steven Robbins Edwin Robinson Jaime & Linda Rodriguez Julie Rogers Eric Rolnick Robert Rosania Brad & Nancy Rosenberg Margaret Rosenthal Brad Ross

Laurie Ross Michael, Michon & Jackson Roth Becca Rothschild Liz Ryan Terry Ryan Nancy Sacks Noriko Salamon Susan & Wayne San Filippo Tawny & Jerry Sanders Jayne Santino Jennifer Saunders Maxine Savitz Carole & Michael Scheinberg Melanie Scher Chris T. Schmidt Marilyn Schmitter Ian Schorvitz William Schreiber Toni & John Schulman Heidi & Mickey Schulman Linda Schwarz Michael Schiff Marc Scott Marc Seltzer Tony Sepulveda Morton & Marjorie Hansen Shaevitz Barbara Vickery & Martin Shapiro Robin Share Tom & Judy Sharp Phyllis Shephard Muriel F. Sherman Barbara Shum Elizabeth Silberlicht Nancy & Bruce Silverman Ken & Marinette Simon David B. Simons Sandra & Irwin Sitkoff Marlene Sklar & Joel Moskowitz Leah Sklar Steve Slaughter Tricia Small Ethan & Joanna Smith Jon Snow Susan Solomon The Somaini Family Melvin Spears Donald Spradlin Reba St. Clair Andrea & David Stanley M Leslie Stearns Catherine Stern Ms. Sally Stevens Cydney Stewart Frances & Sy Strasberg Frances Strasberg

Arthur Streeter Mr. Kayser Sume & Dr. Renee Sabshin Ann & Paul Sunderland Katherine Sung Neely & Larry Swanson Robin & David Swartz Andrea & Jay Swerdlow Susan Szambelan Katherine Szopa Joanne Takahashi Lance & Maureen Tan Ilisa E. Tanner Gloria Tapanes Tenenbaums & Schoenfelds The Thayer Family Allison Thomas Daniel Tongbai & Henry Clancy William Toth Robert & Tallah Tracy Barbara Tuchi Dr. Gerald D Turbow Karen Van Kirk Richard Vane Robin Venturelli Paul Verdon & Michael Haight The Victor Family Steven Vlasak Julia Wackenheim William Wallace Fern Wallach Chris Walther Andrea Wang Louise Wannier Barry Ward Jill Waterman Andrew & Cathy Watts Teresa & Bill White Mr. & Mrs. Mark Whitman Kelly Weber Williams Donna Weiss Marsha & Steven Weiss Lisa Welch John & Sherry West Aaron Widera Norma & Nancy Wischhusen WME Albert Wolsky Karen Woo Jennifer & Randy Wooster Lisa Yen & Tom Bajoras David & Christine ZeBrack Julie C. Graham, Olivia C. Zeiden, Liam D. Zeiden Will Miller & Anna Ziegler Steven Ziel Laura Zucker & Allan Miller


To report a misspelling or omission in these listings, please contact the Development department at 310.208.6500 ext. 195

G E F F E N P L AY H O U S E 2 5

Matt Shakman

Gil Cates, Jr.





Daniel Ionazzi Producer

Elizabeth Kegley Director of Institutional Giving

Phyllis Schuringa Artistic Associate / Casting Director

Tracy Reich Director of Individual Giving

Abby Weston-Mark Company Manager

Mark San Filippo Director of Donor Stewardship

Olivia O’Connor Literary Manager & Dramaturg

Christine Drew Benjamin Director of Donor Engagement

Amy Levinson Associate Artistic Director

Lexy McAvinchey Artistic Assistant

Sarah Weinberg Director of Development

Jessica Brusilow Rollins Grant Writing Consultant

Carly Plasha Assistant to the Artistic Director

Allie Reasol Development Assistant



Isaac Katzanek Production Manager

Jill Barnes Artistic & Production Administrator J. Jason Daunter Production Supervisor Evan Friedman Technical Director Patty Squibb Assistant Technical Director Alexandre Norkus Gil Cates Theater Stage Supervisor Tyler Brogla Audrey Skirball Kenis Theater Stage Supervisor Rick Gilles Properties Master Karin Rabe Associate Properties Master Audrey Lastar Costume Supervisor Sarah Lindsley Wardrobe Supervisor Julie Cowger Assistant Lighting Supervisor James Grabowski House Sound Supervisor Jake Delgado Associate House Sound Supervisor

Brian Allman Interim Director of Education & Community Engagement Rudy King Manager of Community Engagement Paloma Nozicka Education Associate Sean Michael Boozer, DeJuan Christopher Conner, Lyssa Deehan, Ramy El-Etreby, Tara Ricasa, Maddy Wagner Teaching Artists

MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Patrick Brown Director of Marketing

Zenon Dmytryk Director of Communications Karen Gutierrez Director of Advertising & Audience Development Brian Dunning Director of Content & Creative Zack Hamra Associate Director of Audience Services & Ticketing Kevin O’Brien Marketing Manager


Isaak Berliner Social Media & Communications Manager

Berenice Campos Director of Human Resources

Alyssa Tyson Box Office Manager

Behnaz Ataee Chief Financial Officer

Peter Banachowski Accounting Manager Youra Kim Junior Accountant

Janice Bernal Box Office Manager

Vaneh Assadourian Assistant Box Office Manager & House Seat Manager

Brianna Barrett, Jacob Feller, Sean James, Alan Kistler, Lauren Machain, Sara Turken, Yua Watanabe, Dennis Woullard Box Office Staff


Jeni Pearsons Director of Operations Mel Yonzon Front of House Manager Amy Farkas Lead Concierge Rob Mersola Event Manager Adam Carr Hospitality Captain Sarah Chute, Anya Pryjmak, Emir Yonzon Part Time House Managers Sam Baker, Ron Burch, Sigourney Chin, Savanna Chute, Ki Duncan, Elizabeth Fritsch, Tony Jose Garcia, Joe Maldonado, Simon Martin, Adam Simers, Kari Solum, Taneal Williams Guest Services Brynn Allen, Lulu Altabbakh, Anya Banerjee, Hannah Battersby, Blaire Battle, Halet Bronzino, Marlon Campos, Enzo De Cunto, Cecily Dowd, Hector Eribez, Sydney Fleischman, Charlene Herrella, Alejandro Hernandez, Aja Hinds, Keo Lacebol, Alia Maboob, Clayton McInerney, Austin Merrill, Ana Nguyen, Autumn Oymade, Elena Scaring-Peene, Angel Tolentino, Areaney Tolentino, Steven Vargas, Ben Wendel, Lanae Wilks, Paulyne Youri Ushers


Karim Bouzzit Cloud System Administrator Dream Warrior Group System Administrator


Art Guillen Facilities Manager Martin Ayala, Felipe Ayala Building Maintenance Mario Santillan-Perez Custodial Juan Carlos Umaña, Camerina Martinez Cleaning Custodial

Clay Dzygun Office Coordinator

Geffen Playhouse is supported, in part, by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors through the Los Angeles County Arts Commission.

Marguerite Harris Receptionist

This project was also funded in part by the Department of Cultural Affairs, City of Los Angeles.

2 6 P L AY B I L L

Geffen Playhouse, a not-for-profit theater company, is proudly affiliated with the University of California at Los Angeles.

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