How (and why) to click high quality images for your e-commerce store

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Before we jump to how to click high quality images of your products, ask yourself one question. When you visit an e-commerce website, what are some of the few things that make you want to stay on the site or leave it? We expect one of those answers to be “Good, clear images of products”.

The Why If you see poor imagery on an e-commerce site, you might think that the seller has something to hide about the product or perhaps the condition or quality of the product will not be good. High quality product images on an e-commerce site are important for the following reasons They help customers trust your site more “A picture is worth a thousand words” — they help convey a lot of visual information about your product like material, dimensions, colours etc. If your product is offered on a site against other competitors, having high quality images will increase your chance of being noticed High quality images are share worthy on social media. According to this study by Forbes, nearly 81% of consumers’ purchase decisions are influenced by their friends’ social media posts

The How Now that you know the importance of having high quality images on your site, let us look at the key features all product images should have on your site. You should have a plain, preferably white background so that the product is well highlighted.

Products under same category should all have same level of zoom-in. For example, you shouldn’t click an image 5 feet away from your product and others just 1 foot away. The lighting should be soft and even. Do not have any shadow fall on your product. You might need to retouch the image after clicking.

Place your product in the center of the image Show you product from different angles so your customers get the complete idea of what it looks like

If possible, have a model (or yourself) get clicked wearing your product to give the user a better idea of what it will look like on a body. In essence, try including images of your product being used if you think it will help users get a better idea of your product’s fit.

End Notes Having high quality images on your site is extremely crucial to drive sales and get more visitors. Make sure you at least follow the above mentioned steps and do let us know in the comment section if there’s anything extra you think we should be adding to the list.

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