Middlefield Post 1-27-22

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Wednesday, January 26, 2022 • Vol. 14 No. 19 • FREE

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Community News from Middlefield, Parkman, Huntsburg and Surrounding Areas

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Middlef ield Snowmobiles Denied Access to Bike Path By Ann Wishart ann@geaugamapleleaf.com


Middlefield Village Mayor Ben Garlich, left, presented a proclamation of appreciation to attorney Tom Lee Jan. 13. Lee has served as legal counsel to the village for nearly 30 years.

The possibility of snowmobiles being operated on the Maple Highlands Trail in Middlefield Village evaporated Jan. 13 just days ahead of the first significant snowstorm of the season. Village Mayor Ben Garlich, opposed to the proposal by local snowmobilers in October, reconsidered his stance in December, then circled back to his original position last Thursday during the council meeting. “I’ve changed my mind. It’s not going to work like I thought it would,” he told council. In December, members of the local chapter of the Ohio State Snowmobile Association returned

to the council meeting saying they could ride on the berm of the 1.8mile asphalted length from Burton Windsor Road to downtown Middlefield. They presented pictures and measurements to convince Garlich and council they could drive safely and would not scare horses pulling Amish buggies along the bike path. Garlich said he talked to council member Sam Morrow, who walks the trail often and now understands the path cannot accommodate buggies and snowmobiles. Police Chief Joe Tucholski noted the berm does not measure 52 inches in some places, which is what the club members said they need to stay off the asphalt. See Council • Page 10

O’Brien’s Last-Second Shot Lifts Huskies Past Rival By Haley Adams sports@geaugamapleleaf.com

Berkshire was two minutes away from sealing the victory over rival Cardinal — the Badgers up 10 and minutes away from capturing their third straight victory over the Huskies. But the win, thanks to a last-second three by junior Ty O’Brien, would go to the Huskies this time, 59-58. It was the sharp-shooting Badgers that jumped out to a 30-22 lead at halftime. Sophomore Miles Miller led the way with 11 points in the first half. Teammate Mason Mendolera chipped in with nine, including eight in the second quarter alone. Under Badgers Head Coach Ryan Dickard, with a hot-starting offense and a stingy defense, Berkshire outscored its opponent 21-13 in the second quarter. Long-time Cardinal Head Coach Jon Cummins called a timeout with 5:02 remaining and made an important substitution: junior Ty O’Brien would enter the game, knock down a big-time 3-pointer, his first of the night, and retake the lead 16-15 with 4:30 remaining. Miller hit one of four threes on the evening before the half, pushing the Badgers’ lead to 2116 with three minutes remaining.


Cardinal’s Ty O’Brien watches as he knocks down this 3-pointer to give the Huskies a 59-58 win at Berkshire despite the fact that Berkshire led most of the game.

Sophomore Jack Hastings took a trip to the free throw line, splitting a pair, but an offensive rebound by the Badgers allowed senior center Ethan Bryndal to connect on three,

pushing the lead to nine, 25-16. With less than a minute left in the half, Bryndal and Cardinal’s Troy Domen exchange threes. Despite the momentum Domen cre-

ated, Cardinal faced an eight-point deficit. Picking up where he left off after halftime, sophomore Domen See Basketball • Page 10


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Middlefield Post

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Middlefield Post

A Glimpse of Yesteryear

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karlovec Editorial Office 101 South Street P.O. Box 1166 Chardon, Ohio 44024 Phone 440-285-2013 FAX 440-285-2015 editor@geaugamapleleaf.com Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday - Friday

group Advertising Office 8389 Mayfield Road, Suite B5 Chesterland, Ohio 44026 Phone 440-729-7667 FAX 440-729-8240 ads@geaugamapleleaf.com Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday Closed Wednesday

Jeffrey B. Karlovec, Publisher John D. Karlovec, Editor Pamela J. Molnar, Production Supervisor Cassandra C. Shofar, News Editor Gayle Mantush, Sales Representative Jamie A. Ward, Sports Editor Barb Fontanelle, Sales Representative Beverly Thompson, Front Desk Clinton Sestak, Sales Representative Karen S. Kaplan, Graphic Design

Deadlines • Editorial submissions are printed as space is available, at the publisher’s discretion, and may be edited for

By Rick Seyer The above view is the Middlefield I remember as a kid growing up in the 1950s. It is the south side of East High Street where Middlefield Bank’s parking lot is now located. MIDDLEFIELD 5 & $1.00 store was owned by Maude Lorson, with the help of her two sons, Rich and Earl Warne. EDITH RITCHIE Dry Goods and Ladies Apparel was next. Located in the basement of the same building as LORSON’S GOLDEN DAWN grocery store, owned by Clarence Lorson, was the NIBBLE NOOK, a small restaurant, and on the second floor was the K of P LODGE. Next was MIDDLEFIELD HARDWARE,

owned by Charlie Harrington, and then the MIDDLEFIELD BANKING COMPANY. All of these building were torn down in the 1980s. The below photo shows a rally going on in downtown Middlefield, probably just after the turn of the century. There are no cars and the street is still dirt. Everyone appears to be dressed up for the occasion, as was always the case when you came to town in this era. The creamery was where the Metzenbaum Sheltered Industries store is now located. The drug store was on the corner where the fountain park is now located. The hardware store was on the corner where Mural Park is located. The pool hall is Middlefield Tavern and the restaurant is the current Pedego bike shop.

length, clarity and grammar. All submissions are due by noon on the Friday prior to the Wednesday publication date for consideration for that edition. • Email all editorial submissions to editor@geaugamapleleaf.com. • The space reservation deadline for paid advertisements in that week’s Middlefield Post is 4 p.m. on the Thursday prior to publication. Late ads may be accepted at the discretion of management. • Email advertising requests and questions to ads@geaugamapleleaf.com.

Circulation • The Middlefield Post is distributed for free to homes and businesses in the communities of Middlefield, Park-

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Middlef ield Community News from Middlefield, Parkman, Huntsburg and Surrounding Areas


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Middlefield Post

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Faith Matters The Prayer of a Man Named “Pain” I am intrigued by the story of Jabez. Poor around you? Would you like that to happen guy, his name means “he causes pain.” His more and more? Jabez pursued a life with a mother gave him that name after his delivery widening sphere of influence. that was above and beyond the usual pain of Another part of Jabez’ prayer was for prochild birth. Maybe Jabez was born via a stub- tection and deliverance. He said, “Let your born breach birth or other complications. hand be with me and keep me from harm, so What we know about Jabez is limited to that I will be free from pain.” Jabez realized a couple verses in 1 Chronicles 4. The Bible that there are many things in this world that says that he was “more honorable can go wrong. Other people can than his brothers.” Apparently, he knowingly and unknowingly inflict lived his life with a good morality harm and bring us pain. The devil and integrity. is also working to bring us down. However, there was more. No wonder Jesus told us to pray, Jabez’ character was rooted in “Deliver us from evil and lead us his faith in God. Prayer was an not into temptation.” important avenue of his spiritual None of us want pain. But for life. In fact, when he prayed he Jabez, it was personal! After all, “cried out to God” earnestly. It By Roger Kruse his very name was a constant rewas not a casual prayer. Jabez was desperate minder of the bad news of pain. I wonder if with his entreaty. his desire to be free its grip wasn’t the cry of That reminds us of God’s promise that we a man who sometimes felt trapped by what will “seek God and find Him, when we do so people thought when they heard his name. with all our heart.” God delights in those who No doubt, Jabez yearned for a life where dispursue Him with a spiritual zeal and have a pas- comfort and suffering were no longer in the sion for His intervention. Jabez was such a man. picture. He was casting off the moniker of Jabez also prayed that God would “bless” pain and seeking to define his life in terms of him. He recognized that God had the power God’s blessings. to extend his benevolent hand toward him The parting words concerning Jabez’ and bestow touches of providential favor. He prayer were simply, “and God granted his needed and wanted God’s approval, involve- request.” Wow, answered prayer! Isn’t that ment and dynamic help. He looked to God to what we all want? make a real difference in his daily life, future Did you know that God always answers outcomes and long term legacy. prayer? When are hearts are in harmony with How about you? Does everything depend His will, the Lord says, “Yes.” When His wise upon you, or are you asking God to step in and sovereign purposes need more time to and make His wisdom and power count in unfold, He says, “Wait.” If our request is off your life? base and counter-productive for us according Jabez was not content with the status quo. to God’s good will, He says, “No.” There will He also asked God to “enlarge his territory.” always be some element of mystery to prayer. In other words, he wanted greater influence But the prayer of Jabez, as well as yours and and more potential to impact other lives. It was mine, is “powerful and effective” when we ofnot just a selfish prayer to grow his own little fer it fervently in faith. kingdom. Jabez wanted his life to be a blessing to others. He wanted a larger platform from After 3 months, Roger Kruse is seeing which he could be an instrument for good. God’s answer to his prayers unfold. Faith grows Do you ever contemplate how the Lord deeper and stubborn pain diminishes. Thank could use you to encourage or help people you, Lord.

Middlefield Post

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Town Crier Meal Delivery Volunteers Needed

The Geauga County Department on Aging is in need of Home Delivered Meal (HDM) drivers in the Middlefield area. The meal routes start at the senior center, 15820 Ridgewood Road. The HDM program delivers warm, nutritious lunches from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday through Friday to homebound seniors in the community. The department on aging is looking for area agencies, organizations, church groups and individuals 18 years old or over with a valid driver’s license. Training includes filing volunteer paperwork and a short orientation. Volunteers can deliver meals on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly or as needed/substitute basis. For more information or to register as a volunteer, call Kristen Bibby at 440-279-2138 or email kbibby@co.geauga.oh.us.

Coffee Connection

Feb. 2, 7:45 a.m. Join for free coffee and networking with Middlefield Chamber of Commerce during its Coffee Connection held at C’s Café the first Wednesday of each month. The meeting sponsor is Woodsong Homes, Carole Drabek. For information, call 440-632-5705.

Beneficial Insects Webinar

Feb. 2, 7-8 p.m. Geauga County Master Gardener Volunteers will host a free webinar with Summit County Master Gardener Jeanne Poremski.

Learn about all the amazing insects that visit flowers. The virtual program is sponsored jointly with the Native Plant Society. Register with Wendy by Jan. 30 at go.osu.edu/beneficialinsects to receive the Zoom link. For more information, call the OSU Extension office at 440-834-4656.

FGP Explorers Series

Feb. 5, 10:30 a.m. Join Foundation for Geauga Parks to hike the Pioneer Bridle Trail in The West Woods, 9465 Kinsman Road, Russell Township. Dress for the weather and choose suitable footwear, including, poles, crampons or other accessories. Snowshoes are available for loan from the nature center while supplies last. Call 440-564-1048 for information.

Geauga Skywatchers

Feb. 7, 6:30-7:30 p.m. Join Skywatchers for “Godspeed John Glenn,” a virtual fact-filled, in-depth review of one of the country’s greatest heroes. Honor Glenn and celebrate the 60th anniversary of America’s first orbital space flight. Registration is required; visit www.GeaugaLibrary.libcal.

Life Recovery 12 Step Meeting

Fridays, 6:30-8 p.m. The open group for men and women meets weekly at Horizons Christian Assembly, 14920 White Road in Middlefield and welcomes anyone struggling with alcoholism,

addiction, depression, so-dependency or any other habit that lessens the quality of life. The group offers support, encouragement, fellowship and discipleship. Learn more at horizons4you.com/life-recovery.

Spring Tree Sale

April 22 and 23 Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is holding its spring tree sale. The sale offers a streamlined selection of both bareroot seedlings and 1-3 gallon container trees and shrubs. Rain barrels are also available. For more information, tree descriptions and to place orders, visit geaugaswcd.com. Order deadline is April 1. Orders are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. The tree sale pickup dates are April 22, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., and April 23, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Geauga County Fairgrounds in Burton. Questions? Call 440-8341122.

Chardon VFW Pancake Breakfasts

Sundays, 8 a.m. to noon Chardon VFW Post 6519 will be serving its annual pancake breakfasts every Sunday through April 10 at the post located at 752 Water St. in Chardon. Senior and kids menus are available. Breakfast features four flavors of pancakes, French toast, eggs made to order, sausage, bacon, ham, home fries, toast and beverages. Call 440-285-3699 for takeout orders.

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Tax Assistance Offered Tax assistance will again be available to Geauga County seniors, 60 years of age and older, at the Geauga County Department on Aging, located at 470 Center Street, Building 2, Chardon. The free service is available by appointment only, through April 8. Tax assistance will be available from Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) trained and certified personnel. Tax preparers will be using the electronic E-filing method. The volunteers who help prepare taxes will need two forms of identification from each taxpayer who is receiving tax assistance. One of the forms of identification must be photo identification such as a passport, U.S. driver’s license, state identification card or military identification card. The second identification form can be an original or a copy of one’s social security card, ITIN card or letter, if applicable. Do not discard the end of year Social Security statement as it indicates the benefits one has received. Seniors will have the option to have their refund deposited directly into the bank account of their choice. Bring bank routing and account numbers to the appointment. In addition, bring along tax forms, bank statements, receipts, end of year Social Security statement, W2s, 2020 tax return for comparison. Tax appointments are limited. To schedule an appointment for tax assistance, call 440-279-2130.

Middlefield Post

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Cardinal’s Ripley Wins 165 Pounds


Cardinal junior Josh Ripley went 3-1 in solo matches at 165 pounds during Berkshire’s Battle for the Belt Jan. 22. Here, Ripley pins Vermillon’s Wyatt Great, a sophomore. Andrew Tucholski finished 3rd place at 215 pounds.

Community Meetings Listed are public meetings and executive sessions in Huntsburg, Middlefield and Parkman townships, the Village of Middlefield and Cardinal Schools for the coming weeks. (Please note: These meeting notices are NOT legal notices.) Huntsburg Township: Feb. 1, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings held at the Town Hall, 16534 Mayfield Road. Middlefield Village: Feb. 8, 5:30 p.m. – Streets, Sidewalks & Utilities, 7 p.m. – Planning Commission; Feb. 10, 5:30 p.m. –

Recreation, 6 p.m. – Finance & Ordinance, 6:30 p.m. – Safety, 7 p.m. – Village Council. All meetings are at the Municipal Center, 14860 N. State Ave. Parkman Township: Feb. 1, 7 p.m., Board of Trustees. All meetings are held at the Community House, 16295 Main Market Road, unless otherwise noted. Cardinal BOE: Jan. 26, 6:30 p.m., work session; Feb. 9, 6:30 p.m., regular meeting. All meetings held at BOE Office, 15982 E. High St., Middlefield, unless otherwise indicated.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Who Is Geauga Credit Union, Inc? Submitted In 1956, a group of educators in Geauga County decided to create a credit union for school employees, thus the foundation of the Geauga School Employees Credit Union. Little did they realize, sixty-five plus years later, after the name was changed to the Geauga Credit Union, Inc., would be serving people who live, work, go to church or school in Geauga, Ashtabula, Portage and Trumbull Counties. Initially, membership was only open to Geauga County school employees along with Geauga County government employees and their families. Credit unions have charters, or fields of membership which specify groups that may be included in membership. Geauga Credit Union expanded their field of membership many times, first by adding “Select Employee Groups.” In 1990, Johnson Rubber’s own Maple Leaf Federal Credit Union was dissolved and became part of Geauga Credit Union. Eventually, in 1992, Geauga Credit Union’s field of membership expanded to include anyone who lives or works in Geauga County. In late 2016, Geauga Credit Union, Inc.’s charter was expanded to include people residing, working, going to church or in school in Geauga, Ashtabula, Portage and Trumbull Counties. GCU has been in Burton for several decades; beginning in 1968 on Main Street in the upstairs of the Northeast block, moving in 1978 to the Spring Street Professional Building and then taking over the “Hansel’s Golden Dawn” in 1989 above Brockway Bond Insurance. GCU built and moved into their spacious brick building, known as the Tom Briggs Building, across from Berkshire HS in 2008, and to this day, remains in that location. Through all these locations and moves, they continued

to grow in membership and deposit base, currently hovering around $65 million. Their largest growth spurt came just after the move to their current location as they had become more visible, and the “recession” had many people turning to credit unions. GCU is staffed by seven full time employees and three part time employees. Everyone is cross trained to other duties and most employees wear several hats. Unlike other for-profit financial institutions, GCU is not-forprofit, and its Board of Directors are non-compensated volunteers. Loans to members are the mainstay of GCU and all decisions are made on site, either by a loan officer or by a loan committee. Typical to credit unions, GCU can often help someone obtain a loan that was turned down at another financial institution. Credit Unions have the philosophy of “People Helping People,” and GCU follows that philosophy every day. Not only are they involved in selling candy bars and collecting food for the local food pantries, but many staff are also involved in many charitable and community organizations. We are member owned and cannot be sold nor will the office be closed. We will continue to maintain a local office in Burton, Ohio and will continue to serve the surrounding counties. Your deposit accounts are federally insured at Geauga Credit Union, Inc., up to $250,000.00 thru NCUA, (National Credit Union Association) a government agency for credit unions as FDIC is for banks. We follow the Credit Union philosophy of “Not for Profit, Not for Charity, But for Service.” Interested in more information, feel free to stop in our office at 14499 N Cheshire St., Burton, Ohio 44021 or call us at 440-8344327 or 1-800-333-5971.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Middlefield Post

Dog License Tag Deadline is Jan. 31 Dog owners are reminded the deadline for 2022 dog license tags is Jan. 31. Licenses purchased on or before Jan. 31 are $15. A $15 penalty is added to all licenses purchased after the deadline. Checks should be made payable to Geauga County Auditor. Owners of new dogs can purchase their tags any time during the year at the auditor’s office, at any of its outlying agents, or by mail. Applications and licenses are also available at

www.auditor.co.geauga.oh.us. A fee of $1 per transaction will be assessed. Send application and $15 fee to Geauga County Auditor, Courthouse Annex, 231 Main St., Suite 1A, Chardon, OH 44024. The Geauga County Auditor’s Office is open Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. For more information, call the auditor’s office at 440-279-1600 ext. 1614 or direct line 440-279-1614.

Plantar Fasciitis: What It Is and How a Doctor of Physical Therapy Can Help By Dr. Adam M. Cramer If the first step of your morning sends intense pain shooting through your body, you are likely coping with the unpleasant condition known as plantar fasciitis. This is a situation in which your plantar fascia, a fibrous tissue running along your foot’s bottom, has become inflamed. It is worse in the morning, which is why those first steps are usually a good indicator of what has gone wrong. Fortunately, physical therapy performed by a doctor of physical therapy is an effective course of action to reduce the pain and heal the foot. In fact, 95 percent of cases are healed effectively without surgery. What happens in your foot when you have plantar fasciitis? The pain is caused by the inflammation of the plantar fascia, which is a thick band of fibrous tissue running along the bottom of your foot, connecting your heel bone to your toes. Besides causing severe pain, plantar fasciitis can limit your range of motion and seriously impact your quality of life especially if your hobby is walking or you are a professional athlete. While the stabbing morning pain subsides someone as the day goes on, it intensifies if you stand for long periods of time or step on your foot after you have been sitting for some time. You can exercise, and the pain seems at bay, and then when you rest afterwards, it gets worse.

Why you need to get it under control

Even if you did have the mental stamina to ignore the pain, you should’t. Ignoring the pain can result in developing chronic heel pain that could ultimately lead to foot, knee, hip or back problems. People who try to tough it out on their own respond by getting off their feet and their subsequent inactivity can prompt weight gains and limiting lifestyles. Lack of exercise can create other health issues in itself.

How physical therapists can help you

When you seek help from your Doctor of physical therapy, they will work with you to reduce the inflammation and pain through hands on manual mobility treatments, strengthen your foot and then teach you how to treat it independently once under control. You will be given a series of specially prescribed stretches to stretch the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon and then to strengthen your lower leg muscles. Using heat therapy and laser therapy is key to enhancing blood flow and promoting mobility. At MyoFit Clinic we utilize the instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization tools to enhance mobility of the plantar fascia. In extreme cases dry needling is very effective at reducing all symptoms immediately with extended pain relief benefits.

Guarding foot health is important

We recommend physical therapy provided by a doctor of physical therapy as quickly as possible after you suspect you have plantar fasciitis, and that is because we know we can help and we recognize the vital importance of foot health to overall health and wellness. Don’t waste your time on injections, immobilizing boots or nighttime splints. These will not help you to completely get rid of your symptoms, see a physical therapist first where no referral is required and treatment is covered by insurance if you want to completely eliminate your symptoms fast. The average person walks an estimated 150,000 miles in their lifetime, which is roughly the equivalent of walking around the world six times. You still have miles to go, and you want to make those miles without pain. Dr. Adam M. Cramer, PT, DPT, is a licensed physical therapist, pain specialist and founder CEO of MyoFit Clinics in Chardon, Ashtabula & Middlefield, Ohio. Call 440-2861007 for a consultation. MyoFitClinic.com

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Middlefield Post

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Geauga Public Library Programs require registration unless otherwise noted. Visit www.geaugalibrary.net or call Middlefield, 440-632-1961 or Thompson, 440298-3831.

Medicare 101

Jan. 31, 6 p.m. • Thompson Kathy Petrella, from the Geauga County Department on Aging, will discuss the basics about out how Medicare works and what coverage options may be best.

Beginners Beekeeping Series

Wednesdays, 6:30-8:30 p.m. • Middlefield Join Trish the Beekeeper. Feb. 2: Get tips on getting the gear, learning the lingo and siting bees on one’s property. Feb. 9: Learn about buying bees and installing them in the hive. Feb. 16: Get tips on the first beekeeping weeks and how to manage the hive.

Teen and Tweens Night

Feb. 3, 6-8 p.m. • Thompson Teens may join for games, movies and pizza the first and third Thursday night of every month.

Bigfoot Mushrooms

Feb. 3, 6 p.m. • Middlefield Learn the basics of mushroom growing.

Wildlife in Winter

Feb. 8, 6 p.m. • Thompson Geauga Soil and Water Conservation District will discuss how native Ohio critters survive in winter. All ages.

Mystery Book Discussion

Feb. 8, 2 p.m. • Thompson Join for a tour of mysteries from all over the world while discussing “Murder at the Vicarage” by Agatha Christie.

Valentine’s Day: Card Crafting

Feb. 9, 2 p.m. • Middlefield    Teens in grades 6-12 will transform pieces of construction paper into heartfelt messages and learn how to make pop-up cards.

Book Discussion

Feb. 10, 5:30 p.m. • Middlefield “The Life We Bury” by Allen Eskens.

LEAF College Tuition Planning

Feb. 10, 6:30 p.m. • Thompson Join advisor Kim Greene from the Lake/ Geauga Educational Assistance Foundation as she offers advice and guidance to parents and students on navigating through the college financial aid process.

Geauga Park District For more information and registration, contact the park district at 440-286-9516 or visit www.geaugaparkdistrict.org. No registration required unless otherwise noted.

Winter At Observatory Park

Observatory Park in Montville Township is open daily 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. now through Memorial Day. Guided night sky viewings on the park’s main campus are open for registration Fridays and Saturdays, Jan. 28 and 29, Feb. 11, 12, 25 and 26 and March 11, 12, 25 and 26. Members of the Chagrin Valley Astronomical Society will also host walk-up night sky viewings at Nassau Astronomical Station, which is accessed by a different entrance to the park, on Feb. 19 and March 19 from 7-11 p.m. Free astronomy lessons are available from 7-8 p.m. Feb. 11 (Dark Matter Discoveries) and March 11 (Find Your Way By the Stars). Kids ages 3-5 can register to enjoy Astrotots: Constellation Celebration on Feb. 4 or 5. Meet the magical creatures that hang overhead

in the night sky during a planetarium show and make a simple telescope to take home. Visit geaugalibrary.libcal.com to register for Geauga Skywatchers meetings, which are held either at a county library or online. Upcoming meetings include “Godspeed, John Glenn!” on Feb. 7 and Make a Star Pointer on March 7. And finally, “Astro-Nat” Chris Mentrek will continue to open the Robert McCullough Science Center for his famous Sky Tonight Planetarium Shows on Sundays, Jan. 30, Feb. 27 and March 27. Register in advance for a 45-minute time slot.

Free Snowshoe Borrowing

First-come, first-served snowshoe borrowing is still free for Geauga County residents at The West Woods Nature Center in Russell Township. Borrowing can take place any time from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and last up to two hours, with all snowshoes returned by 4 p.m. One must be at least 18 years old to check out a pair; anyone younger must be accompanied by an adult. Youth sizes are available.

Middlefield Post

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Real Estate Transfers Following is a list of area real estate transfers for the weeks ending Jan. 7 and Jan. 14, 2021, provided as a public service by the Geauga County Auditor’s Office. Transfers may involve the sale of land only. HUNTSBURG TOWNSHIP Charles K. Jr. and Denise M. Walsh, 16444 Mayfield Road, to Romy Vaughn and Adam Miller, $150,000. (1.55 acres) Steven R. and Michelle Peters, 15565 Windmill Point Road, to Jason T. and Sarah K. Thiel, $353,000. (3.21 acres) Mahlon M. Jr. and Linda M. Miller, 16760

Burton Windsor Road, to Lester M. and Amanda J. Miller, $250,000. (23.30 acres) MIDDLEFIELD TOWNSHIP Melvin A., Laura A. and Daniel A. Miller, 16934 Bridge Road, to Melvin A. and Laura A. Miller, $86,300. (20.01 acres) PARKMAN TOWNSHIP Alan and Dawn M. Mighton, 17506 Madison Road, to James Fakult, $353,000. (4.09 acres) Robert D. and Linda U. Byler, 16380 Doty Road, to Mervin R. and Malinda M. Shrock, $400,000. (11.00 acres)

Police Blotter The following is a sampling of the calls handled by the Middlefield Village Police Department, Jan. 4-20, 2022. CITIZEN ASSIST Jan. 9 1:42 a.m., South State Avenue. Caller is asking if he and his friend could get a ride home. It is raining. Offered to pay. Unable to contact any taxi drivers due to hours. Transported to residence without incident. CITIZEN DISPUTE Jan. 15 1:21 p.m., Pierce Street. Officers dispatched to Briar Hill for an upset male who was upset he was not allowed in building without a mask on. Upon arrival, officers spoke with male in parking lot. He wanted to see a family member in the facility and drop something off, but was not allowed in building without a mask on. Male told it was private property and a medical facility, and that if he put a mask on he could go see his family member. Male would not comply and kept referring to the “Ruremberg” law. He would not listen and kept talking over officers. Officers said they were not going to continue and if he had no further business then it was time to leave. Male got back in his truck and left. No further police action. DISORDERLY Jan. 12 9:38 p.m., West High Street, Middlefield. Customer being rude and disrespectful in the drive-thru. They are now doing burn outs in the parking lot. No vehicle description. Three young males in a silver Jeep. No threats made; harassing comments to workers.

FRAUD Jan. 16 2:21 p.m., Linda Avenue. Was scammed out of money for puppies. LOST PROPERTY Jan. 13 8:08 a.m., West High Street. While at the car wash between BT Oil and Walmart, the caller fell and may have lost her wedding ring. Gold wedding band with soldered engagement ring with one large stone. If located, call complainant. Checked the wash bays behind BT Oil. Contacted female, who is unsure if she lost the ring while washing the car. She currently is checking her house and car for the ring, and will call if she finds it. Clear. Nothing further at this time. SUSPICIOUS Jan. 10 12:21 p.m., West High Street. Caller noticed behind Dollar General by the car wash a dark sedan pulled up the dumpster and took out two brown packages from the dumpster and left. No license plate. UTL/ GOA. TRESPASSING Jan. 18 6:41 p.m., Pierce Street. Male is in 400 Hall and is not supposed to be there. Caller said male was escorted out over weekend. Complaint of too many people not wearing proper PPE garments in patient’s room. Officer advised Amish family of 8 of the requirements and they complied without incident. Subject male was not there and had not been trespassed from location.

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Middlefield Post

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Council from page 1

“There are too many skinny spots,” he said, adding the machines could only use the berm on about half the trail. One argument club members used was that Geauga Park District allows snowmobiles in other parks, but council member Bill Blue said there is a big difference on the Middlefield sections of the trail. “The rest of the park district doesn’t have buggies,” he said. Council member Rick Seyer agreed.

Basketball from page 1

knocked down his fourth three on the evening to make the score 30-25, but within two minutes, Coach Dickard’s team was knocking down back-to-back threes. The Huskies applied full-court pressure, while Berkshire’s defense put a stop to the Huskies’ hot shooting behind the arc with its 2-3 zone defense. At the end of the third, it was 43-31, with Berkshire outscoring Cardinal in the quarter 13-9. Ultimately, Cummins’ team needed to find a way to crawl back into the contest. Coach Dickard called a timeout with 5:52 left. His team led, 47-33. Out of timeout, Domen intercepted the pass and quickly scored two points. On the next offensive position, he hit a much-needed three to pull his team within nine. And down the stretch, Cardinal got streaky at the free throw line, going 7-13 with less than four minutes remaining.

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

“It won’t work with snowmobiles and horses side by side,” he said. Garlich said he has heard from a variety of people on the prospect of snowmobiles on the path and, although he considered allowing access a few months ago, his opinion has changed. “The Amish are spending money here. They are very important to our economy. Our merchants depend on their trade,” he said, reiterating his earlier concern that horses pulling buggies could react dangerously to snowmobiles on the path. “If we stop it after one accident, it’s too late.” In other business, Garlich presented certificates of appreciation to Ohman Family Liv-

ing at Briar Hill owner Andy Ohman and to attorney Tom Lee who has represented the village since 1981. While presenting the proclamation to Ohman, Garlich shared the family started its business with Holly Hill, a nine-bed facility, and expanded to Holly Hill Newbury in 1967. The Middlefield campus has expanded to 10 acres, including a transitional care unit with 24 private rooms, a therapy gym and accommodations for short-term rehabilitation patients. He praised the family for investing in the community and beautifying the properties just north of the village center. “The mayor and council recognize Ohman

Family Living at Briar as a model of senior living and the latest in patient care. Your reputation is stellar,” Garlich said. He also recognized Lee for his service to the village for 29 years. Lee could be seen sitting beside Garlich at most council meetings, interjecting advice as needed and sometimes arguing with the mayor. “At times, I thought Tom ran the village,” Garlich joked. “Our work relationship has been phenomenal. It’s been an amazing ride.” He acknowledged Lee’s tremendous knowledge and background and said Lee will be counseling the village on special projects.

Jake Bean scored a team-high 10 points in the fourth quarter, eight with under two minutes left to play, including one of the biggest shots of his career. Right after, his teammate O’Brien came off the bench and connected on a four-point play. With a hand in his face, O’Brien launched a three, then finished the play, sinking his free throw. The Huskies had their first lead since the early minutes of the second quarter. Behind Bean, and O’Brien’s hot shot, the Badgers were forced to call a timeout with 48 seconds remaining. Junior Joey Czekaj had a chance to extend the lead to three, but missed his free throw opportunity, and the basketball would be rewarded to Domen on the defensive rebound. The Badgers fouled Domen and sent him to the line. Connecting on the first one, Domen tied the game at 56. He got his own rebound on the second shot, but missed on a floater. Senior Issac Potter and his teammates got down the court before the Huskies’ defense and scored on a turnaround jumper on the block. The Badgers now led 58-56 with

less than 10 seconds remaining. That’s when it happened. Coach Cummins drew up a play designed for Bean during timeout. But the Badgers kept the ball out of his hands, so it was inbounded to the next Husky in line: O’Brien. When O’Brien knocked down his third 3-pointer of the evening, suddenly Cardinal had the lead with 2.3 seconds remaining. “The play that was drawn up was for me to get the ball, but not to shoot it,” O’Brien said. “I was the third option — first Jake (Bean) and then Troy (Domen). I honestly thought I missed it, but it went in.” Quickly the Badgers called a timeout, allowing them to get to half court before Bean deflected the basketball. Coach Dickard called another timeout to see what type of defense his opponent would be in. But the Badgers inbounded the ball and, down on the block, Bean would block the final shot, allowing the Huskies to get their first win over their rival in two years. “We are looking good as a young program, and we’ll build off of that,” O’Brien said. The youthful Huskies are just one game

above .500, but their record doesn’t reflect their potential. Cardinal lost to Independence in the waning seconds, 65-64. Games against Garrettsville and Chardon were lost by a combination of eight points. “We had to believe in ourselves,” Domen said. “The last couple games, we’ve lost by one or two points, and it hurt us. We didn’t like that feeling and we decided to pick it up, and played a lot better.” Domen led his team with 24 points, including a team-high five threes. O’Brien provided 10 points off the bench, while Bean pitched in with 14. Junior Ethan Detweiler orchestrated the offense with seven points. Paul Gall and Anthony Soltis both added two. On the other side, Miller led the way with 17 points, and Ethan Bryndal and Issac Potter added 12 and 10, respectively. Jack Hastings, Joey Czekaj and Mason Mendolera combined for 17. Cardinal would next face Wickliffe and Cuyahoga Heights, two key CVC matchups, while Berkshire faced Grand Valley, Kirtland and Trinity.

Middlefield Post

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

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Classifieds AUTOS & PARTS

Ford 9N rebuilt engine new clutch assembly & flywheel. Lots of new parts and paint. $3,100. John Deere snow blower used very little, works real nice. $225. 440-313-5896. Black metal king canopy bed with frame, and box springs never used still in the plastic wrap. 440-688-4041.


FOR RENT NEWBURY: 3-bd, 1.5-ba, Condo, West Geauga Schools, newly renovated, kitchen appliances. $1,200/month plus security. Call 440-279-3160, includes lawn mowing and snowplowing. Auburn Twp Studio Apt for Rent. No Smoking. No Pets. Heat, Trash, Snow Removal & Lawn Care Included. Quiet Country Setting. Kenston School District. $700/month. Contact Lou @ 440-3363537.

Marketplace Mall in Middlefield is looking for vendors, retailers, artisans and crafters with unique and quality merchandise. Call 440-313-8147 for more information. If you need to have a moving sale or estate sale. Call Kathy Willis at 440-8403226.

HELP WANTED Looking for roofers. Salary based on performance. 440-749-0498.

SERVICES Joe Eicher doing roofing, siding, remodeling, cleanout houses, we do most anything. Call between 8a-4p, 440-813-4272. No answer, leave message. Offering special discounts for interior and exterior painting and staining this season. 20+ years experience. Professional and insured. Call Dan 440-342-4552. Van w/hitch taxi service. All hours. Opening for a crew. Call James 440-3217555. Bill Herrick is ready for spring house liquidator sales. Are you? 440-834-2787.


John’s Plumbing: Affordable and reliable. Water heaters, toilets, faucets, drain cleaning, gas lines, sump pumps, well tanks. 440-285-0800.

Large size glider/rocker, brown, wooden sides on bottom. Very good condition. 440-834-8816. Shop AVON at home or office. Delivery and a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Bev Thompson Avon Independent Sales Representative Call: 440-708-8045 Visit my Web site: https://www.avon.com/ myavon/bthompson8804 Billard dumbbell weight plates and collars, golf bag with irons, high chair with tray, iron doorstop, sleds, Best Offer. 440729-1082 Have you ever considered learning piano? Here’s your opportunity! Lowery upright piano, walnut, excellent condition. $300. 440-728-0970. GREAT DEAL! Four (4) great shop or sunroom windows. Large size 44”x77” tall. Brand new Simonton. Pd. $550/each. Selling $250/each. 216-570-4998.


Antique clocks many; large greenhouse panes of glass $5 each: humpback chest $89; large rocking horse $79. 440-338-3563.

Buying all Stanley Bailey planes and machinist tools. Call Karl at 440-812-3392.

Two used JL Audio 12W6v2 Subs, Two used Pioneer Mono PDX-M6 amps. All wiring included. Excellent condition. Priced to sell. $250. Text 440-552-4400.

karlovec media group Outside Sales


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Overhead Door Installers and Technicians WE O FFER : • Above Average Wages Based on Experience • Company Paid Health Care, including Vision • 401K with Company Contribution • Eight Paid Holidays per Year • Annual Bonus Based on Individual Performance • Thanksgiving Turkey and Christmas Ham • Company Paid Uniforms • A Safe and Friendly Working Environment

If you are looking for a career and have a good driving record, please contact us. If you have good carpentry skills and a desire to learn, we can provide the necessary training to allow you to be successful in the overhead door industry. Industry certification is available and paid by the company. If you have previous overhead door experience, compensation will be based on experience.

Please inquire with Steve Guyton at sguyton@jldoor.com or


Karlovec Media Group is hiring account representatives to sell print and online advertising in and around Geauga County, specifically in the Chesterland and Kirtland areas. We are seeking self-motivated and aggressive salespeople who aren’t afraid of a challenge. Karlovec Media Group publishes the Geauga County Maple Leaf, Chesterland News, Middlefield Post, Kirtland Chronicle and Geauga Now. Sales areas will include both print and online media. Candidates must be able to manage time wisely, meet deadlines and have reliable transportation. The ability to understand and live with a deadline-driven business is a must. The ideal candidate would have at least two years of sales experience.


Must have print writing experience. Areas in need of coverage include government meetings, features and local events.


Driver needed to drop off newspapers at retail locations throughout Geauga County. Delivery must be done on Wednesdays and Thursdays during regular business hours – completed by Thursday at noon. This is not delivery of individual subscriptions. Must have own vehicle and valid drivers’ license. Based out of Chardon.

Submit resumes to


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Middlefield Post

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

By Dr. Tad Roediger

MY CONFESSION IS… I want to help ease the burden of today’s health care system that is overburdened. We at Roediger Chiropractic are helping people with their stress of aches and pains, unrelated to COVID-19, by treating the spine and nervous system through conservative chiropractic care. We are here for our patients and those new patients looking for help. Let’s see if chiropractic can help your problem during this stressful time. We at Roediger Chiropractic are essential to the health and wellness of Geauga County and follow the recommended guidelines for cleaning and social distancing. I know what it’s like to live with constant pain. As a sophomore on the University of New Hampshire football team, I developed sciatica; an excruciating condition that caused sharp pain in my leg and lower back. I was unable to play football anymore and the pain was so bad that at times it was difficult for me to even walk or concentrate. I was told surgery was the only option to alleviate the condition, but even after undergoing surgery, the pain persisted. On the advice of a friend, I decided to see a chiropractor. After the initial examination, the chiropractor was able to determine that I had several bones out of alignment in my spine, and that they were putting pressure on the nerves in my back. The situation was serious, but after a few treatments I noticed the pain had decreased and I felt better overall. Over time the chiropractic treatments allowed my body to heal itself naturally! MY OTHER CONFESSION IS … I help people live their lives as they are intended to live. What I do is perform a gentle spinal treatment to alleviate nerve pressure without any ‘twisting’ or ‘popping’, and the body responds by healing itself. It’s as simple as that! I have helped thousands of people with a variety of health problems. It’s strange how life is. Now people come to see me with their low back and sciatic problems. They also come to me with their headaches, migraines, chronic pain, neck pain, shoulder /arm pain, numbness in limbs, whiplash from car accidents, backaches, ear infections, asthma, allergies, sports injuries, just to name a few. My wife, Sharon, suffered for years with migraine headaches. She took ibuprofen everyday. We found her migraines were from misaligned vertebrae in her neck, we adjusted them, now she rarely has migraines. Ty, our son, gets checked weekly to make sure his growing spine and body are working at its best.

WHAT SETS ME APART ... in the chiropractic field is

my use of the Activator Methods Chiropractic Technique (AMCT); a treatment system that utilizes a small hand-held instrument that applies a quick, low-force, gentle chiropractic treatment directly to the source of your pain to alleviate nerve pressure to allow the body to heal itself. Here’s what some of my patients had to say: “After the birth of my child, I had lower back pain and headaches. It was hard to pick up things, including my children! I love that Dr. Roediger told it to me straight what my problem was. Now I am able to care for my children with no pain. I recommend Roediger Chiropractic any chance I can”.” - Heather H th F. F “I experienced back pain and hand numbness for 3-4 years. A friend recommended Dr. Roediger, and I was quickly able to get in for my exam. After my first adjustment, my back was already feeling a lot better. My wife even noticed more “ pep in my step”. If I ever have any questions about anything, Dr. Roediger and staff are very informative.” – Dylan V. STOP LIVING WITH PHYSICAL PAIN! Chiropractic treatment is very affordable and highly effective. Take advantage of a LIMITED TIME OFFER! Call 440-285-0756 before Feb. 23, 2022 to receive the complete initial exam for only $37 (this includes consultation, exam, paraspinal scan and two x-rays of the problem area if needed). I am here to help you reach your health care goals as quickly as possible. Treatment in my office is affordable whether you have insurance or not. My adjustment fee is only $42. You don’t have to miss a half day’s work to receive treatment. Now is the time to take care of that ache or pain, improve your quality of life, and take care of your most valuable asset … YOU! Call ROEDIGER CHIROPRACTIC at 440-285-0756 today. Alison or Mary will be glad to schedule your appointment. We are located at 401 South St., Bldg. 2A, Chardon. roedigerchiropractic.com. Email: tadroedigerdc@gmail.com

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