Karlovec Media Group media kit 2024

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Maple Leaf


Geauga County’s Award-Winning Newspaper Inside YOUR mailbox every week

Maple Leaf

GEAUG Arts & Entertainment • Local Government News • High School Sports • Schools • Local Business • AObituaries • Classifieds & More COU NT Y

We are Karlovec Media Group, a team of award-winning news and sports journalists, graphic designers and layout/production professionals with offices in Cleveland and Chesterland. Our publications include:

Thursday , Novem ber 26, 20 Vol. 27 No 20 www.geau . 47 • Chardon, Ohio gamaplele $1.00 af.com



• Geauga County Maple Leaf • Chesterland News • Middlefield Post • Kirtland Chronicle • Geauga NOW • Geauga Business Family Album • Geauga Amish Business Directory SANDY WARD/KMG

Our Mission

Chardo n the Div. wins III champi state onsh 31-28 ov ip Columbu er Francis s St. DeSale s her


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By Amy PAtterson Amy@ geAugA mAPle leAf.co

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r of Le dgemo their product or service We strive to provide top quality advertising and exposure to small business owners so they can promote nt to T ompso n at affordable rates; to give a strong voice to the arts and culture community; to spread the word about all thehgreat events taking place in Geauga County and its communities. We are a locally owned and operated newspaper that is published… By KAth

y mcc lure r@ge AugAmA Plele




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by local people­, for local people, about local people, supporting local people. We truly aim at being a real community newspaper — local, useful and available to everyone — an outlet that really cares and nurtures the people it promotes and works with.

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Single Ed

ition $1.

Our Audience

We have built one of the largest total audiences of any media company serving Geauga County residents. We offer a ONE STOP SHOP for readers, young and old, and business owners, big and small, through our print, digital and social media platforms. On a weekly, monthly and yearly basis, our content reaches an audience of thousands and hundreds of thousands of readers and followers.

Print Readership: 10,000 Web Users: 11,350 Social Media Reach: 20,000

Weekly Total Audience



CIRCULATION AREA ■ Middlefield Post ■ Chesterland News ■ Kirtland Chronicle ■ Maple Leaf* ■ Geauga Now* *covers all of Geauga County



Publication Calendar


Chesterland News Middlefield Post Maple Leaf Kirtland Chronicle Geauga Now January S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

Febuary S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

March S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

April S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

May S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

June S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

July S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

August S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

September S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

October S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

November S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30

December S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3

Common Ad Sizes Display Ads are available in one-inch increments to best suit the needs of our advertisers. Listed below are some common ad sizes for your convenience. We can also use your camera-ready or pre-made flyers. Column Widths 1 column = 2.5” 2 columns - 5.125” 3 columns = 7.75” 4 columns = 10.375” Thursday, XX, 2020

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Page 1

Want to use your business card as an ad? A common business card is approximately 3-inches by 2-inches and would fit into a 2-column by 3-inch ad. Have a letter-sized flyer you’ve designed? It would fit into a 3-column by 10-inch ad or a 2-column by 7-inch ad. Page 2

1/12 page (2 col. x 2”)

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Page 6

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Thursday, XX, 2020

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Page 3

Page 4

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Thursday, XX, 2020

Thursday, XX, 2020

Thursday, XX, 2020

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Thursday, XX, 2020

Page 5

1/4 page (2 col. x 7”)

1/6 page (2 col. x 5”)

Page 9

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Page 10

Thursday, XX, 2020

Page 7

1/2 page (2 col. x 14”)

Page 11

Geauga County Maple Leaf

1/10 page (2 col. x 3”)

Page 8 Thursday, XX, 2020

full page (4 col. x 14”)

Thursday, XX, 2020

Thursday, XX, 2020

1/4 page (3 col. x 4.5”) (Can also be 10.375" x 3.5")

Thursday, XX, 2020

Geauga County Maple Leaf

1/12 page (1 col. x 4”)

1/2 page (4 col. x 7”)

3/4 page (3 col. x 14”)

3/4 page (4 col. x 10.5”)

These ad sizes are for our community newspapers only. Ad sizes for our other publications are listed on the respective rate cards.

How to Use This Rate Card All newspaper rates in this media kit are per column inch. In order to determine the cost of an ad, it is first necessary to decide on the size of the ad. For purposes of rates, the width of an ad is measured in columns and the depth is measured in inches. An ad referred to as a 2x5 is actually 2 columns by 5 inches. The width (e.g., 2 columns) is then multiplied by the depth (e.g., 5 inches) to determine the total column inches the ad will cover (e.g., 2x5 = 10 column inches). For the price of the ad, multiply the total column inches by the appropriate rate on the grid for the newspaper in which the ad is to run. For example, a 2x5 ad (10 column inches) at the open rate of $11.50 would cost $115, plus any color charge. The "open rate" is the rate for all advertising unless otherwise specified. 4

Geauga County Maple Leaf Rates Per Column Inch Rates Open Rate: $11.50 6-12 Insertions: $11.00 13 or more insertions $10.50 Nonprofit/Government: $10.50 Add color for only $20 up to quarter-page size $25 quarter-page ads $50 half-page ads $75 full-page ads

Approx. Size

Dimensions (width x height)

Cost B&W

Cost Color

1/12 page

5.125”x2” or 2.5”x4”



1/10 page




1/8 page




1/6 page




1/4 page

5.125”x7” or 7.75”x4.5”



1/2 page

10.375”x7” or 5.125”x14”



3/4 page

10.375”x10.5” or 7.75”x14”



Full page




Chesterland News Rates LOWE R

RATE Per Column Inch Rates S FOR 2 024 Open Rate: $11.00 13 or more insertions $10.50 Nonprofit/Government: $10.00

Add color for only $20 up to quarter-page size $25 quarter-page ads $50 half-page ads $75 full-page ads


Add color for only $20 up to quarter-page size $25 quarter-page ads $50 half-page ads $75 full-page ads

Dimensions (width x height)

Cost B&W

Cost Color

1/12 page

5.125”x2” or 2.5”x4”



1/10 page




1/8 page




1/6 page




1/4 page

5.125”x7” or 7.75”x4.5”



1/2 page

10.375”x7” or 5.125”x14”



3/4 page

10.375”x10.5” or 7.75”x14”



Full page




Add color for only $20 up to quarter-page size $25 quarter-page ads $50 half-page ads $75 full-page ads

Frequency discounts do not apply to other publications.

Approx. Size

Dimensions (width x height)

Cost B&W

Cost Color

1/12 page

5.125”x2” or 2.5”x4”



1/10 page




1/8 page




1/6 page




1/4 page

5.125”x7” or 7.75”x4.5”



1/2 page

10.375”x7” or 5.125”x14”



3/4 page

10.375”x10.5” or 7.75”x14”



Full page




Kirtland Chronicle Rates LOWE Per Column Inch Rates RATE R S FOR 2 Open Rate: $11.00 024 6 or more insertions $10.50 Nonprofit/Government: $10.00

Frequency discounts do not apply to other publications.

Approx. Size

Middlefield Post Rates RATE R Per Column Inch Rates S FOR 2 024 Open Rate: $11.00 13 or more insertions $10.50 Nonprofit/Government: $10.00

Frequency discounts do not apply to other publications.

Frequency discounts do not apply to other publications.

Approx. Size

Dimensions (width x height)

Cost B&W

Cost Color

1/12 page

5.125”x2” or 2.5”x4”



1/10 page




1/8 page




1/6 page




1/4 page

5.125”x7” or 7.75”x4.5”



1/2 page

10.375”x7” or 5.125”x14”



3/4 page

10.375”x10.5” or 7.75”x14”



Full page





Maple Leaf

Actual Size is 8.2” by 1”


Front Page Advertising Top Banner $300, color included • 8.2-inches wide by 1-inch tall • Same proportional size as a website leaderboard Side Rail, Full $350, color included • 1.8-inches wide by 9.5-inch tall Side Rail, Top Half $200, color included • 1.8-inches wide by 4.5-inch tall Side Rail, Bottom Half $150, color included • 1.8-inches wide by 4.5-inch tall Bottom Banner $250, color included • 8.2-inches wide by 1.5-inch tall

Pre-Printed Inserts

Adult Workforce


Education The Aspire Pr og Career Cente ram at Auburn r provides instructiona l services fo FREE r adults. Basic Skills, Co lleg High School Eq e & Career Preparation, uiv Speakers of Ot alence Prep, English for her Languages (ESOL)

440-358-8027 www.auburncc .or


Available for Maple Leaf, Chesterland News, Middlefield Post and Kirtland Chronicle

Sticky Note, color included • Above the fold • Removable • 3-inches wide by 3-inch tall • Must order a minimum of 10,000 stickers • Prices start at 10¢ per sticker Faux Sticker $350 • 2.5-inches wide by 2.5-inch tall • Same approximate location as sticker on masthead • Printed directly on the newspaper

Available for Maple Leaf, Chesterland News, Middlefield Post and Kirtland Chronicle

Pre-printed flyers offer the advantage of a sheet of paper dedicated to your advertising campaign. The message literally falls into the hands of readers when they pick up the newspaper. Insertion in One Edition: $350

20% Discoun t on Insertion Fees if KMG prints your flyer!

This flat rate cost is for an 8.5”x11” single sheet printed on 20# paper stock. That’s typically the same weight as a standard piece of printer paper. All other inserts are priced by weight. • Inserts can be as small as 4"x6" or as large as 8.5"x11". • Insert must be folded if over 8.5”x11” or folding fees may apply. • Preprinted inserts must be received 7 days in advance of publication. Actual Size is 8.2” by 1.5”


Actual Size is 1.8” by 9.5”

Classified Line Ads

Page 36

AUTOS & PARTS $ WANTED $ Junk Vehicles. Call Zac 440-679-7293.

All classified line ads run in the Geauga County Maple Leaf on Thursdays, and in the Chesterland News and Middlefield Post on the weeks each newspaper is published. The Chesterland News and Middlefield Post are published every other week on opposing weeks. To advertise in the Classifieds, contact the advertising department at 440-729-7667 ext. 500 or email your ad directly to ads@karlovecmedia.com or fax to 440-729-8240 • Cost is $15 for the first 25 words, plus 50 cents for each additional word. • All Classified Line Ads must be pre-paid. • KMG does not bill for any classified ads. • Maple Leaf subscribers are entitled to one free 25-word classified line ad each week of their paid subscription. Not valid for business ads.

Classified Display Ad Classified display ads are priced the same as each paper’s open rates. A classified display ad includes any ad contained in a box or with a graphic. Classified display ads only run in the newspaper paid for each week. Each additional newspaper is an additional charge.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Classifieds 2011 Chrysler Town & Country: Nice van, 125,851 miles, many new parts, $6,900. 440-632-0700. 2010 Nissan Versa: 1.8S, 5-door, good condition, with snow tires, 108,000 miles, $3,590/OBO. 440-338-3563.

Burton Ranch Condo: 2/BR, 2/Bath, AC, laundry, 2-car attached garage. Less than a mile from Burton square. Private Patio, Vaulted Ceilings. Wonderful private setting surrounded by hundreds of acres of conservation land. No pets/smoking. $1,550/month. Includes snow plowing, lawn, trash. Senior discount. 440-221-0649.


For Sale: Four(4) Goodyear all season 185/65R15 tires, mounted on rims, like new, $200. Leave message if no answer, 216-570-2298.

Small wood burner in good condition, $625. Certified lady looking for care-giving job in your home 24/7. 440-3131804.


Firewood: Seasoned Red Maple. Average length 18”. Free delivery within 10 miles of Heath Rd & 332. 4’x8’x18” $100. 440-687-5404.

Office Space in Chardon: second floor, main street, approx. 535 square feet. $600/month, includes HVAC and water. Call 440-285-2247.

Dresser: small 3-drawer dresser, $35. 440-729-5277.

Golf Cart: Club Car, nice shape, needs batteries, asking $1,000. 440-729-1520. If no answer, leave name and number. Vinyl records, antique stoneware jugs, pottery, red nail barrels, coffee mill, toddler toys, furniture. 440-729-1082. Buck wood-burner stove: Model-91, catalytic, blower, SS-liner, cap; $600. Air tank: portable, 125-psi, 9-gallon, 25-foot hose, VGC; $25. 440-338-1585. 40+years accumulated. Must Sell! Antique furniture. Wood tables. Chandeliers. Large Picture Frames. Wroughtiron gates, decoratives, wall sconces, candle holders. 216-513-3372. ATV 2004 Polaris 400 Sportsmen 4x4. Looks like new, senior owned used for hunting. Well maintained. New battery. $3,800. 440-829-1856. Mountain Bike: 26”, 18-speed Roadmaster with accessories and comfort seat. EC. Ready to ride. $85. 440-3526953 please leave message. Fresh cut firewood to your desired length. Split or rounds delivered, Oak & Maple. $50-$80 per 4x8 stack. 440687-5404. John Deere Lawn Tractor: Model 314, 3 blades, 14-HP, 46” cutting deck, w/snow plow and trailer. $1,400. 440564-1172.



8389 Mayfield Road, B-5 Chesterland, OH 44026 Fax: 440-729-8240

To advertise in the Classifieds, contact the advertising department at 440-729-7667 ext. 500 or email your ad directly to ads@karlovecmedia.com

Nine-inch Mantis electric tiller. Cash only. $200. 440554-5731. Bicycle: Classic English Racer 25.5” frame by Colin Laing, English frame builder, mostly Campy components, 1969 vintage, like new, really!!! $900. 440-548-2414.

CLASSIFIED DEADLINE: FRIDAY AT NOON PRIOR TO PUBLICATION DATE All classified line ads run in The Geauga County Maple Leaf on Thursdays, and in the Chesterland News and Middlefield Post on the weeks each newspaper is published. The Chesterland News and Middlefield Post are published every other week on opposing weeks.

☐ Here is my ad. The per week cost is $12 for the first 20 words, plus 50¢ for each additional word. ☐ I am a PAID MAPLE LEAF SUBSCRIBER entitled to 20 WORDS or less FREE each week. (Words over 20 will be billed at 50¢ per word.) NO BUSINESS ADS. Please include subscriber number ___________ (found on mailing label)

☐ I would like to be a MAPLE LEAF SUBSCRIBER and advertise for FREE. Enclosed is $50 for an in-county 12-month subscription (subscription rate valid through 12/31/23).

GARAGE/ESTATE SALES Marketplace Mall in Middlefield is looking for vendors, retailers, artisans and crafters with unique and quality merchandise. Call 440-313-8147 for more information. Sales: Many miscellaneous items! Thurs. Fri. Sat. 10a-4p. 9098 Rt. 608 Old State Rd., Chardon. Rain or Shine.


Write Your Classified Line Ad

Kittens available for adoption, 5-6 months old, fixed & vaxxed, feleuk/FIV negative, & need indoor homes. Call Rebecca 440-321-2485.

























Australian Shepherd corgi mix puppies, very cute, first shots and wormed, some long and some short legs, family-raised, $200. 440-548-5873. MS Kennels on the Farm, LLC offers in-home pet care. Call 440-636-2421.


Number of weeks to run ad: Free Subscriber Ads can run a maximum of four weeks, then MUST be renewed. INFORMATION FOR OFFICE USE BELOW THIS LINE – WILL NOT APPEAR IN PRINT


Old fishing tackle wanted: fishing lures (wood or plastic), mouse to bear traps, wooden duck decoys. Call Lee 440313-8331.

Burton: .42 acres, 3BR, 2 full baths, basement, 2.5 car garage. Completely Remodeled: new roof, windows, flooring. Asking $299,000. 216-513-3372. LOT FOR SALE: .34 acre lot, Bainbridge, Lake Lucerne amenities! Gas, electric, sanitary sewer & well-water all available. $99.9k. 440-596-2608.



Modest home for one person. I will repair and maintain if it needs work. 440-687-5404 or rhwent20@gmail.com.



EMAIL Make checks payable to “Karlovec Media Group.” Credit card charges will appear as “Karlovec Media Group.”

Joe Eicher doing roofing, siding, remodeling, cleanout houses, we do most anything. Call between 8a-4p, 440813-4272. No answer, leave message.


Did you know Karlovec Media Group prints business cards? Call 440-729-7667 or email ads@karlovecmedia.com.


☐ Mastercard

WANTED TO BUY Buying all Stanley Bailey planes and machinist tools. Call Karl at 440-812-3392.

☐ Visa

☐ Discover

☐ American Express



CVC Code


Thursday, April 20, 2023

Grand Valley Tree Service offering complete tree removal, trimming, cleanup and lot clearing. Free Estimates. Fully Insured. 440-307-0996. Offering special discounts for interior and exterior painting and staining. 20+ years experience. Professional and insured. Call Dan 440-342-4552.

Geauga County Maple Leaf

Page 23

Help Wanted Maverick Environmental Equipment hiring Heavy-Haul Driver! Class A-CDL required. FULL TIME, great benefits, great team! Call Tim at 440- 488-7880. Looking for 4-6 experienced campers, preferably friends, to camp on my farm 5/1/23 to 9/1/23 in exchange for 20 hours of light work per month. Text 330-691-7649. Applicants will be vetted.

Suburban Driving School-Chesterland, looking for individuals to teach driver’s education. Paid training. Call 440-729-4360 or 216-536-6708 or email resume: contact@suburbandriveohio.com. Looking to hire? Run a classified line ad in the Geauga County Maple Leaf – only $12 for the first 20 words! 440-729-7667 or ads@karlovecmedia.com

• All Classified Line Ads must be pre-paid. • All Service Directory ads are classified display ads. • The smallest size available is 1-column wide by 1-inch tall (2.5”x1”). As pictured below

Actual Size 1-column by 1-inch 7

Office Publishers of Geauga County Maple Leaf | Kirtland Chronicle Middlefield Post | Chesterland News | Geauga NOW! Geauga Business Family Album | Geauga Amish Business Directory

Art Specs • Email a PDF file of at least 200 dpi resolution for best quality print to ads@karlovecmedia.com • Supplied art will run as provided. • Artwork must be received at least four business days in advance of the publication date. More time may be required for special sections or during holiday weeks.

Editorial Submissions • Editorial submissions are printed as space is available, at the publisher’s discretion, and may be edited for length, clarity and grammar. • All editorial submissions must be emailed to editor@karlovecmedia.com. Include in your email the specific newspapers/publications in which you would like your submission to appear and any other pertinent information and contact information.

Advertising & Payment Terms • ONE PROOF IS INCLUDED WITH THE AD PRICE; ADDITIONAL PROOFS WILL BE CREATED AT $40 PER HOUR. • Multiple ad rate discounts are not retroactive. To obtain the listed discount, all ads must be scheduled at the same time. • Further discounts do not apply to existing discounts. • Rates are subject to change without notice. • No further discounts are available to those already receiving the nonprofit/government rate. • Extra charges: Prevailing rates charged for extra artwork, photography, extra proofs, rush jobs and work done on digital files. • Political ads do not qualify for any discounts or special offers and must be prepaid. • Position: 25% extra fee for guaranteed position. (Unpaid position requests will be honored when possible, but not guaranteed.)

• A $50 fee will be charged for all created ads not published. • All accounts must have a credit card on file. • Monthly advertisement costs that are less than $100 and all classifieds must be prepaid. New accounts are required to prepay until credit is established. • KMG accepts cash, personal or business checks and credit cards. • Terms: Net 15th of month following publication. • A 10-day grace period is allowed after the payment due date before a service charge of 1.5% per month (18% per year) is added. • Contract rates may be raised on 30 days notice, after which contract may be voided within 30 days on written notice from advertiser. • Earned and contract rate savings apply only to the principal business of the advertiser and may not be shared, transferred or assigned to other advertisers.

Maple Leaf Deadlines

Middlefield Post Deadlines

Published every Thursday

Published on Wednesdays opposite the Chesterland News

Display Advertising: Preceding Thursday at 5 p.m. Editorial Submissions: Preceding Thursday at 5 p.m. Classifieds: Friday at noon for the following week

Display Advertising: Preceding Thursday at 5 p.m. Editorial Submissions: Preceding Thursday at 5 p.m. Classifieds: Friday at noon for the following edition

Chesterland News Deadlines

Kirtland Chronicle Deadlines

Published on Wednesdays opposite the Middlefield Post

Published the first Friday of each month

Display Advertising: Preceding Thursday at 5 p.m. Editorial Submissions: Preceding Thursday at 5 p.m. Classifieds: Friday at noon for the following edition Late ads may be accepted at the discretion of management. Rev 2-12-24


Display Advertising: Monday at noon on the Monday preceding that month’s edition Editorial Submissions: Noon on the Monday preceding the first Friday of the month Classifieds: Friday at noon on the last Friday of the month for the following month’s edition

8389 Mayfield Rd., Ste. B-5, Chesterland, OH 44026 EDITOR@KARLOVECMEDIA.COM ADS@KARLOVECMEDIA.COM 440-729-7667 phone 440-729-8240 fax

Legal Notices Published weekly in the Geauga County Maple Leaf LEGALADS@GEAUGAMAPLELEAF.COM Due by noon Tuesday for publication that week

Obituaries Notices should be sent in writing to Geauga County Maple Leaf or emailed to editor@karlovecmedia.com. The Maple Leaf charges a flat fee of $125 per obituary or death notice, including a photograph. There is no word limit.

STAFF Jeffrey B. Karlovec, Publisher jbkarlovec@DLN.com

John D. Karlovec, Editor john@karlovecmedia.com

Jack Karlovec, Finance jack@karlovecmedia.com

Cassandra C. Shofar, News Editor cassandra@karlovecmedia.com

Jamie A. Ward, Sports Editor jamie@karlovecmedia.com

Ann Wishart, Reporter ann@karlovecmedia.com

Amy Patterson, Reporter amy@karlovecmedia.com

Brian Doering, Reporter brian@karlovecmedia.com

Clay Karlovec, Advertising clay@karlovecmedia.com

Clinton Sestak, Advertising clinton@karlovecmedia.com

Regina Swinerton, Classifieds regina@karlovecmedia.com

Pam Molnar, Production Manager pam@karlovecmedia.com

Karen Kaplan, Graphic Designer kaplan@karlovecmedia.com

Emma McGuire, Paginator emma@karlovecmedia.com

Use our numbers to boost your numbers.

Maple Leaf



Let our website and social media help drive customers to your business. We can link ads to your website or Facebook page.

720,000+ Sessions

1,048,000+ Page Views

Choose the Right Online Package for Your Advertising Budget

Single $125 per month

Double $185 per month

Triple $250 per month

Home Run $375 per month

Minimum Ad Impressions Per Month





1 ad rotating on homepage

1 ad rotating on homepage

1 ad rotating on homepage

1 ad rotating on homepage (includes leaderboard)






(Number of times your ad will be viewed)

Static Image Ads on Our Website

(You can request the articles where your ad appears, such as news, schools or sports, and we will use our best efforts to honor your request)

Ad on Breaking News Stories

(Static image ad is included in breaking news)

Shares on Social Media

(Your stories, press releases or special offers will be shared on our social media platforms)

Monthly Press Release

(You provide them, we run them)

15,450+ Followers 500,000+ People Reached in 2023 4,250+ Followers

460,000+ Users

SOURCE: Google Analytics

Leaderboard • Located at the top of the web page • 750 x 90 pixels (10" x 1.2") • Full color (RGB) • 300 dpi • jpg format

950+ Subscribers 1,856+ Watch Hours in 2023 1,100,000+ Views Lifetime 61,000+ Views in 2023 Run your Help Wanted display ad in the print edition of any of our newspapers and pay just $50 per month to run the same ad online on our JOBS page. (Alternatively, pay $75 per month if a non-print advertiser.) Your ad is linked to whatever webpage you want. The JOBS Board is shared on all Karlovec Media social media platforms weekly.

Box Ad • Located inside articles & home page • 300 x 250 pixels (4.2" x 3.5") • Full color (RGB) • 300 dpi • jpg format


Maple Leaf


The more you run, the more you save!

Special Sections



FEB 15 Health & Wellness


MAR 14 Summer Camp


MAR 28 Spring Home

Ad deadline Jan. 29

Ad deadline Feb. 26

Ad deadline Mar. 11

q APRIL 25 Maple Festival Ad deadline April 8

q q

MAY 16 Golden Geauga Ad deadline April 29

AUG 22 Barns, Farms & Fair

Middlef ield Community News from Middlefield, Parkman, Huntsburg and Surrounding Areas

POST Aug. 21 Ad deadline July 31


SEPT 12 Fall Home


NOV 7 Salute to Veterans


NOV 21 Home for the Holidays

Ad deadline Aug. 26

Ad deadline Oct. 21 Ad deadline Nov. 4


Standard Display Ad sizes listed below. Additional Display sizes available.

First Ad

Second Ad

Third (or More) ad

1/12 page (5.125”x2”)




1/10 page (5.125”x3”)




1/6 page (5.125”x5”)




1/4 page (5.125”x7”)




1/2 page (10.375”x7”)




3/4 page (7.75”x14”)




Full page (10.375”x14”)




Add color: $20 up to quarter-page size, $25 quarter-page ads, $50 half-page ads, $75 full-page ads

Cover Sponsor $800 - Your business name on the front cover of the special section. Limited to one advertiser. Includes a full color, full page ad, and a 400 word article and photo submitted by business Special section pricing applies to special section only. Regular KMG frequency discounts do not apply. * Multi ad discount requires credit card on file; credit card will be charged for each ad within 30 days of the respective publication dates. 10

Maple Leaf



Keepsake Booklets Featuring Geauga County high schools The more you run, the more you save!


Graduation Ad deadline May 27




Ad deadline July 22

Basketball Ad deadline Nov. 4


First Ad

Second Ad

Third Ad

Back Cover




Inside Cover




Full Page




Half Page








Full page: 7.5"x9.3" • Half page: 7.5"x4.5" • Banner: 7.5"x2.4" Cost includes color

Cover Sponsor $600 - Your business name on the front cover.

Includes a full color, full page ad inside the booklet. Limited to two advertisers. 11

2024 Rate Card Geauga NOW! will be published monthly and viewable online at www.GeaugaMapleLeaf.com, an award-winning website that reaches more than 600,000 users annually who view more than one million pages on the site. It will also be shared on Karlovec Media Group social media accounts. Ad Size


1-4 insertions

5-8 insertions

9-12 insertions

1/9 page

2.25”w x 2.75”h




1/6 page

3.5”w x 3”h




1/4 page

3.5”w x 4.5”h




1/3 page

7.5”w x 3”h




1/2 page

7.5”w x 4.5”h




Full page

7.5”w x 9.5”h




Front Cover

7”w x 7”h




Back Cover

7.5”w x 9.5”h




Inside front

7.5”w x 9.5”h




Inside back

7.5”w x 9.5”h






Since 19

gaa GGeeaauug




23 JUNE 20


Since 19

gaa GGeeaauug



Full Color included with all ads Free copies distributed countywide through USPS and insertion in widely-read community newspapers, including Geauga County Maple Leaf, Chesterland News and Middlefield Post.

January edition February edition March edition April edition May edition June edition July edition August edition September edition October edition November edition December edition January 2025

Publication December 27, 2023 January 31, 2024 February 28, 2024 March 27, 2024 April 24, 2024 May 29, 2024 June 26, 2024 July 31, 2024 August 28, 2024 September 25, 2024 October 30, 2024 November 27, 2024 December 25, 2024

Ad deadline December 22, 2023 January 19, 2024 February 16, 2024 March 15, 2024 April 12, 2024 May 17, 2024 June 14, 2024 July 19, 2024 August 16, 2024 September 13, 2024 October 18, 2024 November 15, 2024 December 13, 2024

Frequency discounts are available to ALL insertions at the time an insertion order is placed. For example, an advertiser who commits to running a 1/4-page ad 5x-8x will receive the discounted $231 rate for each ad. If an advertiser agrees to purchase a specific number of print ad placements in GeaugaNOW but later cancels or reduces the number of ads, Karlovec Media Group may charge a short-rate penalty to compensate the company for the lost revenue and help offset the costs associated with the unfilled commitment. The short-rate to be charged will be the difference between the discounted rate and the non-discounted rate. For example, if an advertiser commits to running a 1/4-page ad 5x and receives the discounted $231 rate, but cancels the fifth ad, a short-rate charge of $41 ($272 - $231) for each of the four ads run may be charged.

ads@karlovecmedia.com 440-729-7667 phone Publishers of Geauga County Maple Leaf | Kirtland Chronicle Middlefield Post | Chesterland News | Geauga NOW! Geauga Business Family Album | Geauga Amish Business Directory 12

440-729-8240 fax 8389 Mayfield Rd., Ste. B-5, Chesterland, OH 44026

REACH 20,000+ in Geauga County Holidays in Geauga Business Family Album

Don’t miss this opportunity to showcase your employees, business offerings, and express a holiday greeting in a beautiful keepsake magazine.



December 5, 2024 DEADLINE FOR CONTENT:

October 16, 2024


Ad Size

Regular Rate

Early Bird Discount*



Full page




8.375”w X 10.125”h

• Layout and design

1/2 pg



8.375”w X 4.875”h

4.125”w X 10.125”h

1/3 pg



8.375”w X 3.375”h

4.125”w X 6.625”h

• Full color, glossy printing

1/4 pg



8.375”w X 2.375”h

4.125”w X 4.875”h

1/6 pg



4.125”w X 3.1875”h


1/8 pg



4.125”w X 2.375”h

2”w X 4.875”h

1/16 pg



4.125”w X 1.5”h

2”w X 2.375”h

Page 2, Page 3, Back Page & Inside Back Page: $1,457 | Center Spread: $2,915 (10% Early Bird Discount applies if booked by March 31) * Early Bird Discount applies to any ad booked prior to March 31, a $50 non-refundable deposit required. 10% Discount off of regular rate for Nonprofits (cannot be combined with Early Bird Discount)


• Distribution to homes in Geauga County

Reserve your Space Today! Call your sales rep or

440-729-7667 ex. 500 Email: ads@karlovecmedia.com ads@karlovecmedia.com 440-729-7667 phone

Publishers of Geauga County Maple Leaf | Kirtland Chronicle Middlefield Post | Chesterland News | Geauga NOW! Geauga Business Family Album | Geauga Amish Business Directory

440-729-8240 fax 8389 Mayfield Rd., Ste. B-5, Chesterland, OH 44026 13

Publishing March 2024 | Ad Deadline Feb. 8, 2024 Size



Full Page*

5”w x 7.6”h


Half Page

5”w x 3.75”h


Quarter Page

2.375”w x 3.75”h


Eighth Page Directory Listing

2.375”w x 1.8”h $124 Includes business name, $50 address and phone *Directory listing included with full-page ad

Full page and half page ads will be published and shared individually on the KMG website and social media. The Amish Geauga Business Directory will be published and viewable online at www.GeaugaMapleLeaf.com, an award-winning website that reaches more than 600,000 users who view approximately one million pages on the site. It will also be shared on Karlovec Media Group social media accounts. The Amish Geauga Business Directory is published annually in the spring and is distributed throughout the Geauga Amish Community. The directory is offered for FREE at various stores throughout the Middlefield area.

Contact Your Sales Rep Today! Advertising Office 440-729-7667, ext. 500


ads@karlovecmedia.com 440-729-7667 phone Publishers of Geauga County Maple Leaf | Kirtland Chronicle Middlefield Post | Chesterland News | Geauga NOW! Geauga Business Family Album | Geauga Amish Business Directory 14

440-729-8240 fax 8389 Mayfield Rd., Ste. B-5, Chesterland, OH 44026

Eye-Catching! Above the Fold! Highly Visible!

Front Page Advertising Available

Color and design included in pricing. Top Banner: $300 Same proportions as an online leaderboard.

Actual Size: 8.2”x1”

Reach the People Who Vote! PRINT/ONLINE Reach more than 20,000 readers weekly Maple Leaf: $11.50/col. inch Chesterland News: $11.00/col inch Kirtland Chronicle: $11.00/col inch Middlefield Post: $11.00/col inch Make your ad more visible with color! Ask for rates. See pages 3 & 4 for ad sizes. One column inch equals 2.5-inches wide by 1-inch tall. We can design any size ad to fit your campaign criteria and budget.

We Can

Sticky Note



• Front P age

Front Page

SIDE RAILS Full $350

STICKY NOTES Place a sticker prominently above-fold on the front of the newspaper. 10¢ per sticker with a minimum of 10,000

Actual Size 1.8”x 9.5”

FAUX STICKER Same approximate location as sticky note on masthead, but printed directly on the newspaper front page. 3-inches by 3-inches $350 per edition Choose the Right Online Package for Your Advertising Budget

Minimum Ad Impressions Per Month (Number of times your ad will be viewed by readers)

Static Image Ads on Our Website

(You can request the articles where your ad appears, such as news, schools or sports, and we will use our best efforts to honor your request)

Ad on Breaking News Stories

(Static image ad is included in breaking news articles)

Single $125 per month

Double $185 per month

Triple $250 per month

Home Run $375 per month





1 ad rotating on homepage

1 ad rotating on homepage (includes leaderboard)

1 ad rotating on homepage

1 ad rotating on homepage



Online Campaign Commercial Offer – Advertise a 15-second commercial with our online videos for $350 per month.

r e n n a B BottomM M M M M M M


All political ads and printing must be pre-paid.

• Above the Fold INSERTS Place your pre-printed insert inside the newspaper • Remov able Maple Leaf: $350 per issue • Full colo r Chesterland News: $350 per issue • Actual s ize: 3”x3 ” Kirtland Chronicle: $350 per issue Middlefied Post: $350 per issue We can print your inserts for as low as $0.04 each (one-sided, black and white, 20# white paper).

ONLINE More than 100,000 pageviews monthly with 24/7 web coverage.



Top Half $200 Actual Size 1.8”x 4.5”

Bottom Half


Actual Size 1.8”x 4.5” Color & Design Included in Pricing

Payment must be made at the time of space reservation for all front page ads and is non-refundable. Color & Design Included in Pricing

Actual Size: 8.2”x1.5”


Middlef ield Community News from Middlefield, Parkman, Huntsburg and Surrounding Areas


WE OFFER A MULTIMEDIA SOLUTION! 440-729-7667 x500 / ads @karlovecmedia.com 15


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