Traversing Lush Fraser Island Rainforest

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Traversing Lush Fraser Island Rainforest Fraser Island is the largest sand island in the world and its landscape are one of nature's surprising enigmas. It is the only place in the world where rainforests grow in sand - an absolutely magnificent experience to traverse and explore at close range. Upon closer look at the island's vegetation, the mangrove forests lies on the West side of Fraser Island, the scrubland in the North and South, and the rainforest in the middle. You'll discover this quaint splendor of Fraser Island rainforests with its vast plant life including numerous species of giant old trees, scrublands and rainforest vines. Come and visit building sunshine coast. How did this happen? Over thousands of years, nutrients have gradually been stockpiled with plants building up tiny amounts of wind blown elements and capturing and recycling nutrients from decaying trees and shrubs. This dynamic process has resulted in a stunning array of plant life. Rainforests actually grow on sand dunes at the world's highest elevation, more than 200 metres. The rainforests are so so dense in some places that light does not penetrate their canopy. Bigger trees and more dense scrub develops and the in turn enriches the soil even more. Therefore, in the centre of Fraser Island the richest layers exist and it is here that majestic, lush subtropical rainforest grows. Get information from new home builder sunshine coast. As vegetation took hold organic matter leached down to lower sediments, cementing the sand into a watertight layer. Now appears 40 or so beautiful freshwater lakes perch on the impermeable sandy layer, surrounded by lush rainforest. Logging History People used to log the forests, and at one case eucalyptus trees meet the rain forest, which was done as an experiment. The eucalyptus trees unfortunately did caused damage to the rainforest in either not allowing it to expand or in keeping it contained to the area it already is and graduallyly making the population smaller. A previous study suggests, the forests of the region were logged between 1863 and 1991 when logging was the region's major industry. Many large old trees were removed, especially Kauri pine and blackbutt, altering the forest structure, floristic composition and relative species abundance. In the absence of fire-management, long term maintenance of the blackbutt forests is necessary to halt their conversion to closed forest communities. Small scale mining for sand and valuable heavy minerals (rutile and zircon) which was allowed between 1949 and 1976 had caused tremendous effect to the rainforest. Gladly, the opposition from conservationists and community groups finally secured the removal of sand mining in 1976. Preserving this natural feature will help the island's ecosystem in normal function. The sand-filtered lakes and creeks actully supports a variety of beautiful vegetation giving its natural appeal. Afterall, the rainforest gave the island it's naturally cool and peaceful environment. Fraser Island's forests are one of the its most remarkable and controversial features. These days, it is amazing to witness and explore over 1,000 year-old trees, swampy wetlands, heathlands full of wild flowers and coastal strands of other plant life in close range. A Rainforest Adventure To explore this areas teeming with both plant and animal species, tourists must be knowledgeble enough before plunging on a Fraser Island rainforest camping adventure. Some rainforest plants found on Fraser Island include hoop pine, king fern, tree ferns, strangler figs, blue quandong trees, piccabeen palms and Cyprus pine trees. Vines of all sorts tangle their way upwards among the trees. Subtropical rainforests can be found in the centre of the island in the moist gullies. Wanggoolba Creek valley near Central Station contains magnificent trees, huge kauri, rough barked satinay, brush box, hundreds of piccabeen palms and many more species.

This place are home to rare and ancient species including the angiopteris fern, which has the largest fern fronds in the world. The angiopteris fern is notable due to its use of water pressure rather than structural tissue to keep its fronds erect. The walkways along Wanggoolba Creek at Central Station, inland from Eurong, pass several of the magnificent ferns.

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Further north and inland from Happy Valley, the Yidney Scrub is home to a forest of 200-year-old kauri pines. While the western coastline of the island is fringed with mangroves backed by areas of cypress pine.Although the vegetation is not all tall forest. Wallum heathlands occupy much of the lowlands. They consist of shrublands, scribbly gum trees and wallum banksia. It's a great feeling to witness the beautiful heathlands spring turning into color during August and September with the abundance of wildflowers.Though the island was heavily logged, large stands of satinays and brush box still remain. Pile Valley, between Central Station and Lake McKenzie, where much of the logging took place, has the tallest of the towering satinay and brush box. If you're planning a private moment with mother nature, or cruise along with your adventurous friends, the rainforest and natural wonders of Fraser Island can truly meet (even go beyond) your expectations.

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