Why is the architectural sheet metal field expected to grow in the coming years

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Why is the Architectural Sheet Metal Field Expected to Grow in the Coming Years? One thing that has been inevitable in the construction and design industry for years is that we've always seen products, or mainly styles (trends), come and go. It might be an impenetrable siding material or a new 'eco-friendly' roofing installation, or even using old blue jeans as insulation (which is still around but hard to find). There's nothing wrong with taking advantage of a trend, but you have to be careful of two things – 1) is the hip trend going to have any ROI when it comes time to sell and 2) are these manufacturers that capitalized on the popularity in its heyday going to still be in business in 10 years or even five?

These reasons are why its been especially good news for both homeowners and contractors that the architectural sheet metal field is expected to grow in the next eight years – some projections have stated up to 20%. Of course if you look at the Bureau of Labor statistics and other similar web sites they often proclaim G&D Service Group Inc www.gdservicegroup.com | info@gdservicegroup.com 286 Northwood Rd. Riverside, IL 60546

growth in all fields. Here are the legitimate reasons that homeowners are opting to design with architectural sheet metal and while installations like galvanized steel downspouts will continue to be on the rise. The Housing Market Has Turned Around One of the major reasons that home improvements such as architectural sheet metal installation and upgrading to galvanized downspouts is seeing growth is because people are buying homes again. Those who survived the tough times between 2008-2012 are finally starting to feel safe investing in their property again. When market values were down, home upgrades simply weren't an option unless they were a necessity. Now those repairs and replacements that should have been performed 10 years ago are finally getting caught up with.

G&D Service Group Inc www.gdservicegroup.com | info@gdservicegroup.com 286 Northwood Rd. Riverside, IL 60546

People are Designing With Curb Appeal In Mind Another reason that the specific projects of designing with stylish architectural sheet metal are being performed is because the respect for curb appeal has made a resurgence. For a while there, homeowners didn't care what their exterior looked like as long as they had a sweet sectional couch in their man cave and a bumping surround sound stereo system. Outdoor aesthetics are largely growing thanks to home improvement shows on satellite TV. As your neighbors put up outdoor pergolas and backyard barbecues, it's important to keep up even with small projects such as installing galvanized steel downspouts. Homeowners are Investing More in Longevity Ideally every home renovation project will provide an increase in quality of living, a boost in energy efficiency, and improving market value over the long term. Designing with architectural panels can definitely do all of those – but with the added advantage of a calming life span. Homeowners will spend more nowadays as they are really valuing longevity of a renovation. People realize a single 50year investment is actually more cost-efficient in the long run that replacing something like siding every 15 years. These are just a few of the reasons why an investment in architectural sheet metal and similar projects such as galvanized steel downspouts is one for the future. This is one trend that doesn't seem to be going anywhere – the same might not be able to be said about your lime green entry door.

G&D Service Group Inc 286 Northwood Rd. Riverside, IL 60546 (312) 536-9135 info@gdservicegroup.com http://www.gdservicegroup.com/services/gutters.html

G&D Service Group Inc www.gdservicegroup.com | info@gdservicegroup.com 286 Northwood Rd. Riverside, IL 60546

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