Get Connected: August 2011

Page 33



Alan Bennett sings the praises of modern switch-mode power regulators made in power-regulator design

line-scan-synchronous ones, with each set

in recent years, in perfect tune






designer having his own bright ideas and

an oscilloscope connected – with care –

with the need for high efficiency in these

concepts and each service engineer tearing

at the primary winding of the chopper

days of hideously expensive energy. It wasn’t

his hair out as he tried to do his job.

transformer: it will show needle pulses or a

always so...

Ancient stuff

Today’s switching regulators are brilliant in concept and design. Their efficiency

slowly-repetitive ‘bump-bump’ effect. In the secondary circuit of the PSU,

generally ranges between 80% and 90%,

check by inspection and with an ESR meter

The further back in time you go, the less

sometimes more. Very simply they work by

for faulty electrolytic capacitors; with an

efficient and hotter-running was home

converting incoming AC mains energy to

ohmmeter for short-circuit diodes; and (if

entertainment equipment. I can clearly

DC where necessary, then applying this via

necessary with a magnifying glass!) for

remember the days of wire-wound mains

a very fast-acting repetitive semiconductor

dry joints. On occasion, a faulty diode or

dropper resistors, and of diverse designs of

switch to an energy reservoir having

electrolytic capacitor will not show up on

power supplies which operated at power-

inductive (magnetic) and capacitive

test instruments; here substitution by a new

line frequency, 50 or 100Hz. There were

(electrical) storage elements. The chopper

one is the only certain way to prove its guilt.

thyristor regulators, which took huge, sharp

transformer provides electrical isolation

Apart from the ferrite-cored transformer,

and short bites out of the mains supply, in

between the mains and the load, while the

many PSU parts are generic and widely

some types only on one half-cycle. There

energy fed out is proportional to the duty-

available from component suppliers and

was an ingenious design by Sony in which

cycle (ratio of on- to off-time) of the switch

wholesalers, while complete boards and

two large capacitors were charged in series

in the primary circuit. This is governed by

panels can be had from Grandata and

on one mains half-cycle and discharged

a feedback loop, monitoring the secondary-

into the load in parallel on the next. All very

circuit voltage or current. This PSU building

Shopjimmy. A brilliant producer of PSU repair kits is Phoenix, who research failure

well until something went wrong, which in

block forms part of all mains-powered home

modes in a wide range of TVs etc, and

those days it often did! Some of the early

entertainment kit, and provides light-as-

make up complete sets of components

types of switching regulator were fiendishly

feathers gadget-chargers etc.

which are in my experience almost


Then and now


certain to do the job reliably. Typically consisting of one or more fuses, a handful

Current and recent designs of chopper PSU

of semiconductors and some passive R

Very few TV sets had mains transformers

are reliable and reasonably predictable.

and C components, these inexpensive kits

because of their cost, weight and stray

Complete failure may be due to an open

include all the little villains, victims and

magnetic fields. In their place were a

circuit fuse, dry soldered joints, diode or

heroes of breakdown. They are available

huge variety of switch-mode designs,

capacitor failure, with the latter the most

on the web and from, for instance, Charles

some based on ICs, some using discrete

common. In the primary circuit, fuse failure

Hyde at I can

transistors, often in large numbers. They

may arise from a short-circuit chopper

really recommend these kits which are

could be a nightmare to work on: you might

transistor or IC, or just fuse ageing/

now available for a very wide range of

replace a whole bunch of blown-up bits,

metal fatigue, while the small electrolytic

TVs etc. Charles Hyde also stocks a range

only to have them instantly destroyed again

capacitors here can cause the failure

of external PSU modules, used with some

at switch on, with a brilliant blue flash

of the chopper switch to operate. More

small-screen LCD TVs, laptop PCs etc.

from the mains fuse. There was a certain

common are problems on the secondary

Japanese 18-inch TV which had a frequent

side, often betrayed by a ‘pumping’ action


habit of destroying two expensive SG-type

of the circuit, the usual reaction to some

Always replace PSU components with

power FETs; unless you got the diagnosis

kind of overload condition, which may be

exact known equivalents to avoid fire and

and repair exactly right the replacements

outside the power unit altogether, i.e. in

shock hazards. Particularly in diodes and

would rupture as soon as power was

the circuits which form the electrical load.

fuses not all characteristics of would-be

reapplied with a raucous pzzzz from the

This pumping/sampling action may not

replacements are obvious from (sometimes

fuse as it blew apart. There were difficult-

be obvious, but is easily discernible with

superficial) published specifications.


to-service Wessel designs, and other



hat brilliant progress we have


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