GCA Construction News Bulletin November 2012

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Guam Contractors’ Association


1st Place Overall Winner

Vol.53 Issue 11 NOVEMBER2012



Feature Story

34 6

Member Benefits

Update C ommittee S.A.M.E.

10 14

C ommittee Update Headline C onstruction Hawthorne


Story F eature Island Tinting

20 30 32 34 36

P hoto Highlights C rane Critique Corner G arrison Report Member Benefits T he Happenings

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PRESIDENT James A. Martinez, GCA PAST CHAIRMAN William “Bill” Beery, Tutujan Hill Group CHAIRMAN Robert Salas, Landscape Management Systems VICE CHAIRMAN Tom Anderson, Black Construction SECRETARY/TREASURER Art Chan, Hawaiian Rock CONTRACTORS DIRECTORS: Tom Nielsen, Maeda Pacific Corporation Juno Eun, Core Tech International Mike Venezia, Hensel Phelps John Robertson, AmOrient Louis De Maria, dck pacific guam LLC ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS: Patty Lizama, Individual Assurance Company Paul Calvo, Calvo’s Insurance Carlo Leon Guerrero, M80 Office Systems Inc. Ray Yanger, Matson Navigation

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Guam Contractor’s Association (GCA) in conjunction with AdzTech and Public Relations, Inc. publishes the Construction News Bulletin (CNB) monthly. Reproduction of materials appearing in this publication is strictly forbidden without written permission by GCA. While we always strive for accuracy, we will from time to time overlook mistakes. In order to help us improve the quality and accuracy of this publication, we ask that you take the time to look at the information provided and notify GCA of any corrections as needed. Opinions and editorial content of this publication may not necessarily be those of the publisher, staff, GCA members, GCA Board of Directors and advertisers. For more information about advertising in the GCA Construction News Bulletin contact the advertising department at (671) 477-1239/2239 or email at adztech@teleguam.net. Distributed to GCA members or can be obtained by stopping by the Guam Contractors’ Association office located at 718 N. Marine Corps Drive, Suite 203, East West Business Center, Upper Tumon, Guam. To find out more about how you can become a GCA member contact Guam Contractors’ Association at Tel: (671)647-4840/41 Fax: (671) 647-4866 or Email: gca@teleguam.net. Postmaster. Send address changes to Guam Contractors’ Association, located at 718 N. Marine Drive Corps Suite 203, East West Business Center, Upper Tumon, Guam.


THETEAM PUBLISHER: James Martinez SALES & MARKETING DIRECTOR: Geri Leon Guerrero AD SALES: Tom Mendiola June Maratita PRODUCTION: Geri Leon Guerrero Christopher “Taco” Rowland Tanya Robinson PHOTOGRAPHERS: Christopher “Taco” Rowland Marty Leon Guerrero EDITOR: Adztech CONTRIBUTING WRITERS: John Robertson David F. Macaluso Ted Garrison

Dr.Noel Silan DPM, ABMSP P.C.

GCA STAFF: Francine Arceo Desiree Lizama COVER: Black on Track





Society of

American Military Engineers Guest speaker at the October meeting of SAME Guam Post was John Beccaria, Project Director for the Watts/Webcor/Obayashi joint venture. Mr. Beccaria provided an overview of the Guam Naval Hospital Replacement project. Also present to support the presentation was LCDR Jason Fahy, who is the ROICC for the project. Key points are outlined below.

STRUCTURAL CONCRETE • Placed 23,285 cy out of 27,239 • Finished 394,750 square feet out of 441,487 square feet • Cast 31 of 31 precast stair stringers on site by WWO crews • Installed 2,528 tons of rebar of 2,729 tons total CAPT Heckmann presents Guam Post coin to LCDR Jason Fahy and John Beccaria

SAFETY Mr Beccaria was pleased to report no major injuries for the project from inception to date. QUALITY CONTROL To date the contractor has placed a total of 17,734 CY of concrete Foundations and Footings – 6,460 CY Slab on Grade – 2,252 CY 1st Floor Walls and Columns – 1,824 CY 2nd Floor Walls and Columns – 1,771 CY 2nd Floor decks and beams – 3,821 CY 3rd Floor deck and beams – 3,821 CY 3rd Floor Walls and Columns – 1,444 CY Portland Cement Concrete Pavement – 408 CY Total LF Walls Framed To Date – 15,135 LF Total SF Sheetrock To Date – 74,368 SF Total Rework Items Generated to date – 132 Closed – 126. Still Open – 6 To date there have been a total of 3,482 Construction QC Tests

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Status for Civil Work Progress Phase 1 and Phase II • Structural Fill for Bldg – 48,750 cy (100% complete) • Structural Fill for Site Phase 1 & 2 – 3,250 cy (7.5 % complete) • Sewer System - 2,100 lf (90% complete) • Drain System – 2,200 lf (50% complete) • Water System – 550 lf (40% complete) • Roof Drain – 2,300 lf (70% complete) • Portland Cement Concrete Pavement – 262 cy (4% complete) • Electrical Conduit 4,800 lf (74% complete) • Communication Conduit 5,400 lf (90% complete) • Utility Trench – 85 cy (29% complete) • Misc. Concrete Pads – 31 cy (11% complete) • Civil Overall (51% complete)

• Rough in work has begun ahead of schedule • 15,435 lineal feet of framing installed • 74,368 square feet of drywall installed • Wall close up has begun • Temporary windows installed • Permanent window installation to start November

MECHANICAL WORK • Carbon Steel Pipe for HVAC Piping Systems—9,100 feet, 2,100 feet installed • Copper Tubing for Domestic and HVAC Systems—69,600 feet, 33,000 feet installed • Cleaned and Capped Copper Tubing for Medical Gases—20,860 feet, 9,500 feet installed • Cast Iron Pipe for Sanitary System—24,280 feet, 21,000 feet installed • HVAC Duct Work—40,000 lbs., 17,000 lbs. installed

Prepared by John M Robertson PE, Treasurer of SAME Guam Post To join SAME Guam Post, log on to SAME.org and look for “New Members” at upper left of home page



NOVEMBER2012 | 7


Military, Government and Labor Relations Committee Update – November ‘12

By John M. Robertson Local Election Results Unofficial election results are in and we can claim a partial victory for the business community. The Fab 5 scored 9th, 10th, 12th, and 15th positions in the new Legislature and may not be placed in leadership roles. The one in 19th place will of course not be in the 2013-2014 Legislative body. The eight top scoring candidates: 1. Dennis Rodriguez Jr, D; 2. Frank Blas Aguon Jr, D; 3. Tom Ada, D; 4. Thomas A. Morrison, R; 5. Michael F.Q. San Nicholas, D; 6. Anthony Ada, R; 7. Michael Limtiaco, R; and, 8. Christopher M. Duenas, R, are individuals the business community and all citizens can work with. Four are Democrat and four are Republican. The Democratic Party will of course select those to serve in leadership positions and we can trust that they will do the right thing for all the people of Guam. The Fab 5 Senators are believed to have contributed to halting the military buildup by delaying approval of the Programmatic Agreement and making unreasonable demands on a Senatorial delegation, thus damaging contractors and most local businesses. Another item high on the New Year’s wish list is to see greater mutual respect and cooperation between members of the Administration and the Legislature and especially in fiscal matters. There are challenges to be dealt with and also great opportunities ahead to boost the local economy if dealt with correctly. The greatest opportunities are still related to the Realignment of Military Forces in the western Pacific and we hope that the 32nd Legislature will do more than the last Legislature in seizing every opportunity that will lead toward long term prosperity for all island residents.

National Election Results:

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For Republicans here in Guam and across the nation, the national election outcome was a disaster. President Obama won the Electoral College numbers by a landslide and will be in office for another four years. The popular vote count is not yet final but preliminary results indicate a slimmer margin of victory for Mr Obama. The main issue during election campaigning was restoring the economy to good health which would lead to more jobs and especially sustainable good paying jobs.

care law. At the same time, the spending cuts agreed upon as part of the debt ceiling deal of 2011 will begin to go into effect. According to Barron's, over 1,000 government programs - including the defense budget and Medicare are in line for "deep, automatic cuts."

According to the U.S. NATIONAL DEBT CLOCK, the Outstanding Public Debt as of 11 Nov 2012 at 04:54:18 AM GMT was $16,254,182,668,299.52. More simply stated, that is $16.25 trillion U.S. dollars. The estimated population of the United States is 313,849,174 so each citizen's share of this debt is $51,789.79. The National Debt has continued to increase an average of $3.88 billion per day since September 28, 2007! Concerned? Then tell Congress and the White House!

• They can let the current policy scheduled for the beginning of 2013 – which features a number of tax increases and spending cuts that are expected to weigh heavily on growth and possibly drive the economy back into a recession – go into effect. The plus side: the deficit, as a percentage of GDP, would be cut in half. • They can cancel some or all of the scheduled tax increases and spending cuts, which would add to the deficit and increase the odds that the United States could face a crisis similar to that which is occurring in Europe. The flip side of this, of course, is that the United States' debt will continue to grow. • They could take a middle course, opting for an approach that would address the budget issues to a limited extent, but that would have a more modest impact on growth.

The public debt crisis began under the Republican presidency of George W. Bush but accelerated under President Obama and there is serious concern that he will be able, under his policies, to arrest or reverse the rate of growth in the deficit. President Obama was reelected largely on the basis of his promises to support expensive programs such as so-called “entitlements”, “ObamaCare” and other public assistance activities. This is on top of trending toward even larger government bureaucracy. These policies are leading America on an economic path toward what is now being witnessed in the European countries of Ireland, Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. The only way out of the economic quagmire we face is through fundamental economic reform. Can President Obama make such drastic change in his approach to the presidency? We can only wait and see. Meanwhile, two dominant buzz words have emerged in the nation’s capital: “Fiscal Cliff” and “Sequestration”. “Fiscal cliff” is the popular shorthand term used to describe the conundrum that the U.S. government will face at the end of 2012, when the terms of the Budget Control Act of 2011 are scheduled to go into effect. Among the laws set to change at midnight on December 31, 2012, are the end of last year’s temporary payroll tax cuts (resulting in a 2% tax increase for workers), the end of certain tax breaks for businesses, shifts in the alternative minimum tax that would take a larger bite, the end of the tax cuts from 2001-2003, and the beginning of taxes related to President Obama’s health


In dealing with the fiscal cliff, U.S. lawmakers and the president have a choice among three options, none of which are particularly attractive:

“Sequestration” is a fiscal policy procedure adopted by Congress to deal with the federal budget deficit. It first appeared in the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Deficit Reduction Act of 1985. Simply put, sequestration is the cancellation of budgetary resources -- an "automatic" form of spending cutback. The Budget Control Act of 2011 (BCA) established a 12 member Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction (or “super committee”) charged with reducing the deficit by an additional $1.2 - $1.5 trillion over ten years. The BCA also included a sequestration hammer should the super committee fail, a provision intended to “force” the super committee to act. Despite the threat of sequestration, the super committee failed. Announcing its inability to reach an agreement on November 21, 2011, the members of the bipartisan committee stated that "after months of hard work and intense deliberations, we have come to the conclusion today that it will not be possible to make any bipartisan agreement available to the public before the committee's deadline." So, as established in the BCA, sequestration was triggered when the super committee


failed to reach an agreement. Sequestration generates automatic cuts for each of nine years, FY 13-21, totaling $1.2 trillion. Without Congressional action to prevent sequestration, the first round of cuts will take place Jan. 2, 2013. The 2013 cuts apply to “discretionary” spending and are divided between reductions to defense ($500 billion) and non-defense ($700 billion). Sequestration can only be avoided if Congress passes legislation that undoes the legal requirement in the BCA and that President Obama will sign before January 2, 2013. While advocacy efforts to prevent sequestration are beginning to spring up, the strongest efforts focus on preventing the deep cuts to defense spending. Military officials on Guam have stated that they have no plans to accommodate the massive budgetary cuts, should that happen. They also advise that a further $500 Billion in cuts to military spending would be devastating and the nations’ defense would be significantly compromised.

New Faces in Government and the Congress: President Obama faces a now emerging requirement to replace a number of his most senior Cabinet officials. This in response to resignations from Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus. While it is common practice for cabinet officials to submit resignation letters at the end of a presidential term, these three appear to be based on genuine intentions to move on. Because of our concern for the Guam Military Buildup, we are especially interested in who will serve on important congressional committees. The following information is from GUASA and their lobbyist organization in Washington DC. GUASA has for the past year been promoting Guam interests in Washington with the intention of benefitting the island’s economy through the so called “military pivot to the Pacific” and other federal programs. Every other jurisdiction is represented in Washington by such organizations and our need is especially great in the Senate where Guam has no representation. GUASA is supported only by pledges and contributions from Guam businesses. GCA members are encouraged to assist in carrying this responsibility. Senate Armed Services Committee: Senator Carl Levin (D‐MI) will remain Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. However, Senator John McCain (R‐AZ) is term‐limited as Ranking Member of the Committee and Senator James Inhofe (R‐OK) will assume the


top spot for the Republicans. Behind Inhofe in Republican seniority on SASC are Jeff Sessions of Alabama and Saxby Chambliss of Georgia. Claire McCaskilll of Missouri would be the fourth-ranking Democrat behind Chairman Carl Levin of Michigan, Jack Reed of Rhode Island and Bill Nelson of Florida who replaces Jim Webb as the majority leader. We recall with regret that spending on Guam for relocation of Marine Corps units from Okinawa to Guam was blocked by Senators Webb, McCain and Levin in second quarter of 2011. As a result of changes, relative newcomers to the committee — Mark Udall of Colorado; Kay Hagan of North Carolina, who is chairwoman of the Emerging Threats and Capabilities panel; Mark Begich of Alaska; Joe Manchin III of West Virginia; Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire; Kirsten Gillibrand of New York; and, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut — could vie for the top spot on any subcommittees remaining after Reed and Nelson have declared their preferences. Each of those lawmakers is currently serving his or her first term in the Senate. Democrats on the defense panel plan to focus on properly balancing the force as they oversee defense spending reductions. A senior Democratic aide says the planned strategic shift toward the Pacific shouldn’t preclude focusing on other hot spots. Further, as the services begin implementing plans to shrink their overall force structure, Democrats will closely oversee the balancing between active and Guard and reserve forces. House Armed Services Committee: With Chairman Buck McKeon, R-Calif., almost certain to retain his gavel, and ranking Democrat Adam Smith of Washington expected to keep his spot, the Armed Services Committee will pick up right where it left off. Guam Congresswoman Madeleine Bordallo will return to a senior position on the HASC. The most pressing issue for panel members is likely to be the defense spending cuts scheduled to take effect Jan. 2 with the sequester — barring any breakthrough in the lame-duck session. The re-election of President Obama means the committee is likely to remain on the defensive, trying to fend off additional defense cuts. With the war ending, Democrats will likely advocate for leaner defense authorizations, while Republicans will argue for a peace-through-strength agenda. Tactical Air and Land Forces Chairman Roscoe Bartlett, R-Md., was defeated. The open slot is likely to create some movement on the other subcommittees, as the Tactical Air and Land panel is regarded as one of the most coveted — and lucrative for constituents — subcommittee chairmanships in Congress. Michael Turner, R-Ohio, the current Strategic Forces Subcommittee chairman, is thought

COMMITTEEUPDATE to be a favorite for the Tactical panel spot Randy Forbes, R-Va., currently the Readiness Subcommittee chairman, is a possible heir for Sea Power subcommittee Chair. Congressional Action on the NDAA: It is likely that the National Defense Authorization Act will be passed during the "Lame Duck" session of Congress according to information obtained by GUASA and that is good news for GCA members. The Senate Armed Services Committee is considering bypassing the Senate floor and taking the Defense authorization bill straight to conference committee. If the authorization bill were to bypass the Senate floor, the House and Senate panels would likely convene an informal conference committee to hash out their differences. The committee’s first preference is to get the bill passed through regular order during the lame-duck session, but this seems increasingly unlikely. Once an agreement is reached, the bill could move forward in two ways, sources say. The House could introduce the conference report as a new bill, pass it and send it to the Senate, or the Senate could strike the full defense bill and insert the new language on the floor. The Senate would still have to pass the bill, of course, but taking the alternative routes could avoid the lengthy amendment process on the floor. The House passed the Defense authorization bill in May. Defense authorizing committees are "preconferencing but want to avoid exercising the option of bypassing the Senate floor, a process nicknamed “ping-pong”. But the committees also insist that the defense bill, which sets military policy and provides things such as pay raises for troops and war funding, must pass this year. While frequently there are controversial measures in the authorization bill, it nearly always passes with large bipartisan majorities. One of the biggest differences between the House and Senate bills is the overall topline funding number, as the two sides are approximately $3 billion apart on a bill that tops $600 billion. That fight has roots in the Budget Control Act’s reduction of military spending. The foregoing represents a lot of politics. I would remind our readers of an initiative of the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) in 2008 which is summary stated: “Get into politics or get out of business”.

The Government and Labor Relations Committee is open to all members of the association. Contact the GCA office for time and place of meetings.


NOVEMBER2012 | 11


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October 30, 2012

Hawthorne Cat® Promotes Greg Vena to Pacific Region Sales Manager October 30, 2012, Waipahu, HI – Hawthorne Cat has recently promoted Greg Vena to Pacific Region Sales Manager. He will lead the sales, product support and rental operations in Hawaii and Guam. According to Dave Ness, Vice President Sales and Marketing, “Greg’s extensive management experience as Corporate Product Support Manager is perfectly suited for the day-to-day management of the Hawaii and Guam operations.” Ness continues, “Vena’s product support sales responsibilities in San Diego will transition to David Dean, San Diego Region Sales Manager. David has done an outstanding job at Hawthorne Cat and will continue to build on Mr. Vena’s success.” Vena states, “I am very excited about my new responsibilities. While I will be based in San Diego, I will be travelling extensively throughout the Pacific Region to expand our sales and rental business and ensure our operation is reaching its full potential.” Background Hawthorne Cat is the authorized dealer for Caterpillar construction and power equipment in the Pacific, with eight regional facilities on Oahu (Waipahu), Hawaii (Hilo and Kona), Maui, Kauai, Guam and Saipan. Hawthorne Cat is proud to continue a historic legacy of serving Hawaii, home of the first U.S. Caterpillar dealership opened in 1925. This division provides sales, rentals, parts and service of Caterpillar and allied brand machinery and power systems. For more on Hawthorne visit www.pacific.hawthornecat.com

14 | NOVEMBER2012



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m a u G g Ti nti n Growing up on a farm on Guam and not having much as a child helped fuel the drive and install discipline for two young local entrepreneurs. Joe and Thomas Roberto turned their childhood passion into their career. Joe and Thomas along with the help of their three brothers they formed Island Tinting in 1990 and since then they have been tinting Guam’s cars, homes and commercial buildings. According to Thomas, you can trace our interest in cars and automotive work since we were young. Our older brother Antonio (Tony) introduced us to this passion. Thomas said, “Since we were kids, we always enjoyed working on cars.” Joe continues, “My older bro got us involved in working on cars and I’ve been doing it since i was 12. This was something I enjoyed doing because I felt proud accomplishingafter each job. I had a sense of pride.” After high school Thomas left Guam in 1987, to enroll in college at Hawaii but he ended up working at a tint shop with his brother Manet (Manny) instead. Manny had moved to Hawaii in the mid 1980’s. Thomas said he really wanted to get a college education, but felt he could get it at a later time. The tint shop in Hawaii gave

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him an opportunity to learn a new trade plus he was still able to work on cars. Soon after that Joe would follow his two brothers to Hawaii and also work at the same tint shop. Thomas said, “At one point there were three Roberto brothers from Guam working at the same Tint shop in Hawaii. We got together and decided to move back to Guam and start our own tint shop.” Joe adds, “The three of us were doing everything at this tint shop. We thought, here we are, the three of us doing all the work on a different island making money for someone else away from home. Why don’t we go home and do it for our friends and family and make it a success. We are already doing it, lets do it for ourselves.” “Our brother Tony was involved with a local restaurant so he was the only one of us that had the business sense for our new proposed company. The three of us had all the knowledge of the labor part of the business and how to do everything,” said Thomas. While the brothers were making plans to get back to Guam, Tony met up with the local artist Greg Flores to help design their logo and color scheme. The Island Tinting logo has eleven palm trees which symbolizes each sibling, 6 brothers and five


sisters. When the three brothers finally returned to Guam, they had a company name and logo, now they needed to reach the next level and get their building and equipment. Joe and Thomas each took out a $5,000 loan and used the $10,000 to get their business moving. “We were so lucky that the Calvo family helped us to get our business going. They helped us pick the location and made it easy for us to move in,” said Joe. In May 1990 Island Tinting opened its doors. But it wasn’t a success right away. There were days the brothers would sit in their bays of the new Agana shop and watch all the cars pass by. According to Thomas, “On the first day we had zero customers. We didn’t get paid for about two more weeks, that was our sweat equity. I guess at that time there were already three other tint shops on the island and we were the new guys. But things began to change after our first phone call. And the customers slowly came into our shop. We are now out in front of the other competitors because we really wanted to be the best.” On the third year the quality of their work improved because they focused on their craft and customer service. This allowed for them to expand and open up another shop behind Atkins Kroll. At that



time things were so good they were doing between 15 to 20 cars a day and were backlogged for two weeks at a time. Thomas smiled and looked to the heavens, “Those were the good old days, but they are not like that anymore. We tried to attract car dealerships so we could generate more business.. But then Typhoon Paka ripped down our shop and warehouse behind Atkins Kroll. It wasn’t until 2005 when we reopened another shop, but at a different location, in the north.” “During the tough times we had to hang in there,” said Joe. “We then branched out and started to do residential and commercial structures. Our older brother Tony said we needed to join Guam Contractors Association to reach out to the Contractors Community so we could help with their island projects. It only made sense because tinting isn’t just for cars, its also used for windows in homes and buildings.” The in 2002 Typhoon Pongsona damaged their main facility in East Agana and in 2010 they decided to build a new modern facility with 30 feet wide spacious bays that are brighter and well lit to help the employees see their work. The new facility opened on 11/1/11.


Island Tinting realized that educating their employees and getting them accredited would eventually help both their employees and the business. In 2003 the company sent five employees to get accredited from International Window Film Association. It provided value added services to help sustain its employees and help Island Tinting grow as a business. It helped its employees to increase consumer awareness on different products and explained all types of professionallyinstalled window film products. It also taught them about the sun, how it reacts to glass and the different types of tint. Tints are just not one kind, there are many different types of film. When providing customer service Island Tinting needs to be able to understand what the clients want before they can help them find what they are looking for. “Customers might want privacy, do they want to block the heat out, do they want to allow some heat in. Some tints can even help reduce the electric bill because it can make the house cooler and that can mean a big savings. There are even clear tints that block out more sun and heat than the darker black films. It’s really amazing about all the advances that have been made over the years,” said Joe.

Joe adds, “Getting back to education, there are only 51 people in the world with the Advanced Accreditation. At the same time, Thomas is only 1 of 16 in the world that has all 4 accreditations being, Automotive, Solar Control, Safety & Security and just from his the recent trip to Kentucky, the Advanced accreditations.” Since joining the GCA, Island Tinting received many jobs from the construction industry. Thomas said, before you decide to get tinting done, you need to look into quality of work, the knowledge the company has to offer and the past performance. In the past the company tinted the entire NAVFAC (Officer in Chief of Command Facility), residential homes from Yigo to Umatac, commercial buildings, every single window at the Naval Hospital, the DNA Building in Agana, The Bank of Guam in Agana, Coast 360, DCK, Hyatt, the old Gold’s Gym, and Shimbros. “ My parents and family are very proud that we are successful. We are humbled and would like to thank the public, GCA, all the companies and contractors for using our services. I think they call us because of our quality and our film last a very long time,” said Thomas. “In order to become the best there’s a lot of hard work, you have to study and know your product. Our staff has a lot of knowledge and we all take pride when our clients smile when the job is done.”


NOVEMBER2012 | 19


GCA Luncheon October 17th, 2012 Hilton Guam Resort & Spa

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Frank Florig’s Retirement Party November 9th, 2012 Tu Re Cafe

GPA Incentive Awards Program Employee Recognition Presentation November 1st, 2012 Westin Resort Guam



NOVEMBER2012 | 21


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30 | NOVEMBER2012





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I don’t have to tell anyone in construction that the industry has been in a funk for the past few years. The housing industry just reported new home sales at 302,000 for 2011, which is the lowest figure since they started keeping track back in the 1960s. When you consider how many more people there are today, the figures are even worse. The low volume of work has certainly made life in the industry challenging. It’s time to stop making excuses and take control of the situation. Jim Collins and Morten Hansen reported in their new book Great by Choice that the most successful people take control without making excuses. They coined the name 10Xers for those companies that surpassed the competition by at least ten times. They wrote: “Clear-eyed and stoic, 10Xers accept, without complaint, that they face forces beyond their control, that they cannot accurately predict events, and that nothing is certain; yet they utterly reject the idea that luck, chaos, or any other external factor will determine whether they succeed or fail.” The reality is the price that contractors can charge for their work is under a great deal of pressure with little upward movement despite increasing materials costs and overhead expenses.

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The only sustainable way to attack this challenge is through greater efficiency. In a January 23, 2012, conference call, Steve Sandherr, the Associated General Contractors of America’s CEO, reported that many contractors are taking steps to make their operations more efficient. He stated: “For example, a growing number of firms seem to be focused on increasing efficiency and reducing cost by taking advantage of building information modeling services, better known as BIM. Thirty-one percent of firms surveyed report they currently use the technology, up from just 8 percent who reported using BIM in last year’s outlook. And 47 percent report they expect BIM use to increase in 2012.” BIM isn’t the only answer. Contractors can improve their efficiency by embracing lean construction, which is what’s happening. During an NCS Radio interview with Greg Howell, the founder of the Lean Construction Institute, he reported on the increased interest in lean construction the past few years. Lean construction is critical because it focuses on increasing the value delivered to clients and minimizes waste in the process—two critical factors essential to improving industry profitability. Several studies from all over the world have reported that the waste in the design and construction process is significant. In fact, estimates place the amount of waste at up to 40 percent, and some argue it’s higher. Clive Cain reported in Profitable Partnering for Lean Construction the primary reason that the construction industry hasn’t increased its productivity the past 50 years is a result of its failure to effectively manage its supply chain. Instead of creating a system where all the various construction team members work together to increase project efficiency, most projects have an antagonistic environment where each entity is forced to battle for its survival. One case study he reported on told of a borough council in the United Kingdom that needed to build two schools of the same size and requirements. One school was built using the conventional design-bid-build approach. The other used a best-value approach employing the design-build delivery method. The design-built school cost 38 percent less and was determined to be of superior quality. Clearly, the design-build contractor provided superior value. Of course, contractors can’t force design-build on clients, but they can certainly manage their downstream supply chain for greater efficiency through collaboration. Besides, when you can prove to clients that you have a highly efficient downstream supply chain, you have a better chance of negotiating a design-build contract. A few weeks ago, a colleague said to me that best-value contractors aren’t necessarily lean contractors. My retort was that by definition the best-valued contractor must be lean. How can a contractor offer the best value if he hasn’t removed all the waste from the process? While achieving lean is not a destination, but a journey, it’s important for contractors to be as lean and efficient as possible to compete in today’s hypercompetitive marketplace. I have had numerous conversations with CEOs of major construction companies who


have stated that their company is committed to investing the development of their people during these challenging times. Mark Casso, president of Construction Industry Round Table, further reinforced this position in a recent NCS Radio interview. He reported his members have repeatedly stated that they learned from the mistakes during the 2001 slowdown. Namely, a recession can’t stop their investment in their people. Casso reported his members are investing in ways to be more efficient, including BIM technology and lean training. It’s important to understand this because if you aren’t investing in becoming more efficient, you will be at a severe disadvantage when your prospects compare your prices. To help contractors become more efficient, a colleague of mine, Ed Anderson of Lean Implementation Services of Florida, and I have teamed up to provide an outstanding opportunity. We have negotiated the right to provide Global OEM Solutions’ 5.5-hour Web-based program on lean thinking to our subscribers and clients at no cost. This program normally requires a $399 investment, but for a limited time, it is available for free. So even if cash is tight, you have no excuse to not send your people through this program! To date, more than 600 Fluor Construction people have registered for the course. Rob Koene, Flour’s knowledge manager, said this about the program: “I am taking this course and IT IS GREAT! Well set up and in short and sweet chunks. The duration of the sections is just right to fit in our busy schedules, the principles are manufacturing oriented but they actually apply to every type of industry and also for engineering. You can even apply them at home.”(www.linkedin.com/in/robkoene) If you would like to find out how you can take advantage of this great opportunity to provide some wonderful in-house training at no cost for your employees, go to www.Lean101.ca. Use GARRISON as the coupon code where requested. Can you afford not to take advantage of this outstanding opportunity? I don’t think so! This offer comes with no strings; it’s simply a way for us to give back to the industry while educating construction workers on lean thinking. However, are you battling to achieve positive cash flow? Are you struggling to earn reasonable profit on projects? Are you surprised by project events that no one seemed to anticipate? Are you frustrated by a lack of consistent performance by team members resulting in delays and cost overruns? If the answer is yes to any of those questions, then you should consider attending the full-day program that Ed and Ted are offering titled ”How to Improve Profitability in Today’s Tough Market – a Practical Guide to Lean for Construction” in Lakeland, Florida, on March 15, 2012. To learn more about this program, go to www.eventbrite.com/event/2456637870?ref=elink or contact Ted at 386-437-6713 (Ted@TedGarrison.com) or Ed at 407-358-8190 (eanderson@paladin.us.com).


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Guam Foot Clinic

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The foots outer covering the epidermis can also be affected by skin problems unique to itself and hard to diagnose. The plantar surface of the foot is subject to a lot of weight and shear pressure. Callouses on the feet are more common with people constantly on their feet. Thick cotton socks and good insoles can help with painful callouses. New studies have shown that nicotine can be a factor in the formation of thickened skin . The nails of the feet also may be affected from childhood up to retirement age. Again these nail dis-orders can be unique to the feet and difficult to cure.

Dr.Noel Silan, DPM ABMSP The foot is as essential as any part of the body. It allows us to get up in the morning go to work. Once there it never stops from standing, walking, running, tiptoeing, kneeling and bending. It keeps us employed, healthy and basically like the wheels to a car it gets us around. It comprises of 28 bones, 33 joints and 112 ligaments. The foot can be affected by injuries from everyday wear and tear to metabolic dis-orders such as diabetes or gout.

Purchasing the right shoes like with any profession doesn’t change when your job comes to construction. Remember always buy shoes in the afternoon as opposed to the morning. This allows for your foot to swell to its natural size and by the afternoon your shoes size may vary in width or length as compared to the morning. Lace up boots makes for good balance and may actually prevent you from accidental sprains which may occur with the job. Chronic wear and tear on the feet add up leading to swelling and pain.

Pain can be a swollen joint, tendon, or ligament of the foot. It can also be an entrapped nerve. Pain persisting after a week of icing, NSAIDS and a change of shoe gear needs a visit to the Podiatrist. The humidity is another factor to consider when doing construction out here in Guam. Moist feet is usually a great breeding ground for not only fungus but also bacterial infections of the foot. Wearing cotton socks, foot powder and cutting down on caffeine intake are good measures to help decrease foot perspiration. Asides from being steel toed , water proof material is also important when buying construction shoes. Just like all shoes make sure you don’t extend the life of your construction shoe and risk pain , injury to your feet. All shoes have a break in period for comfort . New shoes usually are more supportive and comfortable than old worn out shoes when it comes to heavy duty work like construction. Once your feet are in pain and your shoes look worn out don’t hesitate to first buy new shoes which may be a quick fix. If pain persists then seeing a Podiatrist is your next option.

Dia b e t i c F o o t P r o b l ems • Go u t • S por ts/W or k Related Injur ies • Skin Disease s • Sur ger y 34 | NOVEMBER2012



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Guam Contractors Association


Week 11

Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

# 6 1 4 5 12 11 7 2 10 8 3 9

Team Name Hawaiian Rock Products 1 Hawaiian Rock Products 2 Black Construction Corp. J&B Modern Tech DCK Pacific Guam, LLC Kinden Corporation Advance Management Inc. SPPC/76 Cassidy’s Associated Insur Agbayani Air Conditioning Guam Crane Services Security Title Inc.

Points Points Pins plus Last Wk Lask Wk Won Lost Handicap Won Lost -132117 4 0 820 29.5 14.5 32211 2 2 803 29 15 31656 0 4 711 27 17 31498 3 685 26 18 1 31851 2 782 25 19 2 31446 3 661 22 22 1 31277 1 735 23 3 21 31017 0 586 23 4 21 30450 1 618 21 23 3 27539 2 2 675 15.5 28.5 28100 0 4 0 14.5 29.5 25027 2 2 562 12.5 31.5

-2830 879 758 596 716 546 727 534 681 657 0 608

-3854 829 743 590 838 601 784 538 604 704 0 588

HDCP Total 2813 2919 2686 2768 2792 2735 2927 2735 2947 2879 0 2856

-2793 853 910 650 892 739 698 572 520 677 876 578

-3843 757 873 655 796 732 678 517 583 693 770 552

HDCP Total 2920 2735 2914 3025 2931 2889 2856 2812 2687 2844 3048 2851

Week 10 Place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

# 1 4 6 5 12 11 7 2 10 3 8 9

Team Name Hawaiian Rock Products 2 Black Construction Corp. Hawaiian Rock Products 1 J&B Modern Tech DCK Pacific Guam, LLC Kinden Corporation Advance Management Inc. SPPC/76 Cassidy’s Associated Insur Guam Crane Services Agbayani Air Conditioning Security Title Inc.

36 | NOVEMBER2012

Points Points Pins plus Last Wk Lask Wk Won Lost Handicap Won Lost -129292 1 813 27 13 3 28970 4 720 27 13 0 29304 3 816 25.5 14.5 1 28730 0 607 25 15 4 29059 23 17 4 0 775 28711 21 19 4 0 662 28350 18 22 0 4 694 28282 17 23 3 1 607 27503 17 23 1 3 546 28100 14.5 25.5 0 4 610 22954 13.5 26.5 3 1 646 22171 536 10.5 29.5 1 3



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