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Brand Manifesto

a c r o d e x Brand Manifesto


have an obligation to bring innovation to the forefront. By unleashing human potential, through enhanced communication and collaboration– be it for commercial enterprises, government or education– we catalze the engine of economic growth, raising the bar in all we do.

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can no longer watch as firms struggle to implement new technologies, only to see their people exhausted and the effort unsuccessful.

We can no longer watch as organizations turn to their clients, their leadership teams, and their partners for the elusive goal of achieving uncommon results, overlooking the biggest issue of all: the way their people leverage technology. We cannot sit idly by.

We must share what we know with everyone we touch.

We must educate in new ways about the power of Unified Communications: real technology solving real problems. Every day.

We must transfer the Covisia Way into their cultures.

We must work with them to solve their urgent problems and educate them at the same time; we must help them transform and shape their use of technology, creating truly collaborative environments in our wake. We must strive to change the DNA of their organization so they become engines of organizational performance. We must.

We must act alone s i x e Acrod op of the t r at the ogy provide ol techn list. odex 1. Acr one Else ry 2. Eve

We stand alone as a true innovator. Delivering a new collaboration paradigm will demand nothing less than the best efforts from the full depth and breadth of Covisia. Delivering a new collaboration paradigm will demand nothing less than the best efforts from the full depth and breadth of Covisia.

How? Solve + Teach: “It is a lesson of experience that all people are more delighted and more moved by what they find out for themselves. Hence it will suffice just to point, as with the finger, to the vein in the mine, and let each dig for himself.” – Sir Isaac Newton

Lead We believe that leadership is not conveyed by hierarchical status but by manifesting a set of core values in life and work. True, authentic leadership creates leaders, not followers.

Learn We believe learning is an action verb; a continuous journey that begins and never ends. Learning is struggling with problems long enough to hear their lesson, long enough to allow them to change our ways, forever.

We set the standard. We lead the charge.


Delivering Seamless Collaboration solutions that f oster Innovation, Agility and Teamwork. We are making it easier for people to find, reach and collaborate with one another. One person at a time.



We appreciate our own potential. We recognize weakness that block our potential. We articulate and live the values we stand for. We constantly innovate and adapt to embrace the changing world. We engage others with a positive attitude. Transformation that does not transcend our own walls is not transformation. We are men and women serving business needs. Self-aware, ingenious, with a belief in greater risk than fear, we seek to evoke great potential.


“Bringing Your Future into Focus�. We stand at the forefront of those who are changing the way organizations leverage technology to win, bringing the true fullness of organizational potential into sight.

Words to live by Passionate: We are leading a revolution to overthrow the existing communications paradigm-casting off the shackles that have limited human potential for decades.

Excellence: We will demonstrate in action the spirit of leadership bound by trust, mutual support, true respect for one another’s talents, true interest in helping others succeed and a willingness to hold one another accountable to these high standards-- all so that we can realize our fullest personal, and collective potential.

Open: There are no preconceived notions. We are inventing the future, not safeguarding the past. Nothing we know or have learned will be hidden or withheld from those we work with and serve.

Partnership: We believe the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. We know that to win in this market, we must have and be partners with like minded people and firms. Those that believe in and expose our true potential. We listen more than we speak, so that we may better hear the voices of intuition and ingenuity.

Optimizing Performance Changing organizational DNA. Through participation and practice, we (employees, partners and clients alike) will come to embody the skills that make each of us “core components� of organizational performance.

Building Collaboration

Creating lasting performance is a contact sport. We understand the pitfalls and benefits of improving. With that said, our culture serves as a platform of innovation. Our results deliver true competitive advantage through collaboration. This is WHAT we are famous for.


a c r o d e x We will constantly seek new ways to advance the purpose of innovation to ourselves, our partners and our clients, leaving no person or business unaffected. I 800.456.2667

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