Dec 1, 2011 issue

Page 1


Dec 1-15, 2011 Steve’s Key Lime adds a new venture... page 13 Erik Penney goes old school Italian.... page 14


Reg Flowers talks about Occupy Red Hook Reg Flowers is known in Red Hook as the Founder and Artistic Director of Falconworks, a community-based arts organization that presents original plays written by aspiring local writers. He also works at the Red Hook Initiative one day a week. We attended a recent Occupy Red Hook meeting which he started and leads and found out there are many more sides to this gentle man. In particular we were impressed with how he was able to lead a discussion among people who to us seemed to represent a mosaic of Red Hook that doesn’t often get together, that to us represents the two sides of Red Hook - tenants of the Red Hook Houses and those from the other side of Van Brunt. So we decided to find out more about him. This interview was conducted by George Fiala and transcribed by Matt Graber. RHSR: Do you feel that there are two Red Hooks? Reg Flowers spoke to us at the Red Hook Initiative Reg Flowers: There is one Red Hook where people are living very diverse experiences. You say two Have your Occupy meetings brought people together Red Hooks and then you might say okay there are peo- in the community that may not have met otherwise? ple living in public housing and people who don’t live It made a lot of people recognize that they were all in public housing. But even within those two different part of the same system that brought them into the groups there is a variety of economic levels that people room to begin with, and maybe in the past the probare living. There are people living outside of public lem was that they didn’t see how they were connected. housing that are homeless. Can you tell our readers a little about yourself. I can compare it to when I was in graduate school. I was trained as a theater artist, most of that training Where I went to school in New Haven, there were was as an actor, but I was also a playwright. In the mid the students and the professors and the administrators, 1990’s I became more interested in producing theater, and they were living the life of academia. And then in and started Falconworks to be able to do that. With the surrounding areas there were mostly people living people that were interested in what I was doing and in poverty. But those people living in poverty were interested in collaborating with me, it became very mostly working at the university. So to me they were clear that all of the work had a connection to whatas much a part of the culture of the university as any ever social issue was going on around me and I found of us students or any of the professors. Maybe some myself writing plays about employment, and gentrifipeople chose not to see that they were there, but they cation. And so that was one aspect of the work: it was were definitely part of this whole greater economy. very political. And I feel that the same thing is true in Red Hook As an extension of that, we found that the work that to some extent, that there’s this one economy that is we were doing was becoming connected to the comRed Hook that all of these different people are playing munity that we were living in, because that’s what was their part in. And again you can say this one thing is around us. So when we decided to incorporate Falhappening but it’s happening because this other thing conworks we knew that we wanted a theater company exists. So they’re part of the same ecosystem. that was going to be more than just people doing plays,

that it was going to be a more holistic approach of looking at the lives of artists and trying to create a more stable life for artists, but also creating a more stable life for the community. As we were looking for places to locate ourselves, a lot of people pointed to Red Hook as a place where this kind of thing would be needed. So I started coming to Red Hook and interviewing people and asking them, if they were to have a theater here, what kind of theater would you be interested in, and discovered very quickly that there was a lot of this activist energy and political energy in Red Hook. It happened to be at the time that IKEA was coming and there was that whole debate in the community, and gentrification was seeming to become more of an issue. I got a lot of stories about the history of Red Hook and about Patrick Daly and it was very clear that this was going to be a neighborhood where it could happen. From the beginning we were trying to figure out how to address people’s issues in a meaningful way using theater, not just making plays about issues, but finding a way that the doing of the play would be part of the solution. We partnered with many of the local organizations, like Red Hook Community Justice Center, Red Hook Initiative and others before we even began establishing roots in the community, so that support became part of how the organization was being formed. Our first project came out of our partnership with the RHCJC - we were asked to come in and teach communication skills in a program that was starting. It was a peer education group educating for substance abuse and HIV prevention. In the work that we did with them, I would have them creating little scenes and skits about the topic. And the work that we were doing was so exciting that we wanted to continue working with young people in that way and so we started this program called “Off the Hook.” Where is Falconworks based? We have donated office space in the community through a partnership with the Justice Center. All of our performance space comes from partnerships - we do workshops here at RHI, we do workshops at Dance Theater Etc, we’ve done workshops at Added Value. Is Falconworks just you? A lot of it is volunteer workers. We’ve had a program director for the past two or three years who’s done a lot of the leg work and there are a few people in that posi(continued on page 3)

Growing Up Red Hook

Wondering about the world on the other side of the highway


by Danette Vigilante

rooklynites are notorious walkers, but when we were little, my parents took it to the extreme. The only thing missing was the order to “march!” Okay, maybe not that bad, but I cannot count the times we, as a family, left Red Hook and our third floor apartment to hike across the Brooklyn Bridge. It wasn’t until later that I learned the story of how, in 1884, P.T. Barnum paraded twenty-two elephants across the bridge in order to help put people’s fears of an unstable bridge to rest. This, after twelve people lost their lives during a stampede based on rumor that the bridge was going to collapse. I admit, had I ever thought of the words “collapse,” “bridge” and “stampede,” I’m not so sure I would’ve gone along quite as happily. This brings me to the very curious fact that my mother is afraid of both water and heights, it’s a wonder she ever set foot on the bridge. She must’ve known about the elephants. Our journey started on Centre Mall, then to Clinton Street where we stayed the course all the way into Brooklyn Heights. Along the way, I kept my young self from complaining by marveling at the beautiful brownstones lining both sides of the street. I wondered about their occupants— were they bored? Happy? Did the kids living inside have their own rooms? Did they read underneath the covers when they should’ve been asleep the way I did? I wanted to know what exactly kept them busy inside those high ceilinged rooms all day, every day. What I didn’t realize at the time was, even though the other side of the highway appeared to be much different from where I came from, the people were the same. Yes, they grew bored, read, were hopefully happy, and they probably spent a good deal of time cleaning those high ceilinged rooms. Outsides may not be the same, but inside, we most certainly are. On the trek back, thanks to my aching legs and feet, I was less interested in the view from the bridge, which then seemed to go on forever, and more concerned with getting back to Centre Mall. Still, I could not ignore Lady Liberty as she beckoned for my attention or the World Trade Center rising proudly out of the canyon, nor the fish market which once stood in place of the South Street Seaport literally buzzing with activity. Though these things are different now, I am happy to say that what has been left on the inside— a sense of belonging, of family and community will always be the same. Those “marches” have served me well.

Danette Vigilante is a children’s author living in New York City with one husband, two daughters, Mr. Noodle, her love hog Yorkshire terrier and Daisy, a cat with a seriously bad attitude. Her newest book, The Trouble with Half a Moon, is in local bookstores and available for purchase online at Amazon and other booksellers.

Welcome to YOUR community newspaper!

The Red Hook Star-Revue The News of South Brooklyn

Volume 2 No. 14, December 1-15, 2011

Founded in 2010 by Frank Galeano and George Fiala

Reporter............................................................................... Elizabeth Graham Photographers .............................................. Thomas Rupolo, Elizabeth Graham Cartoons ....................................................... Vince Musacchia, Harold Shapiro Historian.....................................................................................John Burkard Contributors ............................Curtis Skinner, Danette Vigilante, Robert Geehan ...................... Michael Racioppo, Mary Ann Pietanza, Kiki Valentine, Matt Graber Calendar Guy ........................................................................... Macklin Veitor Resident Foodie ........................................................................... Erik Penney Supervisor for all the above .......................................................... George Fiala The Red Hook Star-Revue is published twice a month by Select Mail.

We need letters to the editor as well as press advisories which can be mailed to:

Red Hook Star-Revue, 101 Union Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231

718 624-5568 - news tip line 917-652-9128 or emailed to

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Page 2 Red Hook Star-Revue

December 1-15, 2011

Reg Flowers Talks to the Red Hook Star-Revue (continued from page 1)

tion. So it’s not just me. When Off the Hook happens, it’s a lot of folks from the community coming together. We end up having about forty volunteers each time we run it. Everybody comes. It’s not just people from Housing; it’s not just people who live in The Back. It’s everyone. And the kids who do the program are a pretty diverse array. From 11 to 15 years old, boys and girls, from various racial and cultural backgrounds. You see the same kind of diversity at neighborhood meetings. Pretty much every year people from different organizations come together and we talk about how we can work together more closely. And sometimes that develops into a partnership and sometimes it’s just a nice conversation, and we get along. We all tend to get along. At my last meeting with Jill Eisenhard, there was talk about Falconworks maybe partnering with RHI on a program and she told me about this training that was going on for Community Change Workers. And I was really intrigued and she invited me to maybe offer a one-day workshop as part of that. But I was more interested in actually being trained as a Community Change Worker and found that the foundation of it was going to be in community organizing. And so I signed on to do the full training. And by the time it was over I was a full-fledged community change worker and so now

December 1-15, 2011

that’s actually part of what I do. I’m here one day a week. What we do is we look at what issues are in the community and what we feel that we have the capacity to address. As a group there are about five of us. A lot of it is community outreach, whether that’s going around the neighborhood and handing out fliers or doing surveys or going door to door and just giving people info about what’s going on in the community. This summer we were doing bus surveys for councilman Brad Lander. So we did a lot of leg work, sitting at bus stops for hours counting people getting on and off. On the subject of failed transportation plans and the money wasted on funding these plans that are doomed from the beginning. The trolley survey cost 250 grand, which could fund falcon works for a number of years. When you talk about economic justice, when these studies are done, you keep flowing money to a certain group of people that are at a certain socio-economic level, engineers and consultants and politicians, and all these studies are being done - I want to believe - to improve the quality of life for people who are not making that much money, but what ends up happening is that you keep all the money flowing back to the same people. But in the mean time you have people living in Red Hook that are isolated and can’t really get out to jobs in an efficient way. It’s kind of part of the problem and part of what people are starting to recognize when they come to an occupy Red Hook meeting. And they say okay, every time we want to address this issue, someone up there that we don’t know ends up getting a lot of money to spend and we don’t see it. We

This was the scene at the November 28th meeting of Occupy Red Hook at the Red Hook Initiative. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, December 7th at 7 pm. The Red Hook Initiative is located at 767 Hicks Street at West 9th.

don’t end up getting the trolley. We don’t end up getting really any improvements that are meaningful. How did you publicize Occupy Red Hook? We sent out a lot of emails. We have a mailing list composed of about 900 people and we’ve identified about 300 of them as people who live in Red Hook. So that was one thing we did. And then the Community Change workers from here at RHI went through the neighborhood door to door with fliers. Did you get a lot of people in the first couple of meetings? The most people that we’ve had was at their very first meeting, but I think part of that was that there are programs that are run here (at RHI) and the kids were interested in seeing what we were doing. And that kind of tapered off after that meeting. And then we’ve had a core group that have been returning to each meeting. But it hasn’t tapered off. That number seems to be growing. My hope is that we’ll get more folks.

I don’t see it as “Occupy Red Hook” per se, but it’s a group where we discuss the issues that are part of the agenda of the Occupy movement. I think a lot of people have this image of what being an activist is and what taking action is, which is like going and standing in front of somebody’s office with signs or doing a march. But part of the idea of this group is to get people thinking not just about “what am I gonna do,” but “what do we believe?” Whatever is going on with the occupy movement, it boils down to what we think we deserve as human beings. And that’s access to the resources that we need to live and be healthy and to provide those things to our children. And if we can keep that in mind, so it’s not just about whether or not the bus is on time, but that we’re looking at how that keeps us from living and being healthy. So is this a long-term project? I have no idea (laughter). Tonight could be the last time we get together. But I hope not.

Red Hook Star-Revue Page 3

News From the Street written and collected by the Star-Revue writing staff

Visitation Church

Christmas Tree Lightings

December is holiday month here in Red Hook as in much of the world, and among the upcoming events are the following:

Coffey Park

Tree Ornament Workshop at the park house on Tuesday, Dec. 6th from 4-6 pm; Holiday Feast Tree Lighting Ceremony, Saturday, Dec. 10th. Schedule is: 11 am - Hanging lights; 3:30 - Multi Cultural Holiday Feast; 4:30 - Tree Lighting and smore making; 4:35 - Live music from Sequio & Prince Sha Rin & the Black Israel Band.

Great Marian Congress December 9-11. Opening Mass, Fri 6-9:30 pm; Feast of the Madonna of Loreto, Sat. 9 am 6 pm, Priestly Ordination of Deacon Eamon at 3 pm; Sunday all day Vigial of the Virgin of Guadalupe, Instillation of Father Claudio will be at noon. Visition Church is at 98 Richards Street.

Off The Hook

Six young Red Hook playwrights, with the support of professional writers, actors and directors take center stage in their own plays for an evening of funny, moving, raw original theater. Perfor-

mances are free and take place at the Patrick J. Daley School auditorium on Friday, Dec. 17th at 7 pm and the next day, Saturday at 3 pm. Presented by Falconworks artists group with sponsorship in part by Movers, Not Shakers.

Next Occupy Red Hook meeting

The next meeting of Occupy Red Hook will take place at the Red Hook Initiative on Wednesday, December 7th at 7 pm. Topics under discussion include finding out ‘what we deserve’ and strategies will be discussed. RHI is at 767 Hicks Street, corner of 9th Street.

Columbia Waterfront District:

The Carroll Gardens Association presents the 5th Annual Columbia Waterfront District Tree lighting Ceremony on Friday, December 9th, 2011 from 5 pm7:00 pm at the Human Compass Garden which is at the corner of Columbia & Sackett Streets.

PS 15 The Patrick F. Daly School

Dec. 8th - 3rd Annual Tree Lighting in the courtyard, 5 pm; Dec. 16th, Holiday Fair, 9-11 am; Dec. 20th Holiday Music Showcase at 6 pm. PS 15 is at 71 Sullivan Street between Van Brunt and Richards.

The Brooklyn Bridge Rotary Club made its first large charitable contribution last month to Camp Brooklyn, a foundation begun by Borough President Marty Markowitz that sends Brooklyn children of low-income families to sleep-away camp in the summer. Pictured above with the check are Club Secretary Angelicque Moreno and President Vivian Hardison (photo by George Fiala).

Olga Bloom Dies

The well loved founder of Bargemusic, and Red Hook resident, passed away on Thanksgiving at the age of 92. Olga purchased an aging barge in 1976 at Pier 1 and created an amazing performing space that became known for classical music performances throughout the world. Retired Port Authority worker and musician Stan Kosakowski remembers Olga as an enthusiastic promoter and fan of all kinds of music. “We used to help Olga with maintenance of her barge after our work shifts, and in return she allowed myself and my friends to use the barge for blues and rock jams when it wasn’t being used otherwise.”

Community Calendar: The Red Hook Civic Association, an

eccentric neighborhood group, meets the last Wednesday of each month, which makes the next meeting December 28th at 7 pm in the auditorium of PS 15, 71 Sullivan Street between Richards and Van Brunt. Led by John McGettrick, there is always an agenda plus a chance for residents to sound off on what’s on their mind concerning the neighborhood. Representatives from local politicians are usually scattered throughout the audience. The Brooklyn Bridge Rotary Club is a newly chartered chapter of this venerable national organization. Meetings take place every Thursday at 12:15 in the back of the Archives Restaurant at the Brooklyn Marriot Hotel, 333 Adams Street. For more information you may call Vivian Hardison at 917-804-0797. The Rotary Club motto is “Service Above Self.” CB 6 Meetings: Monday, Dec. 12th - Executive Meeting at Cobble Hill Community Room, 250 Baltic Street, items under discussion include Permits and Licenses review procedures; Wed Dec 14 General Board Meeting at Borough Hill, 6:30 pm; Mon. Dec 19th, Annual Holiday Party, $30 per person, 6 pm at the Red Rose Restaurant, 315 Court Street 76th Precinct Community Council: these meetings are public and held the 1 Tuesday of each month, meaning the next is Tuesday, December 6th. Go to the basement of the 76th Precinct at 7 pm. The precinct is on Union Street close to Henry between Henry and Hicks.

The Star-Revue is happy to publicize your neighborhood meeting free of charge - send info to

We are across from Coffey Park (718) 923-9880

Page 4 Red Hook Star-Revue

December 1-15, 2011

Red Hookers talk turkey at monthly civic meeting



ttending one of John McGettrick’s monthly Red Hook Civic Association meetings, held the last Wednesday of most months in the auditorium of PS 15 is, in my imagination at least, something similar to the kind of folksy town meeting that one might go to in Kansas or someplace like that. And this is meant in the most complimentary of ways. Accompanied throughout by the loud thumping of basketballs being bounced by very active school kids in the gym behind the auditorium, a wide variety of locals discussed a wide variety of issues, with the added excitement of a contingent from the nascent Occupy Red Hook movement in attendance and on the agenda. In attendance this evening, and the first speaker, was the ebullient principal of PS 15, Peggy Wyns-Madison. She spoke of the holistic education that she tries to ensure the students get at the school, and indeed up on the stage were poster displays describing some of the many projects her elementary school students partake in, including local history, environmentalism and even gardening. She thanked some of the local people and organizations that go out of their way to help the school, including even this newspaper, whose reporter last year worked with some kids, teaching them how to write a news story, which we published. The most excitement, as often happens,

by George Fiala pertained to the ever present transportation issues, including truck traffic, street lighting, speed bumps and bad drivers who speed through the neighborhood on their way to Fairway and Ikea. Reducing the speed on our streets to 20 mph was discussed heatedly, as was enforcement. I think I actually heard someone say that it was ok to give lots of tickets out, as long no us. But I might have misheard. What I did hear someone dash off was that a major truck problem would be gone when Snapple leaves in a year. This is the first we have heard of such a development, and a call to Snapple brought no further enlightenment. It is true that the Disney Corporation has looked more than once at the Cruise Terminal as they would like a place to dock their cruise ships in the NY area and Manhattan’s passenger ship terminal cannot handle them. Snapple’s location would be the place to expand the cruise terminal. The city would have to buy Snapple out though, as the property is privately owned. Lou Sones, who is a member of CB6, made a passionate speech about the need for more housing in Red Hook, and taking note of the Occupy Brooklyn contingent in the auditorium, stressed that this must include housing of the non-gentrifying nature. He made the cogent point that the more people lived in Red Hook, the more chance that the city would finally take some

PS 15 Principal Peggy Wyns-Madison addresses the crowd

John McGettrick leads the proceedings each month.

The stage behind the speakers was set up to feature projects from the PS 15 school year.

Visitors from Occupy Red Hook observe the proceedings prior to speaking (photos by George Fiala)

real steps to solve the transportation issues that have made it so difficult to connect with other parts of the city. Lou also acknowledged the presence in the audience of Leroy Branch, indefatigable CB 6 employee, who has recently moved to Red Hook.

Temporary Smith & 9th platform to open in January Then a gentleman spoke very knowledgeably of some developments in local transportation, including the fact that the MTA was building a temporary platform at Smith and 9th Street that would open in January and allow trains from Manhattan to drop off passengers. He stated that station, now undergoing renovation, should reopen by the end of April. In addition, he said that in January the B 57 bus would be extended to

go to Ikea, which seems like a wonderful idea, as it now ends at Smith and 9th Street. Other speakers included a nun from the Visitation Church speaking about some upcoming programs they are hosting, and a speaker from the Justice Center promoting something called Project Safe Surrender, in which persons would be counseled as to how to resolve existing warrants. Finally, the contingent from Occupy Brooklyn spoke on many of the topics that they have been discussing under the topic of what people in Red Hook deserve, such as safe food and air and treatment from the police, and things more general. As the friendly and diverse crowd exited, the basketballs next door continued to make their thumpety thump sounds.

the Red Hook Star-Revue Has a Website!

Where you can subscribe, place a classifed ad, submit a press release, get advertising information, write a letter to the editor and view all our back issues! December 1-15, 2011

Red Hook Star-Revue Page 5

What the Pols are up to by curtis skinner

Update on Bills in the House

Any Red Hook Houses residents holding your breath over Representative Velazquez’s recent Affordable Communities Employment Act keep holding it. The proposal would force employers receiving HUD money to make sure that a certain percentage of their employees come from residents of public housing. So far this bill has not moved forward in the House of Representatives.

Let Us Talk of Obama During a town hall meeting a few weeks ago, Assemblywoman Joan Millman, State Senator Daniel Squadron, City Councilmember Stephen Levin and Julian Phillips, the communications director for Representative Ed Towns spoke at length about President Obama’s chances in the upcoming 2012 presidential election. While voting day is still almost a full year away, it’s never too early to fire up the speculation.

Residential Parking Permits

Responding to a reader’s questions about the story last week on residential parking permits I spoke with Michael Czaczkes Director of Constituent Services with Assemblywoman Joan Millman: Would the parking permits be in effect at all times? Yes. How would permits/spots be allocated? Each resident would apply for one, probably through the New York City Department of Transportation Would there even be enough permits or spaces for all residents? Almost certainly not. Are all these details pretty much settled? Partly yes and partly no. The plan has not been chiseled in stone yet. But considering the backlash the bill has already gotten in the State legislature, it will not likely even reach the floor for debate. Will the intersection of President Street and Smith Street be inside the zone? No way to know for sure, since the apartments and shops are so close to each other. But It was ironic that so much parking was available in front of the office of the assemblywoman leading the charge.

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Appearing on Thursday December 15 at

Visitation Church, 98 Richards Street, Brooklyn New York, at 7:00 p.m.

Where you can subscribe, place a classified ad, submit a press release, get advertising information, write a letter to the editor and view all our back issues!

the Red Hook Star-Revue has a Website!

THE ANGELTONES. a professional group of three young ladies who sing 40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and 80’s Doo -Wop. The price of admission is $20.00 or what ever you can afford. It will be one hour and we guarantee you a good time!

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Page 6 Red Hook Star-Revue

December 1-15, 2011

BQE under the Heights promenade will not be replaced


fter years of planning and months of delay, the BrooklynQueens Expressway triple cantilever and Gowanus Expressway reconstruction projects—vital to maintaining the structural integrity of one of the most important highways in New York City—were canceled. Both terminations were logged in the federal register on Tuesday November 29 and were attributed to a lack of state funds. The BQE triple cantilever project would have cost $280 million for a standard rehabilitation and up to $20 billion for tunnel proposals. The Gowanus Expressway boasted a price tag of $2 billion and $15 billion for similar measures. “The alternatives being explored in the environmental study far exceed the financial resources available to us now and for the foreseeable future,” read a statement from Naomi Doerner an urban planner at Sam Schwartz Engineering, the project’s lead consulting firm. While the information gathered on the project thus far will be preserved, and perhaps reexamined later, the proposal is now effectively dead. Charles Oshea, a spokesman for the NYSDOT, said that the state “wasn’t walking away from anything” and that the department will continue to maintain a “good, safe drive” for the bridge’s over 200,000 daily riders. New York Governor Andrew Cuomo did not renew the department’s $415 million infrastructure spending program into and beyond next year, according to Oshea. And the executive budget

December 1-15, 2011

by Curtis Skinner

“They said that the bridge will fall if not fixed soon,” said William Harris, a stakeholder in the triple cantilever project from Boreum Hill in reference to statements by the NYSDOT. showed that this cut was supplemented by numerous specific cuts to city and state transportation departments. Despite receiving $4 million in federal aid for the project—separate from the $30 million in stimulus funds granted last year to rehabilitate other sections of the Brooklyn Bridge—Oshea said that the DOT isn’t in any position to research two multi-million to multibillion dollar plans. “We are in repair and maintenance mode right now,” said Oshea. Maintenance and repair alone however, are not always enough to keep a bridge operational. The Champlain bridge for instance, connecting New York to Vermont had to be demolished and rebuilt after receiving no major overhauls for decades. In 2007, the bridge had an average daily traffic of around 3,500 vehicles, according to the bridge’s safety assessment report. The Brooklyn-Queens Expressway por-

tion previously under review spanned from Atlantic Avenue to Sands Street. The roughly half-mile long triple cantilever—beams that buttress the two dozen bridges of this section—was completed over half a century ago and has since undergone only minor repairs. A report produced by the NYSDOT suggested that two thirds of these structures require significant repair to avoid deterioration issues in the next 10 to 15 years and that the section was never meant to hold the amount of traffic that it does daily. The NYSDOT, NYCDOT and Federal Highway Association convened an ‘Accelerated Construction Technology Transfer’ workshop to develop the project in March of 2006. Three years later, the NYSDOT sent a letter of intent to the Federal Highway Association to pursue rehabilitation of the triple cantilever project and began the decades-long process of getting plans to pavement. While 20 years might not seem an imminent deadline, performing studies and surveys, finding and employing contractors and actually making repairs of this magnitude is a decades-long process. This means that delay at any point in the process portends potentially devastating consequences in the distant future. A fact not lost on stakeholders in the project. “They said that the bridge will fall if not fixed soon,” said William Harris, a stakeholder in the triple cantilever project from Boreum Hill in reference

Rust can be seen under the roadbed

to statements by the NYSDOT. For much of 2009 and 2010, the triple cantilever project moved along the proposed timeline. But in late 2010, significant slowing ensued. “There were no further meetings. I sent them a number of letters, none of which were returned,” said Cobble Hill Association president, Roy Sloane. Sloane has long demanded significant repairs to the section. “I was surprised to see it all evaporate.” For months the project sat in bureaucratic limbo. All the while residents and stakeholders involved in the project awaited an announcement by the NYSDOT. On Tuesday, they got their response. But perhaps not the one they had hoped for. And the outrage fulminating among stakeholders about the cancelation, coupled with the present dissatisfaction many residents have with both sections, is not likely to dissipate any time soon. “I have never seen so poorly handled a project,” said Bill Harris, .

Red Hook Star-Revue Page 7

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Likes Mike

The most recent Red Hook Star revue was a joy to read. Now that you’re printing twice a month it really opened up to new writers. My favorite piece was Michael Racioppo’s “The Status Quo Swerves.” He brings a fresh new voice to your publication and I hope to hear more from him in the future.John H

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In Defense of Mary

Dear Sir, A reader, Tom Farrely, Luqueer St in the Nov. #2 edition of the Red Hook Star Revue took issue with the artical composed by Mary Ann Pietanza titled “A Day In Red Hook”..... While Mr Farrely was correct in his assessment of the name origin being attributed to an old family Dutch landowner, dating back to pre 1600’s and appropriately called Luqueer, (with two E’s) Indeed, just as West Houston St was called Hew- ston St. til newcomers thought it was House-ton. And even Gren-ich Village is now called Greenwich Village. But to accuse Ms Pietanza of all those hypothetical errors perhaps in a joking sort of way, was I thought hitting below the belt. I find often I must do research into

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I don’t believe Mr Farrely meant to lambaste Ms Pietanza in the way it came out, but I felt other readers may take Toms letter in a different way to the detriment of Ms. Pietanza Tom, why don’t you send in more articles to the Red Hook Star? you have a unique way of writing your opinion. And Mary Ann, keep up the good work, don’t let one criticism discourage you in your efforts to express yourself......Merry Christmas to all the readers, especially to Tom and Mary Ann......JjB.... Red Hook Star Historian...... Editors Note: We are lucky to have both John Burkard as well as Mary Ann Pietanza’s writing in our paper, and we are happy to get reader responses as well. The editor doesn’t mind if people keep talking and thinking.

Charter School Controversy in Cobble Hill by Curtis Skinner

Tuesday night’s public hearing on the co-location of a new charter school to a building already home to three other public schools was reminiscent of a high school pep rally against crosstown rivals. Success Academy Cobble Hill—the latest possible addition to City Councilwoman turned New York City education magnate Eva Moskowitz’s Success Charter Network—was proposed earlier this year. The school would share building space on the corner of Baltic and Court streets with P.S. 368, a K-12 special education program, and two high schools— the Brooklyn School for Global Studies and The School for International Studies. The proposal has met nothing short of community outrage. Teachers, students and Community Education Councilmembers grilled Deputy Chancellor Marc Sternberg who, to the extent he could quiet the relentless jeers, moderated the Tuesday evening event. Sternberg was visibly flustered suffering the gauntlet of shouts and loaded questions for hours.

Shame on you The crowd would regularly interrupt him with chants of, “shame on you,” and “enough is enough”. At one point, police escorted a man out for disrupting speakers and shouting obscenities. And hostility was not limited to officials. During the public comment portion of the meeting, supporters of the charter school—most of whom were Cobble

Page 8 Red Hook Star-Revue

various historic subjects to uncover data sometimes very frustrating. Since there really is no way of telling the information uncovered is accurate. I can sympathize with Ms. Pietanza as I have encountered many instances whereby what I took for a fact was not really so. To find the smoking gun as we historians like to say is no easy task. And I think Ms. Pietanza can be forgiven for one small detail so easy to have been obtained through so called legitimate search engines... For instance, so many place their trust in Wikipedia. While Wikipedia can be very useful, it certainly is not the bottom line in information research engines. Wikipedia depends upon the users to verify the validity of the items... if the user feels certain information is amiss. So rather than getting the truth, many times you are just reading someone else’s opinion.

Hill parents of young children—were called liars and booed. One, Lisa Chamberlain a mother of a 3-year-old seemed on the verge of tears as she spoke. “Anti-charter school forces should not be allowed to shut down schools,” she said in an interview before the meeting, a sentiment she echoed in her public comment. “They succeed in ginning up anger in the community by telling out and out lies.”

Existing schools doing well All three schools currently housed at 284 Baltic Street have had remarkable success of late, turning failing marks to B’s on the NYCDOE’s report card of school performance—as it were. And many involved with the three schools worry that the Success Academy will siphon resources and stymie their recent achievements. Brownstone Brooklyn already has a number of strong options for public education, the three on Baltic Street to name a few. “If we don’t need these services, why force it on us?” said Mykel Westervelt, an aide at the Brooklyn School for Global Studies. The NYCDOE ultimately decides the charter school’s fate and they seem fully behind Moskowitz’s amended proposal despite public fury. Local politicians and community activists have regularly expressed opposition continued on page 11

December 1-15, 2011

Local History Page:

They All Came to Red Hook by Robert Geelan

True Red Hookers Never Forget by JJ Burkard


ey Palacios, born and raised in the village of Red Hook, would object to being called a hero. But there’s something special about this man, and after you read this you will understand… In his thinking he is just a proud fireman now residing in Rochester New York, and has been for the last 18 years. As a youngster growing up in our neighborhood, Rey was attracted to the fire Department and in particular Ladder 101/ Engine 202 on Richards street, where 7 men lost their lives on 9/11.


he photo of the baseball team of Christ Chapel was taken in the late 1800's. Baseball was a popular past time in Red Hook in those days. My father, Edward A. Geelan, Sr., who grew up on Pioneer Street and had a lifelong love of baseball played on the Chapel team. He may be one of the unidentified players in the picture. It is from our family collection. All the family members who could have identified those in the photo have passed on. My father never forgave Walter O'Malley for moving the beloved Dodgers to Los Angeles. As pointed out in a previous article, Christ Chapel was an outreach of Christ Protestant Episcopal Church now located in Bay Ridge. Five brothers and two sisters of our family were baptized in the chapel and made their first communions there. From the look of the clothing in the photo it was most likely a first communion Sunday. As far as I know, the last Episcopal rector was Father Fox whom I contacted many years ago for information. Over the years, Christ Chapel has changed names and denominations. In addition to a ball team, Christ Chapel hosted a boy's brigade. This was an organization which preceded the Boy Scouts. Here is an article taken from the Brooklyn Daily Eagle of July 26, 1900 that mentions my dad: Livingston and Smith streets...Boys out for fun, Sea Cliff, L. I. July 26- About forty members of the Boys Brigade of Christ Chapel, Brooklyn, have been spending a week at the Stockman house. They were in the charge of Rev. George C. Groves. The boys were a gentlemanly set of young fellows and enjoyed their outing hugely. The officers of the brigade are: Thomas N. Gjobe, Captain; William F. Abrams, first lieutenant; William Teller, second lieutenant; Edward Geelan, first sergeant; George c. Hale, second sergeant; Charles Thornley, third sergeant; Henry Adams, quartermaster; William Ropke, color sergeant; William Brun, F. W. Teller, Henry Duncan, William Demass, corporals; George D. Groves, Chaplain.

Rey grew up in Red Hook knowing these men, and he will always remember their kindness, and guidance extended him as he strived to become part of the team. As a young man he spent most of his leisure time at the firehouse. The firemen manning that elite station of top notch men, who Taught Rey so much about the complicated art of fighting fires, passed on to this young man their very best skills about the complicated art of saving lives’ and putting out all variations of combustibles… He swept floors, manned the rolling doors to permit entrance and egress for the large engines that were based there. He also polished the brass and chrome that adorned the fire trucks and even rode the engines to assist at the fires. He would later become an Auxiliary Fireman. Overall, you could say he cut his teeth at that Richards street location and befriended the men stationed there. One of his mentors, Fireman Tony Catapano was the oldest active firefighter in the Department. He is now retired and still meets with his fellow bravest at least once a week in the old firehouse on Van Brunt Street, for a chat, a couple of beers, and just some

In The Nabe by Vince Musacchia

old fashioned camaraderie. All of this close friendship appealed to Palacios and it prompted him to apply to New York Cities Bravest as soon as he was capable of doing so…… John Palacios however, the father of the large Palacios clan (four girls and three boys) had other ideas, He wanted two of his boys to be professional ball players. To this end, Rey and his younger brother Richard endured grueling practice sessions and training that eventually paid off and helped Mr. Palacio’s achieve his lifelong dream for his two younger sons. Rey’s first big break was when he started out as a catcher for the Detroit Tigers, playing in the big leagues. Later he was traded to the Kansas City Royals. Unfortunately, a shoulder injury sent Rey back to triple A ball. But recovery was not to be, Eventually he joined the disabled and was retired. Being married with one son and one daughter Rey soon realized he needed to secure himself in the world of the ordinary working class people. For ballplayers, it’s a rule. You’re not supposed to get old. Old age is the nemesis of pro ballplayers. He decided to apply for New York Cities Bravest. It was not a good time for Rey however nor a lot of other minority potential bravest. New York City was going through much scrutiny as far as their hiring practices were concerned. Rey probably could have made the bravest without even trying. But the courts decided to vacate the lists and start all over again. So instead of getting a fully experienced qualified home town New Yorker, and resident of the Village of Red Hook they lost Rey Palacios as a member of New York Cities Bravest. It was also a loss for Red Hook…... Ray continued to play some triple A ball which led him to Rochester. It was there Rey and his wife decided to make the city his home. While there, Rey made the decision to enlist in the Rochester Fire Department. When the two planes hit the WTC buildings on 9/11 Rey Palacios was sprucing up his home on his day off. He quickly stopped everything he was doing, and rushed closer to the TV set. He saw the terrible destruction as it unfolded and he listened intently to the fate of the firemen. His pulse quickened, and his heart seemed to drop to the floor. After all, his younger brother Richie was supposed to be working on the 80th floor. It didn’t take him very long to decide he had to come to New York, to his old firehouse, to render assistance in anyway he could possibly be of help. Thankfully, an act of God, perhaps, brother Richie was sent to another job that very same day and was not required to be at the World Trade Center on the 80th floor of the ill-fated building. Yes, Rey never forgot, he just had to return to Brooklyn, to the same firehouse where he was taught most of his firefighting skills, as a young lad. Taught by the same brave firemen, from the firehouse which now was short seven soul’s out of its overall compliment of brave and respected men … continued on page 11

December 1-15, 2011

Red Hook Star-Revue Page 9

117 Columbia Street 718-237-4300

We feature fine dining, excellent service and a comfortable atmosphere. Our food is genuine Italian home cooking using recipes from the old country. It is our hope that you will come with your family and friends to enjoy authentic Italian food and relaxing surroundings.

The owners and the staff of Casa Di Campagna wish all our friends and neighbors our best wishes for a Happy Holiday Season!



CHOICE OF APPETIZER Seafood Salad Shrimp Cocktail Baked Clams Carpaccio w/ Baby Arugula, Parmigiano Cheese & Lemon Dressing

CHOICE OF APPETIZER Shrimp Cocktail Baked Clams Carpaccio w/ Baby Arugula, Parmigiano Cheese & Lemon Dressing Hot Antipasta

CHOICE OF PASTA Linguini w/ Clam Sauce Rigatoni Filetto Di Pomodoro Orecchiette & Broccoli Rabe

CHOICE OF PASTA Linguini w/ Clam Sauce Rigatoni Filetto Di Pomodoro Orecchiette & Broccoli Rabe

CHOICE OF ENTRÉE Baked Cod Fish w/ Potatoes & Vegetables $48.00 Shell Steak w/ Potatoes & Vegetables $48.95 Casa Di Campagna’s Mad Lobster $58.00

CHOICE OF ENTRÉE Shrimp Francese w/ Potatoes & Vegetables $39.95 Filet Mignon w/ Potatoes & Vegetables $48.95 Surf & Turf (6 oz Lobster Tail & Shell Steak) $56.00

Seatings @ 6 pm, 8 pm & 10 pm


Seatings @ 6 pm, 8 pm & 10 pm

Each pre-fix meal comes w/ a complimentary glass of champagne


All pre-fix meals come with American Coffee and choice of

Cheese Cake, Tiramisu or Ice Cream

All pre-fix meals come with American Coffee and choice of

Cheese Cake, Tiramisu or Ice Cream


($1 off beer and wine)


Monday-Thursday: Noon To 10PM Friday - Saturday: Noon To 11 PM, Sunday: 1 PM To 9PM

Page 10 Red Hook Star-Revue


117 Columbia Street, at the corner of Kane Phone: 718-237-4300 Fax: 718-237-4331

December 1-15, 2011

Charter School Fracas


(continued from page 8)

Vote by Division by Michael Racioppo


ow many times have you heard or read “history repeats itself”? Well as someone who teaches political science, I sometimes say and think “politics repeats itself.” Though I feel this happens all the time, I was intensely reminded of it a few weeks ago. The lecture topic for my class that day was William Graham Sumner’s “What do social classes owe to each other?” Sumner, a dedicated social Darwinist, argues that we owe nothing to each other and that those who believe otherwise are “meddlers”. The “meddlers” look to penalize the industrious and rig the system to favor the poor through social welfare. Simply put, Sumner was a one percenter way before it was cool (he wrote this in the 1800’s). His ideas, though not always cited, are still pervasive in our politics and represent the fundamental divide of them. Where one stands on these should determine a great deal over what sort of a government they want and who they want to represent them. Pay some extra attention to political discussions of what has to be done going forward with the economy and our budget and it becomes apparent that some think we owe things to our fellow man and others simply don’t. This goes for city, state, and national politics. Look at what solutions are offered for a rising poverty rate and a 17 percent increase in the need for free school lunches (25 percent in New York State). Look at the distrust and disregard for the poor. It may not be explicitly distrustful but it is definitely an implicit, and horrible, reality. In these discussions some will ask questions concerning the most vulnerable and not focus on those who may be paying the larger portion of the bill for helping the vulnerable. Others will look to lessen the overall “cost” with little or no mention of the human cost to the most vulnerable. Take for example New York Times conservative columnist, David Brooks. He routinely refers to people such as Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as “Courageous” and “Serious” for wanting to privatize Social Security and Medicare. He says that everyone has to “suffer”. To Brooks suffering for some is the end of the Mortgage Interest Deduction but for others it’s not being able to afford health care coverage when over the age of 65. It’s a broad definition of “suffer” but a definition none the less.

for the academy. Assemblywoman Joan Millman and New York City Councilmember Stephen Levin have both repeatedly denounced the project. The day before the hearing, both politicians joined education officials and teachers to rail against the proposal outside the school’s main entrance. Aside from the NYCDOE and the SUNY board of trustees, support for the charter school has been scant.

No local support “I haven’t gotten one email from someone wanting the charter school,” said Millman at the meeting Tuesday night. “But I’ve got over 90 today from people who don’t”. Some fear that all the outrage will be for naught however. “They’re probably going to go ahead anyways,” said Brian Jones, a fourth-grade teacher at P.S. 261 in Cobble Hill. He formerly worked at a school into which Moskowitz’s Harlem Success Academy co-located. “What they usually do is make these proposals and see which neighborhood is the least outraged. And they are already pretty far down the road on this one.” The NYCDOE will make its decision to approve or deny the charter school colocation on December 14 at New Town High School in Queens, nearly 10 miles away from Cobble Hill. Until then, the NYCDOE encourages residents to send in comments either via a hotline at (212) 374-0208 or through email at If Tuesday night was any indication, residents will likely keep making their voices heard. “It’s only getting started,” said Jones.

Cruise Terminal home to religious convention for second year in a row

The other side of this divide was on display at New York State Assembly’s public hearing for Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program on November 22nd. The Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE) program offers eligible tenants an exemption from rent increases. The owner of the building receives a credit against their real estate taxes from the City of New York. At the hearing, what was on display were politicians speaking for the needs of the most vulnerable constituents as opposed to those who fill campaign coffers. Chairperson of the Committee, Joan Millman, made the case for the needs of her elderly constituents such as those who don’t have leases but nonethe-less pay rent and cannot afford an increase in their rent, especially not now. This is an impressive view of those in need when considering that Assemblywoman Millman’s Brooklyn District is not lacking its share of million dollar brownstones (Carroll Gardens, Cobble Hill). Think which of those 2 anecdotes sounds like better guidance for our society going forward. Once you do you’ll know which side of the divide your on and hopefully who to vote for. Michael Racioppo teaches in the Political Science department at Brooklyn College

Ray Palacio, Local Hero,

continued from page 9

Respected, those very same men who were lost in WTC. Rey Palacios came to New York and once more joined his fellow fireman from Richards street in search and rescue operations spending long grueling hours sifting through human remains, jewelry, wallets, even legs and arms and fingers. Despite all this exposure to the ravages of death and destruction, When Rey was asked about his Street most terrible The Union memory during rescue operations while in New York City He relates, “It was not the buildings collapsing or the smoke and horror or“home theofsmell of death,” Rey says “it the legendary Thursday Night Jam” was the look on those kids faces.” He refers to fireman Salvatore Calabro, who with Lt. Joseph Gullickson, were buried alive in the rubble and never did make it out. Sal’s kids were at the scene waiting for their father who was never found.

The halls of the specially-decorated Brooklyn Cruise Terminal rocked with energy Sunday November 27th as thousands of people attending the banquet of the 28th annual International Conference of Chabad-Lubavitch Emissaries got up from their chairs to dance at the signature event. The Cruise Terminal was chosen for this event as it is one of the few places both large and secure enough for an event this size. Possibly at the banquet last year a Williamsburg Yeshivah got the idea to expand to Imlay Street opposite the Cruise Terminal. Photo courtesy of Chabad.

Star Theater

The Red Hook Star-Revue

Sadly, this is what Rey Palacio remembers about 9/11, and this is Local the memory he The Hook’s Newspaper brought back to Rochester with him. He says he sometimes still wakes up in the middle of the night reaching out to those kids as if they were his own children trying to reassure them their dad was okay.



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Rey Palacio will never forget his younger days spent at the Red Hook Raiders.” 718 624-5568 And though he wishes all this carnage never happened and is a bad dream he may Union Brooklyn, NY 11231 wake up from. He really doesn’t want to forget.101 He has grown Street stronger. He realizes Brooklyn, NY 11231 the frailty of each life and how easily it can slip away from the world we know. All 718 624-5568 this memory has served to give Rey Palacios a new outlook on life. Each year he returns to his roots in our village of Red Hook to see some of his family at their homes, and also his other family, those men at Ladder 101 over on Richards Street. To stir up old memories and to pay their respects to the families of the Seven in Heaven…..After all, “True Red Hooker’s. Never Forget!! And that’s what makes Rey Palacios serving with the Rochester, N. Y. Fire Department so special.

December 1-15, 2011

We have been serving Brooklyn Businesses since 1988. Our clients include St. Ann’s Warehouse, Eastern Athletic Clubs, Brooklyn Friends School, BWAC & St. Francis College Services Include: Lettershop Bulk Mailing Non-Profit Appeal Letters Postcard Mailings Brochures & Newsletters First Class Presort

Red Hook Star-Revue Page 11


Manos de Mexicanos opens this weekend in back of Steve’s Key Lime Pies love that aims to generate awareness and resources to artisans of Mexico, who are striving to carry on ancient artisan traditions established generations ago despite struggling local economies. “We want to bring the works of Mexican artisanos to a greater market in order to help these humble people who are driven to create their works in spite of current economic pressures, predatory online marketing techniques, and an unfavorable tourist market that believes it has the right, the obligation to talk them down in price,” said Mr. Tarpin. “We’re a living museum for living artists, with a simple goal of preserving the true spirit of the artisans’ tradition and the uninhibited expression of their craft, with no regard to economic, financial or sociologic pressures.”


All artwork on display at the grand opening is available for sale, with 100 percent of the proceeds and donations from the event going directly to the purchase of new artwork from existing and additional Mexican artists in the continued support of traditional Mexican crafts. For more information about the opening, the artists or the organization, please email Steve Tarpin directly at steve@manosdemexicanos. com or visit the organization’s website at

anos de Mexicanos, an organization dedicated to raising awareness of traditional Mexican crafts through the promotion, exhibition and sale of Mexican art in the U.S., is pleased to announce the official grand opening of its gallery and showroom on December 3 from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm at 204 Van Dyke Street in Red Hook, Brooklyn. Artwork from select Mexican artists will be on display and for sale at the opening, such as Zapotec textile weavings from the well-known artist Fidel and Maria Luisa Cruz of Teotitlán de Valle, as well as myriad ceramic works from the celebrated Aguilar Sisters from Ocotlán de Morelos, Oaxaca, whose ceramic sculptures have been on exhibit worldwide for decades, and original pieces of the barro bruñido trade (or burnished clay pottery) from artist Elsa Balderas of Metzontla los Reyes, Puebla. Additional pieces available include Alebrijes (highly decorative wood carvings) from the workshop of Ivan Fuentes in San Martin Tilcajete, Oaxaca, a collection of hand-painted talavera from the workshop of Diseños Alonso Luis in Puebla City, Puebla, traditional policromado (multi-colored decorative clay figurine pieces) from Artesanias de Barro Policromado Familia Balbuena Alonso in Izúcar de Matamoros, Puebla, traditional Huichol yarn paintings and beaded works, as well as paper machié, woven baskets and pottery from Zacatecas (artists unknown). Also at the event will be authentic Mexican drink and cuisine, like tamales, Mezcal and chapolines, which will be prepared by guest chef Ms. Flora Pineda, as well as live music performed by Radio Jarocho, a New York City-based group devoted to the son jarocho and fandango traditions from southern Veracruz, Mexico, with a special guest appearance from Patricio Hidalgo, one of Mexico’s most celebrated son jarocho musicians of all time.

Patricio Hidalgo will be entertaining along with tequila at the opening of Manos de Mexicanos Saturday Dec. 3rd at 204 Van Dyke Street between 2 - 6.

Founded in 2011 by Victoria and Steve Tarpin, owner of the renowned Steve’s Authentic Key Lime Pies, Manos de Mexicanos (By Mexican Hands) is a labor of

If you think you can write as well as Erik Penney, email george@redhookstar. com and we’ll give you a shot....

Page 12 Red Hook Star-Revue

December 1-15, 2011

Dining: T

here was a time when nearly all Italian restaurants in New York City were like Casa di Campagna. Places where you would be warmly greeted with deep sincerity by the owner, attended to with care by a waiter who wasn’t a vacant-eyed actor who resented the fact that he had to wait tables, and where you could depend on large portions of familiar Southern Italian favorites at very reasonable prices. Sinatra or Dean Martin would be playing on the stereo, or old standards sung in Italian, and people would come by to pat you on the shoulders and check up on you. This was pre-Mario Batali or Michael White New York, before Italian food meant a 2 hour wait or frantic visits to Open Table four weeks in advance. This was before eating at an Italian restaurant meant understanding what region of Italy your pork came from or disentangling a carefully balanced nest of fried zucchini ribbons before uncovering your fish. The places I’m talking about had great food. The basics. Red-sauce pasta dishes, hot and cold antipasto, marsala, parmigiana, all spoken with a Brooklyn accent. And chances are the owner would send over a plate of something on the house, just because it was that kind of place The first time I went to Casa di Campagna was to pick up a take-out order. I had called ahead for a chicken parm hero and as I waited at the bar for it to be ready, off to the side was a table of four large men. These were big, loud, friendly guys who might know someone who would take your action on the Ohio State – Michigan game, or as in Scorcese’s Goodfellas, they were all named Peter or Paul and married to girls named Marie. They were talking over espressos and anisette and quoting lines from the Godfather. “Virgil Sollozzo, he’s known as the Turk, they say he’s good with a knife” and Hyman Roth’s “This is the business we’ve chosen”, all punctuated by raised glasses and wishes of salute! This is spectacular ambiance and I knew I was onto something by coming in here. My foot-long hero came in at just under $10 and when I got the sandwich home I found a giant fist of crisp, tender chicken breast cutlet, fresh, spicy tomato sauce and just the right amount of melted mozzarella on a perfect hero roll. Really an excellent example of a great Italian-American sandwich. It’s too big for one sitting so you’ll have half for leftovers, but too much food seems to be a pattern here, but in a good way. Like too much love from a family member, or too long of a summer vacation when you were a kid.

Check out the pizza The pizza is also very good here. It’s somewhere in between New York City slice-of-pizza from a corner pizzeria (what Anthony Bourdain calls “utility pizza”) and the overwrought, self-

December 1-15, 2011

If you want to see why the good old days were good check out Casa Di Campagna by Erik Penney

These were big, loud, friendly guys who might know someone who would take your action on the Ohio State – Michigan game, or as in Scorcese’s Goodfellas, they were all named Peter or Paul and married to girls named Marie. indulgent stuff that’s been coming out of the brick ovens the newer, trendy downtown Manhattan spots. There are no bizarre ingredients, no shaved black truffle, no jiggly quail egg sitting on top, this is not pizza-as-canvas. You can get a regular, New York style thin crust, Margherita with fresh mozzarella, grandma-style (which, for the uninitiated, is a thin-crust square pie with fresh mozzarella), or a thicker crust Sicilian-style pizza. You have a choice of a handful of traditional pizzeria toppings like sausage, pepperoni, black olives, anchovies, mushrooms and the like, and really, any combination of the above makes for a great pizza. I took a large, unadorned grandma style home one Sunday afternoon to a group of football watchers and they emptied the box before it hit the table. It had an almost cracker-thin crust, the same fresh tomato sauce from my chicken parm hero and fresh mozzarella with a nice blistery char. This is delicious pizza, and how the crust held it’s crispness in the box is a mystery to me but one that I gladly enjoyed.

Lots and lots of good food But what you should really do to get the full experience at Casa di Campagna is go with a group. Order a bunch of stuff to share family style, pass the plates around, try everything and wash it all down with lots and lots of house Chianti. Start with a bunch of appetizers. Cold antipasto is a huge plate of meats and cheeses, olives, peppers and makes for a great table snack for at least four people, though the menu says it’s for two. The hot version comes with mussels, stuffed mushrooms, fried zucchini and rolled, stuffed eggplant rollatini. I loved the round Sicilian sausage, which is what we used to call a “pinwheel,” or a long, thin sausage twirled into Frisbee-sized disc and held together with wooden skewers and grilled. Theirs is served simply with white cannellini beans and fresh tomatoes that have been dressed in olive oil and lemon, and I’d be happy to make a meal out of it as-is. The pasta dishes are also wonderfully prepared and all were memorable. Rigatoni Bolognese came with huge, perfectly al dente pasta tossed in a

rich beef and pork ragu that seems to have been softened with just a shot of cream to temper the acidity of the tomato sauce. This is classic Bolognese, expertly done. Orecchiette with Broccoli Rabe is another classic. These are the small, disk-shaped pasta that literally mean “little ears” and this preparation comes with Italian sausage and the broccoli rabe sautéed in garlic and olive oil. Another ubiquitous dish, but here again the execution at Casa di Campagna was perfect. Wonderfully toothy pasta, glistening, painted with garlicky extra virgin olive oil and bitter greens, it’s terrific when dusted with Parmesan cheese. I could keep going here about the pasta – the lasagna was a delicious, intimidating brick of a thing which might knock you out with one cheesy punch (though with a smile on your face). The puttanesca, the gnocchi Sorrentino, the linguini with clams – all excellent, and as I said, the portions are very large and really require sharing, or else expect to take a bunch home. This is why a big group is ideal here – at least you’ll have help dealing with all this great food. And the bacchanal continues. This is old-school Italian dining and for someone who isn’t Italian (like myself) you’re shocked that at this point we’ve eaten so much food and we haven’t even gotten to the fish course, or the meat course, and then there’s dessert?? Out of respect to the four guys at the table in the front, I felt like I should try the veal, because as Sollozzo from the Godfather would say it might be “the best in the City.” Casa di Campagna will do it any way you like (chicken too), and options include francese, marsala or piccatta, and they serve it with roasted potatoes and vegetables, and yeah, it’s really good too. There are pork chops, Italian style with arugula and tomatoes, and a couple of shrimp dishes as well. They would bring more if we asked, but the white flag must be raised at some point in

sweet, delicious surrender. I admit, it’s likely that part of the reason I like Casa di Campagna so much is that it evokes such pleasant memories of places I knew growing up in Brooklyn. There were places like this in every neighborhood, and you could even get food like this at well-chosen pizzerias, and it’s sad and amazing to think how hard it is to find restaurants like this anymore. But that’s not why I really like Casa di Campagna. The truth of the matter is they are very good at what they do. They don’t try to do too much from a culinary standpoint besides interpret the favorite dishes they know we all love, and they do that with accuracy and precision. They make you feel like you just showed up at your regular neighborhood joint, even if you’ve never been there before, and they make any occasion there seem like a celebration. When they ask you, “how is everything?”, they know the answer already because they’ve seen the smiles and heard the oooh’s from you all night. The answer is, of course, everything is wonderful.

Casa di Campagna 117 Columbia Street (corner of Kane) (718) 237-4300 Recommended dishes: Hero sandwiches, pizzas, round Sicilian “pinwheel” sausage, rigatoni Bolognese, Orecchiette with Italian sausage and broccoli rabe, veal piccata

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email George@ to place yours Red Hook Star-Revue Page 13

Star-Revue Restaurant Guide RED HOOK

BAKED 359 Van Brunt St., (718) 2220345. Bakery serving cupcakes, cakes, coffee, pastries, lunch items. Free wi-fi. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. THE BROOKLYN ICE HOUSE 318 Van Brunt St., (718) 222-1865. Burgers, barbecue and pulled pork sandwiches. Open for lunch and dinner daily. Cash only. Botanica 220 Conover St (at Coffey St), (347) 225-0147. Fine Cocktails, Specialty Liquors & Cacao Prieto Chocolate. Open Tue-Sun 5pm-12am, Fri 5 pm-3am, Sat 2pm-3am, Sun 2pm -12am. In-house Distilled Cacao Rum Tastings. Tue: Poker night, Wed-Fri: Board game nights. Sat-Sun: Afternoon cocktails. Cash only. Free Wi-Fi. Available for private events. DEFONTE’S SANDWICH SHOP 379 Columbia St., (718) 855-6982. Variety of large sandwiches, including roast beef and potato and egg. Open for breakfast and lunch Mon-Sat. Cash only. DIEGO’S RESTAURANT 116 Sullivan St., (718) 625-1616. Mexican and Latin American cuisine. Open for lunch and dinner Mon-Sat. AE, DS, MC, V. F&M BAGELS 383 Van Brunt St., (718) 855-2623. Bagels, sandwiches, wraps, chicken salad, breakfast plates, burgers, hot entrees and more. Open for breakfast and lunch daily 5 am-5 pm. AE, DS, MC, V. Delivery available.

In addition to their good food, including their delicious Red Hook pizza, written about last year in this newspaper, one can often find good music at Rocky Sullivan’s. On Sunday afternoons and Monday and Tuesday evenings one will encounter an Irish Seisiun a jam session for traditional Irish musicians, which is what we enjoyed last Monday evening (photo by Stan Kosakowski).

FORT DEFIANCE 365 Van Brunt St., (347) 453-6672. Brunch, sandwiches and small plates. Open for breakfast Tue; breakfast, lunch and dinner Mon, Wed-Sun.

8335. Seafood, seasonal and local fare. Open for dinner Thu-Sat, brunch Sat-Sun. AE, MC, V.

THE GOOD FORK 391 Van Brunt St., (718) 643-6636. Fare from Chef Sohui Kim in an unpretentious atmosphere; menu varies seasonally and can include pork dumplings, roast chicken, homemade gnocchi and steak and eggs Korean style. Open for dinner Tue-Sun. AE, MC, V. HOME/MADE 293 Van Brunt St., (347) 223-4135. Seasonal, local and rustic/elegant cuisine, with an extensive wine list of 40 selections by the glass, and local brew and Kombucha on tap. Coffee and pastry Mon-Fri 7 am-2 pm, dinner Wed-Fri 5 pm to 11 pm, brunch Sat & Sun 10 am-4pm, dinner 4-11 pm. HOPE & ANCHOR 347 Van Brunt St., (718) 237-0276. Large menu that includes burgers, entrees and all-day breakfast. Open for lunch and dinner Mon-Fri; breakfast, lunch and dinner Sat-Sun. AE, DS, MC, IKEA One Beard St., (718) 246-4532. Swedish meatballs, pasta, wraps and sandwiches; breakfast items include eggs and cinnamon buns. Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner daily. AE, DS, MV, V. KEVIN’S 277 Van Brunt St., (718) 596-

MARK’S PIZZA 326 Van Brunt St., (718) 624-0690. Open for lunch and dinner daily. AE, MC, V. Delivery available. RED HOOK LOBSTER POUND 284 Van Brunt St., (646) 326-7650. Maine lobster rolls, Connecticut rolls and whoopie pies. Open for lunch and dinner Tue-Sun. ROCKY SULLIVAN’S 34 Van Dyke St., (718) 246-8050. Irish pub with brick-oven pizza, sandwiches; lobster feasts Fri 6-9 pm, Sat 5-8 pm. Open for lunch and dinner daily. AE, DS, MC, V.


ALMA 187 Columbia St., (718) 643-5400. Modern Mexican fare. Open for dinner Mon-Fri, brunch and dinner Sat-Sun. AE, DS, MC, V. Bagel Boy Cafe 75 Hamilton Ave next to Chase, (718) 855-0500. Breakfast lunch and dinner w/hot buffet food. Open 4 am - 9 pm Mon - Friday, closing at 6 on the weekend.

CALEXICO CARNE ASADA 122 Union St., (718) 488-8226. Tex-Mex burritos, tacos, quesadillas and more. Open for lunch and dinner daily. Cash only. Delivery available. Casa Di Campagna 117 Columbia Street (718) 237-4300. If you think that you’ve enjoyed all the best pizza in the world, try this new restaurant on the corner of Kane Street. Reasonably priced CASELNOVA 214 Columbia St., (718) 522-7500. Traditional Northern and Southern Italian dishes, brick-oven pizza, pasta, lunch panini. Open 7 days a week for dinner at 5, Friday for lunch at noon, Sunday Brunch at 11 am and Dinner at 4. Delivery available. AE, DS, MC, V. FERNANDO’S FOCACCERIA RESTAURANT 151 Union St., (718) 8551545. Southern Italian fare, including pasta and panelle. Open for lunch and dinner Mon-Sat. Cash only. HOUSE OF PIZZA & CALZONES 132 Union St., (718) 624-9107. Pizza, calzones and sandwiches. Open for lunch and dinner daily. Cash only. Delivery available. JAKE’S BAR-B-QUE RESTAURANT 189 Columbia St., (718) 522-4531. Kansas City-style barbecue. KOTOBUKI BISTRO 192 Columbia St., (718) 246-7980. Japanese and Thai cuisine, including sushi, teriyaki, pad Thai and special maki named after area streets. Open for lunch Mon-Sat, dinner 7 days. LILLA CAFE 126 Union St., (718) 8555700. Seasonal fare, hormone and antibiotic-free meats, bread baked on premises and homemade pasta from Chef Erling Berner. BYOB. Open for dinner Tue-Sun, lunch Thu-Fri, brunch Sat-Sun. MC, V. MAZZAT 208 Columbia St., (718) 8521652. Mediterranean and Middle Eastern fare, including falafel sandwiches, kibbe, bronzini, lamb shank, baklava and small plates. Open for lunch and dinner daily. PETITE CREVETTE 144 Union St., (718) 855-2632. Seafood, including corn-and-crab chowder, salmon burgers and cioppino, from Chef Neil Ganic. BYOB. Open for lunch and dinner Tue-Sat. Cash only. TEEDA THAI CUISINE 218 Columbia St., (718) 643-2737. Thai dishes include papaya salad, dumplings and massamun curry. Open for lunch and dinner Mon-Sat, dinner Sun. MC, V. Delivery available.

Carroll Gardens Hours: Noon to 10:30 pm Tues. to Thurs. Noon to 11pm Friday. 4pm to 11pm Saturday & 4pm to 10:30pm Sunday.

Page 14 Red Hook Star-Revue

Marco Polo Ristorante, 345 Court Street, 718 852-5015, Italian, Sunday 1:00 pm - 10:30 pm, Monday CLOSED,Tues, Wed, Thurs 11:30 am - 11:00 pm,Friday 11:30 am - Midnight,Saturday 1:00pm Midnight, All Major Cards

Bar Bruno, 520 Henry St., 347-7630850, Latin-influenced spot for classic and beer cocktails, burgers and big salads served in bowls. Casa Rosa, 384 Court Street, 718-7971907, Italian noon -10:30 p.m daily, All cards. Vinzee’s, 412 Court Street, 718 855 1401, American , All Major Cards. Abilene, 442 Court Street, 718-5226900, American-bar-Mexican, 11 a.m - 4 a.m daily Nine-D, 462 Court Street, 718-488-8998, Thai, Lunch Tue - Sun: 12 pm - 3pm Dinner Mon-Fri: 5pm - 11pm Sat-Sun: 3pm - 11pm, Visa MC Prime Meats, 465 Court Street, 718254-0327 or 0345, German, American, Mon-Thurs 10 a.m-12 a.m , Fri 10a.m1a.m, Sat 8 a.m-1 a.m Sun 8 a.m- 12 a.m , Visa Mastercard, AE Vino y Tapas, 520 Court street, 718407-0047, Spanish Tapas, 5 p.m-11 p.m daily, AE, Mezcals Restaurant, 522 Court Street, 718-783-3276 Mexican,Tequila Bar, 11a.m11p.m daily, All Major Cards Five Guys, 266 Court street, 347-7992902, American, 11-10 a.m - p.m daily, All cards Buddy’s Burrito & Taco Bar, 260 Court street, 718-488-8695, Mexican, 11:30 a.m- 11 p.m, Visa, Mastercard Ghang, 229 Court Street, 718-875-1369, Thai, Sun-Thurs 11:30 a.m, 11:30 p.m, Visa Mastercard Downtown Bar & Grill, 160 Court street, 718-625-2835, American, Mon-Sun 12p.m-2 a.m, All Major, Cards, Gowanus Yacht Club, 323 Smith Street, New York - (718) 246-132, Beer, pierogies, hot dogs and more. Cody’s Ale House Grill, 154 Court Street, 718-852,6115, International Cuisine, 8a.m-10p.m daily, All Major Credit Cards Natures Grill, 138 Court street, 718852,5100, Gourmet Health food, Mon-Fri 10a.m-11 p.m, Sat 9 a.m, Sun 9 a.m- 9 p.m, All Major Cards, Palmyra, 316 Court street, 718-7971110, Mediterranean, 11a.m- 11 p.m daily, Visa Mastercard Ling Ling Young, 508 Henry Street, 260-9095, Chinese, eat in or take out. All cards. Frankies 457, 457 Court Street, Italian, 718 403-0033, cash

December 1-15, 2011

Star-Revue Classifieds Help Wanted

Freelance Writers: The Red Hook Star-Revue is looking for freelance writers for both the arts and news sections. We want to buttress our news as well as local theater and arts coverage. Email George@ Facility Manager Wanted Boiler, Plumbing, Carpentry, Electric, ceramic, plastering, painting desirable. Must be able to supervise a staff of 5. Fax Resume Attn: Lisa Baptiste to 718-243-2253 or email to lisa.

Real Estate Classified ads are $8 per listing per month. Neighborhood Services are $10 per month or $100 the year. Display classifieds are also available. Call Matt for details, 718 6245568. You may email your ads, or drop them in the mail.; 101 Union Street, Brooklyn, NY 11231 All other line ads are $5 per listing per month.

No job too big or too small

Toilets, Boilers, Heating, Faucets, Hot Water Heaters, Pool Heaters.

B & D Heating

Ads for Tag Sales and Babysitters are free!

507 Court Street 718 625-1396


Gate Sale Place: 30th Street, 4th & 5th Avenues Date: Saturday, November 5th, 2011 Time: 10 AM – 4 PM Brick a brack Clothes/Shoes Dishes/ Glasses Gadgets Home furnishings Come and bring a friend

Neighborhood Services


Glass Art of Brooklyn 718596-4353 Glass Fusing Workshop every Wednesday Evening 7 -9 Beginners to Advanced Students welcome. Maximum 6 students per class. Classes are ongoing. Monthly fee $175, includes most materials, and firings.

Photo Digitizing Need your old family photos scanned, re-touched and archived? Want your VHS tapes and home movies transferred to DVD? Would you like to digitize all your music CDs so you can get rid of the old discs? I’m a local mom with editing and archiving expertise and I’m available to HELP YOU! 646-591-5620.

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December 1-15, 2011

Spoil yourself in a fresh and modern salon. Expert in color, chemical service and organic products for all types of hair. Customized cuts for your lifestyle and personality. Walk-ins welcome.

Open Tuesday - Friday 11 - 8, Saturday 10:30 - 6. 352 Van Brunt Street 718 935-0596

Red Hook Star-Revue Page 15

Things To Do DEC 1 - 15 If you have an event you would like listed in the Red Hook Star-Revue calendar, please email

melange of high frequency eduascenciontainment.” On view until 12/4.

plimentary cocktails will be served throughout the evening. 12/9 at 6-10pm.

Kentler International Drawing Space—353 Van Brunt St. (718) 875-2098, Twenty-one artists from The Kentler Flatfiles. On view until 12/18.


Look North Inuit Art Gallery—275 Conover Street, Suite 4E, (347) 721-3995, Polar Light: Greenland. The Greenland photography of Rena Bass Forman and the Greenland drawings of Zaria Forman. A climate change awareness exhibition held in conjunction with Al Gore’s ‘The Climate Project’.

Dance Theatre Etcetera---480 Van Brunt St. A Red Hook Holiday, hosted by the Red Hook non-profit community. Featuring good friends, food, drink, and special performances. 12/9 at 5-8pm, free admission. RSVP:

Kentler International Drawing Space—353 Van Brunt St. (718) 875-2098, Kentler’s Drawing Together program. Free weekend art workshops for families. 12/4 at 10-11:30am. Please register in advance to sallie@kentlergallery. org.


Yoga with Anna Mumford---www.annamumford. com. Saturdays 10-11:15am at the Dance Theater Etc space above Fairway, $10 suggested donation. Wednesdays 10-11am at the Red Hook Rec Center, free.


Littlefield—622 Degraw St., Hot Tub with Kurt and Kristen, 12/5 at 7:30pm, $5-8, 12/12 at 7:30pm. Union Hall---702 Union Street, Pretty Good Friends, 12/4 at 7:30pm, $7, Heart of Darkness hosted by Greg Barris, 12/9 at 8pm.


490 Atlantic---490 Atlantic Ave. Kevin Sutton, Paintings on paper. 12/3 until 12/22. Reception: 12/3, 6-8pm. Dustin Yellin Studio---133 Imlay street, Solo show by Brian Wondergem. “With the use of elements such as door frames, stairs, studs, and lights, Wondergem questions the modern interior, transforming the familiar into something mysterious. Using mirrors and repetition, one work encompasses the interior gallery space creating a site-specific zone.” Everbrite Mercantile Co.---351 Van Brunt St, ET/PER/SE/AND. “ET/PER/SE/AND is the chairman of the alchemical media department of New Human Dreamtime International, (N.H.D.I.) a global conglomerate of high frequency media corporations located within the lush peaks and valleys of Sir Wilhelm’s wild grey coif. As chair of the board, his goal is to transmute the abundance of low frequency old media trash into a visceral and golden

Gallery Small New York---416 Van Brunt, The Flora and Fauna of New York. Berger, Brady, McCann. On view until 12/17.


Proteus Gowanus---543 Union St., Films of Animal Migrations. In the second evening of our Migration Film series, a series of short documentaries will reveal the travels of our feathered friends and aquatic allies. 12/6 at 8pm, $5.


Botta di Vino—357 Van Brunt St., (347) 689-3664. Friday night candle light blind tasting. “Discuss what you smell, taste and feel with your own palate. a group forum for wanna be wine geeks” Admission requires one purchase. Dry Dock Wine + Spirits---424 Van Brunt St., (718) 852-3625, “Hooker’s Choice Day”, every Sunday. whiskey wonderland - high west, 12/3 at 4-7pm, whiskey wonderland - maker’s mark, 12/4 at 2-5pm, veni vidi bibi! 12/8 at 6-9pm, ayala champagne, 12/9 at 5:30-8:30pm, wines for the holidays, 12/10 at 4-7pm, whiskey wonderland, bulleit, 12/11 at 2-5pm, whiskey wonderland - knob creek, 12/15 at 5:30-8:30, red, white & green with jenny and francois, 12/16 at 4-7pm, stroll gin lane, 12/17 at 2-5pm. MikNic Lounge---200 Columbia Street 917-7701984. Grand Opening on December 1 for “Rebel! Rebel!” (Gay Night) every First & Third Thursday, 9pm -2 am. Cheap beer, $6 well drinks, friendly crowd.


Brooklyn Collective---212 Union St., Holiday soiree. Please join us as we toast the holidays and celebrate over 40 new collections by local artists and deisgners. Friday Com-


Micro Museum—123 Smith Street, micromuseum. com. Above and Beyond, a three-year retrospective of the art of William and Kathleen Laziza, every Saturday from 12-7pm, refreshments from 5-7pm, $2 per person. The Waterfront Museum---Lehigh Valley Barge No.79, 290 Conover Street. Free boat tours & open hours Thursdays 4 - 8 pm and Saturdays 1 - 5 pm in Red Hook. Note: Museum will be closed Dec 23 until the 31st.


Hope & Anchor—347 Van Brunt St., (718) 2370276. Karaoke, Thursdays through Saturdays from 9 pm-1 am. Bargemusic—Fulton Ferry Landing, 2 Old Fulton St., (718) 624-2083, Bargemix, 12/3 at 8pm, masterworks series, 12/4 at 3pm, masterworks series, 12/9 at 8pm, 12/10 at 8pm, 12/11 at 3pm, bargemix series, 12/15 at 8pm, here and now, 12/16 at 8pm, there and then, 12/17 at 8pm. All concerts $35, $30 senior, $15 student unless otherwise specified. Bait & Tackle—320 Van Brunt St., (718) 797-4892, Morgan O’Kane, 12/3 at 9pm, Marcus Ricci, 12/9, Matt Parker and Max Johnson, 12/11, Rayvon Browne, 12/16, Mike Cobb and the Crevulators. The Bell House—149 7th St., (718) 643-6510, Farmers Marker Winter Warp Up, Naomi Shelton and the Gospel, Queens, Zlatne Uste Balkan Brass Band, 12/7 at 7pm, $40, proceeds to farms devasted by hurricane irene, The Party Machine Holiday, 12/8 at 8pm, The 6th annual carnivorous nights taxidermy contest, 12/9 at 8pm, THe SUzi Shelton Band’s Third Annual Rockin’ Holiday Party And Music Video Premier, 12/11 at 11:30am, $10 adv $12dos, Rocket From The Tombs, Abstract Artimus, 12/12 at 9pm, $15, MNVC#59, rocket from the tombs, post party, 10m, free, Locksley, 12/15 at 7pm, Good Old War, 12/16 at 8pm, $12 adv $14 dos.

Jalopy Theatre and School of Music—315 Columbia St., (718) 395-3214, Radio Jarocho, 12/4 at 8pm, Patricio Hidalgo with radio Jarocho, 12/4 at 9:39pm, hooklyn holler! 12/6 at 8:30pm, Roots and Ruckus, 12/7 at 9pm, As Yet Quintet, 12/8 at 9pm, Veveritse Brass Band, 12/8 at 10:30pm, Blues Night featuring..., 12/9 at 9pm, The Sweetback Sisters Christmas Sing-Along, 12/11 at 7pm, Tony Scherr Trio, 12/13 at 9pm, Roots and Ruckus, 12/14 at 9pm, Joy Dragland, 12/15 at 9pm, rana Santacruz, 12/15 at 9pm. Littlefield—622 Degraw St., Hard Light presents White Hills, Pontiak, 12/10 at 9pm, $10, Winter party, 12.11 at 1pm, free, Todd Clouser’s A Love Electric Ft. Steven Bernstein, 12/13 at 8pm, $10, No Office Holiday party, 12/15 at 7:30pm, $5. Union Street Star Theater. 101 Union Street. Weekly jams - Monday is acoustic and Thursday electric, bring your voice and instrument and have fun! No charge, from 7:30 - 11. Friday Dec. 17th, Annual Christmas Concert featuring The Other Side & Union plus more guests to be announced 6 pm Union Hall---702 Union Street, Crazy since da 90s, 12/3 after the bands/free, Outside the box, 12/7 at 8:30pm, $7, Cory Branan, Dave Haus, Sad and French, 12/8 at 7:30pm, $8 adv $10 dos, Secret formula presents Xmas Pop Sing-Along, 12/9 at 10pm, $8, Karaoke killed the cat, 12/9 at midnight, free, DJ Sintalentos, 12/10 after the bands, free, Miss Tess CD Release Party, Anne Lynch & Michaela Anne, The Calamity Janes, 12/11 at 7:30pm, Favorite Sons, Bird Dog, Car On the Moon, 12/14 at 8:30pm, $8, Cuddle Magic, The Milkman’s Union, Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, 12/15 at 7:30pm, Dinosaur Feathers, 12/16 at 8pm, $8, Karaoke killed the cat, 12/16 at midnight, free


Union Hall---702 Union Street, The Story Collider, “Reproduction”. “You’ve all had the talk with your parents about the bird and the bees and the test tubes. But there’s more. Join The Story Collider December 12th for six stories of the science of reproduction.”


Falconworks, PS 15 auditorium, 71 Sullivan Street. Off the Hook, plays by young playwrights, two performances, Friday December 16th at 7 pm and Saturday December 17th at 3 pm. Admission is free.

Red Hook’s neighborhood wine & spirits store. Offering outstanding value and quality from smaller vintners and distillers from around the world, including a vast selection of wines priced under $12, and a noteworthy selection of hard-to-find craft distilled spirits, including over 100 whisk(e)y choices.


Mon.- Wed. noon - 9 pm Thurs & Friday noon - 11 pm Saturdays 10 am - 11 pm Sundays noon - 8 pm

Save 10% dry dock after six special mon - wed from 6pm to close Grab a 6-pack and fill it with your favorite wines and save 10% on your purchase. Or save 10% any time you buy a case/12 bottles of wine.(Sorry wine only, not applicable for spirits or sparkling)

m-w 12-9pm, th-fr 12-11pm

Page 16 Red Hook Star-Revue

sat 10-11pm, sun 12-8pm

saturday, december 3: whisk(e)y wonderland – high west 4:00-7:00, free

High West whiskey hails from Utah, the state that cast the deciding vote to repeal the Volstead act in 1933. Toast their contributions with a sip of their tasty ryes and their 36th vote barrel aged manhattans.

sunday, december 4: whisk(e)y wonderland – maker’s mark 2:00-5:00, free

Maker’s Mark and Maker’s Mark 46 will be on the bar for your perusal. Savor a taste of the old south.

thursday, december 8: veni vidi bibi! 6:00-9:00, free

tastic Italian for a special night tasting.

wines week-

friday, december 9: ayala champagne 5:30-8:30, free

Nothing like a little bit o’ the old bubbly, no? Discover Ayala champagnes.

saturday, december 10: wines for the holidays 4:00-7:00, free

Amy will be pouring some of our favorites from Paumanok Vineyards on Long Island along with Chateau Belingard from France’s Bergerac region.

sunday, december 11: whisk(e)y wonderland bulleit 2:00-5:00, free

When Augustus Bulleit bit the dust in 1860, the bourbon that he had perfected also disappeared from his home of New Orleans along with him. More than a century later in 1987, great, great-grandson, Tom Bulleit fulfilled a life-long dream of reviving the family business.

Our friend Peter Marone will be pouring from his portfolio of fan-

Anchored in Red Hook on the way to Fairway & IKEA 424 van brunt st .

brooklyn, ny 11231

718 852-3625.

December 1-15, 2011

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