Amusings in the Life of a Rotarian

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(A)MUSINGS in the Life of a Rotarian

development of acquaintances that bestows endless



Musings in the life of a Rotarian

organization’s projects.

opportunities for service. When I acquired the position of Manager in Because in the end, really, there are no losers.

2000, I decided to join. In the next five years, I was tasked to assume several positions in the club. And

Everyone who participated, everyone who exerted an effort, everyone who ran the race—they all came out of the marathon that is the Rotary with a brand new perspective in life: that service is not just about helping others in their material needs.

in the Rotary’s LEAD year, I became the President of my district. When I was elected as President, I had a lot of doubts and worries. I wondered if I was really ready to take on such a big responsibility. You see, the year before I became President was the year our

It is also about giving yourself: to be able to laugh with your peers, to be able to positively exchange anecdotes of joy, to be able to appreciate the color and diversity of the quirks and uniqueness of the people in your group. Rotary enables you to learn to be happy

club experienced turmoil. It was truly a big test—our club was on the brink of dissolving as members either left or were preparing to leave due to reasons I will no longer discuss. Also, I started my term five months earlier than scheduled, and this was very, very demanding.

with the simple joys in life. I inherited a bank account without money, In Chapter 3, we tackled some of the

plus a list of "payables." The club literally did not

discoveries of Rotarians on how it means to live up

have anything—we neither had bond paper to use,

to the demands of the club. On a lighter side, let us

nor a secretary to assist us.

now take a look into some of the amusing stories in the lives of Rotarians …

There was no momentum to build on, and



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