100 Ways to Optimize Your Life

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# 62 Magnesium - A Key Electrolyte In Sweat and Sleep Vegetables are a rich source of Magnesium (Mg++), which is a key electrolyte used in all cells, including brain and muscle. It is lost in the sweat, and should be replenished during sustained exercise, such as sporting events and marathons. It is often given along with other electrolytes and water in the form of “sports drinks” (see below). It has muscle relaxant and calming properties so can also be helpful as a sleep aid. Those with low vegetable intake or higher needs than RDA should definitely supplement.

# 63 Multivitamin And Mineral Is The Least You Should Take Some days, most of us eat poorly, mostly by not eating enough fruits and vegetables, or fish. A recent Harvard study confirms the benefit of a multivitamin supplement containing no less than the RDA and no more than the ULs for all vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients listed.

# 64 Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Our Old Friend As discussed above, they are usually deficient in the diet, and are tremendously beneficial in reducing chronic inflammation, clotting, and vasospasm, key components of the metabolic syndrome, chronic disease, and the aging process itself. Smaller and less useful ones, like alpha linolenic acid (ALA) are found in grains like flax, but the key ones we need are manufactured in algal chloroplasts and moved up through the food chain, ultimately to large predator fish, where they accumulate in fat. Microalgae, krill, seafood, and fatty predator fish are the best sources. Omega-3s have been shown to be essential for normal fetal brain development, cognitive, and cardiovascular function. Watch out for predator fish that accumulate heavy metals such as mercury, and farmed fish rich in chemicals such as Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). Use included tables to avoid those fish, and be sure to supplement only with molecularly distilled fish oils (this removes toxins), Krill or Algal Omega-3’s (though these are usually much less potent). Doses of at least 2-4 grams of marine Omega-3’s per day have been shown beneficial.

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