Cublington Crier October 18 #377.pdf

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October 2018

Cublington Crier



Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984



Happy Halloween!



The Cublington Crier Mailbox | Outside Bell Cottage, High St Editorial & Advertising: 01296 688548



That's a load off your mind!

ironing and laundry services • Ironing • Laundry

Fully insured and vetted, first aid trained Services offered include: Group walks @ £8.00 per dog per hour Solo walks @ £10.00 per hour Puppy sitting @ £10.00 per hour Call 07305251053 for a chat or to book a slot Mailto:

• Dry Cleaning • Duvet & Pillow Cleaning • Curtains cleaning • Alterations & Repairs Collection & Delivery available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7pm-9pm 01296 422 500 Martina collects my ironing every Tuesday and returns it on Thursday. Great job, never had any problems. Martina is always reliable, accommodating and cheerful. When my washing machine broke Martina took all the laundry and ironing, a great service, I can not recommend her highly enough. Debbie (Cublington resident)

The Crier online...

Editorial The deadline for the Crier editorial approaches fast. Panic sets in. Surely it’s not that long since we did it, I think. Rummaging through past copies (yes, we still have them, going back to 1984) and I see it was 9 years ago, so maybe it is our turn again. So what to write about? Previously, we’ve described how we came to have peacocks as pets (twice, I believe); we’ve done some local history and then there was our favourite spoof “Plans for the Third London Airport at Cublington have been revived.” Trees to be lopped, the church tower decimated… One former resident had contacted his barrister friend before getting the joke. But we’re older and wiser now, so let’s get serious. I think Grace Gregory had it right last month, “What does September mean to you?” OK, so it’s October now; to me, it’s autumn leaves, longer, cosier evenings, Hallowe’en for the youngsters, and, speaking personally, retirement from a job I loved. I hope some of these are reflected in this month’s Crier. Hey ho, who said it will soon be Christmas? It’s a whole new beginning! Chris Jones

November EDITOR:

Jane Alexander NEXT COPY DEADLINE is 15th September Please make sure copy is in by that date

Letters to the Crier most welcome.

Available at

Apologies The new bin collection information arrived the day after we went to print for the September issue. Typical!

Found in Biggs Pavilion

A ring with small diamonds found on the kitchen windowsill. If you contact me and describe it... I have it safe and sound. Ed.

Don't Forget Clocks go back - 2am Sunday 28th.

Next Month We will again be asking for your Christmas Greetings messages to be published in the December Crier in lieu of a donation to charity. Don't forget to send them in!!

October Tom Lea

7th October – 12 years Katie Keane 7th October – 10 years Henry Martindale 19th Oct - 3 years Aida Dean 24th Oct – 4 years Harry Gotzheim 28th Oct – 14 years Leo Allen 30th Oct- 3 years If you have recently moved to the village and want us to include your children - please let us know, Gary & Gill

CRIER CONTACTS CONTACT DETAILS: 0 The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Buckinghamshire LU7 0LW. & Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 | Email: Call for media pack - also available online at Annual rates payable in advance: 1/8 page - £18 Village, (£30 non-village). 1/4 page - £35 village, (£50 non-village). 1/2 page - £60 village, (£80 non- village). Full page - £110 village, (£160 non-village) Single Insertion payable in advance: 1/8 page - £5, 1/4 page - £10, 1/2 page - £15, Full page - £20. Advertorials - £50 per insertion. Copy deadlines by the 15th of each month. Please supply all artwork as PDF or hi res JPEG.

Can YOU Escape the Room? Don’t Get Locked In

The Secret Hut 1940’S WAR TORN ENGLAND Can you help end the war by solving puzzles using clues and escape in 60 minutes?

The Rock COMING SOON... Wrongly imprisoned, tired and scared. Can you escape The Rock in 60 minutes?

Planning your company xmas night out? Why not start with an escape room challenge?


Cublington Crier Bookings of 10 or more receive a 15% discount

Advertise Book online at: in the Crier! Preferential rates for villagers.

Acorn Farm Business Centre, Wing, 0333 303 1312 dontgetlockedin

Contact us for a media Leighton Buzzard, LU7pack 0LB, T: E:


Cublington Crier

Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984

If you love the Crier we really would like your further input... If you are willing to help in any way... whether it be delivering, writing the odd letter, or sending an article you think might be of interest or any sort of regular contributions like Who Am I? Please do it as The Crier only survives with content. The editororial team really can't be expected to do everything every month. The guest editor list is now being compiled for 2019 and 2020, yes we really do plan that far ahead! If asked please do your bit for the community. To be the guest editor: You only have to design or find a front cover image, write an intro editorial of your choice and provide a few, or as many pages of content of your choice as you want. It's really not that bad or that hard. Go on please give it a go The more who do it - the less we have to ask. Thanks. Contact: Sandie Joy 01296 682446

Contact details

The Editorial Rota December Trish Bundock

2019.. January Gary & Gill

February Liz and Bob March Mountfield family April Penny Webster May Ian Powis June Simon & Vanessa Morgan July ? Sept ? Oct ? Nov Toosey family Dec Graham & Judy

2020.. Jan


rs to e e t n u l o v Any ks? n a l b e h t fill in

Feb ? March April Jenkins May Dixons June ? July Thornley's

THE RED POST BOX OUTSIDE BELL COTTAGE; CONTACT DETAILS: The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Buckinghamshire LU7 0LW. Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 email:


T-Towels for Sale Great as a Christmas Gift for sale at village events - proceeds to be kept by those organisations. Contact us as and when. Limited stock is available. ÂŁ6 each or ÂŁ10 for two. Contact Gary or Gill if you want one.

Autumn is the time of year When changes start to happen here.

The days grow short. It’s cold outside. The birds fly south. The squirrels hide. The leaves fall off all the trees. The garden pond begins to freeze.

Another summer’s left behind. It’s winter soon, but I don’t mind. For Autumn is the time when I Begin to dream of PUMPKIN PIE! Ingredients


Sweet pastry case, 22cm 750g pumpkin, boiled and sieved 140g caster sugar .5 tsp salt .5 tsp nutmeg 1tsp cinnamon 2 eggs, beaten 25g butter, melted 175ml milk 1tbs icing sugar

Combine the sugar, salt, nutmeg and half the cinnamon. Mix in the beaten eggs, melted butter and milk, then add to the pumpkin purée and stir to combine. Pour into the tart shell and cook for 10 mins at 220/200C fan, then reduce the temperature to 180C/160C fan. Continue to bake for 35-40 mins until the filling has just set.


Leave to cool, then remove the pie from the tin. Mix the remaining cinnamon with the icing sugar and dust over the pie. For extra naughtiness, top with whipped cream combines with some chopped stem ginger. Yum!


The photos have been gathered, cover stars selected and wonky whiskers photoshopped and soon the 2019 calendar will be heading to the press. If you would like to pre-order a copy (or several!) please speak to one of us or phone or email Mary on t: 07890129481 e: Copies are £10 each with all proceeds split equally between Canine Partners and Orchard Ground. All dogs who had a picture sent in or who came to a photo shoot (over 40 dogs) are included in the Calendar- so lots of opportunity to spot your favourite local dogs and village locations.

Many thanks, Mary, Gwyneira and Bridget.

Orchard Ground T H E B I G G S PAV I L I O N


9th - 11th November, Memorabilia Exhibition in St Nicholas Church. We would like to display any memorabilia you have: photos, stories (we can print them up on posters), information about WW1 and WW2 from Cublington and from people who now live in Cublington... the stories may be from anywhere, it is still relevant and will become local history. Curators for this event - Gina Reilly and Diane Grace Flower Festival - volunteers to decorate windows and church are required please. poppies can be supplied We aim to have the church open for the 3 days, and have tea/coffee etc available, so any additional help on site during this time would be most welcome!

Armistice Weekend

On 11th November 2018, the United Kingdom and its friends overseas will mark the day 100 years ago when the guns fell silent at the end of the First World War. More than 1,000 Beacons of Light will be lit throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories, with the first of these Beacons being lit at Westminster Abbey, London For this weekend we shall be remembering the sacrifice of millions of men and women.

Hopefully Cublington residents will be able to join for this remembrance weekend.

9th - 11th November The Church will be open for three days with the Memorabilia Exhibition – tea/coffee will be available

11th November meet at the Mound and join in the Battle’s Over – a Nation’s Tribute to the Millions – 100 years of Remembrance

6.50 pm a reading ‘Tribute to the Millions’ 6.55 pm The Last Post 7.00pm Battle’s Over - WWI Beacons of Light – lighting of the beacon. Mulled wine will be available

Orchard Ground OG news in brief

Highlights & items of interest • G rant approved for kitchen refurbishment Our grant application for funds to refurbish the kitchen has been successful. (Pending the provision of a few small additional bits of information). See below... • G reatest Showman re-run - The film was re-run on Friday 14th Spetember inside in the warm for those whose first showing was spoilt because of the weather and technical difficulties. We hope you enjoyed the Greatest Showing the second time around. • W orking Parties to tidy up the OG/Pavilion environment are being planned. Help with weeding and keeping the flower beds neat and tidy would be most welcome. More details to follow. • N ew recycling Bins - We now have a large recycling bin at OG. People should use the smaller bins in the kitchen and then transfer into the big bin when full. • C leaning frequency has been increased A general improvement has been reported from users which is pleasing. • OGC will start planting specimen trees in the new North Field facility from 1st October If you wish to donate money or trees, please contact Charlie Toosey or Martyn Waters. • E asyfundraising has so far raised £393.65 for Orchard Ground - though still only 29 participants - are there more people in the village who buy goods online and who could raise money for doing nothing? Please speak to Bob Paine for more information on how to set it up. • N ew committee members wanted Please volunteer to help on this committee if you can spare the odd hour or two every month. Wanted a new treasurer (anyone with book-keeping skills?). Duncan Mack has given notice of retiring from OG at the AGM after many years service, formerly as secretary and latterly as Chairman, due to on-going business committments. Thank you Duncan for all you have done. • 1 00 Club tickets for 2018/19. This year we have sold a record 265 tickets Prize winners will be published as they happen in the Crier and on the website. You can still enter for the remaining draws • N ext OG meetings - All interested villagers welcome to participate.

Good News… Good News… Good News Confirmation has been received from WREN of a grant for £28,846.76 for the refurbishment of the Biggs Pavilion kitchen at Orchard Ground. Members of the Orchard Ground committee have been working to secure a grant from WREN to replace the kitchen which was installed back in 1998 when the pavilion was built. Many residents contributed to the consultation about a new kitchen and came forward with their ideas. A new kitchen will add greatly to the facilities in the pavilion which is used for many social and community activities and for sports including, cricket, tennis and table tennis. In addition to the grant, Orchard Ground will need to put some £4,000 towards the cost of the kitchen refurbishment. It is hoped that the necessary work will take place in January/ February 2019 and be completed by the end of March. WREN is a not for profit business that awards grants for community, heritage and biodiversity projects from funds donated by FCC Environmental through the Landfill Community Fund.



keep your eyes peeled ... If you spot anything, and we really do mean anything of interest (silly or serious) in the village - please let us know.

Spotted - Several theodolites positioned

down the High Street outside Bell Cottage - does anyone know what they were surveying?

Spotted - apparently Chewbacca has

recently been spotted atop the Ivinghoe Beacon - filming for the next Stars Wars installment perhaps?

Spotted - Parkour/Freerunningcomes to Cublington?! Simon Morgan attempts this while painting his house.

Spotted - a very dried up and sad looking

pond. Please can we see if we can restore it to it's former glory? Apparently, I read recently, in the 1800's it was used for washing clothes and watering horses and cattle! Nice!

Spotted - Ambulance and film crew in Silver Street filming for a training video for Bucks Emercency Responders. No one was hurt in the making of the film, though John Eadie starred with a blue nose!

Spotted - A Sparrowhawk feasting on a pigeon on my drive.

Spotted - After news that hedgehog sightings are

down 50% I thought we'd buck that trend. Lovely hedgehogs in our garden. Do you have one or a family perhaps. Bob Paine has several in his garden. Mike Joy reports a mum and baby (are they the same ones perhaps?) The Eadies have a family... One also spotted behind the tennis courts. Any more anyone?

PLEASE let us know of any event in the Village you are running. If we don't know about it we can't help publicise it. By the 15th of every month before please.

October Tuesday 4th Fete 2019 meeting 8pm The Unicorn - All welcome.

Sunday 7th, a Celebration of Harvest 9am St. Nicholas Church

Monday 8th, Harvest Supper & Auction 6.30pm St. Nicholas Church Friday 19th Live Band @ Unicorn Mouth on a Stick

Saturday 20th Succulent Plant Workshop Biggs Pavilion

Contact Cerus for more details on 07794146506

Clocks go back at 02:00 on Sunday, 28 October Wednesday 31st Halloween!

Leave a lantern outside your house if you are happy to accept trick or treaters

November Cublington Remembers 9th - 11th St Nicholas Church All welcome.

10th Cublington Cabaret Night Biggs Pavilion

Wednesday 21st, Orchard Ground AGM

8pm The Biggs Pavilion - All welcome!

December Weds 12th Sloe Gin Competition 7.30pm @The Unicorn. Entrants encouraged. Sunday 16th Village Christmas Lunch 12.30pm @The Biggs Pavilion. See ad.

Saturday September 1st, Biggs Pavilion It was a lovely sunny morning for the Cublington Horticultural Show, with all the produce looking wonderful. A Big THANK YOU for all those who came along to put produce in and to Ralph and Helen our judges whose expertise is really appreciated. THANK YOU also goes to all the stalwart helpers who make this fun event happen. We raised an astonishing, £1091 plus £110 from the sale of Cublington tea towels, the majority of the money comes from sponsorship of the categories and we are very grateful to all the sponsors.

2018 Winners : The Growers Cup - David Bradbury a great achievement this year with the tricky growing conditions. Domestic Champion - Gill Brazier Bakers Cup - Gill Brazier Best in Show – Jan Antosiewicz And all who took part. THANK YOU!!! Sandie


T-Towels for Sale Great as a Christmas Gift! for sale at village events - proceeds to be kept by those organisations. Contact us as and when. Limited stock is available. £6 each or £10 for two. Contact Gary or Gill if you want one.

1.What did you want to be when you grew up? A mad scientist. 2. What was your first job? Dishwasher at the pub. 3. Who (alive or dead) would you like to have dinner with and why? BarackObama – his outlook and well reasoned conversation. Elon Musk – his imagination. Alexander Fleming – to talk about his discoveries and impact on the world 4. What historical era would you like to have lived in and why? Victorian – a huge time of scientific development. 5. Where would you want to live if not where you live now and why? South Africa – amazing people and gorgeous countryside. 6. What is the temptation you wish you could resist? Anything sweet. 7. What is your favourite book and why? Anything by Terry Pratchett – his take on the world was so humorous and accurate. 8. What is your favourite song and why? AC/DC – Shoot to Thrill – guaranteed to put me in a good mood. 9. What is the pet hate that makes your hackles rise? People who refuse to acknowledge different points of view other than their own. 10. What is the unlikely interest that engages your curiosity? Game theory, especially in animals. 11. How long have you lived in Cublington. 23 years

Answer somewhere in the Crier.

Advent Windows After the successful inaugural Advent Window Walk last year, volunteers are sought to host the Advent Window display 2018. Windows will be lit in sequence from 1st December onwards, adding to the anticipation of Christmas. Please let me know on, if you would like to join the team. The Advent Window Trail will be completed on 24th December, with a walk around the village. (Details to follow)

Wing Village Hall, Leighton Road, Wing

Opening Times Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

CLOSED 14:00 10:00 CLOSED 14:00 10:00 - @wing_library Please like and share our posts to advertise our events

19:00 13:00 17:00 13:00

Books: Fiction, Crime, Non-fiction, Large print, Audio, Teen, Children’s fiction & non-fiction Second-hand books and magazines for sale. Internet, Displays, Local information Photocopying, Printing, Laminating, Shredding. Craft sessions for children in school holidays If you belong to any Buckinghamshire library you can borrow or return books in Wing

Tea and coffee always available

This month look out for Libraries Week (8 – 13 October) – the focus is wellbeing See what your local library can do for you *** th

Half-term craft activities for children with the 100 anniversary of the end of World War I as a theme Tuesday 23rd October 2:30 – 4:30 Make poppies and bunting and write a poem for our display Lego Club - Friday 26th October 15:30 - 16:30

The Library is run entirely by volunteers - please support us and our special events Registered charity Number 1151925

Whitchurch Surgery

___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________


Saturday 22nd September Saturday 13th October Saturday 3rd November 9.00am – 12.00pm No appointment necessary

If you are registered with the practice and fall into one of the following categories please attend the surgery for your flu jab Flu vaccinations are only available for patients who: ! ! !

Children aged 2, 3 and 4 years on 31st August 2018 Are aged 65 or over Pregnant

Aged under 65 with one of the following conditions: ! Have any ongoing lung diseases ! Have a chronic heart disease ! Have a serious kidney disease ! Have a serious liver disease ! Have diabetes ! Have a brain or nervous system condition ! Have a poor immune system ! Live in a nursing home or other long stay residential care accommodation Patients should have the flu jab if they are the main carer of an elderly or disabled person whose welfare may be at risk if they fell ill with influenza The Friends of Whitchurch Surgery will be attending to provide tea, coffee and biscuits. There will also be a bric-a-brac stall and a raffle. If anyone would like to donate a raffle prize for this event or any of the Friends events please contact the surgery reception on 01296 641203 Friends of Whitchurch Surgery Reg Charity No: 1064109/0

Cublington Village Hall Rental

Available for: • Social gatherings • Children’s parties • Meetings • Music/theatre practise • Dance & exercise

£15 per morning, afternoon or evening session. (£10 for weekly sessions). To book please contact: Sarah Taylor on 07939 342457,

Bespoke beer for Florence to launch at 25th Aylesbury Beer Festival 26th-27th October at Sir Henry Floyd Grammar School The Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity has teamed up with the Hillfire Brewing Company to launch a bespoke beer celebrating 25 years of the Aylesbury Beer Festival this October. Hillfire owner Neil Coxhead says this new ale will be extra special because it’s brewed in partnership with Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity using the Brewery’s own hops grown organically in Buckinghamshire.The Festival will take place on Friday 26th and Saturday 27th October, offering real ale fans the chance to try local beers as well as award-winning ales and ciders from further afield, whilst raising vital funds for Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity. As well as over 35 beers, ciders and perries to taste and judge, a new feature this year is the ‘Local Gin Showcase’, with gins made by distilleries within a 25-mile radius of Aylesbury such as Puddingstone Distillery, Griffiths Brothers and Foxdenton Estate. The Festival also features gourmet sausages courtesy of Kings Farm Shop in the Sausage Festival on Saturday afternoon, while local caterer Alena Winter’s homemade classics will be back on Saturday evening to provide some ballast for the alcohol. “Last year we added more music and food, and we had more ales than the previous year,” says Emma Carroll, Community Events Manager at Florence Nightingale Hospice Charity. “This year, by popular demand, we have added the Local Gin Showcase to widen the Festival’s appeal. But real ales remain at the heart of the Festival which makes it an unmissable event for any serious ale drinker.” Tickets are just £6 in advance or £8 on the door and include a souvenir Festival pint glass and programme. To book, and for more information go to or call 01296 429 975.




The photos have been gathered, cover stars selected and wonky whiskers photoshopped and soon the 2019 calendar will be heading to the press.

2 0 19

If you would like to pre-order a copy (or several!) please speak to one of us or phone or email Mary on t: 07890129481 e: Copies are £10 each with all proceeds split equally between Canine Partners and Orchard Ground.

Dogs of C

C a le nd a r ub li ng t o n

All dogs who had a picture sent in or who came to a photo shoot (over 40 dogs) are included in the Calendar- so lots of opportunity to spot your favourite local dogs and village locations.

Many thanks, Mary, Gwyneira and Bridget.

Orchard Ground T H E B I G G S PAV I L I O N

Increased Prize money this year because we sold 265 tickets - 40 more than last year, so thank you everyone and good luck!

September 2018 - Draw 5 Winners 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize 4th Prize

- £50 - Sophie O'Toole. (CC). - £40 - Clare Latham. (CC). - £30 - Vernon & Rebecca Cox. - £25 - Ben Joy.

Interesting facts

ds to All procee

Orchard Ground T he Biggs




ve a h u Yo n it i e b to it! n i w to

The ticket price hasn't changed in 25 years! Great value for money! Over £26,000 given away in prize money! Over £26,000 raised for village organisations. Every year, every cricket club membership is required to buy a ticket as part of their annual subscription generating funds for the village from the entire local area.


If you have not been visited - it's still not too late to be entered in the remaining draws! Please contact me for a ticket or two or three......!! or call me on 01296 680483.

Orchard Ground, North Field & The Biggs Pavilion Please support your village facility in any way you can

Biggs Pavilion Rental Village Residents and fully paid up members of Cublington clubs and organisations. £25 (up to 3 hours) Outside Cublington Clubs and organisations regularly using the facilities. £30 (up to 3 hours) Discounts for block bookings Dances, discos & parties (There should be at least one adult present for teenage parties) Cublington residents £60 Non Villagers £90 Weddings etc. (Whole day - 9.00am - midnight) Online booking diary: Cublington residents £150 Outside of village £200 A refundable deposit of £25 is required Find a date you want and contact at time of booking. Deposit will be returned Bob Paine to book it! if no costs are incurred with regard to cleanliness or damage to property, fixtures or fittings. Contact Bob on 01296 680483 or

BABYSITTING DIRECTORY all listed are 14+ Alice Gadsby - 680452*

Hannah Alexander - 681104 Toby Walls - 682697*

Phoebe Walls - 682697 Annie Lovatt - 682812 Izzy Law - 688019 or 07896 894914 Harvey Mack - 682820 Emily Mack - 682820

Lots of useful information Visit the website -



If you have been, or would like to be, a part of the village panto our front or behind the scenes, every February, come along for a drink and chat. Very informal and no commitment.

* School or Uni holidays only



The 19th Annual Cabaret Night.

The Biggs Pavilion November 10th, 7-30 for 8-00pm The theme this time is The War Years which marks 100 years since the Great War ended. The committee decided therefore that 50% of the evenings proceeds should go to HELP for HEROES. The other 50% will go to Orchard Ground. Don’t be put off by the theme, as rest assured it will be a fun evening as always. If you would like to be part of the entertainment, or would like tickets, yet again priced at £10, please get in touch with Chris or Maggie on 681972 after October 11th.

Orchard Ground T H E B I G G S PAV I L I O N

From the Reverend Dear friends, It's the month we have to yet again change the clocks: back of course ('Fall back' as our American cousins put it). For one I can't see any valid reason why we persist in this now redundant tradition. Because of our geographical location we are always going to have fewer hours of daylight in the late Autumn/Winter/ early Spring and simply have to negotiate around it. I remember in Zimbabwe having to get used to the fact that, whatever time of the year, it was pitch dark between 6/6.15pm . The only difference was the thickness of jumper/jacket you wore as you sat out under the stars by a fire being bitten by all sorts of bug life. October is a very Anglo-Saxon month in the church's calendar: Ethelburga, Wilfred, Edward the Confessor, Alfred the Great to name a few of the more prominent. But,the date which always fascinates me is 31st because it holds within it the classic balance of light and shade. On the one hand it is Halloween with all it's



basically silly stuff around ghosts and ghouls etc... which seems to be developing into a super-hero fest. On the other hand it is the day we remember Martin Luther, the inspirer of the Reformation which changed the face of faith forever. Like all of us Luther was a deeply flawed man but had moments of great brilliance. He was alternately compassionate and vicious and very much a man of his time. His tempestuous personality brought many friends and enemies,probably in equal measure. Our lives are,thankfully,much quieter but we still encounter those who love us and those who don't. The secret is to keep the balance between the flattery of the one and the destructiveness of the other. The one person that Christians believe loves us unconditionally is God our creator and He shows that to us supremely in His Son Jesus Christ. May God Bless you -God bless, Philip. Reverend Philip Derbyshire



Thank you all so much for help with the mowing this year... If you would like to be added to the list of helpers please get in touch on 682787 or As the growing season seems to be extending later and later and we have a few people doing double shifts - we need a few more volunteers please! It's a good work out at 6km! Thank you all for taking partnonce again. God Bless, Roy 1st Oct Vacant !!! 8th Oct Vacant !!!

any e v a h e e do w s , e e h s t a r e l o f P ers e t n u l o al v n o i t i d ks? e d e a w w e last f

Could you please help fill in the gaps? Call Roy to book your slot on next year's rota!

Church Rota October

October Service’s. Date & time 0 7 th 9AM

1 4 th 9AM

2 1 st PM

2 8 th 9AM



Welcome Sacristan

Harvest Festival Service

Rev’d Roger



Rev’d Peter


HC [Altar Colour Red]


Jane & Michael

Rev’d Roger


Helen W



Gina 2 Corinth’s 9 V 6-15

Sarah Mathew 6 V25-33



Amos 5 V10-15

Mark10 V17-31

Sophie Hebrews 5 V.1-10

Linda Mark 10 V35-45

Helen G Ephesians 2 V 19-22

Lucy John 15 V17-27


Flowers/ Clean Evelyn f/c

HelenW. c Avril f

Helen W c Avril f Sarah f/c






Sarah f/c


The Harvest Supper & Auction will be at 18 30 Hrs On Monday the 8th October


THE LIGHTS THIS MONTH HAVE BEEN SPONSORED BY Cerys in Remembrance of her father on the 31st Oct. God Bless.


A small £12 donation - covers a whole weeks lighting.

Main Contact Roy Shons


If so, you can contact Roy Shons on 682787 or or direct to The Crier with a dedication. Gift aid envelopes are available from the Church and pub porches this will enable us to recover 23p for every pound donated.

Thank you

LOCAL CLEANER AVAILABLE Available: Monday, Tuesday Wednesdays and Thursdays after 3pm and Thursdays and Fridays from 7am-12pm

Contact: Cristina on 07946 725440

Saturday 20th of October -

SUCCULENT PLANT WORKSHOP 10.30am - 1.00pm The Biggs Pavilion

I'm delighted to announce a weekend workshop, I shall be bringing my Botanical Designs studio to the Biggs Pavilion, Cublington. This will be the perfect way to switch off from the busy outside world. A space at one of my workshops, would make the perfect gift for yourself, a loved one or a great friend. If you enjoy being creative, or like to try something beautiful and new, one of my workshops would be perfect for you. What could be more idyllic, than a few hours of creative plant fun, tucked away, making new friends, eating cake and leaning a new skill. While all the time laughing lots. I love a container challenge!!!! If you have an unusual pot or container, please bring it with you, the more bizarre the better. I can inspire you to have some creative light-hearted plant fun with it. (it does have to be water tight) I'm really excited about all my workshops. I can't wait to share my love of floristry with you very soon. Take Care

TIMETABLE OF THE DAY... • Welcome • Tea, coffee and cake • Plant demonstrations by myself • Time for you to get creative, with your container • Take your masterpiece home

Great as a gift idea

Extra Information • All plants, soil, accessories and refreshments are provide to the value of £30 • Please bring your own containers, the more unusual the better (nothing bigger than an A4 base) • Container will be available to purchase, if your unable to bring your own • To keep the workshops intimate, spaces are limited to 10 people. • No previous experience is required £45.0o0upr pplace • Come on you own, with a friend or in a small group y To book l me on • Please message me on FB or email me for more detail al - please c 6506 0779414


Want to play tennis? New members wanted! We offer all different levels of participation from league team tennis ( mens, ladies and mixed) to social sessions, team coaching, general practice sessions to club tournaments. We really do offer something for every type of tennis player. • • • • • • •

LTA affiliated club Many categories of membership - single/couple/family/junior/oap Coaching for all levels and abilities 2 great all weather - free floodlit courts This Winter 6 league teams in ADTL Year round mixed singles ladder Fun Club Tournaments

Join up and keep fit reduced rates available from September Contact Caroline Lane for details and a membership form - 01296 681373



Do you know

of anyone who might like to advertise in the Crier? Any local businesses? Please let us know so we can continue to help fund village needs. Contact Gary or Gill on 688548 for a media pack.

Solution: making it easier for people to find local post offices and the services they offer.

Peter Alexander

. . . z i u Q Quick 1. On which date does Hallowe’en fall? 2. What is the word Hallowe’en an abbreviation of? 3. What is a group of witches called? 4. What would you traditionally bob for at Halloween parties? 5. Where did bobbing for apples originate? 6 What is the traditional name for a pumpkin with a face carved into it, when it is illuminated from within by a candle? 7. What were Jack O’Lanterns carved from before pumpkins were used? 8. Which song was a 1973 hit for Bobby "Boris" Pickett and the Crypt-Kickers? (lyric clue: it was a graveyard smash.) 9. Where do real vampire bats live? 10. Who wrote the novel “Dracula”?.

Rose hips are showy, look at me, look at me, haws meanwhile hide beside, dull by degree, their deep red outshone by such brilliant hue of their fulsome neighbour, what can they do? If only they knew what we all ought to know

Hips and


that shining so brightly’s just part of the show. Dull have their story and absolute right to be considered along with the bright. With people also the same it is true, we can’t all be perfect, there’s just me and you; let’s look at the facts and why some are full face but remember that everyone fits in a space. Hedgerows are brimming with good things to eat, hips, haws and blackberries fall at our feet, birds eye them closely with singular needs, winter might be survived with larders like these.

by Denny Bradbury©, our local poet

It takes not a genius nor even the law to tell us again what we’re all here for, like berries we sit on the hedgerows of fate, ripe for the picking whether early or late.

Quick Quiz Answers

1. 31st October, 2. All Hallows Eve, 3. A coven, 4. Apples, 5. Ancient Rome, 6. Jack O’Lantern, 7. Turnips, 8. Monster Mash, 9. North and South America, 10. Bram Stoker.

is October at

This October at

Now taking festive meal Now taking Christmas bookings party for December bookings for December

’s What’s On On

Monday 1st - The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 4th - Steak night steak meals and a bottle of house wine £40 - The- 2Unicorn quiz from 8.30pm Saturday 6th - Breakfasts from 9.30am h - Steak night - 2 steak meals and Sunday 7th - Roast lunch ouse Monday wine £40 8th - The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm h - Breakfasts Thursday 11thfrom - Steak9.30am night - 2 steak meals and bottle of house wine for £40 - Roast lunch Saturday 13th - Breakfasts from 9.30am It’s Unicorn Fish Friday every Friday – fish8.30pm set menu Easter Sunday 16th Lunch – booking advised - The quiz from Sunday 14th - Roast lunch Saturday night 1st – No- Joke! Breakfasts Easter Egg hunt in the garden 2pm (time tbc) th - Steak 2 steak meals Monday 15th The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm It’s Fish Friday every Friday – fish set menu Easter Monday Sunday 16th Lunch booking Quiz advised from 9.30am – 11.00am Easter 17thLunch – The –Unicorn ay every Friday – fish set menu Easter Sunday 16th – booking advised yhouse every Friday – fish set menu Easter Sunday 16th Lunch – booking advised Thursday 18th - Steak night wine for £40 Saturday 1st – No Breakfasts Easter Egg hunt in the garden 2pm (time tbc) Sunday 2nd Lunch –Joke! booking advised from 8.30pm Joke! Breakfasts -from 2Joke! steak meals and bottle of house wine for £40Easter Easter Egghunt hunt inSteak thegarden 2pm(time (timetbc) tbc) 9.30am –– 11.00am Easter Monday –garden The Unicorn Quiz Breakfasts Egg the 2pm Monday 3rd The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 20thin– 17th Night th––No -No Breakfasts from 9.30am Friday -–Live Sunday19th 2nd –music booking 8.30pm – 11.00am music - Friday 8pm –from 2Live steaks and a17th bottle of wine forOct £40 Quiz Easter Monday – house The19th Unicorn Thursday 6thLunch Steak Night advised

What’s On ’s On What’s On s On

s11.00am On

Easter Monday 17th – The Unicorn - Roast lunch Live Music 19th Oct–-Quiz 8pm 3rd The from 8.30pm from Thursday 20thFriday – Steak Night –Monday 2–steaks and –aadvised bottleUnicorn of house Quiz wine for £40 Saturday 22nd Breakfasts from 9.30am 11.00am Lunch booking 8.30pm Mouth On A Stick ay Friday – fish set menu Easter Sunday 16th Lunch – booking advised Lunch – booking advised from 8.30pm – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 h -every The Unicorn quiz from 8.30pm Thursday – Steak Night Friday 7th 6th – Live Music Sunday 23rd Lunch – booking advised Saturday 20th Breakfasts fromfor 9.30am – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 20th Steak Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine £40 Saturday 22nd Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am –The No Joke! Breakfasts Easter Egg hunt in the garden 2pm –th Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Thursday 20th –––Steak Night with Mouth on a Stick from 8.30pm - Sunday Steak21st night - 2Lunch steak meals Monday 24th The Unicorn Quiz(time from tbc) 8.30pm Roast steaks and bottle houseadvised wine for£40 £40 FridayNight 7th8th – Live Music from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 23rd Lunch –of booking –h–11.00am –Steak Steak Saturday Breakfasts ––22steaks and aabottle of house wine for Easter Monday 17th – The Unicorn Quiz Thursday 27th Steak Night Night house wine for £40 Monday 22nd - Thefrom Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm –a bottle fish menu Easter Sunday 16th Lunch – booking advised with set Mouth on a wine Stick 8.30pm 24th The Unicorn Quiz 8.30pm Sunday 9th Lunch – booking advised –Monday 2 steaks andBreakfasts a–bottle of housefrom winefrom for £40 dLunch ofhouse house for£40 £40 Saturday 22nd Breakfasts from 9.30am 11.00a – booking advised from 8.30pm a bottle of wine for Saturday 22nd 9.30am ––11.00am Thursday 25th - Steak night -reakfasts Live music Saturday 8th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Thursday 27th Steak Night Monday 10thQuiz – Thefrom Unicorn Quiz Easter from 8.30pmEgg Plus Livein with Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz hunt thea bottle garden 2pm (time tbc) –Live The 8.30pm 20th –Music Steak Night Music Sunday 23rd Lunch –Alison booking advised -Sunday 2Unicorn steak9th meals and –bottle of house wine for Thursday £40Sunday Live Music 23rd Lunch – booking advised Lunch booking advised – 2 steaks and of house wine for £40 A Stick STICK Thursday 13th – Steak Night Saturday 29th Breakfasts from for 9.30am –from 11.00am9.30 Wednesday 12th December 7.30pm Saturday 27th -Unicorn Breakfasts – 2Monday steaks andLive a17th bottle of house wine £40 from 8.30pm Saturday 27th -The Breakfasts fromfor 9.30am haa–Stick Steak Night Monday 24th – The Quiz from 8.30pm 10th Unicorn Quiz from Plus Music with Alison Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz Easter – The Unicorn Quiz 8.30pm –Monday 2from steaks and a–bottle of house wine £408.30pm Monday 24th – Lunch The Unicorn Sunday 30th – bookingQuiz advisedfrom 8.30pm Sunday 28th - Roast lunch Sunday 28th -Breakfasts Lunch aBreakfasts bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday 22nd27th Breakfasts fromfrom 9.30am – –11.00am Thursday 13th –Roast Steak Night Saturday 29th Breakfasts 9.30am 11.00am hgBreakfasts from 9.30am –11.00am 11.00am Saturday 15th 9.30am – 11.00am Thursday Steak Night All events27th subject toSteak change from 9.30am –from advised from 8.30pm Thursday Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Monday 29th The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Sunday 30th Lunch –ofTea booking advised Coffee Cake, &Unicorn The Telegraph 29th - The Live Music Sunday 23rd Lunch –& booking advised Lunch –booking bookingadvised advised –22Monday steaks and abottle bottle house wine forquiz £40 from unch – – steaks and a of house wine for £40 th Breakfasts from 9.30am Everyday from 10am 15th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am 20th naQuiz from 8.30pm Thursday Night All events–subject StickSaturday from 8.30pm Monday 24thMusic – Steak Theto change Unicorn QuizCarter from 8.30pm 8.30pm h – The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Plus Live with Alison Nesbittsinging singingJaJa h-Breakfasts –Roast The Unicorn Quiz from 8.30pm Plus Live Music with Alison Carter Nesbitt lunch – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 from 9.30am – 11.00am Thursday 27th Steak Night tth – Steak Night Saturday 29th Breakfasts from9.30am 9.30am––11.00am 11.00a h – Steak Night Saturday 29th Breakfasts from d The Unicorn quiz from 8.30pm Book online so you won’t be disappointed. Lunch – booking advised – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 se wine for £40wine Saturday 22nd30th Breakfasts from 9.30am daabottle bottleof ofhouse house wine for£40 £40 Sunday Lunch booking advised – 11.00 Sunday 30th with Lunch ––booking advised - Steak night 2 steak meals and Booking advisable hth – The Unicorn Quiz- for from 8.30pm Plus Livealways Music Alison Carter Nesbitt singing Jazz th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Sunday 23rd Lunch – booking advised eventssubject subject tochange change h from 9.30am – 11.00am seBreakfasts for £40 AllAllevents to th –wine Steak Night Saturday 29th Breakfasts from 9.30am – 11.00am Visit web site for full event details Booking always advisable

SLOE Gin Competition 2018

01296 681261 01296 681261 30pm a bottle of house wine for £40Cublington, Monday The Unicorn The Unicorn, High Street, Bucks, LU7 24th 0LQ Sunday 30th–Lunch – booking Quiz advisedfrom 8.30pm Visit web site for full event details

h 9.30am – 11.00am mBreakfasts 9.30am –from 11.00am All events 27th subject to change Thursday Steak

Night – 2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40

The Unicorn, High Street, Cublington, Bucks, LU7 0LQ


am m



azz azz am m


The Unicorn has its own golf society (TUGS), drawn from an eclectic bunch of regular and occasional patrons.

And of course these Unicorn Regulars: Coffee & Cake, Tea and the Telegraph everyday from 10.30am Monday Night is Quiz Night from 8.00pm Thursday Night is Steak Night

2 steaks and a bottle of house wine for £40 Saturday Breakfast Club Buy 5 get one FREE! Start the weekend off right - served from 9.30-11.00am


Selection of home made Bar Snacks Sausage Rolls, Gala Pie or Scotch Eggs Always available when open! Hold your business meetings or private parties in our private Club Room. Please contact us for details. FREE WiFi internet access! We're dog friendly!

You are warmly invited to join TUGS and please don’t worry, any standard of golfing prowess is welcome – there is no fee to join. Just as we receive great local support at The Unicorn, we like to support local courses, so all 4 meetings are at local clubs with one different course each year. The format is always individual stableford (full handicap, max 24 for men and 36 for ladies) and members will compete for the TUGS trophy at each meeting. There will be a special prize for the person who has accumulated the highest aggregate of stableford points (best 3 rounds out of 4) which will be awarded after the final meeting of the year. Can anyone stop last yea's winner at the last meeting?

Remaining Fixture of 2018

SLOE Gin Competition 2016 Thursday 18th Oct @ Three Locks Golf Club

r us an email to join in ed f-osend Allm welcome Confir Friday 22nd SLOE Gin mber e c e D Competition 2018 Make sure you are ready for the Unicorn Sloe Gin Competition this December 12th at 7.30pm. Make sure you make time to select your sloes and start the process of making your Sloe Gin. the more time you leave it the better it will taste. Five Catergories as always. New Sloe, Vintage Sloe, New Hedgerow (any fruit) Old Hedgerow and Sloe Gin of the Year - selected from all the Sloe Gin entries. Make sure you take part in this prestigious local event.


The Unicorn now stocks the following varieties of Gin...

Gordons, Bombay Sapphire, Hendricks, NEW SLOES CATEGORY

14th December 2016

Silent Pool, Monkey 47, Brockmans, Sharish Blue, Warner Edwards Rhubarb Gin, Pinksters, Fifty Pounds

all served with delicious Fevertree Tonics.

Main Contact: Minutes of a meeting of Cublington Parish Council held on 11th September 2018 in Village Hall at 7.30pm Present: Cllr H Vale (Chairman) Cllr G Antosiewicz Cllr J Merriman Cllr S Morgan Cllr M Reilly In attendance: Mr M Joy (Clerk) and two members of the public 1. Apologies None

2. Minutes of last meeting

The minutes of the last meeting held on 10th July 2018 were discussed by the meeting and duly signed by the Chairman.

3. Reports Neighbourhood Policing Team

Reports are posted regularly on the Cublington website

Aylesbury Vale District Council and Buckinghamshire County Council (Cllr Netta Glover) Children's Services Financial pressures in Children's Services continue. One of the main causes is the increase in 'Looked after Children' (LAC). A few years ago there were about 350 children who needed looking after. This number has risen to almost 500. The very significant average cost of each individual child has brought about a significant unplanned expenditure. There are weekly reviews to see where additional savings can be made. Clearly, we must ensure that vulnerable children remain safe. Buckinghamshire is not alone in experiencing these pressures and you may have seen the considerable press coverage of the large overspend by many county councils on Children's Services. Importantly, we are about to commence the new round of consultation on 'Early help'. It is important that this system is reformed to help the vulnerable communities and achieve the targeted savings.

Adult Social Care 'Green Papers'

Another major area of financial pressure this year remains Adult Social Care. Again, this is a national problem. The Government had committed to a Green Paper on Social Care reform. This was originally due in 2017. It was then delayed into early 2018. More recently it has been further delayed. The reason for the delay is unclear but it probably reflects the complexity of the issue and the difficulty of finding easy solutions


The County Council has now started the consultation on reductions to opening hours and sites for HWRCs. This will not be an easy to resolve but seriously we need to save something like ÂŁ1 million on the sites.

The new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)

Just before the summer recess the Government issued the long awaited revised NPPF. Whilst our District colleagues are of course the local planning authorities, the implications of this revised policy will have major implications for BCC. The main immediate consequence will be that there will be a much higher 'de facto' housing target across Buckinghamshire. Each District will be effectively required to use a common methodology for assessing

new 'housing need' that will give, in most cases, a much higher number. Whilst existing proposed Local Plans may go through with current numbers, any new Plans will have to use the new methodology. Officers are currently calculating what these new numbers may be for the whole of Bucks, but they are likely to be near 100,000 for the period until 2050. There is nevertheless Government pressure for Bucks to deliver many more! From a county council point of view this will place major new demands on key infrastructure and services such as roads, schools, social services and green spaces.

The Growth Agenda

Whilst the new NPPF will be a common methodology across the country, it is weighted to require more housing in areas of 'high demand' such as Bucks. In addition, we are now under major pressure from Civil Servants to commit to an uplift in the numbers still further, with proposals of 120% or 130% of the new housing numbers being proposed. The Chief Executive and Leader of BCC will be meeting with key District colleagues to see if we can agree a common position on Government demands.

Fracking/Shale gas

Many of you will have received copies of the national 'write in' campaign on Shale gas/ Fracking over the past six weeks. As previously advised I am not aware of any viable Shale gas in Bucks and we have no Group policy on fracking.


I am pleased to report that relations with AVDC have improved very significantly over the summer and both organisations are committed to working together on Town Centre regeneration and the Garden Town initiative

Universal Credit

We want to ensure that our residents who claim benefits are fully prepared if they are required to claim Universal Credit, so we have created a number of leaflets to help further inform them of this change and how they need to manage it, with one specifically designed for Landlords to help inform them how UC will affect them and the support available to them. These leaflets will be distributed throughout the Vale and are also available on our dedicated UC webpage You will notice that we will also be spreading this message via our social media channels and we kindly ask you to please share this content amongst your followers to help us further spread this message. For further information on UC we suggest visiting www.

WWW1 Veterans’ Descendants

A former High Sheriff would like to invite World War One veterans to join her at a special Afternoon Tea Party to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War and to celebrate the men and women who fought so bravely. Amanda Nicholson is holding the event at Halton House on Monday 8th October from 4.30pm to 7pm WW1 Veterans: A former Buckinghamshire High Sheriff is calling all first generation descendants and would like to hear from anyone living in Buckinghamshire or the surrounding area with a parent who served and survived WWI. Let me know if anyone would like to attend and I will send full details.

Please be wary of all unsolicited emails. Millions of scam messages are sent out every day, in the hope that someone somewhere will be fooled! There are various ways to protect yourself from such unwanted messages and specific advice is available on http://www.

4. Accounts 4.1 The following invoices were passed for payment since the last meeting: Clerk Salary:

July August

£154.85 £154.85 John Lewis -laptop £499.95 Saxonlake – notice board £118.78 E-ON May £94.79 June £101.20 July £97.93 August £101.20 It was agreed to renew the Swarco speed sign annual maintenance agreement at £264 Cllr Merriman requested an update of the accounts and a forecast to 31 March 2019. Mr Joy to complete.

5. Orchard Ground Report & North Field Project Update, incl. CIO status

Cllr Reilly gave an update on OG.A Wren grant of £28,846 had been awarded for the refurbishment of the kitchen. Another Cinema event is planned because the outdoor event had been affected by the weather. Charitable status and possible transfer of assets: Mr Joy reported OG were obtaining a legal consultation arranged by Buckinghamshire Community Impact concerning the constitution for the proposed charity with the aim of preparing a draft constitution for the PC to review prior to moving any assets. The PC will need to have its lawyers review the documentation. The target date for the transfer of asset is October 2019. Mr Joy covered the points that needed action from the previous meeting . The original gift of the land from Alice Biggs had no restrictions on it. Mr Joy thought there would be no Capital Gains Tax arising on the gift as local authorities are exempt by virtue of the Taxation of Chargeable Gains Act 1992 S271(s). The PC will need written confirmation on this point from a third party before any transfer . The point concerning stamp duty land tax was outstanding, and it was agreed Mr Joy should approach our lawyers to determine whether the transfer would be exempt.

6. Planning Permissions

18/02763/APP – 13 Silver Street – part single storey front extension. No objection 18/02575/APP Old Manor Farm Removal of conservatory ,replacement and alterations to external windows and doors, internal alterations and part replacement of gutters and downpipes. No objection. 18/02453/APP Lakeside Business Units -formation of new vehicular access (retrospective). This planning permission was objected to for the following reasons : 1. The existing business units (B1) were permitted under application ref . 00/02755/APP only on the condition that access should be via access associated with the fishing lakes. 2. The access being used by the business units is for agricultural purposes and not commercial. This would allow for occasional use only. 3. The Highway Authority have submitted a letter dated 31 July 2018 presenting points which conclude the proposed development would be detrimental to highway safety for Wing Road and Reads Lane. We concur with their comments and conclusion .

Mr Joy was asked to contact the planning officer to determine the next stage of the planning process.

7. Village Matters 7.1 Traffic Calming:

Approval has been accepted for the feasibility report for a roundabout. The report and recommendations will be presented to the village as and when it is completed. A meeting with Matt Whincup, Local Area Technician, Transport for Buckinghamshire is being arranged. 7.2 Street Lighting: Two broken lights should be replaced within the next ten days.

7.3 Speed watch

Training for the use of the equipment is being arranged. There will be a need for the equipment to be insured for £5,000 to cover any damage. The renewal of the maintenance contract covering the Sentinel sign was approved at £220 + vat.

7.4 Thames Water , stiles etc

The broken playground and 30 mph signs, together with two stiles, have been reported to Transport for Bucks and have been scheduled for replacement. Mr Joy pointed out these matters had been reported on FixMyStreet website and the reports concerning the stiles had been closed as ‘complete’ by TfB. He had checked the stiles which have not been repaired. He has reported this error to TfB via FixMyStreet. AVDC road sign on the High Street is awaiting replacement. The playground and 30mph signs were reported in February and the work was still outstanding, and it is not possible to find out when this work is scheduled for. Thames Water had been in contact with Mr Joy concerning the occasional blockage of the sewage pipes at Chapel Alley and Silver Street. Thames Water stated it would not replace the pipes because blockages caused by abnormal weather conditions were outside of their control, and as such it was not their responsibility. The pipes would be replaced if there were environmental health issues. This would require a report to be produced by the Environmental Health Authorities stating there were risks to public health. It was suggested the next time there is a flooding the Environmental Health Authorities are contacted, and a report requested, and Thames Water notified accordingly. Mr Joy to contact the local resident who originated the matter.

7.5 Grant Application for Armistice Remembrance

We have been awarded two Perspex glass and bench size silhouettes which should be delivered sometime in September. Mr Joy to send out a timetable for the 11th November memorial and the Council to coordinate the event.

7.6 Pond

The trees need to be cut back, and a meeting is to be arranged with a contractor to discuss the matter. Whilst the pond is empty it is an opportunity to dig it out to get rid of the algae. Once the work has been completed we can contact a specialist to discover what is causing the pond not to fill up with water. Cllr G Antosiewicz offered to contact a specialist in this field .

8. Best Kept Village

The results for the best kept village have been published on the village website Weedon won the best village in our category. The councillors were disappointed with our ratings.

The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday, 13th November 2018 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall

The Aston Abbotts & Cublington Ladies Club

The Aston Abbotts and Cublington Ladies Club has been in existence for over 80 years and it would be lovely if we had some new members. To this end I thought it might be a good idea to publish the planned programme for the next season. We start our year in September, meeting on the third Thursday in each month at the Aston Abbotts Village Hall, and finish in July with a garden party. LADIES CLUB PROGRAMME FOR 2018 - 2019 - all meetings 2.30pm 20th September A talk entitled GREAT GRANDMAS QUILT by Hazel Kerr 18th October ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING 15th November A talk entitled ‘ALLO, ‘ALLO, ‘ALLO by Ian Dedman (needless to say a retired policeman) Christmas Carols and afternoon tea. 20th December 17th January 2019 A talk PLUMBING THE DEPTHS by Colin Oakes (Hilarious tales of a plumbers mate) 21st February A talk about Whipsnade Zoo 21st March Spring Lunch 18th April PACE - A charity that supports children with many difficulties. 16th May Quiz and Bring and Buy 20th June Summer Outing. (This year it’s Kathy Browns Garden in Bedford) Garden Party. 18th July The subscription for the year is just ten pounds. Please come along to take part in a pleasant afternoon finishing with tea and cake. Kind regards, April Gilbert ( Curnow as was ). 01296 707833.

Café-Club Zest

why not POP IN for

Coffee and Croissant? at St Nicholas' Church

10.00 am every SUNDAY

October Keeping Active, Living Well! At Café-Club Zest we recognise that a sense of social connection is one of our fundamental human needs. This is why singing together and sharing memories is good for our overall wellbeing We will be open on the first Saturday of each month from 2-4 pm. Café-Club Zest is dementia friendly.

WHEN: Saturday 6th October, 2.00-4.00pm WHERE: St John’s Church Hall, Whitchurch. 2-3pm: Sing-a-long 3pm: Time for tea and cake 3.15pm – 4pm: Sharing memories over a cup of tea If you would prefer you can either leave or arrive during the ‘time for tea’.

All are welcome! Recommended donation: £1.50 Contact: Rev’d Jacqueline Dove, 01296 715242,

Best Kept Village Competition 2018, The Gurney Cup Judges’ comments for Cublington The church graveyard is very well maintained – including some of the old, unremembered graves – and is in keeping with the nearby conservation area. The Unicorn pub over the road looked attractive with its flower baskets. The cricket field was in excellent condition and an asset to community life; the area close to the green shed could have been tidier. The children’s playground could not be faulted. There is perhaps scope for creating a managed wildlife area on the slope behind the cricket pavilion. The Village Hall looked in good condition and its surroundings neat and litter free. We liked the imaginative ‘Cublington Nursery’ notice and the village sign. The notice board gave details of local events but we didn’t see a ‘Best Kept Village’ notice. The other notice board, in Bell Close, appeared to have been the subject of vandalism since there was nothing on it but a few scraps of torn paper. Had we arrived on an unfortunate day? The hedge on the north side of the High Street leading to the crossroads was overgrown at the time of our visit, limiting safe use of the narrow footpath. This needs attention as the path is presumably used by schoolchildren. The pond at the crossroads would benefit from sensitive planting along its edges, particularly where it faces the road. This would not only enhance its appearance but would make it safer, as it presents a potential hazard to careless walkers. (Incidentally, your map highlighted the wrong pond!) Generally, the village presents a pleasant and attractive impression and shows good evidence of community effort.

Well done everyone - a better mark than last year (76) - and some pointers to help us improve even more for next year! A litterpick at the end of May perhaps, keeping the High Street hedge neat and tidy? Some work on the pond - hopefully it will have water in it next year! Ed BUCKINGHAMSHIRE BEST KEPT VILLAGE COMPETITION 2018


celebrating 61 years of the Best Kept Village Competition in Buckinghamshire



Village/town Cublington

Possible Marks

Marks Awarded

Principal features 1A. Cemetery, graveyard (separate or attached to a place of worship) 1B. Common, green, playing field 1C. Children’s play area 1D. Nature conservation areas 1E. Village hall, community centre, church hall 1F. General environmental features (hedges, verges, ditches, pond, stream, pump)

10 10 10 5 10 10

9 9 10 4 8 6

Other features 2A. Areas around shops 2B. Areas around pubs 2C. Bus stops and bus shelters 2D. Notice boards 2E. War memorial 2F. Overall appearance, lack of litter and evidence of community effort

5 5 5 5 10 15

4D 4 4 2 7D 12



TOTAL Judges’ signatures:


Notes: a) The whole village/town will be judged, not solely the specific features identified on the map. b) The community will be assessed as seen by the judges on the inspection day. c) Absent features will be awarded an average mark taking into account the other features in the category. d) Judges take into account that cutting of grass verges outside the settlement is usually the principal authority’s responsibility.


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WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG, Tel 012964QG 682217 Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22

WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, 01296 682217, HP22 4QG, Tel 01296 682217 Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds. We operate from our own purpose built, state of the art setting, with one large main room and a spacious outside area, adjoining Wingrave C. E. Combined School. Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2-5 year olds.

Rated GOOD by Ofsted

Children’s learning is promoted in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care Wingrave Pre-School offerssessional sessional forown 2 -5 year Wingrave Pre-School care for 2 olds. -5 year olds. for 2 -5 year olds. Weoffers operate from care our purpose built, Government-funding now available for 2-4 year olds state-of-the-art setting, with one large main room and a spacious Qualified staff – keybuilt, worker appointed each child. Weoperate operate from our own state ofbuilt, the artto setting, oneart large main We from ourpurpose ownWingrave purpose ofwith the setting, outside adjoining E.state Combined School. andarea, a spacious outside area, adjoining C. Wingrave C. E. Combined School. withroom one main large room and spacious, enclosed, We take new children offers at anysessional point in the school year, call or comeoutdoor and see usarea, for Wingrave Pre-School care for 2-5 yearjust olds. moreCinformation! adjoiningisWingrave Combined Children’s learning promoted inofaEfriendly and School. fun atmosphere. Government-funding now available forfun 2-4 yearatmosphere. olds Children’s learning is promoted in aafriendly and atmosphere. Children’s learning is promoted friendly and fun SessioninTimes:

Leighton Plumbing & Heating Oil fired boilers service, repairs & installations. All other aspects of plumbing & heating undertaken.

sessions: daily, 9am – noonto each child. Qualified staff –Morning key worker appointed Afternoon sessions: voucher Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon –2, 3pm 1pm – 3pm Government-funded scheme for2-4 3 or and Government-funding now available for year olds 4 year olds. Packed lunchperson daily, noon 1pm We take new children atsession: any appointed point into–the year, Qualified staff –staff key appointed toschool each child. Qualified – key worker each child. just call or come and– see us formore information! Contact: Kelly Targell Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 We take new children at any point in the school year, just call or come and see us for . 30 hoursmore funding accepted. information! Session Times:

Sessiondaily, Times: Morning sessions: 9am – noon

Sessiondaily, Times:9am – 12pm Morning sessions: Morning sessions: daily, 9am – noon Afternoon sessions: daily, sessions: 12pm – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Afternoon Afternoon sessions: Tues, Wed and noon – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Lunch club: daily,Thurs, 12pm – 1pm Tues, Wed and Thurs, noondaily, – 3pm 1pm – 3pm Packed lunch session: noon –or 1pm .

BREAKFAST AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB NOW 1pm AVAILABLE! Packed lunch session: daily, noon Contact: Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296–682217 For children aged 2-7 years Drop off and pick up from Wingrave CofE School Contact: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (term time) 8am-9am £5 Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3pm-6pm £15 Pop in for a visit or give us a call! Contact: Kelly – Manager 01296 682217

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