Cublington Crier January 2020 #391

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January 2020

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay


Happy New Year everyone! 0


The Cublington Crier Mailbox | Outside Bell Cottage, High St Editorial & Advertising: 01296 688548

We’d like to take a moment to thank everyone who’s come to support us over the festive period and made Paul feel like he’s never been gone! We’re delighted to have the opportunity to make this pub the heart of the community and although we might have started off relatively slowly, we’re going into the new year with a bang! Our aim is to cater to everybody, and we will be serving a range of food from pub classics to an a la carte menu devised by James, our Executive Chef, prepared by Gary and Billy, and served by our young, enthusiastic and vibrant team - all of whom are as excited about this venture as we are! Our new menu will be launching on Wednesday 15th of January, so to book your table please pop in or give us a call on 01296 681261. Thanks once again, and Happy new year! From Nell, Paul, Libby & The Unicorn Team



The theme running through this edition of the Crier appears to be volunteering time, chosen by this month’s guest editors. What a great idea... so, people of Cublington - how about joining in and volunteering...

We’re heading towards the end on 2019 as we write this editorial, busy, busy, busy with little time to reflect on the passing of another year and our achievements of the past year. The New Year, 2020, is fast approaching. Tick tock, tick tock…. Such is the movement of time you will never catch back up with the time it has taken to read this editorial, despite the storyline of the film, ‘Back to the Future.’ Thinking about the coming New Year, how will you use your time in 2020? With a passing acknowledgement to the annual Cadbury Crème Egg advert, “How will you eat yours?” It can’t be too long before they are in the shops again! How we spend our time and our work-life balance is important to our physical and mental health, and to our personal wellbeing. A friend recently said to me, “That’s ok for you Martyn, but I am too busy, I don’t have the time for a work life balance.” There are myriad calls on our time: paid work, unpaid work, looking after house and home, working at our relationships and friendships, parenting and grand-parenting, and being carers for partners and the role reversal of caring for parents as they age. Even some brief time away from the helter-skelter of our busy lives can be a welcome break to meet people, make new friends and perhaps learn new skills. Participation in the many and varied activities, sports, interest groups and clubs here in Cublington can help provide a better worklife balance to the busy-ness of our day to day lives. There is a Chinese proverb: “An inch of time is worth an inch of gold, but you cannot buy an inch of time with an inch of gold.” We hope that your New Year’s resolutions will include how to best use your inches of time in 2020. Martyn and Gwyneira Waters

February EDITORS: Pippa & Mark Cheetham


is 15th January

The Crier online...

Available at

To edit an edition of the Crier? It’s quite simple and means I don’t have to find pages and pages of content every month. Or just write a letter or pen an article of interest? Please. Or how about volunteering to pick up litter when you see it on the ground? It’s amazing how much gets strewn from car windows. Disgusting and would help our Best Kept Village entry. Or perhaps keep your bit of verge nice and tidy - plant some bulbs for spring and summer? Or how about volunteering for the village litter pick, this year on April 5th to tie in with the Orchard Groundforce day, when the cricket, tennis and allotments get together to do jobs at OG?! Or mowing the churchyard - there are always slots to be filled. The more people who volunteer - the less time it takes. While we are talking of volunteering, there are two dates to note in January - a Fete meeting on the 28th and an Orchard Ground meeting on the 29th! I will be at both - will you?! Why not come along and see if you can help in any way, volunteers always welcome, otherwise it’s the same people doing it year after year. New blood is always welcome! Please can we get more people to sign up to easyfundraising... it costs nothing and once you’re set up, every online purchase (at participating retailers) means Orchard Ground gets a small donation. Brilliant and simple. 33 villagers currently are signed up... lets make it 50 by the spring shall we! Thanks for reading... and thank you for all you do do... and for volunteering! Ed

CRIER CONTACTS CONTACT DETAILS: 0 The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Buckinghamshire LU7 0LW. & Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 | Email: Call for media pack - also available online at Annual rates payable in advance: 1/8 page - £18 Village, (£30 non-village). 1/4 page - £35 village, (£50 non-village). 1/2 page - £60 village, (£80 non- village). Full page - £110 village, (£160 non-village) Single Insertion payable in advance: 1/8 page - £5, 1/4 page - £10, 1/2 page - £15, Full page - £20. Inserts £10 village, £20 non village. Copy deadlines by the 15th of each month. Please supply all artwork as PDF or hi res JPEG.


Cublington Crier

Keeping you up to date on village life, news and events since 1984

If you love the Crier we really would like your further input... If you are willing to help in any way... whether it be delivering, writing the odd letter, or sending an article you think might be of interest or any sort of regular contributions like Who Am I? Please do it as The Crier only survives with content. The editororial team really can't be expected to do everything every month. The guest editor list is complete for 2020 and is now being compiled 2021/2022,Yes! we really do plan that far ahead! If asked, please do your bit for the community and join in... it’s actually a bit of fun!

s l i a t e d t c a t Con


CONTACT DETAILS: The Crier, 18 Ridings Way, Cublington, Bucks LU7 0LW. Editorial: 01296 688548 TO ADVERTISE: Call Gill: 01296 688548 email:

The Editorial Rota

2020.. March Gadsby family

April Jenkins May Dixons June Justice family July Thornleys Sept Lucy and Andy Peck Oct Jason & Vanessa Nov Merrimans Dec Martyn Gates

2021.. Jan Gary & Gill

elp us h to s r e te n lu o v Any new g blanks? in in a m e r w e f a fill Mar ? Apr Dominic & Rhonda May ? June ? July ? September Gadsby family Nov ? Dec ?

2022..Jan ?

Feb ?

To be the guest editor: You only have to design or find a front cover image, write an intro editorial of your choice and provide a few, or as many pages of content of your choice as you want. It's really not that bad or that hard. Go on please give it a go The more who do it - the less we have to ask. Thanks. Contact: Sandie Joy 01296 682446

Feb ?

Come on folks - please book your slot! Now booking for 2021 and 2022so plenty of time to think about it! Many Thanks.


Open for Quiz Night from 6pm to 11pm Kitchen closed until Spring


Open from 6pm to 11pm Kitchen closed until Spring


Open from 12pm to 11pm Food served 12pm to 2pm and 6pm to 9pm


Open from 12pm to 11pm Food served 12pm to 2pm and 6pm to 9pm


Open from 12pm to 12am Food served 12pm to 2pm and 6pm to 9pm


Open from 12pm to 12am Food served 12pm to 9pm


Open from 12pm to 10.30pm Food served 12pm to 4pm

The Unicorn, High Street, Cublington, Leighton Buzzard, LU7 0LQ | 01296 681261


Cublington Crier

Keeping you up Apologies to date ontovillage news Jones and events since 1984 Chris life, and Bron who put their Christmas Greetings in the Crier postbox, only for it to be ruined in the heavy downpours last month. We apologise for the ommitance.

Cublington Village Hall Rental

Available for: • Social gatherings • Children’s parties • Meetings • Music/theatre practise • Dance & exercise

£15 per morning, afternoon or evening session. (£10 for weekly sessions). To book please contact: Sarah Taylor on 07939 342457,

Why is it the year 2020?

The year 2020 is the first year of the new decade. 2020 is MMXX in Roman numerals. 2020 is 20th year of the 3rd Millennium of the Gregorian calendar and the 2,020th year of the Common Era (CE). Many communities, cultures and religions have their own calendars to measure the passage of time. In computer code Unix, the year 2020 is 15778368000 – 16094591999, this coding helps to run so many of the technologies in our lives. It was a 6th Century Monk, Dionysious Exiguus who calculated the year that Christ was born. He called this Anno Domini (AD) translated from Medieval Latin as ‘The year of our Lord.’ In the 9th Century, this calculation started to be used in Western Europe in both the Gregorian and the Julian calendars to calculate the number of years after the birth of Christ.

Orchard Ground Presents another Fun-draising event

A Family Quiz

Saturday 28th March Get your teams together 7.30pm in the Biggs Pavilion More details next month.

Pop it in the diary!

Volunteering and the benefits:

With busy lives, it can be hard to find time to volunteer, however, the benefits of volunteering can be enormous.Volunteering offers vital help to people in need, to worthwhile causes, and to the community; and the benefits can be even greater for you, the volunteer. The right match can help you to meet new people, find friends, connect with the community, learn new skills, and even advance your career. Giving to others can also help protect your mental and physical health. It can reduce stress, combat depression, keep you mentally stimulated, and provide a sense of purpose. While it’s true that the more you volunteer, the more benefits you’ll experience, volunteering doesn’t have to involve a long-term commitment or take a huge amount of time out of your busy day; volunteering for a ‘one off’ is perfectly acceptable.Volunteering in even simple ways can help those in need and improve your health and happiness.

Benefits of volunteering: 4 ways to feel healthier and happier 1. Volunteering connects you to others 2. Volunteering is good for your mind and body 3. Volunteering can advance your career 4. Volunteering brings fun and fulfillment to your life

Opportunities for wellbeing activities and volunteering right here on your doorstep in Cublington: Physical activities: Cricket Tennis Table Tennis Brisk Walkers The Unicorn Golf Society Mowing the churchyard Delivering copies of The Crier – A whole team is dedicated to this every month. Can you help out?

Interests and learning new skills Join the craft group Take part in the Book Club ( think it’s by invitation - Ed) Cublington Wine Appreciation Society Take an active part in the village Pantomime - act and/or sing, or a non-speaking part, help with the scenery and props, front of house Have fun with the Variety Club Singing in the Choir(s) Consider applying for an allotment Helping with the village fete Support services and events in the church

Community activities Orchard Ground Association fundraising maintenance events and activities - attend a fun-ction! be a trustee for the new charity North Field working group (this is a new one!)

continued overleaf...

Help with village tidy up days Help selling 100 club tickets - the more we sell the bigger the prizes Help with Orchard Ground clean up days Get involved with the Parish Lunch Putting up an advent window Raising money for Orchard Ground via Cublington & Aston Abbotts Ladies Club

No: eeds to All proc

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gs Pavi

T he Big

Not bad for a village population of 350 people! See also the website.... for details of who to contact should you be interested.

Don’t forget to return your comments about the new North Field project by 15th January to: or make sure you speak to a Parish Councillor. They are: Hugh Vale, Sally Missen, Julie Merriman, Simon Morgan and Michael Reilly.

Cublington Tea Towels Still available Priced just £6 each - (£10 for 2)

All proceeds go to village causes Interested? Then please contact us now.

email: or call Gary on 01296 688548

Visual Illusions... however good or bad your eyes are - the human brain always compensates. Try these for fun... more later in the Crier

2020 vision: 20/20 vision is a term used to express normal visual acuity (the clarity or sharpness of vision) measured at a distance of 20 feet. If you have 20/100 vision it means that you must be as close as 20 feet to see what a person with normal vision can see from a distance of 100 feet.

Why are regular eye tests so important? It's easy to neglect your eyes because they often do not hurt when there's a problem. Having an eye test will not just tell you if you need new glasses or a change of prescription – it's also an important eye health check. An optician can spot many general health problems and early signs of eye conditions before you're aware of any symptoms, many of which can be treated if found early enough. How often should I have an eye test? The NHS recommends that you should get your eyes tested every 2 years (more often if advised by your ophthalmic practitioner or optometrist).
































What should I do if I notice a change in my sight? Visit your opticians or GP if you're concerned about any aspect of your vision at any time. Are some people more at risk from eye disease than others? Some people are more at risk. It's particularly important to have regular eye tests if you're: older than 60 ( it’s free!) from a certain ethnic group – people from African-Caribbean communities are at greater risk of developing glaucoma and diabetes, and people from south Asian communities are also at greater risk of developing diabetes (diabetic retinopathy, where the retina becomes damaged, is a common complication of diabetes) someone with a learning disability from a family with a history of eye disease

Orchard Ground hosted another successful film night on Friday 13th December. After the stresses and strains of election fever it was good to sit back, relax and enjoy the old favourite Christmas movie, Love Actually. Some of you may have thought “Oh, I’ve seen it before” but the feel good factor is truly multiplied when shared with a jolly bunch of friends and neighbours. A bit of mild and tasteful banter added to the fun as did the mulled wine, and non stop service from the fabulous barmaid. Feed back from the audience was hugely positive with lots of suggestions for future film nights. We hope more of you will come and join in the fun and bonhomie; if it proves popular we would like to invest in a permanent, good quality screen which would be a real asset to the pavilion. Who knows, if we can get the internet connection sorted out we might be able to have some great live showings! Thank you for your support. OG Committee

Letters & articles for the Crier most welcome:

SPOTTED! Spotted -


keep your eyes peeled ... If you spot anything, and we really do mean anything of interest (silly or serious or slightly interesting) in the village - please let us know.

All the brilliant advent trail windows round the village - well done everyone.

Spotted -

Spotted -

Ridings Way massacre - huge laurel hedges around Manor Farm dramatically cut back. Who knew there was so much land under there!

The Duck house apparently under water as the pond water level rises dramatically!

Spotted -

Kerry Sletcher - 60 on the 4th!

Bron Jones Who Am I - repeated in error. Oops. Apologies Cublington.

Spotted -

Spotted -

Oddly positioned 30mph sign at the end of Reads Lane! Are you allowed to move highway signs?

Spotted -

The Spokes at The Unicorn once again on Dec 20th.

Any unwanted Christmas gifts??!!!

The Fete Committee will gladly take and store any unwanted Christmas gifts. Call Debbie on 07764611684 to arrange pick up.

Thank You! THANK YOU

A big ‘Thank You’ to everyone who supported my charity coffee morning and craft sale at the end of November. Whether you were able to come on the day, bought items beforehand or made a donation, your generosity was humbling and I am truly grateful. We raised a total of £1056 and this money has been paid to Canine Partners via ‘The Big Give’ (which provides matched funding). With Gift Aid this means the charity will actually receive £2370. This is fantastic news and all of the the money will help Canine Partners train and place more amazing dogs like Nicki. I am grateful to the many people who helped me on the day; Martyn, Roger, Sue, Carla, Sally, Cathy, Helen, April and to Penny, Freddie and Lynda for their lovely cakes & bakes. The JustGiving page remains open, so if you want to find out more about our story and fundraising efforts, please visit Wishing you all a very Happy New Year, Gwyneira & Nicki

why not POP IN for

Coffee and Croissant? at St Nicholas' Church

10.00 am every SUNDAY after the 9am service

Everyone welcome!

A place to meet. No charge, but donations very welcome. An opportunity to meet in our beautiful church.

November 2019 - draw 9 1st Prize 2nd Prize 3rd Prize 4th Prize


£50 £40 £30 £20


ore m e h T e in.. r a o wh e you r o m the win! d l u co

No: eds to All proce

d Orchard Groun


100 Club draw results November

Vanessa Worrall. lion Arthur Read. gs Pavi T he Big James Gregory. Anthony Davidson. (CC). One off Christmas draw - £100 - Maggie Brandon. Prize money is slightly down on last year. If you would like a ticket for the next round of The prize fund is £1500 for the 10 draws draws lease contact me direct at bobpaine2002@ (with a one off £100 Xmas draw) and funds or call me on 01296 680483 if you raised for Orchard Ground is £1440. would like a ticket(s) Thanks. Your support is much appreciated. Bob.

n o t g n i l b u C T he d r a o b r e d a Le

A HUGE THANK YOU to the 33 people who have so far raised over

£610 for Orchard Ground projects by simply clicking online. Please join in - it costs you absolutely nothing! 1st - Gwyneira Waters - £175. 2nd - Martyn Waters - £122. 3rd - Bob Paine - £82.

4th - Nicki Matthews - (Bob’s daughter in Amesbury!!) - £53 5th - Maggie Brandon - £37

A huge thanks to everyone else who is raising money for Orchard Ground we hope to see you on the leader board soon!!

It really is so easy to sign up... here’s how:1. Search for the website. 2. Click on “Search for a Cause” and type Orchard Ground, Cublington. 3. Click on “Join us” and fill in the requested details to create your account. Once you have created your account you simply go to before you make a purchase, then choose which retailer you require. many of the major retailers participate in the scheme. You then make your purchase in the usual way and the retailer will make a donation to Orchard Ground’s account. NO extra money comes from you.

Please help us fundraise for Orchard Ground and the new North Field Project anytime you shop online - it really doesn’t cost you anything If you’d like help setting it up please email who will be happy to help.


Orchard Ground Latest news, highlights & general items of interest • A HUGE THANK YOU to Martyn Waters who has obtained a grant from Aylesbury Vale for the redecoration of the Biggs Pavilion. quotes are currently being sought.

• A SUCCESSFUL Film Night was hosted by OG at the Biggs Pavilion on Friday 13th decmber, future events are planned. See report elsewhere.

• North Field Questionnaire A 4 page pull out detailing some of the plans and challenges ahead was enclosed in the November Crier. If you have any comments or queries, please return your comments by the 15th of January 2020.Thank you.

• Groundforce Day will be Saturday 4th April led by the Cricket, Tennis and Allotment Clubs, everyone is welcome along to help weed, sand, clean and keep the recreation ground and environs neat and tidy! • Orchard Ground and Charitable Trust status The North Field returned to the control of OG at the end of September. A gate will be installed for the benefit of dog walkers and villagers. An opening has been made for those who wish to explore. Four Trustees have volunteered to stand and the cost for setting up the charity and transferring the land is being shared by OG and the Parish Council. • Bookings A wedding and the fete are both Saturday bookings clashing with cricket matches next summer. Cricket is trying to accommodate into future fixtures. Ongoing discussions with fete committee.

• Wireless broadband is being sourced for the Biggs Pavilion. It was felt this may enhance future booking potential. Costs for installing new telegraph poles to carry the cables is too high. Alternative solutions are still currently being sought including Satellite Broadband or trench and dig our own cables in!

• Weedkilling of the carpark will commence once drier weather arrives.

• Events planned for 2020 A Family Quiz will be run on Saturday 28th March. Get your teams together! A Barn Dance is planned next summer to celebrate 30 years of Orchard Ground. Watch out for news.

• Easyfundraising has so far raised over £612.10 for Orchard Ground - We now have 33 participants (9 more than a year ago!) - villagers who buy goods online could raise money for Orchard Ground for doing nothing other than a couple of clicks. We appeal to you to help us boost our numbers. Please speak to Bob Paine or elsewhere in the Crier for more information on how to set it up - or see posters in the Biggs Pavilion.

• Your OG Committee currently is: Colin Antosiewicz, Chairman; Liz Smith, Treasurer; Vanessa Verity, Secretary; Jason Taylor, Maintenance; Bob Paine, Bookings & Allotments; Michael Reilly, Cricket & Parish Council; Gary Brazier, Tennis & General; Martyn Waters, North Field; Pippa Cheetham North Field; Miranda Gregory, Events; Lucy Peck, General New committee members always wanted. Please volunteer to help on this committee if you can spare the odd hour or two every month. Minutes of AGM available on • Date of next meeting: 29th January 2020 8pm The Unicorn


Winter season under way Yes, we do indeed play all year round! Teams are currently nearly half way through the winter league. Two teams are top of their relative divisions.

• LTA affiliated club •M any categories of membership single/couple/family/junior/oap

Why not join your local tennis club now at discounted rates? We offer all different levels of participation from league team tennis ( mens, ladies and mixed) to social sessions, from team coaching and general practice sessions to club tournaments. We really do offer something for everyone.

• Coaching for all levels and abilities • 2 great all weather - free floodlit courts • This Winter 5 league teams in ADTL • Year round mixed singles ladder • Fun Club Tournaments

Join your local tennis club at reasonable rates and get fit! Go on, you know you want to!

NEW YEARS DAY TENNIS from 12 noon. Come for a knock and a socialise.

Gary 01296 688548 or 07713 723788

Need a plumber, a decorator or electrician? DE
















I hold a directory of tradesmen who have been recommended by someone using them in the village. You can pass on recommendations in confidence or even better if you are happy to show off their excellent handiwork to others or be called to provide a reference, please let me know that as well.

Contact Tom Gadsby on 07527 989639

Alexander's Bees, Cublington are proud to announce that 2019 CUBLINGTON HONEY IS NOW AVAILABLE 12oz jar £4.00

(call at house, if we are in, or email me)

Lots of useful information Visit the website -

Help needed Café-Club Zest

We are always looking for people willing to either play a musicalNovember instrument or lead the sing-along at Café Club Zest once or twice a year. You will join our existing team of Keeping Active, Living Well! volunteers. Young people are also welcome to come gain experience waiting on tables. At Café-Club Zest we recognise that a sense of social connection is one of fundamental If our so please contacthuman me forneeds. more information: This is why singing together sharing memories is good for Rev’dand Jacqueline Dove on 01296715242, our overall wellbeing

07775387271 or

BABYSITTING DIRECTORY all listed are 14+ Sam Burford - 681669

Alice Gadsby - 680452*

Hannah Alexander - 681104 Toby Walls - 682697*

Phoebe Walls - 682697 Annie Lovatt - 682812 Izzy Law - 688019 or 07896 894914 Harvey Mack - 682820 Emily Mack - 682820

We will be open on the first Saturday of each month from 2-4 pm. Café-Club Zest is dementia friendly. * School or Uni holidays only th

WHEN: 5 January 2019

TUTOR WHERE: UP St John’s Church Hall, Whitchurch. TO GSCE

In January we will be sharing our memories of snow.

All are welcome!

Cublington-based tutor available to work Recommended donation: £1.50 with students up to GCSE level in the following subjects:

Maths • French • Latin Contact: Alice Gadsby, 07462 877268,

Café-Club Zest will also meet on the 2nd February 2019

The Biggs Pavilion - Rental

Village Residents and fully paid up members of Cublington clubs and organisations. Available for parties and special events £25 (up to 3 hours) Outside Cublington Clubs and organisations regularly using the facilities. £30 (up to 3 hours) Discounts for block bookings Dances, discos & parties (There should be at least one adult present for teenage parties) Online booking diary: Cublington residents £60 Non Villagers £90 Weddings etc. (Whole day - 9.00am - midnight) Cublington residents £150 Outside of village £200 Find a date you want and contact Bob Paine on 01296 680483 A refundable deposit of £25 is required at time of booking. Deposit will be returned if no costs are incurred with regard to cleanliness or damage to property, fixtures or fittings. to book it! Contact Bob on 01296 680483 or

Articles of interest taken from recent editions of The Week...

So why not join a club this year?!

Cublington and The Crier - topical and on trend! Ed

Orchard Ground Development

Church Rota January ALL SERVICES 9am unless stated otherwise.

Church light sponsors in January There are no sponsors notified for January.


A small ÂŁ12 donation - covers a whole weeks lighting.

Main Contact Roy Shons


If so, you can contact Roy Shons on 682787 or or direct to The Crier with a dedication. Gift aid envelopes are available from the Church and pub porches this will enable us to recover 23p for every pound donated.

Thank you

a s s e n a V & n o s a J o t s e h s i w Best ! g n i d d e W g n i m o c h t r o f r i e h t on

Two articles of interest sent in by Diane Grace, our resident Driving Instructor....

I always knew it! Ed

The Cublington Wine Appreciation Society or The Cublington Winos!

Very many thanks to Kevin and Chris for hosting the last meeting where we all tasted lots of sparkling wine/champagne. Over twenty villagers attended and we hope to emulate this success with the next meeting. The next Cublington Winos meeting is on Tuesday 11th February at The Biggs Pavilion, 7.15pm for 7.30pm prompt start. Please would you confirm if you would like to attend to the normal email address - cublingtonwinos@gmail. com. Also email if you would just like more information about this group. Thanks and look forward to seeing you there Cheers Jackie and Steve

dates for your diary PLEASE let us know of any event in the village you are running. If we don't know about it we can't help publicise it. By the 15th of every month before please.


Wednesday 1st - Tennis Social

12 noon at The courts - Come for a knock and mulled wine and mince pies

Tuesday 28th - Village Fete Meeting

7.30pm The Unicorn. Everyone welcome to share their views.

Weds 29th - Orchard Ground Meeting 8pm The Unicorn

Friday 31st - We finally leave the EU!

The Unicorn. Celebrate, comiserate... whatever your leaning, it’s done. Let’s get on with it.


Tuesday 11th - Cublington Winos 7.15pm The Biggs Pavilion


Sat 28th - Orchard Ground Quiz Night 7.30pm The Biggs Pavilion


Sat 4th - Orchard Ground Groundforce & Village Litterpick 9am The Biggs Pavilion


Sunday 7th Cublington Open Gardens Saturday 20th Cublington Village Fete From 1pm

Carol Singing, took place (as you may have heard) around the village and a stonking £260 was raised for Macmillan Cancer may increase , as we were given a couple of IOUs! Great to end up in The Unicorn where further generosity was found (Please Stop Singing, we can't hear ourselves!) Jane and Diane xx

The Aston Abbotts & Cublington Ladies Club

The club meets at the Village Hall in Aston Abbott’s on the third Thursday of every month at 2.30pm. We are a jolly group and enjoy talks on a variety of things interspersed with quizzes, bring and buys, garden parties, outings and more. Our afternoons end with tea and cakes and a raffle. Please come along and see if you like us. If you are thinking of possibly joining the club you would be most welcome to join us but please let me know for catering purposes. ( My telephone number is 01296707833) I look forward to hearing from you.

April Gilbert.

LADIES CLUB PROGRAMME - all meetings 2.30pm


16th January. 20th February. 19th March. 16th April. 21st May. 18th June. 16th July. Summer break 17th September. 15th October. 19th November. 10th December.

Prison Parole Officer Local History - Colin Higgs Spring Lunch Windmill Vets - Life as a vet Launton Hand Bell Ringers Outing Garden Party

The membership fee is £15 payable every September. We would welcome visitors, should you not wish to commit to joining the club but you like the sound of a particular event, and the charge would be just £2 to cover tea and a raffle ticket.

Willen Hospice - Peta Wilkinson AGM TBA Christmas Carols and afternoon tea at Aston Abbott’s.

Café-Club Zest January

Keeping Active Living well with Dementia

At Café-Club Zest we recognise that a sense of social connection is one of our fundamental human needs. This is why singing together and sharing memories is good for our overall wellbeing

WHEN: Saturday 4th January 2.00-4.00pm WHERE: St John’s Church Hall, Whitchurch.

All are welcome! Recommended donation: £1.50

Many thanks to St Michael’s and All Angels, Waddesdon for providing the food for January.


Artists of


There are numerous artists and crafters in Cublington, and I wondered if we might all band together to display our work with a grand exhibition of amazing Cublington talent sometime in the future? Perhaps in the Biggs Pavilion once the cricket season has finished? Thanks to those artists who have responded already... If anyone else is interested please let me know and I’ll try and organise a get together to discuss further in the coming months!


January Birthdays

If you have recently moved to the village and want us to include your children please let us know, Gary & Gill

Thomas Keane- is 14 on the 1st Lily Hodgson -12 on the 19th Thomas Burford –11 on the 22nd Samuel Duthie – 4 on the 24th Emily Burgess – 9 on the 31st

1.What did you want to be when you grew up? A vet 2. What was your first job? Furniture and household removals for a firm in Birmingham 3. Who (alive or dead) would you like to have dinner with and why? (You can have more than one!) John Major and Alistair Cooke (the broadcaster) 4. What historical era would you like to have lived in and why? I find the politics of the 16th century fascinating but I don’t think I would have liked living through it! 5. Where would you want to live if not where you live now and why? Somewhere less crowded and with less traffic but with good walks for the dogs and quiet places to fish for plentiful wild brown trout. 6. What is the temptation you wish you could resist? Eating too much. 7. What is your favourite book and why? The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham and The Forgotten Highlander by Alistair Urquart. Both are amazing stories, one brilliantly imagined the other the almost unbelievable truth. 8. What is your favourite song and why? Almost anything by Queen. Great music and songs which bring back fond memories. 9. What is the pet hate that makes your hackles rise? People who are inconsiderate (particularly those drivers who speed through the village). Any form of bullying 10. What is the unlikely interest that engages your curiosity? I have always found politics and diplomacy interesting. 11. How long have you lived in Cublington? Almost 40 years

Answer somewhere in the Crier.

We are almost run out of subjects for Who Am I? If you have been asked to fill one in and haven’t yet responded please do. It’s a very interesting feature we would like to continue. Thank you.

YOUR VILLAGE HISTORY The fascinating pictorial history of the village

"Cublington in Pictures Old and New" is now in stock.

Priced just £15 -

(£10 from every sale goes to the upkeep of St Nicholas Church)

So far £190 has been donated to the church from sales.

The Crier funds village projects through advertising revenue. So, do you know of anyone who might like to advertise in the Crier? Any local businesses? Please let us know so we can continue to help fund village projects and institutions... such as the printing of the book 'Cublington in Pictures Old and New', The Rememberance Commemorative Insert, The Old Village History insert, the refurbished Biggs pavilion kitchen, the village fete and the like. Contact Gary or Gill on 688548 for a media pack or see rates on inside of front cover.

Researchers say about 60 percent of us make New Year's resolutions but only about 8 percent are successful in achieving them. Another year has come to an end, and another has just begun. So, now that the new year is here, what resolutions are you going to make? Making New Year's resolutions is a time-honored tradition all around the world. We all hope for a better future--especially when the year we're leaving behind has been a tough one. According to research on the topic, about 60 percent of us admit that we make New Year's resolutions but only about 8 percent of us are successful in achieving them. Regardless of whether we achieved our previous resolutions, most of us go right ahead and make a new set of resolutions -hoping for the best. Here are a few more interesting facts about New Year's resolutions: Saving money is one of the top five New Year's resolutions and also in the top five for most commonly failed. More than half of respondents said they fail their resolution before January 31.

Women make health-focused resolutions while men pledge to find a new job and lay off the alcohol. So, what are we all wishing for in 2020? Here are the top 10 New Year's resolutions according to a survey of 2,000 people: 1. Diet or eat healthier (71 percent) 2. Exercise more (65 percent) 3. Lose weight (54 percent) 4. Save more and spend less (32 percent) 5. Learn a new skill or hobby (26 percent) 6. Quit smoking (21 percent) 7. Read more (17 percent) 8. Find another job (16 percent) 9. Drink less alcohol (15 percent) 10. Spend more time with family and friends (13 percent)

Surviving the winter with some tips from St Judes Scientists are predicting the coldest winter in England in a decade – stay safe and healthy with a few expert tips from St Judes. • Avoid trips and slips – put rock salt on your steps and take extra care when walking - a pair of trekking over-shoes are useful for giving you the extra grip needed in the snow. • Shovelling snow – watch your back! Keep the shovel close to your body and get your legs to do the work. Don’t overload the shovel and take regular breaks. • Don’t be a couch potato – staying active boosts your mood and helps you to stay in shape. Exercise helps to increase your immune system and keep the colds and ‘flu at bay. If you’re running or doing sports outside in the winter: • Dress for the cold – wear layers rather than heavy clothing. A light weight moisture wicking base layer and leggings or running tights underneath a pair of shorts will help you stay warm. Avoid losing heat by wearing gloves and a hat/fleece headband.

Stay safe – be seen. Don’t wear dark colours – choose clothes that are bright, white or fluorescent yellow and add a reflective bib or strap. • Warm up and cool down - essential to avoid injury, start by walking for about 10 minutes and gradually increase your pace and maybe try some walking lunges or high knee skips. Cool down by running at a slow pace for 5 – 10 minutes and do some stretches inside so you don’t get cold. • It’s fine to exercise with a bit of a cold but listen to your body, and don’t exercise if you have a fever. For professional treatment and advice, contact your local Physiotherapist: St Judes Clinic, 26 Lake Street, Leighton Buzzard LU7 1RX. 01525 377751

Minutes of a meeting of Cublington Parish Council held on 12th November 2019 in Village Hall at 7.30pm Present: Cllr H Vale (Chairman) Cllr M Reilly Cllr G Antosiewicz Cllr J Merriman Cllr S Morgan In attendance: Mr M Joy (Clerk) , County Councillor Netta Glover (for item 3) 1. Apologies None 2. Minutes of last meeting The minutes of the last meeting held on 10th September 2019 were discussed by the meeting and duly signed by the Chairman. 3. Reports Neighbouring Policing Team Reports are posted regularly on the Cublington website. Aylesbury Vale District Council and Buckinghamshire County Council (Cllr Netta Glover) Waterside Festival was bigger and better than before. Businesses across town were busy. The Exchange is now proving a popular destination with the local independent steak house now open and reporting very good trading. Zizzi’s is also now open and the fit out / lighting etc look very good. Hale Leys has responded well to the current retail market. World class sports engineering hub opens at Silverstone Enterprise Zone A cutting-edge sports engineering facility, funded by Bucks LEP, for athletes has officially opened at Silverstone. Investment of £2m Local Growth Funding in the Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub, situated in our Silverstone Enterprise Zone, has established a research, development and business incubation centre to put Bucks at the forefront of the development of aerodynamic technologies for highperformance sport at the heart of the OxfordCambridge Arc. As the Minister of State for Local Growth, the Rt Hon Jake Berry MP, says: “Silverstone is world famous for bringing sporting excellence and technology together through motorsport. The new Silverstone Sports Engineering Hub will boost innovation in other sports including high-performance cycling, support businesses to grow and bring jobs to the local area.” Top of the class for Bucks Careers Hub Bucks LEP are delighted by the news that its Buckinghamshire Careers Hub has been recognised as the highest achieving in the country by the Careers and Enterprise Company. The State of the Nation 2019 report, which represents the most comprehensive assessment of careers education in England, placed Bucks LEP as the top performing area for careers provision by achieving the highest average number of Gatsby benchmarks of 4.2 (compared to the national average of 3.0). Bucks LEP’s Skills Hub, and its Enterprise Adviser Network, supported over 150,000 employerstudent encounters in Bucks in 2018/19, connecting schools and businesses and organising skills competitions in schools with employers including Bosch, East-West Rail and the National Film & Television School - inspiring and informing young people about different careers and developing their work ready skills.

Loan Sharks: If you or any partners would like to book stop loan sharks training from January/February onwards - free of charge for groups of ten or more - please get in touch. Please feel free to disseminate the training offer and newsletter via your networks. uploads/2019/10/Summer- Newsletter-2019-2.pdf Consultation on the priorities and 2020 budget for the new Buckinghamshire Council The new Buckinghamshire Council will launch on 1 April 2020, so we are looking at the priorities and budget for its first financial year. It’s important that we take a look at our priorities as a new organisation and that we focus on the needs of Buckinghamshire people as we prepare for the future challenges we face as a county. Your views are vitally important to help us shape the priorities for the new council. You can find out more about the new Buckinghamshire Council on the Shadow Authority website. There you’ll be able to read more about the priorities and budget. This consultation runs from 23rd October - 25th November 2019. Please be assured that the information you provide will be used only for the purposes of this consultation. It will remain confidential and be stored securely in line with data protection laws. Over 1400 commercially run school bus places to be created for students Over 1400 commercially run school bus places are being created for students across the county as part of the County Council’s work to boost the number of school bus services provided by external operators. The County Council has worked with a number of local commercial bus operators to provide the bus spaces across 31 routes, which will go live from 4 November 2019. Some extra bus place capacity has also been created, meaning some students on waiting lists have been able to secure transport. The new services mean parents and carers can buy tickets for students directly from the bus operators. Ticket prices on these routes will be similar or even less than those on previous Council commissioned routes and most operators will offer the same range of payment options as before. Winter is coming. The Council has made plans to reduce the impact of the season on residents of Buckinghamshire, but what can we do as members of staff to improve our resilience against the challenges of winter? Here’s some ideas: • Research alternate routes to work in case the road is disrupted by snow or accidents. The Council provides information on gritting routes for the winter Gritting Roads • During the winter you may need to adapt your driving and be prepared for winter conditions. This includes stocking up on de-icer, making sure your tyre pressures are correct and having wiper blades that are in good order. More tips about winter driving can be found on the Council winter driving webpage Winter Driving • Get a flu jab, which is a great way to protect yourself and others from a nasty winter ailment. It’s free for BCC employees using the staff clinic or voucher booking system. Clinics are getting booked up fast, so extra dates are planned. (Link - BCC Flu clinics ) •A cold home can affect your

health, especially if you are over 65, have an existing health condition or are less mobile. If you know anyone in any of these groups they should heat their home to a minimum of 18C. Also if you have any older neighbours they need to be prepared for the cold weather. See here for some advice on being a Winter Friend. Alcohol Awareness Week: BCC has sent a link on how to keep track of our drinking. Luckily, there are lots of apps that can help you keep track of how much you are drinking. We like the NHS One You Drink Free Days app – check it out for yourself at oneyou/for-yourbody/ drink-less/ 4. Accounts 4.1 The following invoices were passed for payment since the last meeting: Sept Clerk's salary £176.30 Oct Clerk’s salary £176.30 Sept E-ON £124.94 Oct E-ON £120.91 Autela Payroll cost £47.08 Mainly Mowing £165.00 Forde & McHugh £310.69 PAYE £4.80 4.2 Accounts to date and forecast to 31st March 2020 were presented to the meeting. The forecast shows a deficit of £3,183.78. This is after abnormal expenditure of £3,565 Traffic Feasibility Report, estimated legal fees of £1,500 relating to issuing a lease to Orchard Ground/new charity, and support to Orchard Ground of £1,500 concerning planning permission for North Field. 5. Orchard Ground Report/ Charity Status and North Field Orchard Ground No major points to report upon. Charity Status OG requested a draft lease to support its application for charitable status. It was agreed CPC will approach its lawyers for a draft lease. Councillors were asked to consider what points should be covered in the lease. M Joy will produce a briefing document for the councillors to consider for the lease. North Field Cllr Vale stated letters of thanks had been sent to Carolyn Lightfoot and Arthur Read concerning the excellent condition North Field was left in and in cutting the hedges after the land had been passed back to CPC. Planning Permissions 18/04085/APP Lakeside Business Units Formation of new vehicular access onto Reads Lane . The planning officer had been contacted for an update, but she had not responded.

19/03458/APP 1 The Cottages Stewkley Road Cublington. Extension to outbuilding to form studio/ workshop. No objection . 7. Village Matters 7.1 Traffic Calming: There had been no feed back from residents concerning the traffic calming feasibility report. It was felt no further action or expenditure was required. There may be some traffic calming measures could be carried out when we meet Matt Whincup. Cllr Reilly commented that the condition of Reads Lane was very poor and could Matt Whincup be made aware of this fact and see the problems when he has a village walk about. A LAF meeting was recently attended by Cllr Morgan. AVDC have employed a HGV Strategist whose aim is “HGVs on the right road”. Difficult policing especially for stablished businesses, but it was felt encouraging that AVDC were taking this matter seriously. 7.2 Street Lighting: The light at the Knob has been repaired again but the next time it breaks it will have to be replaced by LCD light which will cost approx. £500. 7.3 Speed watch Dates had been arranged but the equipment could not be used due to the adverse weather conditions on the day. The speed equipment has many restrictions on its usage which makes it almost impossible to use it in winter. It was agreed to use the equipment again in Spring. We now qualify as an active speed watch user so we shall be entitled to put up signs stating that fact. Simon Garwood is obtaining quotes for our consideration. 7.4 Pond The pond is now full ! Cllr Reilly will be seeding wild flowers , and he commented that the new plants have all taken. 7.5 Dog Waste collection service – AVDC has extended the existing contract with an external supplier for a further 2 months before bringing the service back in house. 7.6 Meeting dates for 2020- dates were agreed as follows; 14th January, 10th March, 5th May and AGM, 14th July, 15th September and 10th November . 7.7 Luton Airport Expansion – details were published in the Crier, put up on the notice board and website . 7.8 Questionnaire concerning the new Bucks Council – it was agreed councillors should complete in their personal capacity. The next meeting of the Parish Council will take place on Tuesday 14th January 2020 at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

'What's On' in Bucks Website Please feel free to upload any of your events free of charge on the ‘What’s On’ website:

John Gregory

You can login via a Face book or Twitter account on the right hand column.... this will enable you to go back in and amend or change details to the events you have uploaded..... alternatively you can upload an event without logging in. Answer:

From the Alexanders Dear friends, January sees many new beginnings. and the first two belong to our Rector, Philip Derbyshire who starts his retirement, but not until he has conducted the marriage service for Vanessa and Jason, in our church, St Nicholas. The choir has been practicing for the wedding, and we are expecting the church to be packed! It is only after the wedding, that we are allowing Philip to relax and start to enjoy this next phase in his life. Thank you, Philip for your calm leadership, encouragement of involvement by all church members and support of our new ventures within Cublington, such as the Sunrise Service at Easter, lay-led ministry and the Advent Windows Trail on Christmas Eve. Philip has written a commentary for the village magazines within his Team of churches, and so while we await the appointment of new clergy, we will keep up the tradition.

The linked team of churches in the team have been producing the ‘job description’ for the post. We provided photos of our village events and contributed to a Wordle and the final results will be sent to prospective applicants. Once a shortlist has been selected, interviews will take all takes time, and we think that the earliest that we shall have a rector is mid-summer. In the interim, we are so fortunate to have Revs Peter Binns and Roger Hales, on 2nd and 4th Sundays. The 3rd Sunday will continue as a lay-led service, and on the 1st Sunday of the month there will be a Morning Service.... Everyone is welcome, we hope to keep the church open every week, providing a continued opportunity for worship, contemplation, learning and fellowship. Jane and Michael Alexander

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WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22 4QG, Tel 012964QG 682217 Wingrave Pre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, HP22

WingravePre-School, Twelve Leys, Wingrave, 01296 682217, HP22 4QG, Tel 01296 682217 Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2 -5 year olds. We operate from our own purpose built, state of the art setting, with one large main room and a spacious outside area, adjoining Wingrave C. E. Combined School. Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2-5 year olds.

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Children’s learning is promoted in a friendly and fun atmosphere.

Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care Wingrave Pre-School offerssessional sessional forown 2 -5 year Wingrave Pre-School care for 2 olds. -5 year olds. for 2 -5 year olds. Weoffers operate from care our purpose built, Government-funding now available for 2-4 year olds state-of-the-art setting, with one large main room and a spacious Qualified staff – keybuilt, worker appointed each child. Weoperate operate from our own state ofbuilt, the artto setting, oneart large main We from ourpurpose ownWingrave purpose ofwith the setting, outside adjoining E.state Combined School. andarea, a spacious outside area, adjoining C. Wingrave C. E. Combined School. withroom one main large room and spacious, enclosed, outdoor area, We take new children at any point in the school year, just call or come and see us for Wingrave Pre-School offers sessional care for 2-5 year olds. moreCinformation! adjoiningisWingrave Combined Children’s learning promoted inofaEfriendly and School. fun atmosphere. Government-funding now available forfun 2-4 yearatmosphere. olds Children’s learning is promoted in aafriendly and atmosphere. Children’s learning is promoted friendly and fun SessioninTimes:

Leighton Plumbing & Heating Oil fired boilers service, repairs & installations. All other aspects of plumbing & heating undertaken.

sessions: daily, 9am – noonto each child. Qualified staff –Morning key worker appointed Afternoon sessions: voucher Tues, Wed and Thurs, noon –2, 3pm 1pm – 3pm Government-funded scheme for2-4 3 or and Government-funding now available for year olds 4 year olds. Packed lunchperson daily, noon 1pm We take new children atsession: any appointed point into–the year, Qualified staff –staff key appointed toschool each child. Qualified – key worker each child. just call or come and– see us formore information! Contact: Kelly Targell Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 We take new children at any point in the school year, just call or come and see us for . 30 hoursmore funding accepted. information! Session Times:

Sessiondaily, Times: Morning sessions: 9am – noon

Sessiondaily, Times:9am – 12pm Morning sessions: Morning sessions: daily, 9am – noon Afternoon sessions: daily, sessions: 12pm – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Afternoon Afternoon sessions: Tues, Weddaily, and Thurs, noon – 3pm or 1pm – 3pm Lunch club: 12pm – 1pm

Oftec registered and Insured

Tues, Wed and Thurs, noondaily, – 3pm 1pm – 3pm Packed lunch session: noon –or 1pm .

BREAKFAST AND AFTER SCHOOL CLUB NOW 1pm AVAILABLE! Packed lunch session: daily, noon Contact: Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296–682217 For children aged 2-7 years Drop off and pick up from Wingrave CofE School Contact: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (term time) 8am-9am £5 Kelly Targell – Pre-School Manager 01296 682217 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 3pm-6pm £15 Pop in for a visit or give us a call!

Phasels, 11 Woodman Close Billington Road, Leighton Buzzard, Leighton Buzzard, Beds LU7 3NU Beds LU7 9HH

Contact: Kelly – Manager 01296 682217

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Cublington Oil Syndicate Get involved and save yourself some money! Main Contacts : Simon & Vanessa Morgan or

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Classical LPs Wanted Excellent prices paid for Classical LPs from the 50’s and 60’s on the following record labels: DECCA (SXL / LXT ) HMV (ASD / ALP / BLP / CLP / DLP) COLUMBIA (SAX / 33CX) RCA (SB / LDS) CAPITOL (SP / P / CTL) PHILIPS (SABL / SAL) To sell your collection please contact: Dave Parsons tel: 01296682300 / Mobile: 07770470996

Golf Coaching is available for adults and juniors all year round. Whatever you need whether it is 1-to-1 or group sessions on all areas of the game which include: Long Game, Approach Shots, Pitching, Chipping, Bunker Play, Putting and on Course Management. Ring or email PGA Professional Russell Phillips now on

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Why not advertise your business in the Cublington Crier?


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Fully insured and vetted, first aid trained Services offered include: Group walks @ £8.00 per dog per hour Solo walks @ £10.00 per hour Puppy sitting @ £10.00 per hour Call 07305251053 for a chat or to book a slot Mailto:

Martina collects my ironing every Tuesday and returns it on Thursday. Great job, never had any problems. Martina is always reliable, accommodating and cheerful. When my washing machine broke Martina took all the laundry and ironing, a great service, I can not recommend her highly enough. Debbie (Cublington resident)

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A Professional Gas and Heating Engineer A Professional Gas and Heating Company • Ø Fully Qualified Heating Engineers out all aspects of plumbing Fully Qualified Heatingcarrying Engineer and heating work.

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or email

Cublington Cricket ANNETTE GESOFF Club

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Advanced Clinical Massage Therapist Member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists

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Come and join us at indoor nets We have booked Waddesdon School sports hall for the following net sessions for seniors and all juniors who aspire to play senior cricket in 2019:

Massage can be beneficial for many conditions – see my website for further information:

Thursday 28 February Thursday 7 March Thursday 14 March Thursday 21 March Thursday 28 March Thursday 4 April All sessions are from 7pm until 8.30pm.

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Member of the Four Counties Cricket League


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Café-Club Zest February

Keeping Active Living well with Dementia

At Café-Club Zest we recognise that a sense of social connection is one of our fundamental human needs. This is why singing together and sharing memories is good for our overall wellbeing

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WHEN: Saturday 1 February 2.00-4.00pm WHERE: St John’s Church Hall, Whitchurch.

T: 01442 862073

All are welcome! Recommended donation: £1.50


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Many thanks to Holy Cross and St Mary’s, Quainton for providing the food for February.


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Session rates

Individual rates - £40pp/ph Couple/Friend rates - £30pp/ph Group rates - £20pp/ph (5 person max)





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