GTN September 2024 - Bumper Glee Preview Issue - Garden Trade News UK

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Can’t wait for Glee!

The anticipation is building. With 15 months between Glee’sthis time around it feels as though there has been along waittosee allthe newproducts,new faces andofcourse all ourfriends and colleagues from acrossthe industryatthe NEC.

Our Gleebuild-uphas long been underway, producing this bumper GleePreviewissue, and as Glee Media Partners theGleePlanner youwillhave received in thepost, the Glee Show Guide and the Glee DailyNews. Phew, that’salot of Glee!

As Gleeiscelebrating 50 yearsinSeptember 2024,we’ve also had the pleasureofasking our GTN andGTN Xtra readersfor your nominations of Glee 50 Year Hero’s.Asthisissue of the magazine goes to press, voting is nowunderway viaGTN Xtra: and GleeDaily News: Gleeedailynewstofind out whothe widerindustry seeasthereGlee Hero’sfromthe past 50 years. The results will be revealed on TheStage in Hall 9at 5:00pm on Tuesday10thSeptember, justbefore the GleeNew ProductAwardsfor 2024 areannounced.

Entries from exhibitorsare pouringintothe GleeNew Product Showcase, which this year is in

the linkway between Halls8 and 9 Looking back throughold issuesofGTN and Glee Daily News there have always been between300 and 350entries for Glee NewProducts and from this year’s entries you aresuretofind some great innovationand new suppliers. We lookforward to seeing youeither on the ShowcaseDisplay or at The StageinHall 9all day on Tuesday wherethe top3fromeachcategory will be pitching theirproducts to the judgesbeforefinal decisionsonthe winners aremade

And then thereisFloralThursdayonThursday 12thSeptember.Please do join us in someFloral FUNdraisingfor Greenfingers

See youatGlee!


Garden Trade News

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Potting Shed PressLtd

Garden Trade News is published by Potting Shed PressLtd who also publish: GTNBestsellers, GTNXtra, PetTrade Xtra, Glee Daily News and the Glee Catalogue, and the Solex Sun. Potting Shed Pressalso supply Garden Radio to over100 garden centresacrossthe country.

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SMALL PRINT:All material ©Potting Shed PressLtd 2024 No partofthispublication may ereproduced in any form whatsoever, either for sale or not, without the expresspermission of the publishers. The information supplied in this publication is published in good faith and everyefforthas been made to ensure its accuracy.Potting Shed PressLtd cannot acceptresponsibility for any error or misrepresentation. All liability for loss, disappointment, negligenceorother damage caused by relianceoninformation contained in this publication or in the vent of anybankruptcy or liquidation or cassation of the trade of any company,individualor firmmentioned, is herebyexcluded.

From the GTNArchives: Glee’sNew Product Showcasein1995

Putting theory intopractice

Paul North, The AMES Companies UK Managing Director,talks to GTNabout howteam building is the keytosuccessful integration.

Itwas July 2017,USbased The AMES Company entered the UK garden centre market with the acquisition of ornamental outdoor heating product brand from La Hacienda. Hardonits heelswas decorative hardlandscaping and aggregatecompany KelKay which has sincebeenfollowedby Apta. The AMES Companies UK nowalso has AMES Tools, takenfromthe US model and introduced at Glee last year,Easy Fountain formerly partofKelKay but nowastandalone brand, and True Temper under its wing Eyebrowsmay havebeenraised and questions asked why aUScompany would want to be amajor player and invest £15m in the UK garden centremarket, but Paul North, The AMES Companies UK Managing Director,

says the leadership team acrossthe pond is in for the long haul.

“I joined AMES in March 2020 under a clear premise it wasfor thelongterm. Ihave thefull backing and supportfromthe US to invest and makepossible aplan to integrate these amazing companies. And at the end of the process, to do something morespecial for our customers than each company could do independently

“I can see why some people were sceptical, but partofmyjob wastocommunicate that message, and overtime build trust with customers so theyunderstood it, appreciated it and, moreimportantly,believedit.”

Paul North
In the AMES show room in Pollington, Apta pots and the AMES Tools range form partofthe display.


After university,Paul worked in b2b mechanical and electronic security products which included DIY online retailing. He then joined StanleyHand Toolswhich was later acquired by Black and Decker wherehis career catapulted. He spent time working in the UK, Europe and the US integrating companies, building high performanceteams, anddriving product agendas that made a differencefor the customer base.

The opportunity came up to work with The AMES Companies UK which waslooking to bring morecompanies together and so Paul made the move.

Paul's first week was spent visiting the companies, of which the newly acquired Apta wasone. “My first and lasting impression wasthe welcome and the greeting Igot, even beforeI had introduced myself,” he says. “That really set the tone foreveryday thereafter,visiting each of the locations, meeting the teams and experiencing that general openness, welcoming smiles and friendliness. Therewas not ashred of evidenceofanxiety about the future, there wasmoreexcitement.

“My second impression was definitely acredit to the previous owners of these businesses. These were allindependently verysuccessful and truly prided themselves on taking careoftheir employees anddoing what wasright forthe customer.Those twovalues were common acrosseachof the businesses and remain today.Theyare fundamental to everything we do.”

Part of Paul’s role is to bringdynamic teams together and today around 65% of the

company has been with AMES for four years or less. ”We'vebeen on atransformational journeywith people, the things we do and howwedothem. But it all starts with understanding the need of the customer,and howwekeep employees safe and happy.”

Covid made Paul’s first fewmonthsa challenge, but when garden centres were allowedtoopen, he recognised common values and the sense of togethernessofthe industry. “What Ilovedwas the clear flexibility and agility in the industry. Icame in with a preconceived idea it wasgoing to be quite traditional, but was mostimpressed with how, in the faceofadversity,people really focused on what mattered and what was important collectively,asmuchasindependently.”

Likemany working in this sector,what Paul finds mostendearing arethe relationships made with garden centreowners and their teams. “Thereis aclear desiretowant to do things well and responsibly for the consumer Andthere's alot of fun. I'vemet some of

the most interesting and certainly the nicest people in this sector.Thathas notexisted to the same magnitude in industries I'veworked in previously.Ienjoynothing more than spending time with an owner or an employee of agarden centre and hearing about their day,orwhat we as asupplier do well or can do better.It'salways good to hear what you do well,but I'd love to hear moreofwhatwe can do better.”

Taking the model forward

Nowfour yearsintothe job and Paul sees thattrust and belief in The AMES Companies UK has been gained, but it’saconstant journey. “You don't hold on to trust without continuing to invest to maintain it and we takethat responsibility seriously.”

Luckily,senior management teamsfrom the acquired companies haveremained and provide stability but Paul hasalso had some team building to do.“One of the most important lessons I’ve learned in leading

Easy Fountain is now a brand in its own right
Paul North with Caroline Elliott, Marketing and Product Director

building teamsand is youcannot achieve anything in isolation. Also,the best leadership teams surround themselves with people smarterthan theyare.Employpeople who aregood at what theydoand create an environment and spaceinwhich they can grow but don’thold them down, micromanage and tell them what to do

“We’ve been able to attract great people, and we continue to invest in those people who arenow advocatesfor the brand and cultureofthiscompany.Wedon't have any problem attracting talent, quitethe opposite. When you've got motivated, energised employees nothingisimpossible.

“One of the most rewarding parts of my job is seeing the delight in the team,because we areactually doing what we said we would do.That's precisely the motivation we need to keep going and we'll be forever trying to createbetterversions of ourselves. The loudest voiceinthe equation is the customer and theyhelpusunderstand their biggest aggravations, what theyreallyneedinterms of supportand what theyneedustodo differently.That's what keepsus moving forward.”

Backing from the US has been strong from the start. “There's neverbeenamoment whereI havebeenchallenged or had to deal with adversity from the leadership team in theUSwhen it comes to people. We went above and beyond in howwemanaged the processofacquiring Apta. We were open andclear in our communications from the beginning,executednumerousconsultations, but moreimportantly,investedsignificantly in outplacement skills training.Wemeasured our success in thatintegration by ensuring everyemployeehad ajob at theend of the process, either within the company or elsewheredue to logistics, geography or personal reasons.

“I wasactually encouraged by the United States leadership team to do afew things overand above what we hadoriginally planned and proposed to do.Thereisno compromise when we integratea business. Our first measureofsuccess is ‘have we been successful in securing employment for all affected employees in this business?’, then its ‘havewedoneitsafely?” and thirdly ‘have we ensureduninterrupted servicefor our customer?’”

Highlights and the future

“The highlights so far areseeing the way, as acompany,wedealt with the adversity faced during Covid. We came out of that process stronger and morecollectivethan we went in,”says Paul.Asa aresult, thecompany now has better stock holding facilities to ensure, that even during the busiest peaks, there is availability,and it is adapting to ashift in customers not wanting to makehuge stock holding commitments. “I think we'llsee moreand morecustomers relying on their

suppliers and partners to help them run more profitably and provide product with greater certainty when theyneed it.”

Butthereisalso satisfaction seeing the belief in the team turned intoactualphysical deliveryand action. “I don't need to be in a room forthings to move forward because I havetotal confidenceand trust in the team,” says Paul.“Butthat doesn't mean Idon't think about wherewegonext or that Iswitch off

“I'm most excited about the almost limitlessopportunity for us to become better and moremeaningful for our customers and about the opportunities that allow the colleagues of this businesstogrow personally and professionally.”

Paul believesThe AMES Companies UK is what it is today because of the previous owners and the successful brands and services theycreated. "Our teamsbelieve that, even in the toughest years, they can deliver not only what is possible, but exactly what's needed. Our best days remain in front of us."

teams and is you cannot
Paul North with Carloine Elliott, Marketing and Product Director and Nick Jones, Commercial Director. Plus pots from the Artevasi range which TheAMES Companies UK has recently taken on.


Congratulations to all the winners from this year’s round of GCA inspections –the first since the change in regional areas and the introduction of the new local garden centrecategory.All the regional finalists appear in GTNXtra:

Garden Centreofthe Year

Destination Garden Centre

• Planters Garden Centre, Tamworth -M,W&W

• RuxleyManor Garden Centre- SE

• BartonGrange Garden Centre- N

• Perrywood Garden Centre, Tiptree -E Garden Centre

• Old Railway Line Garden Centre– M,W&W

• Ransoms Garden Centre- SE

• Fron Goch Garden Centre- N

• Aylett Nurseries -E Local Garden Centre

• PoundburyGardens –The Gardens Group -M,W&W

• Millbrook Garden Company, Staplehurst -SE

• KlondykeGarden Centre,Burnside -N

• Parker’s Garden Centre -E

BartonGrange Trophy for Commercial Innovation and Creativity

• Castle Gardens –The Gardens Group -M,W&W

• Ransoms Garden Centre -SE

• Bents Garden and Home -N

• Perrywood Garden Centre,Tiptree -E

Customer ServiceAward for Best Customer Service

• Old Railway Line Garden Centre -M,W&W

• Millbrook Garden Company,Staplehurst -SE

• Barton Grange Garden Centre -N

• Perrywood Garden Centre,Tiptree -E

Dick Allen Awardfor Most ImprovedCentre

• Pyle Garden Centre -M,W&W

• SquiresGarden Centre,Hersham-SE

• Fairways Garden Centre,Macclesfield -N

• Parker’s Garden Centre -E

Paul Cooling Award for Environment and Sustainability

• Castle Gardens –The Gardens Group -M,W&W

• RuxleyManor Garden Centre- SE

• Fron Goch Garden Centre- N

• Perrywood Garden Centre, Tiptree -E

Planters Garden Centre, Tamworth
Poundbury Gardens – the Gardens Group
Perrywood Tiptree.

GIMA Awardfor Best Garden Products Retailer

Destination Garden Centre

• Planters Garden Centre, Tamworth -M,W&W

• Haskins Garden Centre, Snowhill -SE

• Barton Grange Garden Centre- N

• Perrywood Garden Centre, Tiptree -E

Garden Centre

• Old Railway Line Garden Centre- M,W&W

• Millbrook Garden Company,Gravesend -SE

• KlondykeGarden Centre, Mortonhall -N

• Aylett Nurseries -E

Local Garden Centre

• Pugh’sGarden Village, Wenvoe -M,W&W

• Millbrook Garden Company,Staplehurst -SE

• Fairways Garden Centre, Macclesfield -N

• Parker’s Garden Centre- E

Awardfor Catering Excellencefor Best Garden CentreRestaurant

Destination Garden Centre

• East BridgfordGarden Centre– Blue Diamond -M,W&W

• RuxleyManor Garden Centre- SE

• Bents Garden and Home -N

• Perrywood Garden Centre, Tiptree -E

Garden Centre

• Klondyke, ByrkleyPark Garden Centre -MW&W

• Ransoms Garden Centre -SE

• Fron Goch Garden Centre -N

• ThetfordGarden Centre -E

Local Garden Centre


• Smith’sGarden Centre, Baginton and Pugh’sGarden Village, Wenvoe -MW&W

• Knights Plant Centre,Betchworth-SE

• KlondykeGarden Centre,Howdens-N

• Rutland Nursery-E

Outdoor Living Awardfor Best Outdoor Living Retailer

Destination Garden Centre

• Gates Garden Centre -M,W&W

• Garsons Garden Centre,Titchfield -SE

• Bents Garden and Home -N

• Perrywood Garden Centre,Tiptree- E

Garden Centre

• Fairways Garden Centre, AshbourneM,W&W

• Ransoms Garden Centre -SE

• Fron Goch Garden Centre -N

• Poplars Garden Centre -E

LocalGarden Centre

• Pugh’sGarden Village, Wenvoe -M,W&W

• SquiresGarden Centre, Reigate-SE

• KlondykeGarden Centre, Burnside; Fairways Garden Centre, Macclesfield; Woodworks Garden Centre& Café -N

• Parker’s Garden Centre- E

Indoor Lifestyle Awardfor Best Indoor Lifestyle Retailer

Destination Garden Centre

• East BridgfordGarden Centre– Blue Diamond -M,W&W

• Garsons Garden Centre, Esher -SE

• Bents Garden and Home -N

• Perrywood Garden Centre, Tiptree -E Garden Centre

• Planters Garden Centre, Bretby-M,W&W

• SquiresGarden Centre, Woking -SE

• Fron Goch Garden Centre- N

• Yarnton Home &Garden -E

LocalGarden Centre

• Raglan Garden Centre- M,W&W

• KnightsPlant Centre, Betchworth -SE

• RHS BridgewaterPlant Centreand Shop; KlondykeGarden Centre, Beverley-N

• Rutland Nursery-E

Ian Boardman Awardfor Best Indoor Plants Retailer

Destination Garden Centre

• East BridgfordGarden Centre– Blue Diamond -M,W&W

• SquiresGarden Centre, Badshot Lea; Haskins Garden CentreSnowhill -SE

• Bents Garden and Home -N

• Perrywood Garden Centre, Tiptree -E

RuxleyManor Garden Centre
Parker’s Garden Centre.
TheMillbrook Garden Company

Garden Centre

• Castle Gardens –The Gardens Group -M,W&W

• Ransoms Garden Centre- SE

• Cowells Garden Centre- N

• Aylett Nurseries -E

Local Garden Centre

• Knights Plant Centre, Betchworth -SE

• RHS BridgewaterPlant Centreand Shop; KlondykeGarden Centre, Burnside; Klondyke Garden Centre, Weaver Vale -N

• Rutland Nursery-E

Plantaria (RuxleyRose)

Destination Garden Centre

• Planters Garden Centre,Tamworth -M,W&W

• RHS WisleyPlant Centre -SE

• Barton GrangeGarden Centre -N

• Perrywood Garden Centre,Tiptree-E Garden Centre

• Castle Gardens –The Gardens Group -M,W&W

• Squires Garden Centre,Hersham- SE

• Cowell’sGarden Centre -N

• Perrywood Garden Centre,Sudbury-E

LocalGarden Centre

• BrimsmoreGardens –The Gardens GroupEM,W&W

• Thompson’sWelling;Thompson’sNewchurch -SE

• KlondykeGarden Centre, Livingston -N

• Parker’s Garden Centre- E

Food Hall/Farm Shop Award

Destination Garden Centre

• Gates Garden Centre- M,W&W

• Garsons Garden Centre, Esher -SE

• Bents Garden and Home; BartonGrange Garden Centre- N

• Bicester Avenue Garden Centre– Blue Diamond -E

Garden Centre

• Old Railway Line Garden Centre- M,W&W

• Hillier Garden Centre, Aldermaston; Hillier Garden Centre, Newbury; Millbrook Garden Company, Gravesend -SE

• Bellis Brothers Farm Shop &GardenCentre- N

• Bell Plantation -E

LocalGarden Centre

• Pugh’sGarden Village, Wenvoe -M,W&W

• Coolings Garden Centre(Lifestyle) -SE

• KlondykeGarden Centre, Beverley-N

• Parker’s Garden Centre- E

Newfor 2024

The AquaticsZone –a dedicated showcasefor aquati and watergardeningsuppliers with allofthe latest launches from theleadingmanufacturers andsupplie

• The major brands under oneroof

• New Three-dayevent

• Free showcatalo

• Free entry and pa cs rs. gu rk

PATS 2024 – showcasing 330+ exhibitors, including the following in the Aquatics

KlondykeGardenCentre, Burnside

Afeastfor the senses

Greenfingers Charitycelebrates another significant milestone with the official opening of the Sensory Garden at Derian House Children’s Hospice.

opening of the Garden at Children’s

Almost three years in the making,the newGreenfingers garden at the heart

D Derian House in Chorley, Lancashire, has nowbeen handed over. Amixtureof interactivezones linked by acentral covered space, it allows all users to spend time outside whatever the weather

The newSensory Garden combines functionality and privacy with places of reflection, fun and memorial. Imaginativeand subdued lighting createinterest after dark, while newseating areas provide morepockets of quiet and privacy.Plants throughout the garden heighten the senses, offering atruly immersive experience.

Likeall Greenfingers projects, the new garden wouldn’thavebeen possible without the dedication of the charity’s supporters.

The initial vision came to life thanks to designer Chris Forshaw and landscaper Gavin Jones, guided by project manager Joanne Kennedy

Financial backing came from adiverse group of supporters and Greenfingers’fundraising initiatives. Generous donations from LOFA, TheHospital Saturday Fund, BritfordBridge, Westfield Health, Stockwell Cliffe, and The Mackintosh Foundation provided crucial funds for the coveredspace.

Turning the design intoreality also wouldn’t havebeen possible without supportand in-kind donations from local businesses such as Barton Grange Garden Centre(plants and shrubs),

Evergreen (topsoil and compost), Sipcam Home &Garden (garden caresupplies) and Westland (gardening tools). These contributions reduced the project’sfinancial burden and ensured the landscapers had all the necessarymaterials.

“Chris’s vision for the courtyardspaceat Derian House wastruly inspiring on paper, but in real life it is even better,” says Sue Allen, Greenfingers Chair.“From fundraising to volunteering in the garden to generous gifts in kind, it has all added up to an incredible effort that has created aspaceweare surewill be lovedand cared for by the hospicecommunity for many for years to come.”

Catherine Randall, Chief Nurse at Derian House recognised the spaceasmorethan just agarden. “It is asanctuaryfor the 400 families we carefor hereat Derian. Here, theycan relax and spend time together –making precious memories.”

Visit www.greenfingerscharity. or join in the conversation by joining Greenfingersonsocial media. Facebook - Greenfingerscharity/, Twitter @GreenfingersCha Instagram and LinkedIn @Greenfingerscharity

Huge thanks to the invaluable industrysupportwhich makes gardens likethis one at Derian House possible. Thehonour of cutting the ribbon fell to Sue Allen, Catherine Randall, Chief Nurse at Derian House, and Maariyah, one of the hospice’syoung people.
Sue Allen, GreenfingersChair (left) is seen herewith Caroline T Taylor,DDirector of Income and Engagement.

It’s time for Glee

From new products to floor guides, the GTNGlee 2024 preview celebrates 50 years of the show and has everything you need to makethe most of three days of puregarden retail.

Glee 2024 is getting ready to open itsdoors on Tuesday10September,and when it does, it will be hivefor garden retailing networking,buying and inspiration. Not only is the showreturning to its September slot, but wellknownnames toosuchasHoze Premier Decorations arealsoc

To keep theshowfresh, lay be obvious helping to enhanc experienceand make it easier everyone to see as many of the plus exhibitors and 10,000 products as possible.

Therewill be plenty of new products and innovation to satisfy and pique the interest of buyers, while features such as the Talent Storeand Future Plants offer inspiration and ideas for teams to takeback and recreateintheir ownstore

, ozelock, Tildanet and coming back yout changes will evisitor r for he400 oducts w s res.

Don’tforget your blooming youplan to visitonthe 12th to of Floral Thursday

2024 Floorplan

Charles Taylor Trading8A75,9G01, 9G09 Christie &Co9J91 ChurnetValley Garden Furniture6B60-E61







CrociCollectiveLtd 9E83

CSYRetailSystems 9J90

Curtis Wagner Plastics Corp 9L35

Dalefoot Composts7E94

Danmar LogisticsLtd 9H92

Davidson-RichardsLtd 9H80-G81


De ReeUKLtd 9G10-E11

DercoHorticultureInc 9J33

Dizmezs Ltd. 10B40-A41

DJ Turfcare Equipment Ltd7E32


Dodson &Horrell Ltd9B43

Doff Portland Ltd8E92-F93

DogRocks/BeLovedPet Products 9C30

dojo card payments 9H91

Doodlebone 9C40

Doreen Preston andSon Ltd9A71


Durston Garden Products Ltd7C30

Easitill Ltd9H100-G101

EasternConnections 9L50-J51

eBayMarketplacesGmbH9C91 Ebtech GlasshouseSystems Ltd9H111 EcoFuego Ltd10B65 EKJU 7D90-E91 Emotional RescueLtd 6A67 Enigma Home andGarden8B40-C41 Espira (UK) Ltd8E32 Ethnic BrandMarketing

JSC Breinas/JSC Plastiva 9J14

JSC Plastiva 9J14-a

JSJCamping &GardenBV9L76-K77


Kapiteyn B.V. 9J52

Kieftand Sons Ltd9E02

Kiln FiredPottery E40

KimmyB 9F84


LaborsingUKSafetyProductsLtd 7E42


LeisureGrow8A90-C91 Leizisure6B91

Leon Boots 9G70

LickiMat UK 9A20

Link Integrated Security Solutions9K90

Littlemore Candle Company 9C63

Qwickhose 9H72

Rago UK 9H51

RainbowDesigns Ltd9E60

Reli Technologies LLC9D40-C41

Riva Paoletti Ltd10E34

Robert Frederick Ltd9C61

RocketGroLtd 8D90-E91

RouchetteSAS 9F72

RowlinsonGardenProductsLtd 8F90-7A91

Sahara 10E60-D61

SalepointLtd 9G83

Sandart 9F82

Sanz Group9L33

Scheurich Ltd8C70-D71

Seedball 9G71

SeedsofItaly 9L71

Sensum Scents 9C74

Lodi UK 8F30

Lows of Dundee Ltd9D55

Lyzz Creations Ltd9L72 MagmaLondon9E73

Malcolm ScottConsultants Ltd9L80-K81

MapedHelix /JuratoysUKLtd 9D71

Marissa’s Gifts9C60

Mayhem UK Ltd9F62-E63

Meadow View StoneLimited8F50-7A51

MegaCollections BV 8C90-D91

MelcourtIndustriesLtd 7E30

Monique Me Retail &Concessions9F75

Mountain Paws 9B40

Mr Fothergills SeedsLimited7C90-D91


Musing GmbH and Co KG 10E42-D43

NSmith &CoLimited9K80-J81

NaturesMenuLtd 9B30-A31

Neve’s Bees 9K75

Newbridge PremiumPots Ltd 7B60-C61

NewspanBuildingSolutions Ltd9E91

NilaquaPets10F43 Noel Tatt Group9H02 Nostara9B74

Nostrand Limited9F100-E101

NuovaDeromaUKLtd 6A60-B61

NutsceneTwinesLtd 9F63

OakdaleProductsLTD 7E80

OurPetsLife 10F42

outTrade BV 10B64

Panacea Products Ltd9G30-E31

Partington Engineering9H82

Paw to Paw10E43

Pawprint Family 9C70

Pearsons of Duns 10D32

Peatex 9H63

Pelsis Ltd9H31


Peterals 9C42

Phoenox Textiles Ltd9C20-A21

Pinnacle Agri Products Ltd10D33,F3

PioneerBrush Co.Ltd.9J63

Pipers Farm 10F77

Plantworks Ltd9H30-G31


Pleydell Smithyman Ltd9G91 Polly&Andy9H70

Poppy Forge9L52-J53

Posh BratsLtd 9B63



Premier Decorations7A90-B91

Primeur Ltd8D40-E41

Primus 7E70

PSA 9F103

QCR RecyclingEquipment Ltd 9H93

QingdaoMagic PetProductsCo. Ltd. 10E41

Shark Ninja10A70, F7

Shell on Earth9G77

ShenzhenSeaboom Company Limited9A42

Simply Jaspers Ltd(Jaspers Animal Nutrition)9B44-A45

Simpson Strong-Tie9D50-C51

Sipcam Home and Garden 7D40-E41

Siroflex UK 9J64

Slipfree 9B75

Smiemans Projecten B.V. 9G112

Snif-SnaxLtd 9B33

Soctopus Ltd.9D62

Soil Worx 8D83

Solas Home 9B70

Solo Stove10B70-A71

SouthernTrident Limited8F61


SpaceGroup 9L90-K91

Spear &Jackson 9L02

SpetacularLtd 9B51

StagecraftDisplay Ltd9G80-F81

StandsOut Ltd 9B77

StockshopCountry Ltd10E45

Storeys andTails 9A30

Strata Products Ltd8A92-C93

SuperNinja 9J62

Swanky 9F94

TarimSepeti UK Ltd9L70

TaylorsBulbs 9E51

TheBarking Bakery Ltd9A52-10F53

TheChristmas Cabin9D30

TheDog Shack9A41



TheMakerss 9C81

ThePatio BlackSpot Removal Company Ltd9J30-H31

TheSatchvilleGiftCompany 9C55

TheSolar Centre9E30

TheWoodland Trust6A63

TheWoolPackaging Company 9F73

TheYorkshireFlowerpotCompany Limitedta

British Flowerpots 6A81

Tildenet Gardenware 6G80

Tilnar Ltd ta Tilnar Art&Azeti 9D04

TimberDisplaysLincs Limited9J80-H81

Tracmaster LTD9K78

Treadstone Products 9L04

TrifibreLtd 9J50

Turtle Mat9C71


GreenHeart Exhibitors

WestlandUnwins7C80-E81 Wildjac9K71

Source Garden Exhibitors

Hangzhou LeiboIndustrialCo. Ltd6C23

Hangzhou Lindge LersureCo. Ltd6C50-D51 HefeiGreat Nets Co.Ltd 6A22 Huoqiu Jindou Agricultural Development 6B50 JiangxiDengshi Garden GroupCorporation 6B40

JiangxiJinganHuali Industrial Co.Ltd 6E34

JiangxiJulinGardenCo. Limited6D34

JiangxiKunshang Scienceand Technology Co.Ltd 6F31

JiangxiOmaiTechnology Co.Ltd 6C43

JiangxiYude Import and Export Co.Ltd 6E32

JiaxingAuphson TradingCo. Ltd6A11-B12

Jining EmbelishConstantCraftsCo. Ltd6A35

LaizhouHongyuan Bench ViceManufactureCo. Ltd6B30

LiaochengHaman Metal Material Co.Ltd 6C31

Lishui Spring Agriculture Technology Co.Ltd 6D02

Nanjing GreenDecem InternationalCo. Ltd6F53

Nanjing Plustool Co.Ltd 6E35

NantongBaohand Safety Technology Co.Ltd 6E41

Ningbo Aipu ToolsCo. Ltd6C32

Ningbo Haider Imp& ExpCo. Ltd6C36

Ningbo JingyouPhotovoltaic Technology Co.Ltd 6D40

Ningbo Sungher Eco-Materials Co.Ltd 6B22

Ningbo Tycoon Import &ExportCo. Ltd6E45

Plus International(Sichuan) Co.Ltd 6B20

Polang (Chengdu)E-commerceCoLtd 6E04

PutianLianchengzhongheTrading Co.Ltd 6F04

QingdaoTenaRubberCo. Limited6F41

QingdaoTianhaida Industry and TradeCo. Ltd6B14

QingdaoXiyuan Plastic&Rubber Co.Ltd 6B21

Qingdo Dongheng Industrial Products ManufacturingCo. Ltd6A02

QinghaiMeixunTrading Co.Ltd 6B10

Quanzhou QuanxingHardware Crafts Co.Ltd 6E14

Quzhou DongxinLeisure Products Co.Ltd 6A27

RizhaoHongdaImport&ExportCo. Ltd6D41

RizhaoJ&J Technology ManufacturingCo. Ltd6E40

RizhaoValen Industrial Co.Ltd 6C40

Shandong Haijin InternationalTrading Co.Ltd 6C24-D25

Shandong TianmaiTrader Co.Ltd 6C34

Shanghai ForeverImportand Export Co.Ltd 6B24

Shaoxing Shangyu JinlongKnittingCo. Ltd6D52

ShijiazhuangSD Company Ltd6C04

ShijiazhuangShuoxunTrade Co.Ltd 6A21

SichuanTools Corp.Ltd 6G21



Gold Sun6B41

Wuxi Fangqian Plastic Working Glove Co.Ltd 6F55

Wuyi SailingLeisure Products Co.Ltd 6D04

XiamenUptex Import &ExportCo. Ltd6D15

XiamenYuandianTrade Co.Ltd 6C51

Yancheng Biqi SealingSystems Co.Ltd 6C33

Yangzhou Higher MachineryCo. Ltd6E54

YutaiCountyGoldenWillowGardenTrade Co.Ltd 6C53

YuyaoBelieve Leisure Products Co.Ltd 6C17

Zhejiang ChanghongTrading Co.Ltd 6A30-B31

Zhejiang ChenzhouTechnology Co.Ltd 6A42-B43

Zhejiang Hansheng CraftworkCo. Ltd6E21

Zhejiang HausysGardenTools Co.Ltd 6B34

Zhejiang MicadeIndustryand TradeCo. Ltd6C35

Zhejiang Twinsel Electronic Technology 6A50-B51

Zhongyin (Ningbo) BatteryCo. Ltd6E15

Zibo WealthsourcesLight Industrial Co.Ltd 6E25

What’s On at Glee 2024

With anew show layout and over 400 exhibitors, this year morethan ever it will pay you to plan your visit beforearriving at the NEC. Here’s GTN’s quick guide to help you get the most from your visit.

NewProduct Showcase &New Product Awards

If youare looking for NEW at Glee head to the NewProduct Showcase to see over300 newproducts that arefeaturedatGlee this year Organised by GTN, theshowcase is the best placetomeetmembers of the GTNteam too.

TheGlee NewProduct Showcase is in the Linkwaybetween Hall 8&9, youare suretofind it!

Apanel of experts will be judging the entries and watching product pitches from the best in 13 categories on The Stage during the first day of the showsothatthe winners can be announced at 5:00pm on Tuesday 10th September 2024

Shop from 400 exhibitorsacross 8showsectors

Glee is THE placetofind your next best-seller! With 8diverse sectors and co-located show Source Garden Glee 2024 is the perfect place to makevaluable connections, seenew product launches and grow your collection. See all the exhibitor news in the following 36 pages of this issue to get your visit plans intoplace.

Forthe most up to dateexhibitor list visit:

Green Heart

As the horticultural hub of Glee, GreenHeart displays thebestof British-grown indoor and outdoor plants. Explore benches of vibrant newplantvarieties insideHall10.


CuratedbyMrPlant Geek, Michael Perry, FuturePlants showcases an exciting selection of newplant specimens which won’tbeavailablefor retail for 18-24months. Stay ahead of the game and be the first to see the plants of the future!

Fire Grill &Chill

Theheatisonfor our Outdoor Entertaining exhibitorsas Fire,Grill& Chillreturns! Soak up thelatesummersun and exploregrill,barbeque andfirepitproductsall while enjoying adelicious bitetoeat at thisoutdoor demonstration area accessed from Hall 10

The Stage

Visit the Glee Stage to catch arange of exciting live

insights, trend Tuesday on the setting for Product Awar

Talent StoreA DomoneyonC Pruning tool

The Glee 50 Ye Voting result Glee NewPro AwardWinners. g g seminar sessions! Enjoyvaluable dforecasts, business. onthe Stage is orthe Glee New ardsPitching, The Awards, David Cutting and preferences, Year Hero sand The oduct ers.

Wednesday on The Stage features presentations on Trends,Plant Marketing, Growing On-Line sales, Data &Insights and Success with Cafesand Food Retail. Thursday on The Stage ends with the Floral Thursday Greenfingers Charity Draw after sessions on Newtechnologies and Sustainable Product Considerations

Floral Thursday

Makethe most of Floral Thursday! Come dressed in your best floral attireto takepartina charity raffle in aid of Greenfinger’s Charity.This incredible organisation builds magical gardens for children’shospices around the UK.

Glee 50th


Celebrate 50yearsofGlee on Tuesday 10th September (6-8pm). Takingplaceinthe Fire, Grill &Chill area in partnership with Shark Ninja, come and party with Glee exhibitors, visitors and Glee 50 Year Hero’s. Enjoycooking demos, food, drinks, livemusic and more!

News fromGleeexhibitors

Be first to read aboutsome of the new products and innovation being introduced at Glee 2024.

Primeur’s mats arestrong and mighty With sales exceedingsix million units annually and 55 years of heritage in the market, Primeur’s doormat storyiswell established, but nowitis time to makegarden centres partofits next chapter. With autumn on the horizon therehas neverbeen abetter time for garden retailerstostock the Mighty Mats®offering.Fromcore, volume-selling doormat ranges, including washable and ‘barrier’designs, to the designer Rubber andCoir collection, plus boot trays, the Scrape NSorb brand, all-newsustainable solutions and an exciting,licenced collection that opens up newgifting opportunities, thereis aMightyMats® for everyhome and garden retailer Mighty Mats® benefits from ‘plug and play’display options, plus tailored stock profiles help retailerstotarget specific consumer demographics. In addition, Primeur’s ethical credentials and commitment to responsible sourcing and manufacturing can be seen throughout the Mighty Mats® portfolio

Hall 8, standD40-E4

Making agarden with Meadow View Stone

Discoverthe latest ranges, products, and merchandising concepts from Meadow ViewStone,whereinnovation meets expertise. See newproducts including two chipping and arockeryblend, newranges from porcelain stepping stones to sleek steel edging,innovativepoint-of-sale that implements digital technology to visualise product in real-life environments and exploreMeadowViewStone’s commitment to sustainability by formingapartnership with PlanetMark. Join MeadowViewStone atGlee forinformativemarket-leading insights, to further exploreits 2025 season launch.

Hall 8, standF50-7A51

Keeping warm with häago Häago began its journeywith asimple mission: to createeco-friendly solutions for outdoor enthusiasts, whatever activity they’re doing.Today,itisproud to be aleader in the eco-friendly product industry, providing an extensiverange of retailers, television production studios, garden centresand individuals with high-quality warmers and tableware that are both effective and environmentally conscious.

Hall 9, D70.

Theyare roarsome!

Jardinopia has just released newdinoplanters at Harrogate Home &Gifttohugeacclaim

The initial range of six incredibly life-likeplanters for small indoor plants such as cacti and succulents, were agreat success Fordinosaur fans youngandold, the dinoplanters makea quirky indoor plant featureona desk or windowsill. Made from ablend of resin and crushed stone, the planters areastough as they arerealistic and available nowtopre-order for deliveryinOctober 24.Trade £10.45. RRP£22.99

Hall 9, standJ71

LAMB shoes aregentle by name but not by nature

Born out of adesire to find ashoe robust enough for practical use, LAMB offers high performance, quality footwear for gardeners. Designed and expertly crafted in England, keyfeaturesinclude aneoprene lining, rubber outsole and steel shank for better stability and fatigue-reducing arch support. Available in four different styles, for men and women.

Hall: 8-20,stand 9D74.

The Alticodifference Alticocontinues to demonstrateits strength as acompetitivelandscape product partner,with a‘different’ approach that is proving to yieldsales increasesofupto 35%. At Glee it will have plenty of newopportunities for retailers as it continues on its mission to redefineindustrystandards and elevatecustomer experiences. Getting behind the best decorativeaggregate lines with attention to detail on quality,value for moneyand offeringflexible retailpricing is what maximises customer returns. The results from its washing plant areexceptional and the differenceits made to retail sales just echoes its worth. Alticohad afantastic 2024 and is looking forward to another exciting Glee.

Hall 7, standC60-E61

Landscapethrough adifferentlens

VisitusatGlee. Hall 7, Stand No. 7C60-E61

As alandscape supplier that looksatthingsdifferently, we’reonamission to redefine industry standards and to elevate customer experiences. Ourmessage for2025focuses on quality,addedvalueand greaterdepth of choice...

Unique designs with your customers in mind

We’vestepped up our Paving Accessoriesranges fornext season,introducing awhole host of Decorative Stepping Stonesand Edgingstomeet market demand.Lookout forour uniqueBritish Wildlife and Nature Collectionsfeaturing intricate etched illustrations.

demand. Look out

Bags moresales, bags morevalue

Significantly increase your volumesand cash margin with our 6NEW volume driving promotional packsthatoffer exceptionalvaluetoconsumers.

Newreasons to shop the landscape category

New-to-marketsculptural Ornaments, to be unveiled at Glee!

Transforming categories to boost your sales

42 NEW products across the category for 2025

With a70% rangechangefor next season,we’re offering retail customers greater depthofchoicewithexclusive NEWdesignsand themed collectionsthatare sureto boostWaterFeature sales.

Best-selling lines at unbeatable prices

Keyretail pricepointsacross thecategory to offer addedvalue.

Look outfor our compelling PriceLockdeals to driveyour seasonal salesvolumes. to drive your seasonal sales volumes.

Proven must-haves for2025

Following exceptionalmarketdemand, we’veextendedour exclusive rangeof Virtue WaterFeaturesfor 2025,bringingyou 5new lines, collection deals and flexible merchandising displaystoentice shoppers.

Burgon &Ball’s biggest-ever GLEE

Hall 9 Stand H10-G11

Near the New Product Showcase &Buyers’Lounge

With over 90 new lines launching at GLEE 2024,the Burgon &Ballstand is the place to find next year’stop sellers! Don’t miss out, visit Burgon &BallinaNEW location in Hall 9: Stand H10-G11.

Boron Green Revolution, not evolution

Are you ready for arevolution in gardening tools?The new RHS-endorsed Boron Green collection offers aunique and compelling proposition:

•Boron steel for performance: stronger and more durable than carbon steel.

•80% recycled steel head.

This new collection offers gardeners anew generation of stronger gardening tools, appealing to environmentally-aware shoppers. Now that’sa real revolution.

Boron: stronger &more durablethan carbon steel

80% recycled steel head

FSC-certified wood

The only tools endorsed by the RHS

25 year guarantee

Cutting-edge product design

Curate,collate,create: Colourful new Collector range

This autumn Burgon &Ball unveils the Collector range,abright new gifting concept bursting with colour and choice!

The range is an exciting cross-category collection designed for gifting and self-treating. It incorporates watering, indoor plant pots, giftware,gardening accessories, tools, gloves… the list goes on.

Buy by category,bycolour,ormix and match -you can slice it and dice it any way that suits you. This range is asure-fire way to create appealing and shoppable displays, packed with ready-made upselling opportunities.

All this, and there’s new limited-edition special offers, new Sophie Conran for Burgon &Ball, the new Sahara home collection, and new men’s gloves too Don’t miss these must-see launches! Come and join us in our new location in Hall 9: Stand H10-G11.

Getting cosy with Beiderlack Biederlack, which has been designing,manufacturing,and distributing high-quality throwsand blankets for morethan 135 years, is bringing to Glee interior design accessories that combine quality and functionality and contributeto well-being both indoors and out. The excellent properties of the materials used and impeccable finishes result inattractiveand innovativedesigns all with the ‘Made in Germany’label. The ‘Made in green by Oeko-tex®’ certification testifies to its commitment to sustainable development and the protection of resources. Hall 9, standC64.

Hall 8, standD62-F63.

Rebranding Southern Trident’sLittle Big Compost Southern Trident,aleader in sustainable gardening solutions, has rebrandedits compressed compost as Little Big Compost, enhancing functionality and user experience. Updated packaging simplifies transportation, shipping,merchandising,and use, making it abreezeretailers andcustomers. Little Big Compost nowalso features ano-fly formulation, specificallydesigned to preventfungusgnat infestations, acommon concernfor houseplant enthusiasts A convenient 15L twin pack, offering gardeners morevalue and versatility,has also been introduced backed up with merchandising to create attractivein-storedisplays.

Glovesfor apurpose from Treadstone Treadstone Products, the makers of the award-winning ClipGlove, introduceCoppiceGloves, an attractivevalue for money collection designed to see sales soar.Thereare eight designs in four sizes, with akeen£3.99 price point,presented in neutral and on-trend earthy tones. Fresh, contemporaryheader cards display keygarden messages such as ‘The one for weeding’ or ‘The warm one’. As abudget friendly option, Coppiceprovides huge potential for retailers by appealing to newand priceconscious gardeners. Supporting sales in store, the Rustic Glove Crateis the perfect merchandising vehiclefor CoppiceGloves. The dark stained timber provides the backdrop for the natural colours of the gloves, while the header comes with aremovable £3.99retail price message to highlight promotional messages in store.

Hall 9, standL04.

Eco Fuego is revolutionizing outdoor heating by supplying stores across the UK, Australia, Canada, and the USA, including top retailers like Blue Diamond and Robert Dyas.

Our fire pits offer 90% less CO2 emissions with no wood smokeorembers, making them perfect forgardens, patios, camping, and holidayrentals. Say goodbye to the hassle of wood—our pits are3xcheaper to run, easy to light, and can be ignited and extinguished as often as neededuntil the 8-hour refill of 100% vegetable wax is finished. Each bundle includes everything youneed: a firepit casing, drum, fuel refill,tabletop, and protectivecover.



Cracking ingenuity at Glee

For the third successive year, Fandango Fire Tools is coming to Glee. See for yourself how Kindling CrackerTM firewood splitters and Scandinavian Espegard fire pits are storming the market.

TheKindling Cracker King is mobile but can also be screwed to a permanent block via fixing holes in its feet.

Ayla Hutchinson, from NewZealand wasjust 13 yearsold when she invented the Kindling CrackerTM firewood splitter,her solutiontochopping wood safely. By turning the axeheadupside down and surrounding it with ametal safety ring,she had created what is nowa patented product with morethan 20,000 sold (and counting)inthe UK alone sinceitwas introduced to the UK market by Fandango FireTools in 2021.The larger Kindling Cracker KingTM is nowalso available and both models proudly bear Ayla’sinitials embossed intotheir cast iron design.

This is agreat storyfor garden centres to tell theircustomers, along with them being made from metal recycled from the automotiveindustrymade in afactorypowered by renewableenergy.Retailersincluding the BurfordGarden Co,Blue Diamond, the RHS and Waitrose Garden, arealready on boardwith the message and enjoying sales of Kindling CrackerTM especially for gifting at Christmas, Father’s and Mother’s Day.These centressigned up to be stockists after Glee 2023,soFandango FireTools is keen to welcome even morenew customers to itsstand at theshowinSeptember

The wood burning partnership Kindling CrackerTM is nowbecomingastaple for sellers and users of firepits, fireplaces, pizza ovens and chimeneas and the Espegard range of firepits and accessories makeperfect companions. Fandango has taken on dozens of newstockistsin the last fewmonthsalone with

retailers saying theylove theScandi designs and the fact theyare made in Europe.

Along with the Kindling CrackerTM , Fandango FireTools will display its clean burning Pilar Premium 50 firepit, launched at the showlast year,and some of the Espegardoutdoor cookingpans including the EspegardFirePan 60 which is proving to be particularly popular with UK customers and in Norwaywhere550,000 havebeensold.

Afterwatching her mother,Ayla Hutchinson was spurred on to invent asafeand easy wayfor young and old to chop wood.
The Espegard Fire Pan 60, equally at home for cooking in the garden or more adventurous outdoor living

Ziggle Babywith style

Come and see Ziggle Baby, theUK’sleading babyaccessories brand for style and smiles. Creating stylish, practical babyaccessories that deliver joyand make yousmile, designed with knowledge and love.Ziggle understands that parenting is achaotic blend of happinessand challenges, and its practical accessories help reduce stress, allowing parents to enjoy‘beinginthe moment’ with their babies alittle bit more. As trade partners, Ziggle offers bespoke merchandising options and free spinner stands, great pricepoints, unrivalled flexibility,low carriage paid orders and quick deliveries.

Hall 9, standD81.

Annie Bennett Jewellerymakes Glee debut

Annie Bennett JewelleryisaGlee First exhibitor based in Bristol. Her jewelleryismadeentirely from recycled silver giftware, silver jewelleryand silver electronics making it moreenvironmentally friendly than some other jewellerybrands (precious metal wasteisreduced so no further need for explorativeresource extraction is required). Packagingisrecycled and can be recycled, ensuring everypartofthe making and packaging processis eco-friendly and sustainable. Annie prides herself on making beautifully effortlesselegant jewellerythat can be worn with both casual and formal wear -ithas aversatility to it that is unmatched. If youfeelaspassionate about sustainability as Annie why not makeita partofyour jewellery journeyand getintouch to discussorders?

Hall 9, standA70

Burgon and Ball brings Saharadrama

Sheffield-based Burgon &Ball, creator of premium tools, accessories and gifts since1730, is launching morethan 90 new products at Glee. This includes arevolutionarycollection of RHSendorsed tools, arefreshed wateringrange with newcolours and designs, plus arange of men’sgloves. The SaharaSunsethomeware collection offers an exotic look, with rich colours, awarm metallic gleam and subtle textures. It brings awide selection of indoor plant pots, some with chains for hanging for alush, jungle feel, generously sized pots and afloor pot, for large plants. In addition, it includes severalstriking, multi-purposepieces, such as abig statement bowl, with avaseand ajug joining the line-up in the autumn.


Sustainable baskets and trolleys from Formbar

When making purchasing decisions therehavealwaysbeen different competing factors: price, quality,service and design. Garden centres arenow increasingly prioritising the environmental sustainability of their chosen product. With many options to consider Formbar makeitsimple. It stocks strong hand baskets made from recycled plastic and different sizes of baskets on wheels made from recycled fishing ropes.

Formbar also supplies awide range of shopping trolleys from traditional metal to hybrid and plastic models. Spare parts can be supplied for all models, and it supports customers with on-siteservicing.Withregular maintenance, trolleys can be kept in agoodand safe conditionextending their lifespan. The majority of Formbar’s products are manufactured in the UK or Spain, with shorttransportdistances to minimise the carbon footprint of delivery. Hall 9, standG100

Joyful range from Neve’s Bees

The bees were Neve’s idea when,aged nine, she decided the family needed bees and asked her grandad Jim for abeehive!

Roll forward 12 years and this family businessbased in West Oxfordshire makes arange of 100% natural, Soil Association Certifiedskincare and gifts packaged in joyful, recyclable packaging

Neve’s Bees is on amission to bring back UK’s wildflowers and is donating 10% of its profits to naturerecovery projects. It has already planted and manages a6-acrewildflowermeadowin Oxfordshireand is pending BCorp status. Hall 9, standK75.

S&Jback with newtools

Established in 1760,Sheffield-based Spear &Jackson is aleader in hand, garden, contractors, agricultural, landscaping and professional workshop tools. Following ashorthiatusthe S&Jteamisexcited to be returningtoGlee whereitwill showcase acomprehensiverange of quality garden tools, including afirst look at newintroductions for the 2025 season. The team is looking forward to meeting newand existing customers at the eventand you’ll find awarm, Sheffield welcome. Hall 9, standL02.

RocketGroatthe forefront of the peat-free revolution RocketGroisaleading 100% British peat-free and coir-free organic compost producer based in Somerset on a6000acrefamily farm. Its composts and growing media products aredeveloped from Somerset andWestCountry sourced substrates and are100%sustainable. The RocketGrofarmproduces renewableenergy and enables RocketGrotorun its production line on 100% green energy.All RocketGro’sproducts areSoil Association Approvedfor Organic growing and its carbon footprint is so lowthat arecent carbon audit revealed the company to be almost carbon neutral without buying carbon credits. With aleading team of horticulturalists behind its product development and enough substrates grownonthe farm for produce2.5 million bags per year,RocketGroisstaying ahead of scienceand future proofing its businesstoensureit is at the forefront of the peat-free revolution, with products that arepriced to sell.

Hall 8, standD90-E91

Umbrella protection for plants and baskets

Basket BROLLYfromBasketBudzisthe ultimatesolution for your hanging baskets, pots, plants and shrubs in bad weather.It’seasy to assemble and provides complete protection from rain, frost, hail, and cold winds. Protect your hanging baskets plants and extend their lifespan with Basket BROLLY™!

Hall 9, standH75.

Easy flames from Eco Fuego Eco Fuego is redefiningthe standardfor firepitswith its innovative, eco-friendly designs. Available in stores acrossthe UK, Australia, Canada, and the USA, including Blue Diamond and Robert Dyas, its fire pits aredesigned to offer 90% lessCO2 emissions, eliminating wood smokeand embers.Ideal for small gardens, patios, camping trips, and holiday rentals, they arethree times morecost-efficientthan traditional wood fires. Firepits use 100% vegetable waxrefills, providing an eighthour burn time, and areeasy to ignite, extinguish, and relightasneeded.

Hall 10,stand B65.

Under one roof

More than 700innovative products and anew,streamlined purchasing structurebeing launched at Glee, makes The AMES Companies UK the number one partner for 2025.

The AMES Companies UK is invitingretailers to Glee to seeits extensiverange of newproducts and hear about itslatest venturewhich make orderingleadingbrands, united under asingle operational banner,easy.The new, simplified journey promises multiplebenefitsfor retail customers, ensuringa more seamlessand efficientpurchasing process.

•One Order: simplifiedordering process across the entirebrand portfolio

•One Invoice: consolidatedinvoicingfor easier financialmanagement

•One Delivery:streamlined logistics resultingin fasterand morereliabledeliveries

Thisnew simplifiedcustomer journeygives retailers access theAMESCompanies offering of Kelkay,Apta,LaHacienda, AMES Tools, Easy Fountain, Woodshaw and nowArtevasi. Drawing from all of these portfoliosmakes it easierfor retailerstofulfilthe minimum order quantity, withmixed orders and deliveries landing simultaneously.

“The introduction of our1-1-1 structuremarks apivotal moment for AMES Companies UK,” saysPaul North, Managing Director of the AMES

Companies UK, “By bringingall ourheritage brands together under one banner,weare not only simplifying theprocess for our retail partners butalso safeguarding the legacyof these trusted names. This move demonstrates our unwavering commitment to innovationand excellence,ensuringwecontinue to leadasthe supplierofchoice to the garden retail sector.” Additionally,retailers canrestassured thenew 1-1-1structurewillbringyear-round product availability,enhanced confidencein logistics and delivery systems, andnumerous on-siteupgrades that contributetoa superior customerexperience.

The Eden Collection

of the 19

Cutting and pruning expertise

tting and

In thefirstyearsinceits officiallaunch at Glee 2024,the full range of AMES Tools has been snapped up by 150retailers. It’s unrivalled quality and value for money is being further improvedin2025withthe introduction of 19 carbon steel cutting andpruning tools

With Japanese standardSK5 carbon steel blades andmost also enjoying aPTFEcoating forrust resistance,the range from bypass pruners to folding saws ensures all gardeners canfind the righttool forthe job.The 2025 cutting andpruning offering willbesupported

by poin Fr tagstomerchandising displays,every step of thecustomerjourney hasbeencarefully considered to educate, inspireand breed confidence in theirpurchase

In addition to the Eden Collection, the Rustica, Neptune and Obsidian Collections makeup the newAptaSignature offering to inspiremixing, matching and gifting

Evenmorereasons to love AMESCompanies pots and planters

Ahead of season 25,the core offering of Apta pots will increase by an impressive 70%. In responsetoagrowing demand for traditional styling,Mediterranean influencesand natural, earthy qualities, the terracottaofferingexpandswhile four glazed collections areintroduced under thenew Apta Signaturebanner. Designed to offer amorecollectible, mix-and-match experience,these collectionsfeature complementary coloursand sizes, encouraging consumers to return timeand time againtoexpandtheirgardenpottery collection,and increasingthe gifting potentialofpotsand planters

“Weare incredibly excited to unveil our expandedrange at Glee2024,” says Paul North. “Aptahas undergone a numberofexciting redevelopments in recent years andthese newcollections not only reflectcurrent trendsbut also offer practical solutionsfor both retailersand consumers.”

In addition to Apta, theAMES Companies is also nowthe UK distributor of Artevasiplasticpots from Portugal making potordering for retailersevenmorestreamlined.

Further details about the AMES Companies and its family of brands, including Artevesi, Kelkay,AMES Tools, La Hacienda, Apta and Easy Fountain, can be foundat

AMES Tools dedicated point of sale. From
newcutting and pruning tools enhancing the AMES Tools range.

FloralFUNdraisingon Thursday at Glee

Thursday 12th September 2024

will be the fifth time the garden industryatGlee has got together to raise funds for Greenfingers Charity by donning their best (or worse) floral attire for the day.Bythe end of this Thursday at Glee, your Floral Thursday fun will haveraised over£10,000 to help build moregardens in Childrens Hospices.

To join in, all youhavetodoiscome to Glee on Thursday in afloralshirt, dress or…, buy araffle ticket to win one of the many prizes donated by kind exhibitors and then join us on The Stage area in Hall 9tosee if we canbreak the world record for the number of people in flowery attireinone place at Glee!

And this year,there is arumour that BoydDouglas-Davies and Trevor Peiffer aredonating some of their growing wardrobes of flowery shirts to Greenfingers and theywill be available for sale at the show.

What agreat way to end agreat Glee!

Theveryfirst Floral Thursdaygroup photoatGlee 2019
The third Floral Thursday at Glee 2022 where The Stage couldn’t fit everyone in for the group photo!
SipcamwereoneoftheGreatestFloral Team Awardwinnersin2023
Raffle tickets are on sale atthe entrances to Glee on Floral Thursday.It’s your chance to donate to Greenfingers and hopefully win a prize!

Woodmansterne has gift packaging tied up at Glee

Haskins and Simpsons discuss their success with Woodmansterne’s new gift packaging range with an invitation to see for yourself at Glee.

For many garden centrecustomers, being able to select from a comprehensiverange of greeting cards and gift packaging is nowexpected. As garden centresincreasingly takeover the role left by department stores leaving the high street, meeting the expectations of customers will become even more important.

Woodmansterne has been working hardover the last fewyears to supply garden retailers with arange of quality greeting cards and has created its W-Select servicetomake this department run smoothly.Testament to its success is theGCA Supplier of the Year award it wonatthe beginning of the year Votedfor by GCA members, it’sproof that Woodmansterne is offering exactly what

garden centresneed.

On the back of its success with greeting cardsand taking on boardretailerfeedback, Woodmansterne introduced agift packaging range this spring.Now customers can co-ordinatecard, paper,tag andgift bag purchasing while retailersbenefitfrom aone-stopsolution for the planning and categorymanagement of gift packaging

The range gives retailers the option to dedicateupto5mofwall spacefor premium quality gift packaging.Working with licences such as Emma Bridgewater, Sanderson and Quentin Blake, eco-credentials havebeena priority.Gift bags have100%wovenpaper handles, tags havepaper string,and rolls of gift wrap areprotected by apaper sleeve Adding to the everyday range, will be afull gift packaging selection for Christmas.

Eilidh Bousfield, Simpson’s Department Manager with her favourite design from Woodmansterne’s giftpackaging range.
Thepopular EmmaBridgewaterHearts and Roses range will featureheavily on Woodmansterne’s Glee display.

VickyMoore, Haskin’sGift Buyer says “I love working with Woodmansterne as they makethings easy! Iknow they’ll deliver the best quality products, designs, and service, all at the right price point forour customers.”

Strengthening relationships

Woodmansterne has been aHaskin Garden Centrestrategic partner for awhile and Vicky Moore, Haskin’sGift Buyer says both companies sharesimilar values. Adding sustainable, plasticfree gift packaging to its range, she says, wasan opportunity to further the relationship.“Working with Woodmansterne has been great,”she says. “Theyare easy andaccommodatingtowork with andhavehelpedusfind solutions to acustom sized layout sized layouts and fixtures at our centres.”

Vickyreports sales havegrown across all Haskins sites and customers love the contemporaryand licensed designs. “We’ve worked closely with the W-Select team and would definitely recommend them.”

Topups for Simpsons

Having introduced the Woodmansterne card range afew yearsago,both Simpsons garden centres areseeing apositiveincrease in sales. “It wasaneasydecision to extend the department and include abigger gift wrap offering,” says Robin Bosworth, General Manager at Simpsons in Inverness. “The newextended wrap display compliments our carddepartment very well Customer feedback has been excellent, and sales havebeen very positive, with alot of repeat purchases. We hadfive top-ups in the first few months and often see customers purchasing matching items from cards and wrap to tissue and ribbon. Our team also love theranges and arehappytoshowcustomers the department whilst highlighting their ownpersonal favourites.”

“Wewould recommend W-Select to anyone looking for afresh and exciting quality greeting cardand gift packaging offering.The service from the team, and the sales from the new

collection havemade the move worthwhile. The products areofthe highest quality, and sustainable which fits in well with our sustainability policy,and attention to detail and re-stocking has been excellent,”says Robin.


Woodmansternehas been afamily-owned, family-run businesssince1953. Selling over 30 million cardsinthe UK everyyear,itis nowdelightedtohavebranchedout into gift packaging.Following thesuccess of its

W-Select programme forgreeting cards, it nowoffers aone-stop solution forthe planning and category management of your gift packagingdisplay.You can be assured that everyservice it offers receives thesame dedicated attentiontodetailas its publishing

Visit us at Glee in Hall 8-20,stand 7B50-C51 to discovermore and see first hand, Woodmansterne’sgift packaging and card ranges.

Complete gift wrapping solution in the Mambo range

Backdoorshoes takes strides towards retail partners

Backdoorshoes Ltd, aleading innovator in the garden footwear industry, is excitedtoannouncethe launch of its latest collection of garden and leisureshoes, whichcombine exceptional comfortwith vibrant designs. Renowned for lightweight, waterproof,and durable footwear,Backdoorshoes continuestoset the standardfor practical and stylish shoes that cater to awide range of gardening,outdoor andleisure activities. Backdoorshoes has been trading for over 17 years selling shoes through major public events such as RHS flowershows andvia its UK website. The company nowfeels itsstrongfoundations, consumer satisfaction and brand awarenessmakethe time right for afocused move into traditional retailchannels and areseeking domestic and international wholesale and retail partners. Hall 9, standK60.

IG&C brings cards designed and made in Dorset International Cards &Gifts (IG&C) is afamilyowned, specialist greetings cardpublisher with over30-years’experience. Afirsttime exhibitor at Glee, it is afriend of the independent retailer and number one for customer serviceinthe industryasvoted for by its customers! It provides acomprehensiverange of high-quality cards to the trade, all designed and manufactured in Dorset, UK. With newand updated designs being released regularly,the range is kept fresh and thereisalways something exciting to look out for IG&C is particularly proud of its sustainable ranges and has, this year,introduced eco-friendly biodegradable glitter Hall 9, standE71.

Newall-purpose compost from Urban Wyrm

The pioneer of modern no-dig gardening,Charles Dowding,has become the affiliated partner of newworm cast growing medium company Urban Wyrm and will appear on the company’s stand at Glee on 10 September.Urban Wyrm wasfounded by AshleyDay and Chris Holgreaves in partnership with Growmoor and produces arange of gardening products and composts. Worms aremixed in with organic substrate, fed anutrient-rich organic diet, then separated from the casts theyproduce to creategrowing media and soil conditioners At Glee, Urban Wyrm will be unveiling its latest product, Black Gold Organic. Hall 7, standE90-6A91.

Spores for Thought...

When your patio, pathway, drive or terrace was first laid, the stone would have looked beautiful Over time, microscopic lichen spores carried by wind and rain from surrounding trees, land on the stone If left untreated, lay down a root that feeds off the minerals within the stone Eventually the entire surface gets covered in what we call ‘Black Spots’ which no amount of pressure washing will fully remove!

Patio Black Spot Remover removes lichen, algae and instantly restores the natural colour to patios, paths, and garden stonework just as they were when new, no matter how old the stone, at a fraction of the original cost to lay

Patio Black Spot Preventer applied annually, maintains the spotless finish, and removes algae within a few days, without the need to pressure wash

Pet, Bird & Plant Friendly

Tildenet -the experts in gardening essentials

Tildenet Gardenware, afamilybusiness founded in 1971,has always been at the forefront of innovation in the gardening industry.Initially focused on manufacturing protective textiles the company expanded in 1992 when Managing Director,Andrew Downey launched anew gardenwaredivision setting the stage for Tildenet’s growth into the major player in the market it has become today.

Overthe years, Tildenet has continuedtogrowand evolve, with acquisition akey partof the strategyaddingnotable brands such as Agriframes, FieldfareGarden (now Growers Choice), Haxnicks, and Bosmere.

Today as aglobal manufacturer with their ownstateofthe artfactoryinIndia employing over200 people,Tildenet maintainsfullcontrol over quality and production –a criticalpartofensuring theycan produceexactlywhat themarket demands and at the right time

Acommitmenttosustainability is at the core of Tildenet’s approach –for 2025 they areleadingthe market with themost sustainable packagingavailableand have removedall single-use plastics from their gardening essentials packaging Their productrange caterstoall garden retailers, offering aone-stop shop for gardening essentials, complemented by attractiveretaildisplays.The brandnewTildenet FlexibleRetailSystem is launchingatGlee24offering bespoke

stands, designed in-house and perfect for merchandising typically awkwarditems like garden supports.

This innovativesystem is designed to adapt to awide varietyofstore layouts, enabling retailers to maximise their display space andincrease product visibility,cementing Tildenet’sreputation as aleader in the gardening sector,providingretailers with the products andsupporttheyneed to succeed.

“Gardening is awonderful industryfilled with friendly,loyal,and decent people,”says Andrew Downey. “We’re excited to connect with everyone at Gleeand demonstrate our commitment to outstandingcustomer service andour fast, well-managed deliveries, backed by an impressive 98%stock availability.”

Futuregrowth remains akey strategy for Tildenetastheycontinue to leverage their extensiveexperienceinmanufacturing and distribution across various markets, Andrew Downeyisoptimistic: “We’ve beenherefor many yearsand we havea lotofexpertise which means that despiteturbulenceofthe last fewyears we’veseensteady growth year

on year which looks settocontinue. Across the wider business we have justopened distributioncentres in the US and Middle Eastand feelverypositiveabout thefuture–Tildenet is getting stronger everyyear.”

Visitthe Tildenetteam at Glee to learn moreabout theirdedication to sustainability, quality, and serviceexcellence, and discover howtheirFlexible Retail System can support your gardening needs,nomatter thesize of your business.

NEW Tildenet Flexible Retail System designed to maximise spaceand impact
Tildenet MD Andrew Downey.

See Tildenet at Glee in Hall 6, stand 6G80 24/7 Online ordering at www.tildenetgardenware. Above:Unique 100% recycled and resealable packaging -the

Helpingtogrow your business

Ourpackaginghashadabrightandcolourfulfacelift,and wearealsolaunchingsomenewbrandsintothemarket–we’relookingforwardtoshowcasingthematGlee

Tildenet Marketing Director Shaun Lancaster,GardenwareSales Manager LeeHamberand KeyAccount Director Darren Boorman who says: “The team have
Country Forge




With over150 years’experience within thesectorand arecognition forstockists to be aheadoftrends, Meadow View Stonecontinues to innovatewith aselection of newand exclusiveproducts. Discovernew ranges, newproducts andnew point of sale merchandising, all designed to deliver sales andprofitabilityincreases forcustomers.


Encounter twonew decorativechippings alongwith additional improvements to a selection of existingproducts andblends.

Persian Pink
Eco Sparkle


Explorenew ranges, from horticultural handy packsand Flexi-Fix steel edging, to Porcelain SteppingStones-exclusivetoMeadowView.

Explore new ranges, from packs and steel to Stepping Stones -exclusive to Meadow View.


Discovernew modernand sleek designs that exudequalityand allowfor interchangeable pricingboards. Aspirationalproductimageryremains theprimary focus of thePOS design, strongly promotingcross sales, whilst thefully recyclable material endorses thecompanies committment to sustainability.


Enquireabout newARthat visualises products in immediatesurroundings or in customers’ home environments.



Horticultural PouchRange
Random Oatmeal
Flexi-Fix Edging

ExperienceOuttrade BV’s

RedfirePellet Fire Pits

Redfirepellet firepits areexpertly crafted to burn on pellets, featuring optimal combustion and exceptional airflow. This design ensures acleaner and smoke-free outdoor experience. The Volcano series can burn on both pellets and wood.Beyond functionality,pellet firepits combine comfortwith modern design, making them astylish addition to any outdoor space. Available in several sizes and colors, their trendy appearance enhances their high performance, serving as the centerpiecefor outdoor gatherings. Revelinthe warmth and ambiancewithout the annoyanceofsmoke and transform everyevening intoanunforgettable moment of relaxation and pleasurewith a pellet firepit.

Hall 10,stand B64

Feverfew has the perfect fit Fresh after its first birthday,FeverfewGarden Company is bringing youthful energy and award-winning design to Glee 2024.This trailblazing brand is dedicated to revolutionising women's gardening apparel with afocus on style and functionality.Feverfew's heroproduct, the Original Women’sGardening Gloves, has taken the industry by storm. Farfromthe bulky, one-size-fits-all glovesof the past, Feverfew’s glovesoffer aperfect fit,ensuring comfortand dexterity even during the most demanding gardening tasks. Reinforcedfingertipsprovide durability for tackling thorny bushes, while touchscreen compatibility allows for seamlessphone use without removing gloves. Available in four sizes, Feverfew understandsthe needs of female gardeners, prioritising comfortand practicality,and offering arefreshing alternativetotraditional garden wear Hall 10,stand F75


Enhanceoutside spaces with BAREBONESLIVING

BAREBONESLIVING is abrand specialising in outdoor living,gardening,and outdoor cooking products and known for its commitment to sustainability and aesthetic design. As acertifiedB-Corp, thebrand is dedicated to ethical and responsible businesspractices,aiming to minimise environmental impact while maximising social well-being.The product range includes gardening tools, outdoor cooking equipment, and lanterns, with afocus on quality,durability,and simplicity.With an aesthetic that blends rustic style with modern minimalism, BAREBONESLIVING evokes the values of the past while utilising eco-friendly and sustainable materials. The brand places astrong emphasis on environmental and social responsibility, offering products that align with the values of consumers who areconscious of their impact on the planet.

Hall 10,stand D71.

One solution forretail, dining and events

Manage all aspects of your garden centrewithour fullycomprehensive retail solution.

•Reporting acrossall sales

•Gift card integration

•Labelling &weighingbuilt-in

•Seamlesspayments integration


•Manage stock across multiple sites

•Kitting &ingredientmanagement included within the system

Find us at Glee

Date: 10-12 September,9-6pm

Location: NEC Birmingham, B40 1NT

Stand: 9G94

Scan the QR code formore information on howtofind us at Glee, and how The EPOS Bureau canhelp your garden centregrow.

CJ Wildlife brings morethan 35 yearsofexpertise

Kleen-Texdebuts its wash+drymats

As aleading brand in the DACHregion of Europe, wash+drybyKleen-Texoffers stylish and durable washable doormats, runners, and rugs. Known for their ability to trap dirteffectively,wash+dryproducts provide ahygienicand practical solution. Theyare easy to maintain, machine washable up to 60 degrees, PVC-free, and non-slip—reliable quality youcan trust. The wash+dryCollection is aperfect addition to garden center product ranges, offering exceptional turnoverpotential in asmall sales area. To support sales, wash+dryprovidesmatching display stands. Seasonal designs, including winter and Christmas themes, areideal for special in-storepresentations. "Weare excited to debut our wash+drybrand at Glee 2024.Thisisasignificant milestone for Kleen-Tex, and we look forward to introducing UK consumers to the stylish solutions that our brand offers," said Bronagh Reid,National Sales Manager at Kleen-Tex. Hall 9, standC73.

As Europe’sleading manufacturer and distributor of garden wildlife products, CJ Wildlife brings over35years of expertise in wildlife conservation and biodiversity Its stand will include an extensiverange of premium birdfoods, feeders, and wildlife habitats. Learn about the company’s commitment to supporting biodiversity through collaborations with naturecharities and experts acrossEurope, ensuring product development is based on the latest research inputtomeet the needs of garden wildlife. Morethan 10 newproducts, including the innovativeSeattle Predator Protection Nestboxand the affordable Lima Scoop &Feeder, will be introduced adding to the popular National Trust range. Hall 9, standH32-G33.

KimmyB launches memorycandle

Introducing KimmyB® -aUKregisteredtrademark based in Sussex and established in 2017.Its 100% soywax candles and mineral based fragrancediffusers complement daily life with subtle scents that don’toverwhelm. It’sFragrance FlowerDiffusers area charming andsustainable alternative to traditional reed sticks.Refillable Tea-cup Candleshave become acustomer favouritesincelaunching in early 2024, offering 35 hours of delightful fragrancebeforebeing rinse andrefilled. KimmyB’scollaboration with Pancreatic Cancer UK has resulted in anew line of newly launched memory candles which hold the message ‘Your Light Shines On’. All profits from these candles will go towards funding the early detection and treatment of pancreatic cancer Hall9,stand F84.

Strengthening the SIPCAM brand

Sipcam Home & Garden is excited to unveil its brand-newlook as it gears up for another Glee. The rebranding is partofa company-wide strategic initiativedesigned to propel the businessforward,supporting ambitious goals for 2025 and beyond. The newlogo embodies the company’s core values, emphasising the vital connection between people and nature. In recent years, Sipcam has been at the forefront of bio-technology, developing market-leading products that arepoised to play acrucial role in the future, especially as conventional chemical solutions become less available and desirable. ForSipcam Home &Garden, the synergy between people and naturedrives its mission to introducesustainable products to the UK gardening market.

Hall 7, standD40-E41.

Lodi UK puts on the pest showonearth

Roll up! Roll up! The Pest Circus is coming to town! Preparetobeentertained,enthralled and astounded by abig topfullofpestsurprises. Lodi UK is the one-stop-shop for pest controlwith its range of leading and targeted products for home and garden problems. Solutions include Rancan rodent control, Organ-X naturally effectivehome defence, Insectopro-formula insect controland Storm powerful outdoor cleaners. Lodi isn’tclowning around and has lots of circus tricks up its sleeve not to mention sugarytreats, games and giveaways galore. Celebrating 20 years of Lodi UK, offering first-classservice,on-hand technical adviceand unrivalled marketing support. The company promise is simple -itaims to be your pest controlpartner of choice.

Hall 8, standF30

Forhappydogs and owners, choose Storeys& Tails

Storeys&Tails is dedicated to creating dog accessories that blend style, durability,and craftsmanship—all proudly made in Devon. Showcasing its collections at Glee this year,buyers areinvited to discoverhow products can enhanceyour retail offerings with high-quality,British-made designs. Featuring everything from waterproof,all-weather essentials to luxurious, handcrafted leather pieces. Each product is meticulously crafted with an eyefor detail, ensuring customers receiveboth practicality and eleganceinevery purchase. Experiencethe exceptional craftsmanship and premium materials firsthand and add Storeys&Tails to your lineup to offer your customers something truly special—dog accessories that areasdurable as theyare beautiful, allmade in the UK.

Hall 9, standA30.


Anew product addition to our multi-awardwinning SylvaGrow range!

SylvaGrow Seed Compost 15L&40L

Dedicated to raising seeds, developed from our unique ingredient blend!

Designed to support seed germination across awide range of plants

Supports root growth and development, giving seedlings astrong start with a balanced feed

Agreat start for plants to grow and advance into ourSylvaGrow range of composts!

Landmark year for Hozelock’s product innovation

The season may have had aslow start thanks to the unpredictable British weather, but 2024’s new product development from Hozelock has been aroaring success with both customers and retailers.

Complementing the existing Hozelock product portfolio, the introduction of agroundbreaking automatic hose system and new-look Bokashi Composter has resulted in industryrecognition, includinga prestigious consumer award.

Building on the legacy of the Auto Reel

The Hozelock Auto Reel hasbeen a customer favouritefor 25 years and the

newAutoReelMobile 35m boasts many of the same features and benefits, with the additional advantage of portability.This is an optimal solution for those who don’t wish to mount their hose to the wall for aesthetic or practical purposes, as well as catering to those who rent their home.

Keyfeatures include •Integrated auto-rewind system to ensure asmooth, controlled rewind without kinks or tangles.

e sure you join at Glee 2024 on stand to see the latest first-hand.

Makesur Hozelock at stand 7A80-B81 latest products

• An ergonomically handle and large wheels to ensure it is easy to manoeuvre and most terr grass, concrete.

• A front kickstand for added that effortlessly folds away for compact storage.

rgonomically designed handle ensureitiseasy to suitable for most terrains, including gr s, gravel and concrete. for added stability, folds away for compact age.

provide ahandy for small accessories.

• A rear basket to a handy storage solution for small accessories.

the new-look mposter

Introducing the new-look Bokashi Composter

New for this year, is a separate 3.5L Kitchen Caddy, which can store waste for several days before being transferred into the Composter. The Kitchen Caddy are available individually or as a package of two composters for

24 launch of the new ,which nowcomes yneutral colour palette sly blend intothe home. The mposter is an ideal looking to maketheir gar moreenvironmentally avethe outdoor space mposter syear,isaseparate3.5L Cad hichcan discreetly as veraldaysbefore ng ans ntothe Bokashi ost Bokashi Composter and Cadd availableindividually apackageoftwo compostersfor continuous use, allowingfor preparation and maturation. The composters can be stacked to savespace, and when purchased together, come in asingle package to reduce waste.

2024 also saw the launch of the new Bokashi Composter, which now comes in a contemporary neutral colour to effortlessly blend into the sleek Bokashi Composter an solution for those to make their home and garden more environmentally friendly, but don’t have the outdoor space for a traditional composter

Keyfeatures and benefits include

•Helping to reducehousehold waste by up to 30%, by turning kitchen waste intoanutrient-rich fertiliser or compost accelerator

•Acompact 15L design, enabling the composter to fit perfectly ontothe kitchen worktop

•Acleverstorage system under the lid to storeaccessories such as the measuring cup and cakepaddle

Peat-free journey progressfrom Evergreen

Evergreen Garden Care is making industryleading changes while focussing on the needs of its customers and consumers, exhibited in its move to 100% peatfree, and calls to make the RSSlegislation. At Glee, Evergreen Garden Care willpresent the latest developments in its peat-free journey, and offers insights into its refreshed, market leadinglawncareoffering. The team atEvergreen Garden Carelook forwardtowelcoming all its customers and visitors. Hall 8, standF80-7A81.

Fresh and clean with WAGS WAGS premium luxuryshampoos, deodorising sprays, fragrances and nose and paw balms aredeveloped by dog lovers for dog lovers. Created by leading chemists and proudly made in the UK, it is manufactured with clean, vegan friendly formulations. All products arehighinnatural origin content, between 92-95%, and provide solutions for everyday hygiene while feeding,restoring and repairing your dog’scoat and skin to enhance its health and wellbeing.Formulated with keyactiveingredients such as natural wheat proteins (silicone free), aloe vera,Vitamin Etoachieve fantastic healthy, shiny coats plus hyaluronic acid to hydrate, protect and reduces frizz. Fresh and unique fragrances ensureyour pampered pooch will always look, feel and smell amazing Hall 9, standB31.

GiveSeedsticks® to makegrowing fun

Seedsticks® havebeen flourishing in the promotional plant world since1988 and the company is nowbringingits labour of love to the retail market.Theyare 100% biodegradable, sustainably produced, and proudly British-made, providing an ecofriendly and innovativeway to grow plants. These packs areperfect forchildren and adults alike, whether you're abeginner or aseasonedgreen thumb.The best part? Theyare incredibly easy to use— simply tear,plant, and watchyour garden grow.A thoughtful gift, fun educational tool,orasimple waytobring abit of green intoyour life. Be one of the first to get your greenfingersonthese unique packs. Hall 9, standL74.

Taylorsreturns with newlines and offers

Taylors Bulbs is excited to be returning to Glee with the sales team on hand to talk and advise on everything bulbs! Afourth generation UK-based family businessgrowing and supplying flowerbulbs and associated products since1919,all products aredesigned, packed, and distributed from its Lincolnshirefarm. The Glee stand will showcase Taylors autumn ranges including merchandising ideas, amaryllis and bulb gifts. Also look out for exclusiveshowoffers including giant bulbs and newproducts from the spring 2025 ranges including VegetableGarden Greats comprising collections of grow your ownvegetables, seed potatoes, rhubarb and asparagus. The Taylors sales team is busy booking spring 2025 requirements forsummer bulbs, vegetables and seed potatoes right nowso if you’ve not already made an appointment to meet your local representative, make sureyou see them at Glee 2024

Hall 9, standE51

Deroma makes great strides in its green journey At Glee, the Deroma team will be readytowalk retailers through its extensiveexisting lines plus newindoor collection, XXL Tuscany pots, and alarge selection of glazed and handmade pots and planters. In amoveto better illustrateits commitment to sustainability,Deromawillalso launch anew recycled plastic material acrossnew product ranges Cosmo and Origin plus its existing plastic pot range making them all recycled and recyclable. Additionally,the team will outline the next steps on Deroma’s green journey’ whichhas included convertingits factoryroof to solar panels, amove equivalent to planting 11,000 trees ayear. Hall 6, standA60-B61. %nd ? A our ivalent a year

Thoughtful newdesigns from Capi Europe

Expect newproducts, colours, styles and textures of pots forindoor and outdoor from Capi Europe at Glee. Thereisa suitable pot for everyone.Capi Europe cares about the quality of its products and the world so works hardtoreduceits carbon footprint and supporta greener lifestyle. Every item is made to be beautiful and sustainable to elevateany indoor or outdoor space. Many products aremade from recycled materials, havea long lifespan, and help contribute to biodiversity Hall 9, standD53

Advancedlawn mixturesfor today’s gardener

Market-leading lawn seed supplier,Johnsons Lawn Seed, will again lift the lid on the latest lawn seed technology at the forthcoming Glee exhibition.

AtGlee this year,the UK’s oldest lawn seed brand is set to introducenew products for the 2025 season. Together with the existing portfolio,these promise significant profit growth for retailers in the coming year

Following a£3.5 million investment programme, which introduced new equipment to meet retail demand and significantly improvedthe company’s product efficiency,retailers can morethan ever trust what the company is bringing to market. Latest research and development efforts haveled to advancements across the entireportfolio,including faster germination and successful establishment at lowertemperatures. Bestselling formulas also nowenjoyahigher toleranceto drought, arepatch resistant, and are designed to develop greener lawns while requiring lessfertiliser and watering than standardgrasses -perfect solutions when

youconsider howmuch the UK weather continues to throw at the nation’slawns season after season.

Details of newintroductions arefirmly under wraps fornow,but avisit to the Johnsons Lawn Seedstand (Hall 9, stand H50-G51) willalso include access to bestselling lawn seedinnovationssuch as Tuffgrasswith dog pee resistance, Quick Lawn, LuxuryLawn, Lawn Thickener,Shady Place,and AnyTime


Exclusively distributedinthe UK by Johnsons Lawn Seed, Neudorff -the home of natural gardening solutions -willalso be on display at Glee 2024,including an exclusive firstlook at the brand’s newest product introductions. From fertilisers to weedkillers,plantcare, and pestcontrol,Neudorff remains oneof themost respected andtrusted gardencare brandsinthe markettoday

200 yearsofHenryBell &Co

Innovation, celebration and exciting newproducts takecentrestage on the HenryBell&Costand as the company limbers up for its 200th anniversary. Visitors can view14vibrant additions to its Wild BirdCareCollection, including an eco-friendly range of Insect Oil suet feeds and aspecially formulated AnniversaryBlend, which joins an extensiveportfolio of highquality birdfood, from superior seed blends and sunflowerhearts to peanutsand fat balls. Members of the HenryBell nationalsales team will be on hand to introducethe brand’shighly successful vertical merchandising solution, highlighting its effectivenessfor driving up consumer sales, increasing basket spend and helping shoppers to makeinformed purchasing decisions. Visitors can takethe opportunity to securesignificant savings as partofthe company’s special show-only promotions and check out its small animal and dog feed ranges available in the Mr Johson’sand Dog Gone Fishin’ brands. Hall 9, standG50-E51

Premium Italian hose connectorsfrom Siroflex UK

Exhibiting at Glee for the first time is Siroflex UK bringing the Italian family brand of Siroflex, established in 1963, and its impressiverange of premium hose connectors. From simple hose connectors to multi spray hose guns this 100% made in Italy trusted brand will be showing all the range at Glee. Also from Siroflex will be the Eco-flow TapAdapters that not only savewater (and money) but havea 360 degree ball joint so youcan reach and clean everycorner of your sink. With twospray modes, aerated and spray,ithas all of your kitchen tasks covered Hall 9, standJ64

La NaturafromScheurich is 20% recycled

Scheurich is proud to present three classic beauties in the La Naturacoverpot series. With Basalto, Travertino and Rossoit'sdifficult to choose afavouriteso combining the trio of finishes intoalarger arrangement creates an appealing natural living environment. La Natura, with its sophisticated soft shape design, natural colours and matt finish, looks as if it has arrived direct from Tuscany,and shows howScheurich’soriginality is interpreted with style. Inspired by Italian stone textures, La Naturacreates an organic atmospherefor plants such as ivies and fig trees. Cleverly using 20% recycled clay contentinthe Basalto, Travertino andRosso collection means no twopots arethe same. With its natural textured structure, Basaltohas averystriking finish. Travertino favours amarble look with typical irregularities and Rossoflirts with acharacteristic terracotta look. The darker,glossy interior colours stand out from the matt surfaces and guaranteed to be 100% waterproof Hall 8, standC70-D71

Autopot has irrigation covered

Lightupstyle from Solar Centre

Solar Centre is thrilled to be returning to Glee with an exciting array of new, innovative products for the season. Among the highlights arethe newStarburst StakeLights andWoodland Solar Mushrooms -solar lights that areas reliable as theyare eye-catching.These lights aredesigned to meet the growing demand for stylish and dependable outdoor lighting and areset to be your next fast-moving favourites. It’sbestselling range, including these new additions, continue to deliver quality and performance with products that customers love and trust.

Hall 9, standE30.

Plesis brings three retail brands

Visit AutoPottosee the GIMAawardwinning Tray2Grow in action! Part of itsRHS-endorsed range of automatic plant watering systems, Tray2Grow will featureina number of livedemos.Itoffers fiveways to water andfeedplants and can be set up for seed trays, microherbtrays,pots, agrow bag,orafabric planter.Likeall AutoPotWatering Systems it operates using gravity alone, with no electricity or mains waterrequired. Accompanying Tray2Grow will be afull selection of products which encompass almost everyplant watering application. Look forwardto attractive, customer-friendly plant irrigation and feeding solutions for everytypeof growerand everytypeof growing space.

Hall 9, standD20-21

Pelsis develops leading brands, delivering innovativepestcontrol and garden care products. The group consistsofanumberofretailbrands including Pest Stop,Doff and Green Protect. Pest-Stopisthe brand of choicefor DIY pest controland hasbeendelivering simple and effectivepest management solutions for the home and garden for morethan 100 years. The comprehensiverange includes traditional pest controlmethods, as well as livecatch and deterrents. Doff is the only UK manufacturer of slug control products. Utilising abespokepelletmill, high-speed packing and formulation facilities to servicethe home and garden market. The range coversplant protection, weed control, lawn care, feeds and straights. Green Protect is an eco-conscious pest controlbrand of indoor,outdoor and greenhouse solutions, developed to be chemical-free, child and pet-friendly.All in recyclable packaging,keeping the environment in mind.

Hall 8, standE92-F93

BurtonMcCall introduces ALPEN

From the minds and expertise behind FELCO’s gardening tools comes ALPEN exhibited by BurtonMcCall. Aiming to provide craftsmen with the toolstoshape natural beauty,ALPEN’srange consists of ahostofsuperb horticultural equipment. Included areALPEN’sline of pruning shears -anessential item for any garden toolbox. Professionals and savvy home gardeners will noticeatfirst glancethe Swissprecision in the Gelbhorn 150 Pruning Shears. Its fully chromed blade ensures aclean cut, up to 20 mm. The Gelhorn’scorrosionresistant guarantee means it will be your go to secateur for many seasons to come. The ALPEN product range is entirely imagined, manufactured, and tested in Switzerland. It highlights the exceptional know-howand precision that characterise Swissmanufacturing tradition.

Hall 9, standC31

Pleydell Smithyman aids planning

Stylish garden safety from Invisible Creations

Invisible Creations, newtoGleethis year,was inspired by the founder’s grandmother,who resisted installing clinicallooking grab rails outside her home. Director Lauraset outtotransform home accessibility with design-led products that seamlessly blend functionality with style, ensuring everyone can enjoyabeautiful life in abeautiful space. The latest innovations include path lights, planters, and pots that discreetly double up as sturdy,ergonomic outdoor grab rails. Theyredefine garden safety,seamlesslyblending intoany outdoor environment, ensuring that style is neversacrificed. Invisible Creations is dedicated to enhancingfreedom of movement, reducing falls, while empowering individuals with the confidencetonavigatetheir homes with ease.

Hall 9, standE80.

PleydellSmithyman Limited is aspecialistdesign and businessconsultancy with amultidisciplinaryteam delivering strategic and businesssolutions acrossadiverse range of sectors. It provides planning services and has extensive knowledge and experienceinthe industry. By takinga commercial approach and working with local planning authorities rather than against them, it ensures the best chanceofsuccess for its clients. Over the past fiveyears, 98% of the planning applications it has submitted havebeen successful. Following recent changestothe planning policies throughout the UK, theremay be opportunity for garden centres to develop further so speak to the team at Glee and see what opportunities thereare foryou.

Hall 9, standG91

Spectacular pet toys

Tennew products for Vitax

Vitax will be launching morethan 10 new products at Glee as well as announcing an exciting newcharity partnership for 2024-25.On-trend, stylish and taking centre stage in many homes, houseplants will be the main focus for Vitax at Glee as it unveils acompletely newhouseplant range. A‘magnificent seven’ newproducts are set to revitalise care forall houseplants next season, with achoiceofspecialist, multipurpose and organic feeds. Vitax will also be showing newadditions to its ‘easy choice’ range including Liquid Dahlia Feed However,itisnot just about the products for Vitax this year as it will be announcing a newcharity partnership with Greenfingers, featuring one of its most popular products. Hall 7, standB80-C81.

Concept Research brings safe animal deterrents

If youare looking for something alittledifferent at Glee then look forConcept Research, aBritish Manufacturer which believesinofferingquality and effectiveproducts that deliver on their promises, backed up by great customer service, and continuity of supply.For morethan 30 yearsConcept Research has been manufacturing in its factoryin Hertfordshire, aquality range of animal deterrents, that deter ‘nuisanceanimals’without harm to any species. With arange that includes Catwatch, the only cat deterrent tested and approvedbythe RSPB,itis proud of what is does and is keen to tell visitors more.

Hall 9, standK64-J65.

At Spetacular,innovationmeets sustainability to redefinepet toys. Its mission is to createvibrant, durable, and ecofriendly products that not only thrill pets but also carefor the planet. By repurposingrecycled balloons intohigh-quality dog toys, Spectacular offers agreen alternativewithout compromising on safety or fun. Each toy is craftedfrom100% natural rubber latex and adheres to the strictest European safety standards, ensuring non-toxic and antibacterial play for your furry friends. The range includes anear-indestructible dog ball, scented toy bones, and colourful rings designed for endlessentertainment anddental health. Spectacular prioritises pet happinessand environmental impact, featuring sustainable packaging and acommitment to reducing waste.Exploreits innovative, eco-conscious toysand discoverh Spetacular can bring joytoyour pets while supporting agreenerfuture.

Hall 9, stand B51

that not thrill pets but also care for the By repurposing recycled into high-quality

Florally fantastic

To find winning plants for sales in futureyears, visits to the Floral Fantasia at RHS Garden Hyde Hall and Mr Fothergill’s trials areamust.

Despitea difficult spring,the more than 80 varieties of sunflower trialled at Floral Fantasia in Essex, and the trials at Mr Fothergill’sinSuffolk, were looking superb

Floral Fantasia is wherenew and some established garden favourites aretrialled to see howtheyperform in agarden setting and the sunflowers were attracting the attention of garden visitors and pollinators alike! Robust andbushy sunflower ’Sunblast’, grownfromcuttings rather than seed, was ahighlight performing well with repeat shows of flowers on stemspossibly long enough for cut flower. Theminiature sunflower ‘Petisol’ for pots, patios and windowboxes, wasalso putting on an impressiveshow.

At Mr Fothergill’sSeeds

Seed mixes of salad leaves continue to be popular with gardeners growing them in pots, while tomatotrialslooking at blight resistant forms for baskets and containers arebeing studied. Hiccups continue to be a problem with seed supply of Kelseyonions, so Mr Fothergill’sisgrowing moreonsite boostavailability

The company’s Ian Crosssaid the last members of the senior management team

were nowinplacesotolookout for exciting announcements at Glee and in the newyear Sales

gone well.Making buying decisions easy and focusing adviceonmarketsectors was keyto the future.

of the peat-free seed compost have
Supporters of Floral Fantasia,which wasinspiredbythe latePeter Seabrook, (L-R) Michael Smith (WD Smith and Son), plant breeder TimKerley, Roger Seabrook, Molli Christman who cares forthe plants in Floral Fantasia, Wayne Early (MD of Volmary), Paul Hansardand Neil Gowwho aremembers of theFloral Fantasia team and StuartLowen (Ball UK).
Another star performer in the trials.
Left:New petunia from the Kerleybreeding programme.
OverviewofFloral Fantasia
Overviewofthe Mr Fothergill’strials.
Belowleftand right: Ahealthy crop of Kelseyonion and newNicotiana Sirius Pink at Mr Fothergill’s.
Grow bags areperfect fortriallingmixes of salad leaves. As well as growing it’s own brands, it is also a site for trial plants in the Fleuroselect programme.

Helping sell more plants

Retail solutions abound at the Ball Summer Showcase.

Young plant supplier Ball UK is working hardtosupportretailing through new variety introductions, plant selection, colour theming ideas and point of sale. On its mission to exploregaps and strengthen retailing opportunities, Andy Ward has joined Gareth Powell on its Retail Development Team.

Part of Andy’s role is to nurturerelationship with growers and promotethe Ball brand and its products, such as Impatiens Beacon. Within that is the aim of providing additional sales solutions to help retailers. Ball nowhas more than 10 themed concepts, similar to those used when selling Christmas products, and at is Summer Showcase in July severalwere on show.

“For garden centres the best impact is colour

People colour theme their homes so why not their gardens?” says Andy.“Most people come to agarden centreand don’treally knowwhat theywant to buy.Theyare looking for inspiration and our concepts can help with that.”

Although the aim is for retailers to sell more plants, Andy’s role is to liaise with retailers and their growers. Only by working with both parties can astreamlined production plan be devised. The Ball Summer Showcase is the perfect platform for retailers and their growers to come together to discussand get ideas for the coming seasons. It also shows what’sonthe horizon and identifying opportunities for small numbers of first year exclusives.

To promoteeach concept, retailers have

access to Ball's libraryofimages and artwork to createbespokepoint of sale which can easily run acrossmultiple stores. Theycan also purchase from Hortipak. “Weare developing the concept so theycan mix the imaging and artwork,”says StuartLowen, Ball UK Marketing Manager.“The concept is there– so theycan pick it up and run with it to suit their needs to get either impulse sales or offer gardening solutions.”

It’snot just individual plants that Ball has identified work well in each concept. Combinations to makeup hanging baskets and patio containers for added value and instant impact havealso been devised. “It just shows what can be done and it doesn’tneedtobe complicated,”says Andy run across multiple stores. They can also

artwork,” says Stuart Lowen, Ball UK Marketing

to make up baskets

Hanging baskets filled with plants to reflect the Bollywood concept.
Above: Nautical Chic has prominent blues and whites. Right: Sophistication bring blues and pinks together.
Soft pinks and pastels perfectly fi into the Bridal Bouquet theme
Soft and fit
Andy Ward explains the Come Rain or Shine concept promotes versatile petunias which continue to perform throughout the worst of the UK weather.
Salvia Mysty and Friends blends pots of colour with the popular Mysty salvia which is attractive to pollinators

Join the Vitaviafamily

In aworld wheresomanycompanies arefocused solely on profits, Vitavia stands out for its commitment to quality, innovation and family values. By choosing Vitavia, you’reinvesting in aproduct that’s built to last and acompany that genuinely cares about its retailers and customers.

Vitavia UK was established in 2008 by Tony Hutchinson. Sons Robbie and Johnjoined as directorssoon afterwards and daughter Andrea joined in 2017 to oversee themarketing for the company.With astrongteamofexperienced staff in the offices based in Suffolk,aswell as dedicateddrivers deliveringgreenhouses alloverthe UK, the Vitavia team is betterthan ever!

So if agreenhouseextendsthe growing season to all year round, surely selling greenhouses would extend your garden centre’sseasonal purchasing too? It really does soundwin/win!

“Wedon’thavethe time or space…” Think about it, youhaveto sell an awful lot of seeds or pots to get the value of a greenhouse sale! Vitavia offer dropship on all models, so storing greenhouses is not an issue. We advise having 3display models on sitetosuit all customers ,6x4,6x 8and 8x10, but again this can be discussed and modified according to the spaceavailable on site. Vitavia provide installation of the display models as well as point of sale materials and training for staff if required. Oncethat greenhouse sale is made at your garden centre, Vitavia do all the customer service aftercare. It is completely hassle free and couldn’tbesimpler

Vitavia arealso the UK distributer for Janssensgreenhousesand garden rooms from Belgium. The Janssens range of middle and highendproducts complementperfectly the already well establishedVitaviarange.

is better than Janssens greenhouses and end products complement perfectly the established Vitavia range.

Andrea said:“Moreandmoregardeners rerealisingandappreciatingthebenefitsof wningagreenhouse Whatevertheweather, a reenhousecancreateitsownmicro-climate The rowingseasoncanstartearlierandvegetables anbeharvestedforlongerand, ifyougrow hemorganically, theywillbefreefromharmful hemicalresidues.”

arerealisingandappreciatingthebenefits owningagreenhouse.Whatevertheweather, greenhousecan itsownmicro-climate.The growingseason startearlierandvegetables canbeharvestedforlongerand,ifyougrow themorganically,theywillbefreefromharmful chemicalresidues

PATS gets set for biggest show ever

The only event in the UK wherebuyers from specialist pet stores and garden centres can view the latest product launches under one roof.

Morethan 340pet brands exhibiting in four halls over three days will help to create the biggest-everPATSinthe show’s15-year history. It’sthe ideal event to discover what’snew in the market and the perfect opportunity to talk to keymanufacturers and suppliers. As well as ahuge array of newpet products, visitors can also enjoydemonstrations from leading dog groomers.

Joining the long list of PATS regulars are

ahost of newfaces. With the addition of an Aquatics Zone and bigger NewStarter Zone, this year’s exhibition will coverthe whole of the TelfordInternational Centre.

The NewProduct Showcase is always a popular featuregiving visitors the chanceto see and touch the newproducts theywill be stocking for the coming season. Entries will be judged for the NewProduct Awards on the first morning of the show, so the results will be known and highlighted throughout the four halls for the rest of the exhibition.

PATS 2024

29 and 30 September.9.30–5pm 1October.9.30–4pm

TelfordInternational Centre. TF3 4JH

Register online at

Free showcatalogue Free parking

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Discovercountless new products andbrands,develop valuable relationships, and be inspired by emerging trends.

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AR esounding Su cc ess

SOLEX24wasagreatevent.Theexhibitors pulledoutallthestops,theshowwas inviting,andbrimmingwithexceptional products.

Thereweresomefantasticfurnitureonshow withluxurioussoftfabrics,lightermaterialsanda diversepaletteofhues.Theoverallaestheticexuded opulence,settingasophisticatedtonefortheSpring/ Summer2025season, plusthenewraftofBBQs weresleekandinnovativewithsomanyfeatures theypracticallycookforyou!

Whilemanyexhibitorsarestillgrapplingwiththe increasedcontainerprices,aswellastheoverstock issues,therewasapalpablesenseofoptimismatthe show.Weremainpositivethatthesechallengeswill stabilise,andby2025,wehopetheseissuestohave resolvedthemselves,wealsohopethatthesunwill startshiningconsistentlyformorethanadayortwo butunfortunatelythatisoutofallofourhands.

Oneofthehighlightsoftheeventwasthe incredibleamountofeffortourexhibitorsput intopre-showpromotionstoencouragevisitorsto

attend.Thereweresomefantasticsocialmediaposts leadinguptoandduringtheshow,includinglive videosandteasers.Itwasalsoencouragingtosee aninfluxofyoungerpeopleonthestands,bringing freshperspectivestotheindustry,plusourLOFA Academystudentswereinattendance,applyingthe skillstheyhadlearnedwithgreatenthusiasm.

Anotherexcitingadditionwastheinfluxofnew exhibitorswhointroducedanarrayofinnovative

products,rangingfromlightingandheatersto gardenpots,cushions,andfabrics,aswellasnew BBQbrands.

OurSOLEXawardsprovedverypopularand werejudgedbyanindependentpanel,consisting ofrepresentativesfromourcharitypartners Greenfingers,Thrive,Perennial,andPlanetMark, plusthreekeyindustrybuyers,whotooktimeoutof theirbusyschedulestojudgethestandandproducts forusensuringimpartiality

Andfinally,oureveningeventswerenothing shortoffabulous.TheawardsceremonyandafterpartyonTuesdayandtheBBQeventonWednesday wasattendedbybothexhibitorsandvisitors,and everyonehadanenjoyabletime.DionDublinwas atruelegendonTuesdaygivingusaninsightinto hislifeasapremiershipandEnglandfootballerand onWednesday,wemanagedtofitintheBBQHero competitioneveningbeforetheEnglandmatch, whichwasfilledwithfun,laughter,gardeningand cookingtipsfromDavidDomoneyandevenafew nuns!

Abig thank you goes out to all our exhibitors and visitors. We couldn’t have achieved this success without you, and we look forward to welcoming you back next year, same time, same place -8 -10July2025. Hall 5, NEC.

Outdoor UK | AEL Solutions |Alexander Rose |
Design |BBQ Gourmet| Cabinex(Beefeater) |Bizotto | Bramblecrest | Celtic Leisure | Charbroil |Charles Taylor | Charlie Ovens |Dansons (Pit Boss)| Dark |Extreme Lounging | Firepits UK |Firestorm Heaters | Firmans |Four Lighting | Garden |Garden Furniture Global | Glencrest Seatex (Katie Blake) |Glendale Garden &Leisure | Hampson Agencies (Garden Impressions) Hartman Outdoor Products |Hex Living | Innovators International |Instashade| Kadai |Leisuregrow| Lifestyle Garden |Maze| Mercer Agencies |Minster Stylish Living | Miriad -Quest |Munro Importers (Pagoda) Norfolk Leisure | Outback BBQs |Pacific Lifestyle | Percy Doughty |Rago Planters | Riva Home |Rotospa | Royalcraft @Amir |Signature Weave| Supremo |Eco Fuego | The Old Basket Company |Tom Chambers | Traeger PelletGrills |Tripod Home | Wolf Steel Napoleon (UK) |Woodlodge | Zest

The third is AngelaHarding’s‘Swallows and Sea’design–one of M&G’sbiggest giftwrapsellers thisyearand translated beautifully heretocotton. Thisdesign also appearsonanew cushion, insulated bottleand mug,gift bags, roll wrap,and a magnetic notepad. Katrantzou’s‘Mirror Marble’alsobecomes an insulated bottle and her ‘Butterflies’ an insulated mug

Just in time for pre-Christmas sales

Museums &Galleries exhibits at TopDrawer this month for the first time with an array of exclusive new products.

Excitingnew productsfrom Museums &Galleries which concentrate on itsstationery, gifting andhomewarescollections,feature M&G’snew licenselaunches from this spring. Theyincludeinternationalfashion designer star MaryKatrantzou, iconic Britishwildlife artist Angela Harding, and young designer sensationEmmaFrances Grant with her Imaginariumcollection


Leading thelaunch arethree stunning neworganic cotton tote bags. M&G’s consistently excellent colourprinting on fabrics reallymakes these newbags stand out. In particular is MaryKatrantzou’s ‘Butterflies’ which is exceptionallyvibrant andset off to perfection with contrasting orange straps. Katrantzou’s‘Mirror Marble’ design, another hit from her cardlaunch in January,makes another superb tote


Newjournalsfeatureatrio of three newdesignsbyEmmaFrances Grant featuringtop sellers from her Imaginarium card range, as well as multiple journal formats from MaryKatranzou,including a clothbound A5 journal with 240 pages (a newformat M&G premieredthis year).

Fans of M&G’sextremely popular bookmarks will see nine newdesigns from MaryKatrantzouand Emma Frances Grant, together with twonew paperweights. Theyalso featureinthe gift packaging launches, with gift bags and gift tissue.

Finally,six of MaryKatrantzou’sdesigns havebeenmade into paper napkinpacks, arange M&Gisrapidly increasing.The range alsoincludes Catherine Rowe’s popularLobster design,atotal mustfor a napkin pack

M&G’snew kitchen textiles collection (oven gloves, aprons, teatowel sets and cotton napkins) is also enhanced with newdesigns by Mary Katrantzouand Angela Harding

Visit Museums &Galleries on stand D21 at TopDrawer from 8-10 September,Olympia, London. Tel: 01373 462165 Email:

For astronger future

September marksthe change of season with the kidsgoingback to school, college or university.But moreimportantly it heralds the change of seasoninthe garden. Bulbs areonoffer, autumnbedding plants are on thebenches and autumnal seasonalitems aredisplayed inthe stores. Idohope alittle of the huge effortthatgoesintomaking fabulous Christmas displays canbespared to create great autumnal displays to really inspireour customers to get plantingduring what is, after all,natures time forplanting.

Reaching out to government

SinceIlast wrote, the HTAPolicy and Public Affairs team has been busy reaching out to keynew ministers in the newLabour government to showcase our sector and engage on issues critical to members. From borders and trade to environmental

regulation, the sector is directly impacted by,ordirectly impacts, arange of policy areas. The HTAhas written to all key ministers for environmental horticultureto seek early engagement and their support, recognising the importanceoftheir decisions on our sector

An area of concernisstillthe newborder controls, andthisremains ahighpriority ahead of what will,nodoubt, be abusy autumn for tree imports.Akey ask being discussed with Defra is theimportanceof aspecific plant health agreement or SPS (Sanitary and Phytosanitary)agreementwith the EU,aswell as continuing the discussion on the supportrequiredfor the sustainable transitionto peat-free.

In July,the HTAunveiled its Environmental HorticultureGrowth Strategy for Wales at the Royal Welsh Show and met with members of the Senedd.

James Evans MS expressed appreciation for the insights gained regarding the environmental horticulturesector. He emphasised the sector’s importancein terms of environment, skills, and health and committed to further engagement with the HTA.


Ihavebeen delightedtosee the launch of theHTA RegionalMember Events with resounding success,starting with the inaugural meeting in Scotlandwith 48 attendees networking with fellow nearbymembers,hearingfromexpertson important industryissues, andexpressing theirvoices and concerns to their regional memberengagementmanager,ensuring theiropinions arelistened to andvalued. Further regionalmeetings arescheduled forthe remainder of theyear in locations scattered acrossthe country.

And finally,I’m justabout to make my waytoour annual Conference, marking our 125thyearbut very much focused on the futurewith some greatsessions including a look at the worldofAIand insights into the health and wellbeingaspects of gardening We will also continue looking atthe newest technologiesand automationnextmonth at the HTA’snew event, FutureGrow Expo Thesuccess of oursectorisdue to constant innovation and Ilook forwardtoseeing whereitgoes in the years to come.

Find out more

TheHorticultural Trades Association is the UK industry’s leading membership organisation and welcomes all sectorsofenvironmental horticulture. To learn more or join please visit: or email:


The Conference. September 25. ICC, Birmingham. To book your place visit

Polhill Garden Centreencourages customerstoget autumn planting

See you in person soon

Exhibition and event season is upon us, marking acrucial period whereweforge newconnections, stay informed on the latest trends, celebrateour successes, and discoverwhat the 2025 season holds with its newproducts and innovations.

Forme, in-person events, whether exhibitions, awards, or meetings, arean essential partofour strategy.While hybrid events and virtual meetings havemade dayto-day connections moreaccessible, these in-person gatherings areabsolutely vital at keytouchpoints in the season. This year,the need for face-to-faceinteraction feels more significant than ever

Unparalleled insights

Ithink we can all agree that 2024 has been achallenging season, with the UK summer seemingly playing an endlessgame of hide and seek. It’sbeen tough for suppliers and retailers, making it moreimportant than ever to lean on the supporttools available from trade associations likeGIMA and the HTAtohelp navigateboth the highs and lows. This certainly includes attending exhibitions, especially our biggest annual event -Glee. Presenceatsuch events ensures youmaintain an open dialogue with industrypeers, colleagues, and customers.

This engagement allows youtobetter understand the broader landscape and how others haveadapted to current challenges. With everything under one roof,afew days at Glee, or any other industryevent, can provide insights and networking opportunities that are unparalleled throughout the year

At GIMA, we offer extensivein-person resourcesfor our members, with our hosted meetings at Glee being among the most popular.These meetings foster tangible connections between our members and key retailers, and each year we see the startof blossoming newretail partnerships form off the back of these meetings.

In addition, we havethe GIMA Innovators Seed Corn Fund, which celebrates grassroots product development. Plus, our annual awards, taking placeon7th November this year,will shine aspotlight on the innovativeproducts, marketing initiatives, point-of-sale solutions, and companies that keep garden retail vibrant and exciting

Visiting members

Equally important is our work on the road which ensures that GIMA remain relevant to our members. The team and Ihavefound great value in visiting our members, both newand

longstanding,tolearn moreabout what drives them, the opportunities and challenges they face, and howwe, as atrade organisation, can better supportthem.

During these visits, we’vegained invaluable insights intovarious product groups, customer profiles, trends, and supply chain dynamics. Our members, in turn, havelearned more about the many supporttools GIMA offers under our pillars of Connecting,Saving, Promoting,Representing,and Supporting.It’s been fantastic to showcase our association’s offerings and help our members makethe most of the full toolkit at their disposal. If we haven’tyet hadthe chancetovisit you, please do get in touch to arrange ameeting!

Ifor one, am looking forward to reconnecting with our members and the wider garden retail community in the coming weeks. While2024may not go down as arecordbreaking year,I’m confident it hasn’tstopped brands from innovating.I’m excitedtosee what 2025 has in store!

Find out more

Anybusinesses interested in joining GIMAcan contact the GIMAteam at 01959 564947 details regarding GIMA’smultiple-member benefits can be found at

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Firstimpressionsare made in amatter of seconds. So, makeyours one that blows the competitionaway!

Whetheryoursiteisbigorsmall,our expertteamcancomeupwithbespoke solutionsthatwillcreatethatall-important wowfactortodrawcustomersin.

Andbecauseallourcanopiescomewith industryleading25yearguaranteesyou canresteasyknowingthatyourfirst impressionwillbewowingcustomersfor decadestocome.

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