Sinceits launch lessthan ayearago,AMES Tools has garnered apositiveresponsefromall corners of the garden retail sector.Retailers have welcomed this comprehensiveand innovativetool collection with fantastic sales supportand great pricepoints.
Informativeproduct tags, sleek POS,QRcodes and partnerships with expertgardeners arejustsome of the ways AMES Toolshelps garden retailersshare guidanceontools with their shoppers. Unrivalled supporting educational contentthrough online and offline media is also reaching gardeners giving them the best advicefor their projects.
And the dedicated AMES Toolsmerchandising team is constantly on hand throughout the season to set up product displays, updated POS and replenishstock.
Garden Centre, St Albans, nowstocksall 50 products from acrossboththe AMES Toolscarbon steel and stainlesssteel ranges, while ClaireTurtonfromSelbyGardenCentre recognised the differenceAMES Toolsbring to the market.
“I’mimpressed by the display –it’sextremely eye-catching andclearly explains the products to customers,”she says.
“I also love theQRcode that sends customers from the label to the websitetolearn moreand thecarbon range is agreat point of difference.”All retailersstocking AMES Tools arelisted on its websitetohelp customers easily locatetheir nearest stockist.
Market firsts and the AMES Tools difference
Leaning heavily on its 250-year rich historyoftools expertise, this combination of educational support, and exceptional merchandising services has made AMES Toolsahit with garden centreretailers. Burson
With competitivecommercial packages and a nationwide sales team, nowisthe time to join the AMES Toolsfamily.Ordersand deliveries can be linked with those through Kelkay, also partofthe AMES Companies.
From astanding start at Glee 23, AMES Tools has far exceeded targets with hundreds of retailers taking in stock and refillsalready taking place. on
www.ames-tools.co.uk Phone: 01405 869333
• Breadth of range: Both carbon (24 SKUs) and stainless-steel (26 SKUs) options, combine value, performance, and functionality to create atool suitable for afull calendar of lawn and gardening jobs.
Adding even more weight to its messaging is the AMES Tools partnership with charteredhorticulturalist and celebrity gardener,David Domoney. David is elevating AMES Tools through informativeblogs, YouTube videos and social media content on his ownchannels wherehis expert adviceishelping gardenersmakemoreconfident buying decisions.
Features and benefits of each item are highlighted in the carefully created packaging,so customerscan easily find the right tool for the job and learn howto use it most efficiently. Tools on displayhave strong branding and sleek hanging systems.
• Built to last: Within the carbon steel range, stamped heads made from one piece of tempered steelsay goodbye to weld points to increase rigidity and longevity
• Market firsts: Look out for the UK’s first ComfortStep™ for increasedpowerand leverage when digging, whilst FSC-certified ash wooden handles offer theultimate permanency
• Strength whereit’s needed most: Double rivets and longer shank createanimproved head-to-handle ratio and add up to 45% additional strength* for forks and spades in both ranges.
• Maximum capacity: 45% moreleavescan be collected, thanks to the unique arch designofthe Extra WideLeafRake.
• 15-year guarantee: Every product comes with a15-year guarantee and on-tool batch stamping
17th -28June 2024 |Hartman UK
We are extremelyproud of our2025 collection, continuing product development momentum from the very popular Eden range and Crucible Multi Games Table. Visit our NewProductShowcase event in our Showroom in June and be the first to see our16new ranges to inspire you, as well as our exciting newcushion technology -Cloud Cushion. We arealsolaunching 100% recycled cushions across the range, extended warranty period to 5years and our very exciting Return &Recycle scheme foryour customers. Want to knowmore...Visit us in June (byappointment only) at our HQ to gain a buying advantagebefore seeing us at SOLEX.
Call your account manager to book an appointment or call t: 01952 231231
Atlast, the warmer weatherhas arrived, and sighs of relief havebeen heard coming from garden centresacross the country. Baskets of afew plants arenow trolleys full of plants, gardening products are having to be re-stocked weekly and we’ve even hadreportsofsomegarden furniture lines selling out. Summer has arrived! The showseason has well andtruly kicked off, with public shows inspiring customers to go out and spend and trade only events helping retailers shape their futureoffering.These arevital to the gardening and the garden centre calendar,and some arelisted in this month’sissue, but here at GTNweare also seeing an increasing number of suppliers opening the doors of their own showrooms.
This has prompted our first Summer Showroom Directory, bringing together opening times and locations of suppliers from acrossthe countrytohelpforward thinking buyers plan visits and, hopefully,dropinonnew suppliers. We look forward to seeing many of youat the summer shows and at the summer industry events including the GIMA Charity Golf Day and the Greenfingers Dragonboat racing And in the background, as Media Partners for Glee, the GTNteam arestarting to preparefor Glee in September.With anew showlayout, already over100 brand newexhibitors out of 400 total exhibitors and news of innovation aplenty from suppliers we areanticipating that the busiest Glee NewProduct Showcase ever will keep us very busy duringJuly and August.
Garden Trade News
Potting Shed PressLtd DairyDrove ThorneyPeterboroughPE6 0TX Tel01733 775700 www.gardentradenews.co.uk
Editor Trevor Pfeiffer trevor@pottingshedpress.co.uk
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Garden Trade News is published by Potting Shed PressLtd who also publish: GTNBestsellers, GTNXtra, PetTrade Xtra, Glee Daily News and the Glee Catalogue, and the Solex Sun. Potting Shed Pressalso supply Garden Radio to over100 garden centresacrossthe country.
Director Trevor Pfeiffer
SMALL PRINT:All material ©Potting Shed PressLtd 2024 No partofthis publication may ereproduced in any form whatsoever, either for sale or not, without the expresspermission of the publishers. The information supplied in this publication is published in good faith and everyefforthas been made to ensure its accuracy.Potting Shed PressLtd cannot acceptresponsibility for any error or misrepresentation. All liability for loss, disappointment, negligenceorother damage caused by relianceoninformation contained in this publication or in the vent of any bankruptcy or liquidation or cassation of the trade of any company, individual or
From atraditional site growing and retailing bedding plants, Rutland Nursery now has new owners and is blossoming into athriving garden centre–but with adifference.
Spectacular views of the expansive Rutland Waterhavegiven the new restaurant at Rutland Nurseryits name. The Viewisanimpressivebuilding Incorporating local yellowstone typicalof this partofRutland and chunkyoak, it’sa peaceful placetodrink in the landscape… and the coffee.
Opened in May 2023,The View is partof Rutland Nursery’snew shop,entranceand till area. Agenerouslyplanted car park, with spaces for bicycles, is also partofthe latest developments put in placebyowners the Ellis family,comprising father Trevor and brother and sister Chaz and Hayley. They arethe fourth generation of alocallogistics firm which Chaz nowheadsup, so the jump to owning agarden retail businessisnot an obvious one. As aresult, Rutland Nursery is agarden centre offeringaverydifferent shopping experience.
WhenRutland Nurserycame up for sale in March 2019,bothHolly and Chaz could seethe potential.Aspartofhis phased retirement,Trevor, helped nearbyWelland Vale Nurserywith its transition from a production nurserytoa gardencentreand the seed wassown.
Afamily concern, the nurseryhad agreat local reputation for growing quality plants,
and visitors come from as far as Yorkshire, Birmingham and Kent. “For around 28 years it wasthe placetogofor beddingplants,” says Hayley. Theheritageofthe nurseryis important to Hayleyand Chaz, as she says, it reminds them of their ownfamily business. Hayleyexplains that Rutland Nursery’slogo is apair of grapefruits to represent the two large plants still on sitewhich were planted as pips by the former owner.Employees from the original businesshavestayed on to continue production of quality,home grown plants. NurseryManager Ben Fawcett has been at Rutland Nurseryfor 15 years and
Hayleyand Chaz want to buildonthe site's horticultural heritage.
the previous owner’s sister has only recently retired. “Building on the heritage of the site and the family connection is important to us,” says Chaz.
Likemany newventures at that time, Covid changed the course of Rutland Nurseryopening under newmanagement. “Weopenedupanonline servicequickly and offered deliveries sevendays aweek,” says Chaz. “Oddly it wasarewarding time because customers were so grateful that we coulddeliver so theycould carryon gardening,” says Chaz.
Planning permissionfor thenew shop and restaurant wasgranted in 2021 but building costs andgettingtradesmen proveda challenge. “But it hadtobea qualitybuilding,” says Hayleyadding,itwas important forthe styleand materials to blend and remain in keepingwith localrural landscape.“It wouldhavebeena travesty if it wasa blot on the landscape.”The build went on behindthe scenes whilethe businesscontinued to trade from itsoriginal glasshousesrunning parallel to the road.
UnveiledinMay 2023,customers queued down theroadand couldimmediately see that Hayley and Chaz had turnedthe orientation of the gardencentreonits head to maximise viewsand landscapeofRutland
Water. Covering 5ha,the landincludes that leadingtoRutlandWater,sothe viewwill always be protected from development
Gettingthe menuand ambienceofThe View,with 100 covers,has beenkey to its success. The delicious restaurant style menu is cooked in house. “Wereally tried to hone in on thefood offering,”saysHayley. “We couldhavegonefor the‘grab and go’option but wanted to enhance local produce and theexperience.” At busytimes, rather than customerswaiting in aqueue, they are givenabuzzerwhich allowsthem to carry on shopping and return to the restaurant whenitvibrates. In thecourtyardwhen the weather is compliant,The Hut opens with a quicker food offering, appealing to walkers and cyclistsand ensuringthereissomething for everyone
Thelast bit of the puzzle to add to the nurserywas the newCambridge Glasshouse for houseplants. Previously therehadn’tbeenaspacewith the right growing conditions,but with customers wanting them and akeen team member, it made sense to havea dedicated space. It’sanatural addition to the sitehousing a selected range of pots, houseplants, cacti and accessories, plus in the spring,young vegplants that need protection.
Leading up to the first year of trading with the newdevelopment, Chaz says businessisslightly exceeding expectations. He and Hayleyrecognise this is down to teamwork and the ‘myriad of talent’ from
the team of 60 that brings Rutland Nursery alive. The retail team is still being built up and Chaz is looking to bringinyoung apprentices so theycan ‘get the culture from the get go’.
The next focus is to makemoreofthe plants –whatHayleydescribes as the ‘crownjewels’. It has the heritage, and customers can see the plants being grown so encouraging them to explorethe whole siteis thechallenge.
With its quality ranges and inspirational displays, Rutland Nurseryisheading forgreat things. The local area toois getting alift. “Rutland is definitely up and coming from atourist point of view, with investments intoseveralhotelsand Wild Rutland, anew natureand wildlife park. Rutland and our businesswill certainly get busier,” says Chaz.
National supplier of landscape and garden products, Altico proudly celebrates its three-year business anniversary,showcasing remarkable growth as aresult of investment,innovation and team dedication.
Sincelaunching in May 2021,Altico Garden Products Ltdhas quickly established itself as acredibleand reliable supply partner to the gardening sector Leveraging the team’sextensivecategory and garden centreknowledge, it offers a comprehensiverange of decorativeaggregates, paving andwater features to provide a completelandscape product solution.
Having worked hardtodeliver consistent, high levels of serviceand to foster strong customer relationships, Alticohas also increased its garden centreaccount base by 60% in the last year alone.
Family owned, Alticoisonajourneyof rapid growth, increasing turnoverby 122% sincethe end its first trading year.Reflecting on the company’s achievements to date,
Managing Director Antony Harker,said: “When we first decided to startthe businessduring the pandemic people thought we were crazy, but the earlyinvestmentinpeopleand infrastructure provedtocreatea solid bedrock that’sbeen invaluable to oursuccess “Innovation lies at thecoreofour operations
Formoreinformation about Altico’sproducts and services or to become a stockist, please contact: salesoffice@altico.co.uk Tel: 01302354500
Over thepast threeyears,we haveintroduced solutions such as our decorative aggregate wash plant to offer outstanding quality to our customers, as well as systems to make serviceand deliveryasefficient aspossible. We continue to expand ourproduct ranges to ensure we’reahead of thecurve.Mirroring this, our team growsinboth experience andnumber.
“Garden centresare at the core of our businessand remain our focus as we grow.We havea lot moreplanned and will continue to work hardtoprove ourselves.”
In summaryAntony said “Wehavethe right mindset, experienceand toolstosucceed so we’reveryexcited for what the futureholds. We’vegot some huge plans for Glee, so look forward to showcasing morenew products to further enticeour customers.”
• £9m of investment…and growing
• Account growth of 60% in the last 12 months
• 5million bags of aggregates sold to date
• Team growth of 40%
• 275 newproducts launched
• 286,000 paving products delivered
• 6 newbrands with moretocome
• 31,000 water features supplied
• 72,000 pieces of POS merchandised
From growing media to bird nesting material, natural wool is finding rightful, and ever-increasing places on retailer shelves as new ways of using this often-considered waste product in gardening are explored.
Thereare estimated to be around 35,000 sheep farmers in the UK, looking after just over31million sheep and lambs. Whereoncetrading of fleeces generated a secondaryincome, today returnsonthe 22,000 tonnes of fleeces don’talways coverthe cost of the annual shearing
Outside of the textilesindustry, wool,with its associated products likelanolin, ticks all the boxesfor use in sustainable and regenerative gardening.It’scompletely biodegradable and breaks down in soil between three months to twoyears while slowly releasing nitrogen and other minerals. It has water retention characteristics, naturally captures carbon, and all the while sheep continue to be farmed,it’s naturallyproduced.
These benefits areincreasingly being recognised for gardening and the choiceof products is expanding yearly.Someare familiar names while others arestill making their mark.
NewlinesfromAndermatt Home andGarden have come from workingwith theWelshWool Allianceessentiallycreating something new from thewaste material of anotherwaste product. “We'vebeen workingwith theWelsh sheep industry to find otherwaysofusing this fantastic, natural and sustainable resource,” says Andy Brown, Andermatt’s UK Managing Director.“As the fleeceisbeing cleaned it is extractinglots of waxand oils andthat’swhat we take.”
Andermatt’sEwe Stop Rust range of protectants for metal surfaces, includes a pocket-sized tin of Anti-SeizeGrease for tools, especially those with moving parts likesecateurs and hedge clippers. Forcleaning sap and dirt from cutting surfaces it has EweStopRust Course Tool Pastewhich also helps to keep blades sharp
Asecondrange is EweShield which turns wool oils intoanatural wood protector,feeding the wood andcreating awater repellentsurface “Thereare otherwood treatment oil products out there, but we'retrying to findamore sustainable version,”says Andy.Itcomes in a ready to useliquid formula. “Weare taking a concept gardeners arefamiliar with and finding a better way of doingit.”
Newfor this spring is aSustainable Garden Net from twool created as aresultofa project to investigatemarine net alternatives for farming seaweed. Twool’snettingaddstoits increasing range of garden and home products. Retailing at £16.99its granite grey colour which compliments plants, is made from blending Whiteface Dartmoor wool withthat from Zwartbles. Sustainable Garden Net is afinalist in the RHS Sustainable Garden Product of the Year 2024 competition –the winner will be announced at the RHS Chelsea FlowerShowinMay
Working with Queen’sUniversity Belfast and UK Fisheries, twool nets and rope are successfully being used to farm sea kelp and other seaweeds.
After finding success with Woolcool insulated packaging for food and pharmaceuticals, thefamilybusiness based in Staffordshire, started to experimentwithusing wool in thegarden. The resultingHortiwool,isbecoming established in garden retailing. Luke Woodwardsays Hortiwoolpads for mulchingand thelinersfor hanging and wall baskets aremade from British wool butgardeners arefinding many different uses. “They areusingthemfor capillarymatting,frost protection and slug protection,”hesays.The company is looking to expand its productrange based on customer feedback
The market for wool
British Wool collects, sellswool and then reimburses farmers.Itwas established in 1950asthe British Wool Marketing Board when the majority of wool wasusedfor making clothes. By 2022 around half of the wool went to making carpetsthe rest goingtowards bedding,and furniturecoverings fortransport vehicles. With the increasing recognition of wool as asustainable biodegradablematerial,BritishWool is supporting research into new markets suchasgardencompost andtreeguardsparticularly forthe lowest value fleeces
Graham Hull from Wool Pots has had an extremely busy year.Fromlaunching his woollen pot last year,which wonthe NewProduct Award at the Garden PressEvent, he is nowworking with rose growers to look at using pots with adrawstring for transporting and ultimately planting bareroot plants. He has also introduced alarger sizepot for home gardeners. Using British wool,the pots were previously knitted in Egypt, but Graham has nowmovedthisprocess to Portugal. “It’ssofrustrating.Wejustcannot find manufacturing in the UK so will probably havetobuild our ownfactoryhereatsome point in the future,”hesays.
He has also been doing large scale planting trials with herb growers, which havefound that plants grow quicker in Wool Pots, and with the Eden Project which has reported areduction of wateruse of between 20%-30%.
Nowstocked in independentcentres and Blue Diamond, Graham is positivethe larger sizepot is aserious alternativetoplastic pots. “If you solvethe problem right at the beginning,there is no issue further down the line,”hesays.
Since1997, DalefootComposts has been making growing mediaand soilconditioners using wool from itsown flockof250 WhitefaceWoodlands and Cheviot sheepfarmed in Cumbria.Combining it with compostedbracken andcomfrey,both alsogrowing on the farm,means products are madewithvirtually zero transportmiles adding to the already long listofsustainabilitycredentials. The rangenow consists of sevenblendedgrowing medias forspecificgardening needs and aclay busting soilconditioner.
Pauline Lewington, Dalefoot Compost’s Sales Manager explains the company is also working with the University of Cumbria to measurehow well theingredients of its peat-free growing media storecarbon. This is alongside it’ssistercompany Barker and Bland, also working with the university to identify the most eco-friendly waytorestore damaged peat bog
Wool is also being used to naturally and safely deter slugs and snails. Applied as apellet, whichasitabsorbs water, breaks down to form amat.Slugs find this difficult terrain to navigate, made even more unpleasant by microscopic barbs lining the wool's fibres. As the wool biodegrades, it also servesas amulch to suppressweeds and conserve moisturewhile releasing natural nutrients.
Retailers havea choiceofproducts to stock including Slugs Away Wool Pelletsand Wool Matunder the Defenders brand from STV, Slug Gone from Vitax, and Slug Stop under the Growing Success banner from Westland. W
In the last fiveyears, the value of fleecessoldthrough British Wool’sauctions has been between £20m-£30m. In 2019,income from wool accounted forless than 3% of the sheep revenue and, according to FarmersWeekly,the cost of shearing in 2022 was£1.65per ewe.
While out visiting centres, GTNalso sawthatWoolie the Sheep wasselling well. Aceramic sheep filled with top notch wool to hang in the garden, its designed so birds can easily takeitfor nesting material. From Wildlife World, it has an rrp of £5.99and can be refilled with a pack of WildlifeWorld’sBritish Nesting Wool, or feathers, small twigs and moss found naturally in the garden.
Becoming aone site inspiration stop is fast becoming the blueprint for success in today’scompetitive market. But so too is proving your sustainability credentials.
Talktoourspecialistteamtodaytodiscoverhowyoucan upgradeyourretailexperienceinaneco-consciousway
Five reasons to choose Fordingbridge for your eco-conscious upgrade:
•Welookafteryourbuildonasinglesitetoreduceits carbonfootprint.
The show season has kicked off with innovation aplentyfor retailers and gardeners. Be suretobeatthe forefront of the latest trends and all that’s new by visiting one of the consumer or trade shows or perhaps asupplier showroom that’s open this summer.Onthe following pages, and for the first time, GTNbrings together showroom dates and locations to help you plan your supplier visits.
Billedasthe largest garden, outdoor livingand bbqfair in the world,Spogagafaattractsaround 30,000 visitorstosee thebestfrom 1850exhibitors.Thisyear’s show carries the theme Responsible Gardens to promotethe industry’s pursuits towardssustainabilityand regeneration in all sectorsfrom gardenfurniturethrough to point of sale. It alsobrings mobilecoolersto the fore with anew sector to reflect the growingtrend foreating out, off grid. To increase visitor momentum pre-show, the organiser haslaunched anew online magazine withinterviews from industryexpertsand articleson currenttrends and innovation. Visitors arewelcome to attendthe programme of events, lectures and talks throughoutthe show’sthree days hostedinthe ForumGardenCafé.
Spoga+gafa 16-18 June 2024
Koln Messe Cologne, Germany www.spogagafa.com
SOLEX 2024
SOLEX 2024 is theplacetogofor thelatestinnovation, designs and sustainabilityinitiatives in outdoor living,furnitureand bbq’s. Retailers cantalk to alltheir favouritesupplier under oneroofand enjoy the Fire, Food &Outdoor LivingEvening wherecookery demonstrationswill keep visitorsentertained and fed.
SOLEX 2024 9-11 July
Birmingham NEC www.solexexhibition.com
21-24 July
Harrogate Convention Centre www.homeandgift.co.uk
HTANational Plant Show
Abumperpacked eventovertwo days, filledto thebrim with newplants andplanteria innovation. From seeds right throughtohouseplants, and labelling to growing media, theHTA NationalPlant Show,now in its’s 13th year,isthe place to see the latest in plant breeding and hear fromindustry expertsinthe SeminarArea. Ahighlight of the show is the NewPlant Awards with pastwinners, like Agapanthusorientalis‘BlackJack’, going on to become big sellers inthe garden centre
HTANational Plant Show
19-20 June
NAEC Stoneleigh, Warwickshire. www.hta.org.uk/national-plant-show
There’sanexpandedline up of exhibitors at this year’s HarrogateHome &Gift, offeringthe latest indesign-led jewellery, fashion, food, gifts and home waresacrosstwo venues. At the HarrogateConventionCentreand thegrounds of neighbouringHilton Majestic Hotel, buyers cansee thousandsofnew product launchesplus the latest ranges from morethan 500 returning andestablished brands including 150suppliers makingtheir show debut. Networking opportunities andsocial gatherings make sourcing, buying andmaking connections easy
FlowerTrials 11-14 June
TheNetherlands and Germany. Seethe latest seasonal plant innovationfrom 59 breeding companies. www.flower trials.nl
BBC Gardeners’ World Live 13-16 June. Birmingham NEC. www. bbcgardeners worldlive.com
Blenheim PalaceFlower Show 21-23 June
Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, Oxfordshire. www.blenheim palace.com
RHSHampton CourtPalace Garden Festival 2-7 July
HamptonCourt Palace, East Molesey, Surrey. www.rhs.org.uk
RHSFlower ShowTatton Park 17-21 July
Tatton Park, Knutsford, Cheshire. www.rhs.org.uk
Register for SOLEX 2024 and immerse yourself in the beauty and innovation of the outdoor leisure.
Registration isnow openfor SOLEX 2024,the essential event forindustry buyers andvisitors to discover the latest outdoorliving trends to grace shopfloorsinspring/summer 2025.Inone convenient location,itoffersopportunities to forgenew relationshipsinthe industryand showcases sustainableinitiatives
SOLEX’s professional focus caters to both theretail and contract marketsinarelaxed and welcoming atmosphere. Understanding that retailersare passionateabout outdoor living,itoffersninedistinctproduct lines to discover, includinggarden furnitureand shading,barbecues, garden decoration, leisurebuildings, outdoor spa &heating
products, outside entertainment solutions and outdoor living accessories.
From humble beginnings in 2008,SOLEX has evolved intoavital platformfor LOFA members to display their products to the industry. Atestamenttoits excellenceand innovation is being afinalist in the Best Association Event categoryinthe Conference and Events Awards. Taking placeonFriday 5July 2024,thisprestigious ceremony recognises the outstanding achievements of events acrossthe country. “It is an immense honour for SOLEX to be shortlisted,”says Gina Hinde, LOFA MarketingManager.“We areincredibly proud of our journeyand look forward to continuedsuccess.”
Thereissomuch to celebrateatSOLEX this summer.Weinviteyou all to the SOLEX Awards &Afterparty.Taking placeonTuesday 9July at 6.30pm-10.30pm in the Kings Suite, Hilton Metropole, Birmingham NECjust ashortwalk from Hall 5.
“Wehaveplanned the ultimateparty night to coincide with the UEFAEuro2024Semi-Finals. As the who’swho of the industryget together, expect the prestigious SOLEX awards and an environment wherebusinessmeets thebeautiful game,”says Gina.
Addingtothe hype,football legend Dion Dublinwill be our host for theevening.After your welcomedrink, Dionwill be offering his
takeand predictions on thesemi-finals and engaging in afun Q&A. Dionwill then present theSolex Awards ahead of thekick off at 8pm. It’s set to be afantastic opportunity to relax andconnect in alaid-back setting.And if football’s not your thing,noworries.Enjoy great food anddrinks, entertaining activities, and thechancetohang outand chat with both exhibitorsand visitors alike.
On the second dayofthe show, Wednesday 10 Julybetween 6pm-8pm, an evening of great food andanexciting competition awaits. The highly anticipatedFireFoodand Outdoor Living Evening, in partnershipwithBBQ magazine, is settomakeits triumphant return in the Loving Outdoor Living Zone.Ina cleve nod to theUEFAEuros tournamenthappening at thesame time,six teamswilltakepartin the ChickenEuros all hopingtowin the covetedBBQ Hero Trophy
Everyone is welcome to watchthis thrilling cooking showdown, and indulge in all the mouth-watering dishes, while host television gardener David Domoney, along with BBQ Magazine’sesteemed chef,farmer,and events guru Ian Jones (BEM) ensureeveryone has a fabulous time.
The Fire Food and OutdoorLiving Evening guarantees an unforgettable experience filled with competition, greatfood, refreshing drinks, andlivelyentertainment.Use this opportunity to connectwith industry professionals in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.Don’tmiss
the opportunitytogainvaluable insights om experts on howtomarket and promoteBBQ brands in stores and why notbring your colleagues andexpand your network whileenjoying allthat the industry hastooffer
Register nowtovisit at solexexhition.com and you will automatically be entered intoaprize draw forthe chancetowin a£200 Virgin ExperienceVoucher.Asanadded bonus, thereare also tworunner-up vouchers worth£75.Tobepartofthe Awards Ceremonyand Afterparty,plusthe Fire Food and Outdoor Living Evening click on the ‘Register forEvent’sbutton.
Ballymena BT42 3EQ
Blackburn BB2 4PJ
Blackpool FY4 2RP
Kenilworth CV8 2LG
TetburyGL8 8YL
TelfordTF1 7GP
BromyardHR7 4NF
TetburyGL8 8YW
Next month, now that the weather has warmed up and thisyear’s stocks of product c s areselling through, forw r ard thinki k ng garden retailers will bestartingtoplan for 2025. With that in mind,GTN has compiled a direct c ory r ofsuppliershowrooms that are“Open for Business” this summer sothat buyers can plan showroomroad trips.
Swindon SN35HY
SwindonSN3 4RN
Abingdon OX14 3PL
BingleyBD16 2AF
Reading RG20QX
Rotherham S66 8HR
Kings Lynn PE33 0AX
Peterborough PE7 3AG
Elstree WD6 3TN
SwanwickDE55 7AS
Bourne PE10 0BQ
Little Cressingham IP25 6ND
Peterborough PE2 7BW
Royston, Cambridgeshire
Basildon SS13 1DJ
Ourshowroom is ready, pleasesee asnippetofwhattoexpect in thevideo on thelinkbelow: https://youtu.be/0H1wcnlyMlE
PreviewThe World’sfinest Garden FurnitureShowroom by watching their video: https://youtu.be/0H1wcnlyMlE. Their trade only showroom is in Reading
Contact Chris@4so.co.uk
Floralsilk arealeading supplier of artificial flowers,plants,trees and seasonal decorations including an impressiveChristmas decoration collection.
Reasons to choose Floralsilk: Incredibly realistic,high-quality products•Unrivalled product ranges to suit every style and budget•Creative, inspirational designs and displays •Helpful and knowledgeable customer serviceteam•Large UK stockholding forspeedy delivery •Easeofordering via website, phone, trade shows,showroomand salesteam. www.floralsilk.co.uk/trade |sales@floralsilk.co.uk|Tel: 01778 425205
Floralsilks’beautiful tradeshowroom is spread over 6,500 sq ft whereyou’llsee ranges from equisiteflorals and foliage to Christmas in all its glory.
Contact sales@floralsilk.co.uk
GPlants invitesretailers to our Blackburn headquarterstoexplore ourshowroomshowcasing our latest rangesand collections Discoverour top-selling brands like BeeFriends™, BEES ™Gifts,Speedy Seed andGreen Ribbon. Experience ourexclusivegiftsand products firsthand, perfect forall levels of gardening.
Contactyour salesrepresentativetomakeanappointment at sales@gplants.com
HandyDealer/Retailer Open Day
Thursday 5th September2024
Time: 9:30am -3:30pm
Location: Moulton Grange Country Estate,Grange Lane,Pitsford, Northamptonshire. NN6 9AW
Join us forablendofgardenmachinery demonstrations,invaluable sector insights, exclusive on-the-dayoffers, greatfoodand engagingactivities, allset againstthe picturesque charm of Moulton Grange Country Estate in Northamptonshire.
Ticketsare limited! Secure your spotat www.handys.co.uk
Hamac Trading CompanyLtd
Hamac Trading CompanyLtd have been supplyingunique products to the marketplace forover25years.Wehave3 product divisions,GARDEN-DISPLAY-HANSA. We have the largest rangeofwater features and displayproductsinEurope.Our showrooms areopen allyearand avisit is highlyrecommended.Located just30mins from Belfastwehaveover3000 products on display andmanymorehidden gems foryou to discover. Whynot book your showroom appointment now?
Hamac TradingCompanyLtd Unit 2, 29 Church Road, Glenwherry,Ballymena,Co. Antrim NorthernIreland, BT42 3EQ
Email:sales@hamactrading.com Web: www.hamactrading.com
Twomobile showrooms
STV has commissioned asecond mobile showroom to bringthe very best in DIYPestControl products to moreUK home and garden retailers.
Its first mobile showroom,which hitthe road in 2023,has sinceclocked up nearly 20,000 miles and visited morethan100 individualstores. Nearlyall of those visited either upgradedand updated their pest control range and in storedisplays thanksto exclusiveoffersand merchandisingdeals.At least one thirdwent on to signupfor STV’s exciting fullcategorymerchandising solution –the TOP100 -whichhas revolutionisedpest control saleswherever it’s been adopted.
Theteam at STVare nowbusy planning forthe next fewmonthswhen both showrooms will be on the road with the latest deals, promotions and newproducts plus merchandising ideas to maximise pest control sales.
Forsmall businessretailers, or those pushed for time, the mobile showroom is aconvenient way to keep up to datewith newseasons products and marketing campaigns. However, STV’sshowroom in Brandon, also opened in 2023,continues to keep its doors open to anyone wanting to visit.From 1July 2024,retailers can also previewexciting innovations in rodent controland othernew products for the 2025 season.
Awarm welcome awaits you at theSTV showroom
Come and meet thepeople whomakethe products your customers buy
•See our fantastic newproduct ranges
•Unique on-the-day deals
•Discoverour great newmerchandising
•Lunch and refreshments provided,and accommodation tooifneeded
Toobusy to come to us?
We’ll come to you in our mobile showroom!
To arrange your personal visit to STVBrandon or request the mobile showroom makes acall, phone STVon01953881580 or email info@stvuk.co.uk
There’snodoubt that abuyer’s life is made simpler by the ease of ordering online from awiderange of companies. However, thereisnocomparison to visiting asupplier showroom in person and being able to fully appreciatethe look, feel and quality of aproduct. Thereisalso no substitutefor immersing yourself in acreative space thatwill inspireand motivateyou when putting together floral, Christmas and seasonal collections….and Floralsilk’s centrally located, 6,500 squarefoot showroom does just that. Just 10 minutes from the A1 on the border of Cambridgeshireand Lincolnshire, it’seasy to reach by train, and if youcome by cartheyalso havetwo 22kW car charging points.
1. At theheart of theirshowroom experience liesthe unveiling of thenewestcollections, creatively curatedtopredict market trends and inspire your customers. Mark your calendars forJuly 1st, as Floralsilk will be proudly launchingtheir much-anticipatedSpring/ Summer 2025 collection.
2. The showroom offers an opportunity for buyers to placetheir Autumn/Winter orders as early as December but is also flexible enough to accommodateseasonal needs throughout the whole year,depending on stock availability
Floralsilk’s stunning showroom is amust-seepart of your buying journey. g y 4
The leading destination for buyers looking for exceptional Floral, Autumn and Christmas ranges, Floralsilk’s showroom has something to meet even themost discerning buyer’s
3. It’salways Christmas in this industryand Floralsilk’s showroom provides the perfect platform to topuponChristmas 2025 essentials so youcan be guaranteed agreat Christmas selling season.
4. Theirbeautiful ceramic and stone vase collection. Beautifully natural and available in a wide variety of sizes, tonesand finishes, this vase collection is perfect for both retail displays and selling for home decoration.
predicted for the coming year,how youcan incorporatethem intoyour owncollections and their impressivedisplays aregreat for getting visual merchandising ideas.
5. Go simply to be inspired. Visiting the Floralsilk showroom gives aglimpse intowhat trends are
co w co se sh
Visit the Floralsilkshowroom by appointment from Monday to Friday,between 8:30am and 5:00pm. Knowledgeable staff will be on hand to assist you and provide expertadvice on choosing the perfect products for your business.
Book an appointment nowby emailing sales@floralsilk.co.uk or calling 01778425205.
Discover top-sellingbrands Bee Friends, BEES Gifts, Speedy Seed and Green Ribbon at the GPlants headquarters in Blackburn.Contact sales@gplants.com
Best-selling personalised lines plus much, much more. Appointments forShowroom visits availableMonday– ThursdayinJuly.Contact sales@historyheraldry.com
Just 30 minutes from Belfast, the Hamac showroom has over 3000 productson displaywith hidden gems to discover.Contact sales@hamactrading.com
ThePrimeur showroom, basedinSkipton, North Yorkshire,isnow openand offering an up-closeview of all Primeur’saward-winninggarden products made from recycledand reclaimedmaterial, as well as the newly launchedMightyMatsdoormatcollections
Visiting retailerswill find retail inspiration, and sustainable ideas, andbrowsethrough the full portfolio available from Primeur.Whether youwanttoenhance your merchandising ideas,examinePrimeur’s complete portfolio of garden productsupclose,orfindout moreabout itsinnovativeand competitivedoormatoffering, the showroom is the perfect opportunity to receive salesadvicefromits dedicated team, whowillguide customersthrough the product’s USPs and help curate the perfectofferingfor this season and beyond. Primeur Ltd, Castlefields TradingEstate, Bingley, West Yorkshire, BD162AF
TheH&H Group is one of the UKsleading suppliersofpre-personalised gifting products andsustainable home fragrance, workingwith thousands of retailersand garden centres across the country. Visitusatour centrally located showroominSouthYorkshireeasily accessible from Junction 32 of theM1. Contact us todaytoarrange your appointment anytime MondaytoThursday throughout July.
TheH&H Group 01709730700/ sales@historyheraldry.com /www.historyheraldry.com
Centrallylocated at Stoneleigh Park,the Ivyline showroom is easily accessiblebyroadand offersagreat opportunityfor retailerswho wish to browsethe brand’slatest collections at their leisureand understand howtodisplay coordinated merchandisetomaximum advantage.Latest rangesondisplayinclude the extended RoyalBotanic Gardens,Kew range, as well as itsexisting trend-ledindoor andoutdoor pots,plusseasonal décor.
Theshowroom is open Mon-Thurs8am –5pm, Fri8am –3pm and all visitorsare treatedtoa complementarylunch Ivyline, Stoneleigh House,Avenue F, Kenilworth, CV82LG
LifestyleGarden®’s Basildon-based showroom boasts atwo-levels, both packed fullwith thebrand’s extensiverange of responsibly crafted garden furniture. Opening available year-round, it offers customersunparalleled access to explorethe LifestyleGarden offering. Beyond sales, it serves as ahub forretail customers, offering staff training sessions to ensureoptimalsalessupportand knowledgeregarding LifestyleGarden’s commitmenttobringing to market the most innovative outdoor living solutionswithaprovencommitmenttodiligentESG principles. WollastonWay,BurntMills Industrial Estate,Basildon, SS13 1DJ
Panacea,abrand leading manufacturer of decorativegarden productsis renowned forits high qualityand exciting newproduct development. We offer extensive andcompetitively priced ranges in distinctivegarden décor,innovative and practical garden essentials, andunique Birding items. We welcometrade only visitors to ourSwindon showroomtosee ournew product ranges
Panacea ProductsLtd Europa Industrial Park Ground FloorGBuildingOffices Parsonage Road SwindonSN3 4RN Telephone –01793 781423 Email– sales@panaceaproducts.co.uk www.PanaceaProducts.co.uk
Makeadatefor the Handy Dealer/Retailer Open DayatMoulton Grange Country EstateinNorthampton on 5th September.Tickets from: www.handys.co.uk
See the Hartman 2025 collection including newcushion technology –CloudCushion and 100%recycled cushions during June, by appointment only,atthe Hartman HQ in Telford. Call 01952 231231
Elstree WD6 3TN
Enhanceyourgarden furnitureranges with quality stylish pieces from Innovators International. By appointment only.Contact sales@innovators-international.co.uk
Stoneleigh Park isthe location forthe Ivylineshowroom. Open MondaytoThursday 8am-5pm, Fridays8am –3pm and all visitorsare treated to acomplimentarylunch. Contact marketing@ivylinegb.co.uk
With continued success and expansion, Smart Garden Products is increasing its showroom facilities.
The industry’smost prolific developer of newproducts, Smart typically introduces 400 new products for spring,summer and autumn while the Three Kings Christmas brand adds afurther 600new festiveitems everyyear
Showroom visits areextremely popular with Smart’scustomers and most visit one of Smart’sshowrooms twicea year,some even morefrequently. Beingabletospend a day comfortably reviewing the entireSmart collection without distraction is invaluable and affords much moretime and focus than is ever possible on abusyexhibition stand. Currently,Smarthas twoUKshowrooms. At its Eureka building in Peterborough, theshowroom spans twofloors and is the biggest at 6,000 squarefeet plus meeting rooms. The second is at Smart’sAbingdon HQ and is 5,000 squarefeet plus meeting rooms. Each showroom is refreshed and re-launched twicea year,inAugust for the forthcoming spring and summer ranges and then again in November for Christmas.
As ranges grow in number and content, showroom spacehas become moreand more restricted. Therefore, Smart’sshareholders areinvesting in anew-build with an additional 95,000 squarefoot facility just 400m from its existing 250,000 squarefoot Eureka building
To arrange a showroom visit email: sales@sgpuk.com or phone 01235 424100
Due to the amazing UK success of this format, Smartwill soon open a5,000 square foot showroom in Lille, northern France, supporting its fast-growing European business. Alarge influx of EU visitors are expected from mid-June 2024 onwards and Managing Director Jonathan Stobartis keen to add that UK customers arealso very welcome and will be hosted most warmly, with aFrench flavour!
At acost of £15m, Eureka II will come on stream in 2025 and include 20,000 squarefeetof premium showroom and meeting room space acrossthree floors,morethan tripling Smart’s current capacity
Basildon SS131DJ
Norfolk Leisure
Kings Lynn PE33 0AX
Nova Outdoor Living Royston Cambridgeshire TheNOVAExperience
Thursday 5th September
Time: 9:30am -3:30pm
Location: MoultonGrange Country Estate, Grange Lane, Pitsford, Northamptonshire NN6 9AW
Join us for a blend of garden machinery demonstrations, invaluable sector insights, exclusive on-the-day offers, great food and engaging activities, all set against the picturesque charm of Moulton Grange Country Estate in Northamptonshire
• Launch of the
• LIVE Garden Machinery Demonstrations Witness cutting-edge innovations firsthand from gardening experts Adam Woolcott & Tommy Cross, showcasing Webb Garden Power, The Handy, AVA Pressure Washers and Greenworks brands
• Showcasing Our Product Range Lawnmowers, Line Trimmers, Hedge Trimmers, Pole Saws, Chainsaws, Blowers & Vacuums Tillers Trolleys Spreaders Log Splitters, Pressure Washers +
Get afull product demo and factorytour of the Glee NewProduct Awardwinning Firestorm Heater at NewCross Farm in Herefordshire. Contact trade@firestormheaters.co.uk
See the full awardwinning Primeur rangeplus the newly launched Mighty Mats doormat collection in Skipton, North Yorkshire. Contact sales@primeur.ltd.uk
Find out moreaboutSipcam, an international leader in crop protection and development of bio-technologies, at their Derbyshowroom. Contact nigel@sipcamuk.co.uk
Visit the Eurekabuilding in Peterborough to see the twofloor,6,000 sq ft Smartshowrooms. Smarttypically add 400 newproductseachyear,soits wellworth avisit.Contact sales@sgpuk.com
Throughout July Trans-Continental invites customerstoanexclusive showroom visit at its headquarters in Blackpool. Strictly by appointment only,contact sales@transcon.co.uk
Spend the whole dayreviewing the entireSmartcollection at their Abingdon HQ.5,000 sq ft of showroom and meeting rooms awaittrade onlyvisitors. Contact sales@sgpuk.com
Awarmwelcome awaits you at the STVShowroom whereyou’ll also meet the people who makethe productsyour customersbuy.Contact info@stvuk.com
TheTom ChambersLifestyle showroom opens on June 3rd. See their collection of garden furniturefor 2025.Contact your TomChambers agent foravisit appointment.
Immerse yourselves in all the Westland brands to boostyour sales and discover their latest innovations and marketing campaigns. Contact yourWestland sales representativetoarrange ashowroom visit.
WildlifeWorld’sshowroom promises to inspireand educate visitorsonthe importanceofcoexistencewithnature. Contact stephen@wildlifeworld.co.uk to book avisit.
Discover the extensiverange of Woodlodge pots and accessories plus the WLiving rangeofoutdoor furnitureinthe new 20,000 sq ft showroom. Contact showroom@woodlodge.co.uk
Sipcam Home &Garden
SipcamHome &Garden is part of Sipcam Oxon Group,aninternational leader in crop protectionand development of bio-technologies. With afocus on innovation backed by alarge group, Sipcam supply gardeners withhighly effectiveeco productsunder the flagship brand ecofective®. This includesthe NEW ecofective® Slug Stoppa whichprimarily stopsslugs &snails damaging plants without hurting them.
Showroom: Sipcam Home &Garden Ltd, Derwent Business Centre, ClarkeStreet, Derby, DE1 2BU ecofective.uk.com| 01763 212103
Westland Horticulture, Peterborough.
Join the Westland Horticulture team at their 500m2 showroom in Peterborough andimmerse yourself in aworld of renowned brands such as Westland, Kent &Stowe, Peckish Unwins, and Flopro.Explore a diverse range of productsand discover the latestinnovations andcaptivating marketing campaigns.Thisisanexperiencenot to be missedthisseason. Contact your SalesRepresentativenow to secure your appointment.
WildlifeWorld’snew showroom at Manor Farm Barn, Chavenage HouseinTetbury, Cotswolds,offersacaptivating experience fortrade customersand wildlifeenthusiasts alike. Nestled alongside the stunning ChavenageHouse, this showroom providesaunique setting to exploreWildlifeWorld’sinnovative productsand conservation initiatives. From intricately designed birdfeederstoeco-friendly habitats, visitorscan witness first-hand the company’sdedication to preserving wildlife habitatsand fostering biodiversity. The showroom serves as ahub fortrade customers, offering aconvenient location to discovernew productsand forge partnerships. With itsscenic surroundingsanew coffeeshop and stunning retail shop on site and commitment to sustainability, WildlifeWorld’sshowroom at Chavenagepromises to inspireand educatevisitorsonthe importanceofcoexisting with nature.
Call 01666 505333 or email stephen@wildlifeworld.co.uk to book avisit.
Address:WildlifeWorld, Manor Farm Barn, Tetbury, GL8 8XW.
Visit us at our brand newShowroom in the Cotswolds this Summer Discoverour extensiverange of outdoor and indoor pots and accessories along with our stunning collection of outdoor furniture
Plant buyers and planteria managers have been kept on theirtoes during what’s been achallenging spring but it’s not all doom and gloom. GTNfinds out what’s been strong and how the summer is shaping up.
Roses strong at Gates
Matt Peck, Head of Horticultureat Gates Garden Centre thinks good salesfrom Februarytothe middle of April were helped by thepublication of Tillington’sBeautiful Gardens magazine. “People havebeen buying alittlebit of everything,but roses havebeenparticularly strong.Wehad big numbers of seed potatoes and onion sets going out early on and sales of grafted tomatoes havebeen strong.Now we are intoMay and people arestarting to hit the summer basket plants pretty heavily.”
At Newquay Garden Centre in Cornwall, adip in plant sales, say MarcDummett, Director and SpencerDenning,Planteria Manager andRachel Marshall Planteria Assistant Manager aredowntothe long,cold, wetspring.“We havenoticedcustomers being morecautious with what they buy and askingmorequestions,theysay.Our biggest challenge hasbeen maintaining healthy stock because fungal disease has beenrife, and keepingplantslooking tidy and fit for sale has been astruggle.”Salesofhigh-priced specimen plants areslowbut beddingand vegplantsare nowflyingout.Surprise successes in Newquay havebeenEnglish lavender, Verbenabonariensis and value perennials at three(1L)for £10.
In Kent,Tim Evans, Buying and Retail Director, Coblands Garden Centre, says sales of roses havebeen up significantly because of the change to amore prominent location in the sales area. “Wealsohavea newhome-grownrange of around 30 varieties which we havespecially selected for good disease resistance, and we’veextended the David Austin range to 16 benches.” Sales of herbaceous have been good with stand outs being geum and Euphorbia ‘Miners Merlot’ which has needed to be restocked.
Cooks Garden Centre is reporting exceptional plant salesthisyearwith hardy plants out selling beddinguntil the beginningofMay.“We areonly atinybit behindour growing/sellingschedule of bedding,”saysHannahCook.“Thebiggest challenge forushas been thelack of light with lots of drearywet days. Withthe majorityofour stock coming from ourown nurseryit has been a struggle to bringplants in flower.”Rhododendrons, azaleasand hydrangeashavebeenthe best in terms of plant groups but Acer‘Uki-gumo’continues to sell out. “It has also been oneofour highestengaged Facebook posts withanorganic reachof150k,”Hannahadds.
Adele Shelford, Plant Manager at Bosworth’s Garden Co in Elton and BurtonLatimer, Northamptonshire, has been keepinganeye on figures. In early 2024 both centresreported increases in plant sales but that changed in April. “Seasonal plants aredown15% but with a good May we cancatch back up.Home grown planted arrangements havealsobeen selling well, along with Royalty range of hydrangeas and bedding osteospermums.”Herbs and veghave been strongest sellers and bucking the trend by being 9% up at Burton.
Darran Major,Plant Area Manager, CarpentersNursery, Hertfordshire, reports‘remarkably positive’ plants sales overall from the beginning of 2024.Evenwith poor weather,the business, at the end of April, wasstillaheadofthe same period of 2023.“Bedding was only slightly down but Iam not worried about making this up,” he says. An emerging trend is the demand for vegand herbs. “I havealways maintained youmust be ready for when the sun shines. Therehavebeenafew days with some great weatherand because we arealwayswell stocked, we were able to capitalise on those fewoccasions.” The standout and gardeners’ favouritehas been Erysimum ‘Bowles’s Mauve’ sourcedfromthree nurseries to guarantee supply
Plant sales areslightly down at Highfield Garden Centre, Gloucestershire, says Jon Mason, Planteria Manager but only by 4% so he’snot tooconcerned. “We’ve got our fingers crossed for agood May!” he says. “Oncethe sun comes out the customers will flock in, and those plants will fly out,”he says. Highfield Garden Centrehas the luxuryofaretractable roof which makes spacemoreappealing to customers yearround. “Asfor astand-out plant, our lavenders havebeen super popular and our best-selling group has been small 9cm alpines and herbaceous plants. Being under coverhas kept them lookingfresh,plus they’re at the lowerend of the pricerange and well displayed. While waiting for the weather to cheer up people havebeen buying them to grow on.” per es
In Newcastle, Martin Cowell from Cowells Garden Centre reportssales of Japanese acers up by a whopping 98% and contributingtoan11% increase on outdoorplantssales overall. “Wehavemore choiceand morestock -the area is looking amazing at the moment,”hesays.Alpines and perennial toohaveenjoyedbuoyant sales up 60%and 38% respectively andherbs tooare up (+39%).It’sthe same storyfor homegrown bedding,planted containersand hanging baskets and thefirst bank holidayinMay wasthe centres busiestday on record “We’ve had alittle bit of clearanceonspringlines, but summerbedding is nowmotoring and bedding sales over bankholidaywereup+70%,”saysMartin. Amention of Podophyllum‘Spotty Dotty’ on BBC Gardeners’World turned it into an overnight online salessuccess with160 plantsselling in just four hours.
Pugh’sthumbs up for roses Erysimum‘Bowles’s Mauve’ gets another shout out, this time as abig seller for Pugh’sGarden Centres in Radyr andWenvoe. “Probably because it’sused in the entranceofthe centres planting schemes,”say Roger Crookes and MikePearce on behalf of the centres. Generally,the weather has hit plant sales which aredown, but the team is confident this will turn around as the sun makes moreofan appearance. That said, solid sales have come from roses and lavenders and grow your ownremains strong,up about 10% on 2023.Roger wondersif this is because challenges with raising seeds in peat-free growing media has put some people off,sotheyare buying plants instead.
Tree heaths surprise at BartonGrange At BartonGrangeGarden Centre, Lancashire, Will Clark Plantarea Manager is hoping for better May after adip in April sales. “Thereiscertainly achancefor us to catchup, especially with veg. And we arelucky to havethe nurseryjustdownthe road,” he says. One to keep an eyeonis sales of tree heaths, which havedoneverywell at BartonGrange. “The bees love them, andwewill definitely be ordering morenext year,” says Will. Perennials arethe best-selling plant group “Anything in early colour is selling and customers arelooking to fillborders with plants that come back.”
In the two Perrywood Garden Centres,in Essex and Suffolk,Zoe Willis, Plant Buyer says disappointing sales in April meant outdoor plant sales were similar to 2023.“We’venot been hit so hardwith bedding as having the stock on site(in our production nursery) meant we have moreoptions to turn heat up and push plants forward when the customer has been thereto buy,” she says. Ademandfor on-trend tree ferns has been fed by agreat range at both sites and anything with colour is catching customers’ eyes.“Specimen plants and topiary(nonbuxus varieties) havealsobeenbig sellers as customers replacespecimens lost to drought, wetand boxmothcaterpillar,” says Zoe.
Munros alpines offerthe
SusieMain, Plant Area Manager,at MunrosNurseries,Invernesssays: “The weather in Februaryhit sales, but March made up for this. Having both Mother’s Day and Easter in March did help.Sales of spring flowering bulbs and polyanthus do not seem to be increasing,but all other spring bedding is selling well,”says Susie. Standouts havebeenbareroot plants and specimens as morecustomers look to larger,morematureplants to either fill agap or provide structureinanew garden.“So far, our best-selling plant group has been alpines. Ithink people aredrawn to the early spring colour,becausetheyare apromise of what’stocome.”
S F d a sp st a
At, Fron Goch Garden Centre, Gwynedd,Mel Livingstonesays keeping an eyeonthe weekend weather forecast hasbecome amajor pastime. Overall plant sales are, running slightly below lastyear, butthis is being offset by areducing wasteand margin reductionwith last minute ordering. “Early sales of seasonal and veghavebeenslower, but we benefitfromgrowing our own. If it hasn’tsold, and we havespace, we canpot on and makeheadway through May and Junesellinglargerplants.”The stand-out surprise sale so farthis year has been Glandoraprostrata “Honestly, we couldn’tget enough Theyusually sell in reasonable quantities, but this year it was double,”saysMel.Shrubs have beenthe best-selling plantgroup possibly becausecustomershave moreconfidence buyingachunky plant duringwinter
Referring to my commentsinlast month’sGTN Isee thatlittle Ihoped forhas come to fruition!
Of course,I’m primarily referringtothe incessant rain and lack of sunshine which hassofar taken theshine off thisspring.But I’mstillhopefulall will still come good and theforecast highpressuredeveloping will rescuewhathas been averymixed spring so far. As we approach the peakseason forbedding plant, furniture and barbecue saleswenow desperatelyneed settled sunny weather to really get our customers gardening and buying
But it’snot all doom andgloom as Inoted from the HTA’sFirst Fridaymeeting of a selection of industry leaders that Ichaired recently.Thereisstillalot of optimism basedongenerally good salessofar and, in spiteofrecordrainfall in April. Once againcateringisholding up well andoverall garden centre salesshowa modest 6% increase on last year (Jan-April). It’salso worthmentioning themeasure of consumer confidenceisatits highest levelfor acouple
…inthe long term, thosebiosecurity checks willbevital to keepingalien pests and diseases out
of yearsbut still in negativeterritorywhen compared to pre-Brexit
As Iwrite this, newBorder checks for imports arestill just afew days oldand thereremain many unanswered questions. During the first fewdaysyou will haveheard that most trucks were just wavedthrough without checks. It will be interesting to see just what DEFRA’s ‘pragmatic approach’ amounts to and what impact therewill be as theycheck moreand more loads. What is certain is that this is another cost our industryhas to bear However, we all know, in thelong term, those biosecurity checks will be vital to keeping alien pests and diseases out.
Looking ahead we will onceagain have an important presenceatkey gardening events.Firstly with an enlarged stand and better location at RHS Chelsea Flower Show.Wedohope youwill drop by and say hello if youare there. Youwill see we will be promotingour APL members, and the gift of gardening through our National Garden Gift Voucherstoamuch wider audience.
Next comes BBC Gardeners’World Live whereagain many of our APL members will be designing and building showgardens. The RHS Hampton CourtPalaceGarden Festival in early July sees many of our growermembers andAPL members playing abig partinthe event’ssuccess
Sandwiched inbetween is of course our ownHTA National Plant Showovertwo days on June 19-20.Ihope to see many of youthere. Free tickets areavailable from the HTAwebsitenow
Looking ahead to autumn and dates for your diaries areour annualconference and anew mechanisation,robotics andautomation event. Horticulture–The Conference will takeplace on September 25 andagain be at theICC, Birmingham. Do add this dateto your diaryand attend if youcan. An early birdoffer is already available.
The mechanisation, roboticsand automation oneday event will especially, but notexclusively, interest growers amongst you. This will be held at StoneleighPark, Warwickshire on October8.
TheHorticulturalTrades Association is the UK industry’sleading membership organisation and welcomes all sectorsofenvironmental horticulture. To learnmore or join please visit: www.hta.org.uk or email: services@hta.org.uk
Year after year,the success of our sector is dependent on anumber of critical factors, with newtrends, consumer habits, and the good old weather all impacting whether we thriveormerely survive. Recently,GIMA members were treated to expertinsight from Euromonitor, intoinfluences that aremost driving change in garden retail in 2024and beyond.
We haveall been waiting with bated breath for theseason to begin, with never-ending rain marking adamp starttothe gardening year.Undeterred,however,gardening seems to find away.IwritethisonMay Bank Holiday weekend,duringwhich thesun has blasted down for threedays,and theair has been filled with thesounds of lawnmowers.So, while the season mightbelate, we’reskilledatplaying catch up,whichiswhy Euromonitor data states we’reontrack for growth,albeitmodest
In fact, the latest Euromonitor Home and Garden Report forecasts the UK gardening marketing is set to grow by 1.83% in 2024, which is one of the moreoptimistic forecasts in western Europe, with the likes of France looking at -9.37%. Our bounceback from
the effects of negativegeopolitics, energy and cost of living crises is morepositivethan others. Privatelabel continuestobepopular, and consumers continue to trade down on price, howeverour attitude towards branded goods is trending up
As we delveintothe granular detail, we see thereare pockets of positivegrowth. Topping the list is the very heartof gardening,including core gardening,outdoor horticultureand grow-your-own. Much of this is for the love of gardening itself, but consumers arecontinuing to develop moresustainable practices and increased self-sufficiency during atime when cost rises areimpacting day-to-day living.This knowledge provides retailersand suppliers/ manufacturers with asignificant opportunity to ‘speak’toconsumers on this journey.
Fewofusare ever without our smartphones, demonstrating our daily relianceon technology,soitmakes sense this trust in robots should continue in thegarden. Latest data shows time-poor shoppers areturning to toolsthat makelife easier,with robotic
lawnmowers expected to continue to enjoy ariseinpopularity.Iftechnologically driven solutions arenot yetonyour horizon, nowis the time to reconsider
Consumers arebecomingwise to greenwashing,which in turn is forcing brands to revisittheir greenmessaging and overall ethos. The popularity of sustainable gardening is also influenced by the many people embracing amorerelaxed approach to gardening while wantingtopositively impact the wildlife on their doorstep.A perfect example is the move away from plastic lawns or even perfectlymanicured lawns in favour of meadows bursting with wildflowers
Thenew consumer demographic
One of themostsignificant‘changes’ identified, andthe one to make garden retailers sit up andpay attention, is the profile of UK gardeners. Until now, the averageconsumerdemographichas remained largelyunchanged. In arecent Euromonitor survey, over 60% of millennial respondents saidtheyperformgardening activitiesatleast twicea week
Afterserving 10 yearsonthe GIMACouncil, Kate Ebbens has become GIMAPresident for the 2024 and 2025 term. Kate is seen herereceiving the official chain of officefromoutgoing President JennyDouthwaite from Premiur.New Vice President Craig Hall of Deco-Pak will supportKateinher newrole.
Whether inspired by TV shows, dictated by their urban living environments, or turning to gardening for health or cost benefits, thereis nownosuch thing as your typical gardener This is good news for the gardening world. Our sector offers many ways to engage and does not favour one type of gardener over another.Inabusy,hecticworld, we provide solutions that suit different lifestyle needs while reconnecting people withnature. It’s not without challenges, but the futurelooks bright, and for me, that’sthe perfectway to kickstartthe season!
Anybusinesses interested in joining GIMAcan contact the GIMAteam at 01959 564947 orinfo@gima.org.uk.Full details regarding GIMA’smultiple-member benefits can be foundat www.gima.org.uk