Thistimelast year Iwas writing acomment pieceabout thetiming of Glee and all thekerfufflethatwas createdafter Glee’ssecond time of running in June. At the time Istatedthat “asmedia partners we are only interestedinthe success of allour trade shows for both exhibitors and retailers. At theend of the day,GTN won’thaveany say in the timings as thatisdowntothe owners andorganisersofthe events; however, we hope people’sshortmemoriesdon’tsendus down apath that mayprove to be wrong.”
Now, in hindsight, Ican onlyapplaud theGlee team and senior management for takingthe decision to move Glee backtoSeptember,and for making that happen straight away in 2024.After thelackofsummer we’vehad this year,I’m certain most in the industry would nothavebeen ready,
willing or abletoattend Glee ifithad been in June. September,itappears, for manyreasonsisactually themost appropriate timefor Glee.
TheGTN team arecurrently workingonthe GTN Glee Preview, TheGleeShowGuide and the Glee DailyNews, alongwith theorganisationofthe Glee NewProduct Showcase so we arereallylooking forwardtobeing thereand seeingyou all In themeantime, SOLEXprovedthat their July datefor theOutdoorLiving sector continuesto work well. Hall5 at theNEC has neverlooked better, with exceptional displaysfromexhibitorsand there was plenty of buying takingplace too!
Fingers crossedwenow havea predominantly sunny and warmAugust so that garden centrevisits andsalescan be encouraged,beforeweall get thinking about Christmas!
Seeyou at Glee.
Garden Trade News
Potting Shed PressLtd DairyDrove ThorneyPeterboroughPE6 0TX Tel01733 775700 www.gardentradenews.co.uk
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Garden Trade News is published by Potting Shed PressLtd who also publish: GTNBestsellers, GTNXtra, PetTrade Xtra, Glee Daily News and the Glee Catalogue, and the Solex Sun. Potting Shed Pressalso supply Garden Radio to over100 garden centresacrossthe country.
Director Trevor Pfeiffer SMALL PRINT:All material ©Potting Shed PressLtd 2024 No partofthis publication may ereproduced in any form whatsoever, either for sale or not, without the expresspermission of the publishers. The information supplied in this publication is published in good faith and everyefforthas been made to ensure its accuracy.Potting Shed PressLtd cannot acceptresponsibility for any error or misrepresentation. All liability for loss, disappointment, negligenceorother damage caused by relianceoninformation contained in this publication or in the vent of any bankruptcy or liquidation or cassation of the trade of any company, individual or
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AsPrimeur's Jenny Douthwaite steps down from her role as GIMA President after twoyears,GTN sits down with both her and Capi Europe's KateEbbens, the incoming GIMA President, to discusstheir experiences, hopes, and aspirations for the association.
Howdoyou feel about your roles in GIMA?
Kate: "I am very honoured to havethe opportunity to become the next GIMA President, following overa decade as amember and morerecently on the council. I'm excited about the prospect of contributing to GIMA's growth and supporting Vickyand thewider council to ensureour members receiveall the benefits GIMA can offer."
Jenny: "It's been an honour and aprivilege to serve as GIMA President for the last twoyears. This was arole that Ihad few preconceptions about, yetitexceeded all expectations tenfold. The role of President, whilst aprestigious title on its own, also offers amultitude of benefits. However, it relies on youputting the effortinand getting to grips with all aspects of the trade association and howit represents its members. This 'bigger picture' thinking paid dividends for me and enhanced the role in afulfilling way."
What inspired you to get involved with GIMA?
Kate: "Myinvolvement with GIMA started because Iwanted to contribute, support, and develop an organisation that our industryneeds and can hugely benefit from. Through my time at Cadix UK/Capi Europe, Ihaveseenfirsthand howGIMA can help businesses grow and develop, backed by an informativeand hugely supportivenetwork. I'm thrilled to have represented the association for many years."
JennyDouthwaite presented acheque to theGreenfingers charity at the GIMA Awards 2023
Jenny: "GIMA wasanintegral partofour businessgrowth in the early days and has remained so since, so Iwanted to 'pass it on'. Becoming partofthe council and, latterly,the President allowedmetohelp othermembers access thesupportsystem that GIMA provides while enhancing my knowledge. It's awonderful group of people to work with."
What areyour plans and hopes for the futureofGIMA?
Kate: "Asthe incoming President, Iaim to supportthe development alongside other council members. We strivetoexpand our membership and further develop the pillars
The annual GIMA Awards returns in November to celebratethe best the garden retail sector has to offer and recognise excellenceinnew product development, marketing initiatives, and exportachievements overthe past 12 months.
Taking placeonThursday 7November at the five-star Celtic Manor Resort in Newport, the event is an excellent waytoclose the 2024 season, with a glittering evening of dinner,drinks and
networking with friends and colleagues. Tickets areavailable with ahost of brands having already secured their spot to seethe unveiling of the 2024 winners. Tickets arepriced at £359 for members or £429 for non-members. Tables of 10 arepriced at £3,379 for members or £4,099 for nonmembers. NB Ticket prices include dinner and overnight accommodation.
To book visit www.gima.org.uk / events/gima-awards-gala-dinner
of supportthat areavailable to members. Increasing retailercustomer connectionsis one crucial aspect we want to grow so that moremembers can present newproduct developments to these retailers.
"A personal goal Ihope to achieve as President is to buildonGIMA's existing collaborations with other industry organisations to sharecommon challenges and data and work towards achieving Net Zero by 2030 in the UK."
Jenny: "During my tenure, Ifocused on supporting the association's futuregoals for themembers' progress, something thatI feelwemade significant strides in completing successfully.I hope that the extrasupportfromthe council
willcontinue, enhancinginitiatives and providing greater supporttoall."
What challenges did youface, and what do youanticipatefor the future?
Kate: "Inthe years ahead, severalissues areatthe forefront for GIMA. We need to help our members engage with retailers to ensurethe industry knows about the best products available. Elsewhere, global and economic developments aresureto impact suppliers throughout the year, and we want to be theretorespond and help them navigatethese. Addressing new government regulations is also critical, and it is imperativethat we stay abreast of policy changes as atrade body."
Howdoyou viewthe legacy and ongoing development of GIMA?
Kate: "GIMAisanextraordinary organisation dedicated to supporting its membership base, from grassroots developers to established industry juggernauts. One of the association's biggest assets is that such abroad spectrum of suppliers can access the same information, network and resources. During my time as President, Ihope to build on this further and makesignificant strides in the plans I'vementioned.WithVicky and the other council members, Iaim to strengthen GIMA's engagement and positively impact our membership."
Jen Pres toug face than help for n my p we f weat refre mod the a o pil av ne orinfo@gi gim
strive to expand our membership and further develop the
of supportthat are available to members.
Jenny: "I appreciatethat previous esidents havefaced some of the ughest challenges we have ever hadto e, and for their involvement, Iamso thankful, especially to SimonMcArdle, who helped to put in placenew mechanisms rnavigating the tail end of Covid, where presidency began. During my time, faced the 'usual' pressures, such as ather and in-season challenges, so it was eshing not to be in disasterrecovery mode. This meant we couldbetter focuson eassociation'sfuturegoals."
Jenny: "I am forever in aweof howmeticulously Vickyruns the association alongside Angie and Kate. Thereisnoquestion that the team in placeisdedicatedtothe work that GIMA undertakes. However, they can't do it all, nor should they. Ihavealways felt the council coulddomoreto supportVickyand themembers and haveissued severalrallying calls to makethis happen!
“I hope my legacy remains reflectiveofthis moreengaged council,whilst theBuddy Scheme –my‘baby’ during my tenure’ continues to connectpeople together as they navigate theirway through the wonderful world of garden retail.”
nesses interested in joining GIMAcan contact theGIMA team at (01959)564947 ima.org.uk.Full details regarding GIMA’s multiple-memberbenefits canbefound gima.org.uk
Introducingournewpremium colourwayforourpergolas NOVA’snewPebblecolour willcomplementnatural colourfurniture
BookavisittotheNOVA ExperienceCentretoseethis newcolourforyourself www.novaoutdoorliving.co.uk
First time exhibitor at SOLEX 2024 wasRiva Home with avibrant and coordinating range of textiles forthe home and garden. Jono Clark, Head of Sales, displayed ataster of Riva’s outdoor range including rugs, table runners and cushions with aspecial coatingtomake them showerand UV resistant. “I’ve had arug on my balcony for morethan ayear and ahalf anditstill looks likeitdid the day Ibought it,” he says.
As well as supplying stores from Harrods to Poundland, Riva is also selling to garden centres including Blue Diamond and the Tillington Group.But,says Jono,its wide range can boost the sales and add asplash of colour to any garden centrefurnitureand outdoor living department. “I want to be the colour king.Garden centres already havetheir
neutrals so theycan come to us to get the pizzazz. We aregrowing incredibly fast and always adding newcategories. Our philosophy is that we wouldliketo be afirst-ratesupplierofeverything that makes ahome and the garden prettier.”
Riva Home has aUKwarehouse and a showroom in Leedsand orders of £400 or morebenefitfromcarriage paid.
Hartman came to SOLEX with threedistinct messages –all promotedbyDavid Domoney
The first wasthe launchofitshuffle boardand skittlesgaming tabledesigned to encourage all membersofthe family to play outside. Easy andfun to play it retails at around£3000 andhas been designed followingthe successofHartman’s Crucible outdoor pooltablelast year
Second comes itssoft, Cloud Cushion range.Michelle Bradford,Hartman UK’s Marketing Manager,says thecushions have ‘bounce back’technologyand are filled with 100%postconsumer materials
Thistrade-marked brandedrange will be available for the2025 season.
It’s Return,Recycle initiativecomes intoplaywith2025 ranges. Allranges with athree-year standard warranty andregisteredby customerswill be extendedtofive yearsand be eligible forthe returns scheme. If,atany
timeafter thefive years, customerswant to replacetheir furniture, Hartmanwill collectit and givethe customer avoucher to redeem on their next furniture purchase.
Alongside the newfurniturefromLifestyleGarden was acompletely newrange designed especially for those with balconies, small gardens and patios. Launched under the Compact Outdoor Living conceptby ScanCom, LifestyleGarden’sparent company,itoffers flexible options to makethe most of outdoor living By easily lifting and sliding,James Cohen, Commercial Manager ScanCom UK, demonstrated howquickly and effortlessly the Barcelona Folding Tablecould be changed from atwo,toafour-seater
Currently thereare four ranges, Berlin, Barcelona, Copenhagen and Solitarewith products ranging from tall bar tables and high chairs to soft loungers in three mix and match colourways. Theyall havecleverspacesaving and multifunctional designs and garden centres can order combinations to suit.
Zest’s new entertainment rangepickedupanother awardatSOLEX 2024, atestament to the company’s flarefor design and understanding of how today’s customers areenjoyingtheir outside spaces.
Zestisonadesign journeyto bring to themarketfresh ideas and practical waysfor peopleto maximise on their enjoyment of spending time in their gardens andoutdoor spaces. Established within the sector and already supplying many gardencentreswithgarden furniture, arbours, arches and outdoor storage,this fifth-generationBritish company takesgreat pride in being awood specialist. Itscomfortableand stylish range is made from sustainable,slowgrownsoftwood sourcedfromresponsibly
managed forestsinPoland, wheremanyof the products aremadebythe skilledteams Demandingthe limelightatSOLEX 2024 wasZest’s TerrazaOutdoor Kitchenrange which wonBest NewIndividual Product.
Simon Davison Head of Commercial Development, says it wasdesigned from scratch by Zest’s Product DevelopmentTeam headed up by Luke Roberts,Zest’s Senior Product Designer,and hasbeenZest’stopselling product this year
“Welooked into theoutdoorkitchen marketand realizedthatactually, therewas
nothing offeringexceptional value.”saysLuke. Simonadds: “Wehad already developed apizza oventable so it seemed anatural progression to move on to something whichwould offer the option to have an outdoor kitchen. The modularapproach of theTerraza range allows customerstomix and match and combinewith abarbecue,pizza oven or any otheroutdoor cooking products.”
After severalmonths of design, cardboard models,testingand working with theteamin Poland, the final product was ready. “There’s alwaysalot of revisions,alot of blue sky thinking,and refining.And ourdesign for manufactureand assembly processhelps optimise our designtomakesurewecan make it to therightprice point,”saysLuke. Availableasaset with acornerunitand twodoubleside units,witha stockists RRP of £999.99, Zest also offers the units individually. Along with the Terraza OutdoorKitchen Side Tableit allows customers to createtheirown combinations. “That’sthe great thing about it,” says Simon. “You canplay around with it and makeit fit your ownspace.”
TheTerraza Outdoor Kitchen waslaunched at the endofFebruarythisyear andhas become an instantsuccess.Research andfeedback
Zest returned to SOLEXthis year with astand whichfocused on products in its outdoor living and entertaining range. Forthiswinning idea it secured the awardfor the Best Small Stand. With arbours, pavilions, the Terraza Outdoor Kitchen, and aselection of furniture, the stand inspired visitorsand buyersbyshowing howthe different ranges can be dressed up instorewith accessories and planted containers.
Pavilion and once buyers were able to see for themselves, theyknewitwould be an attractiveproduct for theircustomers.
suggested that wouldbethe case but this doesn’t always translateintosales.“Retailers sold their initialorders in thefirst weekend and were asking formore,”says Simon Having the kitchenondisplay at SOLEX provedtobe ahit with retailerswho had heardabout it but not actuallyseen it.“Our marketing team do agreat jobwithimagery, but people don’talways trust something until they’ve actually seenit,”saysSimon. At the showitwas displayed underneath aKnutsford To findout morevisit zestoutdoorliving.co.uk.
Zest also has ateam of merchandisers, whichitislooking to expand.Aswellas being apractical help forgardencentres, Simon says that working alongsidea retailer’s team is enormously beneficial. “Theycan showthe teams howstraight forward they aretoput together,talk about thebenefits andfeaturesand help them with information to help customers,” he says
Outdoor entertaining continuesto be afocus forZest andlistening to what customersare saying andlooking for in terms of products and extrafeaturesare shaping its next steps. Having itsown designersmeans it can expand its range andimportantlyensure overthe next fewyears it continuesto bringexcitingproducts and innovation to garden centre offerings.
Email: sales@Zestoutdoorliving.co.uk or call 01352 873555 and followusonsocialmedia.
The first SOLEX Awards night was aroaring success with winners announced and entertainment from Dion Dublin and live, on-screen football.
Congratulations to the winners of the SOLEX 2024 awards recognising innovation, eco credentials and great displays. Forthe first time, GinaHinde, LOFA General Manager, organised an eveningawards event which wascompared by football pundit Dion Dublin who entertained the audience with stories from his footballing past. The evening was agreat success and ahigh bar has certainly been set for futureyears.
Eco Fuegohas introduced its third, and now awardwinning, firepit.
Eco Fuegoisstilla relativelynew brand in theoutdoorliving arena but already it is generatingconsiderable interest. It’ssmoke andash free firepits, created from an ecological solutionfor frostprotectioninvineyards, arenow sold across the world. Thecompanyisontarget this year to sell50,000units
Founder of The Crop Candle Company is Tim Jeffswho explainsthatseeing afriend losehis grape crop to frost, spurredhim on to findanalternative to paraffincandles
“We joinedSustainable Wines GreatBritain, andtogetherwithMarks &Spencerand Waitrose, found an eco-friendlyversion made from 100% vegetable waxthatkicks out 90%lessCO2 than paraffin.”
Today The Crop Candle Company supplies many thousandsofcandles to UK vineyards including Nyetimber,Chapel Down andRoebuck andmillions across the world. They arequicktolight thanks to the integral cardboardwick, andeasyto extinguish by simplyputting thelid on.
Crop candles aresupplied in an industrial looking silver canbut during covid, Jeff and hisson saw the potentialfor them to be an eco-friendly alternative to wood fuel firepits in the garden. They introduced the first El Fuego FirePit at SOLEXin2022whichbecame an overnight success andthe perfect product for selling in gardencentres. The idea was simple –touse the same sizecropcandle buthoused in an attractivewood effect or black cannister with alid. Next came the El Fuego Grandein rust, blackand silver –another ideal garden centreproductaimed at customerswitha larger outdoor space.
Through dialogueand customerfeedback, it becameapparent therewas afurther gapin the marketfor afire pitsuited to small gardens and to take camping.And so,the El Fuego Mini was created andwon the awardfor theBest Eco-Friendly Product at SOLEX2024. Retailing at around £99, it comesingreen, silver andblackwith acarry bag for easy transport. It’s also the only firepitendorsed by theEnvironmental Agencyfor burningon
coastal campsites. “There’snosmoke pollution, embers or ashthatcould possibly spark and ignitecoastal reedswhichare very vulnerable during thehot season.With normalfire pits, people leavethemunattended, or they’llgoin and just letthe embers blow aroundwhichis not good in awindy, coastallocation,”explains Tim.
TheElFuegoisalready stocked in centres such as Blue Diamond, andTim is in conversation with otherstoo.However,heis aiming the newElFuego Miniatdiy andhigh street stores. “Wedon’t want to cannibalize our trade. We’vegot alot of customers which have been reallyloyal to us by selling the more substantial El Fuego andwedon’twant thereto be aconflict on pricing.The big shedswant to stack it high so with the Mini, youcan pick itup for£99 andoff yougo.”
Ingeniously all rangesuse the same size vegetable waxcandle which canburn for eighthours so,regardlessofwhich product is
stocked, garden retailers can enjoyrepeatsales from refills. “The beauty is everytimesomeone sells one of ourfire pits, they’llget people coming back to thestore for refills and95% of thetimepeoplegoing will buysomething else,”says Tim. “And one of our garden centre customersisofferinga free coffee and cake with everysixth refillpurchased.”
The100%vegetable wax candlesalso come with agreat environmental storyfor garden centres to tell. “Theyare economical, ecological, efficient and effective,”saysTim, who adds that at 40,0000BTU’s the heat outputisthe same as awood fire. Retailing at £21, each candle hasaburntimeofeight hours,the vegetable rawmaterials are sustainable, theyare wraped in paper,and any wax remaining at the end can be put in the compost bin.
•The EcoFuego refillemits 1.4kgofCO2/ hr,compared to 15kgofCO2/hr from a conventional firepit
•Each100% vegetable waxrefillis equivalent to burning 90-100 kiln-dried logs.
•Nopollution from wood smoke, ash, or embers, so suited to urban spaces.
•Nolingering smell of bonfires.
•Quick ignition andsimple extinguishing by placingthe lid.
In addition to the standardnon-scented refill, El Fuego also sells acitronella candle for summermonths. But not everyone wantsjustcitronella,sothe company has devisedscented waxmelts which giveout four different scents. They lastfor around 30mins,which says Tim, is great if youare only in the gardenfor ashort time.A cinnamon scenthas been devised forChristmas, along with lavender andpinefor other times of the year Packaging andpricing is being devisedbut it’s likely customers will get achoice of amixed or singlescent pack.
To stock El Fuegofire pits and waxrefills contact Timonemail: tim.jeffs @cropcandle.co www.cropcandle.co
FFive teams entered but only one could takehome the accolade of being the best BBQ HeroatSOLEX 2024.
ivechefs and their teams from Kadai, Charbroil, Outback, Grillstream and Delavita went head-to-head at SOLEX to competefor the BBQ Heroaward. With an international theme to reflect football’srecent European Cup, each team represented acountry and had to cook achicken dish in that style. Congratulations to Adam Markham, the chef from Team Kadai, who wonbyrepresenting England with atraditional roastchicken with extra trimmings. Howeveritwas aclose shave with judges David Domoney, Ian Jones from BBQ Magazine and last years winner Tara Quick from Charlie Ovens unable to decide. Kadai were tied with Charbroil and it took theloudest cheer from the crowd to decide who should win.
How FloraLinc is working to get plants to garden centres with minimum fuss and maximum care.
There’snot many who won’thave seen aFloraLinc or FreshLinc Group lorryonthe motorway and known that inside areplants, cut flowers and edible fresh produceheading, eventually,towards aretailersomewhere in the UK. FreshLinc startedout in Spalding moving farm produce, while FloraLinc, a relatively newdivision set up some five years ago,isaninternational horticultural
transportspecialist handling 250,000 CC trollies ayear.Itisalready working with British Garden Centres and is looking to expand its garden centrecustomer base. What it has to offer,especially with easy solutions for moving importedplants under the newBorder Controlrules, could be just what some retailers arelooking for DaveMartin is FloraLinc’sGeneral Manager Customs &European Operations
and explains that it benefits from being partofFreshLinc with its 400 lorries, 800 trailers (some refrigerated) and tankers. Most lorries can pull any of the trailers and subcontractors arealsoused to cope with horticulture’sseasonal nature. “That gives us great flexibility and logistic advantages, but we have aclose knit, small business mentality so most of our customers only speak to oneortwo people as their point of contact.It's morethan being small enough to care and big enough to cope, because as partofsuch alarge entity we havea successful model to deal with all the peaks.”
An increasingly important element of FloraLinc’sbusiness, is its expertise in dealing with newUKregulations surrounding plant imports and border controls. Forour customers we aim to makethe whole processaspainlessas possible so UK and EU plant passports, phytosanitarycertificates, IPAFFs(which givea heads up on the potential for plants to bringinpest and disease), CITES (for endangered plants) and HMRC documentation areall partand parcelofits service. “Wekeep everything simple for the
customer,any complexity is for us to deal with. We'll hold people's hands and report back as an exception rather than in every occurrence,” Daveexplains.
FloraLinc can offer as much or as little supportascustomers need and to makethe processevenswifter,it’ssitein Spalding has been appointed aUKinland Control Point. It is one of just afew inland Control Points specialising in the transit of ornamental horticulture. Thereare others in Bristol, at Provender Nurseries in Kent,and twoB&Q sites in Haywood and Swindon. This means FloraLinc’s imports from the EU come heredirectly without having to be stopped and checked at Felixstow or Harwich, the two ports it uses the most. This not only speeds up the process, but also avoids delays and subsequent damage at the ports, reduces handling,and allows FloraLinc to better manage its logistics. “It means we can control our timelines. We knowwhen goods aregoing to get here, and we already knowthe day beforeiftheyare going to get inspected. We have conversations with local inspectors who will say ‘yes’, theyare coming to inspect or ‘no’ theyare not so we can adjust our plans accordingly.”
HMRCcan also request for a consignment to be checked, and when this happens goods may need to be kept on alorry.Daveexplains he has been asked by HMRCnot to tip adelivery for30 mins while FloraLinc provided additional information. Oncecleared, the delivery could be taken off the lorry, but had to remain within the ControlPoint until it was cleared by Animal and Plant Health (APHA).
To streamline the processevenfurther, twoFloraLinc team membersare going
through the APHA pilot training process to gain Authorised Operator Status. This means theywillbeabletoinspect consignments for evidenceofpestsor diseases on siteadding to the efficiency of the whole process. “This will allowusto havea closer relationship with APHA and better shape howthings work to suit our businessneeds,”says Dave.
iPAFFSisthe system that keepstrack of what plant species and cultivars are coming intothe country. Filed before transit, it lets APHA knowwhat may need checking.Computer softwarereferredto as the ‘risk engine’ regularly adjusts what, out of medium or high-risk plants might need checking.But as Daveexplains, what needs inspectin one week mightnot need checking the next.
As aControl Point, FloraLinc canisolate plants for inspection while it’sprocessing therestofthe load, and as everything is movedonpallets or trollies, the system is relatively easy.“We present plants, so APHA inspectors don't havetomove everything around to be able to see everysideofthe trolley,”explainsDave. “Wehavea lot of trollies of mixed plants with different botanical names and theymight allneed inspecting.Wemakethe plantaseasyaswe cantoaccess and giveinspectors alistof plants by origin and destination. If theycan findthe right plants quickly then can spend their time wisely to complete aproper inspection. It's not about hurrying them up It's about enabling them.”
The likelihood of therebeing pest anddisease isquitelow butbecause FloraLinc is ahaulier,itcan use trailers for
holding anything that might need to be putinquarantine. “Absolutely,the risk to agricultureand horticulture is therefrom importedpests such as Colorado beetle which has cost the countrymillions already And if tobacco whiteflygot into the country, theestimatedcostisenormous,” says Dave.
In addition to distributing importedstock, FloraLinc also movesvast amounts of plants and producewithin the UK and weekly to Northern Ireland. Plants needing ajourneyofmorethan 10 miles still require aUKplant passporttoensuretraceability Plants areeitherdelivered to the
Spalding depot for collation or collected from nurseries by FloraLinc. Daveexplains agreements aremade so plants are delivered or collected at the beginning and end of the week,toevenout workflow.
FloraLinc has adiversecustomer base, helping out not only with plants but also with non-living products such as garden furniture, storage, order picking and order collating
Daveiskeen to expand thegarden retail customer base and thereare advantages for UK retailers too. Collating plant orders means retailers get fewer deliveries so reducing the time it takes for stafftounload. “And as we arerepeat visitors andtend to send the same drivers, theyget roundquicker because theyknowthe intricacies of,for example ashared car park.”
FloraLinc has asolution for any problem and Daveishappytoengage in a conversation with independents who may want to form aco-operative. Groups with four or fivesites might be interested too.
Becoming aControl Point and interpreting the newrules has been asteep learning
curve for FloraLinc. “Defraand APHA have been very helpful in making surewegot things right. Theydidn’tgivea template bu were very activeinmaking sureour case and building were compliant,”recalls Dave. “I spent so many hours being prepared for it that when April 30th came it wasfine.”
Forthose exporting to the UK it has also been difficult and increased costs havebeeninevitable, especially when consignments havetobechecked which effectively means double handling “Prices will increase again as more consignments areinspected but we have priced our servicetobecompetitiveon the assumption our goods will need to be checked,”says Dave. But because the UK is such acoremarket for Europe, he thinks theywill continue to trade. “But youwill see pricedifferencesparticularly from Dutch hauliers which don’thavea UK base so havetoissue multiple phytosanitary certificates[which arecostly] to enable the creation of aUKplant passport. Because all our plants can be inspected with one phytosanitarycertificate, and we canissue plant passports our costs arereduced.”
When looking at the life of aplant, Dave
recognises that FloraLinc is just one partofthe picture. “Weunderstand howmuchlove and carehas gone intogrowing that plant. It only touches us for ashort time in itslife, but it's important we showitthe same love and care.
Garden care, wild birdcareand petranges have so much potential to be brilliant Christmas gifts ideas so don’tforget to promotethem instore and online. Blue Diamond Newbridge, Barton Grange and Bents Garden Centres work hard to fill these departments with festivecheer and increase sales.
Be seen, from miles away.Makethe mostof roadside visibility with your Christmas lights and imagery. At McKenzie and Cruickshank it wasclear formiles around theywereThe Placefor Christmas.
Light up plant sales. Gates added aset of outdoor batterylights to severalplants to encourage extrasales and at KlondykeAstbury Meadow, hellebores,conifersand star-shaped lanterns were chosen to bringChristmas even to outside dining areas.
Givethe GiftofPizza. Turn your BBQ sales area into another Christmas gift sales revenue opportunity. NewquayGarden centre, along with otherswevisited were selling pizza ovens allthe way through to Christmas in 2023.
BespokeChristmas uniforms forthe team add that extra layerofprofessionalism and smiles!
Lasting impressions. Sell the promise of next spring’s plant sales byensuring your winter bedding displays arelookingsimplysuperb all the waythrough to Christmas Day, as were thedisplaysat Squires Badshot Lea.
Garden Centrein Flintshiremakes use of everyavailable bit of spacefor Christmas. Including the wall alongsideawalkway which makes the perfect backdrop formirrors and wreathes.
After a13-year break, the Greenfingers CharityDragon Boat race returned at the end of June with afiercelyfought competition and afun day out for all the family.
With fiveteams battling it out, it was the Westland Warriors that walked away champions having beat off stiff competition from fellowfinalists, Evergreen Miracle (G)rowers.
Basked in glorious sunshine at Grendon Lakes, Northamptonshire, the Greenfingers Charity Dragon Boat race saw teams from Westland, Evergreen, British Garden Centres, the AMES Companies and GIMA alongside the YPHA, come
together to create atruly memorable event. Withfriends and families cheerleading from the lake’sedge, the teams enjoyedacrash course on howtorow (and avoid capsizing!) beforehitting the start line to see who wouldreignsupreme.
The Westland Warriors just pipped the Miracle (G)rowers, reaching the finish line in 65.06seconds, with the Miracle (G)rowers following just 0.39 seconds later
“What asuperb day.The weather waskind
butmoreimportantly,everyone came together to havethe best time,”says Linda Petrons, Director of Fundraising and Communications at the Greenfingers Charity,said: “Of course, theday also helped to raise funds so that we can continue to buildevenmoregardens in 2025 and beyond, and for this we will be forever grateful. Thanks also to the teamsatGrendon Lakes and NewWaveevents who helped make the day areality. Same time next year!”
TheGreenfingersCharity Dragon Boat Racesfor 2025 will takeplaceonSunday 6th July 2025 at Grendon Lakes, Northampton. E-mail: linda@greenfingerscharity.org.uk to secureyour boat now.
If you areinterested in anyfuture GreenfingersCharity events, including the Wing Walk on 3September and Charity Fundraising Dinner on 28 November please contact the team formoreinformation. Email: linda@greenfingerscharity.org.uk
Look ahead to the 50th year of Glee with GTN’s early birdnews of what to expect this September.
ASeptember Glee is back on the calendar and visitor pre-registration is considerably up on previous years, boding well for abusy show. It’sanideal time for many exhibitors tootolaunch promotional and newproducts so expect to see companies returning this year such as Tildenet, Premier Decorations, Strata Products and Hozelock.
Regular visitors will noticelayout changes to reflect the showbeing in different halls and enhancevisitor flow.
The Green Heart, the placefor all things planty, will be in Hall 10 bringing horticulturewelland truly intothe centreofthe show.Anyone visiting the outdoor FireGrill &Chill through the Green Heart. Ac generous seating will result placetopause. The FutureP newvarieties can also be found
If youare looking for newideas and young companies, look out Glee First banner to promot companies to the garden re
e layout ace for orticulturewelland show. Anyone ll area will havetowalk A café in its centreplus in Hall 10 being anatural Plants display of ound here. w ideas t for the ote debut etail industr
Glee’sNew Product Showcase, in association with Garden Trade News, will be located in the link between Halls 8and 9providing ample space to display morethan 300 innovativeentries. It’s acentral location and this year will be seen by everyone walking between the halls. Exhibitors wanting to get their newproducts noticed can enter via the Glee websiteinthe Exhibitor Zone.A maximum of three products per categorycan be entered and the deadline is 4September.Initial judging will take place on Monday evening, 9th September, with thetop three from each category taking to the stage to present their 2-minute pitches to the judges during Tuesday 10th September.That means this year thewinners will be announced at the end of the first day of Glee 2024,at5:00pm on The Stage. We look forward to seeing youthere.
Aprogramme of talks andpresentationswill run throughout the show, andremember your floral attire forFloral Thursday,the day that adds in FUNdraising for The Greenfingers Charity
11%plan to make orders of
75% £1m+ 50
of visitor attend to purchase products and services
Visitors and exhibitors come from countries
Above:Congratulations to everyone who took partinthe Talent Storeworkshop at Millbrook Garden CentreinMay.The twoteams of fivehavenow been chosen to each create apop-up displayatGlee. Theinitiative, conceived to enhancevisual merchandising skills, is in its second year.Lastyear focussed on houseplants, while this year’s finalists have been tasked with displays on thetheme of urban jungle and apet-friendlygarden. Their displays will be built near the stage area in Hall 10,using upcycled props from their owngarden centres and products donated by Glee exhibitors.
To celebrate Glee’s 50-year anniversary the readers of Garden Trade News and GTNXtrahave been nominating their suggestions as to the hero’s of the past 50 years across individuals in the industry, products and plants.
Fromover100 individual nominations hereare the shortlists of Glee 50 Year Hero’sthatwill be votedfor by readers of the GTNXtraand Glee Daily News e-mail newsletters during August with the winners being announced at Glee 2024 in September.Look out for the voting forms in GTNXtra: www.gardentradenews.co.uk or Glee Daily News. To subscribe to thefreee-mailnewsletters send your detailsto: trevor@ pottingshedpress.co.uk.
HeroProduct of the last 50 years
1. Drip Feeders
2. Garden Solar Lights
3. Hozelock Connector
4. Kelkay bagged aggregates and POS
5. Miracle Gro
9. Slug Gone –Wool slug pellets
10. The first Gro-Bag launched by Fisons
11 VegTrug
12. Wildlife World SolitaryBee Hotel
13. Wood Pellet BBQgrills
Hero Plant of the last 50 years
1. Astrantia
2. Choisya ‘Sundance’
3. Kinder Plants
4. Pre-Packed Flowerbulbs
5. Scabious Butterfly Blue
6. Surfinia S sons l
Twoinitiatives, one run by the YPHA the other by the Colegrave Seabrook Foundation, arehelping people grow their experience, skills and confidence.
Earlier this year,Young People in HorticultureAssociation introduced the Launch Success Challenge, a newopportunity for its members to gain experiences in araft of disciplines they would ordinarily not come acrossintheir current roles.
During the year-long challenge, 10 delegates will get an insight intothe journeyofanew plant variety,fromconception to retailsale. The plant in question is abegonia andthe Challenge involves delegates gaining experience in all aspects of photography,marketing and everything in between, in readinessfor alaunch at BBC Gardeners’World Livein2025and sale through British Garden Centres.
TheChallenge kicked off in June with avisit to the Floramedia studio and factoryinHolland wheredelegates saw what goes intomaking labels and point of sale material. “Wegot to see the ins and outs from the startofthe process to the end. The factoryand machineryused, wasitself very impressive. The cleanlinesswas
unbelievable,”says Jacob Hatch from Cowells Garden Centre.
LauraMcArthur,lecturerat PershoreCollege says: “A presentation by the MDs from both the UK and NL on branding and packaging development provided valuable insights that will be useful during the group stages of the challenge.”
Next stop wasthe hq and nurseryofyoung plant supplier Beekenkamp,and after atour of the site, the newbegonia wasunveiled. “While it is asurpriseready for spring 2025,Ithink many a garden centrewill be interested in selling it,”says Jacob.Plants for the UK market will be grownby HappyPlants.
London calling
Come July,and the delegates reconvened inLondontobedividedintothe Blue and the Green Teams whereJane Lawler and Michael Perrywereonhand to offer valuable masterclasses in branding and effective marketing.WillPateman, self-employedgarden designer says the Green Team agreed the branding ethos should be rooted in sustainability
and staying abreast of current trends. “The masterclasses highlighted the importanceof having astrong brand and provided us with aclear understanding of howtomarket it effectively,” he says.
Leif Mann from the RHS says additionally, the branding and marketing from the Blue Team will focus on wastereductionand better spaceutilisation in retail environments.“The Challenge,”hesays, “is an opportunity to drive meaningful change in the horticultureindustry.”
By focusing on practical solutions and leveraging out-of-industryexperiences, we arepaving the wayfor amoreprofitable and sustainable futurefor retailers, suppliers,and customers alike.”
Athirdworkshop is planned for early August at British Garden Centres, Studley whereJennieKwan, Head of Creativeat Hyve Group and EvaKerrigan Content Creator,British Garden Centres will work with the teams on professional design and content planning
Formoreinformation visit
Ypha.org.uk and click on the Launch Success Challenge tab
Olivia Blackburn Office and Stock ProcessManager –JamesColesNurseries
Leif Mann HorticultureCareers Promotions Officer – RHS
Ella Miles Level3Horicultural Apprentice– BuckfastAbbey
Jacob Hatch Sales Assistant – CowellsGardenCentre
Molly Parkin
Assistant Gardeners – CottesbrookeHall& Gardens
“The last few days have taught me that Iaminthe greatest industry in the world,”says Ross Dyke, studying Agri-tech BSc at Pershore College. He’stalking about the Smart Garden Products Student Development Tour organised with the ColegraveSeabrook Foundation.
Students awarded the annual SmartGarden Products Scholarship through the Foundation, took partina tour of businesses around eastern England, to highlight the diverse opportunities offered by ahorticultural career.Fivestudents and four Foundation Trustees spent time together,learning from each other, talking horticultureand meeting people while experiencing avariety of horticultural careers.
Social Media Manager and Seasonal Ecologist –NewBarns NurseryandJacobs
LauraMcArthur HorticultureLecturer - PershoreCollege
Clou McEvoy HorticultureNurseryAssistant –Hartley’sNursery
Will Pateman Gardener and Garden Design Student –Selfemployed
Beth Anderson Plant Health &Seeds Inspector – APHA
JessJohnson, Planteria Manager at Perrywood Garden Centretold GTN: “It wasafascinating couple of days exploring behind the scenes of different horticultural businesses –thank youfor such awarm welcome intothe friendliest industry.”
This year’s tour encompassed horticultural retail at Baytree Garden CentreinSpalding wheredirector Nigel Wallis showedthe
group aspects of this long-established centre, including its nurseryand bird sanctuary. Also visited, wasthe fourth-generation family run businessTaylor’s Bulbs. Seeing the bulbs from harvest in the fields to packing wasareal privilege. Marketing Manager,Ian Clark ensured everyaspect of this fascinating businesswas explained to delegates.
Springfields Festival Gardens, Head Gardener,Andy Boynton, explained the challenges involved in running apublic garden, particularly in relation to finances and vandalism.
Students were blownaway by the sheer
scale of the Bridge Farm Group operation and were interested to see the mechanisation involved in producing the millions of plants supplied to big multiples all overthe UK. Delegates were also given a privileged ‘behind the scenes’ tour of the Bridge Farm’s bioscienceR&D wherework is being done on extraction of essential plant oils, including for medicinal cannabis.
The jewelinthe crown of the tour wasthe Eureka Building of SmartGarden Products wherethe arts of newproduct design and logistics were explained by the experts in the team. Sales and marketing functions arejustas crucial to running asuccessful businessand the extraordinary growth of the operation wasattributed to the businessphilosophy of ‘loyalty and always seeking to do better’byMDJonathan Stobart. Also included wasatour of Smart’s30m high distribution facility which handles thousands of product lines for rapid turnaround of orders and maximum availability
The ColegraveSeabrook Foundation is grateful to everyone who very generously gavetheir time and shared information about their businesses.
To findout morevisitwww.colegrave seabrookfoundation.org.uk
Aheads up for2025–herecome twonew varietiesfrom Raymond Evison'sGuernseyClematis Nursery. With purple blooms and ruffled edges to the petals, Clematis Baroness Fookes also boasts contrasting antherswhich add to its ornamental value. Flowersappear in May and June and then again in September.This climber is named afterJanet Fookes, agreat supporterof horticultureinparliament and one of the first to receive the newRHS Elizabeth Medal of Honour
With yellowanthers, the deep rich flowersof Clematis Elpis aresaidtoshowlittle or no fading. According to thebreeder Raymond Evison, thecultivar is an improvement as it has strong foliage, aresult of lacking.Named afterthe Greek goddess and spirit of hope, Elpis has been named in association with ProstateCancer Research to help raise awareness of the disease.
An unusual foxglove, with an orchid-looking flower took the top spot Best in Show at the HTA New Plant Show Available from The Brandsford Webbs Plant Company, Digitalis purpurea‘Apple Blossom’ is a chunky plant with a single, strong central flower spike surrounded by multiple flower stems offering gardeners a long period of interest The plant was named after its blooms which open pale yellow and mature to a soft pink Plants will be ready for despatch in May 2025 and because they are propagated by tissue culture retailers can be ensured uniformity of batches
We might not have seen much sunshine, but that’s not put growers off bringing a dizzying selection of new varieties to brighten up planteria benches. GTNbrings you the cream of the crop from BBC Gardeners World Live, the HTANational Plant Show,and the RHSHamptonCourt Garden Festival.
Visitorsatthe HTAPlant Showvoted SpiraeaWALBERTON’S PLUM CARPET, as their favourite. From Farplants,it’sanexcellent performer with acompact habit, so is agood choicefor recommending to customerswith asmall garden or limited planting space. Coupled with strong disease resistance, it also looks great partnered with SpiraeaMAGICCARPET
Taking centre stage on the stand of Middleton Nurseries, Staffordshirein the Floral Pavilion at theHamptonCourt PalaceGardenFestival, wasthedistinctive Salviax jamensisBELLE DE LOIRE. Bred in France, its two-tone flowers, which start out yellowand orange, maturetoasoftercream and salmon as the summer progresses. Attractivetobees and butterflies, it is also listed at being deer resistance. Perfect forasmaller garden, the two-toned blooms offermaximumcolour and flowerpower.
With deep purple, almost black foliage and lime centred blooms rimmed in cherryred, it’sno wonder Hydrangeamacrophylla FirstEditions® Eclipse® took the topprize of ThePeter Seabrook Awardfor the Best NewPlant at BBC Gardeners’ WorldLive. Tenyearsinthe breeding,itwas exhibited by Allensmore Nurseries, and will be available forgarden centres tostock next year
Congratulations to Frank P Matthews for winning best in categoryfor Prunus Crystal Falls® Stephanie Dunn James, Director,told GTNitisthe first weeping,ornamental winter flowering cherry and it’sstar-likeflowers appear from December to February.Another perfect choicefor asmaller garden reaching aheightofjust2min10years.
Winning ThePeter Seabrook Awardinthe Annual and Bedding categorywas an intriguing Plectranthusscutellariodes ‘Skeletal’. With redand yellowleaves, this fascinatingcoleus is a great addition to the rangeoffoliage plants forMarch to Octoberpots andplanters.Reaching just 30-35cm it’sneat and tidy and is less prone to become leggy likeother forms.
year’s Pet&Aquatics TradeShowhas smashed through the 330-exhibitor mark, making it the biggest event in the show’s 16-year history.Besuretobethere!
Stand space at the three-dayPATS 2024 showhas sold out as UK and international petcompaniesget ready to takeoverall four exhibition hallsatThe TelfordInternational CentrefromSunday29 September to Tuesday1 October
“Demandfor stand spaceatPATShas been phenomenal,withmany companies booking larger stands as theyseektotake
advantage of thenew three-day format,” sayorganiser Gordon Thomas,ofImpact Exhibitionsand Events
dedicated NewProduct Showcase and refreshmentarea.
PATS 2024has introduced AquaticsZone, adedicatedareafor aquaticsand water gardening exhibitors showcasing all thelatest launchesfrombig-name manufacturers.
AquaticsZonewillbelocated in Hall 1A next to the show entranceand will featureits own
Newproducts galore
Witharecord-breaking numberofexhibitors, PATS 2024 willalso featureits biggestNew ProductShowcase of pet, aquatic andwater gardening products. Allentries will be judged by an independentpanelofretailers and retail expertstodetermine thewinnersofthe New ProductAwards.
As an increasing number of pet retailers introduce petgroomingsalonsintotheir stores, thePATSprogramme of talks, demos, workshopsand competitions will provide invaluable insights intothissideofthe business. To makethe visitor experience even moreexciting therewillbeunrivalledshow offers, competitions andfantastic networking opportunities
PATS 2024
29 and 30 September.9.30–5pm 1October.9.30–4pm
TelfordInternational Centre. TF3 4JH
Register online at www.patshow.co.uk
Free showcatalogue
Free parking
Complimentarytea/coffee voucher.
Alan Down, HTAPresident
Asweall awaited theresultsofthe General Election, thepotential impact of anew government on ourindustrywas at the forefrontof our minds. With the Labour Partynow in powerand asignificant number of new members of parliament, we arebracing for potential changes.While we don’tanticipate immediate radical shifts, thelarge majority could pavethe wayfor significant changes duringthe government’searly days.Let’s remainhopefulthese changes will bring about positiveoutcomes and addressthe issues that have beenplaguing our industry Letushopeone of those changesisto addressthe Border and Trade issue, which hasclearly placed ahugestrain on our
industryand arguablyleft us open to the riskofimportingmorepests and diseases. Often, the serious impact anddisruption ofplant exports areoverlooked, and I knowthiscontinuestohamper some of our members. We arealso keepingawatch on announcements such as thosearound planning,and Iknowthe HTAteam will be making sureany planning reform will also include abold nationalprogramme of urban greeningwith cleartargets in relation to location,green space, garden sizeand biodiversity.Our members have a criticalroletoplayatthis timeinsupporting political engagement as nothingbrings the issues andopportunities to lifeasmuchas avisittoa member site wheretheycan see
and hear first-hand the importanceofour sector notonly withintheirconstituencies but the widereconomy and environment.
Our HTANationalPlant Show wasonce again agreat successand continues to grow in importancefor growers andretailers alike. 155 exhibitorsshowedoff their waresand services overthe two-dayshow, andthere wasgreat interest in the seminarseach day. Thebestnew plantawards always attract a lot of attention,with the foxglove Digitalis ‘Apple Blossom’ being chosen by theteam of expert judges as theoverall winner.This plant wasentered by BransfordWebbs Plant Co.However,the visitors to theshow chose Spirea Walberton’sPlumCarpet from Farplants as their favourite.
We arealso lookingahead to ourannual ConferenceinSeptember. Theprogramme is already starting to look veryinteresting, covering various topics. While it will mark anod to our125th year,itisverymuch aforward-looking event with insightful speakers andadvicefor members to take away,aswell as afantastic opportunity to network with colleagues and peers.We also have abrand-new event coming up in October,our FutureGrowExpo,that willshowcase thenewest technologies andautomation andaim to foster some newideas specifically to oursector. We knowstrategic investmentsinautomation andmechanisation will be essential for businesses aiming to remaincompetitivein the coming years.
Both theseevents canbe booked via the HTA websiteand Ihopetosee youthere!
TheHorticulturalTrades Association is the UK industry’sleading membership organisation and welcomes all sectorsofenvironmental horticulture. To learnmore or join please visit: www.hta.org.uk or email: services@hta.org.uk
Boyd JDouglas-Davies, Chair of the Environmental HorticultureGroup
Asthe newly elected find their wayaroundtheir offices, the Environmental Horticulture Group will pick up whereit left off beforethe elections and ensure all government departments knowhow important horticultureisinsupportingthe futurehealth and prosperity of the country. While ministers arenew,the teamsthey lead arenot, but we have tostartfresh in reinforcing the benefits we candeliverif given the air to breathe and the environment to flourish.
Working with the team atDefraisan obvious starting point. Out of all the departments, this is the one with which we havethe closest relationship, but the benefits we provide extend far beyond which has been acknowledged time after time throughout Westminster.Our dialogue will be with Defra, but also many others ranging from Planning to Scienceand Education, from Health to the Treasury.While we choose to not reportevery conversation, youcan be assured the EHG is constantly working to ensure all corners of the government get to know, and appreciate, howimportant youare to their future success
Over the coming weeksand months these arejustsome of the points we will be covering.
The UK planning strategy can havean immense impact on our industry. We need green spacedesignedwithin every development. We need horticultural businesses to be given the opportunity to invest and expand their facilities without red tape delays. We need considered planting plans and most importantly supportto ensurenew planting establishes and thrives.
While the number of people loving plants
…wehave to startfresh in reinforcing the benefits we can deliver if given the air to breathe and the environment to
has grownsignificantly,the ability to learn and develop acareer in horticulturehas withered. We wanttosee everyjunior school child being given the opportunity to grow a plant (ideally two–anedible and aflower) so theyunderstand the beauty and value of plants. Helping these younggardeners to then findacareer path intohorticulture is critical if we aretofulfil our potential of 750,000+ employed.
Mental and physical well-being is hugely enhanced when access to plants, flowers, trees and green spaceis available. We all know thissonow we needtowork with the NHS to makeVitamin G(arden), and the prescription of,commonplace. ‘Lesspills,
moreplants!’ should become an objective for GPsthe length and breadth of the country.
As an industrywehavealwaysbeenconcerned by biosecurity; the last thing any of us want is problems affecting our industry. What we don’tneedisbureaucracy that does nothing but add delays and costs. Working closely with the government we want to create an infrastructureinwhich we canblossom, supportemployment and the environment.
Find out more Formoreinformation and to get involved email: boyd@ theboydpartnership.co.uk
SOLEX24wasagreatevent.Theexhibitors pulledoutallthestops,theshowwas inviting,andbrimmingwithexceptional products.
Thereweresomefantasticfurnitureonshow withluxurioussoftfabrics,lightermaterialsanda diversepaletteofhues.Theoverallaestheticexuded opulence,settingasophisticatedtonefortheSpring/ Summer2025season, plusthenewraftofBBQs weresleekandinnovativewithsomanyfeatures theypracticallycookforyou!
Whilemanyexhibitorsarestillgrapplingwiththe increasedcontainerprices,aswellastheoverstock issues,therewasapalpablesenseofoptimismatthe show.Weremainpositivethatthesechallengeswill stabilise,andby2025,wehopetheseissuestohave resolvedthemselves,wealsohopethatthesunwill startshiningconsistentlyformorethanadayortwo butunfortunatelythatisoutofallofourhands.
Oneofthehighlightsoftheeventwasthe incredibleamountofeffortourexhibitorsput intopre-showpromotionstoencouragevisitorsto
attend.Thereweresomefantasticsocialmediaposts leadinguptoandduringtheshow,includinglive videosandteasers.Itwasalsoencouragingtosee aninfluxofyoungerpeopleonthestands,bringing freshperspectivestotheindustry,plusourLOFA Academystudentswereinattendance,applyingthe skillstheyhadlearnedwithgreatenthusiasm.
Anotherexcitingadditionwastheinfluxofnew exhibitorswhointroducedanarrayofinnovative
products,rangingfromlightingandheatersto gardenpots,cushions,andfabrics,aswellasnew BBQbrands.
OurSOLEXawardsprovedverypopularand werejudgedbyanindependentpanel,consisting ofrepresentativesfromourcharitypartners Greenfingers,Thrive,Perennial,andPlanetMark, plusthreekeyindustrybuyers,whotooktimeoutof theirbusyschedulestojudgethestandandproducts forusensuringimpartiality
Andfinally,oureveningeventswerenothing shortoffabulous.TheawardsceremonyandafterpartyonTuesdayandtheBBQeventonWednesday wasattendedbybothexhibitorsandvisitors,and everyonehadanenjoyabletime.DionDublinwas atruelegendonTuesdaygivingusaninsightinto hislifeasapremiershipandEnglandfootballerand onWednesday,wemanagedtofitintheBBQHero competitioneveningbeforetheEnglandmatch, whichwasfilledwithfun,laughter,gardeningand cookingtipsfromDavidDomoneyandevenafew nuns!
Abig thank you goes out to all our exhibitors and visitors. We couldn’t have achieved this success without you, and we look forward to welcoming you back next year, same time, same place -8 -10July2025. Hall 5, NEC.