Avaluable referencefor theUKgarden trade

Avaluable referencefor theUKgarden trade
As one season closes, another unfolds beforeus, andthis latest edition of the GIMA Buyers Guide &New Product Digestserves as the ideal companion fornavigating the challenges and opportunities that2025will undoubtedly bring. Recent years have shown us that “normal” is no longer something we can count on –whether it’sglobal crises or unpredictable weather patterns, one constant remains: garden retail is remarkably resilient. Time and time again, our industry rises to the occasion, diversifying and futureproofing to meet whateverlies ahead. And the following pages areproof of justthat.
This Guide is your roadmap to what’s next. It’spacked with groundbreaking newproducts, time-testedfavourites, and fresh merchandising ideas designed to captivateand engage today’s consumers. As always,we’reseeing brands step up,offering solutions that driveprofitability and push us toward a moresustainable future. But beyond the products, we also celebratesomething bigger -gardening’srole in improving mental and physical wellbeing, which has
neverbeenmorerecognised or valued. What excites me mostisthe sheer varietyofcategories nowthriving in garden retail. While core gardening remains ourfoundation, complementary ranges areattracting newcustomers and transforming garden centres intovibrant retail destinations -places the high street canonly dreamof. This evolution is reflected in GIMA’s ownmembership, which continues to grow,welcoming both established names and exciting newcomers.Our GIMA Innovators Seed Corn winner,Potr,isaprimeexample of the fresh energyand ideas shapingthe future, with award-winning recognition across both tradeand consumer markets already under its belt.
This Guide is more than just acatalogue -it’saninvaluable resource that will inspireand supportyour businesswell into2025. I’dliketoextend my sincere thankstoall who have contributed to this edition.And remember, GIMAis heretohelp youevery step of theway, witha full calendar of events,including the much-anticipatedGIMAAwards, wherewe’ll continue to celebratethe innovation, creativity,and excellence that define ourindustry
Here’s to an exciting, profitable, and forward-thinking season ahead!
Kate Ebbens
GIMAPresident 2024/2025
TheWhiteHouse,High Street, Brasted, Kent
TN16 1JE
Tel: 01959 564947 info@gima.org.uk www.gima.org.uk
RegisteredinEngland No.3734025
GIMA Director VickyNuttall vicky.nuttall@gima.org.uk
GIMA Membership ad Marketing Co-ordinator
Angie Lloyd angie@gima.org.uk
GIMA Membership Ambassador Tony Kersey tony@gima.org.uk
TheGIMA Buyers Guide &New ProductsDigest Spring 2024 has been produced and published on behalf of GIMA by the GTNteamatPotting Shed Press
Potting Shed Press Ltd
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TrevorPfeiffer trevor@pottingshedpress.co.uk
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Design &Production AT Graphics Ltd
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As we look ahead to Season 25, AMES Companies is finalising significant brand and business updates set to reshape the landscape of garden retail in 2025 and beyond.
Akey highlight is thelaunch of the ‘111’initiative, going live in January 2025. This forward-thinking solution consolidates theordering process across all AMES brands into asingle order,invoice, and delivery.Lauded forits innovative approach, 111 reduces logistical complexity while boosting operational efficiency.It offers enhanced stock management, streamlined access to thefullAMES portfolio, and simplifies day-to-day operations –making it agame-changer for the industry
Season 25 will also spotlight growth under the AMES banner with the introduction of over 700 new products across its diverse brand portfolio. Apta, for instance, is expanding its range by 70%, with afocus on contemporary terracotta, composite, and glazed designs. The launch of the Apta Signaturesub-brand, offering readyto-merchandise families of collectible designs, is set to strengthen brand loyalty and elevate thegiftabilityof
AMES Companies www.ames-uk.com (01405) 869333
garden pots. Kelkay,another leading brand, unveils its first-ever stepping stone collection made from 100% recycled post-consumer plastic, alongside eco-friendly packaging for its garden aggregates –reflecting AMES’ ongoing commitment to sustainability
AMES Toolsisenhancing its offering with an extended range of stainlesssteel cutting and pruning tools, designed to provide durable, highquality solutions that aresureto resonate with consumers. These products aresupported by clear, informative point-of-sale displays, enabling shoppers to make more confident purchasing decisions. Meanwhile, Easy Fountain introduces anew line of solar-powered and solar-hybrid water features, making these products moreaccessible to “Generation Rent,” urban dwellers, and customers seeking flexibility.This presents garden centres with aunique opportunity to offer cutting-edge solutions.
Paul North, Managing Director, comments: “Aswelookahead to 2025, the efforts and dedication of our team throughout this year areset to bear fruit.
We’ve developed arange of innovative solutions designed to empower retailers and truly elevate consumer experiences. We areexcited about thefutureand look forwardtocollaborating closely with our partners to inspirefresh ways forconsumerstoenjoy their outdoor spaces, year after year.” Visit the AMES Companies website to browse the 2025 brochurenow
Endorsed by the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), the AutoPot RHS Collection includes a range of automatic plant watering systems for every kind of plant, in every kind of garden.
As they aregravity-fed, power-free, and zero-waste, our irrigation solutions really can work wonders and make gardening accessible to everyone. Growers can achieve the garden of their dreams, whether they cultivate in-earth, indoors, in agreenhouse, on apatio, or on abalcony
4Pot -Acomplete automatic watering kit with the scope and versatility to tackle any plant project with ease -contains everything you’ll need to grow four beautiful plants.
easy2grow Kit -The complete plant watering system that can fit virtually anywhere, it’sbeenliberating garden-less gardeners to grow for years!
easy2GO perfectly preserves potted plants during holidays or busy times. Growers need only gather their potted plants together on agarden tray along with the easy2GO Kit. Once connected to awater supply easy2GO will automatically water and feed for weeks on end.
Tray2Grow offers growers no less than five ways to water and feed their plants -can satisfy the needs of everything from seeds to vines, herbs to blooms, fruit to veg.
Perfect for raised beds, planters, and allotment plots, AQUAbox is our much-loved, in-earth, automatic plant watering system. Like all AutoPot Watering Systems, AQUAbox requires no electricity,pumps, timers,orrunning water,making it completely fuss-free to install and run.
As producers of the only automated plant watering systems to be endorsed by the RHS, we at AutoPot aredelighted that our products have been recognised for their unique qualities.
In the words of Cathy Snow,RHS Licensing Manager,“these systems arenot only good for the environment but arecostsaving andhighly efficient –big pluses for both gardeners and the RHS. They also support making gardening accessible to all, which adds up to awonderful growing and sustainability story that we aredelighted to support.”
® The RoyalHorticultural Society Trade marks of The RoyalHorticultural Society (Registered Charity No 222879/SC038262) used underlicence from RHS Enterprises Ltd
At Greenman Garden Tools, we believe that gardening should be apleasurefor everyone. That’s why we’ve developed our innovative Lite Range –acollection of tools designed to make gardening accessible and enjoyable for all.
Our Lite Range is perfect for gardeners who may have limited mobility,find traditional tools too heavy or cumbersome, or simply prefer smaller,moremanageable tools. Each tool in this range is crafted to be lighterand easier to handle,without compromising on quality or performance.
The Lite Range is kinder to your back, designed to reduce strain and make gardening amorecomfortable experience. These tools areergonomically designed to minimize effort and maximize efficiency.Being 40% lighter than our main range, they areeasier to use for extended periods, yet stillmade to the same high standards. Perfectly balanced and easy to manoeuvre, these tools areideal for precise gardening tasks.
Whether you’replanting delicate flowers, pruning shrubs, or maintaining your vegetable patch, our Lite Range offers the perfect solution. These tools arenot only practical but also beautifully designed, ensuring that your gardening experience is both efficient and enjoyable.
Join the growing community of gardeners who have discovered thebenefits of Greenman’sLite Range. Say goodbye to thestrainand fatigue of using heavy,unwieldy tools. Embrace anew wayofgardening that prioritizes comfort and ease, allowing you to focus on what truly matters –the joy of nurturing your garden.
Greenman Garden Tools
Kendal Ernest -07977 485679 kernest@avocet-hardware.co.uk
sit our website or your local centre to explore
Visit our website or your local garden centretoexplore thefullrange of Greenman’sLite tools. Experience the difference for yourselfand make gardening adelightfulpart of your daily routine.
Greenman Garden Tools– Making Gardening Accessible for Everyone.
Give your neglected patio and outdoor areas afresh start withAzpects Patio Snow Foam.
Patios, paths, and driveways areconstantly exposed to the elements, walked and driven across frequently and ignored throughthe colder months. This can leave the area looking tired, stained, dirty and in need of agoodclean. But how much time and effort can you affordtorestoring apatio you want to spend time sitting on or adriveway that givesyour property back that lovely curb appeal?
When the warmer months arrive, you want to enjoy aclean, appealing space without investing endless time and energy in cleaning.
Azpects Patio Snow Foam makes this easy.Justspray the foam on thesurface,let it work its magic, and pressure wash it away along with thedirt. For extra cleaning power, you can scrub the foam in witha stiffbrush
PatioSnow Foam is asafe and readytouse formula.With no need to wait days beforeyou see the difference,the results areinstant meaning you can enjoy awonderfully clean outdoor area straightaway
Rebecca Cox, Head of Retail &Online Trading, r.cox@azpects.co.uk
Here’swhy Azpects Patio Snow Foam is amust-have:
Features &Benefits:
•Quick &Efficient: Fast-acting formula for instant results
•Thick Foam: Breaks down grime and stubborn stains.
•Floral Scent: Leaves apleasant fragrance after cleaning.
•Safe &Eco-friendly: No acid, biodegradable, and safe for kids and pets after rinsing.
•Ready to Use: No need for dilution; simply spray and clean.
•Versatile: Works on patios, paths, driveways, and even garden furniture.
With Azpects Patio Snow Foam, maintaining abeautiful, grime-free outdoor space has never been easier.Enjoy your patio and garden furnitureinpristine condition allseason long!
Skillfully,crafted tools with thestrengthyou can trust in your garden.
Strength, British heritage and reliability reflect the traditions upon which the Bulldog name has been built. Skilland craftsmanship have been key to the company’ssuccess for over 240 years.
Our famous Premier solid forged spades and forks have heads made from asingle piece of steel with no welds or weak points. We also produce an ‘awardwinning’ range of hand and cutting tools, including ‘professional grade’ children’stools to suit every ability and age of gardener.
We useonlythe finest quality Ash timber from sustainable sources to make the shafts, thenburyeach shaft deep
sarah.cottle@rollins.co.uk www.bulldogtools.co.uk
We can merchandise to any specification and can create a range to suit your customer and business, to find out more please contact:
BoronGreen: Revolution, not evolution
Areyou readyfor arevolution in gardening tools? This new collection of RHS-endorsed tools offers aunique proposition, unlike any other tools currently available in theUK. BoronGreen offers gardeners anew generation of stronger and moredurable gardening tools, combined with exciting sustainability credentials.
Boron steel is used in the carindustry and in the agricultural sector,delivering stronger structural components and parts. The addition of boron to carbon steel creates anew level of performance in gardening tools, superior to an equivalent tool in carbon steel without adding weight.
The range also holds great appeal for today’s environmentally-awareconsumer,thanks to BoronGreen’s robust approach to sustainability.Uniquely,the tool heads arecrafted in 80% recycled steel, with handles and shafts in FSC-certified white ash wood, selected for its strength and shock-absorbing properties.
Allthis is combined with Burgon &Ball’shallmark considered design, RHS endorsement and a25-year guarantee. Now that’sareal revolution.
Curate, collate, create: Colourful new Collector range Burgon &Ball’s newCollector rangeisanexciting crosscategory collection designed for gifting and self-treating –and it’sbursting with colour and choice! It incorporates tools, watering, indoor plant pots, giftware, gardening accessories, gloves… thelist goes on.
Designed for retailers to range in away that works for them, theCollectorrange showcases key on-trend colours across all categories. Buy by category,bycolour,ormix and match –the Collectorrange can be sliced and diced any way that suits.
Burgon &Ball
01202 684141
With over 35 co-ordinating new lines in therange, it’sa sure-fire waytocreate appealing and shoppable displays, and it’spackedwith ready-made upselling opportunities. The range gives retailers plenty of ways to shout about new arrivals too, by swapping in new products and colourways.
As well as thesemajor new ranges, thereare new limitededition special offers, new Sophie Conran for Burgon &Ball, thenew Sahara home collection, and new men’s gloves too. Don’tmiss these must-have launches!
Capi Europe designs and manufactures planters made from high quality recycled materials.
At Capi, we arealways looking for innovative and sustainable ways to create planters. Take, for example, the Made With collection. This is acollectionofindoor pots crafted with recycled materials. Each colour in this collection is made with adifferent residual stream, transforming waste into something functional and beautiful. The collection already included black pots made with textile, beige pots made with sawdust and green pots made with artificial grass. This year,Capi expands the collection withpots made with rice husk, available in thecolours Warm Taupe and Peachy Fuzz. Warm Taupeisa warm, natural colour that goes with everything. Peachy Fuzz is afresh colour that brings adoseofhappiness to any room.These pots are made with 97% recycled materials, with Rice husk being the primaryresidual stream.
Additionally,agoldeditionofthe black pots (made from textile) is being launched, also made with 97% recycled materials. The golden touch adds afestive flair,making it perfect for the upcoming Christmas season!
Each pot tells astory of repurposing and transforming one of these residuals into something beautiful. Younot only enhance your indoor space but also contribute to the reduction of waste.
Capi Europe BV
BCorp, Asteriastraat 17-19, 5047 RM Tilburg(NL) capi-europe.com
All theMade With planters are100% recyclable, fractureresistant and come with alifetime warranty.This way,the pots aresuitable for different plants and spaces, providing endless possibilities for adding green in your interior
Home to UK’slargest carbon neutral coir portfolio, CoirProducts of Salike proudly offers an exciting range of 50L coir bag composts for all types of growers and gardeners. Crafted with care, using natural and sustainable coir,our products arecompletely peat-free and easy-to-use.
Our range includes our signature Coir Vital Grow 50L bags which are especially designed for robust root development and easy growing. With neutral pH levels, Coir Vital Grow provides excellent water retention, air porosity,and drainage. Additionally, the rangealso features Coir Plus, aversatile mix that combines our trusted coir vital grow potting mix with essential nutrients –nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (NPK) –making it ahighly effective, allpurpose growing medium suitable for awide range of plants and crops.
The range also introduces the revolutionary Coir Nutri, apeat-free growthsubstrate. Crafted from decomposted coir and enriched with NPK, Coir Nutri’sspecially formulated mix blends age-old traditions with the inherent goodness of coir.A first-of-its-kind bag compost, unlike typical coir potting mixes, Coir Nutri functions as acompost, having gone through natural microbial activity and
decomposition. While already rich in nutrients, the addition of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium means Coir Nutri helps give plants the extra boost they need.
Since its inception, CoirProducts has been at the forefront of driving innovative change in thehorticultural industry in the UK. Introducing groundbreaking, high-quality,neverbefore-seen coir product varieties to the UK market, CoirProducts continues to expand its portfolio, making its high quality,carbon neutral, and peatfree growing range easily accessible for all. Steadfast in its commitment to innovation, thecompany has an array of new bagged composts in the pipeline, including coir with manure, orchid compost, houseplant compost, vegetable compost, green compost with woodchips, coir and bark chips, and rose and shrub compost.
Contact details: hello@coirproducts.co.uk
Durston Garden Products arefully committed to apeat-free futureand encourage retailers to act now,ensuring they offer apeat-free range that delivers outstanding results and guarantees customer satisfaction.
Recent figures from market research experts GfK highlight the rising interest in peat-free products, with predictions that demand is set to increase further.Although therehas been a delay in implementing the market-wide ban, the shift towards apeat-free industry is inevitable. In response, Durstons is leading the way with anew range that sets anew standardfor peat-free excellence.
Durstons’ exciting new peat-free collection has consistently outperformed not only competitor products in independent growing trials but also professional-grade mixes and even traditional peat products, reporting up to 70% moreplant growth by comparison. This achievement is the result of extensive research and development, ensuring the product consistently delivers superior results.
The brand-new peat-free range from Durstons features two revolutionary ingredients, GroFibreand GroBoost, both of which areexclusive to the brand. GroFibreincorporates a cutting edge wood fibrefacilitated by amajor investment in a new processing plant installed at one of Durstons factory sites and is recognised as the most consistent on the market today Using asingle species of tree and apatented thermodynamic refining process, GroFibreenhances water retention, air circulation, and provides an ideal environment for root growth. Complementing this is GroBoost, a100% natural, renewable, and vegan-friendly substrate that enhances natural goodness and supports beneficial microbes.
01458 442688 |info@durstongardenproducts.co.uk
•Multi-Purpose Compost –available in 40L, 20L and 10L bags
•Multi-Purpose Compost with John Innes
•Organic Multi-Purpose Compost
•Manor FarmMulti-Purpose Compost
•Seed &Cutting Compost
•Rose, Tree &Shrub Compost
•Tub &Basket Compost
•John Innes Seed Compost
•JohnInnes No.1 Young Plant Compost
•JohnInnes No.2 Potting On Compost
•JohnInnes No.3 MaturePlant Compost
•Enriched TopSoil
•Soil Conditioner
•Growinthe Bag Peat Free Planter
Supporting the move to peat-free, Durstons arealso looking at their wider impact on the environment and areproud to offer 100% recyclable packaging and have also introduced 30% recycled material into the make-up of their bags to contribute to atrue closed-loop economy
With the popularity of houseplants continuing to rise, B-Corp plant pot manufacturer,elho, has introduced its latest wave of sustainable yet stylish innovations designed to help consumers bring alittle morenatureinto their homes.
The winery collection
The winery collection is the latest to join elho’swaste collection, alongside the ocean range and the coffee collection, finding novel ways to transform unusual plastic waste streams into unique pots. Made from discarded plastic twines used in French vineyards, the range is available in two beautiful colours -Bordeaux redand deep purple -inspiredbythe grapes that the twine once supported. Pots areavailable in four different sizes from 14cm to 22cm, and featurea trend ribbed texture, making them amust-have for eco-conscious consumers, while helping to reduce Europe’sagricultural waste.
Vibes coupe extension
The newest addition to the popular vibes range, the vibes coupe 30cm takes plant décor to new heights, offering consumers astylish pedestal for greenery.Its generous size makes it ideal for those plant lovers who want to make a showstopping statement in the home, and it is available in three chic colours –delicate pink, deep blue and silky white.
The jazz round bowl
The jazz bowl joins the jazz round range, which launched last season. With ashallow base and wide 27cm diameter, this new innovation is ideal for succulents, cacti, or event springtime flower bulbs, making it agreat centrepiece for any table. addition to any table centrepiece.
Available in aselection of colours including lavender lilac, amber yellow,silky white and Tuscan red, the jazz range is designed to bring joy into the home of consumers.
As with all elho products, its houseplant pots aremade from 100% recycled materials using renewableenergy,and arecompletely recyclable.
For January 2025, elho will be introducing several new lines for both the home and outdoors.
Website: https://www.elho.com/en/
Contact: david.nicholson@elho.nl
Fandango FireTools arewell and truly into their busy season. Colder weather,Christmas approaching and new dealers onboardsince Glee make this avery busy time.
The Kindling CrackerTM is an incredibly popular Christmas present -thousands will be sold in the UK between now and Santa loading his sleigh. Anybody with alog burner,pizza oven, firepit, chimenea, or wood fired hot tub would love the big man to bring them the gift of safely split wood.
Ayla Hutchinson invented the Kindling CrackerTM when she was 13. And now over 1million of her safe, patented wood splitter have been sold globally.What astory for you to tell your customers. Oh and it’smade from recycled material in a foundry powered by renewableenergy.They’ll love that too. Stockists in the UK include Lakeland, Blue Diamond, Waitrose Garden, Polhill Garden Centreand BurfordGarden Co. Taylor Swift’sboyfriend even owns one. And he’sa big strong American footballer….with abeard.
It isn’ttoo latetoget onboardand join the wood splitting revolution. We have low MOQs, agreat POS provision, a fantastic marketing pack for use online and aproductthat delights customers.
Fandango FireTools Limited
Paul Jenkinson, paul@fandangofiretools.com 0161 327 3984, www.fandangofiretools.co.uk
Website: www.fargro.co.uk
01903 726100
At Fargro, we offer arange of innovative products designed to give your garden centre acompetitive edge. Our store-ready decorative planters and tillgift bags provide hassle-free solutions that are as convenientastheyare attractive.
Why Choose Our Store-Ready
Effortless merchandising: Our ready-to-gopallets arrive fully prepared—simply unwrap, attach the header board, and you’reset.
Flexible pallet sizes: Available in ¼, ½, and full pallets to fityour store’sneeds.
Versatile designs: Choose from aselection of ceramic or basket planters to suit your customers’ preferences.
Trade prices range from £138 to £675.
New decorative planters –Freshen up your range
Enhance your selection withour latest Bee Planters and Magnesia Planters &Ornaments, available in avariety of sizes. Ideal for retailers looking to refresh their stock withhigh-demand designs. Trade price: From £2.55
Add impulse-buy potential withour easy-tomerchandise till gift packs, available in mixed designs. Each pack contains 24 units.
Trade price: £16 to £18 per box of 24. www.fargro.co.uk
Forest Garden’stop tips for bringing big style to small spaces
Homeowners arelooking to transformthe most compact of outdoor spaces, according to new research from Forest Garden –the UK’sleading manufacturer and distributorof wooden garden products.
Using data from Pinterest, Forest Garden found searches soaring over the last monthfor ‘small garden’ terms, with ‘small back garden’ up 100%, ‘small city garden’ up 90% and ‘small garden design’ up 100%.
Jenny Davis, Head of Marketing for Forest Garden, said: “Homeowners aremaking use of every inch of their outdoor space. From vertical gardens packed with colourful blooms to cosy seating spaces nestled in the tiniest nooks, homeowners arelooking forclever solutions to maximise functionality and aesthetics in limited space”
Designing asmall garden
Less is moreinasmall garden but that doesn’tmean everything needs to be small. Alot of small elements can create avery cluttered feel, so you may be better offchoosing bigger moredominant features and planting to balance the space.
The sky’sthe limit
Think about growing plants on walls, training them upwards or hanging them from astructuresuch as trellis, our living screen planter (great for rental properties as it doesn’tneed to be fixedtoawall) or our vertical slatted wall planter
T: 0333 321 3142
W: forestgarden.co.uk
E: info@forestgarden.co.uk
Multi-functional fixtures
Clever multi-purpose usage of areas is going to be the ideal situation. Aspace thatworks for two different purposes. Think about storage under bench seating rather than free-standing garden furniture. Raised beds or linear planters that can also act as dividers.
Forest Garden’sfold-down garden bar provides abrilliant entertaining space and when not in use can be folded away almost flush with the wall.
When it comes to small garden spaces and courtyardgardens, every choice and every inch counts. Applying key design principles can turn even the most compact courtyardinto a lush, inviting hideaway withfocal points leading the eye and space maximised through the use of vertical gardening.
The new GARDENA StarCut Propruning loppers have been designed to make pruning trees and large shrubs easier and safer than ever.The StarCut Proloppers can prune branches of up to six and ahalf metres high while standing firmly on the ground.
The StarCut ProLcan be extended from both the upper and lower sections, offering greater flexibility.This clever design makes the StarCut easier to storeortransport in acar.The lightweight, wellbalanced design features apractical pulling strap, which runs inside the tool, so it doesn’tget tangled while working.
Engineered for power and precision, theStarCut Pro’s integrated gear-assisted transmission delivers outstanding cutting power of branches up to 32mm in diameter.The narrow cutting head can be easily adjusted to prune in hard-to-reach areas, while an integrated hook allows for quick removal of cut branches.
GARDENA has also introduced its new PowerCoat for the cutting blades, ensuring smooth, clean cuts and making it easy to wipe away sap or resin.Aligning with GARDENA’s commitment to sustainability,the StarCutPro is also made from ahigh percentage of post-consumer recycled plastics.
Thanks to thenewly developed adapter,the StarCut Procan be combined with attachments from the GARDENA combisystem such as the fruit picker,berry picker,gutter cleaner and the300 PP gardeners’ saw.The StarCut Prosaw is part of theStarCut Proset,but can also be used as asingle saw
@gardena_uk on Instagram /GARDENA.UK on Facebook.
The new GARDENA StarCut Proisavailable as an Land a shorter Svariant.
The new StarCut Prowill be available for the2025gardening season, alongside abrand-new range of cutting tools, including loppers and secateurs.
To findout moreabout GARDENA head to www.gardena.com/uk
Europe’snumber one watering brand GARDENA announces the launch of abrand-newDual Hose Box; the convenient way to water your garden. Listening to customers’ needs for an easy and efficient hose storage solution, the Dual Hose Box has been designed with clever design functions for ultimate user comfort and experience.
The Dual Hose Box comes pre-assembled with afree 1.5-meter connection hose; so you can enjoy all 25 meters of included hose. The hose box offers versatility and convenience which be attached to the wall easily,and can be removed with just one hand. Alternatively,the lightweight hose box can be used on the ground and transported around the garden using the carry handle.
GARDENA’s Dual Hose Box features acomfortable, foldable crank handle and integrated hose guide for effortless, kink-free retraction.
The slim, compact and affordable Dual Hose Box comes with a5-yearwarranty and is perfect for awide range of watering tasks.
The Dual Hose Box includes a25m hose, all necessary connectors, connection hose and spray nozzle which can be used for both cleaning and irrigation.
The UV-proven hose box can be left outside all Summer long, without risk of discolouration or the hose splitting.
@gardena_uk on Instagram /GARDENA.UK on Facebook.
The launch of the Dual Hose Box marks asignificant expansion and investment in the watering category within the UK market.
The new Dual Hose Box is available on afullpallet display, which stocks 30 hose reels.
With over 50 years of experience in designing and engineering high-quality watering products loved by passionate gardeners across the world, GARDENA will bring its new Dual Hose Box to the UK market in 2025.
For moreinformation about GARDENA, head to www.gardena.com/uk.
Join Glee, the UK's leading garden and outdoor livingtrade show and the central hub forthe gardening community forover 50 years!
Explore thousands of products across nineshow sectors and connect withhundreds of quality suppliers from around the globe at the event that continues to pave the way for the garden retail industry.
Don’t miss this showcase on 16-18 September 2025 to discover cutting-edge innovation, unearth inspiring industryinsights and plant the seeds for meaningful connections.
I’ve been coming to Glee for almost 40 years, and Ienjoyed seeing new products at the show. Glee is our main show for non-plant materials, and I usually plan to see some of the talks. I’ve seen all of our main suppliers and found some different products too.
I’ve been to Glee to look for a general overview of what’s at the show. My team and Italk about what we’ve seen afterwards and have arranged several meetings.
Ready to give your collections acompetitive edge? Glee's New Product Showcase features the latest innovations from our exhibitors, packed with inspiration and the most unique, in-demand products in the industry.
In addition to showcasing a fantastic selection of emerging brands, the GIMA Business Village is the perfect spot to connect with key suppliers through efficient speed networking sessions or take abreak from the busy show floor.
Discover valuable tips, the latest trends and customer insights from industry experts and iconic brands. Grow your business at Glee’s dynamic live seminar platform.
The futurelooks bright for local company,who have stoodthe test of time.
For over 20 years, Greenkey Garden and Home has proudly served the UK withtop-quality gardening products. As the gardening landscape has evolved, so has Greenkey— continuing to prioritise excellence.
Greenkey’ssecret? Staying true to their values whilst delivering unbeatable value to their customers. We spoke with General Manager Alexandra, who shared what sets Greenkey apart: Our focus is always on delivering the best service for every single customer.It’sat the heart of everything we do. From next-day deliveries to low minimum orders and products that build lasting trust, we’ve been around for over two decades, and we plan to be herefor many more. This long-term outlook shapes our business philosophy’’
While remaining rooted in traditionalvalues, Greenkey is also attuned to shifting customer preferences. Their range now includes FSC-certified products, resonating with the growing number of eco-conscious consumers in theUK. They also offerinnovative, space-saving solutions like their collapsible Water Butts, along with a variety of items that make gardening simpler for everyone. From Pot Movers to AnywhereTaps and Galvanised Raised Beds to PressureSprayers, Greenkey’sproducts aredesigned with the Gardener’sneeds in mind.
Greenkey Garden &Home Ltd
T: 01594 560 200 |W:www.greenkey-garden.co.uk
Instagram: @greenkeygardenandhome |Facebook: Greenkey Garden &Home
FlowerGrow Ltd, is ayoung and dynamic Irish Growing Media Supplier that has seen significant growth in sales over the last few years in both Garden Centres and Growers across the UK with its ever expanding range.
With over 35 years experience in the growing media industry.FlowerGrow Ltd brings awide range of Premium & Essential Value Compost ranges, along with aquality Bark Product Range. FlowerGrow LTDhave avery high quality Peat Free Compost, which will see the range expanded later this year.Autum 2024 will see the launch of anew range of Poultry ManurePellets attractively packaged to increase sales and further enhance the FLOWERGRO RANGE..
Handy is one of the largest garden machinery manufacturers and distributors, supplying specialist dealers, large national retailers, garden centres and mail order companies
With Handy’strusted in-house brands - Webb Garden Power and The Handy-aswell as its position as the UK-appointed distributor for Greenworks cordless battery equipment, Handy offers acomprehensive, one-stop solution for all trade garden equipment needs. The company is committed to delivering high-quality products and exceptional support.
For the 2025 season, Handy is launching its ‘Retailer Monthly Promotions’,specificallydesigned to help retailers maintain strong margins while boosting sales each month on selected products.
Finally,the newWebb WEV2GHSWEXT Cordless 2-in-1 Grass and Shrub Shears, complete with atelescopic pole handle, aresuretobepopular,offeringeasy access to hard-to-reach areas without the need for overstretching.
Twonew HandyAsh Cleaners, available in 10L and 15L models, will launch in 2025. Designed for effortless cleaning of fireplaces, barbecues, log burners, and garden chimineas, these mains-powered cleaners offer amess-free and efficient solution for handling ash.
The new THWD1250 15-litreWet &Dry Vacuum
Cleaner from The Handy packs apowerful 1250W motor and 15 kPa suction, making light work of dirt, debris, and liquids. Its robust stainless-steel container is built for effortless, heavy-duty cleaning.
The new Webb WER510ES Classic Self-Propelled Lawnmower offers apowerful upgrade with a51cm (20”) cutting width and convenient electric start. Designed for larger lawns, it features arobust 173cc Webb DVO173 engine and includes aspacious 65-litregrasscollection bag for efficient mowing.
The Webb WEISWB 2500W Electric Impact Shredder with a collection box is awelcome addition to the shredder range, featuring powerful 4500 RPM twin blades designed to produce fine mulch efficiently.
In 2025, the Webb Eco cordless battery range will introduce a‘tool-only’ option, allowing retailers to offer customers significant savings. With this new range, customers can purchase asingle battery and expand their gardening tool collection by buying additional tools separately,without the need to purchase extra batteries.
Telephone: 01793 333220 email: sales@handys.co.uk Website: www.handys.co.uk
New for 2025 is the powerful Greenworks 48V (2x24V) 46cm Self Propelled Cordless Lawnmower for medium to large lawns up to 480m2, 46cm cutting width, 55L collection bag, two 4Ah batteries and twin charger
One-stop Shop
Also Handy offers an extensive range of products from top brands, including:
Get ready to elevate your birdfeeding with The LittleBirdhouse.Launching early 2025, this exciting new brand from Harvest Pet Products is dedicated to providing thehighest quality,clean birdseed blends, suet products and straights.
Crafted with carefully selected ingredients, these premium products offer optimal nutritional benefits for avariety of garden birds. From tits and finches to robinsand blackbirds, the blends aredesignedtoattract awide range of feathered friends to your garden.
Key features of The Little Birdhouse:
• Premium quality: The seed mixes, suet products and straights areall manufactured in Lincolnshire, using the highest quality ingredients and aunique cleaning process to ensurea superior product.
• Considerate production: Enjoy aclean and enjoyable feeding experience for bothyou and your birds.
• Nutritional benefits: Packed full of carefully selected ingredients, providing essential proteins and energy to support the health and well-being of garden birds.
Stay tuned for moreupdates on The Little Birdhouse and get ready to level up your birdfeeding.
Established in 1999 and based in theheart of Lincolnshire, Harvest Pet Products has emerged as aleading British manufacturer of premium wild birdfood. This family-run business has grown from humble beginnings to athriving enterprise with adedicated workforce of morethan80 individuals.
Harvest Pet Products sales@harvestpetproducts.com
Hortiwool is part of apioneering British company withalmost 20 years of experience developing innovative, sustainable products using natural wool. Hortiwool supports environmentally-conscious gardeners, withBritishwool at theheart of every solution.
Our Hortiwool Garden Pads provide anatural, biodegradable way to boost plant healthand protect the environment. Perfect for gardeners and allotment enthusiasts, these pads help retain moisture, promote root development, and insulate plants from extreme temperatures. By reducing the need forexcessive watering, Hortiwool aids in water conservation—an increasingly important consideration for sustainable gardening.
Beyond moistureretention, Hortiwool’swool pads can also be used for pest control by naturally deterring slugs and snails without the use of harmful chemicals. They biodegrade over time, enriching your soil withvaluable nutrients, making it a complete eco-friendly solution that nurtures your plants and the planet alike.
Whether you’regrowingvegetables, fruit, or flowers, Hortiwool’sversatile uses make it ideal for all seasons. Plus, it’s lightweight, easy to use, and crafted entirely from 100% British wool—a renewable, sustainable natural material.
Join thousands of eco-conscious gardeners who aremaking the switch to Hortiwool for agreener,healthier garden. Make your garden flourish naturally,and help protect theenvironment onepad at atime.
For moreinformation andtodiscover our full range of products, visit hortiwool.com
Hortiwool Hortiwool.com
hello@hortiwool.com |01785 262031
Johnsons Lawn Seed, atrusted name in lawn seed innovation for over 200 years, is delighted to unveil its latest product, Nature’sLawn with Native Mowable Wildflowers. As one of the oldest lawn seed brands in the UK, Johnsons Lawn Seed is renowned for providing high-quality seed mixes that aretailored to British gardens, blending tradition with cutting-edge research.
Nature’sLawn with Mowable Wildflowers is an innovative blend designed for gardeners who want to introduce biodiversity to their lawns without sacrificing functionality The mix combines lawn grasses with eight UK native perennial wildflowers, such as Birdsfoot Trefoil, Black Knapweed, and Lady’sBedstraw,which tolerate regular mowing and provide food for pollinators like butterflies and bumblebees.
The seed blend includes Strong Creeping Red Fescue, Chewings Fescue, HardFescue, and other grasses chosen for their durability,drought tolerance, and shade resistance. This ensures that the lawn remains lush and usable, while the wildflowers add vibrant colour and ecological benefits. Over time, these flowers will naturally self-seed, enhancing the lawn’sappearance year after year
Johnsons Lawn Seed recommends allowing parts of the lawn to grow longer to encourage the wildflowers to flourish, creating adynamic space that changes with the
Johnsons www.johnsonslawnseed.com |info@johnsonslawnseed.co.uk (01386) 791113
seasons. Unlike traditional meadows, this mix stays manageable and won’t grow too tall, offering the best of both worlds for garden enthusiasts.
Nature’sLawn with Mowable Wildflowers joins Johnsons Lawn Seed’sdiverse portfolio of premium lawn careproducts, including Tuffgrass for hard-wearing lawns, Quick Lawn for fast-growing results, Luxury Lawn for afiner finish, and Shady Place, designed for shaded areas. The portfolio also features eco-friendly options like Country Meadow Mix and Celebration Wildflowers, further supporting biodiversity.This new addition reflectsJohnsons’ commitment to innovation and sustainability across awide range of lawn caresolutions.
At Kleen-Tex, we’remorethan just asupplier –we’re your strategicpartner inoffering sustainable, innovative, and high-quality matting solutions that willelevate your garden center’sappeal. By focusing on eco-friendly products, we attract discerning buyers who value bothquality and responsibility
As we celebrate 30 years of Turtle Mats, we invite you to discover the difference for yourself. Let us take thehard work out of keeping your floors spotless, so you can enjoy moreofwhat matters.
Machine Washable &Built to Last: Ourmats arefully machine washable, with a5-year guarantee for effortless home carethat lasts.
Stylish Designs: From timeless to modern styles, our mats blend performance with design, suiting every taste.
Sustainable Choice: Made with 100% recycled cotton and with recycled rubber too, our mats arecrafted for durability and sustainability.
Kleen-Tex’snewest innovation, DUNE, combines sustainability with cutting-edge design in astylish scraper mat. Its 3-D structurechannels water away while effectively scraping dirt. Made with50% recycled PET and backed by recycled rubber,DUNEisbothpractical and eco-conscious.
Leading in theDACHregion, wash+dry offers stylish, washable mats, runners, and rugs designed for high performance. These products trap dirt effectively,are machine washable up to 60°C, PVC-free, and non-slip. Their versatility makes them aperfect addition to garden center offerings, with high turnover potential in smallspaces. Seasonal designs, including winter and Christmas themes, provideattractive in-storepresentations, supported by matching display stands.
With Kleen-Tex, you offer morethanmats –you offer sustainable, qualitysolutions!
Kleen-Tex Industries Limited Unit 717 Eddington Way, Birchwood Park, Warrington, WA36BA, United Kingdom +44 (0)1204 705070, info@kleen-tex.co.uk, https://kleen-tex.co.uk/
Get ready to stock up on the incredible, record-breaking Ultralight footwear from LBC Boots! Known for their hugely popular Ultralight Ankle Boots, LBC Boots offers these stylish, eco-friendly boots in six vibrant colours, perfect for adding asplash of style to any autumn or winter outfit. Designed with both comfort and durability in mind, these boots also featurewashable, removable socks, ensuring customers enjoy afresh andcosy experience with every wear.With an RRP starting from just £34.99, they combine comfort, quality,and style at an exceptional value.
LBC Boots UK is committed to sustainability,offering an eco-friendly choice with their Ultralight range. Crafted from environmentally conscious EVAmaterials and injection-moulded in Poland, these boots area lightweight alternative to traditional PVC wellingtons, often made in China. This sustainable process not only reduces environmental impact but also enhances comfort and durability
The Ultralight range extends beyond ankle boots. LBC Boots also offers full-length Wellingtons and Kids’ boots
made from the same Ultralight material. And now,LBC Boots has expanded its collection with the new Ultralight LeisureClogs, designed specifically for spring and summer.Crafted from the same durable, lightweight, and 100% waterproof material, these clogs featurea smooth, arched insole for superior comfort and asleek, modern design. Available in four beautiful pastel shades for both men and women, they offer astylish alternative to the typical clunky clogs often found in green and brown. Priced from just £9.99, these trendy clogs bring vibrant style and practicality to any warm-weather wardrobe.
Although designed for warmer weather,these clogs arealready proving afavourite, with avariety of garden centres taking them on as we head into the autumn season. Their lightweight, comfortable design and affordable price make them an ideal choice for garden centres looking to offer high-quality,sustainable footwear year-round. Don’tmiss out on this exciting range!
Marriage’s® showcased the fresh new rebrand of their small animal and indoor birdcategories at PATS in September and received an outstanding response.
It marks the first phase of the brand’snew identity, which will be extended across other ranges later in the year.The stand at PATS focused primarily on promoting Marriage’s® new look and formulations for the small animal and indoor birdranges, with attendees also given asneak preview of the rebranded poultry range.
The new eye-catching pack designs reflect the premium quality of the ranges. Clear product names and key call outs bring the product features and benefits to life on the pack face, for greater clarity of proposition on shelf.
Every product category now utilises an assigned colour scheme, which has helped to improve in-storemerchandising. The rebrand also offers a greater range of pack formats and sizes to choose from, giving customers better choices and making for distinctive in-storedisplays.
Enhanced indoor and aviary birdrange
With 22 products in the new indoor and aviary birdrange, every mix is packed with multiple tasty and wholesome ingredients. The parrot, cockatiel, parakeet and lovebirdfoods contain an extra variety of colours, tastes and textures to help provide opportunities for foraging, physical manipulation and mental stimulation.
Bigger and better small animal range
The complete range of 13 premium quality Nutri Pressed® small animal feeds have been formulated specifically for rabbits, guinea pigs, chinchillas, hamsters, gerbils, rats and mice. Each product is unique and has been meticulously formulated based on published scientificresearchtoprovide awholesome, flavoursomeand balanced diet that helps support optimum health and well-being.
Marriage’s® new small animal range is Nutri Pressed®,which combinesexpertnutrition with cool pressing technology,for superior nutrient content and flavour.
0845 257 0232 contactus@marriagesmillers.co.uk www.marriages.co.uk
Meadow View Stone wowed customers with acollection of new products, new ranges, new Point of Sale and awardwinning AR technology on their stand at Glee. Reporting their best show to date, theCompany delivered amaster class on how to merchandise their category withtheir striking product display gardens, which featured their new fresh, impactful Point of Sale design.
Jess Dabell Brand Manager said “Wewerethrilled to receive overwhelmingly positive feedback on our new products, ranges, and Point of Sale and customers werevery complementary about the design of thestand, which was a big step change for us this year.Tobeshortlisted for THREE product awards and receive theawardfor Best Retail Services for our Augmented Reality is areal honour –against some very stiffcompetition.!”
Understanding thechanges in market trends is afundamental catalyst for the company’sNPD. The launch of their new Flexi-Fix edging was as aresult of witnessing thedecline in traditional concrete/natural stone edging, leading themto seek new innovative contemporary alternatives. Similarly,as traditional rectangular slab sales have slowed, the Company launched acollection of NINE new Premium Porcelain Stepping Stones which areunique to Meadow View Stone so further expands on the company’srange of unique products.
Meadowview Stone
Anew EdenCollection of pouch bags for their horticultural grits and sands was also launched and these wereendorsed by asocialmedia influencer called Chris Jesson. Chris provided how-to guides and step-by-step videos, which are accessible via QR codes on the resealable pouch bags, to help better direct customers, of when, how and why to use these morefunctional products.
For moreinformation about our GLEE 2024 launches, contact our expert team!
Meadow View Stone,Lower Heath, Prees, Whitchurch SY13 2BT
Email: info@meadowviewstone.co.uk
Phone: 01948 841607
Beautifully designed and made Christmas gift ideas aresplendidly laid out in Museums and Galleries Ltd’s collections. Games and puzzles area classic holiday gift, and M&G’sjigsaw collections provide hours of challenge and entertainment -the 1000-piece jigsaws span some of M&G’smost popular artworks from across its ranges -fromthe Tate’sfamous ‘Lily Lily Rose’ by John Singer Sargent to ‘Blackberry Picking’ from thebeloved Brambly Hedge Books by Jill Barklem, and a charming nighttime country hedgehog scene by contemporary artist Lucy Grossmith.
Cardgame enthusiasts willlove M&G’sbrand-newrange of 12 colourcustomised playing cardpacks housed in sturdy,tactile, and beautifully printed slip case boxes. The range features designs from The V&A, Natural History
Museums &Galleries Ltd
Tel: 01373 462165 |sales@mgml.co.uk
Museum,British Library and British Museum, Vincent VanGogh, and young British artists and designers.
M&G’sdouble wall insulated bottles and mugs also make thoughtful gifts at this time of year –holding warm drinks warm on long journeys out and about over the winter months. Thereare now 15 tumblers and bottles to choose from, from the very smart Arts and Crafts inspired and classic Japanese designs from the V&A to the joyfully bright and cheerful contemporary designs from Catherine Rowe, Sarah Campbell and Dee Hardwicke.
Also worth exploring for gift ideas
areM&G’scomprehensive collection of fine art journals and notebooks, organic cotton textiles, and crystal dome paperweights. M&G provides bright seasonal gift wraps, tissue, and gift bags for the most optimal and stylish presentation of Christmas gifts, and the new Christmas-themed paper napkin packs.
Panacea’snew range of Plant Saucers, Covers and Mats offer an environmentally friendly,costeffective solution for watering whilst protecting surfaces from water and soil spills.
Clear Plastic Economy Plant Saucers:
‘Economy Plant Saucers’ aremadefrom100% recycled PET plastic. Saucers come in seven key sizes and with price points starting from 39p, provide unbeatable value for money to generate high volume sales. Ideal for both indoor and outdoor use, they arelightweight yet durable and designed to fitacomprehensive range of plant pots. The range also includes ‘Heavy-Duty’ and ‘Deep’ options for large plants and areideal for short holiday watering.
Sustainable Bamboo &Water Hyacinth Saucer Covers: Panacea’saward-winning sustainable Saucer Covers combine modern style with sustainability.Crafted from spun Bamboo or natural Water Hyacinth, allsaucer covers include aPET plastic insert, providing achic, eco-friendly solution for houseplant care. Available in four sizes, Saucer Covers add anatural aesthetic to any indoor space, whilst protecting surfaces from water damage. The perfect choice for those seeking bothbeauty and practicality in houseplant accessories.
Sustainable Cork &Felt Mat Surface Protectors:
Designed to protect home surfaces from moistureand scratches, while adding anatural or softer aesthetic, at value for money price points from 99p. Made from sustainable natural cork, or eco-friendly felt, our mats featurea recycled plastic backer for added durability and slip resistance. Available in five sizes, they arenecessary houseplant
Panacea Products Ltd
sales@panaceaproducts.co.uk |Telephone: 01739781423 www.panaceaproducts.co.uk
accessories, ensuring furnitureand floors stay pristine. Surface Protectors combine sustainability with functionality, essential for eco-conscious houseplant enthusiasts.
All products arepresented in eye-catching shelf display units with attractive labels, and space efficient display stands, ensuring easy promotion and high visibility in-store. Perfect for customers seeking eco-friendly,high-quality plant care solutions.
Panacea’sGarden Screens offer practicality and versatility to suit any situation. Crafted from galvanized powder-coated steel, these screens will resist the elements whilst adding amodern touch of décor.Aperfect blend of high quality,style, functionality,and durability.
Each screen measures 120cm x60cm, available in four eyecatching designs; ModernWave, Geometric Circles, Natural, and Leaves.
Ideal as single or multiple pieces of Wall Décor,orasfreestanding screens, versatility in design allows for awide range of applications, Decorative Wall Décor,Fences, Privacy Screening, or Screening of Unsightly Areas.
Twoormorepanels in portrait perspective creates acontinuous screen or stack up to three panels high in landscape perspective.
Hardwarepacks areincluded, enabling easy installation:
• Fixings and anchors for easy attachment to walls or fences
• Base feet for afree-standing setup
• Connectors &anchors for creating fences.
With its modular,customizablesystem, these decorative screens areperfect for both residentialand commercial
settings, providing asleek and practical solution for defining spaces.
Screens arepriced to enable affordable multiple purchases. Asuggested retail price of just £49.99 per panel, incredible value for such adurableand attractive product. Free POS and Display Stands areavailable.
Elevateyour outdoor environment with our Decorative Garden Screens, wheredesignmeets functionality at an unbeatable price point.
As the cooler months approach, there’s no better time to refresh your home with our bestselling Sense collection. You’ve told us how much you adore our Sense mats and runners, and now we’re thrilled to introduce brand new rug sizes!
These rugs offer the same luxurious softness and warmth you love, while adding asophisticated touch to any room. Perfect for cosying up this autumn, the expanded Sense range brings both style and comfort to your home.
We are excited to unveil our latest designs in doormats and runners, perfect for tackling the dirt and muck that comes with the season’s wet and muddy weather.
From wishing hedgehogs acosy hibernation to greeting pheasants with acheerful ‘good morning,’ our charming autumnal collection adds awarm, inviting touch to your home. These doormats and runners are not only practical but also beautifully designed to welcome guests while keeping your floors clean this season.
At Empathy by PlantWorks Ltd, we understand the challenges of using peat-free compost. Peat-free alternatives often lack the essential microorganisms needed for optimal plant growth, making it difficultfor customerstoachieve the desired results. To address these issues, we’re excited to introduce our new Bioactive Compost Improver and Grow Bag Improver,designed specifically to enhance the performance of peat-free compost.
Our Compost Improver is aunique blend infused with beneficial bacteria that targets the shortcomings of peat-free growing mediums. The living microorganisms in the improver actively colonise therhizosphere–the region around the plant’sroots –tosignificantly boost nutrient use efficiency.This results in healthier, moreresilient plants withbetter establishment and growth. In addition to our Compost Improver,weare excited to introduce our Grow Bag Improver,specifically designed to meet
PlantWorks Ltd
01795 411527
the needs of vegetable and tomato growers. This product offers atailored solutionfor maximising plant health and yields in grow bags. Bothproducts areavailable for pre-season ordering and areideal for link sellingwithcompost throughout the year.Byofferingthese products alongside your regular compost and grow bags, you can provide your
customers with acomplete, sustainable growing solution that enhances plant health and performance.
Each 300g pouch has an SSP of £5.25 and is packaged in recyclable material, which can be recycled with shopping bags at any large supermarket. Stock up and help your customers achieve exceptional growth in their gardens, peat-free!
POTR designs and manufactures flatpack, self-watering planters made from waste, designed to be posted directly through your letterbox. Origami innovation is used to transformrecycled plastic into a sustainable, minimal pot engineered to take the guesswork out of plant careusing the inbuilt watering system which keeps your flora thriving.
The design of the plant pot has remained largely unchanged for five millennia with little thought going into its carbon footprint. POTR has embraced aholistic approach to sustainable design, resultinginaunique product range which places environmental impact at the coreofthe product design.
Alife cycle analysis of atraditional plant po was conducted, uncovering the carbon hotspots associated with the entireproduct lifecycle.Surprisingly,shipping was identifiedasamajor carbon footprint contributor with traditional plant pots due to shipping large, heavy and fragile volumes of air,often requiring single use protective wrapping. Manufactured in their thousands, these fragile objects requireexcess room on transportationwhich equates to high carbon footprints and expensive shipping costs.
This insight inspired the team to study origami, which led to the development of the flat-packed design, reducing the carbon footprint by over 100 times, eliminating wasted volume and weight. This also ensures easy deliveries through standard-sized UK letterboxes, and space optimisation in retail environments.
POTR Pots aremade from 0.5mm thick recycled polypropylene sheet which reduces material usage by an incredible 95% compared to traditional pots (often made from 10mm thick material). This reduction can be observed when weighing aPOTRPot (approx 100g) vs atraditional pot(approx 2kg). Whatsmore, our sheet material is made from waste polypropylene plastic destined for landfill helping contribute to acircular economy
Considering user needs, POTR integrated aself-watering system with areservoir in the pot’sbase, supported by a capillary action wicking cord. This innovation not only caters to busy lifestyles but also ensures plant longevity,reducing unnecessary wastage of houseplants and their associated carbon footprint.
Discover New Opportunities with Primeur’sMighty Mats: AProven Best-Seller for Every Season
Uniting decades of experience withinnovative solutions, Primeur’sMighty Mats doormat range combines style, durability,and sustainability.With over 55 years of expertise, and sales exceeding six million units annually, Mighty Mats have earned their place in homes across the UK.
✔ High Demand, Proven Success –Fromcorebest-sellers to exciting new designs, our mats arehigh volume sellers.
✔ Extensive Selection –Featuring durable rubber mats for wet weather,versatilewashable options, stylish designer coir’s, and eco-friendly choices, there’s aMighty Mat to meet every customer’sneeds.
✔ New Gifting Potential –Exploreour licensed collection in collaboration with Bree Merryn, showcasing beautiful wildlife art that makes these designs perfect for gifting yearround.
✔ All-Year-Round Performance –Equip your customers for every season with mats that tackle everything from rainy days to muddy boots, ensuring homes stay clean and welcoming all year long.
Boost your offering with Primeur’sMighty Mats and give your customers the perfect welcome home.
Managing Director,Jenny Douthwaitesaid: “We’reso proud of our new Mighty Mats offering. Our extensive behind-the-scenes efforts, combined with decades of experience, have transformed doormats from mere necessities into beautiful, creative pieces. We’renot just bringing something differenttothe market; we’reredefining acategory that was once seen as purely functional. Our mats arenow practical, highly giftable, and proven bestsellers, even during thetraditionallyquieter months in retail.”
For those seeking integrated merchandise solutions to create engaging in-storedisplays, Primeur’sproven point of sale is the ideal choice. Witharange of versatile display options, and tailored stock profiles to enable retailers to effectively target specific consumer demographics.
Sitting alongside an established garden range, all manufactured from recycled materials, Primeur’sethical credentials and commitment to responsiblesourcing are also reflected throughout the Mighty Mats portfolio.
Both therecycled garden range -including Tierra Verde Planters, EZ Bordergarden borders, and EcoWay Recycled Rubber stepping-stones -and the MightyMats collection can be ordered together to create acohesiveand environmentally friendly offering for customers.
Primus, the award-winning garden décor brand from The Perry Group, is proud to featureits largest range of garden décor with over 100 new products, establishing the brand as the fist choice for gar-den décor.
This preview highlights asmall selection of products that exemplify the creativity and quality for which Primus is renowned. Each trend-driven product offers acombination of aesthetic appeal and durable quality to meet the needs of any garden retailer looking to provide unique, highquality gar-den décor to their range.
Landscaping Product of the Year
Primus’sparent company,Perry Hard-ware, launches SleeperSecureSleeper Brackets, revolutionising timber sleeper installations for landscaping profession-als. Recognised as Landscaping Product of the Year during Glee 2024 forproviding the perfect solution to an essential part of part of landscaping as well as outstanding retail solutions, find out moreat www.sleepersecure.co.uk.
Primus sales@primus.co.uk
01384 414001
In an industry first, the ecofective® rangetake aleap forwardtosustainable flexible pouch packaging across its entire range,bbreaking the norm of plastic bottlesand giving retailers awonderful opportunity to support sustainable solutions.
Astand-out addition in 2024 was ecofective® Slug Stoppa, afirst to market spray pouch that protects plants from slugs and snails, without hurting them.Slug Stoppa, voted best new product at Glee 2024, is ajoy to usewiththe ergonomically designed‘thumb pump’ trigger attached to aflexible pouch that hasupto55% less plastic than aconventional rigid spray bottle. The flexible pouch is morecompact and lightweight than arigid bottle and consumes less energy throughout its lifecycle, resultinginless waste to collect, sort and recycle!
Due to the success of Slug Stoppa spray pouches, there arethree brand new additions to the ecofective® range in this format. Bug Stoppa controls greenfly,blackfly,spider mite, scale insect and more. Disease Stoppa shields plants against common diseases including powdery mildew by creating an invisible barrier against disease spores. Rose Defender provides nutrients for vibrant healthyroses whilst also controlling bugs and mildew
Sipcam enquiries@sipcamhg.co.uk www.sipcamhg.co.uk 01763 212103
Additionally,for those who want to re-use their Slug Stoppa trigger,theycan now purchase the new Slug Stoppa Replacement Pouch which attaches to the existing trigger,saving the consumer £1 when compared to buying abrand-new spray pouch.
As well as providing environmental benefits, the pouch packaging has ahigh impact in storeusing the entire surface area for branding, resultinginaseamless attractive design. The pouches arealso weather-proof allowing merchandising in bothindoor and undercover outdoor environments, providing link sale opportunities. Whilsthaving fantastic on-shelfappeal, thereare also merchandising displays and POS options available to give extra sales support.
As the nights draw in and the leaves start to fall, make sureyou arefully stocked up with our selection of autumn essentials. Smart Garden has all the options for sweeping and tidying up outside, protecting plants for the winter and stopping gutters and downpipes from getting clogged up, all at great value price points.
Our Seasonal offer was so well received last year that we have extended our range to include Sunflower and Scarecrow families, all in striking autumnal colours; cute Gonklets and Gnomeshrooms; InLit Mushrooms; new doormats featuring autumn and harvest themes.
This year,Smart Halloween was launched, and we have been delighted with the response from ourcustomers. Many lines have sold out—watch this space for 2025…!
Finally,don’tforget to pick up our handy torches and headbeams, as well as the super powerful PowerPro MultiLight –every house should have one of these!
To get your hands on any of these deals, contact our sales team today!
Smart Garden Products
www.sgpuk.com |sales@sgpuk.com
+44(0)1235 424100
When it comes to pruning, the ARS range from Japan has become synonymous with excellence. Known for their “Always Razor Sharp” philosophy,ARS tools have been expertly engineered for maximum precision, durability,and comfort. Every blade is forged from premium high carbon steel, ensuring consistently sharp, clean cuts that reduce plant damage and user fatigue—ideal for demanding tasks across horticulture, arboriculture, and floristry
The ARS product lineup covers every pruning requirement. From razor-sharp handsaws and ultra-light telescopic pruners to ergonomic secateurs, durable shears, high-reach polesaws, loppers, and specialised fruit pruners, each tool has been crafted with user needs in mind. Whether it’smaintaining large estates or executing delicate pruning in intricate spaces, ARS tools arebuilt to outperform.
What sets ARS apart is their commitment to innovation and quality.Their impulse hardened blades arerenowned for staying sharper longer,significantly reducing the frequency of replacement or sharpening. The handles areergonomically designed to reduce hand strain, enabling prolonged use without discomfort, making them afavourite among professionals and garden enthusiasts who value efficiency
ARS tools, guarantee reliability and longevity.These awardwinning products aretrusted by industry experts worldwide
and represent asolid investment for anyone serious about pruning.
Interested in stocking ARS?
Stocking ARS not only elevates your product range but aligns your business with one of the most respected brands in the pruning industry
With ARS, you’renot just providing atool;you’reoffering a solution that sets anew standardincutting performance.
Get in touch today!
View us: https://www.sorbus-intl.co.uk/ars-home/ or https://www.arscorporation.jp/
Email us: sales@sorbus-intl.co.uk |Callus: 01373 475540
Garden lighting is growing and customers areincreasingly looking for unique ways to enhance their outdoor spaces, our range of solar mushroom lights offers the perfect opportunity to stay ahead of this trend. These decorative lights combine charm, functionality,and asense of enchantment, making them an ideal addition to any outdoor space.
Our three distinct varieties—Woodland, Elan, and Forest mushrooms—aredesignedwith careful attention to detail, ensuring they not only light up beautifully but also serve as eye-catching decorative features, day or night. Each range offers avariety of shapes and sizes, allowing customers to curate their own magical forest right in their garden with ease.
With garden décor increasingly moving towards imaginative, nature-inspired and sustainable designs, our solar mushroom lights areperfectlypositioned and provide aunique, on-trend option to decorate outdoor spaces.
The Solar Centreiscurrently running anumberofspecial promotions for you to offer to your customers so don’tmiss this opportunity! To find out more, please contacttrade@thesolarcentre.co.uk
The Solar Centre solarcentre.co.uk trade@thesolarcentre.co.uk
Tildenet Gardenwareoffers the most comprehensive range of gardening accessories and sundries on the market, supplied in recyclable packaging and with afocus on quality and sustainability
As horticultural experts Tildenet’srange includeseverything your customer needs to help keep their garden maintained whilst helping them to make choices that arekind to the environment –for 2025 we areleading the market with the most sustainable packaging available and have removed single-use plastics from our gardening essentials packaging with unique re-usable bags introduced to the Handy Pack range.
The newly launched Tildenet Flexible Retail System offers bespoke stands, designed in-house and perfect for merchandising typically awkwarditems like garden supports.
This innovative system is designed to adapt to awide variety of storelayouts, enabling retailers to maximise their display space and increase product visibility cementing Tildenet’sreputation as aleader in the gardening sector, providing retailers with the products and support they need to succeed.
Each brand can be creatively displayed using bespoke components to optimise stock density and maximise retail sell through -matching headers and back wall graphics with integrated aisle flags that signpost range USPs.
The system makes it simple for retailers to get the stands they want with the right stock for their business -a comprehensive selection of best-sellers and across-section of gardening must-haves arecurated in bronze, silver or gold packages to help ensurethe best use of of valuable selling space.
Visit www.tildenetgardenware.co.uk to see the full range and get in touch with our dedicated sales team to learnmore.
Tildenet www.tildenetgardenware.co.uk
Treadstone Products introduce Coppice Gloves -anattractive collection of value for money gloves designed to see sales soar.
Presented in neutral, on-trend earthy tones, the eight unique gloves in the range have the same £3.99 price point. The contemporary header cards display key garden messages such as “The one for weeding” or “The warmone”. Coppice provides huge potential for retailers by appealing to new and price conscious gardeners.
The Timber Glove Crate is the perfect merchandising vehicle &backdrop for Coppice Gloves. The attractive header comes complete with aremovable £3.99 retail price message.
Suretobecome anew garden favourite and winning aBestNew ProductawardatGLEE, “Orchard” is auniquely striking collection of metal sculptures in Apple, Pear and Acornshapes.
Each sculptureishand-made and finished in either a verdigris patina, classic pewter effect or awarmbronze look.
Beautiful as standalone Sculptures, stylish plant supports or stunning topiary frames and available in six sizes.
The sculptures look fantastic in store, providing many opportunities of thought-provoking displays for shoppers. Each sculpturecarries an oval colour booklet in afun “nod” to the oval stickers found on fresh fruit!
For 2025, the award-winning ClipGlove range features recycled content in many of its products. Thereisalso anew BBC Gardeners’ World ‘Best Buy’ ClipGlove merchandiser,whichwill display some of the best gloves gardeners can get their hands on.
Treadstone Products
The display stand features the four Best Buy gloves from the ClipGlove range in two attractive colourways. With strong Gardeners’ World branding, the stand is sureto grab the attention of consumers in storeand give them the ultimate confidence in their purchase and provides an ideal introduction to the ClipGlove range.
Transformyour garden centreinto ahub of inspiration with Vitavia, the UK’sleading name for quality hobby greenhouses and accessories. Perfect for gardening enthusiasts and professional growers alike, Vitavia offers arange of stylish, durable, and functional greenhouses designed to enhance any outdoor space.
Why Choose Vitavia?
Vitavia Greenhouses arecrafted with precision and built to last. Made from premium materials like powder coated aluminium and toughened safety glass, they aredesigned to withstand the British weather while providing an optimal environment for plants to thrive. Whether your customers aregrowing exotic plants, vegetables, or just looking for a hobby,Vitavia has asolution to meet every need.
AModel for Every Gardener
From compact models perfect for small gardens to larger, orangery-style greenhouses, Vitavia’srange includes something for everyone. The popular Vitavia Orion, with its curvaceous design and easy access, is perfect for beginners, while the Vitavia Sirius model offers enthusiasts plenty of room for aflourishing greenhouse garden.
Customer Appeal and Support
Vitavia greenhouses arenot only attractive but also incredibly easy to assemble, thanks to user-friendly
Email -sales@vitavia.co.uk
Phone -01473 218100
instructions and helpful YouTube guides. Your customers will love the flexibility of choosing from various sizes, styles, and colours to suit their taste and gardening ambitions.
Boost Sales with aTrusted Brand
As agarden centre, stocking Vitavia Greenhouses ensures you’reofferingcustomers atrusted, market-leading product. With asolid reputation for quality,value, and customer satisfaction, Vitavia Greenhouses can help you grow your business while helping gardeners achieve their goals.
Stock Vitavia today,because every garden deserves the best.
Vitax has launched acompletely new houseplant carerange to not only help its customers boost sales, but also deliver products that meet thedemands of consumers looking for an easy purchasing choice.
Comprising seven ‘must-have’ feeds, the new houseplant care range includes one organic and two multipurpose feed options: Vitax Organic House Plant Feed, Vitax House Plant Pour &Feed and Vitax House Plant Drip Feeds.
The range is bolstered by four feeds tailored to specific plant needs, including:
Vitax Cacti &Succulent Liquid Feed and Vitax Bonsai Liquid Feed.
Each contains the perfect mix of nutrients to aid strong healthy growth to prevent disease and encourage vibrant foliage.
Vitax Citrus Liquid Feed
Encourages ripe fruits whilst providing the nutrients needed for astrong, healthy plant.
Vitax Orchid Liquid Feed
Formulated to deliver brighter,longer lasting blooms whilst supporting the development of astrongrootsystem. Inaddition to the new feeds, Vitax has also created eye-catching new
Vitax Liquid Dahlia Feed
Fruit & Vegetable Feed.
packaging for products in its existing houseplant range, including the popular Vitax House Plant Feed. Alongside the new houseplant range is a‘market first’ for Vitax with anew addition to the ‘easy choice’ range – Vitax Liquid Dahlia Feed –and a perfect ‘one stop’ feed for crops –Vitax Liquid Fruit &Vegetable Feed.
W: www.vitax.co.uk /www.gardenworld.co.uk
T: 01530 510060 |E:info@vitax.co.uk
Greedy feeders, dahlias demand to be fed and watered on aregular basis. To meet the nutritive demands of these stunning flowers, Vitax Liquid Dahlia Feed contains aspecialised mixof nutrientsdesigned to createabundant, colourful flowers and promote strong tuber growth.
Vitax Liquid Fruit &Vegetable Feed
The perfect ‘one-stop’ feed for crops and fruiting plants in pots, raised beds, gardens, growbags or in the greenhouse. Easy-to-use, this fastacting liquid feed has the right mix of nutrients to deliver plentiful crops of tastier homegrown produce.
All the new products arenow available to order.Torequest a2025 brochure, please email: info@vitax.co.uk
Witt’s Pizza oven range has been wowing reviewers and customers with ultra-fast heating and rotating technology since its launch, gaining 5-star reviews in publications such as Ideal Home, ModernGardens, T3 and The Independent. Inspired by the popularity of the 16” Etna Rotante gas firedpizza oven; Witt UK &Ireland is proud to introduce the Piccolo Rotante 13” model. The success of the original Rotante led Witt to createamorecompact yet equally powerful version of the award-winning pizza oven with rotating stone, bringing artisan pizza to even morepeople, no matter the space constraints.
The Piccolo Rotante’s13” design is the ideal solution for those who love pizza but areshort on space. Considerably morecompact and lighter than the original 16” pizza making Etna Rotante, this gas-powered oven fits perfectly on apartment balconies, small patios, and other confined outdoor areas.
Featuring the beloved rotating stone that made the Etna Rotante astandout, this innovative design ensures even cooking, giving aperfectly crispy crust andevenly melted toppings every time. The rotating stone takes the guesswork out of baking, allowing both novice cooks and seasoned chefs to achieve consistently excellent results with ease.
Witt is aDanish brand with a30-year history of developing and marketing some of the finest household products. Combining sleek Scandinavian design with authentic Italian cooking, this premium pizza oven offers exceptional build quality and class-leading features throughout. The design boasts the market’sfastest heat-up (15 mins), true 500-degree cooking, and arobust, weatherproof design.
The Witt Piccolo Rotante is the ultimate addition to any outside living space, offering retailers atop-reviewed and rated product to capitalise on the UK’shome pizza-making boom.
Witt UK &Ireland Ltd
Website: https://www.wittpizza.com/
Contact: gjo@witt.dk
Woodmansterne is the leading supplier of premium greeting cards to independent retailers, and we have recently launched our first Gift Packaging collection. We strive to design products that feed the soul, lift the spirit and reflect Britishculture, whether this is through the magic of Quentin Blake’sillustrations, the distinctive patterns of Emma Bridgewater,orthe sophistication of Sanderson’sheritage designs.
Woodmansterne is committed to using sustainable materials and practices wherever possible. As a third-generation family business, we understand the importance of protecting our environment and safeguarding it for the future.
01923 200600
email hello@woodmansterne.co.uk
•Weonlyuse environmentally accredited materials, and continually look for ways to innovate and improve.
•Wehave eliminated all plastic packaging from our product for both retail and shipment of goods to store.
•Wepride ourselves on manufacturing the majority of our products through UK manufacturing and supplyworking only with European and Far East suppliers who adheretoboth environmental and ethical standards.
Get in touch, we would love to explorehow we can help your business grow!
Timber expert Zest’sinnovative outdoor living range is designed around wellbeing, outdoor entertaining and relaxation. Zest understands the importance of outdoor space and the happiness that it can provide, and its quality products have the strength and durability to give enjoyment for many years.
Zest is afamily run British company with almost 40 years’ experience in timber,designing products including garden furniture, GYO and decorative garden structures, and selling to garden centres, major retailing groups, and
Zest Outdoor Living
Telephone 01352 873555
www.zestoutdoorliving.co.uk sales@outdoorliving.co.uk
online retailers. It has adedicated national sales team, providing arange of retail support. Zest’sproductsare made from sustainable slow-grown softwood timber sourced from PEFC certified (PEFC/16-37-1490) forests.
New and on trend for outdoor entertaining, the Zest outdoor living collection includes the Terraza Outdoor Kitchen Set, comprising two double units, with stainless steel counter tops, a display corner unit, and an optional side table. The Zest kitchen works perfectly with the Garden Pizza Oven Table, the Garden Bar and TwoStool Set, and the new Ascot 2.4m Pergola, which makes the entertaining space complete.
Zest’sGrowYourOwn range features the space-saving Tall Botanical Greenhouse combining stunning looks with all the functionality of a greenhouse. Fully glazed with Perspex to allow light through both roof and sides and boasts two fully adjustable roof panels for optimal temperature.
Another great product in the range is the Zest Eco Hive Composter Super-stylish as well as practical, it has adual opening lid which folds back on itself for ease of removal in order to churn the compost. Compost can be easily harvested from the lower hatch. Narrow gaps in the side ‘cant cut’ boards allow air to circulate whilst keeping the rain out.
Garden Care
Azpects Ltd www.azpects.co.uk
Bioefekts https://www.bioefekts.lv/en Cocogreen https://cocogreen.co.uk/ Coir Products Ltd https://coirproducts.co.uk/
DJ Turfcare Ltd www.djturfcare.co.uk
DLF Trifolium Ltd https://www.dlf.co.uk/
Doff Portland Ltd www.doff.co.uk
DurstonGarden Products https://www.durstongardenproducts.co.uk/ EPBarrus Ltd www.barrus.co.uk
EmpathybyPlantWorks Ltd www.rootgrow.co.uk
Evergreen Garden CareCompany https://www.lovethegarden.com/uk-en
Evergreen Horticulture https://www.evergreenhorticulture.co.uk
Fiskars UK Ltd www.fiskars.com
GrassGains limited www.grassgains.co.uk
Greenleaf HorticultureLtd www.greenleafhorticulture.co.uk
Growth Technology Ltd www.focus-on-plants.com
Hortiwool https://hortiwool.com/
LBS BronteHeritage https://www.bronteheritage.com
LAVA-LITE LTD www.lava-lite.co.uk
MasterGarden Nutrients
Melcourt Industries https://melcourt.co.uk/ Pelsis Ltd
https://www.pelsis.com/contact-us/ RichardJackson’sGarden www.richardjacksonsgarden.co.uk
RocketGroLtd www.rocketgro.co.uk
SBM LifeScienceLtd https://sbm-company.com/
Sipcam UK www.sipcamuk.co.uk
Southern Trident Ltd https://southerntrident.com/
Spear &Jackson (Neill Tools) www.spearandjackson.com
STVInternational Ltd www.stvpestcontrol.com
Super Ninja Waspinator UK www.superninja.eco
Vitax Ltd www.vitax.co.uk
West CountrySoil Improvement https://www.bloominamazing.com/
Westland Horticulture/Crest www.gardenhealth.com/ Landscaping
AlticoGarden Products Ltd https://altico.co.uk/
Ames Group (UK) Ltd https://ames-uk.com/ Azpects Ltd www.azpects.co.uk
Barrettine Products Ltd www.barretineproductsltd.co.uk
Bergs Timber https://www.bergstimber.com/en
Biohort GmbH www.biohort.at Deco-Pak ltd www.deco-pak.co.uk
Einhell www.einhell.co.uk
EKJU https://www.ekju.com/ Forest Garden Ltd www.forestgarden.co.uk
Forest Style
https://www.forest-style.com/ Graf UK Ltd www.grafuk.co.uk
HexLiving https://www.hexliving.co.uk/ Juliana Group Limited https://juliana.com/
KeterUKLtd https://www.keter.com/ MazeLtd https://maze.co.uk/
MeadowViewStone www.meadowviewstone.co.uk
Panacea Products Ltd www.PanaceaProducts.co.uk
Pioneer Brush CompanyLtd
Rowlinson Garden Products Ltd https://www.rowgar.co.uk/
TheGarden VillageLimited www.thegardenvillage.co.uk
ThePatio Black Spot RemovalCompanyLtd www.patioblackspotremoval.com
Tildenet Gardenware https://www.tildenet.co.uk/
Treadstone /The GoodlifeOutdoor CompanyLtd www.treadstoneproducts.com
Vitavia Garden Products Ltd www.vitavia.co.uk
Westland Horticulture/Crest www.gardenhealth.com/
Zest 4Leisure www.zest4leisure.co.uk
Outdoor Leisure
Ames Group (UK) Ltd https://ames-uk.com/
Ascalon Design https://www.ascalon.co.uk
Charles Bentleyand Son Ltd https://charlesbentley.com/
Charles Taylor Trading www.charlestaylortrading.com
Comfort Wood Fuels Ltd www.comfortwf.co.uk
Dizmezs Ltd www.woodensoul.eu
DOMU Brands https://www.domubrands.com
Dymak Ltd https://dymak.dk/ Edelman UK www.edelman.nl
EKJU https://www.ekju.com/ Fallen Fruits Ltd www.fallenfruits.co.uk
Fandango FireTools www.fandangofiretools.co.uk
HexLiving https://www.hexliving.co.uk/ Jonart Design www.jonart.co.uk
KeterUKLtd https://www.keter.com/ LeisureGrow https://www.leisuregrow.com/ MazeLtd
MercerAgencies Ltd https://www.merceragencies.com/
outTrade BV https://outtrade.eu/en/
Pacific Lifestyle https://www.pacific-lifestyle.co.uk
PMS International Group Plc www.pmsinternational.com
Premier Decorations Ltd www.premierdec.com
Rowlinson Garden Products Ltd https://www.rowgar.co.uk/ SharkNinja Europe Ltd www.sharkninja.com
Smart Garden Products https://www.sgpuk.com/
Spear &Jackson (Neill Tools) www.spearandjackson.com
Strata Products Ltd www.strataproducts.co.uk
TheSolar Centre Ltd www.thesolarcentre.co.uk
Tramontina UK Ltd https://www.tramontina.co.uk/
Witt UK and Ireland LTD www.witt.dk
Woodlodge Products www.woodlodge.co.uk
Zest 4Leisure www.zest4leisure.co.uk
Garden Sundries
Anderson’sMulch https://www.centurioneurope.co.uk/mulch
Autopot Global Ltd https://autopot.co.uk/
Biohort GmbH www.biohort.at
Charles Bentleyand Son Ltd https://charlesbentley.com/
Cocogreen https://cocogreen.co.uk/ Coir Products Ltd https://coirproducts.co.uk/ CreativeProducts Ltd www.creativeproducts.ltd.uk
EPBarrus Ltd www.barrus.co.uk
Elho International BV www.elho.com
Fallen Fruits Ltd www.fallenfruits.co.uk
Fargro Ltd www.fargro.co.uk
Germie https://germie.eu
Graf UK Ltd www.grafuk.co.uk
Green &Home Ltd https://www.greenandhome.co.uk/
Greenkey Garden &Home Limited www.greenkey-garden.co.uk
Haws Watering Cans https://haws.co.uk/
Hozelock Ltd www.hozelock.com
Leon Boots UK www.leonbootsco.com
MercerAgencies Ltd https://www.merceragencies.com/
Oregon Tool U.K. Ltd https://www.oregonproducts.com/en_gb
Panacea Products Ltd www.PanaceaProducts.co.uk
PotMate https://pot-mate.co.uk/
TheWoolpack PackagingCompany T/AHortiwool https://hortiwool.com/
Tildenet Gardenware https://www.tildenet.co.uk/
Treadstone /The GoodlifeOutdoor CompanyLtd www.treadstoneproducts.com
Westland Horticulture/Crest www.gardenhealth.com/
Pots and Planters
Ames Group (UK) Ltd https://ames-uk.com/
Anglo Eastern Trading https://www.angloeasterntrading.co.uk/
Artevasi UK Limited https://artevasi.com/ Autopot Global Ltd https://autopot.co.uk/
Burgon &Ball https://www.burgonandball.com/ Capi Europe BV https://www.capi-europe.com/en/
Charles Taylor Trading www.charlestaylortrading.com
Deroma https://deroma.com/
Dymak Ltd https://dymak.dk/ Edelman UK www.edelman.nl
EKJU https://www.ekju.com/
Elho International BV www.elho.com
Fargro Ltd www.fargro.co.uk
Forest Garden Ltd www.forestgarden.co.uk
Naylor Drainage LtdT/A YorkshireFlowerpots www.yorkshireflowerpots.co.uk
Patterson &Rothwell https://www.patterson-rothwell.co.uk/
POTR https://potr.co
Primeur Ltd www.primeur.ltd.uk
RAGO UK https://ragoplanters.co.uk
Scheurich GmbH &CoKG www.scheurich.co.uk
Strata Products Ltd www.strataproducts.co.uk
Teal International Limited https://www.earthysustainable.co.uk/
Treadstone /The GoodlifeOutdoor CompanyLtd www.treadstoneproducts.com
Woodlodge Products www.woodlodge.co.uk
Tools and Machinery
Anderson’sMulch https://www.centurioneurope.co.uk/mulch
Ames Group (UK) Ltd https://ames-uk.com/
Burgon &Ball https://www.burgonandball.com/ EPBarrus Ltd www.barrus.co.uk
Einhell www.einhell.co.uk
Fiskars UK Ltd www.fiskars.com
Flymo https://www.flymo.com/uk Gardena www.gardena.com/uk
Greenman Garden Tools www.greenmangardentools.com
Handy Distribution Ltd www.handyonline.co.uk
Husqvarna https://www.husqvarna.com/uk/ Mr.Fothergill’sSeeds Ltd www.mr-fothergills-trade.com
Oregon Tool U.K. Ltd https://www.oregonproducts.com/en_gb
Rollins Bulldog Tools Ltd www.bulldogtools.co.uk
Sorbus International Ltd www.sorbus-intl.co.uk
Spear &Jackson (Neill Tools) www.spearandjackson.com
STIHL GB www.stihl.co.uk
SUMEC UK, Co Ltd https://sumecpower.com/177-sumec-uk
Westland Horticulture/Crest www.gardenhealth.com/
Garden Décor
Dymak Ltd https://dymak.dk/ Edelman UK www.edelman.nl
Fallen Fruits Ltd www.fallenfruits.co.uk
Greenkey Garden &Home Limited www.greenkey-garden.co.uk
Hamac Trading Ltd www.hamactrading.com
Jonart Design www.jonart.co.uk
Panacea Products Ltd www.PanaceaProducts.co.uk
PMS International Group Plc www.pmsinternational.com
Premier Decorations Ltd www.premierdec.com
Primus https://www.perrytrade.co.uk/primus-homepage/gardensculptures
Smart Garden Products https://www.sgpuk.com/
TheSolar Centre Ltd www.thesolarcentre.co.uk
Vivid Arts Ltd www.vividarts.co.uk
Woodlodge Products www.woodlodge.co.uk
Wild Bird&Pet
Charles Bentleyand Son Ltd https://charlesbentley.com/
CJ Wildlife Foods Ltd https://www.birdfood.co.uk/
HarvestPet Products https://www.harvestpetproducts.com
Henry Bell &Co(Grantham) Ltd www.henry-bell.co.uk
LeisureGrow https://www.leisuregrow.com/ Marriage’sSpecialistFoods www.honeyfieldswildbird.co.uk
Singing Friend www.singingfriend.com
RSPB Sales Ltd www.rspb.org.uk
Teal International Limited https://www.earthysustainable.co.uk/
Unipet International Ltd www.unipet.co.uk
Westland Horticulture/Crest www.gardenhealth.com/
WildlifeWorld Ltd www.wildlifeworld.co.uk
Autopot Global Ltd https://autopot.co.uk/
Burgon &Ball https://www.burgonandball.com/ Gardena www.gardena.com/uk
Graf UK Ltd www.grafuk.co.uk
Green &Home Ltd https://www.greenandhome.co.uk/
Haws Watering Cans https://haws.co.uk/ Hozelock Ltd www.hozelock.com
Irrigatia Ltd www.irrigatia.com
Rivendale Products Ltd, Qwikhose https://www.qwickhose.co.uk/
Strata Products Ltd www.strataproducts.co.uk
Teal International Limited https://www.earthysustainable.co.uk/
Westland Horticulture/Crest www.gardenhealth.com/
Ascalon Design https://www.ascalon.co.uk
BIP UK Toyand Candy www.bip.nl
Hamac Trading Ltd www.hamactrading.com
MercerAgencies Ltd https://www.merceragencies.com/
Museums &Galleries Ltd https://museumsgalleries.co.uk/
PMS International Group Plc www.pmsinternational.com
Premier Decorations Ltd www.premierdec.com
Smart Garden Products https://www.sgpuk.com/
UK Greetings Ltd https://www.ukgreetings.co.uk/
Woodlodge Products www.woodlodge.co.uk
Woodmansterne Publications Ltd https://www.woodmansterne.com/
Seeds and Bulbs
De ReeUK Limited www.deree-uk.com
DLF Trifolium Ltd https://www.dlf.co.uk/
GPlantsLtd www.gplants.com
Mr.Fothergill’sSeeds Ltd www.mr-fothergills-trade.com
Taylors Bulbs Ltd www.taylors-bulbs.com
Bermuda WaterGarden Products Ltd https://bermudawatergardens.com/ OASE (UK) Ltd www.oase-livingwater.com
BIP UK Toyand Candy www.bip.nl
Burgon &Ball https://www.burgonandball.com/ CreativeProducts Ltd www.creativeproducts.ltd.uk
Fallen Fruits Ltd www.fallenfruits.co.uk
GPlantsLtd www.gplants.com
Jonart Design www.jonart.co.uk
Museums &Galleries Ltd https://museumsgalleries.co.uk/
PMS International Group Plc www.pmsinternational.com
Taylors Bulbs Ltd www.taylors-bulbs.com
UK Greetings Ltd https://www.ukgreetings.co.uk/
Woodmansterne Publications Ltd https://www.woodmansterne.com/
Ascalon Design https://www.ascalon.co.uk
BIP UK Toyand Candy www.bip.nl
Charles Bentleyand Son Ltd https://charlesbentley.com/
CreativeProducts Ltd www.creativeproducts.ltd.uk
Edelman UK www.edelman.nl
Farmer Charlie https://www.farmer-charlie.com
Green Solutions https://greensolutions.eu/ Hamac Trading Ltd www.hamactrading.com
Hempe (healthcareinternational LTD) https://healthcare-international-research.com/ Kleen-Tex https://www.kleen-tex.co.uk
Museums &Galleries Ltd https://museumsgalleries.co.uk/
PhoenoxTextiles Ltd www.phoenox.co.uk
PMS International Group Plc www.pmsinternational.com
Primeur Ltd www.primeur.ltd.uk
SharkNinja Europe Ltd www.sharkninja.com
Teal International Limited https://www.earthysustainable.co.uk/ Tramontina UK Ltd https://www.tramontina.co.uk/
UK Greetings Ltd https://www.ukgreetings.co.uk/
Woodmansterne Publications Ltd https://www.woodmansterne.com/
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