Gamecca Magazine March 2014

Page 55

The environments and characters really come alive in this Definitive Edition. Those that have played the previous versions will realise that saying the improvements are huge is really a big thing, because there was nothing intrinsically at fault with the previous version’s visuals. But Crystal Dynamix have been afforded the opportunity to make their creation even more impressive than it already was, and they have taken to the task with unbridled gusto. The Definitive Edition is really a visual feast. In addition, all the available DLC for Tomb Raider also got included in the package. The sum total of that is… well, one extra tomb to be explored, and a bunch of different outfits for the heroine. Not a hell of a lot, no. But still, the extra outfits, even if they don’t get torn up and show ware like her original clothing, are

pretty cool. And the extra optional tomb adds another fun puzzle to the mix. Other improvements that could have been made weren’t. Like the multiplayer – it is still the same lacklustre, tacked-on experience it was before. But that’s OK, because the single player game is really what this title is about. If you haven’t played Tomb Raider, and you own a new PS4 or Xbox One, then this Definitive Edition will prove to be a real treat. Even if you have played the game before, revisiting the brilliance that is Tomb Raider won’t hurt, if you’re willing to shell out for the game a second time. But you won’t get much more than you did before, if that is the case. They didn’t need to make this edition, but we’re kinda glad that they did. g

AT A GLANCE: Action adventure

A bunch of new visuals and a few added extras for Tomb Raider on next generation consoles.

Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Crystal Dynamics Square Enix Megarom

Parental Advisory

18+ gamecca57

Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice

Accessibility Hard-Core Medium Casual

Reviewed on:

PS4 Platforms


PC X360 X0 PS3 PS4 Wii U PSV 3DS AND iOS


90 55

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