NExT Quarterly Issue # 1

Page 7

Name: Department: Years at XS: Sections: Tech Tools:

Maan Fradejas HS Filipino This is her 4th H1, H3 IB, and H4 Edmodo, Animoto, Glogster, Wordpress, Grouply, Twitter

Brian: Hi Maan, how is your school year so far?

one2one]. It was easier to pick up and practice new things because it was just one preparation.

Maan: It’s a very different school year! My motto is “expect the unexpected.” I have two one2one classes, and surprising experiences keep coming up.

Brian: Take me back to those first few weeks of One2One in the classroom. How did you feel?

Brian: This is your fourth teaching, yes? Maan: Yes, fourth year teaching. And my second year with one2one.

Maan: Well, it’s a good thing I have a background in theater. [Laughs]. I had to show to the students that I knew what I was doing. In education classes we’re taught to be confident, even if we’re not completely sure. So I wanted to show I was confident, even if I was learning at the same time as they were.

Brian: What sections did you teach last year? Maan: Two H1 sections and two H2 sections. Both H1 sections were One2One Brian: How did you find one2one last year? Maan: Actually it was easier since it was just one preparation. Especially since it was my first year [with


For example, there was one time when I asked the students to turn in something on Edmodo. I asked a student why he didn’t submit. He claimed he did. We ended up arguing about it. In the end, I found out that the student did submit, but he did not submit it in the right way. So the details that I didn’t know about made a difference. Because of that, I had to become more

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